Startups and Open Innovation: A Review of The Literature: John-Christopher Spender Vincenzo Corvello Michele Grimaldi
Startups and Open Innovation: A Review of The Literature: John-Christopher Spender Vincenzo Corvello Michele Grimaldi
Startups and Open Innovation: A Review of The Literature: John-Christopher Spender Vincenzo Corvello Michele Grimaldi
20,1 Startups and open innovation:
a review of the literature
John-Christopher Spender
ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Vincenzo Corvello
Received 12 December 2015 Department of Business Science, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Revised 19 August 2016
Accepted 19 August 2016
Michele Grimaldi
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Casino, Italy, and
Pierluigi Rippa
University Federico II of Naples, Napoli, Italy
Purpose – Startup companies represent a powerful engine of open innovation (OI) processes. The purpose of
this paper is to represent a first step in building a map of the state-of-the-art knowledge of the “startups in an
OI context” phenomenon. Through the selection and analysis of relevant literature, this study aims at
deepening our understanding of the theme and at providing directions for future research.
Design/methodology/approach – By using an explicit method for the review (Pittaway et al., 2004) the
authors selected a set of papers, which cover the knowledge domain object of this study. In total, 41 articles
about “startups and OI” have been selected and the full papers have been analysed.
Findings – The analysed literature has been synthesized in seven sub-topics, which have been evaluated as
the most relevant in explaining the phenomenon of startups in relation to OI. Implications for research, for
managers and for policy makers conclude the paper.
Practical implications – The review produced valuable knowledge for both managers and policy decision-
makers. The paper allows a better understanding of the role of startups in OI processes. This improved
understanding can help managers of large firms as well as policy makers involved in OI in making their
decisions. Besides, implications of OI strategies for startup managers have been singled-out.
Originality/value – Startup companies are intrinsically open organizations, necessarily engaged in
innovation processes. Research at the intersection between the themes of OI and startups is gaining
momentum. This review of the literature represents the first attempt to organize the scientific knowledge
related to the intersection between the startups and OI phenomena systematically.
Keywords Literature review, Open innovation, Startup
Paper type Literature review
Startups play a key role in innovation processes (Colombo and Piva, 2008; Davila et al., 2003;
Mustar et al., 2008). According to the well-known definition by Steve Blank (2010) a startup
is a company, a partnership or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable
and scalable business model. Through the startup phase, new ideas are brought to the
market and transformed in economically sustainable enterprises. New firms are artefacts for
transforming entrepreneurial judgement into profit (Spender, 2014). Existing research
indicates that forming relationships with external partners is a priority for the success of
startups (Teece, 2010; Pangarkar and Wu, 2012; Kask and Linton, 2013).
Due to their smallness, startups suffer a structural lack of tangible and intangible
resources (Wymer and Regan, 2005). The lack of financial and human resources hinders the
European Journal of Innovation
Management development of new innovation processes. Adopting open innovation (OI) practices is a
Vol. 20 No. 1, 2017
pp. 4-30
necessity for startups in order to overcome both the liability of newness and the liability of
© Emerald Publishing Limited
smallness (Bogers, 2011). From a scientific point of view, the startup phenomenon and OI are
DOI 10.1108/EJIM-12-2015-0131 closely related.
Research in OI has followed several different strands, giving evidence of the Startups and
multidimensional nature of the concept of openness. Many studies have examined the open
complex features of OI (Huizingh, 2011; Aslesen and Freel, 2012), focussing on its different innovation
aspects, such as OI classification in terms of: modulation of openness level (Herrmann et al., 2007);
the adoption modality of OI (Bigliardi et al., 2012; Dahlander and Gann, 2010); knowledge flows
(Lichtenthaler and Ernst, 2009); innovation practices (Baldwin and von Hippel, 2011; Galati et al.,
2015; Saguy and Sirotinskaya, 2014); effectiveness of OI activities and practices (Tomlinson, 5
2010; Dahlander and Gann, 2010; Tomlinson and Fai, 2013; Greco et al., 2015). Besides, other
streams of research have taken into consideration the context of OI as for internal and external
environmental characteristics (Harison and Koski, 2010; Huizingh, 2011), and for OI processes.
