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Digital Marketing Notes

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Five Units Notes


Department of ComputerScience and Engineering



Introduction to DigitalMarketing:

Today’s time of Internet has opened the gateway of tremendous digital marketing opportunities for
businesses. By utilizing different channels of digital marketing, businesses cannot just share their product
and services online; additionally they can gain clients for their business, enticethem and can convert them
to boost their business profits. The speed and straightforwardness with which the digital media transmits
data and support a business is astonishing.

The world is super-connected nowadays and all things considered, marketing and advertising are no more
the same as they once were. This is particularly valid because of the ascent of online networking, which
has changed how organizations speak with potential and existing customers. Essentially, it is an aggregate
term, which is utilized where advertising and marketing meet web innovation and different types of
online media platforms.


The debate continues as to whetherdigitalmarketing

is overpowering and surpassing traditional
marketing or not. Many think that for the most part,
digital marketing has taken over and traditional
marking barely exists, if at all. Recent occurrences
such as the magazine giant, Newsweek switching
to totally digital publications cause ripples
throughout the marketing arena. Over the last year
or so traditionalmarketinghadfallennearly160%
whileinthesametimeframeexpensesfordigital marketingincreasedover14%.

The traditional way of marketing lets businesses market their products or administrations onprint media,
radio and TV commercials, bill boards, business cards, and in numerous other comparable ways where
Internet or web-based social networking sites were not utilized for promoting.
 However,traditional promoting approaches had constrained client reachability and extent of
driving clients’ purchasing conduct. In addition, traditional marketing methods were not
quantifiable too.
 Therearemanyfacetsoftraditionalmarketingandexamplesmightincludetangibleitems such as
business cards, print ads in newspapers or magazines. It can also include posters,


commercials on TV and radio, billboards and brochures. Traditional marketing is anything except
digital means to brand your product or logo.
 Another overlooked means of traditional marketing is when people find a particular business
through a referral or a network and eventually you build a rapport with them.
 Because of its longevity, people are accustomed to traditional marketing. Finding ads in
magazines and newspapers, or reading billboards are still familiar activities and people still do
them all the time.
 Most ofthe time, traditional marketing is reaching only alocal audienceeven though itis not
limited to one.
 There are some aspects where traditional
marketing wins over the online advertising
battle, which include Target Local
Audience, Materials are for keeps, More
personal and Simpler process.
 One of the primary disadvantages of
traditional marketing is that the results are
not easily measured, and in many cases
cannot be measured at all.
 In most cases, traditional marketing is
alsomorecostlythandigitalmarketing. And
perhaps the biggest disadvantage today is
that traditional marketing is static which
means there is no way to
like you are throwing information in front of people and hoping that they decide to take action.

Digital Marketing can be understood as a well-targeted, conversion-oriented, quantifiable, and interactive
marketing of products or services by utilizing digital innovation to achieve the customers, and transform
them into clients in a sustainable fashion. The whole concept and functionalities of Digital Marketing are
more competent, effective, result-oriented and measurable, which make it very different from traditional


 Digitaloronlinemarketingisthemarketingmodeoftheglobalvillage.Itisonlyobvious that the era of
the internet will have its influence in every realm of life.
 Theworldofdigitalmarketingcontinuestoevolveandaslongastechnologycontinues to advance,
digital marketing will as well.
 Examples of digital marketing include things like websites, social media mentions,
YouTubevideos,andbannerads.Specifically,digitalmarketingissimilartotraditional advertising,
but using digital devices.
 However,digitalmarketingisconsideredaformofinboundmarketinganditsgoalisfor people to find
you. Businesses put content (or ads) out for individuals to find.
 People may conduct an organic online search, a paid search, find your business on a
article.Themoretheyseeyouoryourcontent,themorefamiliartheywillbecomewith your brand and
they will eventually develop a trust and a rapport with you through this online presence.
 Onebenefittousingdigitalmarketingisthattheresultsaremucheasiertomeasure;and another is that a
digital campaign can reach an infinite audience. It is also possible to
tailoradigitalcampaigntoreachalocalaudiencebutitcanalsobeusedontheweband reach the entire
globe when appropriate.
 Digitalmarketingisalsoaveryinteractivemeansofreachinganaudiencesinceitmakes use of social
outlets. There can be plenty of direct contact between the audience and the business which
means that the business can get some very valuable consumer feedback.
 BenefitsofDigitalMarketingoverTraditionalMarketingincludereducedcost,realtime result, brand
Development, non-intrusive, higher exposure, higher engagement, Quicker publicity, Non
interruptive, Good For All Stages Of Fields, Easy analytics and Strategy Refinement.
 Oneofthedisadvantagestousingdigitalmediamarketingstrategiesisthatitcantake some time to
realize measurable success.


TraditionalMarketing Digital Marketing

1. Communication is bidirectional inDigital
1. Communication is unidirectional in
Marketing as businesses can communicate
traditional marketing, which means, an
with customers and customers can ask
organization communicates about its
queries or make suggestions to businesses
services with its audiences.
as well.

2. Mediumofcommunicationintraditional 2. Medium of communication is more powerful

marketing is generally phone calls, emails, and involves social media websites, chats,
and letters. apps and Email.
3. Digital marketing campaigns can be
3. CampaigninTraditionalmarketing takes more
time as designing, preparing, and launching developedquiterapidlyandwithdigital tools,
are involved. channelizing Digital Marketing campaigns
is easier.
4.Itisveryeffectiveforreachingglobal audiences.
4.Itisbestforreaching localaudience.


5. It is almost impossible to measurethe 5.Digital Marketing lets you measure the
effectiveness of a traditional marketing effectiveness of a digital marketing
campaign. campaign through analytics.

Characteristics of Digital Marketing:

We are living in the digital age today. Outdated marketing won’t help you get profits you desire for.
Digital Marketing is a necessity today of almost every business. There is no way around it. The way you
dedicated a lot of your time and effort to making your product, similarly it is important to invest in a
complete digital strategy to launch and show your product or services to your targeted audience and
continually improve your brand presence online.
Make sure that you evaluate all your optionsso you get aware of your digital marketing platforms
and whether or not you’rereallyboosting the potential of your marketing campaign. When done correctly,
this can help you stand out from the crowd and get succeed.
Digital Marketing is a great way of increasing brand awareness, customer engagement andlong-
termloyaltyandgeneratingashort-termboostinsales,despitethefactthatevery digital marketing campaign is
different in their own ways, the reality is that many of them are built on common basics and a few key
elements. Successful Digital Marketing Campaign
requiresalotoftimefollowingthroughanalyticsanddatatofindinsights.But,aswe have analyzed which
characteristics successful campaigns share to help you.

1. GetaQualityCompanyWebsite:
Whatwasanoveltyameredecadeagoisacriticalrequirementtoday.Abusinesswebsite is a pseudo B2B
portal, allowing businesses and customers from around the world to connect with you. A business
website is similar to your Company brochure, available 24×7, and projects you as a professional
2. BloggingandForums:
Here is a powerful axiom- 'Content is King'. Produce powerful, genuine and compelling content
as part of your Company blog. Be a regular on relevant forums and discussion panels. Learn the
art of connecting your business themes into the content that you produce. In time, your content
will stand up to be the biggest promoter of your brand.
3. List our business on the three bigges tlisting services:
Register your business on 'Google Places'- this allows your business to feature on Google
searches and be listed on GoogleMaps.Other business databases that you must be partof
include'Yahoo!Local'andMicrosoft's'Bing'.Joiningtheseservicesisfree;setting up an account takes
very limited time and the far reach of these services translates to free promotion for your business



4. Email Marketing:
In recenttimes,bulkemailingisn't averyfavored promotionalconcept. However, ifdone well, and
with good intentions, email marketing could be a powerful tool in your Company's online
promotional arsenal. Personalized emails speak directly to the target audience, helps you get an
immediate response and can aid in the opening of a line of
communicationwithyourprospectivecustomerbase.It'sfreeandfastpromotion-withan impactful

5. A Dedicated Digital Marketing Expert:

Ifyouaren'tsureaboutpullingoffagoodpromotionaljobindividually,maybeit'sagood idea to hirean
innovative,enthusiastic Digital Marketing Consultant to handle your Company's online
promotional strategy. This action will allow you to be on top of your promotional ideas while
employing a professional to implement concepts that drive towards your expected results.

Technology behind DigitalMarketing:

Developments in technology and the evolution of marketing are inextricably intertwined. Technology has
underpinned major milestones in the history of marketing since its inception.The process tends to go
something like this:
 Newtechnologyemergesandisinitiallythepreserveoftechnologistsandearlyadopters.
 Thetechnologygainsafirmerfootholdinthemarketandstartstobecomemore popular, putting it on
the marketing radar.
 Innovativemarketersjumpintoexplorewaystheycanharnessthepowerofthis emerging technology
to connect with their target audience.
 Thetechnologymigratestothemainstreamandisadoptedintostandardmarketing practice.

The printing press, radio, television and now the internet are all examples of majorbreakthroughs in
technology that ultimately altered the relationships between marketers and consumers for ever, and did so
on a global scale.

But, of course, marketing isn’t about technology; it’s about people: technology is only interesting, from a
marketing perspective, when it connects people with other people more effectively. There are plenty of
examples of technology through the ages having a significant impact on various markets – technology
that may seem obscure, even irrelevant today. The mainstream adoption of digital technology – the
internet, the software applications that run on it, and the devices that allow people to connect both to the
network and to each other whenever, wherever and however they want to – promises to dwarf all that has
come before it.

To understand the explosive growth of the internet we need to look back at how early


today we call the internet. The story of electronic communication begins with the wiredtelegraph – a
network that grew explosively to cover the globe, connected people across vast distances in a way that
seemed almost magical, and changed the world for ever.

The internet story really starts in 1957, with the USSR’s launch of the Sputnik satellite. It signalled that
the United States was falling behind the Soviet Union in the technology stakes, prompting the US
government to invest heavily in science and technology. In 1958, the US Department of Defense set up
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a specialist agency established with a specific remit: to
make sure the United States stayed ahead of its Cold War nemesis in the accelerating technology race.

You’ve got mail E-mail, which is still often described as the internet’s ‘killer application’, began life in
the early 1960s as a facility that allowed users of mainframe computers to send simple text-based
messages to another user’s mailbox on the same computer. But it wasn’t until the advent of ARPANET
that anyone considered sending electronic mail from one user to another across a network.
In 1971 Ray Tomlinson, an engineer working on ARPANET, wrote the first program capable of
sending mail from a user on one host computer to another user’s mailbox on another host computer. As an
identifier to distinguish network mail from local mail Tomlinson decidedto append the host name of the
user’s computer to the user login name. To separate the two names he chose the @ symbol.
E-mail, one of the Internet’s most widely used applications, and one of the most critical
forinternet marketers,began lifeas aprogrammer’safterthought. TheARPANETwas asolution looking for a

The term ‘internet’ was first used in 1974 by US computer scientist Vinton Cerf (commonly referred to as
the ‘father of the internet’, and now a senior executive and internet evangelist with Google). Cerf was
working with Robert Khan at DARPA on a way to standardize the way different host computers
communicated both across the growing ARPANET and between the ARPANET and other emerging
computer networks. The Transmission Control Program (TCP) network protocol they defined evolved to
become the Transmission Control Program/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite that’s still used to
pass packets of information backwards and forwards across the internet to this day.
In1983the ARPANETstartedusing theTCP/IP protocol – amovethat many considerto signal the
true ‘birth’ of the internet as we know it. That year, too, the system of domain names (.com, .net, etc) was
invented. By 1984 the number of ‘nodes’ on the still fledgling network passed 1,000 and began climbing
rapidly. By 1989 there were more than 100,000 hostsconnected to the internet, and the growth continued.

MakingConnections–‘birthofthe Web’
It was in 1989 that Tim Berners-Lee, a British developer working at the European Organization for
Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, proposed a system of information cross-referencing, access and
retrieval across the rapidly growing internet based on ‘hypertext’ links. The conceptof a hypertext
information architecture was nothing new, and was already being used in individual programs running on
individual computers around the world. The idea of linking
shortofrevolutionary. Thebuildingblocks fortheworldwide web werealreadyin place

Thefirst web page on the internet was built at CERN, and went online on 6 August 1991. It
contained information about the new world wide web, how to get a web browser and how toset up a web
server. Over time it also became the first ever web directory, as Berners-Lee maintained a list of links to
other websites on the page as they appeared.

Up to this point, the internet had been the realm of technologists and scientists at research institutions. But
the advent of the web changed the landscape, making online information accessible to a much broader
audience. What happened next was explosive. Between 1991 and 1997 the web grew at an astonishing
850 per cent per annum, eclipsing all expectations. With more websites and more people joining the
online party every day, it was only a matter of time before innovative tech-savvy marketers started to
notice the web’s potential as an avenue for the marketing message.
In August 1995 there were 18,957 websites online; by August 1996 there were 342,081 (‘Fifteen
Years of the Web’, Internet timeline, www.bbc.co.uk). It was an era that saw the birth of some of today’s
most well-known online brands: sites like Amazon, Yahoo!, eBay and, in September 1998, Google Inc.

Boom,Boom. . . Bang!
For a time it seemed as though the halcyon days of the late 1990s would continue forever andthat the
dot.com bubble was impervious to bursting. Fuelled by speculative investment and high- profile high-tech
IPOs, the Nasdaq Composite stock index continued to rocket upwards. Each new dot.com success fuelled
the fervour for technology stocks, blowing the bubble up a little more. On 10 March 2000 the Nasdaq
index hit an intraday high of 5,132.52 before settling to an all-time closing high of 5,046 points.

One of the key things to remember is this: digital marketing isn’t actually about technology atall; it’s all
about people. In that sense it’s similar to traditional marketing: it’s about people (marketers) connecting
with other people (consumers) to build relationships and ultimately drive sales.
Technology merely affords you, the marketer, new and exciting platforms that allow you to
connect with people in increasingly diverse and relevant ways. Digital marketing is not about
understanding the underlying technology, but rather about understanding people, how they’re using that
technology, and howyou can leverage that to engagewith them moreeffectively. Yes, you have to learn to
use the tools at your disposal – but understanding people is the real key to unlocking the potential of
digital marketing.

Although internet companies suffered bruised finances and a tarnished public image in the wake of the
dot.com crash, the internet itself never stopped growing, in terms both of the number of websites online
and, crucially from a marketing perspective, of the number of people with internet access.
In March 2000, when the dot.com bubble burst, there were an estimated 304 million people in the
world with internet access. By March 2003 that figure had doubled to 608 million, and in December 2005
the global online population passed 1 billion. As of December 2007 the figure sat at around 1.3 billion
people. That’s 20 per cent of the world’s population – and climbing (Internet World Stats,
www.internetworldstats. com). As global and local online

9|Page DigitalMarketing


longerperiods oftimeand can do muchmore with that time.
All of this means the market penetration of digital channels is growing rapidly. As the potential
audiencegrows, so too does the allureof digital marketing. Marketers aroundthe world are sitting up and
taking notice, and big name brands are starting to take the internet and other digital marketing channels
seriously: loosening the purse strings and redistributing their advertising spend.

Web 2.0 is not a revolution in technology; it’s an evolution in the way people are using technology. It’s
about harnessing the distributed collaborative potential of the internet to connect and communicate with
other like-minded people wherever they are: creating communities, and sharing knowledge, thoughts,
ideas and dreams. If you’ve ever shared photos on Flickr, read and commented on a blog, looked for
friends on Facebook or MySpace, watched a video clip on YouTube, tried to find your house on Google
Maps, video-called friends or family abroad using Skype or looked up an article on Wikipedia, then
you’ve used Web 2.0 technologies.

Analysts at Jupiter Research identified seven key ways in which the increasingly widespread adoption of
technology is influencing consumer behavior:

 Inter-connectivity: Networked digital technology is enabling consumers to connect with each

other more readily, be it through e-mail, instant messaging (IM), mobile messaging, or web-
based social networking platforms such as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn – or more likely a
combination of all of these platforms. Consumers are interacting with like-minded people
around the world, paying scant regard to trifling concerns like time zones or geography. Peer-
to-peer interaction is reinforcing social networks and building new virtual communities.

 Technologyis levelingtheinformationplayingfield: Withdigitaltechnologycontent can be

created, published, accessed and consumed quickly and easily. As a result the scope of news,
opinion and information available to consumers is broader and deeper than ever. Consumers
can conduct their own unbiased research, comparing and contrasting products and services
before they buy. Knowledge is power, and digital technology is shifting the balance of power in
favour of the consumer.

 Relevance filtering is increasing: With such a glut of information available to them, digital
consumers are, through necessity, learning to filter out items relevant to them and to ignore
anything they perceive as irrelevant. Increasingly digital consumers look to have their
information aggregated, categorized and delivered (whether through e- mail or RSS feeds).
They use personalization features to block out irrelevant content and increasingly employ
software solutions to exclude unsolicited commercial messages.

 Niche aggregation is growing: The abundance and diversity of online content allow
consumers to participate in and indulge their specialist interests and hobbies. Aggregations of
like-minded individuals congregate online; the homogeneous mass consumer population is
fragmenting into ever-smaller niche groups, with increasingly individual requirements.


 Micropublishing of personal content is blossoming: Digital media’s interactive and
interconnected nature allows consumers to express themselves online. Publishing your own
content costs little more than a bit of time and imagination, whether through discussion forums,
message boards, feedback forms, voting platforms, personal photo galleries, or blogs. Users are
posting their opinions online for all to see and are consulting the opinion of their online peers
before making purchasing decisions. How oftendoyou check
anonlinereviewbeforebookingatableat an unknownrestaurantor a weekend break at a hotel, or
even buying a new car?

 Rise of the ‘prosumer’: Online consumers are getting increasingly involved in the creation of
the products and services they purchase, shifting the balance of power from producer to
consumer. They’re letting producers know what they want in no uncertain terms: the level of
interaction between producer and consumer is unprecedented. Individuals are more involved in
specifying, creating and customizing products to suit their requirements, and are able to shape
and mould the experiences and communications they receive from producers. Traditional mass-
production and mass- marketing concepts are rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

 On demand; any time, any place, anywhere:As digital technology becomes more ubiquitous
in people’s lives, the corresponding acceleration of business processesmeans that consumers
can satisfy their needs more quickly, more easily and with fewer barriers. In the digital
economy, trifling concerns like time, geography, location and
physicalstorespacearebecomingirrelevant.It’s aworldofalmostinstantgratification, and the more
consumers get of it the more they want it – now, now, now!


Whyyouneedadigitalmarketing strategy?
The simple answer: because without one you’ll miss opportunities and lose business.Formulating a digital
marketing strategy will help you to make informed decisions about your venture into the digital marketing
arena and ensure that your efforts are focused on the elements of digital marketing that are most relevant
to your business. It’s a crucial first step towards understanding how the constantly evolving digital
marketplace relates to you and how it affects the relationship between your business or brand and your
customers and prospects.

 It doesn’t matter what business you’re in; it’s a fairly safe bet that an increasing number of your
target market rely on digital technology every day to research, evaluate and purchase the products
and services they consume.
 Without a coherent strategy of engagement and retention through digital channels your business
is at best missing a golden opportunity and at worst could be left behind, watching your
competitors pull away across an ever-widening digital divide.
 Unlike conventional forms ofmass mediamarketing, the internet is uniquein its capacity to both
broaden the scope of your marketing reach and narrow its focus at the same time.
 Using digital channels you can transcend traditional constraints like geography and time zones to
connect with a much wider audience. At the same time, digital technologyallows you to hone
your marketing message with laser-like precision to target very specific niche segments within
that wider market. Implemented effectively, it can be an incredibly powerful combination.


 It’s often stated that the internet puts consumers in control as never before. But it’s also important
to remember that the internet also delivers an unprecedented suite of tools, techniques and tactics
that allow marketers to reach out and engage with those same consumers. The marketing
landscape has never been more challenging, dynamic and diverse.
 And therein lies the crux of our need for a cohesive digital marketing strategy. If you’re going to
harness the power of digital marketing to drive your online business to dizzying new heights, you
need a thorough understanding of your market, how your customers are using digital technology,
and how your business can best utilize that same technology to build enduring and mutually
rewarding relationships with them.
 As digital channels continue to broaden the scope available to us as marketers, so they add to the
potential complexity of any digital marketing campaign. Having a clearly defined strategy will
help to keep you focused, ensure that your marketing activities are always aligned with your
business goals and, crucially, ensure that you’re targeting the right people.


Once you’ve decided that you do, in fact, need to pursue some form of digital marketing, thenext step is
actually to sit down and define your strategy. Unfortunately there is no ‘one size fits all’ strategic panacea
here. We don’t have a magic recipe to ensure your digital marketing success, and neither does anybody
else. Basically every business needs to ‘bake’ its own unique strategy based on its own particular set of
circumstances. While the available ingredients are the same, the resulting strategies can be radically

If you sell apples to local grocers by the truckload, your strategy will bear little resemblance to that of a
company selling downloadable e-books and reports on financial trading, which will in turn be very
different to the strategy adopted by a sports clothing manufacturer who wants to cut
outtheretailerandselldirectlyto consumersovertheweb. Differentproducts,differentmarkets, different needs
– different solutions. What it ultimately boils down to is this: the best people to define your digital
marketing strategy, curiously enough, are the people who best know your business.

Thegood newsis that you’vealmost certainly already startedtheprocess of defining yourdigital marketing
strategy. Probably been thinking about digital marketing in the context of your business, about what your
competitors are doing online and why, about how your customers and prospects are integrating digital
technology into their lives, and about how you can best exploit these new and exciting digital channels to
foster longer, more productive relationships withthem. These are the components that will form the
foundation of your digital marketing strategy:

 Knowyourbusiness:Isyourbusinessreadyto embracedigitalmarketing?
Are your products or services suited to online promotion? Do you have the right technology,
skills and infrastructure in place? How will digital marketing fit into your existing business
processes, do those processes need to change, and are you and yourstaff ready to accommodate
those changes?

 Know the competition: Who are your main competitors in the digital marketplace? Are


whatare theydoingwrong(learnfromthem),whataren’tthey doingatall(istherean
opportunitythereforyou?)andhowcanyoudifferentiateyouronlineofferingfrom theirs? Remember,
competition in the digital world can come from just around the corner
orfromrightaroundtheglobe.Thesametechnologiesthatallowyoutoreachouttoa broader geographical
market also allow others to reach into your local market. When you venture online you’re
entering a global game, so don’t limit your analysis to local competition.

 Know your customers: Who are your customers and what do they want from you? Are you going
to be servicing the same customer base online, or are you fishing for business from a completely
new demographic? How do the customers you’re targeting use digital technology, and how can
you harness that knowledge to engage in a productive and ongoing relationship with them?

 Know what you want to achieve: If you don’t know where you’re going, there’s a pretty fair
chance you’ll never get there. What do you want to get out of digital marketing? Setting clear,
measurable and achievable goals is a key part of your digital marketing strategy. Are you looking
to generate online sales, create a source of targeted sales leads, improve your brand awareness
among online communities, all of the above or perhaps something completely different? Your
goals are the yardsticks against which you can measure the progress of your digital marketing

 Know how you’re doing: The beauty of digital marketing is that, compared to many forms
ofadvertising, results areso much more measurable. You can track everything that happens online
and compareyour progress against predefined goals and key performance
indicators(KPIs).Howisyourdigitalcampaignprogressing?Arecertaindigital channels delivering
more traffic than others? Why is that? What about conversion rates? How much of that increased
traffic results in tangible value to your business? Measure, tweak, refine, re-measure. Digital
marketing is an ongoing and iterative process.

The process of formally defining your digital marketing strategy forces you to sit down and analyze the
market in which you’re operating with a critical eye, and to really think about the different components of
your business and how digital marketing can help you to achieve your business goals.Don’t get down in
the technical details – remember, digital marketing is about people communicating with other people; the
technology is just the bit in the middle that helps it to happen. Your strategy should provide you with a
high-level framework – a bird’s-eye view of the digital marketing landscape with your business centre
stage; the details will come later.


There is a notion that pervades marketing circles today, a notion of mysterious ethereal creatures whoexist
inahyper-connected,multifacetedcyber-worldoftheirown.Theyareanenigma:they speak a different
language, communicate in ways we don’t understand, and they’re turning the world of marketing on its
head. These are the ephemeral, wraithlike ‘digital consumers’, whoslip effortlessly through the marketer’s
grasp. Digital consumers are different, we’re told – but are they really?



