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Tenth Class English Paper-I Model Paper

the bus started. Passengers clambered up, jostling one another. The
Max. Marks: 40 Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. conductor rang the bell and the bus gradually took on speed. It entered the
village reluctantly like a truant child being dragged to school. As it would
Reading Comprehension its way through the curves on the outskirts, it groaned and croaked like a
hen about to lay eggs, and stopped with a bang in front of Bhujaba Patil's
(Question No:1-7): Read the following Passage residence. As it halted, it gave a big lurch, sending the passengers helter-
After spending a leisurely Sunday at home, the very thought of skelter, churned like water in a pitcher when the carrier stumbles.
returning to work on Monday is tiring. Lethargy creeps in if the holiday Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four
continues over an extended period. That is how I felt when I was preparing choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in
to return to my place of work after spending six months at home. The fact your answer booklet. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
that I was to leave behind my newly-wed wife and go to a far-off place did 8. The expression "Goddammit" is used for:
not help either. Obviously I did not want to go. A) Angry B) Happy
However, I finally did decide to go. I did not have much to carry by C) Sad D) Surprise
way of luggage - just a trunk. Ours is a hilly terrain, without any motorable 9. The passage consists of poetical personifications. What is
roads- and there is no certainty that we are ever going to have any roads. personified here?
In any case, while coming home we do not carry bedding. Besides, I had A) Village B) Bus
come home this time round for a special purpose: to get married. My C) Road D) House
parents had arranged my marriage, according to the customs of our tribal 10. In the passage "helter-skelter" means:

society. Time flew, and five months into my marriage I realized it. Initially A) Up and down B) Making noise
I thought of extending my leave-even taking unpaid leave. But after some C) Very slowly D) In disorderly haste
dilly-dallying, I finally decided against it because marriage had increased Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences

my responsibilities and I had got into debt. (2 × 1 = 2 marks)
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four 11. Have you ever travelled by bus to any hilly region? Write your
choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in experience/ opinion in one sentence.
your answer booklet.

1. What type of discourse is the above passage?
(4 × 1 = 4 marks) 12. List out the comparisons of the bus in the passage.

Section - B
A) skit B) narration
C) interview D) biography
Vocabulary & Grammar

2. The above passage is a part of "The Journey" lesson. Who is the author of
the passage? (Question No: 13-17): Read the passage given below. Five sentences
A) Govind Hoval in the passage are numbered 13 to17 at the beginning. Each of these

B) Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi sentences has an error. Correct and rewrite them in the answer
C) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam booklet.
D) Marguerite Siek (5 × 1 = 5 marks)

3. Which word/phrase in the passage refers to "taking a long time to (13)Telugu audiences are proud for many great producers,
do something, go somewhere or make a decision". directors and artistes. Savitri is one such prestigious artiste. (14)

A) lethargy B) creeps Ever since she is eight, she evinced interest in learning dance. (15)
C) dilly-dollying D) customs Later she associated himself with the theatre. She formed a theatre
4. What was the special purpose of the narrator to visit his native organization as well. (16) She has been little difficulty in entering

place? the film field. (17) When Savitri was twelve, she was offered a role
A) to get married B) to see parents in the film, Agnipareeksha, and was finally dropped as she looked
C) to take leave too young for the role.

D) to increase responsibilities
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (Question No:18-22):

(3 × 2 = 6 marks) Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given in
5. "Lethargy creeps in if the holiday continues over an extended the box. Each blank numbered. Write the answers in your answer

period." Do you feel the same? Justify your answer. booklet. (5 × ½ = 2½ marks)
6. Why did he decide to go to work reluctantly?