A complex network of knowledge flows between firms emerges, that needs to be
managed and affects the internal choices of the startup company. While several
existing studies have examined the impact of partnerships and networks on the decision to
start a new venture and on the outcomes of entrepreneurial processes, a research gap
still exists regarding the mutual influence between the startups management decisions and
OI processes.
Despite this connection, the results produced by this field of research have scarcely been
analysed. How and if startups adopt OI practices, and how do they manage the knowledge
flows among different partners are still an unresolved question.
The aim of this paper is to fill this gap through a review of the literature on startups and
OI (Pittaway et al., 2004; Rousseau et al., 2008), in order to move forward the field of research
on startup and OI.
To do so, we review and analyse papers published on startups and OI on Web of
Science – Social Science Citation Index, Emerald and Elsevier’s Scopus. We analyse the
literature by providing an overview of the different points of view that authors adopted in
conceptualizing OI in the startups domain. We develop a frame by structuring the analysis
in domains consolidated in the OI literature: the startup ecosystem and the role of actors in
the network, Knowledge flows management in OI, and performance fostered by OI.
This study aims to enhance our understanding of the relationship between startups
creation and management on the one hand and OI on the other. Such a review can produce
valuable knowledge for both managers and policy decision-makers.
The study was designed to provide an explicit method for the review (Pittaway et al., 2004;
Rousseau et al., 2008). The aim was to select and analyse relevant papers, which dealt at the
same time with both themes: startups and OI. Through this study, it was possible to provide
a description and an evaluation of the current body of knowledge on the intersection
between these two topics.
The following steps have been taken (Pittaway et al., 2004):
(1) The authors identified keywords on the subject based on a preliminary review of the
literature and using a form of brainstorming. The keywords included, for example
“Open innovation”, “startups”, “distributed innovation”, “networked innovation”,
“new venture”.
(2) The keywords were constructed into search strings. For example, the search string
[(“start up*”) OR (“new venture*”) AND ((“open innovat*”) OR (“network* innovat*”)
OR (“distributed innovat*”] was the first string used for finding citations.
(3) An initial search of Google Scholar was undertaken using the search string above to
identify further keywords for the main search. Additional words, such as early stage
company, inter-organizational innovation, emerging enterprise were added to the
search terms.
EJIM (4) The basic search string “open innovat?” AND “startup*” was used in three search
20,1 engines, Web of Science – Social Science Citation Index, Emerald and Elsevier’s
Scopus, to identify the key citation index for the review. This was chosen based on
the volume of citations relevant to the basic search string. The chosen engine was
Elsevier’s Scopus.
(5) The citation database chosen, Scopus, was reviewed using the search strings
6 identified in steps (2) and (3). These search strings were progressively analysed
from the most basic to the most complex. Using the final string 365 citations
were obtained.
(6) Inclusion and exclusion criteria were identified (Table AI). The logic adopted was to
include all the papers that deal at the same time with both the topics, startups and
OI, even if the two topics did not assume the same relevance in the paper. The term
startup and other search terms used to identify papers about new ventures
(like entrepreneur and derived terms) are commonly used to address also other
phenomena. For example, entrepreneurship is an individual disposition investigated
in several studies. Therefore, exclusion criteria were introduced in order to exclude
these papers systematically.
(7) The citations identified were reviewed according to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Two stages were undertaken to reduce the number of citations. The first
analysed the titles and keywords of articles according to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. The second analysed the abstracts of the articles, which were judged
potentially interesting in the previous step, in order to check their actual
compatibility with the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
(8) The reviewers cross-checked the reference sections of the included articles to assess
the search strategy.