The first thing to realize about digital consumers is that there’s basically no such thing. The
customersandprospects youencounteronlinearetheverysamepeoplewhowalkintoyourstore
everyday,callyouonthetelephone,orordersomethingfromyourmail-ordercatalogue.There’s nothing dark,
sinister or mysterious about them. They’re people – like everybody else. ‘There is no great mystery about
how [digital consumers] think and what they want’, maintains interactive marketing expert.

Theseconsumersaredoing exactly what peoplehavebeen doing forthousands ofyears –

communicating with each other. The fact that technology is enabling them to communicate with each
other faster, over distance, over mobiles and in 3D worlds is being perceived as something dangerous,
unique and extraordinary, something that needs to be controlled and pinned down. People talk to each
other – they always have.


Consumers, whatever their ‘flavour’, don’t care about the way marketers define what they do. Concepts
like above the line, through the line, below the line, digital, traditional, experiential, linear, analogue,
mobile, direct, indirect or any other ‘box’ we care to slip our marketing endeavours into are completely
meaningless to them.

All consumers care about is the experience – how the marketing available to them can enhance
the experience and help them to make more informed decisions. People are the single most important
element in any form of marketing. That’s just as true in the digital space as it isin any other sphere of the
discipline. As a marketer you need to understand people and their behaviour–
andhere’swherethenotionofthedigitalconsumerdoescarrysomeweight,because consumer behaviour is
changing, and it’s changing because of the pervasive, evocative and enabling nature of digital technology.

Digital marketing allows us to build uniquely tailored ongoing relationships with individual
customers. Marketing in the digital age has been transformed into a process of dialogue, as much about
listening as it is about telling.


Perceived anonymity is another online trait that can have a profound effect on consumer behaviour. It
liberates consumers from the social shackles that bind them in the real world;online they are free to do
and say as they please with scant regard for the social propriety that holdsswayin‘reallife’.In abricks-and-
mortarstoreshopperswillwaitpatientlyforservice, and will often endure a less-than-flawless shopping
experience to get what they want. Online they won’t; they demand instant gratification and a flawless
customer experience. You have todeliver, first time, every time. If you fail to engage, retain and fulfill
their expectations on demand, they’re gone, vanishing into the ether of cyberspace as quickly as they
came, the only trace a fleeting, solitary record left on your web server’s log file.

Keytraitsof theOnlineConsumer

Well, there’s something about the immediacy and anonymity of the digital experience that has a similar
effect on people. It’s always risky to generalize and make assumptions about people – especially in a field
as dynamic and fast moving as this one. The only real way to know your
lotofresearchworkhasbeendone(andcontinuestobedone)onthebehaviouraltraitsof online


consumers, and a broad consensus has emerged around the key characteristics that epitomize digital

Digital consumers are increasingly comfortable with the medium: Many online consumers have been
using the internet for several years at this stage – and, while the user demographic is still skewed in
favour of younger people, even older users are becoming increasingly web savvy. As people become
more comfortable with the medium they use it more efficiently and effectively, which means they don’t
hang around for long: your content needs to deliver what they want, and it needs to deliver quickly.

They want it all, and they want it now: In the digital world, where everything happens at a million
miles per hour, consumers have grown accustomed to getting their information on demand from multiple
sources simultaneously. Their time is aprecious commodity, sothey want information in a format that they
can scan for relevance before investing time in examining the detail. Designers and marketers need to
accommodate this desire for ‘scannability’ and instant gratification when constructing their online

They’re in control: The web is no passive medium. Users are in control – in the Web 2.0world more
than ever before. Fail to grasp that simple fact and your target audience won’t just fail to engage with you,
but they will actively disengage. We need to tailor our marketing to be user-centric, elective or permission
based, and offer a real value proposition to the consumer to garner positive results.

They’re fickle: The transparency and immediacy of the internet don’t eradicate the concept of brand
orvendorloyalty, but theydo erodeit. Building trust in abrand is still acrucial element of digital marketing,
but today’s consumers have the power to compare and contrast competing brands literally at their
fingertips. How does your value proposition stack up against the
competitionaroundthecountryandacrosstheglobe?Yourbrandidentitymaybevaluable,butif your overall
value proposition doesn’t stack up you’ll lose out.

They’re vocal: Online consumers talk to each other – a lot. Through peer reviews, blogs, social networks,
online forums and communities they’re telling each other about their positive online experiences– and
thenegativeones. Fromamarketingperspectivethisissomethingofadouble- edged sword – harness the
positive aspects and you have incredible viral potential to propagate your message; get it wrong, and you
could just as easily be on the receiving end of an uncomfortable online backlash.


There is one particular category of users online that warrants a special mention when it comes to
definingyourdigitalmarketingstrategy.Dubbed‘influencers’,theseearlyadoptersarethe online opinion
leaders. Through blogs, podcasts, forums and social networks they harness the
powerofthewebtoextolthevirtuesofproductsandbrandsthattheylike,andequallyto denigrate those they find
Why are influencers important to you as a marketer? Because they have the virtual ear of the
online masses. People read and listen to what they have to say; they value their opinion and trust their
judgment. These online influencers have already won the pivotal battle for the hearts


and minds of online consumers. Engage positively with them, and you essentially recruit a team of
powerful online advocates who can have a potentially massive impact on a much wider group of
This is the online equivalent of ‘word-of-mouth’ marketing, on steroids. Of course, give
themanegativeexperienceand,well,youcanguessthe rest. Buthowexactlywillyourecognize these online
influencers? A December 2006 report by DoubleClick (‘Influencing the Influencers: how online
advertising and media impact word of mouth’) defined influencers as people who ‘strongly agreed’ to
three or more of the following statements:

 Theyconsiderthemselvesexpertincertainareas(suchastheirwork,hobbiesor interests).
 Peopleoftenasktheiradviceaboutpurchasesinareaswheretheyare knowledgeable.
 Whentheyencounteranewproductthey likethey tendtorecommendit tofriends.
 Theyhavealargesocialcircleandoftenreferpeopletooneanotherbasedontheir interests.
 Theyare activeonline,usingblogs,socialnetworkingsites,e-mail,discussiongroups, online
community boards, etc to connect with their peers.

Identifying the influencers within your market sector, analyzing their behavior and tailoring part of your
digital campaign to target this small but influential group can result in disproportionate knock-on benefits.
Don’t neglect your core market, of course – but certainly consider targeting influencers as part of your
overall digital marketing strategy.



SearchEngineOptimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques that help your website rank higher in organic (or
“natural”) search results, thus making your website more visible to people who are looking for your
product or service via search engines.

 SEO is part of the broader topic of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), a term used to describe all
marketing strategies for search. SEM entails both organic and paid search.
Withpaidsearch,youcanpaytolistyourwebsiteonasearchenginesothatyourwebsite shows up when
someone types in a specific keyword or phrase.
 Organic and paid listings both appear on the search engine, but they are displayed in different
locations on the page. So, why is it important for your business‟ website to be listed on search
engines? On Google alone, there are over 694,000 searches conducted every second. Every
second that your website is not indexed on Google, you are potentially missing out on hundreds,
if not thousands of opportunities for someone tovisit your website, read your content, and
potentially buy your product or service.
 Practicing SEO basics, as well as more advanced techniques after those, can drastically improve
your website's ability to rank in the search engines and get found by your potential customers.
Then about paid search,you can pay to have your website listed on the search engines. However,
running paid search campaigns can be quite costly if you don't know what you're doing. Not to
mention, about 88% of search engine users never click on paid search ads anyway.
 Because the sole purpose of a search engine is to provide you with relevant and useful
information, it is in everyone's best interest (for the search engine, the searcher, and you) to
ensure that your website is listed in the organic search listings. In fact, it is probably best to stay
away from paid search all together until you feel you have a firm grasp on SEO and what it takes
to rank organically.

 Crawling - Process of fetching all the web pages linked to a website. This task is performed by a
software called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, in case of Google).
 Indexing - Process of creating index for all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a giant
database from where it can later be retrieved. Essentially, the process of indexing is identifying
the words and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular
 Processing - When a search request comes, the search engine processes it, i.e., it compares the
search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the database.
 Calculating Relevancy - It is likely that more than one page contains the search string,so the
search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index tothe search
string.Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! often update their relevancy algorithm
 dozens of times per month. When you see changes in your rankings, it is due to an algorithmic
shift or something else beyond your control.

Although the basic principle of operation of all search engines is the same, the minor differences between
their relevancy algorithms lead to major changes in the relevancy of results.
When you search any keyword using asearch engine,it displays thousands ofresults foundin its database.
A page ranking is measured by the position of web pages displayed in the searchengine results.
Ifasearchengineisputtingyourwebpageonthefirstposition,thenyourwebpagerank will be number 1
and it will be assumed as the page with the highest rank. SEO is the process of designing and developing
a website to attain a high rank in search engine results.


Before beginning a search engine optimization (SEO) project, it is important to understand the process
involved in an effective SEO campaign. To that end, we break the process down into the

One word on search engine optimization in

general first, though. SEO does not start and
finishwiththesestepsandtheinitialworkthat we do.
In order to have ongoing success, it is important to
monitor results and build meaningful content on a
continual basis.

1. KeywordResearch
2. Reporting&GoalSetting
3. Content Building
4. PageOptimization
5. Social&LinkBuilding
6. FollowUpReporting& Analysis


1. Research
Keyword phrase research involves identifying a group of keyword phrases that will be usedin
optimization. This step is critical and requires a considerable amount of time to find
agoodsetofphrasesthatofferabalancedcombinationoftwoimportantfactors:highusageby searchers and
relatively low competition within the search engines.
Determining the most used phrase that contains your targeted keyword(s) is relatively
easy. Online tools allow you to enter a particular keyword or words and will return all the ways in
which that word(s) was used by searchers in the last month and in what volume. A more effective
approach is to find a set of phrases that are heavily used by searchers but somewhat less competitive
in terms of the total number of search results.

Once armed with the target keyword phrases, we do a thorough competitive analysis of the subject
site against its 7– 10 biggestcompetitors (using both offline and onlinecompetitors).We use a series of
SEO metrics, including indexed content, Alexa rating, inbound links, domain age, and social media
following among others.Through this process, we are able to gauge the client site’s starting position
against its competition and identify areas requiring priority in the subsequent work.
For example, if we see that relative to the competition, the client’s site has 50% less indexed
content, then content building would be a priority in the goal setting that happens in the next phase.

2. Reporting&Goal Setting
After establishing your targeted keyword phrases and starting position relative to the site’s
competitiveset,itisimportanttounderstandwhatthesubjectsite’sstartingpositioniswithin the search
engines. Doing so ensures that you know the specific areas that need work and provides a baseline
against which to gauge the subsequent campaign’s success.
Access to site traffic information is very important. These statistics show how searchers
are finding and interacting with the subject site, e.g., which search engines, what keyword phrases are
being used, bounce rates, most popular content, etc. Understanding the site’s traffic level and the
source of its referrals can also be a critical tool in making other online marketing decisions.
Afterdevelopingacompletepictureofthesite’sstartingposition,goalsaresetfor the SEO
plan.These goals are measurable (one big advantage of SEO over other advertising options) and tied
to the specific business objectives of the site.In the ongoing progress of reporting and follow up,
progress towards the plan’s goals are analyzed and reported. Adjustmentsto theSEO plancan
bemadeaccordingto thefindings of theseprogressreports.

3. ContentBuilding
Content is king in search engine optimization. The search engines love text; high volume, high-
quality content related to your business will serve you in a couple of important ways.
First, a site loaded with high-quality content of interest to site users will give them a reason to
stay and a reason to come back. After all, the reason they came to your site was to find information.
Second, you will receive the added benefit of serving up exactly what the search engines want –
content. Search engines will have more information to store aboutyour business and products; that
information will translate directly into the ranking they give your site for related keyword phrases.
For more information on content development and specific ideas about ways to expand your site’s
content, read our, Content is Still King.
We often find in the Competitive Research phase that the client’s site is falling behind its
competitors in the amount of indexed content.In those cases, this phase of the process takes on
additional importance.

4. Page Optimization
Followingtheadditionofnew,highqualitycontent,wetackleon-page optimization.
 PageTitles
 Text-BasedNavigation
 ProminenceofTargetedKeywordPhrases
 SiteMap
 ALTandMETAdata
 Cleanupthe Code

5. Social&LinkBuilding
Social Media - In marketing, you fish where the fish are.And, the fish are using socialmedia in
increasing numbers.The power of online sharing through social media provides tremendous
opportunities for companies willing to commit the time to using it.During this phase of the process,
we help clients establish a social media presence and consult with the client on how best to use those
social media profiles to share site content and connect with customers and potential customers.

Building In-Bound Links - Each new, quality link to your site increases the likelihood of both the
search engines’ spiders running across your site as well as searchers looking for services or products
like yours. Google views links to your site (aslong as they are links from high quality sites) as votes
for your site and rewards the site accordingly.You can check your link popularity with a variety of
free online tools. In addition, Google’s Webmaster Tools provides information regarding the inbound
links to your site. We consult with our clients on ways to build their online reach and influence with
new, high-quality inbound links.


6. FollowUpReportingandAnalysis
The same reporting done in the initial phase of the campaign is done again at regular intervals, post-
optimization. Rankings, site traffic levels, social signals and other key metrics can then be compared
to pre-optimization levels, giving measurable results to the SEO campaign.The specific metrics used
in an SEO plan will depend on the goals of that site.


The ultimate goal of SEO is to increase the site’s usability so that you can bring the right people in from
the search engines. The purpose of your site should be clearly defined so that you can make sure your site
achieves that purpose.
 Whensearchenginevisitorsseethatyoursitemeetstheirexpectationsafter theyfindyou on a web
search, this means your usability is solid. If visitors are disappointed, the site has missed its mark.
 The goal is to follow the best strategies possible for ranking in the search engines, and to do this
you need to understand how they want things done. When the search engine crawls your site, the
bots look for certain pieces of information. If the bots deem that the information is up to par,
you’ll be rewarded with better rankings. To insure that you understand what they’re looking for,
it helps to become familiar with their terms and conditions and Webmaster guidelines.
 Becauseofthisconstraint,thebattletogettothetopofGoogle,Yahoo!Bingandthelike has become quite
a challenge. You need all the help that you can get! Proper SEO thatuse white hat techniques, or
those that fall in line with what the search engines determine are their “best practices” will be a
big step in the right direction.

SEO Strategies
 All search engine optimization spawns from diligent keyword research. This involves finding out
just how people are coming to your website – what terms they use, what questions they ask, etc.
If you know how people are looking for sites like yours, all you haveto do is provide them with
theanswersthey seek. This is all about appealing to your audience. You need to think of popular
and related keywords that suit your sites content, then you can incorporate them into the content
and the marketing techniques that you employ.
 Another part of SEO is link building, and it’s always changing. Link building is where you have a
link to your site appear on other sites. Instead, your focus should be on building content and let
the linking occur naturally.
 Tactics that worked in the past, such as posted links on articles you write on other sites, are now
considered spammy and if there are too many of these, your site can get a penalty.
 To fully understand SEO, you should consider getting some sort of consultant to guide you along.
There are so many different marketing techniques out there, making it hard to find just the right
one for you. You can use someone else’s experience to narrow down your options and pinpoint
the perfect strategy to help you reach your audience.



On-Page SEO refers to how well your website’s content is presented to search engines. On page
optimization involves ensuring whether a particular webpage is structured in a manner so that it gets
found by the search engines for given
keywords and key phrases. It not only helps in
getting good search engine ranking but also
increases overall readability of the site. The
best part is that not much has changed about
the on-page optimization approach. Itcan still
be improved immediately by tweaking
incorrect elements on a webpage.
There 5 key elements of a successfulon page

1. PageCopy

A good content copy is really the key to your

success. It is an open secret that you
quality content of relevance on a continuous basis to perform well and rank high on search engines. There
are few things you need to keep in mind while creating the content copy.


Eachpieceofcontentshouldbecreatedkeepingthefocus primarilyon asinglekeywordorakey phrase. This

word or phrase should at least be mentioned for a specific number of times in the whole content and this
process is known as keyword density. Each content copy is supposed to maintain a keyword density of 3-
5% as par industry standard. Keep a mix of primary and secondary keywords and key phrases in your
content but optimize your content around onlythose keywords and phrases on which you desire to achieve
top organic search rankings.


You don’t essentially need longer articles for better search engine rankings. Web pages with more content
intensity and depth have started performing better on search engine ranking since the 2011 Google
algorithm update.

2. TitleTags

Arguably title tag is the most important element among the “big three”, the other two being page copy
and inbound links. Title tag contains the words which appear in the clickable link of the search engine
result. Google has limited the page titles up to 70 characters, so it is extremely important that your title
tags are keyword-relevant yet concise. For example, when looking up in Google for a query, you might
have noticed the chopped off title tags in few results, that’s

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secondary keywords should be mentioned in the same order and the branded keywords at theend, this is a
rule to follow except for the home page.

3. MetaData

Meta data is a well-written description summarizing the content of a particular webpage. It used to be one
of the most important factors affecting search engine optimization in pre-Panda era. Meta data completely
lost its importance in influencing Search Engine rankings from September 2009 after Google’s
declaration. It was majorly devalued because of a wide practice of spam
techniques.Googlecrawlersthough look at theMetakeywordsto get an ideaabout thetopicality of the page
content. Meta descriptions have to be created within a limit of 155- 160 characters which essentially
should not include anything but alphanumeric characters. It can’t influence search engine rankings but do
help in getting a high click through rate.
Meta description works more as an ad copy for the organic search results which influences the readers to
click on a particular link. It can also intelligently accommodate the primary keywords within it, Google
especially highlightsthem if searched key phrase contains the exact key words.

4. HeadingTags

These are the tags which define the content of your page section wise, just like traditional headings and
subheadings. There should be one <h1> tag every page, which should include the most relevant key
phrase or key word. This tag can be created up till <h6>, though general practice is to use this till <h3>.
Apart from the primary keyword mentioned in the <h1>, you can include the other important keyphrases
in <h2> and <h3> tags to define the other sections of the content. The <h1> tag should be optimized well
as search engines still give this some value.

5. Interlinking

Strategically, linking one of your website pages to other similar pages on your website provides context to
the search engine and to the readers as well. Some best practices are:
1. Includelinksin themaincontent ofeach page.
2. Paragraphlinkscarrythemostweight.
3. Usekeyword-richanchortextinlinks.
4. Avoidusingnon-descriptiveanchortext(forexample,readmore,clickhere,etc).
5. Linktorelevant,deeppages.
6. Usebreadcrumbnavigationoneverypage
7. Monitoryourinbound links throughGoogleWebmasterTools.
8. Avoidmultiple links tothesame pagefrom a single page.
9. Lesslinks=Moreauthorityperlink.

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Off-Page SEO refers to your website’s overall “authority” on the web determined by what other websites
say about your site. Off-page optimization is a long-term process and takes the time to improve. Simply
put, off page is all about
your online reputation. Offpage optimization
includes acquiring backlinks to your page from
the authority sites in your niche. Backlinks are
the currency of any off-page strategy. And,
unlike on-page optimization, off-page
optimization efforts arenot apparently visible
on the webpage itself; it does the background
work for a better search result.

But, after the recent Google Panda and Penguin updates, off-page optimization scenario has
drasticallychanged.Manyeffectiveoldschoolpracticesbecameobsoleteandnegativelyaffected many big
websites with high page ranks.Off page optimization effort can be grossly divided into two parts:

1. AcquiringBacklinks
Acquiring backlinks toyour pages from higher authority sites is now more important than ever.
Searchengines treat link popularity as one of the key factors for a better search engine ranking. Though,
link popularity is not the top ranking factor anymore, as it can easily be manipulated. Nowadays,search
engines focusmore on the qualityof your content and the levelof engagement on the site, over thenumber
of links pointing towards your site. So, the success factor is notbuilding a long list ofinbound links but
building a trail of quality links for your site. Creating quality content that informs and educates your
target audience is more important than ever.
TIP:Getting a number of links from multiple domains relevant in your industry are the key. Buying
backlinks from non-related domains won’t earn you goodwill in search engine resultsand can even
penalize you.

2. Leveragingsocialinteractionwithyoursite
Use of social metrics or social engagement as a ranking factor is an increasing trend. Besides backlinks,
Google now gives prominence to social signals around your content. Whether it’s the number of people
who tweet, ‘Like’, social bookmark, or “vote” via Google +1 for your content, your site’s social
footprints has a direct relation with your rankings. SEO has now evolved into social.

3. Promoteyourcontentviasocial channels
Make sure to promote your content through multiple social media channels to obtain some social media
traction. You can use multiple platforms to engage your audience, keeping the focus onthe ones creating
maximum buzz for you. There are various platforms at your exposure:


Facebook is the social platform with the maximum number of active users at this moment. You can
shareyour content therebut don’tuse apromotional tone,ratherkeep it light as peoplecome to Facebook
mostly with an intention of socializing in a casual mood. Especially interesting and light topics with
pictures get more attention in the form of Likes and Share on Facebook.

Twitterand LinkedIn
You can distribute your content on both these platforms. You can share your content in the form of an
article, video, image or even in the form of a simple update.You canjoin relevantLinkedIn groupsand
share you articles there too. If you have content of great quality you’ll surely be able to create buzz
around it.

It hasbecomeveryimportanttoshareany content youcreateon Google+, asitisfromthesearch engine provider
itself. Recently, there is a lot of noise that Google+ has a indirect correlationwith your website’s ranking
in the search engine. Google also have introduced a new feature calledGoogle Authorship. It showsthe
picture and name of an author with his articles in Google search results. This has come across as a major
factor to counter the duplicate content by giving weightage to the authors and the content they have

Pinterest is the latest social media sensation. The image sharing website allows you to share pictures from
your post to appeal to your target audience. If you have an e-commerce site, Pinterest can help you drive
your sales.

This is a question & answer platform where a lot of people come searching for the solution to different
problems and queries. You can post your content or your opinion in any of the relevant discussion thread
and readers can up vote or down vote it. This is in fact the future of commenting. The platform can help
you establish yourself as a subject matter expert in your field.

Video Sharing
You can create informational videos on topics like make-up tips or different marketing strategies to share
them on free video hosting sites like Vimeo, YouTube etc. generating billions of unique viewers every

4. Addsocialbookmarkings
Social bookmarking is one of those old yet useful off-page SEO techniques being used from the pre-
Panda and Penguin age. There are many sites like Tumbler, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Delicious, Digg being
the most prominent ones, where people come in searching for different contenttopics. You can add a
social bookmarking panel to your website and share all the content you produce.

5. Guest Blogging
Another way of acquiring strong back links in post Panda era is guest blogging. You have to create
relevant and high quality content and submit to the blogs with higher page ranks. If your article contains
real good stuffs it will get published and to do that you have to observe the content types and categories
your target blogs are covering, it’s even great if there are some common or related categories both of you
cater to.
For a long term and successful search engine optimization strategy, you need to work on yoursite
structure as well as on building your online reputation by getting backlinks and creating the community
around your content. And, ultimately, it boils down to creating interesting and informative content people
would like to read and share. Content is still the King.

ASearch Engine Results Page, or SERP, is the web page that appears in a browser window when a
keyword query is put into a search field on a search engine page.
 The list of results generally includes a list of links to pages that are ranked from the most popular
to the least popular from the number of hits for the particular keyword.
 The list will include not only the links, but also a short description of each page, and of course,
the titles of the webpage. The term “search engine results page” may refer to a single page of
links returned by a query or the entire set of links returned.
 Many search engine results pages have different types of listings. These types of SERPs are
found most commonly in larger search engines, such as Google.com and Yahoo!. They include
results such as:
 Contextual
 Algorithmic
 Sponsoredlistings
 Images
 Maps
 Organicsearchlistings
 Definitions
 Suggestedsearchquery refinements
 Major search engines can also offerspecific search engine results pages that pertain to specific
the specific types of listings. Search engine results pages can also be the results page for an image
search, a map search, a news search, a blog search, or many of the other options major search
engines offer.

ThemainelementsofSERP are:

1. Direct search results, consisting of links to sites. This is the natural issuance of search engines,
where sites are struggling for the highest positions. The search results page contains, by
default, 10 links, but the number can be changed in the search settings;
2. Blockswithcontextualadvertising;
3. Smallfieldsbeforesearchresults.Theycan containtypingerrors,aquickresponseto a user request, a
calculator, and so on;


4. Picturesareissuedinresponsetoaparticularsearchquery;
5. Related queries – the search queryis refined. The user is offered word forms or similar
6. Elements of management – this includes links to go to the site, prompts when entering a user

A search engine results page (SERP) is the list of results that a search enginereturns in response to a
specific word or phrase query. Each listing includes the linked Web pagetitle, the linked
pageURL(Uniform Resource Locator), a brief description of the page content and, in some cases, links to
points of interest within the website.