Dimensions Several ethnic amidst numerous unity

7. List out the features of his village in the passage?
(Question No:8-12): Read the following Passage India, a country of many ______(18) gropus, is a land of myriad
There was something really wrong with the State Transport bus. It had languages, a veritable babel of tongues and ______(19) modes of
come up the winding road in the mountain as if with a life-time effort. The apparel. For the most part, the continental ______(20) of the country
road was now down-hill and yet the bus moved as slowly as a sick man account for these variations and diversities. Besides, there are
walking with the help of another. It reached the plain where the dispensary ______(21) religions, sects and beliefs. But there are certain common
building was situated, and stood still, like an obstinate bull. Now, the links and uniting bonds that people have sought to develop in order to
destination was hardly a mile or two away. But the driver was sore and the achieve the eminently desirable goal of unity ______(22) diversity.
conductor had no option but to be silent. When they realized that the bus
wouldn't move any faster, a couple of passengers exclaimed: "Goddammit (Question No: 23-27): Some words / phrases in the following passage are
for a bloody nuisance!" underlined. Rewrite them as directed in your answer booklet.
The conductor asked the passengers to get down and they all put their (5 × ½ = 2 ½ marks)
strength together to push the bus. Having gained this initial momentum, I was amazed. Here before my eyes, a white baby, for they were little

more than babies, was imposing his will on (23) a little black boy. And the
little black boy submitted. I puzzle (24) within myself as I went down the Section-B
road. Could it be that the little dark boy was the son of a servant in the 13) Telugu audiences are proud of many great producers
home and therefore had to do the white boy's bidding? (25)No. They were 14) Ever since she was eight, she evinced interest in learning dance.
obvious (26) dressed alike, the little dark boy was of equal class with his 15) Later she associated herself with the theatre.
playmate. No. They were playmates, the little dark boy was a neighbour's 16) She had little difficulty in entering the film field.
child. I was sure of that. Then how was it that he obeyed (27) so faithfully 17) When Savitri was twelve, she was offered a role in the film,
the white boy's orders? Agnipareeksha, but was finally dropped as she looked too young
23. Replace the underlined word with the appropriate one. for the role.
24. Replace the underlined word with the appropriate form 18) ethnic
25. Write the meaning of the underlined word. 19) numerous

26. Write the suitable form of the underline word. 20) dimensions
27. Write the opposite word of the underlined word. 21) several
Section-C 22) amidst
23) upon
Creative Writing (Discourses) 24) puzzled

28. You have read about Nick in the lesson "Attitude is Altitude". Imagine that 25) ordering
'Nick' came to your town/city/village to attend a programme as chief guest. 26) obviously
You got an opportunity to interact with him. 27) disobeyed

Write a possible conversation (between you and Nick) not less than Section-C
twelve exchanges. 28) Conversation between You and Nick
(10 marks) or The Storeyed House skit

You can use the below hints 29) Notice.
His childhood

Self confidence
Abilities: reading, writing, computer typing, golf, swimming, surfing
Rangareddy Dist, Telangana State
All the students and teachers are hereby informed that "Family Relations
Motivational speeches Day" is to be celebrated on 1st April, 2020 in our school. For the occasion
Awards received. an innovative contest is announced as below. All the students utilize this
(OR) opportunity and send your entries.
You have read the lesson "The Storeyed House". In that Bhujaba Patil Contest : Family Group Photo contest

shows discrimination on Bayaji's family. At the end Bayaji's sons start Eligibility : Any student in the school
working to build a storeyed house. Last Date for submission: 29th March, 2020
Now convert the story as a small skit. Use the same characters but you Photos : Max size colour photo to be submitted

can change any dialogues as per your convenience. (10 Marks) Criteria : Highest membered family group photo will be rewarded
29. "The Dear Departed" Play showcased the breaking relationships in the Prizes : I, II, III and two consolation prizes
society. Imagine that you are advised to prepare a notice on behalf of Contest Coordinator: Kavitha Kalapala

your Headmaster to conduct a family photo contest. The contest is to

reward the Highest membered family group photo. Prepare a notice on Sd./-
it. (5 marks) Date: 15-03-2020. Gazetted Headmaster

1) B

2) B
3) C

4) A
5) Yes. In Sankranthi, Dasara and Summer Holidays it happen. We
used to play and enjoy with friends and relatives in holidays. The

next day mind doesn't like to change routine.

6) He wanted to spend more time with his newly wed-wife. But his
leaves are over. He had got into debt. He has to go to work. So
finally he decided to go reluctantly.
7) The features are: hilly terrain, without any motorable roads, tribal society
with their customs. We can imagine that it is far from city.
8) A
9) B
10) D
11) Yes. I experienced it in Tirumala tour. It is thrilling and sometimes
I was afraid of the turnings.
12) Comparisions are: sick man walking with the help of another, an
obstinate bull, a truant child being dragged to school and a hen
about to lay eggs


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