After steps (1)-(8), 41 citations remained. These 41 articles represent the material
used for the review.
The 41 papers were analysed in order to identify frequently addressed issues.
These issues were then organized into themes and the results obtained for each
theme were summarized and discussed. More precisely the following steps describe
the data analysis methodology:
(9) A report structure was identified. The report structure had the aim to guide the
analysis of the papers by different reviewers. It indicated the main information to be
(10) A report was written for each paper by each of the authors separately, according to
the report structure identified in step (9). In particular, the main topics dealt with in
the papers and the main results were reported.
(11) Based on the topics identified in step 9, each author defined a list of relevant topics.
The initial lists had a number of topics ranging from 7 to 14.
(12) The reports were circulated among the authors and each author made comments on
the others’ reports and list. The process continued until convergence on the contents
of the papers was achieved.
(13) Also, the lists of topics were circulated and when possible the number of topics was
reduced in order to obtain as small a number of themes including homogeneous
topics as possible.
(14) Articles were reviewed once again and sections were written as the articles relevant
to a particular theme were reviewed.
Data analysis methodology Startups and
As for the typology of the methodological/scientific approach adopted in the 41 publications that open
have been selected, we considered three aspects: data analysis methodology, characteristics of innovation
research topics exploration, and data mining techniques (Leonidou et al., 2010; Furrer et al., 2008).
Survey/interviews 11 11 Table I.
Case study 7 2 Data collection and
Database 2 3 research design
Other 4 0 methodologies
EJIM Total (n ¼ 41) %
Study methodology
Case study 22
Survey 56
Database 12
Not available 10
Nature of articles
Conceptual 37
Methodological 29
Empirical 32
Review 2
Research design
Qualitative 61
Quantitative 37
Both 2
Scope of research
Table II. Academic 58
Manuscript Practitioner 27
characteristics Both 15
Moreover, a qualitative methodology (61 per cent) of data analysis was employed in
25 papers out of the 41 papers; a quantitative methodology (37 per cent) was used in
15 papers, while in only one paper a mix of quantitative/qualitative has been employed.
The target audience for the majority (58 per cent) of the articles was the academic
community, as opposed to 27 per cent that was purely targeting business practitioners. The
remaining articles (15 per cent) focussed equally on both academics and practitioners.
Finally, as explained above, the vast majority (56 per cent) of the paper adopted a survey
approach. Case study papers accounted for 22 per cent, while only few database papers
(12 per cent) were published. The remaining papers (10 per cent) had a mixed methodology
or a not clear study approach.
Figure 1.
Cloud of the keywords
increasing relevance of social capital. Indeed, it is not for nothing that the concept of
relationship is embedded also in the other more frequent words that appear in the cloud, such
“alliances”, “corporate”, “entrepreneurship”, “firms”, “social”. Then, the frequency of the
keyword “technology” can be taken for granted, given the fields of the selected research works.
A further observation must be made for the keywords “startups” and “open innovation”:
the former shows a frequency greater than the latter. This depends on the fact that the word
“startups” refers to a particular stage of an enterprise, univocally intended and used, while
“open innovation” is a concept to which researchers have often referred by making use of
synonyms or expressions.
Descriptive analysis
As highlighted in Figure 2, the literature review appears to be quite scattered on several
journals, some of them containing multidisciplinary topics. The top four journals in terms of
coverage that have contributed to this work of review and have illustrated research design
types focussed on “startups and OI” are Technovation, International Journal of Technology
Management, European Planning Studies, and Strategic Management Journal. In addition to
these journals, review articles on “startups and OI” have been sourced from other 21
journals that publish works about innovation management, technology management,
organizational behaviour, entrepreneurship and business, marketing and strategic
management, economic and regional geography, besides a number of fields within social
sciences. These results show that there is a growing interest in the theme of “startups and
OI” and that this subject is strongly multidisciplinary.
The reviewed papers are also analysed according to the countries that feature within
studies (Figure 3).