Therearethreemaintypes ofresultsonaSERP:
1. Pagesthatthesearchengine spiderhascrawledandindexed;
2. pagesthathavebeen manuallyaddedto thesearchengine’sdirectory;
3. andpagesthatappearasaresultofpaidinclusion.
Thehighest-rankinghitsgenerallylinktothemostusefulinformation;linksgrowlessrelevantas they move
farther down the list.

Searchengineresultspagesarewebpagesservedtouserswhentheysearch forsomethingonline using a search
engine, such as Google. The user enters their search query (often using specific terms and phrases known
askeywords), upon which the search engine presents them with a SERP.
Every SERP is unique, even for search queries performed on the same search engine using the
same keywords or search queries. This is because virtually all search enginescustomize the experience for
their users by presenting results based on a wide range of factors beyond their search terms, such as the
user’s physical location, browsing history, and social settings. Two SERPs may appear identical, and
contain many of the same results, but will often feature subtle differences.
The appearance of search engine results pages is constantly in flux due to experiments conducted
by Google, Bing, and other search engine providers to offer their users a more intuitive, responsive
experience. This, combined with emerging and rapidly developing technologies in the search space, mean
that the SERPs of today differgreatly in appearance from their older predecessors.


1. ‘Organic’Results
Organic results are listings of web pages that appear as a result of the search engine’s algorithm. Search
engine optimization professionals, commonly known as SEOs, specialize in optimizing web content and
websites to rank more highly in organic search results.
Inthe followingfigure,thehighlightedresultsareallorganic results:


Thebox on theright side ofthis SERPis knownas the KnowledgeGraph(also sometimescalled the
Knowledge Box). This is a feature that Google introduced in 2012 that pulls data to commonly asked
questions from sources across the web to provide concise answers to questions in one central location on
the SERP. In this case, you can see a wide range of information about Abraham Lincoln, such as the date
and place of his birth, his height, the date on which he was assassinated, his political affiliation, and the
names of his children – many of which facts have their own links to the relevant pages.
Some SERPs will feature significantly more organic results than others, such as the example
above. This is due to the differing intent of various searches. There are three primarytypes of Internet
search: Informational, Navigational and Transactional.

 Informational searches are those in which the user hopes to find information on a given topic,
such as Abraham Lincoln.
 Navigational queries are those in which the user hopes to locate a specific website through their
search. This may be the case for individuals searching for a specificwebsite, trying to locate a
website whose URL they can no longer remember, or another type of navigational objective.
 Transactional searches have high commercial intent, and search queries leading to transactional
SERPs may include keywords such as “buy” and other terms that suggest a strong desire to make
a purchase.

2. Paid Results
In contrast to organic results, paid resultsare those that have been paid to be displayed by an advertiser. In
the past, paid results were almost exclusively limited to small, text-based adsthat

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results can take a wide range of forms, and there are dozens of advertising formats that cater to the needs
of advertisers.

In the example above (a SERP for the search query “lawnmowers”), all of the results on the SERP –
withtheexceptionofthemapandbusinesslistingbeneathit –arepaidresults.Thethree large text-based ads at the
top of the SERP are typical PPC ads.
Of those three ads, the lower two (for Craftsman.com and Husqvarna.com) both
featureadextensionsallowing prospective customers to navigate to specific pages on their websitesdirectly
from the ads.
The image-based ads on the right of the page areShopping ads, a feature offered on the Google
AdWords platform that allows ecommerce retailers’ product information to be displayed
alongsideotherresults on theSERP. Shopping ads can contain a widerangeofinformation, such as product
availability, user reviews, special offers, and more.
There are two additional PPC ads directly beneath the Shopping ads that also feature the user
review ad extensions, indicated by the star ratings directly beneath the destination URL.
Themapand business listing aretheonly results on thisSERPthat arenotexplicitly paid results. This map is
shown based on a user’s location, and feature listings for local businesses that have set up their free
Google My Business listing.

factors,alsoknown as“rankingsignals.”
For example, the search algorithm used by Google features hundreds of ranking factors, and while
nobody outside of Google knows precisely what they are, some are thought to be more
importantthanothers. In thepast,thelinkprofileofasite – thenumberofexternal linksthatlink

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is to some extent (which is why Wikipedia ranks so prominently in organic results for so many queries),
though search advances at such a rapid pace that ranking signals that were once crucial to the search
algorithm may be less important today, a source of constant frustration to SEOs.


1. GooglePageSpeed Insights
Checkthespeedandusabilityofyoursiteonmultiple devices
Enter a URL, and this tool will test the loading time and performance for desktop and for mobile, plus
identify opportunities to improve (and pat you on the back for what
you’redoingwell).Themobileresultsalsocomewithauserexperiencescore,gradingareasliketap targets
and font sizes.

2. MozLocalListing Score
Seehowyourlocalbusiness looksonline
Moz crunches data from more than 15 different sources—including Google, Foursquare, and
Facebook—to score your brick-and-mortar business onhow it looks online. Results come complete
with actionable fixes for inconsistent or incomplete listings.

3. Keywordtool.io
700+keywordideas basedonasingle keyword
Enter a keyword, and the Keyword Toolprovides ahuge
handful of long-tail keyword opportunities, organized

4. GoogleAnalytics
In addition to tracking pretty much every bit of traffic you
could imagine on your website, Analytics also surfaces many
keyword insights as to which terms people use to land on
your pages.


5. GoogleWebmasterTools+BingWebmaster Tools
Constantwebsiteanalysis,alerts,anderror reports
These webmaster tools help give you a taste of what the two top
search engines think of your site. It’s helpful tosee any bugs,
alerts, and indexing issues.
Each of these two tools requires a bit of installation on your
site. If you’ve got a WordPress website, you can add
thewebmastercodeautomaticallythrough aplugin like Jetpack or

6. OpenSiteExplorer
The free version of Open Site Explorer gives you a quick look a full range of link analysis,including a
look at the most impactful links coming your way and your most linked-to pages.

7. GoogleKeyword Planner
Enter a keyword or group of keywords into the tool, and Google will return all sorts of helpful stats to
guide your keyword strategy: monthly search volume, competition, and even suggested terms you
might not have considered.

8. Google.cominanIncognitoWindow
Discoverauto-fill opportunities
Searching Google.com in an incognito window will bring up that all-familiar list of autofill
options,manyofwhichcanhelpguideyourkeywordresearch.Theincognito ensuresthatany customized
search data Google stores when you’re signed in gets left out. Incognitomayalso behelpfulto
seewhereyou trulyrankon aresultspagefora certain term.

9. GoogleTrends
AquickbrowseorsearchthroughGoogleTrendscanshowyouthehockey-stickriseof potential terms and
SEO opportunities for your content.

10. QuickSproutWebsiteAnalyzer
TheQuickSprouttooldoesacomprehensivelookatjustabouteverything:SEOoptimization, speed, tags,
keywords, social, links, and even competitor comparisons.

124|Page DigitalMarketing


11. Find Broken Links
The link report fromNinja InternetMarketers combsthrough your whole site and highlightsanumber of
link insights, including the internal and external links that need fixing.

12. Ahrefs’ Site Explorer and Backlink Checker

A free (and substantial) sampling of what ahrefs offers, the dashboards for referring pages andinbound
links are rich and informative.

13. Copyscape
EnteraURLforablogpostor website,andCopyscapecantellyouwhereelse thatcontentexists
online.Youmightfind resultsthatyou’ll needtofollow-up withtohelp getyourSEOinorder.

14. Moztoolbar
I’ve shied away from referencing any toolbars thus far, but the Moz toolbar is just too good to pass up.
Once installed, the Moz toolbar can show you SEO insights from within Google search results pages and
at any particular website.

15. Robots.txtGenerator
Robots.txt files let the web robots know what to do with a website’s pages. When a page is disallowed in
robots.txt, that’s instructions telling the robots to completely skip over those web pages. There are some
exceptions in which case a robots.txt might be ignored, most notably malware robots that are looking for
security issues.

16. StructuredDataTestingTool
Structured data helps to provide context to the information on your page. This tool from Google uses live
data to validate the structured data for any web page, or you can copy/paste code to test it.

17. MicrosoftFreeSEO Toolkit

The Microsoft SEO Toolkit combines quite a few different tools into one. Used together, it can analyze
your site and provide recommendations on how to make your site’s content more SEO- friendly,
including tweaks to yoursitemapand robots.txt. Sorry to all oftheApplefolks, this one seems to be



Email Marketing


Email marketing is using e-mail as a means of promoting your products or services. This can be direct
one to one e-mails but typically it relates to sending e-mails to a group of people that have subscribed to a
mailing list.

Email marketing is a digital marketing channel that engages prospects at various stages of the funnel,
engaging and maintaining their interest. Because of its versatile nature, email is a vital tool foronline
retailers who want to stay top of mind with consumers. Email marketing is a good and cheaper alternative
to sending direct mail (via the post).

term“Emailmarketing”isusedtorefer to:
 Sending promotional e-mails in order to acquire new customers or convincing current
customers to purchase something immediately.
 Sending emails specifically designed to enhance relationships with current or previous
customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.
 Addingadvertisementstootherscompanies’e-mails(onapartnershipbasis)togain exposure within a
new market.


Emailisutilizedthroughoutthesalesfunnelandisakeyrevenuedriverformanyonlineretailers. Common emails


 Newsletters:Engageuserswithinformationabouttheindustry,companynews,and
 Promotions:Oftensenttoexistingcustomers,promotionalemailsalertuserstonew products and
 AbandonedCartNotifications:Indecision,nontransparentshippingcharges,anda variety of
other reasons cause customers to leave a cart before purchase. These notifications remind
them and can boost conversion by 15% or more.

MeasuringtheSuccessofEmail Marketing:


 ListGrowthRate:Thismeasureshowmanyaddressesarebeingaddedtothecompany's list of contacts.

More contacts is not necessarily better - a small list of leads who are likely to buy is better than a
large list that doesn't care.
 BounceRate:A'bounce'isanemailthatwasneversuccessfullydelivered.Thisindicates a problem such
as the account no longer being in use, and businesses need to trim these addresses on a regular

 Click-Through-Rate:This calculates how many people areclicking one ormore links in the email
(typically taking them to a product page or special offer), and is one of the major signs of interest
in an online store.
 Conversion Rate:An extension of the previous metric, the Conversion Rate calculates how many
people arefinishingwhat they've been prompted to do. The most common criteria for this is
purchasing a product or service, but it is possible to use other criteria, such as filling out a form to
provide more information about themselves.
 Revenue Per Message:This metric calculates how much profit, on average, a company made
throughout its campaign. The calculation is a simple division of total revenue bythe number of
marketing emails sent.

Individualneedsfore-commercebusinessesvary,butthefollowingelementsofmarketing emails have been

proven to improve the overall conversion rate.

 One Topic:Emails with multiple marketing messages are seen as "busy." Restricting them to one
topic focuses the reader on the actual message and tends to result in measurably higher revenue
per message.
 Attractive Design:Simple designs that complement the message without
accounts have disabled images.
 A Clear Call To Action:Readers should never be wondering what to do next, especially when
you want them to purchase something.
 TheResultof Experience:Everycampaign shouldteach somethingnew aboutcustomer behavior
and what elements (designs, offers, etc.) they are responsive to. Use this experience to improve
the messages on a regular basis.


1. PromotionalEmail:
apurchase.EveryBusinessalmostwouldenjoythisbenefit.Promotionalemailsareshort and sweet.
You might want to create a special graphic to complement your email copy; otherwise, it’s not a
time consuming process.

Tipsforcreatinga Promotional Email:

 Make the offer clear. Your customers may not take the time to read your
email,butifyouhaveaclearofferthat’sfront-and-center,theywon’tbeabletoignore it. In the
promotional email below, there’s no question what the deal is.
 Create a sense of urgency. Give customers a reason to act quickly, rather than let the
email sit in their inbox. In the example above, the dates of the promotion are apparent. Use
active language as well. To tie in with a seasonal promotion, this email from Banana
Republic Factory injects a little personality into their CTA language, encouraging readers
to “hop to a store.”

 Keep it short.Promotional emails don’t require a lot of explanation. State the deal, then tell
customers how to redeem it before it expires. No need for a lot of flowery words. Take a
look at the example below. In less than 45 words, the retailer sumsup the deal.

2. Newinventory email

Its Purpose is to let your customers know about new items. It falls under the promotional email
umbrella. You’re updating customers, but also hoping for a sale. Any business can tell customers
about a new item in stock. Fashion and retail businesses may get the most bang for their buck.
Time is spent taking a good picture of the new product, but these don’t require a lot of text.

Tipsforcreatinganewinventory email:

 Send theemail outas soon as theitem arrives.Assoon as you havethe inventory in stock,
create the email and hit send. This shows you’re on top of new trends and want your
customers to have the latest, greatest items available.


 Take a killer picture. You don’t have to get artsy, but you do need to showcase your new
item. In fact, these types of emails are more about the photo than text. Takethe email below,
forexample. It’s all about thepicture. With just afewwords, Nike gets its point across.
 Convey the point in your subject line. You knowsubject linescan determine whether or
not your customer opens your email, and this email is no different. Be sure to tell your
customers that you’ve got something new and fun for them tocheck out.

3. Newsletteremail

Newsletter email purpose is to inform customers about company news, improve brand awareness
and build a relationship with your core audience. Almost Business would benefit with this type of
email. It takes a bit of time to create a solid newsletter, but it’s a valuable marketing tool.

Tipsforcreatinganewsletter email:

 A newsletter doesn’t mean long format. Break the copy in your newsletter into
 Create an easy-on-the-eyes design.Think of your newsletter like a mini- newspaper. You
want clear lines and divisions between your content. You want a simple layout with basic
fonts. Don’t go crazy with the color scheme, either:
 Include your contact information in the newsletter. You always want your contact
information in an easy-to-find area on the newsletter. The purpose of your newsletter isn’t
necessarily to sell, but if your customers are inspired to reach out to you because of the
newsletter, you want them to be able to find you. You could put social media contact
buttons in the header or footer of your message; you could go the more traditional route,
and include your phone number and email address; or you could do both.


4. Welcome email
Its purpose is to welcome new email subscribers to the family and establish a good relationship.
Creating the email doesn’t take long, but you need to know when a new customer signs up.


 Write in a conversational tone.A welcome emailis like a virtual handshake that accepts a
new member into your group. It should be inviting and warm. Show the personal side of
your business. Take a look at the email below. It specifically welcomes new subscribers
into a community, and the tone is friendly and casual,but still professional.
 Consider offering a reward. In celebration of a new customer, you could offer a discount
or some sort of perk. You could offer 10 percent off the next purchase like Society6 did in
the example above, or offer another perk like free shipping.
 Remind new users about the benefits.Thank your new customers for signing up and
reinforce their decision to join. Tell readers what they’ll get out of this new partnership.
The email below does exactly that.

5. Productadviceemail
The purpose of this mail is to offer your customers advice on how to get the most from your
business or product. At the same time, to establish your authority in the industry. This kind of
email has more information, so your time will go toward writing and proofreading.


 Create valuable content -The key to this kind of email is to offer tips that your customers
want to read. Help solve problems they may have or obstacles they may need to overcome.
Or, offer tips to help your customers use and maintain your product or service. Ifyou sell
cameras, send an email that teaches customershow to use certain features. Whatever your
business is, create an email that gives your customers a helping hand.
 Proofread - No matter what email you send, you should proofread it several times.
Readitfromthebottomupsoyourbrainisn’treadingwordsthataren’tthere.Then, have someone
else read it. Take it through an error-check process before sending. Nothing cuts your
credibility like misspellings and grammatical errors.
 Focus on customer service-Emails that offer product tips should also showcase your
commitment to customer service. Emails like this tell customers, “We’re here for you.”
Follow through with that message by adding contact information to the email. The email
below, for example, offers tips to wear a certain piece of clothing, but you’ll also notice
there is a “contact us” option in the top right corner.

6. Educationalemail


Educational Email provide customers with industry knowledge that’s connected to your business
or product. It helps build relationships and trust between your business and your customers. It
takes time to brainstorm ideas and to create a sharp email.

Tipsforcreatinganeducational email:

 Offer relevant content -When you send an educational email, you’re trying to build a
relationship with your customers. The best way to do that is to teach them something.
However, you want to teach them something that has a connection to your business. For
instance, Monster.com, the job search site, sends its customers information about life in the
workplace. An example is below.
 Consider offering bite-sized information -Take a cue from the Monster.com email above
and write bite-sized pieces of information in the article; let your customers decide if they
want to read more. The “Read more” link takes your customer to your blog for the full
article. It’s a great way to engage with customers via email and boost blog traffic.
 Add a mini-promotion -You can add a promotional element to this kind of email, but it
shouldn’t be the main attraction. For example, Lumosity, the brain game site, offers an
educational article as the main feature, but notice a promotion on the right side for a family
membership. It’s subtle and simple.

7. Reorderemail
ReorderEmailisToremindcustomersthatit’stimetoreorderacertainproduct. Any business that sells
products or services needed on a regular basis would benefit.
Examplesincludeproductslikeprintercartridges,contacts,petmedicationsand vitamins. Basic text
and images are needed.

Tipsforcreatingareorder email:

 Clear call to action - The purpose of a reorder email is to encourage your customers to
replenish your product or perhaps renew a subscription for a service. You want to make the
buying process as simple as possible. To do so, create a simple, easy-to-find button that
says, “Reorder now.” For instance, in the example below, customers can reorder pet
medication from Pet Wellbeing.
 Remind customers of the value - In the email, tell your customers why reordering is a
good idea. Maybe it’s to keep vital pet medications on hand, or to avoid the hassle of
running out of toner at the office. You could also offer a discount to those who reorder
within a certain time frame.
 Mention past purchases -If you want, you can mention in the email what your customer
purchased in the past, so they can reorder the same thing. The pet supply store below does
this for its customers. It’s a nice addition to the email, but you can send it without this

8. TestimonialEmail:
Its Purpose is to reinforce how valuable your business or product is through customer feedback.
Every business would benefit with thismail and It takes a bit of time to collect testimonials. You
may need to be persistent to get customers to give them to you.



 Create a sleek design -Email design elements are important with testimonial
emails.Youwantsomethingthat’seye-catchingandeasytoread.Takealookatthe example below.
This retailer put together four quotes from happy customers and highlighted theproduct,
too. It’sawin-win. Both theaccolades and theproducts are showcased well in this simple
 Include an image -If you sell tangible items like clothing, using pictures of shirts and
dresses makes sense. But that doesn’t work for every business. Take a medical
clinic,forexample,orasanitationcompany.Whatimagedo youuseinthesecases? If you need a
powerful image, ask the customer who gave the testimonial for a picture. Take a look at the
example below. The customer’s picture is what makesthe email work.
 Offer more information -A testimonial is great, but you should offer your customers a
next step. For example, in the email above, customers can read more testimonials by
clicking on the text. You could offer a link for others to leave feedback, or a link to other
uplifting company news.

9. Surveyemail
Survey Email is to collect helpful information you can use to improve the customer
experience.Anybusinesslookingtobetteritselfcanusethisemail. We have to spend time creating the
survey and writing an email with a link to the survey.

Tipstocreateasurvey email:

 Explain what’s in itfor them - Ifyou want a customerto takethe timeto fill out a survey,
you need to give them a reason. In the example below from CVS, participants are entered
to win a cash prize.
 Address the purpose of the survey -Besides an incentive to fill out the survey,you should
tell your customers why you want the information. Whether you’re trying to improve your
business or conducting product research, let your customers know the purpose of the
 Make the survey easy to access-There should be an obvious, clickable link to the survey.
Take a look at the example below. Notice the link to the survey is a clear, easy-to-spot
button at the bottom of the email.


Planning your Email Marketing Campaign Before you get started actually creating your email campaign
and designing thelayout ofyouremail, you first need to think about thepurposeofthe campaign and what
you are trying to achieve. The types of things we need to include:

 WhatamItryingtoachieve? —Thisiswhereyouthinkaboutthepurposeandgoalsof


communicate with your customers on a regular basis to keep them informed of the latest offers,
new services you have added to the hotel, and so on.
 Who do I want to target? — identify who you want to send the email to. Your existing
customers, such as, families or couples who have stayed with you before. You may even want to
split up all your e-mail subscribers to groups and tailor communication based on the group.
 How will I get people to subscribe to my mailing list? — By law you have to get specific
permission from people to send them a marketing email. This is sometimes referred to as an “opt-
in” and there are many ways you can get people to subscribe (or opt-in) to your mailing list. For
example, you could have a sign-up form on your home page so that people can subscribe to your
 How frequently will I send these emails? — How frequently you send out your emails will
depend on their type and purpose. For example, you may send out special offer and promotional
emails as and when they are available, whereas you may send out a newsletter once a month. But
try and keep the number of promotional communication’sto a minimum (1-2 a month) as too
many emails could potentially annoy and alienateyour subscribers causing them to unsubscribe.
 Calls toaction — This is what you want to get thereaderto do once they haveread your email.
When designing your email you need to lay out exactly what you want the recipients of your
email to do, and design it to make that path clear and easy to follow. For example, don't distract
with too many links or offers, and make not only the call to action clear but also what recipients
can expect when they click through. This can be as simple as "Click here for a 20% discount on
your next weekend trip". For more information on calls to action, see the section in the guide
“Getting the Most from your Website” which is part of this series of guides.

E-mail Marketing has evolved, moving from simple one-way messages and auto-responders(now referred
to as e-mail 1.0) to a much more sophisticated way of communicating with your customers referred to as
e-mail 2.0. It's anadvancement in technology, entrepreneurs now have the ability to tailor the messages
they send based on their customers' interests, preferences and purchase history - and targeted e-mails
yield greater results.

With all the capabilities now available in e-mail marketing systems, there are a few basic things we need
to know about e-mail marketing to build deeper relationships with your customers to increase revenues,
grow your business and get ahead of your competition.

HerearesevenstepstocreatingandlaunchingasuccessfulE-MailMarketing2.0 Campaign.

1. ChoosetheRightE-mailMarketingSoftwareSystem
CRM systems can range from simple database models to more complex systems that include
campaigns.Infusionsoftoffers complete CRM capabilities, which include not only database and
campaign management but also offer information on interest, preference and purchase behaviors so
that you can tailor your message and campaigns. Other systems, such asMailChimp,Constant Contact
andAWeberoffer more basice-maildatabase andcampaign


systems.Moste-mailprogramshavetrainingandfreesupporttoguideyouthroughthe learning process.

2. Builda List
Even if you only have10 e-mail addresses, you need to start somewhere. Add thoseto your database.
Once you have your list started, make sure that you launch a campaign to keep in
touchandinfrontofyourcontactswithoutoverwhelmingtheirinbox.Isuggesttwoe-mails per month
maximum. It's not about e-mail quantity; it's about quality.

3. SetupContactInformationCapture Forms
It'seasytoaddformstoyourwebsiteorblogtoallowvisitorstogiveyoutheircontact information, such as e-
mail address, name and phone number.

4. DecideWhatYouWantto Accomplish
Before you launch your first campaign, you need to decide what it is that you want to
accomplish.Doyouwanttodeepenthequalityofrelationships,takeyourlistthroughthe sales cycle, educate
them?Why areyou sending your e-mails? Set cleargoals beforeyou send your first e-mail, and build
your messages and campaign around those goals.

5. SetupAuto-respondE-mails
Setupatleastsixe-mailsthatwillautomaticallyreleaseonthedatesandtimesyouchooseto send out to your
list. Keep them short, simple and to the point. Do not make them "sales pitchy"; use auto-respond e-
mails to educate and build relationships, and the rest will follow. Make sure that each auto-respond e-
mail has several links for more information; this is how you will gauge their interest and determine
how to keep marketing to them.

6. AddTriggerstoE-mails
Here's anexampleofatrigger:Yourclientclicks onalinkinoneofthee-mailsyousenther
aboutyourproductorservice.Assoonassheclicksonthatlink,itautomaticallytriggersthe releaseof
amessagesending herinformation about a similarproduct or servicebased on the original link.
Triggers are used to send clients into a new sales cycle based on topic.

7. MonitorResults
Oncepermonth,lookatreporting(metrics)toseewhiche-mailsaremoreeffectiveandhave a higher rate of
opening as well as click-through. Use the lessons learned to build your next campaign. It's important
to know how your list is responding to the e-mails that you send. If you aren't getting a good click-
through response, the problem is either the quality of your messageor thetopic. Test a few e-mails
with your top customers to seewhat they respondto and what they don't respond to (one common test
is to send the same message with several
differentsubjectlinestoseewhatyourlistfavors).Offerrecipientsadiscountonservicesfor their time.

Not only has e-mail technology and software evolved, but the way people use it to communicate has
changed how entrepreneurs and small-business owners market and grow their businesses. E- mail 2.0
marketing is an effective way to increase relationships, response rates and conversions through smart,
targeted communication.



Emailmarketingcanbe usedformanydifferentpurposes.

 Promotion — you can use emails to promote a special offer, or a new product or service to a list
of existing or potential customers. The main aim of a promotional email is to get the reader to
take some type of action, such as, book a room, buy a gift card, or reserve a table. If your readers
have specifically subscribed to your mailing list to receive special offers and promotions then
that’s fine, but if they have subscribed to a list to be kept up- to-date on news and events then if
you areconstantly bombarding them with promotional emails you stand the risk of alienating
them and forcing them to unsubscribe.

 Retention — these are emails aimed at building a relationship between you and your readers.
These generally take the form of newsletters where you are providing your readers with
information and stories that they may find interesting. A newsletter can of course also include
promotional messages or advertisements but these should not be their main aim. Your customers
can forget about you very quickly so keeping in contact with them on a regular basis is a good
way to keep them aware of you and your business.

 Communication — these types of emails are generally short emails designed to communicate
some important information to your readers. For example, invitation to an event in your hotel,
atravellertip foryour area, details of anewsarticleabout yourhotel. Email marketing allows you to
reach millions of customers with a click of a button. Like any marketing medium, it has its
advantages and disadvantages. Use it correctly, and you'll make more money, but use it
incorrectly and you could lose your business. Weigh these pros and cons before you start an email

 Other Benefits of Using Email marketing - There are many good reasons to use e-mail
marketing because even with the growth of social media, e-mail marketing can still be very
 Cost — Communicating via email has many of the advantages of traditionaldirect mail
but with much lower costs.
 Speed—ifyouneedto,youcangetamessageouttoyourentirelistveryfast.
 Easy to create — with the many email tools out here, such as, MailChimp and Constant
Contact, it has become extremely easy to send out professional looking emails and track
their performance through reports. Most of these tools provide standard templates and
layouts for all different types of emails, such as newsletters, invitations, special offers and
many more.
 Personalized — the more information you collect, the more messages can be tailored and
 Tracking — you can track how well your email campaign is doing, such as, how many
emails were opened, what links did they click, and so on. With this information you can
then adjust your next campaign and improve performance.



Businesses use email marketing as an affordable and often effective advertising tool. However, before
employing this technique we should make yourself aware of the disadvantages and misconceptions that
exist. For example, though many people believe email marketing is free, starting any marketing campaign
from scratch (even an electronic one) will cost your company money. Several factors can hinder your
effectiveness, and, in some cases, email marketing can even work against your business.
 Spam - People's in-boxes get inundated with email, both solicited and unsolicited. To cut down
on the amount of unwanted emails, many servers have filters in place to lessen the numberofspam
emails a personreceives. ("Spam" is acommon term forbulk distributed emails.) People can
further adjust their email filters to their own tastes. Our email marketing could well land in a
spam folder and never get viewed. In some cases, you could find yourself or your business in
serious legal trouble. The CAN-SPAM Act sets forth strict guidelines that companies must meet
in order to use email marketing. Violations of the act can cost up to $16,000, and numerous
people may be charged. Even when you take pains to ensure your email marketing conforms to
the rules, you may still be accused and have to prove your campaigns are legitimate.

 Engagement -Email marketing requires constant tweaking to keep your subscribers engaged. A
person will often sign up to receive email solely as part of a promotion. For example, if a user
provides his email address, he may receive a discount on a product. A usermight also
unintentionally sign up, such as if subscribing was thedefault choiceon a web page. In such cases,
your email marketing may be perceived as a nuisance. Even in the case that someone deliberately
signed up to receive your marketing emails, like an industry newsletter, you still must work to
maintain a level of engagement to keep your reader from unsubscribing.

 Appearance - You may have worked to create your email marketing to look exactly the way you
envisioned. Unfortunately, due to the varying servers and computer settings, your design may not
come through the way you hoped, which can diminish the impact of your message. Text may be
moved from one line to the next on a person's screen. The email setting on another person's
computer may only allow text, blocking images from coming through. If the main focus of your
marketing was a logo, it could be lost. If you want to avoid a misconstrued or possibly messy
appearance, you'll need to make sure the code used translates to the most basic processing
systems. This may entail consultingwith a technical specialist or marketing firm.

 Costs - Sending a quick email to someone may not cost you much more than Internet access, but
the costs of launching an email marketing campaign add up. Even basic self- managed monthly
plans with fewer than 10,000 subscribers can cost $70, according to one marketing software firm.
Hiring a company to design and manage an emailmarketing campaign includes templates and
consultations and can get pricey. A start-up


package can cost several thousand dollars initially plus a thousand or more per month for
continuing management.


Opt-in email is defined as an email that a brand sends after a consumer willingly provides his or
heremailaddress.Brandscancollectemail addressesinmyriadways,butusuallytheyuseforms on their websites
as well as incentives, such as free downloads.
Think of it as a way to authenticate your email list. Instead of sending emails blindly to people who might
not have any interest in your online courses, you’re spending time only on peoplewho already know who
you are and who want to hear from you.

Opt-in email marketing is a marketing campaign that uses permission-based email-collection methods to
capture email addresses from willing consumers. Once you have a potential customer’s email, you can
add it to a marketing list based on the customer’s position in the sales funnel.
For instance, if your prospect signs up for your email list during his or her first interaction with your
brand, you might segment that consumer into a list that introduces your online courses and provides
actionable tips for interested consumers.
However, if your prospect joins after buying a course, you could send emails about getting the most out
of your course material or about applying the information you teach to the real world.
Instead,useopt-inemailmarketingto nurtureyourprospectsthroughthesalesprocess.

 Invite prospects to interact: Let your email marketing recipients know where to findyou online,
from your social media accounts to your blog.
 Encouragecustomerstoconvert:Providesoundreasonswhyaprospectshouldbuyone of your
courses. Use real-world examples to illustrate your points whenever possible.
 Follow up with prospects: If a prospect abandons his or her shopping cart or goes inactive for a
while, reconnect with a nurturing email that reminds him or her that you exist.
 Send promotions:Offer discounts and other promotions that encourage prospects to buy your
course for the first time or to buy a subsequent course.
 Set up your opt-in email marketing campaign based on your specific objectives. Every course
creator has different goals, so you don’t want to copy someone else’s campaign.
Instead,thinkofthegoalsyouwanttoreach,then designemailsthathelppushcustomers to help you
reach them.

 Gain brand visibility:If you want to establish yourself as an authority figure in your industry and
make more people aware of your brand, encourage your email opt-ins to share your messages.
The more people forward your emails, the more signups you get.
 Boost sales:Use promotions,bundles, anddiscountstogetpeople tofinallyhitthe“buy”


 Increase upsells:Encourage customers to buy multiple courses and other digital products.
 Check on progress:Find out where your customers are in their online courses and whether they
need any assistance or have any feedback.
 Solicit reviews:Ask your customers to review your courses online. You’ll get backlinks as well
as more brand visibility. Plus, prospective customers will feel more comfortable
buyingfromyou.Infact,nearly85percentofrespondentstoastudystatedthatthey trusted online reviews
as much as they valued recommendations from friends.

You’ll continually adjust your email marketing campaign as you gain more subscribers and measure the
results. Even though you’re using an opt-in email approach, you can’t alwayspredict whether customers
will open, read, or engage with your emails.
Keepingtrackofkeymetricscan help.

 Open rates: If customers don’t open your emails, you might need to create more compelling
subject lines or introduce an incentive early in your emails.
 Engagement rates:Customers open your emails, but they don’t do anything else. If this
happens,addmoreattractivecallstoactionusing freebiesanddiscount codes.Getpeople to click on
links through incentives.
 Conversion rates:Do customersbuyyour onlinecourses after readingyouremails? You can track
conversions through email andlanding pagesto figure out how well you’re converting.


Spamisaword, whom youdon’t want peopleto associate itwith yourbrand.

Unfortunately, even when you use opt-in email, your emails could be perceived as spam. It happens when
you use overly promotional, salesy language, or when you send too many emails in too short a time
Additionally, if you don’t use the opt-in strategy at all, you risk your emails getting diverted to spam
folders. If your recipients report your emails as spam, their email clients might automatically assume that
everything you send is spam. That’s the wrong way to start an email marketing campaign.

First, of course, is the permission factor. When you collected an email address, did you get permission
from the person who owns it? In other words, did it come via a form or other email- collection tool? If
not, you might not want to use it.
Secondly,wereyouclearaboutthetypesofmessagestheconsumerwould receive?
It’s easy to collect email addresses via a form if you promise rainbows and unicorns. Unless you can
actually deliver rainbows and unicorns, however, you’re being disingenuous, and your subscribers will
quickly catch on to your game.


1. Email type:What messages will the subscriber receive? Mention that you send insider tips and
tricks, promotions and sales, or other content (but make sure it’s true).
2. Frequency:Howoftenshouldsubscribersexpecttohearfromyou?Ifyoupromiseto
emailonlyonceper month,butyou sendemailseveryday, you’llgetsomebacklash.
If you follow those rules, you can separate your email campaign from the dreaded spam word.
A smooth opt-in process from start to finish will ensure that you are collecting subscribers who know
what they are signing up for and who will be active recipients when they receive the content they are
expecting. Delivering on promises made during the opt-in process and refining your strategy to send
targeted mailings will keep your attrition rate low.


 Preservesyouremailmarketingreputation
 Showscustomersthatyourespecttheirprivacy
 Helpsyouemailpeoplewhoareinterestinwhat you'reselling
 Savesyoutimeandmoneybymicro-focusingyourlist
 Letsyou bemoretargeted in your campaigns
 Helpsyoubuildlong-term,trust-basedrelationshipswithcustomers
 Canboostyoursalesandproduct interest


Email marketing tools are tools that marketers use to create, send, test, optimize and report on their email
campaigns. An email marketing tool could be a specific tool related to email marketing like an email
subject line generator, or an inbox placement testing tool, or a suite of tools that enables a marketer to do
all their email marketing end-to-end.

1. Sendloop


One ofthemostimportantaspectsofrefiningadripcampaignistargetingtherightpeople. WithSendloop, you
canfunnel contacts into very specific campaigns and track their movements on your site to further tailor
your messaging in the future.


ActiveCampaignallows you to create drip emails that are driven by subscriber interaction, behavior,
interests, location, history and more. With this tool, you can automate the entire life cycle of a subscriber
or customer.

Text-only emails can be boring. Heck, even images are becoming boring in today’s media- saturated
internet landscape. If you want to effortlessly spice up your emails, then you should consider using
BombBombto create video-powered drip emails.


What good is an email marketing campaign if you can’t automate things like testing, tracking,
andoptimizing?WithCampaignMonitor,youcan.Itfeaturesinteractiveanalyticsthatareeasy to review and
act upon.

Litmusis one of the top tools for render testing emails on any device. You can test up to 40 clients and

devices with one single click, which cuts down on the time it takes for you to review each and every
email combination.


TheReach Mailtesting feature lets users compare direct performance metrics on up to five individual
email campaigns at once. It also accounts for things like subject lines, content, and images to show you
which emails will perform best.

Email marketing allows you to easily track the effectiveness of your campaigns. When you send out a
direct mailing through the post office, for example, you have no way to know how many recipients
opened your mail. An email message, though, shows you how many people receivedit, how many opened
it and how many clicked through to your links and made a purchase.

TypesofTracking Reports
DependingontheESPyouuse,youhaveagreatdealofdataandtotrack andanalyze.Thekinds of data your can
track include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Emailbouncerates
 Whoopenedemails
 Whatlinkswereclicked
 Customersthat unsubscribe
 Emailforwards
thetypes ofreports, theywill becomemoreandmore specific

1. BounceRates/Non-BounceRates - Bouncerate refers to the amount ofemails that were not

received by recipients. It is the equivalent of having a mailed letter sent back to the


simple calculation. Calculating the bounce rate means taking the number of bounced emails
(which a tracking report will tell you) and dividing that by the total number of emails you sent to
a particular category on your list. You will get a small number (less than one)expressed in
decimal form. To get the percent number,move the decimal to the right two places. As an
example, if you get 0.25 from your division equation, moving the decimal over two spots gives
you 25%.
Bounces can happen for a number of reasons, like firewalls or a full inbox. Most of the
time, though, it is out of your control and there is little you can do to fix it. However, you can
check for certain things like misspelled email addresses to see if the problem is in your hands and
is fixable.
Non-Bounce rates, on the other hand, are the percentage of emails that did
getsentthrough,regardlessofwhetheror nottherecipientopenedthem.Thisisaveryuseful
numberbecause it is used to let you knowdetailed information that we will discuss in the next few
sections. Calculating the non-bounce rate is also simple. If you already have the
bouncerate,allyouhavetodoissubtractthepercentagenumberfrom100togetthenon- bounce rate.

2. Open Rates - Open rates arethe number of interactions your email server gets as a result of a
recipient opening an email. This number only comes from the non-bounce rate and not the total
number of emails you sent out. Your ESP will know when an email has opened because of one of
the following:
 Theimagesweredisplayedin anopenedemail
 Arecipientclickedalinkinanemail
The reason these actions indicate an opened email is because images are stored on the ESP’s
server and accessed from the server when an email is opened. A link within an email is tracked
because clicks are easily trackable. This is another reason why putting images and links into an
email is important for your email marketing strategy.

3. Click-Through Rates - Click-through rates are the percentage of users clicking on links in an
email. This number is taken from the number of opened, non-bounced emails. As you can already
see, these tracking data get more and more specific, building off of one another. The click-
through rate number will be displayed and calculated by your ESPs software tools. Some ESP
software will allow you to view exactly which links were clicked in addition to the number of
times each one was clicked.
Click-through rates are especially beneficial for customizing the interests of your customers. It
extends beyond the email as well, being used on websites to track who clicks on what links. Since
it is easy to track what exactly your customers click on, you can make well-educated assumptions
about what they would prefer for you to send them in the future. You can also use click-through
rates to recommend other types data to the customer to get them more involved in your
company’s other marketing channels.

You can also use click-through rates as a means of testing out different versions of an email.
Separate a list in two and send out a different version of the same email to


to the emails. Keep testing them out until you feel you have an optimal and effective email.

4. Additional Tracking Reports - In addition to the tracking data we have already mentioned, there
are a few other points of data you can view and perhaps even use to improve the effectiveness of
your email marketing strategy. You can see how many people unsubscribed and keep their data in
a category of your email list. It is a good practice to keep this data because if the customer
decides to subscribe to your email list once more, you do not have to do any additional research
on their information. Remember, though, that you cannot send them any emails unless they grant
permission again.
You can also use tracking reports to see if anyone has forwarded your email to other email
addresses. Ifyour email marketing strategy calls foryou toget people to spread the word about
your organization or something it has to say, this is a very useful type of data to track.

EmailTrackingData– Offline
You might come across an instance where you want to track how well your emails are doing for certain
componentsofyourentiremarketingstrategy. Insome cases, though,usingclick-through or open rates will do
little to help you track your progress and success. Some situations where you will want to know if your
emails are effective include:
 In-StorePurchases
 PhoneCalls
 Event Attendance
Sometimes, an organization wants to know if their emails are enticing people to participate in actions
such as these listed.
Their participation cannot be tracked by software, so being able to track this kind of datainvolves some
participation on the part of your email recipients. The best way to determine the effectiveness of your
emails is to have your email recipients give you their email address when the make a purchase at a store
or call your organization. For event attendance, you might give them some kind of special code that gets
them into the event and can only be viewed from an email.

1. ContactMonkey:
ContactMonkey provides email tracking and a Salesforce-integrated sidebar in Gmail or Outlook email
clients. The reporting dashboard gives you analytics on how many sends, opens, reads, and interactions
your emails receive. Use the merge feature to send to multiple recipients based on a pre-built or on-the-fly
list. ContactMonkey’s predictive engine provides insight into how your contacts open their emails by
device and time, so you know when to send for the best response.


2. ToutApp:
ToutApp combines CRM, phone, and email client integrations into a single platform. You can build
email templates and drip campaigns and log real-time customer interactions with emails so your team can
jump on opportunities. Playbooks help your team choose the best sales-focused actions for each customer
interaction. In-team messaging and notifications arealso available. All of these features are accessible
directly fromyour connected CRM, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time updating notes and copy-
pasting data from one platform to another. ToutApp is built for the enterprise, with privacy settings and
full integrations for most of your technology stack.

3. Yesware:
Yesware offers email tracking that drives prescriptive sales analytics. Prescriptive data helps your sales
team anticipatecustomer behavior and better target warm leads. Contextual data reports show you what
the best reps are doing so you can duplicate it across your team. An “Activity vs. Engagement” report
shows customer engagement with your content, instead of shallow interest. Individual team member
reporting shows where your team can improve and where they’re lagging. Yesware offers a native
connection with Salesforce to help you build customer lists for use in your email campaigns.

4. Clearslide
Clearslide integrates with any existing email client. Build a sales library with your most successful
templates, and use Clearslide’s customized, real-time tracking to follow customer engagement with all of
your content, including your website. You can automatically upload content into your email templates and
scale email blasts with customer segments from your CRM. All of your email client work auto-logs into
your CRM, so (again) you don’t have to duplicate information.




What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target audience on
their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social
media, and apps.
Mobile is disrupting the way people engage with brands. Everything that can be done on a desktop
computer is now available on a mobile device. From opening an email to visiting your website to reading
your content, it's all accessible through a small mobile screen. Consider:
 80%ofinternetusersowna smartphone.
 Mobileplatforms,suchassmartphonesandtablets,hostupto 60%ofdigitalmediatime for users in the
 Google anticipates search queries on mobile devices to surpass desktop searchesby the end of

Effective mobile advertising means understanding your mobile audience, designing content with mobile
platforms in mind, and making strategic use of SMS/MMS marketing and mobile apps.
According to Mobile Marketing Report 2018, there are over 3.5 billion individual mobile Internet
users.Users spend an average of 69% of their media time on smart phone devices. Mobile is the dominant
platform for searches, as 48% of buyers use smartphones to start searching with a search engine. Mobile
devices drive 80% percent of global Internet usage.
Technology in the mobile marketing space evolves fast. The feature phone ecosystem from just a
few years ago was a highly fragmented space and channels like SMS were popular due to their ubiquity.
But now, the popularity of Android and iOS smart devices has radically transformed the mobile
marketing environment, blurring PC, Web, and mobile channels. New data on consumer behavior shows
that apps are now a preferred channel for consumers. Time Spent on Mobile is Mostly in Apps In a new
survey from eMarketer, mobile now accounts for 12% of Americans’ media consumption, triple what it
was in 2009. The shift towards apps from
mobilewebisnowalsoveryclear,withtheaveragesmartphoneownerspending127minutesper day in apps.
That’s over two hours per day

Mobile marketing consists of ads that appear on mobile smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices.
Mobile marketing ad formats, customization, and styles can vary, as many social media platforms,
websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and tailored mobile ad options.



Only a few years ago, mobile devices were seen simply as a way to communicate on the go. The concept
of smartphones either did not exist or were in R&D blueprints and marketers were content with reaching
masses of consumers rather than engaging in 1:1 personalized conversation. Fast forward to today, and
we are at the precipice of the mobile revolution. Mobile has transformed from an accessory to a necessity
in the eyes of consumers, with 75% of the world having at least one phone. Beyond the rapid consumer
adoption and usage of mobile phones, is the opportunity they offer for brands to connect more
meaningfully and personally with consumers. Consider it your direct line and immediate connection with
audience. Because there is no communications channel tool that offers the same advantage today.

Mobile is clearly the future of media, but marketers have some catching up to do with wheretheir
customers are and to truly optimize marketing, with mobile at the heart of their strategy. Most brands
spend less than one percent of their marketing budget on mobile. We’ve all heard the argument that the
one percent spend level is too low, given the fact that most consumers devote about 10% of their media
attention to their mobile devices1.

A study conducted by Marketing Evolution (August 2012) takes this hypothesis one step further and,
through an algebraic formula of measuring reach and frequency with the installed base of smartphones
and other ROI data, found that marketers would have better results if theyoptimized their marketing mix
by allocating an average of seven percent of their media spend to mobile2 . This is the first empirical data
that guides marketers on why they should rebalancetheir budgets with mobile to achieve higher ROIs.


 The future will probably play out to a maximum of four major mobile operating system players.
 Although there has been massive growth in mobile applications, the next growth trend
willbetowardsappservices.Userswillgetaccess toproprietarycontentor beprovideda service for a
monthly subscription fee beyond the application itself. Such examples include multiplayer online
mobile gaming, stock services, information alerts, magazine publications and music streaming.
 With mobile applications being developed so rapidly, more and more search companies are
coming up with “app search” software capabilities. • According to a recent report by
ForresterResearch,mobileaccesstobusinessapplicationswilldrivethenextbigwaveof user adoption.
 New development technologies such as HTML 5 will be introduced into mobile phone browsers.
 Tablets represent the next evolution in the advancement of mobile computing and will play a
major role in publishing, video and art creativity.
 Mobile-cloud hybrid computing will emerge. It will be neither all cloud-based nor all mobile-
based, but a combination of the two. Google’s Gmail and Google Voice for iPhone are just two of
the well-known mobile cloud apps.


 Mobile cloud computing will change how work is done and the speed at which tasks are
completed, especially for those in sales and marketing.
 In time, consumers will become less worried about the security of mobile commerce as payment
systems become more enhanced. We will see more consumers embrace this method of payment
in the same way they have with regular website commerce.
 Near field communications (NFC) (e-wallet) mobile phones are becoming the new“credit card”.
NFC is a short-range wireless connectivity standard that uses magnetic fields to enable
communication between devices when they’re touched together, or brought within a few
centimetres of each other. Uses of NFC include contactless card transactions such as ‘Google
Wallet’, ‘MastercardPayPass’ or ‘American Express serve’. It can also be used for reading RFID
tags (radio frequency identification) for interactive marketing campaigns and P2P (person to
person) data exchange. Jupiter Research suggests that this market will grow two- to-three times
over the next five years.
 Augmented Reality (AR) blurs the line between what’s real and what’s computer- generated by
enhancing what we see, hear and feel. AR provides a 3D effect by layering images or videos on
top of real world objects seen either on the computer screen or mobile. Both video games and cell
phones are driving the development and progressionof augmented reality and within the next few
years, it will become a lot more prominent in our everyday lives. AR will remain a mobile
technology, but will develop to the point where you no longer have to actually hold a device.


In the present world, mobile phones are easily accessible by every class and agegroup of people;
therefore, a mobile advertisement offers following advantages:
 Reach – Mobile phone is reaching people by 15% more than internet. Mobile marketingis
drawing more clicks than internet marketing. Advertisers have high expectations with mobile
 Accessibility - Mobile comes handy to users. Mobile advertising follows people everywhere.
 Time factor - People are available on mobile round the clock, which may not be possible
It is lighter on your pocket, thus allowing you to advertise more on the same expense. Personalized – You
can tailor your ad in a message. People find messages more intimate than other internet marketing

 MobileMarketingReachesaBroaderMarket
Smartphones and tablets are cheaper, smaller, and more portable than traditional PC’sand
laptops.This means that people who previously were not able to be online are no longer restricted
by financial, geographical, or technological barriers.

 Instantaneousresults


We always carry our mobile phones. Like our wallet or keys, we never leave home without them.
And, most of the time, our mobile phone is ON, which means, we receive the message at the very
moment it is sent.You can use mobile tactics to get your marketing message out immediately.

 Easytoworkwith
The creation of elements for mobile devices is simpler and less costly compared to desktops or
laptops. This medium also makes it easier to issue promotions and marketing incentive services to
us, the users. We can keep this information handy until the time we need to use it. For example,
we can download a coupon to our phone, and then show that coupon at checkout - without an
internet connection - to receive the discount.