When the year of publication is considered, analysing the frequency of the retrieved papers
makes clear that this subject of study and the evidence base is relatively recent (Figure 4).
Up to 2002, only three papers has been published on the theme “startups and OI”; this is not a
consequence of the fact that Chesbrough has sanctioned the expression “Open Innovation” in
2003, as in the query also synonyms of the term “open innovation” have been input. We have
made this choice in order to avoid the case of skipping contributions antecedent to
the introduction of the expression “Open Innovation” by Chesbrough (2003). Further, for the
period comprised between 2003 and 2008, the data show a shortage of papers. As of 2009, our
search retrieved at least three papers/year on the topic of our interest, with a maximum value
EJIM California
Management Review
20,1 5%
Planning Studies
10 International Journal
of Technology
Small Business
Management Journal
Technovation 7%
Figure 2. 15% Technology Analysis
Contributions from and Strategic
top journals Management
Belgium Canada
2% 2%
World Finland
12% 2%
USA 10%
The Netherlands
2% Sweden
Spain Peru
Figure 3. 7%
5% 2%
Countries of Switzerland
application 2% Scotland Portugal
2% 2%
Startups and
6 open
Figure 4.
Distribution of papers
per year of publication
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
of six papers, and a higher expected value of the selected paper in 2015. The topic is well
entrenched by now and calls the attention of several researchers.
In summary, from the examination of evidence base, it can be concluded that the topic
under analysis feels the effect of the short time of investigations. This is demonstrated by
descriptive-qualitative/quantitative types of research methods adopted in almost all the
selected papers, where interviews, observations, and reviews have been frequently used.
Therefore, in order to improve and expand the subject area of “startups and OI” there is a
need to tackle its exploration by means of the scientific support of a remarkable number of
academic and non-academic researchers over a prolonged period of time.
This section presents the results of our analysis on startups and OI based on the full texts of
the 41 papers selected for this review.
This review of the literature represents the first attempt to organize the scientific knowledge
related to the intersection between the startups and OI phenomena. By using an explicit
method for the review (Pittaway et al., 2004) we selected a set of papers, which cover the
whole knowledge domain object of this study. At the same time, any scholar interested in
verifying or expanding our study has been given the means to do so. As a consequence, this
study represents a solid first step in building a map of the state-of-the-art knowledge of the
“startups in an OI context” phenomenon (Table III).
This study has implications both for future research and for managers and policy
makers. The main implications of the study are described below.
Table III.
Synthesis of the
reviewed literature
EJIM several aspects. For example, the variable “strength of ties” has complex effects on startups
20,1 processes and performance and requires an in-depth analysis. While in some cases it seems
to affect innovation performance positively, in others the effect is negative. As others have
highlighted (Gulati, 2007), it is vital that the nature and purpose of networks are further
explored and understood, from a qualitative, besides quantitative, point of view.
Most of the surveyed studies focussed on the impact of network structure and
24 characteristics on the innovative performance of startups. Other aspects of performance have
been less investigated. Future research should clarify the impact of networks and networking
on aspects like firms survival, economic, and financial performance. These aspects are more
difficult to investigate. While innovation performance can be measured through an analysis of
patents, firms survival and economic performance pose difficulties linked to the transient
nature of startups. New firms can be acquired by large companies or run out of business. It is
difficult to design studies that compare successful and unsuccessful startups. To be relevant,
however, research needs to consider these cases. It is important to understand how OI can
support the ability of startups to translate innovativeness into the market and financial
success. Several studies analysed the factors affecting the innovativeness of new firms, but
being innovative is not relevant if it does not contribute to its success.
A gap in the literature concerns the analysis of forms of innovation different from
product innovation (e.g. process and organizational innovation). Process and organizational
innovation are more difficult to study. Again, this is partly due to the limited possibility to
use documents available in organized databases, like in the case of patents for product
innovation. However, the success of many startups cannot be understood if not by looking
at the changes they introduced in their business models. Studies designed to collect original
data through surveys or case studies should be used to investigate this specific issue.