 Convenienttouse
Since the screen size of a mobile phone is small, it limits the scope of content that can be
displayed. This makes it convenient for the creators of the content, who can keep it basic and
simple. Also, simpler content will adapt itself better to the various mobile platforms.

 Trackingresponse
User response can be tracked almost instantaneously. Mobile marketing is an effective way to
collect user data. Databases that use phone numbers, as unique IDs are more effective, since
many people generally keep their phone numbers for a longer period of time, unlike their email
addresses. This helps the mobile advertiser better understand and analyze user behavior and
create buyer personas.

 Hugeviralpotential
Hereyou havethedomino effect. Sincemobilecontent can beeasily shared among users, mobile
marketing enhances the potential for virality, or a piece of content - usually a video - “going
viral.” Users more than likely will share good information and offers with their friends and
family, so companies get a lot more exposure with no extra effort.

 Masscommunicationmadeeasy
Since a lot more people own mobile phones than desktops or laptops, mobile marketing helps the
marketer reach a far wider and more diverse audience, either by SMS or push notifications.
Mobile marketing also gives the advantage of targeting capabilities. You can geo-target by
sending location-specific messages to those using GPS and Bluetooth technology, or
demographic targeting, so you can reach the right audience via age and gender information.

 Microbloggingbenefits
Social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, have literally put the power of influence in
the hands of everyday people.From moms to fashion bloggers to peoplewho really just like
pictures of dogs with food, anyone can be an influencer. In fact, you areaninfluencerto your

 Mobilepayment
The latest mobile payment facility is very convenient for the users today. Here, users are offered
a secure online payment environment, which works via advanced mobile Web systems. This
means that the user does not need to cough up physical currency each time he wants to make a
mobile purchase or pay a bill online.


 Platformstoo diverse
Mobile devices do not have any particular standard, as compared to PCs and laptops. Mobile
phones come in many shapes and sizes, so screen size is never constant. Also, mobile platforms
use different operating systems and browsers. Hence, creating one campaign for all of them can
get difficult.

 Privacy issues
This is always in question on any network or device. Savvy mobile marketers need to understand
and respect the fact that users would like their privacy. So they should offer clear instructions for
opting out of marketing communications should the user want to do that.

 Navigationonamobilephone
The mobile phone usually comes with a small screen and no mouse. This means that navigation
on a mobile phone may get difficult for the user, even if it has a touch screen. In such a case, most
ads may go untouched, as the user may find it too tedious to look in detail through each one of


Mobile commerce is commonly referred to as the ability to undertake commercial transactions through a
wireless internet-enabled device. The mobile revolution in the last decade has re- created a new era of an
always-connected society which has reshaped the retail industry, including the clothing sector, in a major
way (Euromonitor, 2013). Mobile devices becoming more powerful with their own operating systems, has
given rise to a new marketing strategy enabling companies to connect to their consumers on the go and on
a 24-hour basis.

A rapid growth in internet-enabled devices including smartphones has taken place in recentyears,
allowing many tasks to be performed online. One of the major activities taking place on these online
platforms is shopping. Indeed, shopping has changed the landscape of consumption from visiting
conventional physical shops to consuming products and services in a digital arena. Most of the consumers
are willing to reach for their smartphones first when the idea of shopping strikes. This global phenomenon
is affecting different parts of the world. A survey conducted in June 2013 by E-Marketer (2013), shows
that China is the leading country in terms of internet users purchasing via mobile devices followed by
India and the United Kingdom.

Understanding the tools in the mobile marketing toolbox is only part of the battle. The other part is to
understand the key elements of a successful campaign. What follows are the characteristics we’ve derived
based on more than 60 in-depth interviews with Mobile Marketing Association members and the Board of
Directors. These characteristics have also been distilled based on a review of the winners of the most
recent SmartieTM Awards and sponsored by the Mobile Marketing Association:

1. Think “Mobile First”: The most successful campaigns are developed with a mobilefirst
mentality.Bystartingwithamobileperspective andworkingfromthere,campaignshave


a stronger foundation and are more likely to succeed. Consider mobile the connective tissue to all
media as it supports and strengthens all channels.
2. Leverage Multi-Screen Usage Patterns in Mobile: Smartphone and tablet users often juggle
multiple devices and work across screens. For example, someone watching ESPN on TV may
also be using an ESPN app to keep track of the scores on other games. Or someone watching
American Idol may also be using their smartphone to tweet comments to friends. Cross-screen
usage is leveraged by many brands to engage and capture the attention of mobile users across
many screens.
3. Utilize the Full Spectrum of Mobile Tools and Applications: Mobile isn’t just about a
mobilewebsiteoramobiledisplaycampaignoramobileapp.It’saboutamobilewebsite and a mobile
display campaign and a mobile app and much, much more. Explore ways to utilize the full suite
of tools before you develop and launch your campaign.
4. Integrate Your Mobile Campaign into Your Traditional Campaign: Chevy was able to
generate 39 million total views by integrating their Chevy Game Time App into the SuperBowl
TVcampaign that was running concurrently. Mobile campaigns shouldn’t be produced in a silo.
Instead, they should be integrated into the complete marketing program.
5. Create a Campaign that Works Across Multiple Screens: Mobile isn’t just about smartphones.
Nor is it just about tablets. The most successful mobile marketing campaigns are developed with
an understanding ofthe environment. For example, tablet users are often at the top of the sales
funnel and doing in-depth initial research while smartphone users are often at the bottom of the
sales funnel and ready to make apurchase.
6. Leverage Every Phase of the Sales Funnel: One of the unique aspects of mobile marketing is
that mobile visitors use it for search and discovery as well as for purchase
andconnectingwiththebrand.Mobileisnotjust aboutthetopofthesalesfunnelnorisit just about the
bottom of the sales funnel. Instead, it’s about every phase of the sales funnel.
7. Test Your Way to Success: Mobile is digital in nature, which makes it a perfect tool to track and
measure the effectiveness of your campaign. Butthat’s only half the battle. The second half is to
sift through those insights and make adjustments to improve the performance of future
campaigns. By testing your way into success, you’ll be in a position to continuously improve the
ROI of your mobile marketing programs.

In the end, mobile isn’t simply a new sales channel or marketing tool. Instead, it’s
arevolutionarynewmediumthatistransformingnotonlythewayconsumersconnectwithbrands, but how those
consumers make purchases and stay engaged with those brands. The sophisticated marketer will leverage
the power of mobile today and tomorrow to differentiate their brand and stay ahead of their competitors.



From a technology standpoint, setting up your mobile website is an important first step. Equally important
is designing yourmobilewebsiteso that it provides apositiveuserexperienceforyour visitor. With that in
mind, here are several important things to consider as you design your site:
1. Be Thumb-Friendly: Many visitors to your mobile site will be navigating through itwith their
thumbs or fingers. Be sure to design your mobile site with that in mind. Large, easy-to-press links
and buttons ensure the user experience starts off right.
2. Streamline the Navigation: In addition to being thumb-friendly, your site should have the fewest
number of links and pages possible. In general, mobile visitors aren’tinterested in detailed bios,
mission statements or press releases. Instead, they want key information like location, contact
information and click-to-call buttons.
3. Minimize the Graphics: Remember, you’re not designing for a desktop/broadband experience.
You’re designing for a mobile visitor who is using up valuable bandwidth to access your site.
With that in mind, be sure you keep graphics small and to a minimum.
4. Honor Your Brand: Your mobile site should have the same branding elements as your desktop
site. Ideally, a user will feel as though your mobile site is a cousin to your desktop site. It may not
have all the same content, but the look and feel will be very similar.
5. Include a Link to the Desktop Site:Some visitors will be interested in viewing your desktop
site, even though they’re on a mobile device. It’s always a good idea to provide them a link to the
full site so they can visit that, too.
6. TestYourSite:There areanumberofgoodways to test thefunctionalityofyourmobile website. Do a
search for mobile website emulator and you’ll find plenty of them. Be sure to test using more than
one emulator since different emulators will provide different suggestions on improving the site.

Creating a mobile website is only half the battle. The next step is to encourage people to visit your site
from their mobile device. There are a number of ways to do this, including placing a reminder that you
have a mobile site on your desktop site. This can come in the form of a banner ad, a graphic or simply a
blog post announcing the launch of your mobile site.

We canal souse amobiletechnologysuchasaresponsecodetodrivepeopletoyourmobilesite. The response

code can be placed on your desktop site or on point-of-purchase materials, collateral and even in keynote

Whether you use a response code to drive visitors to your site or simply provide a URL, the key is to
reward them once they’re at your site. After all, the mobile visitor is typically en-route, so you want to
give them every reason possible to stay engaged with your site and, when relevant, visit your location.

Designing a mobile landing page that rewards the visitor for visiting the site is an important first step.
This can be a page that provides a coupon that can be redeemed in-store or it can be a page that allows
them to have a product shipped to their home Response codes can drive incremental traffic to your mobile
site. This code links to a post called “50 Insanely Simple Ways to Use
MobileMarketingtoGrowYourBusiness.”address. Itcanbeaclick-to-callphonenumberthat

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puts them in touch with a customer service representative, or it can be a map that provides them directions
to your location.

No matter what you design your mobile landing page with, remember that 70% of all mobile searches
result in action within one hour (vs. 30% for regular desktop searches).
If you have a smart phone (i.e. one that can access the web) you can browse through all websites that are
available on your PC or Laptop. However, generally these types of websites are not suitable for browsing
on a phone as they have not been designed for a phone. With a phone your screen is a lot smaller so and
generally you behave differently.

For example, we may spend hours browsing and reading on the web but with a mobile phone we
generally will only read a small amount of information over short periods of time. So how the information
is displayed and the amount of this information needs to be considered.

 Youcanonlyviewonescreenatatimesodesignyournavigationtotakethisinto account.
 Thereisnotmuch roomfortext, sodon’tuse much!
 Uselargebuttonsforkey callstoaction
 Think about your usage of fonts, make sure important stuff really stands out Try to make sure
your website behaves consistently with what is expected from similar applications on the web.
Users have very low tolerance so don’t put them off.

WhenonthephoneI wouldexpectfunctionalitysimilartothe following:
 Locationawaredirections
 Reviews/Testimonials
 Pictures/Videos
 Clearcallsto action
 Booking Engine

A lot of smartphones provide a mobile application development environment that allows you to develop a
purpose built application specific to that environment. For example, you can develop an iPhone
application that works specifically on an iPhone. There are several reasons you may consider developing
a mobile application:

 The interface (how it looks) will be what the user is used to as they probably have other
applications already on their phone.
 Youmayneedtoaccessphonespecificfunctionality(e.g.navigation,cameraetc)and this may not be
available to you if you develop a mobile website.
 Applicationsaredownloadedtoyourphonesoyouhaveanicononyourmobiledesktop
soit’slikely thatyouwilluse itmore often.
 Because you download the application a lot of the interaction with the application can be offline
which means there are no roaming charges. The big disadvantage with a mobile application is the
cost. It can be very expensive to build an iphone or android application and if you want to attract
smartphone users you really need to develop both.


There are many examples of useful and popular mobile applications. When visitors are active on social
media tools they will generally use them on their mobile when they are travelling. There aremany
applications available for thepopular social media tools such as Twitterand Facebook. For example,
customers could be using Facebook Places to check in to locations. It’s importantto monitor and respond
to this as soon as possible. Visit Dublin has an iPhone/Android application for visitors coming to Dublin.

 Audio Descriptions — explanations and history for over 80 points of interest around the city.
 SpecialOffersinretail,restaurantsandtoursofferingyoufantasticvalueandoptions. Simply show the
voucher on your phone and receive the offer!
 Usethe ‘Pointto Call’function tophone arestaurant, tourand makeyourbooking direct.
 ‘What's That? / What's Nearby?’ — Not sure what that building is in front of you? Point at the
real world point of interest and retrieve information about it!
 DailyBulletin—receive adailyupdatetoyourphoneonwhatishappeningin Dublin

QR Codes QR stands for Quick Response. A QR code is a useful way of marketing yourservices. By
providing a visual code, such as the following, potential customers can scan this code in using their
smartphone and this will display them relevant information. So how can this be used? You put an
advertisement in a newspaper and include a QR code. When a user has an application on their phone that
allows it to read and understand the code they scan their phone over this code.

Thephonewill thenautomatically bringthem to aweb address, which, for example, could bethe web page
where you have more details of the offer. This is similar to when a check out operator in a supermarket
scans a bar code. As more and more phones will be smartphones the QR codes could become increasingly

AppCreation Strategy:

If you have a smartphone (i.e. one that can access the web) you can browse through all websites
thatareavailableonyourPCorLaptop.However,generallythesetypesofwebsitesare notsuitable for browsing
on a phone as they have not been designed for a phone.

With a phone your screen is a lot smaller so and generally you behave differently.For example,
ImayspendhoursbrowsingandreadingonthewebbutwithamobilephoneIgenerallywill onlyread a small
amount of information over short periods of time.So how the information is displayed and the amount of
this information needs to be considered.

 Youcanonlyviewonescreenatatimesodesignyournavigationtotakethisinto account.
 Thereisnotmuch roomfortext, sodon’tuse much!
 Uselargebuttonsforkey callstoaction
 Thinkaboutyourusageoffonts,makesureimportantstuffreallystandsout


There are a variety of app business models, some of which include free apps that are supported by ads,
paid apps that are supported by download fees, premium apps that are supported by in- app commerce and
free apps that are supported by brands interested in connecting with customers.

Hereareseveralthingstokeepinmindwhen wearecreatinganappforyourproductorservice:

1) Make Sure Your App Solves a Problem - The most effective apps solve some sort of problem
for the user. They facilitate a purchase (e.g., Wal-Mart, Lowe’s or Sam’s Club apps), provide
content (e.g., The New York Times, CNN or USAToday apps), create brand preference (e.g.,
Coca-Cola, Band-Aid or Nike apps) or some combination of the above. Analyze which of these
problems you’d like your app to solve and begin your design process based on that.
2) Get Inside the Mind of Your User -The first step for any mobile app (or any mobile marketing
campaign, for that matter) is to understand how your user will engage with the app. Will they be
at home? Will they be in the office? Do they want information? Or do they simply want to engage
with the brand?
3) Design with the End in Mind - Is the purpose simply to create brand preference? Is the purpose
to facilitate a financial transaction? Is it to reduce customer churn? Or all of the above?
4) Don’t Underestimate the Budget - Sometimes, very simple design changes can make
thedifferencebetweenanappthattakesafewdozenhourstocreateandanappthattakes a few hundred
hours to create.
5) Analyze Your Competitors’ Apps - What apps have your competitors already created? Do you
like what they’ve created? If so, what can you borrow from their experience? Also, don’t hesitate
to examine apps that are outside of your industry segment. Consider
6) HTML5 as an Alternative - HTML5 works across many phones and may be a simpler solution
for many sites. The downside is that there is no app store for HTML apps and they have some
limitations in functionality.
7) Recognize that the App is only Part of the Picture - When brands sponsor NASCAR drivers,
only half the budget is allocated to the sponsorship. The other half is used to let people know
about the sponsorship

By keeping the above-mentioned guidelines top-of-mind, the app that is developed for your product or
service will have a greater likelihood of success. And most importantly, consumers will enjoy engaging
with your app and therefore your brand.

The functionality of an app doesn’t have to be confined to the user-brand experience. Many
brands choose to run ads within a mobile app in order to build awareness and generate demand.

Therearethreeprimarywaysadscanleveragedwithinanappforthe benefitofthe brand:

1. The first is when the owner of a mobile app decides to sell advertising inventory within their app.
Major content publishers such as CNN.com or ESPN.com choose to use this model to offset the
costs of providing content to their readers or to generate a healthy profit for their divisions.
2. The second is when an app publisher chooses to run ads that promote upgrades to paid


versions of many apps include display ads within the apps that encourage users toupgrade to an
ad-free or enhanced version of the app.
3. The third is when an app publisher runs ads on behalf of other advertisers. Many of the major
content providers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and others run ads on
behalf of other brands. In most cases, brands will work through mobile ad networks to facilitate
in-app advertising.

Workingwithaspecialistisoftenthemostefficientandeffectivewaytonavigatethe complexities of running and managing

in-app ads and achieve success.

There’sa healthywayof mobile marketingstrategiestotry.The kindthatworksbestfor your business will
depend on your industry, target audience, and budget.

1. App-based marketing: This is mobile advertising involving mobile apps. While 80% of
ontheaction.ServiceslikeGoogleAdMobhelpadvertiserscreatemobileadsthatappear within third-
party mobile apps.

Facebook also allows advertisers to create ads that are integrated into Facebook’s mobile
app.Facebook’smobilePromotedPostadsintegratesoseamlesslywithFacebook’snews feed that users
often don’t realize they’re looking at ads.

2. In-gamemobilemarketing:In-gamemobilemarketingreferstomobileadsthatappear
withinmobilegames,likeintheexamplebelow. In-gameads canappearas bannerpop- ups, full-page
image ads or even video adsthat appear between loading screens.


4. Exampleofanin-gamemobilemarketingad

5. QR codes:QR codes are scanned by users,who arethen taken to a specificwebpage that the QR
code is attached to. QR codes are often aligned with mobile gamification andhave an element of
mystery to them, since users who scan them don’t always know exactly which rabbit hole they’re
jumping down.

6. Location-based marketing:Location-based mobile ads are ads that appear on mobile devices
based upon a user’s location relative to a specific area or business. For example, some advertisers
may only want their mobile ads to appear when users are within a 1- mile radius of their business.

7. Mobile search ads:These are basic Google search ads built for mobile, often featuring extra add-
on extensions like click-to-call or maps.

8. Mobileimageads:Image-basedadsdesignedtoappearonmobiledevices.

9. SMS:SMSmarketinginvolvescapturingauser’sphonenumberandsendingthemtext


10. MobileMarketing:GoogleAdWordsEnhancedCampaigns
On July 12, Google rolled outEnhanced Campaignsfor all AdWords users, integrating mobile
advertising options with classic online AdWords advertising.

Enhanced Campaigns allow advertisers to manage their AdWords bids across various devices in
one single campaign, rather than make separate campaigns for mobile vs. desktop. AdWords
advertisers can simply take the Google search ads they already use, and then set bids to adjust for
mobile devices. To increase bids for mobile devices, users can set a positive bid adjustment, such
as +20%, and vice versa – a bid adjustment of - 10% reduces the bid by 10% for mobile devices.

EnhancedCampaignsimagevia siteproppc.com

11. GoogleMobileAdExtensions
CreatingmobilesearchadswithGooglealso letsyoutakeadvantageofGoogle’snifty

12. MobileSiteLinks:Mobilesitelinksmakeiteasyformobileuserstojumptospecific
pagesofyoursitewithoutwanderingaround.Sitelinksareespeciallyusefulinmobile marketing, as
it’s much more convenient for users on mobile devices.

Mobilesitelinkson AdWords


13. Click-to-Call Mobile Ad Extension: The click-to-call extension puts a “call” button directly
beneath an ad. Clicking the button automatically generates a business’s phone number on a user’s
mobile device.

While this handy ad extension makes it easy for searchers to get in contact with your business and
drives users down the conversion funnel, it’s best to only have the click-to- call mobile ad
extension appear when your business is open and able to answer thephone.

AdWordsmobilecall extensions

14. Google Offers for Mobile: The Google Offers mobile ad extension lets advertisers post
adiscountofferorcouponbeneaththeirad.Thesespecialofferscancapturetheattention of users who
might otherwise ignore an ad.

15. Googleoffersformobile

16. Click-to-DownloadAdExtension:Theclick-to-downloadadextensionissimilartothe click-to-

call,onlyinsteadofgeneratingaphonenumber,clickingthe“download”button takes users to the
download page of the advertiser’s pre-selected app.


17. Click-to-downloadmobileadextensions

18. Local Ad Extensions:Local ad extensions are probably the most important extensions for
mobile, considering that 1 in 3 mobile searches have local intent. Considering how many mobile
searches are questions looking for a local solution, local mobile marketing needstobeakey aspect
ofyourmobilestrategy.Localmobilemarketing extensionsoften involve a phone number or link to
Google Maps.


MobileMarketingBest Practices
 Be Clear and Concise:Mobile devices have small screens, which means words should be used
sparingly. Cluttered and crowded ads will just drive users to scroll past. When it comes to mobile,
it’s best to keep things simple.
 Optimize for Local: Be sure to remember that 1 in 3 mobile searches have local intent. Users
often use mobile devices to complement their immediate worldly interactions –
whereisthenearestgasstation?Isthereanearbycoffeeshopthathaswi-fi?Optimizefor local mobile
marketing to make sure you are aligning with users’ queries.
 ConsiderYourAudience:Thetypeofaudienceyou’rehopingtoreachshould influence


ads. Are they young and tech-savvy? Mobile Facebook Promoted Posts might be more likely to
get their attention.
 Experiment with Different Strategies: There’s a lot of room for experimentation when it comes
to mobile marketing. Don’t be afraid to test out some ad extensions with your AdWords
Enhanced Campaigns – try the Google Offers ad extension, or the click-to-call extension, and see
how they work for you.
 Benchmark Your Results:Experimenting is great, but there’s no point in trying new
TrytheAdWordsGraderto see how your mobilePPCadsare performing.

Your business needs a mobile marketing strategy for the same reason that you need a computer and wi-fi
access – this is the age in which we live! Walk around any major city and you’ll find more than just a few
folks with faces glued to their smartphone screens. According to recent reports,40% of users’ internet
timeis spent onmobile devices, which means simplyignoring the rise of mobile just isn’t an option.

Someotherinterestingmobilemarketing statistics:
 80%ofmobiledevicetimeinspentonapps, withgame apps eatingup thelargestpercent of app time
 Peoplebrowse70%morewebpagesontabletsthan smartphones
 Retailconversionratesare2.2%ontablets,considerablyhigherthan0.7%on smartphones, but
traditional PC conversion rates are still highest at 3.3%
 Mobilesearcheshaveincreased200%yearoveryearin 2012
 Mobileispredictedtosurpassdesktopin2014


Mobile display ads (aka mobile banner ads) are a very effective tool that can be used to build brand
awareness, generate clicks, leads and conversions for your business. These ads don’t necessarily have to
link to a static landing page. Instead, they can link to a dynamic page or experience that results in
improved customer engagement and higher conversions. There are a variety of techniques that can be
used to help drive customers to your business, some of which are outlined below:

1. Click-to-Call: According to recent research, click-to-call ads drive a 6% to 8% average increase

in click-through rates. This technique simply displays a phone number that users can click to be
connected directly to a call center or sales center.
2. Interstitials:Theseareinteractive adsthatappearwithinanapp.Oncethe useropensthe app, an
interstitial is displayed. Users can click through on the ad to visit a landing page or they can close
the ad to continue using the app.
3. Click-to-Map: Geo-targeting can be used to send marketing messages to users in a specific
location. Once the prospect clicks on an ad, he or she can be driven through to a mapthat
identifies astorenearest his orher current location. When the prospect clicks on the map, the
contact information is displayed on the smartphone.

4. ad grows to cover the entire phone screen. Ads can be animated or can incorporate rich media to
enhance the user experience.
5. Click-to-Email: When a user clicks on a display ad, an email is displayed that the user can send
to friends. The email includes a discount code that can be redeemed at the retail location. By
including this “viral” email component in the campaign, marketers can increase the reach and
frequency of the display ad program.
6. Click-to-Video:Richmediaisaneffectivesales tool,whetherit’sviewed onatabletora smartphone.
Display ads that link to video marketing messages increase engagement and deepen the
relationship with the prospective customer.
7. Click-to-DownloadApp:Companiesinterestedin drivingadoptionofabrandedapp can use display
ads to link directly to the app located in an app store. Users are driven to app landing pages where
they can download the app instantly.
8. Click-to-Social:If you’re interested in integrating a social component to your mobile campaign,
you can incorporate a click-to-social aspect to it. Visitors can let friends and others know about
their affinity to your brand by connecting them to your socialnetworks via a mobile display ad.

Mobile display ads can be purchased on a cost-per-thousand (CPM), cost-per-click (CPC), cost- per-
acquisition (CPA) or a cost-per-install (CPI) basis. Ads bought on a CPM basis guarantee a certain
number of impressions for your brand.

It’s a good idea to remember that consumers use their smartphones at many different points in
theirpurchasepath.AccordingtoarecentstudyfromGoogle,41%ofthosewhousetheirmobile phones to help
with shopping said they made a purchase directly on their smartphone. 46% said they researched an item
on their smartphone then went to a store to make a purchase. 37% said they researched an item on their
smartphone then made the purchase online8. The bottom line is that mobile display can be used at every
step of the purchase cycle to engage consumers and drive conversions.

In this case, you pay only when someone actually buys your product or service. In some cases, cost-per-
acquisition ads involve some sort of set-up fee and shouldn’t be considered “free advertising” simply
because you pay only when someone buys your product or service. Organizations participating in cost-
per-acquisition campaigns should understand the nuances completely before they participate.

Cost-per-install ads are bought based on the number of times your ad is displayed within amobile app.
This is particularly effective for brands that want to target a very “The customer journey has 4 phases:
Awareness, Engagement, Transaction and Loyalty. We are always tryingto advance someone from
Awareness to Engagement or Engagement to Transaction

There are a variety of ways to use display ads to target prospects, either before, during or after their
purchase. Using these techniques will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your campaigns.

Placement targeting allows you to pick the specific sites on which your ads run. You can show your ad on
specific web pages, games, mobile videos and mobile websites. Contextual targeting allows you to place
your ads on sites that are discussing topics that would be relevant to your product or service.

And remarketing allows you to connect with people who have previously visited pages on your


Social MediaMarketing

What is Social Media Marketing, Seven Myths of SMM, Characteristics of Successful Social
MediaMarketer,SocialMediaMarketingPlan,SocialMediamarketingTools,PublishingBlogs, Podcast and
Webinars, Social Media Monitoring, Social Media: Facebook, Twitter.


Socialmediamarketing,orSMM,isaformofinternetmarketingthatinvolvescreatingand sharing


Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and and other
content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social media advertising.

 The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a
company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.
 One of the key components of SMM is social media optimization (SMO). Like search engine
optimization (SEO), SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a
website.SMOcanbedonetwoways:addingsocialmedialinkstocontent,such asRSSfeeds and sharing
buttons - or promoting activity through social media by updating statuses or tweets, or blog posts.
 SMM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers) while
making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media give customers
the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. This aspect of
SMM is called social customer relationship management (social CRM).
 SMMbecamemorecommonwiththeincreasedpopularityofwebsitessuchasTwitter,Facebook,Myspac
e,LinkedIn, and YouTube. In response, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has updated its
rules to include SMM. If a company or its advertising agency provides a blogger or other online
commenter with free products or other incentives to generate positive buzz for a product, the
online comments will be treated legally as endorsements. Both the blogger and the company will
be held responsible for ensuring that the incentives are clearly and conspicuously disclosed, and
that theblogger's posts contain no misleading or unsubstantiated statements and otherwise
complies with the FTC's rules concerning unfair or deceptive advertising.

Social media marketing (SMM) refers to techniques that target social networks and applications to spread
brand awareness or promote particular products. Social media marketing campaigns usually center
 Establishingasocialmediapresenceonmajor platforms
 Creatingshareablecontentand advertorials
 Cultivatingcustomerfeedbackthroughoutthecampaignthroughsurveysand contests

Social media marketing is perceived as a more targeted type of advertising and is therefore believed to be
very effective in creating brand awareness.


Social media marketing has become one of the pillars of a successful digital marketing strategy, and one
that everybusiness needs in order to maximize online visibility.It is understandable that not everyone is
social media savvy right out the box, and for most, a lot of learning and training is necessary in order to
successfully DIY their business’ social media efforts.

Thegoodnewsisthatshouldyouneedabitofacrashcourseinsocialmedia,youcanteam upwith a social media

consultant to help you learn the ropes. There are also hundreds of informativearticlesandhow-

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yougohowever,it’salwaysimportanttoknowandunderstandwhatsocial mediacanandcannot do for your
business so that you can manage your expectations and establish achievable objectives.

The social media myths that we’ll be discussing today are actually quite common. There are lots of
people who believe that these illusions are achievable and they expect their digital marketing agency to
deliver these ridiculous goals. Let’s get these out of the way.

1. MythOne:Justbuilditandthemoneywillfollow
Simply creating social media accounts is not enough to fulfill meaningful marketing objectives.
Facebook pages and Twitter accounts don’t just gain followers and fans simply by existing. You
need to put in the work to promote your social media accounts and publish content that will retain
and gain the right audience.

2. MythTwo:It’sallaboutthenumbers
It’s a common misconception that the more people following your social media accounts
thebetter youryields will be. The reality is that even ifyou have millions offollowers on every
social media platform, if none of them become loyal, paying customers, thenwhat’s the use of
having them there? Quality over quantity should be your mantra.

3. MythThree:Socialmediamanagementisadayjob
Do your fans and followers follow a 9 to 5 schedule when browsing their social media accounts?
Nope. A follower may leave super damaging feedback on your page at 6 in the evening and if you
wait until the following morning to address their concern, it may be too late. Timely interaction
and engagement with your followers will help in creating a meaningful environment for your
audience to linger in. Using scheduling tools and alerts will help you manage your social media
accounts efficiently. Hereare five tools that we highly recommend.

4. MythFour:Youneedtobeoneverysocialmediaplatformthereis
A lot of social media DIY-ers make this mistake. They believe that they needto bevisible on
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, SnapChat, and 10 other platforms because
that’s what successful social media is all about. Wrong. You don’t have to be on every platform,
just on platforms that your target audience uses most frequently. You need to be smart and
efficient about your time and resources and doing social media marketing on platforms that won’t
yield prime results will just be a waste of effort.

5. MythFive:Publishthesametypeofcontenttogetmoreviews.
If you use effective analytics tools like Cyfe and Buffer, you’ll be able to get an insighton the
type of content that gets the most engagement and activity. A lot of people mistakenly think
thatthey should publishthe same type of content over and over again to replicate these results. Big
no-no. Instead of sharing the same article and links day in and day out, add some variety to your
content strategy. Give your followers a good reason to check your pages everyday.

6. MythSix:Whenitcomestocontent,quantityoverqualityalways.
Let me start off by saying no. It may be tempting to share scores of articles, links, photos

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throughyourcontent andselect thebestand mostrelevantones toshareonyourpages.

7. MythSeven:Deletenegativefeedbackassoonastheyareposted.
While it is understandable why business owners would want to delete negative feedback about
their products or services, doing so can open a can of worms and ruin your reputation more than
the original feedback can. Instead, use these as an opportunity to provide excellent customer
service by providing a clear plan of action on how their complaints will be fixed and addressed.
Engage with your customers and others will see that you’ll be taking care of their needs should
they decide to patronize you.

8. MythEight:You’llgetinstantresultswithsocial media.
Actually, if you look at almost all types of digital marketing solutions, you won’t findany type
that will get you instant results. That’s just the nature of digital marketing and it’s the same for
social media. It takes time for you to gain the visibility that would pave the way for your goals to
be achieved (e.g. getting x number of likes, an article being shared x number of times). As long as
you’re hitting your desired metrics within a reasonable period of time, you should stay your
course and continue in executing your social media strategy.

9. MythNine:Socialmediaisforhard promotion.
While it’s true that social media provides a great promotional avenue for your business, keep in
mind that it may not be what your audience wants to see. You need to strike a balance between
engaging your audience with relevant content and fun interactions and getting your name out

10. MythTen:Socialmediaperformancecan’tbemeasured.
Thereareplentyoftoolsoutthere–bothfreeand premium–thatcanhelpyoutrackyour social media
performance. As long as you first establish your social media objectives, it will be easy for you to
determine whether you are hitting your marks. Some tools even give you insights on how to
improve your social media strategy. Choosing the best tools for the job can give you invaluable


Social media can be a fun and effective way to reach your customers on a more personal level. Social
media networks are mode of social interaction. It is a platform of sharing and discussing information
among human beings. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts and other multimedia
communication elements. Social media sites are nothing but a group of special and user friendly websites.

Social Media Marketing is a very broad term. It is a technique of building a business using various social
media networks. For instance, videos and blogs that gives exposure to your company.


When someone talks about social media marketing people often think that they may be talking about
Facebook and Twitter. But social media networks also offer effective marketing tools that can bring more
traffic to your website and improve your online popularity. Social media
marketinghasmanycharacteristics.Toattain agoodmarketingstrategy,youneedtohave alook at the following
SMM characteristics.

 Participation
Social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone. Social media includes
delivery of ideas at the time of online conversation. It tries to bridge the gap between companies
and audience. With all the new channels of social media, people are enjoying this process of

 Openness
Social media success requires honesty, transparency and authenticity. You should maintain a trust
worthy relationship with your customers in your SMM (social media marketing) strategy. One
fake or negative comment can destroy your online reputation.

 Buildrelationships
Social media is a two-way communication channel. It requires participation from both companies
and customers. As a business owner, it is very important to make good connections with your
target audience. Online conversation through various social media tools happen in real time with
real people. You get a chance to interact with your target
audienceandyoucananswertotheirqueries.Answeringtotheirqueriesisagoodwayto build relationship
with customers.

 Reliability

To make your profile reliable, you need to consistently show your online presence. Effective
social media marketer visits their targeted sites regularly. They also get involved with new users
and promote theirproducts. They talk to their target audienceon a regular basis.

 Buildcommunities
Social media sites allow you to build communities quickly, this helps you communicate more
effectively. Communities share common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue
or a favorite TV show. These communities help you to know about your target audience. You can
also support other communities which you think are good for your business.

 Customerservice
helpingeachothers. It’saboutprovidingvaluetoyourcustomers,notjustpromotion.

 Avoid spamming
Don’t give importance only to promoting your links. Also share insightful content about your
company. Do not send the same message to your community again and again, it works as a spam
and it may irritate your customers.

Social media marketing is the most powerful platform for small businesses. An effective social

time build relationships.


Start With a Plan - Before we begin creating social media marketing campaigns, consider your
business’sgoals.Startingasocialmediamarketingcampaignwithoutasocialstrategyinmindis like wandering
around a forest without a map—you might have fun, but you'll probably get lost.

Herearesomequestionstoaskwhendefiningyour socialmediamarketinggoals:
 Whatareyou hoping to achievethrough social media marketing?
 Whoisyourtargetaudience?
 Wherewouldyourtargetaudiencehang outandhowwouldthey usesocialmedia?
 Whatmessagedoyouwanttosendtoyouraudiencewithsocialmedia marketing?

Socialmediamarketing canhelpwith anumberofgoals,suchas:

 Increasingwebsitetraffic
 Building conversions
 Raisingbrandawareness
 Creatingabrandidentityandpositivebrandassociation
 Improvingcommunicationandinteractionwithkeyaudiences

Thebiggerandmoreengagedyouraudienceison socialmedianetworks,theeasieritwillbefor you to achieve

every other marketing goal on your list!

Socialmedia strategy:
A major strategy used in social media marketing is to develop messages and content that individual users
will share with their family, friendsand coworkers. This strategy relies on word of mouth and provides
several benefits.
 First,itincreasesthemessage’sreachtonetworksandusersthatasocialmediamanager
maynothavebeenable toaccess otherwise.
 Second, shared content carries an implicit endorsementwhen sent by someone who the recipient
knows and trusts.

While social media marketing can provide benefits, it also can create obstacles that companies maynot
have had to deal with otherwise. For example, a viral video claiming that a company’s product causes
consumers to become ill must be addressed by the company, regardless of whether the claim is true or
false. Even if a company is able to set the message straight, consumers may be less likely to purchase
from the company in the future.


Hereareafewsocialmediamarketingtipstokickoffyoursocialmedia campaigns.

 Social Media Content Planning — building a social media marketing plan is essential.
Considerkeyword researchand competitive research to help brainstorm content ideas that will interest
your target audience.

 Great Social Content — Consistent with other areas of online marketing, content reigns supreme
when it comes to social media marketing. Make sure you post regularly and offer truly valuable
information that your ideal customers will find helpful and interesting. The content that you share on
your social networks can include social media images, videos, infographics, how-to guides and more.

 A Consistent Brand Image— Using social media for marketing enables your business to project
your brand image across a variety of different social media platforms. While each platform has its
own unique environment and voice, your business’s core identity, whetherit's friendly, fun, or
trustworthy, should stay consistent.

 Social Media for Content Promotion— Social media marketing is a perfect channel for sharing
your best site and blog content with readers. Once you build a loyal following on social media, you'll
be able to post all your new content and make sure your readers can find new stuff right away. Plus,
great blog content will help you build more followers. It's a surprising way that content marketing and
social media marketing benefit each other.
 Sharing Curated Links — While using social media for marketing is a great way to leverage your
own unique, original content to gain followers, fans, and devotees, it’s also an opportunity to link to
outside articles as well. If other sources provide great, valuable
informationyouthinkyourtargetaudiencewillenjoy,don’tbeshyaboutlinkingto them.Curatingand linking
to outside sources improves trust and reliability, and you may even get some links in return.

 Tracking Competitors— It’s always important to keep an eye on competitors—they can provide
valuable data for keyword research and other social media marketing insight. If your competitors are
using a certain social media marketing channel or technique that seems to be working for them,
considering doing the same thing, but do it better!

 Measuring Success with Analytics—You can’t determine the success of your social media
marketing strategies without tracking data.Google Analyticscan be used as a great social media
marketing tool that will help you measure your most triumphant social media marketing techniques,
as well as determine which strategies are better off abandoned. Attach tracking tags to your social
media marketing campaigns so that you can properly monitor them. And be sure to use the analytics
within each social platform for even more insight into which of your social content is performing best
with your audience.




 The first step to any strategy is to understand what you want out of your efforts. Social media
marketing isn’t about flipping a switch and calling it a day. Instead, social media planning should
be looked at like cooking your favorite dish.
 That’swhycreatinggoalsissocriticaltothefirstpartofyoursocialmediastrategy.At


new Instagramfollowers in2018isunrealistic.Withachievablegoals,you’remorelikely to stick to the
original plan and continue to take on new hurdles as you complete oldones.
 This is the same reason why brands should never take on every social media channel
possibleintheircurrentmarketingstrategy.Trytochoosethechannelsthathavethemost importance
based on your brand’s goals. Avoid over complicating a strategy with too many targets and
objectives. Simplicity can take you a long way.
 Andalso,don’tforgettodocumentyoursocialmediagoals.Notonlyisitimportantto
helpyoubenchmarkwhereyouare,butitalsoimprovesyour chancesofachievingthem.

SocialMediaGoalstoConsiderin 20th Century:

Goal setting is a staple of all marketing and business strategies. Social media is no exception. Of course,
with a range of social capabilities, it can be difficult to determine exactly what your objectives should be.
For guidance, here are some common social media goals to consider:

 Increase brand awareness: To create authentic and lasting brand awareness, avoid a slew of
promotional messages. Instead, focus on meaningful content and a strong brand personality
through your social channels.
 Higher quality of sales:Digging through your social channels is nearly impossible
withoutmonitoringorlisteningtospecifickeywords,phrasesorhashtags.Through more efficient
social media targeting, you reach your core audience much faster.
 Drive in-person sales:Some retailers rely on social media marketing efforts to drive in- store
sales. Is your brand promoting enough on social to reward those who come to you? What about
alerting customers to what’s going on in your stores?
 Improve ROI:There’s not a brand on social media that doesn’t want to increase its return on
investment. But on social, this goal is specific to performing a thorough auditof your
channelsand ensuring cost of labor, advertisements and design stay on track.
 Create a loyal fanbase:Does your brand promoteuser-generated content? Do your followers
react positively without any initiation? Getting to this point takes time and effort with creating a
positive brand persona on social.
 Better pulse on the industry: What are your competitors doing that seems to be working? What
strategies arethey using to drive engagement or sales? Having a pulse on the industry could
simply help you improve your efforts and take some tips from those doing well.


Approximately79% of adults use Facebook–but are your customers actively engaging with your brand
there? Understanding your audience is necessary to learn things like who buys your products,what
agegroupisthetoughesttosellandwhatincomelevelmakesupthemostofyour returning customers? As for
social media, it’s just as critical to know your audience.

First, your brand should look into the demographics of your most valuable social channels. Like we
mentioned before, you should have a goal in mind for your social media marketing strategy. This is why
you need to research the channels that correlate the most with your goals.


To help you find your focus channels: let’s take a quick look at the essential demographics data for each
major network:

 Facebook’smostpopulardemographicsinclude:
o Womenusers(89%)
o 18-29yearolds(88%)
o Urban-andrural-locatedusers(81% each)
o Thoseearning less than $30,000 (84%)
o Userswithsomecollegeexperience (82%)
 Instagram’smostpopulardemographicsinclude:
o Womenusers(38%)
o 18-29yearolds(59%),
o Urban-locatedusers(39%)
o Thoseearning less than $30,000 (38%)
o Userswithsomecollegeexperience (37%)

 Twitter’smostpopulardemographicsinclude:
o Womenusers(25%)
o 18-29yearolds(36%)
o Urban-locatedusers(26%)
o Thoseearning$50,000-$74,999(28%)
o Userswithcollegeexperienceormore(29%)
 LinkedIn’smostpopulardemographicsinclude:
o Menusers (31%)
o 18-29yearolds(34%)
o Urban-locatedusers(34%)
o Thoseearning$75,000 ormore (45%)
o Userswithcollegeexperienceormore(50%)
 Snapchatandotherauto-deleteapp’smostpopulardemographicsinclude:
o Menusers (24%)
o 18-29yearolds(56%)
o Thoseearning less than $50,000 (27%)
o Userswithsomecollegeexperience (27%)



While the demographics data above gives you insight into each channel, what about your own customers?
Further analysis has to be completed before you can truly know your customer demographics on social

That’s why many brands use asocial media dashboardthat can provide an overview of who’s following
you and how they interact with you on each channel. Most brands today are using at least some sort of
dashboard. However, does your dashboard address your specific goals?


Sprout Social prides itself on the in-depth and essential demographics data for your social networks to
help you identify your customers. Learn more with a free 30-day trialto uncover crucial data with


While your targeted social media metrics might be the most important step of a strategy, it’s often the
spot most veer off the path. We often get wrapped up in viewing followers and likes as the truth to a
campaign, but it’s smart to take a step back and evaluate the social metrics associated with your overall

Large audiences and likable content is absolutely great, but here are some other metricsyou might want
to pursue in 2018:

 Reach:Postreachisthenumberofuniqueuserswhosawyourpost.Howfarisyour
contentspreading acrosssocial?Isitactuallyreachinguser’s feeds?


 Clicks:This is the amount of clicks on your content, company name or logo. Link clicks are
critical toward understanding how users move through your marketing funnel. Tracking clicks per
campaign is essential to understand what drives curiosity or encourages people to buy.
 Engagement:The total number of social interactions divided by number of impressions. For
engagement, it’s about seeing who interacted and if it was a good ratio out of your total reach.
This sheds light on how well your audience perceives you and their willingness to interact.
 Hashtag performance:What were your most used hashtags on your own side? Which hashtags
were most associated with your brand? Or what hashtags created the most engagement?

 Sentiment:This is the measurement of how users reacted to your content, brand or hashtag. Did
customers find your recent campaign offensive? What type of sentiment are people associating
with your campaign hashtag? It’s always better to dig deeper and find what people are saying.
 Organic and paid likes:More than just standardLikes, these likes aredefined from paid or
organic content. For channels like Facebook, organic engagement is much harder to gain traction,
which is why many brands turn to Facebook Ads. However, earning organic likes on Instagram
isn’t quite as difficult.


Before you start creating content (we promise we’re almost there!), it’s really smart toinvestigate your
competitors. We put this before the content creation process because you often find new ways to look at
content by analyzing what’s making your competitors successful.


Again, we’ll always believe you shouldn’t steal your competitors’ ideas, but instead learn and grow from
their success and failures. So how do you find that information? The first step is to find out who’s your
competition in the first place.

The simplest way to find competitors is through a simple Google search. Look up your most valuable
keywords, phrases and industry terms to see who shows up.

Here you can see post break downs of text, images and video to see what your competitors are doing to
drive the most engagement. Once you dig through the competitive analysis, you’ll have a better idea of
what your potential customers want.

Step5:Build&CurateEngagingSocialMedia Content

Did someone say content? It’s no lie–social media content is extremely important to your marketing
strategy. However, it’s best to follow the previous steps before planning out content (we caught you, blog
skippers!) so you can start building more effective themes.

For starters, we recommend creating content that fits to your brand’s identity. This means you should
avoid things like reaching out to your unpopular demographics without a complete strategy in place.

It’s necessary to find the perfect balance between target content and being overly promotional as well. In
fact,46% of users say they’ll unfollow a brandif there’s too many promotional messages. Additionally,
41% of users say they’d unfollow a brand that shared too much irrelevant content.


Howimportantisvideotoyoursocialmediamarketingstrategy?Extremely–approximately90%of online
shoppersbelieve product videos help them make a purchasing decision. Additionally, the average online
video is completely watched end to end by 37% of viewers.

These type of stats should only enforce your reasoning to invest in social media video content. Brands
can reach users through Instagram Stories, Facebook Live and other in-the-moment media.


Oneofthetoughest challenges to visual content is creating it on aday-to-day basis.

AVenngageinfographicshowed 36.7% of marketers said their No.1 struggle with creating visual
contentwas doing so consistently.

Thistrulyshowshowimportanthighly-visualcontentistomarketersandthepeopletheywantto reach. That’s

why building content themes is a great approach to sectioning out your content. Instagram is one your
premier channels to work off visual themes.



Social media channels are built as networks. This means their main purpose is to be a space to converse,
discuss topics and share content. Your brand can’t forget these core elements of “networking” and it takes
effort to ensure conversations or engagement opportunities aren’t left unattended.

Through social media, you gain respect as a brand by just being present and talking to your audience.
That’s whysocial customer careis so important to brands wanting to increase audience awareness. It’s all
about engagement.

whetheryou’reagroupof oneor100.


When is your brand available to engage and interact with customers? You might see some recommending
times to post late in the evening. But if your brand isn’t there to communicate, what’s the point of posting
at the preferred time?

Instead, try to ensure your social media or community managers are available and ready to answer any
product questions or concerns when you tweet or post. It’s smart to learn the besttimes to post on social
media, but it’s just as critical to engage after posting.

According to our Index, a brand’s average response time is around 10 hours. But did you know that most
users believe brands should respond to social media messages within four hours?

With all the updated algorithms, organic content has a tough time reaching the majority of your audience.
Thelast thingyou want to doisignorethosewhoengageand loseout on sendingmore down your marketing


So, how well did you do on your social media marketing strategy? Without continuously analyzing your
efforts, you’ll never know how one campaign did over another. Having a bird’s- eye-view of your social
media activity helps put things into perspective.

You’ve got down your most important goals, network preferences and metrics–now it’s time to make sure
you made the right decisions. Knowing you’ve made the right choices is still adifficult task in social

In fact,46% of B2B marketersare unsure if their social strategy actually created revenue for their brand.
But marketers are always trying and looking for the perfect connection. That’s why the most commonly
used metric (80%) for marketers is engagement.



UseaTooltoTrack Success

afullsuiteofanalyticsandreportingfeaturestohelpyoupinpointexactlywhichposts,messages and hashtags
perform the best.

It’s easy to connect other critical tools to our dashboard like Google Analytics, which helps you see
which posts drove the most traffic, conversions and overall revenue.


In today’s world, social media is one of the best ways for your business to stand out in its field and to
reach a wider audience. Having an active presence on all major social networks, from Facebook to
LinkedIn and beyond, is a necessity for any brand that wants to become an industry leader while engaging
with its potential and current customers in new ways.

However,social media can be overwhelming if you don’t have the proper knowledge or tools. Whether
it’s to create or repurpose content, to find the best way to engage with your online community or to create
a comprehensive posting schedule, having the right social media management tools is crucial to your
success. Here are few of the best social media management tools currently available and how they can
help you make the most of your social presence.

1. HootSuite
Whetheryouareauserhandlingmultipleaccounts,oran agencythathandles hundreds,HootSuitemakes
it easy. It’s easy to add accounts, easy to schedule posts across all major platforms and easy to
add account managers. In addition, the company also has a robust training platform that teaches
not just the tools, but how to think about social marketing as a whole.

2. Hubspot
Whiletherearealot oftools out therethat let youmonitorand publishto social accounts, we
recommend platforms such as Hubspotwhere you can not only monitor and publish but also get
closed-loop reporting data. That means you're not just seeing what channels drive the most
engagement, but you can track further down the funnel to see what posts and channels drive
actual leads and sales.

3. MeetEdgar
There are countless tools that post for you and schedule posts but what about a system that re-
shares evergreen posts?MeetEdgaris the one because it has the biggest impact on traffic by
automatically re-sharing your evergreen content.