OI seems to have spread mostly in a limited number of industries like the pharmaceutical
one. However, the dynamics of new, technology-based companies change from industry to
industry. Future research should consider the link between startups and OI within different
industries. Variability in the relations between investigated variables can be expected when
the industrial context changes.
Even though the role of ecosystems has been the object of several studies, the obtained
results seem to be not conclusive. Most studies are of a qualitative nature and stress the
complexity of the obtained result. In part, this is due to the actual complexity of the
phenomenon under investigation (and therefore qualitative studies seem to be the proper
approach), but it also seems that this area of research needs a refinement in terms of research
constructs. Ecosystem dynamics and configuration could be a fruitful line of research. Like, for
example, in the study by Sharif and Tang (2014), it would be interesting to define possible
configurations of an ecosystem and studying their impact on the diffusion of knowledge and
trust and, ultimately, on firm performance. Results could be useful for both private investors
and entrepreneurs looking for the right context for their enterprise and for public decision
makers trying to attract resources. What seems also to be missing is research on the role of
local or regional government agencies as players in the OI ecosystem. Not only configuration at
the national level, but also at the regional and local level should be considered in future studies.
With reference to the actors involved in OI processes of startups, several studies
investigate the role of VCs, universities or incubators. In an OI context, an important role is
played by communities of customers or other categories of individuals. It is expected that
these networks play a key role in the dynamics of startups as well. However, virtually no
paper on this topic has been found in this review. Future research should investigate the
processes, which characterize the interactions between startups and communities of
external individuals.
Startups are powerful engines of knowledge creation. Several studies consider the
problem of transferring knowledge to startups. A few consider the problem for large
corporations of absorbing knowledge from startups. An interesting area of research is how Startups and
other actors, as universities or large corporations and the society in general, can benefit from open
the knowledge generated by startups. Also in the case of unsuccessful startups, knowledge innovation
is generated which can be of value for other organizations, institutions or individuals.
In conclusion, it needs to be observed that several studies adopt the point of view of large
corporations or institutions. It seems that the interest of researchers has focussed on cases in
which at least one large organization was involved. The point of view of small companies 25
has been neglected. More research would be needed on OI from the point of view of startups
as the decision maker as well as on horizontal networks, in which SMEs play the key role.
The impact of startups strategic and organizational choices on their survival and success is
an obvious but under-investigated issue.
Further effort is needed from the point of view of conceptual refinement. There is still
confusion on what it is exactly meant by both “startup company and OI”. Both terms
describe very complex and heterogeneous phenomena. Taxonomies of these phenomena are
needed as well as empirical studies aimed at understanding the differences and similarities
between different forms of startups within different forms of OI contexts.
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Exclusion criteria
30 1 Pre-2003 Contributions on Open Innovation started after the
publication of Chesbrough’s book in 2003
2 Entrepreneurial orientation Entrepreneurship is not intended as the creation of
new firms, but as an individual’s or an
organization’s disposition
3 Technology or plant startup Startup is not intended as a new venture, but as the
initial phase in the use of a new technology or in the
operation of a new plant
4 Entrepreneurs and Open Innovation in old firms Excludes many papers focusing on the role of the
entrepreneur in enterprises which are not new firms
Inclusion criteria
1 Theoretical papers Provide the working assumptions to be used in the
2 Qualitative and quantitative empirical studies Capture all empirical evidence
3 Any study which focuses on Startups and Focus on new technological ventures creation and
considers Open Innovation at least as an aspect of open innovation as a context
Table AI. the study
Exclusion and 4 Any study which focuses on Open Innovation and Focus on innovation processes. Consider Startup as
inclusion criteria considers Startups at least as an aspect of the study actors in an innovation network
Corresponding author
Pierluigi Rippa can be contacted at:
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