4. TweetDeck
TweetDeckhas been around a long time now, and there's a reason for that: It's one of the best and
best-priced (what can beat free?) ways out there to be a part of theTwittersphere. The multi-
columned layout makes it easy to follow several conversations at once, and scheduling content is
a snap. Twitter moves so fast, but TweetDeck makes it doable and even enjoyable.


IFTTT, or “If This Then That,” is a great automation tool that can help you save a lot of time on
trying to manage social media platforms, apps and websites. The tool can link these services
together based on a trigger and an action. Based on the trigger you create,it will start an action.
For example, if you publish a blog (the trigger), then IFTTT will automate and create a tweet (the

6. Buffer
I’m a fan ofBuffer. It lets you schedule and manage social media posts across all of the most
widely used channels, and you can individually customize each post for all of the different
platforms it gets posted to. Buffer also shares your content at the best possible times throughout
the day and tracks links so that you can see what content gets the most traction.

7. SproutSocial
Ourdigitalteamutilizes SproutSocialforitssocialmediamanagement,whichallowsthe team members
to monitor clients’ social media mentions, engage with brand advocates,
schedulecontentinadvance,andutilizereporting toolstoinformfuturestrategies.Asour hotel clients’
guests view social media as a virtual concierge, we find it essential to havea tool to streamline
real-time communication.

8. Canva
What you can do with Canva: design presentations, social media graphics, and a heap of other
things with thousands of beautiful layouts. It has everything you need for catching designs.
Millions of stock photographs, vectors and illustrations. You can also upload your own visuals.
Canva has preset filters and advanced photo editing tools to modify
pictures.Itgivesyouthepossibilitytouseicons,shapesandelements,thousandsofthem. Hundreds of
fonts perfect for every design are also ready to go and accessible within Canva.

9. AdobePost
Adobe Post was created to give you a powerful tool to differentiate among the competitors and
engage your followers with eye-catching posts. Create stunning social graphics in seconds with it.
Get started quickly with handcrafted remixable design templates made for social sharing. Resize
your text - beautiful typography will be automaticallyappliedon-the-
fly.Transformyourtextandphotointoprofessional-looking graphics with a single tap.

10. BundlePost
The tool is paid, but has a free 30–day trial period. Bundle Post is a content curation tool that
aggregates and schedules social media content efficiently. Search, edit and schedule with a
browser plugin or social media dashboard, then add hashtags. Keep your audience engaged and
get results.

11. Babbly


Babbly is an awesome platform of quality content owners. It works as simple as follows: give a
share - get a share. Share others content to get shares to your content. Share to multiple networks
at once by just one click. Pause & play your content. Control when your content is visible to
others on Babbly. Control when your content goes live. Schedule your posts. Schedule when your
posts go live on babbly and your social media. The tool helps you in reaching the target audience
at the right time. Relax and don’tworry about flooding your follower base again. Auto spread
shares to your social networks to go out in timed intervals.

12. Feedly
Organize, read, and share all the content that matters to you and your team at a single place. Don't
miss a beat from any of the publications you trust. Dive deeper by following blogs from the latest
movers, shakers, and thinkers. Follow any one on the web. See new videos from the YouTube
channels you follow. Monitor news about your company, your product, your craft, and your
competitors by plugging in Google Alerts. Crunch through more content in less time by
organizing your feeds into easy-to-read collections. Secure access to private content from your
company's internal portals, content management systems, and SaaS applications. Let the web
work for you by arranging the content you rely on into easy-to-read collections. And do much
more with Feedly.

13. LikeableHub
Get access to thousands of engaging content ideas to share. Share stories with thousands of
content ideas & news posts. Generate referrals & leads with your Likable Hub site. Manage your
reputation with streamlined social listening. Amlify your reach with TURBOPOST technology &
reverb. Save time and resources with Likable Hub scheduling & features. Measure your growth
with success analytics.

14. Brand24
The tool is paid, but has a 14-day free trial period. It serves for getting social insights. Discover
what people are saying online about your brand. Brand24 gives you instant access to mentions
about your brand across the web, from social networks to influential publishers. Therefore you
can reach customers fast, react and engage quickly to real-time comments made about your brand,
follow-up on positive comments from your brand ambassadors, or respond to a dissatisfied
customer before the story gets ahead of you. Detect sales opportunities. 80% of consumers do
research or ask online before making a buying decision. Brand24 gives you the listening tools to
find these leads, identify where to promote products and find customers before they find you.
15. CrowdBooster
The tool offers a 30-day free trial. Measure & optimize your social media marketing with it.
Improve your online presence. Have the right tools to make data-driven decisions.Save time on
reporting, get real-time data that's always up-to-date, quickly report your key performance
metrics, share them with your dashboard. Export graphs & tables, their dashboard creates
editable, beautiful graphs & tables for you to view. You can export to CSV then drop the raw data
in your own custom report. Schedule unlimited tweets posts for the most optimal time. The tool
recommends the best time for you to get the most engagement out of your followers and fans.
Find your most engaged fans & followers, learn to quickly adapt to your audience.
CrowdBooster’s technology provides your audience insight, suggests who you should engage
with, and how to improve the content.



A blog is basically a 'weblog', a kind of website, a journal that is updated regularly. It is a discussion
platform besides being a content achieve. People can discuss a topic on a blog and comment on posts. It
is basically run by an individual or a small group.

Every activity and skillset that is required to manage a blog comes under the purview of Blogging, for
example, writing posts, publishing them, designing, social marketing, etc. In simple words, blogging is
the process of adding new content to a blog and updating it at regular intervals.
 Blogger(Person)−Personinvolvedinbloggingiscalleda'blogger'.
 Blogger (Service)− It is a service provided by Google that allows us to compose a post, edit,
update, and manage it. You can customize your blogs easily with the help of a 'blogger'. It lets
you share what is on your mind and earn money. It is a convenient platform for avid as well as
novice users. No technical knowledge or coding is required. It runs directly on Google servers
and is impossible to hack.
 WordPress− It’s a free software to create and customize a search engine friendly website or a
blog. A number of themes and plugins are available to transform your website as required.
Approximately 70 million people are a part of WordPress community. WordPress is available in
both free and premium plans.
 Blogspot−Blogspotisafreewebhostingservice giftedtowebdevelopers byGoogle. It helps Google
Blogger in delivering its service. We cannot use any other platform to use it.
 Tumbler− It is a microblogging platform that allows us to make a blog and customizeit. We may
use stories, images, videos, audio, etc. Bloggers can either keep their blogs private or follow
other blogs.
 Betteronlineinfluence. Itassistsinmakingimpressionsingrabbingagood profile.
 Itformsagoodsourceofincome.PatFlynnearns$100,000peryearfromhisblog 'Green Exam
 Maintainingablogcanhelpimproveyourwritingskills.
 Abloggercan easilybecomeapublishedauthor.
 Youcangetinstantfeedbacks intheformof comments,shares,etc.
 Bloggerscanbesoundlearners, astheytendtoread andengagemoreinsuchcontent.
 Getalongfanfollowing list.
 Blogscan helpyou builda strong network.
 Maintainingablogcanhelpyouimproveyour technicalskillsonWordpress,SEO,etc.
 SellOnline−Blogscanbeagreatvirtualstore.


 Expressyourself−Bloggingisagreatwaytoshareyourideasthroughinspirational
 Bloggingisaneasy,yetasurewaytobuildtrustonline.
 Create your account on WordPress.com. Enter your name and Email address and otherrequired
 Selectaweb address;itcanbeeitherfreeor premium.
 ChooseasuitableWordPressplan.
 Setupyour profileand buildyourprofilepage.
 Configuresitesettingslike SiteTitleand tagline.

Followthestepsgivenbelowtocreate ablogusingblogger−
 Signupandcreate anaccountonwww.blogger.com.
 Enterdisplaynameandclick'createyourblognow'.
 Chooseyourblogtitleand URL.Verify whetheritis available.
 Chooseadesirabletemplatefromthegiven options.
 Youwouldcomeacrossthe 'posting'tab.Createpost,edit posts,andpage here.
 Enterthetitleof your post on the'title'tab.
 The rest of your post goes in the 'Compose'text editor. You can customize your post by editing its
font, size, text color, etc. 'Edit HTML'option is available to insert your content in HTML format.
 Select'postoption'ifyouwanttoenablereaders’ comment.
 Save once you are done with it. You can preview the final page before publishing it. Click
'Publish' to publish the post directly.
Blog Promotion
Wecan takethefollowingmeasurestopromote yourblog −
 Connectyourblogto Google+toallow auto-sharing.
 Postqualitycontent andpostregularly.
 Writesearchenginefriendlycontent.
 HaveanEmailbuttoninordertoreceive feedbackfromyourreaders.
 Useyourblog linkinmail signatures.
 Enablesitefeed tolet moreandmorepeople subscribeto your content.
 Addyourblog to Blogger’slistings. Submit yourURL to blog directories.
 Activelycommentonother’sposts.Thisway,yourprofilegetsmore exposure.
 Participateinonlineforums.
 Usesocialmediaforbranding.
 Holdacontest or a carnival.
 Writeasaguestblogger.Writemultiplepagesandlinkthem together.
Blog Commenting


Commentingonablogisanart. Youneed toputsomeeffortto postcommentsthatcatch users’
 Addafewattractivephraseswithexclamationmarktodrawattention.
 Commentasearlyaspossible,asthefirstfewcommentsaretheonesread bymost.
 Refrainyourselffromover-promoting.
 Don’tbe rudeor useoffensive language.
 Includequestionsinyour comments.Theyseekmoreattention.
 Beinfluencing by updating an article.


A podcast is a digital audio file that is made available via Web syndication technologies such as RSS.
Although strictly speaking, it’s not social media, it’s often classified as such because it allows anybody to
easily syndicate their own audio content. You can use podcasts as a way to share information with your
audiences. Podcasts typically don’t form a whole SIM campaign in and of themselves, but work well with
other SIM ones.

 Podcasting is the preparation and distribution of audio files using RSS to the computersof
subscribed users. These files may then be uploaded to digital music or multimedia players like
theiPod. A podcast can be easily created from a digital audio file. The podcaster first saves the
file as anMP3and then uploads it to the Web site of a service provider. The MP3 file gets its
ownURL, which is inserted into anRSSXMLdocument as an enclosure within an XML tag.

 Once a podcast has been created, it can be registered with content aggregators, such as
podcasting.net or ipodder.org, for inclusion in podcast directories. People can browse through the
categories or subscribe to specificpodcast RSS feeds which will download to their audio players
automatically when they next connect. Although podcasts are
generallyaudiofilescreatedfordigitalmusicplayers,thesametechnologycanbeusedto prepare and
transmit images, text, and video to any capable device.

 Podcasting has been likened to TiVobecause it allows users to listen to their selected podcasts
whenever they like, similarly to the way time-shifting lets viewers watch television programs
when it suits them. Furthermore, because of the portability of the
playerdevices,userscanlistentoaudiofilesfromtheInternetastheygoabouttheirdaily activities - for
example, listening to a news blog entry while at the gym, commuting, or just walking around.

 Content producers are increasingly turning to podcasting as an inexpensive and user- friendly
new distribution channel that has the potential to reach a large audience. Not surprisingly,
musicians and bloggers are prevalent among the early adopters, but mainstream media
organizations, including ZDNet and National Public Radio (NPR), are beginning to venture into
podcasting as well.


 Theculturalmilieusupportingpodcastingissometimesreferredtoasthe podosphere, just as the
cultural environment surrounding the blog is called the blogosphere.


Webinars are taking the digital marketing world by storm. Also known as web conferencing, webinars are
services that allow real-time, multicast video conferencing or audio conferencing events to occur even
when participants come from remote locations. These are made possible through online technologies like
TCP/IP. Some great examples of oft-cited webinar services include Google Hangouts, and ClickMeeting.
Many people today consider webinar as the next big thing in marketing since it offers real-time
connectivityandinteractionbetweenthepresenter orpresentersplusguestsandtheaudiencethat are interacting
with them.
Importance of webinar marketing is growing rapidly nowadays. Webinars have quickly become the
standard for the new marketing culture of so called “permission marketing.”For ones whoare not familiar
with the term, permission marketing is based, in short,on the knowing participation of potential
consumers in the marketing process. Consumers do this because they think the marketing materials will
help them in their business or personal attempts.

 Thereis no areathat webinars cannot behelpful at. Almost any subject that you can think of can
provide webinars through you can learn a lot. And they are aimed at all sorts of audiences, from
clients to colleagues.

 However, the amount of knowledge and values vary from one area to another, for example you
will probably get more following tech webinars than ones form another sector, butknowledge can
be useful anyways. Therefore, no matter what industry youare at, you should definitely consider
getting involved in them.

 Another positive aspect that makes webinars so important is how easy they are to use. Organizing
webinar doesn't require nether the most advanced technology nor any other special
requirement.Webinars don’t require the time or expense of travel. It is based on the
mostsimplestform, sharing your knowledgewith others in fast and easy way. Therefore, all you
have to do is to be an expert in certain area and provide theinformation that you audience needs in
order for your webinar to be a success.

 Nowadays, due to so many information that are circulatingall around us, consumers are getting
smarter andstarted to demand knowledge instantly. Instead of searching for the right books or
getting in touch to people from certain field, consumers are interested in getting the information
the easiest way possible. So the Internet search seems like the most logical step. For that reason,
your company or your personal project should be promoted there so that it can been reached
faster then others. There is no better way to demonstrate your expertise or communicate to
potential clients than promoting your brand or idea online.

 Your goal should be to provide all necessary information so that clients have the whole
pictureofwhatareyouoffering.Andwebinarsseemsimplestthanwritingalongpostsor articles that no
one probably have a time to go through.


 When it comes to organizing part, webinars give you almost all freedom of process. But
therearestillacoupleor rulesthatyoushouldbefollowing.Firstofall,yourmaingoalis to keep it
interesting. Therefore, try to pick a topic that is not too wide so that your audience would not get
boring listening general information. It's always better to go with amore specific topicso that you
can engage people with the same interest and build your first client base. Speaking of that,
another aspect should be making your audience active.

 Today, it's not enough to have listeners, you will need more active audiencewho would be able to
spread information about your project everywhere. Therefore, try to keep them involved by
appreciating and encouraging their feedback, answering their questions in a reasonable amount of
time, incorporating them in your future marketing materials. That's how you can get the most of
your webinar.

Herearethereasonswhy awebinaris agreatmarketingtool:

1. Webinars are Convenient:On-demand webinars are quite convenient to have becauseat this
point, everyone has an online connection and a means to access it.

2. Webinars Can Help with Your Promotions: If you want to promote your site or company with
the help of webinars, then it’s all possible. Webinar presentations, even informational ones, can
increase the exposure of your business or company altogether.

3. WebinarsEstablishYourCredibility:Byhavingawebinar,you’llbeabletogivemorecredibilityto
yourideas. Thesimpleact ofputting on webinars will allowyou, thepeople you’re talking to, and the
people who are watching, to understand your concepts and establish agreements.

4. Webinars Have Huge Applications on Training and Education:Webinar live streams and
webcasts can include how-to videos that showcase training in various fields of study and

5. Webinars Can Create and Increase Brand Awareness: Brand awarenessis a concept that
involves making audiences more aware of a brand or product through consistent promotion,
advertisements, marketing, and labeling focused on a single theme, message, or identity.

6. The Consumer Reach of Webinars Is Quite Impressive:Having a webinar, especially

involving news and current events that are burning holes in everyone’s minds, enables you to
reach to most people, particularly your target audience if you play your cardsright.

7. Webinars Helps Build You a Bigger Audience and Contact List: Just like with podcasts or
simply having a YouTube channel, every webinar you made forges newcontacts.

8. WebinarsAreCost-EffectiveSolutions: Webinarsaren’tthatmuchexpensiveand
someofthemareevenavailablefor free.



Socialmediamonitoringisaprocessofusingsocialmediachannelstotrack,gatherandminethe information and
data of certain individuals or groups, usually companies or organizations, to assess their reputation and
discern how they are perceived online.
Socialmediamonitoringisalsoknownassocialmedialisteningandsocial media measurement.
Organizations use social media monitoring to reach out to customers and prospects for information
gathering and front-end customer support. It is used to collect and mine data, especially by organizations
seeking customer intelligence to determine current industry trends. The process has become easier - yet
more tedious - due to free and readily available outlets, like blogs, wikis, news sites, social networking
sites, forums, video/photo sharing sites and message boards.
 There are a variety of social media monitoring tools, but most are customized datamining
software and Web crawlers. Large enterprises use these tools to search forspecific keywords on
various websites and blogs.
 The monitoring software transfers the desired words and phrases from unstructured to structured
database data for analysis with traditional data mining techniques.
 Social media monitoring software provides functionality for listening, tracking, and
gathering relevant content across wide ranges of social media.
 Social media monitoring products are used by social media, marketing, and
communications teams to identify trends, track competitors, and understand customer
 The products can also be used by researchers to gain information on social trends or by
media outlets to identify breaking news. Social media monitoring tools allow marketersto
personalize content to specific users or demographics, identify thought leaders or
influencers, and respond to positive or negative mentions.
 Many social media products monitor posts in a variety of different languages and
countries, allowing businesses to localize advertisements. These products are intended to
provide demographic data, understand social media presence, identify negative mentions,
engage users, and improve a brand’s reputation.
 Social media monitoring products often provide information that benefits social
mediaanalyticssoftware. Monitoring functionality can also be found withinsocial
mediamanagementsoftware as a feature orsocial media suites as either a feature or
standalone product. Many media monitoring products also monitor social media as well.

ToqualifyforinclusionintheSocialMediaMonitoringcategory, aproduct must:

 Listenforspecificmentionsacrosssocialmedia
 Identifytrendingtopicsor phrases
 Detailcustomer sentiment
 Organizecustomerinformation
 Identifythoughtleadersandinfluencers

1. Better Understanding of Listening & Monitoring - Another way social media monitoring can
benefit your business is by learning the difference between monitoring and social listening. Far too often,
the terms social media monitoring and social media listeningareconsidered one in the same.

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 Social media monitoringis more so the process of collecting social messages into a single stream
and to take a specific action in response to each message (via a like, comment or tasked message).
 Social media listeningqueries large volumes of social messages from specific keywords or topics
that then requires your brand to reflect and draw analysis from thetheseactions.

Understanding the difference between social media monitoring and social media listening is critical to
any social strategy. It’s also important to know one is not more important than the other.

2. BecomeMoreApproachabletoYourCustomers
Providing excellent customer service is at the forefront of most brand’s initiatives. Being an
approachableorganizationmeansyouhavetoconsidereveryavenueofcommunication.Andthis most certainly
includes social media.

Social media monitoring toolsallow brands to become more approachable by finding customer inquiries
and interactions faster.

Positivebrandexperiencescantrulyhavean effectoncustomersinyoursalesfunnel. It’salways best to think of

building strong communication with your customers as a long-term relationship. And what’s the best way
to open that line of communication? It starts with monitoring your social messages and providing the best
customer experience.

3. NeverMissaBrand-RelevantMessage
One of the best benefits to social media monitoring is discovering more opportunities to engage with
customers. For organizations on social, this means you need to focus on incoming brand- relevant
messages, whether you’re directly mentioned or not.

And for a lot of brands, there are so many messages, it’s easy to miss important questions because they
didn’t tag, @mention or use your hashtag. However, identifying your brand keywords in a social media
monitoring platform, like Sprout Social, makes it simple.

You’ll never miss an incoming message, hashtag, mention or even common misspellings by monitoring
brand keywords and hashtags. Not only does this help you put all your incoming brand messages in one
place, you can also analyze hashtag performanceand see how users interact with your brand materials on

By identifying relevant keywords on social, you open yourself up to new discussions, blog and social
media post ideas and see what topics your audience truly engages with the most.

4. StayOrganizedWithMarketingCampaignsTags

An essential benefit of social media monitoring tools is the ability to organize campaigns. When
incoming messages related to an important campaign come in, you need to be able to respond or engagein
atimely manner. StartbysettingupabrandkeywordinSproutthat’sassociatedwitha specific campaign.

Withthebrandkeyword saved,you’llbeabletofilterallincomingTweets or Instagramhashtags



customer support, people sharing your content and everything in between, the ability to filter
conversations based on your brand keywords is a huge time saver.

Notonlythat,butitalsoguaranteesthatimportantmessagesdon’tget overlooked.

5. InteractWithYourTopBrandAdvocates&KeyCustomers
Brand advocates are essential to promoting your product and driving more engagement insmaller pockets
of the market.

With the help of social media monitoring tools, you easily interact with influencers and brand advocates
to truly move the engagement needle. On top of that, monitoring interactions and conversations from key
customers can provide valuable instances of ways to include them inyour marketing efforts.

Findingplacestointeract withkeycustomerscanmakethedifferencebetweenasmallsaleanda major win for

your business. With monitoring tools, you can find and reply to those customerson the edge to make a
purchase from you.

6. UnderstandWhat’sWorking(andNotWorking)ForCompetitors
competitorsaredoing andhow theyengagewiththeirown fans.

Consider monitoring conversations that contain the names of your top competitors on social. For instance,
T-Mobile might want to track conversations about Verizon. It could help them understand some of the
pain points of Verizon customers. Then T-Mobile could use these Verizon customer issues in its own
marketing messaging to speak more directly to the audience.

7. WinBackLost Customers
As we mentioned earlier, quickly replying to customers can mean all the difference on social media.
When an upset customers Tweets a complaint about your brand, you need to jump on it quickly to resolve
the issue. Even if you can’t fix their current situation, you could restore your chances of doing business
with them in the future.

Don’t let negative customer experiences go unnoticed on social media. While some biggerbrands receive
hundreds or thousands of messages a day, the right monitoring tool helps you dig through the noise and
find the biggest issues to address.




Facebook is a social networking service provider. It lets you invite and connect with friends,send
messages and pictures, like and comment or share them. Facebook has seen outstanding growth since its
inception and is poised to maintain its dominance in social networking.

Facebook was founded by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004. In May 2007,
Facebook opened up its developer platform to allow third-party developers to build applications and
widgets that, once approved, could be distributed through the Facebook community. In May 2008,
Facebook engineers announced Facebook connect, a cross-site initiative that allows users to publish on
third-party sites in their Facebook newsfeed. The site was redesigned in late 2008, intended to streamline
the website and make it easier to see what friends were doing.

Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform available with manyadvantages
associated with it. It is primarily asocial networking site, howeverit can beused as a handy tool for
promoting and advertising a business. We can use Facebook to promote a brand, market a company, or
create awareness about a service or a product. Success with this form of marketing requires more than a
fan page and a few friends. When used effectively, Facebook marketing can provide a business with
exciting benefits and results. Facebook marketing can enable businessmen to greatly improve their brand
awareness and reach out to a wider audience.

Facebook is fast becoming a powerhouse of marketing activity due to the sheer number of engaging users
on the site and the simplicity of connecting with them directly. Facebook can
provideyourbusinesswithabrandingoutpostonthewebwherecustomers,employees,andeven the media can
find information about your company, products, and services. Facebook connects you and your staff
directly to your customers and fans. Facebook can generate new leads foryour business by drawing users’
attention towards what you are offering. Facebook helps in sharing links, images, and posts on a
customizable page to project a better sense of yourbusiness. Facebook runs tactics like contests,
sweepstakes, etc., that can increase fans and brand awareness of your business.

The nature of social media marketing is ever-changing, so it is important to constantly stay updated with
what the current market trends are. The latest Facebook trends that a business should be aware of are:
using the cover photo for marketing, different types of Facebook posts, more pictures, etc. Facebook
looks completely different from how it was a year ago, so it should not be surprising that marketing on the
social network has also changed a great deal.

Advertson Facebook are unique.They areshown tospecific groupsof highlyengaged people. If your adverts
have a great creative content and are well targeted, they get more likes, comments, and shares. When we
boost our page posts or expand the audience for the adverts, more people will see them when they visit
Facebook. Facebook ads allow us to promote our business, get more fans to our business page, and drive
more leads for our sales team. Facebook ads allow us to advertise a website or content that we manage on
Facebook (like a group, page, or event) To create an ad, go to: http://www.facebook.com/advertising And
click "create an ad".



 UseFacebooktostayintouchwithyourfriends andmakenew ones.
 UseFacebookto advertiseyourorganization’s events.
 Use Facebook to get involved with the campus community and learn what is happeningaround.
 UseFacebookcustomersupportpagesinceitcontainsvaluableinformationabout privacy controls and
other important safety information.
 Docheckeachfriendrequestcarefullyaftervisitingtheirprofile.Douse"privacy settings" while
building up your photo albums.
 Don'tuse yourwall to announceyourschedules, journey and planning.
 Don'tusepublicwallsasyourown.Trytomaintainthedecorumofgroupsandfan pages.
 Don'tacceptfriendrequestsfromstrangers.
 Don'tuseFacebookforragging andbullyinganyone.
 Don'tpostpicturesofyourfriendswithouttheir permission.

 Create aFacebookfan pagewithaninstantlyappealingimage,asitwillhelpinattracting more attention.
 Keep the Facebook fan page up to date by writing suitable description and posting interesting and
friendly page titles. Always try to provide your readers with something fresh to read.
 If you are running a contest on your page, then ask your visitors to like your fan page. Facebook
contests are the easiest way to get people excited, as the lure of a big prize compels your target
customers to 'like' your page and become your fan.
 If you are running a business, then you should promote your fan page by using ads in the
Facebook, as it is the easiest way to increase the visibility of your brand and reach out toa highly
targeted audience.
 Promote your page on your official website because it helps you to get likes from new visitors on
your site. Having a 'like' button on your website is an easy way to drive new likes over time.
 Synchronize your Facebook page with your other profiles on other social networkingsites like
Twitter, dig, etc. it will help you get more visitor response.
 Sometimes educational content is a better incentive for a 'like' than a discount offer or a prize,
depending on your industry or the target audience. Providing free written content such as eBooks
can drive tons of new fans and customers.

Facebook apps are basically software programs that can be added to users' Facebook profiles. These
interactive software applications are developed to utilize the core technologies of the Facebook platform.
Applications for Facebook have gained massive popularity in the last few years due to its uniqueness and
the ease of creating them.
Facebook apps integrate Facebook newsfeeds, notifications, various social channels, and other
features to generate awareness and interest in the app by the Facebook users. Apps and games are
normally developed to enhance your experience on Facebook.

 Increasedexposuretopotentialcustomers.
 Easilycreatenewproductorservicecampaignsonline.


 Lowermarketingexpenses.
 Reachatargeted customer.
 Buildbrandloyalty.
 Providemultiplemarketing platforms.
 Budget-friendlyads.
 Marketingstrategyislowcost.
 Allowsbusinesstocommunicatewithexistingandprospectiveclients.
 Caneasilyupdateeveryoneatonceaboutyour business.


Twitter is another social networking platform that allows registered users to read and write 140-
charactermessages called'tweets'. It isavailable across alldevices such as cellphones, desktops, laptops,
and tablets.

Jack Dorsey, an undergraduate student at New York University, introduced the idea of an individual using
a message service to communicate with a small group. Twitter was launched as an SMS-based
communication platform. Initially it was known as "twttr". On March 21, 2006, Jack Dorsey sent the first
ever tweet: "just setting up my twttr".

Twitter marketing is a powerful tool for companies of every size and structure to reach out to new
customers, promote their brand, and connect with the rest of the companies. Users can find out if
customers aretalking about them, and the business can accordingly respond. Tweets create another
instance for the business that shows up in the search engine results. Twitter serves as a
solidfoundationforyourbusinesstobranchoutintoothersocialsites.Twitterisagreatplatform for projecting
what your company is doing and accessing a large audience, where your Tweets can promote products
and events.


 Growyourcommunitybyaddingafollowbuttoninyourwebsiteandpromoteyour username.
 Getnoticedwithhash tagslike#smallbiz etc.
 Engagewithyourfollowersbycollectingfeedbacktobuildabetter business.
 SyncyouremailcontactswithTwitter.
 Keepyourbio updatedwith theeventsor thebusiness campaignyouare running.
 Embedyourbesttweets andtweettopeopleeveryday.
 Youcanpromoteyourtwitteraccountonanyprintedmaterial,e.g., businesscards.
 Followpeoplewhofollowyou.
 Makesureyouare engagingwithyourcustomersontwitterandnot toyour product.



Thesymbolhashtag (#)isusedtomarkkeywordsinatweet. ItwasoriginallycreatedbyTwitter users.This symbol
helps them to categorizethetweets and show them easily when peoplesearch for them. Hash tags can occur
anywhere in a tweet – middle, end, or at the beginning. If you tweet with a hash tag on a public account,
anyone who does a search for that hash tag will find you. A hash tag is a way for people to search for
tweets having a common topic.

SponsoredTweetsandHash Tags
Sponsored tweets are advertising platforms that connect companies with tweeters. Sponsored tweets
allow brands to tap into a Twitter user's followers to reach out to new customers. By
givingcompaniesaccess toyourtwitterstream,tweetersarecompensatedforeach advertisement they accept.
The only thing tweeters need to do is to write a tweet based on some simple guidelines provided by the
SponsoredHashTagsplacethetagofacustomer'schoiceamongthelistoftrendingtopicsthat users see when
they access the social network through the web.

ToolstoIntegrateTwitteronYourBlogor Website

 Addthetwitterwidgetto yoursite’ssidebarasit’sagreatwaytoshowyourlatesttweets
on yourwebsite.
 Choose from 40 different well-designed twitter buttons to quickly create a badge to promote your
 TwitThis is a little button that can be placed in your HTML file or in your blog to allow your
readers to quickly and easily share what they are reading with their twitterfollowers.
 Chirrup is another solution for pulling Twitter comments across any platform. It allows you to
display all the references from Twitter on a given webpage.
 Aweber has an excellent feature for any newsletter marketer. Newsletter delivery service has
actually created a way to convert RSS to email to tweet.
 Twitterfeed is a pioneer of website and Twitter integration which allows you to automatically
insert tweets into your Twitter from any RSS feed.

Followingaresomeofthetwitterautomationtoolsthatmakeyourprofilelooklikean announcement board.
 Twitterfeed isaservicethatallowsyou tosetupRSSfromyourblog orwebsite.
 SocialOomphisatooltocreateanautomateddirectmessagefornew followers.
 TweetOldPostisagreatpluginwhichallowsyoutoconnectaTwitteraccountwith your blog and
regularly tweet posts to your followers.
 Hootsuiteisafreetoolthatyoucanuseifyouhavefewerthanfivesocialprofilesto manage. It offers an
option to schedule updates to specific social media accounts.
 Visibili is a free service that lets you create a custom sharing bar that goes with any links to share
through their service.
 TwitterShowdownisatoolthatprovidesvaluableinsightsonfollowerto-following ratio, level of
Tweet engagement, tweet timing, and how two accounts compare.


Unit– V

Simply put, online advertising is advertising on the Internet by search engine optimization(SEO). Online
advertising encompasses advertisements on search engine results pages, advertisements placed in e-mails,
and other ways in which advertisers use the Internet.

 Whether online or off, the main objective of advertising is to increase sales. Advertising also
aims to increase brand awareness. Advertising is based on the simple economics of supply and
demand. Advertisers aim to stimulate a consumer need and then satisfy that need.
 One of the greatest benefits of online display advertising is that the messages are not restricted
by geography or time.
 Online advertisements are also much more interactive than offline advertising. While both online
and offline advertising can be disruptive, interactive online advertising can be designed to be
perceived as less so.
 OnlinedisplayadvertisingbeganassimplehyperlinkedimagesshownonaWebsiteand has since
progressed to include video, sound, and many other modern technologies. Today, messages and
interactions can be contained within the advertising display without ever taking consumers to a
landing page.
 Although the Internet provides new scope for creative approaches to advertising, we see its true
advantage when we realize how trackable, and therefore measurable, Internet advertising is. Or,
to take it from Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, “The Internet will transform advertising because
of its trackability, not its beauty.”

Online advertising rapidly followed the developing Internet. And, as consumers are increasingly spending
more time online, and hours spent on the Internet start to eclipse hours spent watching television, the
medium becomes increasingly important to any advertiser.

According to Wikipedia, the first clickable banner advertisement was sold to a law firmin 1993
by Global Network Navigator. HotWired, an early Web magazine, was the first to sell advertising space
in large quantities to a number of advertisers. One of the very first advertisers was AT&T (a U.S. telecom
company), which went online in October 1994.


ThiswaspartofacampaignthatAT&TwasrunningtopromotetheInternettoconsumers,and included television

and outdoor advertising. Believeit or not, but this was cutting edgeback in

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1994!AsWebtechnologyhasdeveloped,sohasthetechnologythatisusedtocreateandserve advertising

Online advertising is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet as a medium to obtain
website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers. Online advertising is
geared toward defining markets through unique and useful applications.
Since the early 1990s there has been an exponential increase in the growth of online advertising, which
has evolved into a standard for small and large organizations. Online advertising is also known as Internet
A major advantage of online advertising is the quick promotion of product information without
geographicalboundarylimits.Amajorchallengeistheevolvingfieldofinteractiveadvertising, which poses
new challenges for online advertisers.
Onlineadvertisementsarepurchased throughoneof thefollowingcommon vehicles:
 CostperThousand(CPM):Advertiserspaywhentheirmessagesareexposedtospecific audiences.
 CostperClick(CPC):Advertiserspayeverytimeauserclicksontheirads.
 CostperAction(CPA):Advertisersonlypaywhenaspecificaction(generallyapurchase) is performed.

Examples of online advertising include banner ads, search engine results pages, social networking ads,
email spam, online classified ads, pop-ups, contextual ads and spyware.

Objectivesof Advertising:
Understand when best to use online advertising. Advertising, whether online or offline, has a number of

1. Building Brand Awareness: Making people aware of a brand or product is an important long-
term goal forany marketer.Oncecustomers know about the brand, themarketerhas
takenthefirststeptowardgainingthecustomer’strustandpatronage.The betterknowna brand is, the
more business they can do. Andthe ultimate goal istodo more business and sell more of the
product. Online, creative advertising or banner advertising is largely visual, making it an ideal
channel for promoting brand collateral.
2. Creating Consumer Demand Consumers can’t want what they don’t know about. Advertising
needs to convince consumers about what they should want and why they
shouldwantit.Modernonlineadvertisingprovidesagreat way tocommunicatetheUSPs (unique
selling points) of a product, thereby helping stimulate demand.
3. Satisfying Consumer Demand:Once the consumer is aware of and desires a product, they need
to find out how to satisfy that desire. If brand building has been effective, they will know that a
particular brand exists. At this point, it is important for the marketer to show the consumer how
their particular brand or product will best meet that need.
4. DrivingResponseandSales:Allformsofonlinemarketingneedtodrivetrafficand
salesinthelongterm.However,theimmediacyofonlineadvertisingalsodrives traffic


and sales in the short and medium terms. Unlike traditional media advertising, online advertising
can turn the potential customer into an actual customer right there and then. What’s more, it is
possible to measure accurately how effectively the online advertising campaign does this.
5. The Key Differentiator: Online advertising is able to drive instant sales andconversions. Unlike
offline advertising mediums, the consumer can go from advertisement to merchant in one easy
click. Because of the connected nature of the Internet, online activities arehighly trackable and
measurable, which makes it possible to target advertisements and to accurately track and gauge
the effectiveness of the advertising. Each display advertisement can be tracked for success.
6. Introducing a New Product to the Market: Online advertising is an important strategy when a
new product or brand is launched, however this should often be after the launchof an online
public relations campaign which includes press releases, blogs, news sites and other tactics to
gain wide media coverage. Advertising before the launch of an online PR is not advisable because
it loses its newsworthiness and media outlets are unlikely to accept it. Some online channels to
use to announce your new product are display ads on
networksliketheGoogleDisplayNetwork(GDN),Searchadvertising,organic search, email marketing
and others.
7. Explain how a Product Works: Advertising can help to explain the uses of a product and in
what setting it is to be used. It’s often easier with video advertisingwhich can include animation,
motion, text, graphics and many other elements. It is also effective at showing the product in use
and even talking heads are great for explaining how it works.
8. Reduce Buyer Fear:Video advertising is also helpful here after a purchase to reducefear that the
customer has bought the wrong product and to explain how they can use it. Buyer remorse is a
major problem especially for high-ticket items that require a high financial outlay, so it’s
important to allay their fears and convince them that they have made the right purchase.
9. Build Company Image:Many online channels are effective at building a company’s image but
social media is one of the best and using advertising tools on sites like Facebook you can reach
out to new, existing and non-existent customers. This is about raising brand awareness and
reinforcing the company’s image at all touchpoints with the target market. Social media is helpful
because the company can interact with followers and build a relationship outside of its own
10. Build Brand Preference: There are many brands in the online space that are vying for
customers’ attention and it’s important to highlight brand attributes and values and create a
competitive advantage for your brand. Using advertising vehicles like PPC advertising, display
advertising, social media paid advertising and others, your brand can promote its unique online
value proposition and increase click through rate, conversions and brand recall.
11. Inform Market of an Offer:If you have a sales promotion and want to inform the market
throughonlineadvertising, you can usetext and display ads on search and display platforms. So
you can include a money-off offer, a coupon or voucher, category discount and many others and
these are effective at boosting CTRs for ads and also conversions.


12. Encourage Switching to Your Brand:Comparative advertising is common online especially on
PPC platforms like Google Adwords. So, you can bid on competitor brand names and then
display ads that highlight your unique offers and how your products have a competitive
advantage. Of course many competitors will be doing the same so it’s important that you bid on
your own brand names too.
13. Maintain Top Of Mind Awareness: Remarketing is an online advertising vehicle that works
well for a wide range of brands and companies that want to raise brand awareness, increase sales
or leads, increase brand recall and be top of mind. Google Adwords, Analytics and Facebook
provide remarketing features and resources to target people that are aware of your brand and then
bring them back to your website and purchase fromyour business.
14. Remind Buyer of the Product or Brand: This marketing objective is similar to top of mind
awareness and using remarketing and pay per click advertising; it is possible to effectively remind
target customers of your products or brands. The benefit is that it is affordable and you only pay
for clicks to your website, unlike traditional advertising vehicles were you pay even if there is no
customer interaction or response.

Whereto Advertise?

Advertising can be expensive – and way out of your budget if you’re just starting out as a freelancer or
small business. But with some clever thought, there are a few ways you canpromote your enterprise for
free in your local area.

Here are 10 simple ideas for promoting your freelance services or small business for free in your local
area (and beyond).

1) Makesureyourwebsiteaddsvalue
Whether you’re targeting local or global customers, your website should clearly explain
whatyoudo,beeasytofindandnavigate,andbeattractive.Anarticlein E-consultancysuggests that you
should look at the following things when building or rebuilding your website:
 Howgoal-focusedit is.
 Thequality of yourcontent.
 Howeasyyourwebsiteistousebyitsintendedtargetaudiences.
 Howwellitprojectsand communicatesyourbrandidentity.
 Howsearchengineoptimized(SEO)itis.
 Socialmediachannel usageandintegration.
 Mobileinternetusers.

2) Makebloggingahigh priority
It’s important to add a blog to your website because it increases your chances of being noticed, and
helps with your SEO as you can use your keywords and phrases in your blog posts. Websites get
crawled quite regularly so it’s always important to have new, quality content.

Writing a regular blog also gives your audience an opportunity to interact with you by placing
their comments about your posts. Remember to add social sharing buttons to your blog posts so
readers can easily share them, and more people can discover you and your business.

3) Distributeapressreleaseonceamonth
It’s important to keep in touch with your local newspaper and submit press releases which have the
potential opportunity to get you in print for free. These could be about anything from taking on new
staff to winning a new client – it doesn’t have to be big news, just something to let local businesses
know you are there.
If you build relationships with editors and journalists this will help ensure that your press release is
read and hopefully published. As will our quick, 30-second guide to writing apowerful press release!

4) Useemailmarketingsoftwaretohelpincreasesales
This method is fast, effective, immediate and easy to design. You can also track and understand
exactly how your email marketing software is growing your business and see how individual
customers respond so you can increase sales over time.
Toget full valuefrom youremail marketing, ensurethat you updateand growyourdatabase regularly,
and try to get people to opt-in by signing up on your website. There are manyself-service email
platforms available (such as MailChimp), or you may decide to get help from a specialist agency.

5) Startusingvideostomarketyourbusiness
YouTubeisthe world’s second largest search engine, so it makes sense to create a YouTube Channel
andleverage proven video marketing tactics, like ‘how-to’ style video content and response videos,
to improve search visibility and potentially drive leads.
Skype.Onceyou’verecordedthe video, to maximizeits benefit:
 Postit onYouTube.
 Embedthe YouTubecodeonyourwebsite.
 Transcribethevideowithacheaptool.
 Postthetranscribedcontentonyourblogforsearchenginestofind.
 Oryoucouldhostanonlineseminarandshareitonyourwebsiteandviasocial media networks – a
perfect opportunity to gain exposure.


6) Listyourbusinessonpopularlocaldirectories
Getting clients and customers to find out where you are is crucial, and one of the best ways local
businesses can be found online is by adding their company to top online business directories.

There are a number of popular online directories, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, LinkedIn,
Yelp,YellowbookandFoursquare.Makesureyouplaceyourdetailsonallofthem,because if you are only
posting on these top few, then you will be missing an opportunity to befound by customers and
clients who are after your services. You can find a more comprehensive list of free directories on

7) Beactiveonsocialmedia
to get noticed.
Youcanpromoteanynews,eventsandinteractwithyouraudienceaswellaspostyourblog content through
the most common media channels, includingFacebook, Google+ LinkedIn and Twitter.

8) VerifyyourlistingonGoogle+Local
Previously known as Google Places, Google+ Local is a way of verifying on Google maps where
your business physically is.
This can be verified by anyone at the business. Google will send a pin number through to
yourexactbusinessaddress,andaslongassomeoneentersthispinnumberontoyourlisting it means you are
verified and can receive the benefits.
These include more chances to appear within Google local searchers, the opportunity to connect
your Google+ profile to your Google+ Local listing, and the opportunity to gain reviews from your
customers that will then show up as star ratings in your search results.
Thebestbit aboutthisisthatit’scompletely free.

9) Attendlocalnetworkingeventsandbuildconnections
The best way to meet new local contacts (and potential customers) is to get out there and start
networking. Make a point of attending events and meet-ups focused on your business topic, and
participate in conversations by asking questions or volunteer to speak at a live blog conference.

You can search local events by region and town or city on Find Networking Events. Youcan also
look for networking events specifically for women, as well as workshops, seminars and business


10) Guestpostonsomeoneelse’ssite
Writing a blog for someone else’s site is a great way to gain more exposure for your business, and
get a reputation as an expert – especially if they’re well known in your local area.
Guest posting gives you an excellent opportunity to make new contacts with bloggers and
hopefullyattractsomeloyalreaders.Thesereaderscouldwellevolveintocustomers,soguest posting is
going to be beneficial towards your increase in revenue. Just make sure you stay within the Google
guidelines for guest posting.


 Bing Places for Business:Only

Google outpaces this free Microsoft
product in visits, and you can add
multiple business locations, photos,
videos, andmore during your fast,
free, and easy registration.

 Yahoo Local Listing:Ranking third

next to Google and Bing, Yahoo’s
service draws millions of searches

 Yelpisoneofthebestonline
sources for candid consumer reviews. Bonus: It allows you to send public or private messages
(including deals) to customers and review business trends using the Yelp reporting tool. The most
reviewed categories on Yelp include shopping, restaurants, and home services respectively.

 MerchantCircleis a free network targeted toward small businesses seeking to connect with local
customers and other small businesses in their areas.

 Yellow Pages:This well-organized online version of the antiquated classic generates millions of
daily searches. It offers advertising, lead generation, and detailed ad performance data.

 White Pages:This lists some 30 million companies, offering sponsored ad opportunities and a
premium text message service for clients.

 Superpages.com:This free, easy-to-navigate service includes helpful options, including weather

and lottery listings, as well as fast access to popular categories, search tips, and a Facebook sign-
in option.

 Yellowbookallows for easily searchable business listings that include your business information,
a link to your website, product descriptions, a map feature, and options for display and video ads.


 YellowBotprovides basic contact and location info about your business similar to the Yellow
Pages, with customer reviews and options that include premium listings, searchable tags, and fast
via Windows Live, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, orTwitter.

 Mantacalls itself one of the largest online resources dedicated to small business. “The Manta
directory boasts millions of unique visitors every month who search our comprehensive database
for individual businesses, industry segments, and geographic- specific listings,” it reports. “[We]
deliver helpful news and advice, promotion opportunities, and tools for small businesses.

 Citysearch:This free site specializes in listings for restaurants, bars, spas, hotels, restaurants, and
other businesses across the U.S., optimizing them via a partner network that includes Expedia,
Urbanspoon and MerchantCircle.

 MapQuest:This blast-from-the-past web-mapping service owned by Verizon gets searchers to

your physical location quickly and easily via detailed maps.

 Local.com:This free directory gives searchers detailed info about events, deals, and info
relevanttoagivencity.Itsdatabaseincludesmorethan 16millionbusinesslistingscovering every zip
code in the U.S., it reports. Paid ad options allow for coupons and other features.

 Foursquare:Thiscombinationbusinessdirectoryandsocialnetworkingsiteallowsusers to check in
via map and comment about your business, with or without the Foursquare mobile app.

 DexKnows:This business listing site monitors your reviews and ratings and provides data into
how customers engage with your profile, giving insights to online and offline advertising
opportunities. The DexKnows mobile app is available for Android and Apple and allows users to
make single-tap searches, write reviews, mark favorites, and find fuel stations based on GPS

 The Business Journals:This local option, available in most major U.S. cities, generates 8 million
monthly searchers and offers four levels of listings. Its searchers rack up an average income of
more than $97,000, and 84 percent shop online.

 Angie’s List:This respected site is known for its objective consumer reviews in more than720
categories. More than 3 million members turn to Angie’s List to research, hire, rate, and review
local service providers.

 Hotfrog:This free, detailed online directory can help get your website listed in Google search
results. Options include coupons for your customers. The site attracts 1.6 millionactive users
monthly across 38 different countries.

 Kudzu:This freedatabasereports that it helps some 20 million homeownersayearmake decisions

regarding their renovations. Options include a dedicated account manager who can work to boost
your website in search results. Profiles can include marketing descriptions, photographs of work
performed, videos, coupons, professional affiliations, credentials, and user-generated reviews and


 Trip Advisoroffers a flat subscription rate for any business related to the hospitality or
entertainment industries in 48 markets worldwide. Calling itself the world’s largest travel site, it
reaches 390 million average monthly unique visitors and so far has logged some 435 million
reviews and opinions covering 6.8 million accommodations, restaurants, and attractions.

Affiliate Marketing is a web-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates
for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

Affiliate marketing is also the name of the industry where a number of different types of
companies and individuals are performing this form of internet marketing, including affiliate networks,
affiliatemanagement companies and in-houseaffiliatemanagers, specialized 3rdparty
vendors,andvarioustypesofaffiliates/publisherswhopromotetheproductsand servicesoftheir partners.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other internet marketing methods to some degree, because
affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine
optimization, paid search engine marketing, email marketing and in some sense display advertising. On
the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques like publishing reviews of products or
services offered by a partner.

Insimplisticterms,therefore,affiliatemarketingisthepracticeofdrivingtrafficfromonesiteto another in return

for reward.

Rightnow,affiliatemarketingisverymuchthestapledietof adult,gamingand retailsitesacross the web, but it is

rapidly extending its reach into other vertical markets like mobile phones and finance, which are,
incidentally, the highest-spending categories in global online marketing.

Affiliatemarketingisstilltreatedbymanyasabitofadarkartwithintheoverallmarketingmix. Many brands are
wary of the potential for misrepresentation and seek reassurances on a range of issues, including security,
fraud and brand bidding.
‘Brand bidding’ is the term used to describe the practice of affiliates buying keywords on PPC
programmes relating directly to brands or trademarks, with the sole objective of driving traffic towards
the brand site and generating income for the affiliate. Many marketers want to maintain control over their
own brand names, believing that this is, in essence, their traffic to begin with and that affiliates or other
partners should stay away from these particular keywords and focus on more ‘long-tail’ keyword phrases
to drive traffic. In other words, some marketers don’t want to find themselves competing with affiliate
partners in the SERPs.
Others are more enthusiastic about affiliate marketing and regard it as an integral part of their
overall online marketing operations. On the plus side, affiliate marketing offers you aready-made sales
force operating on a reward or commission-only basis – in an age when marketers continuously seek
ways to offset risk this surely has to be worth investigating, right?
On the negative side there are plenty of challenges surrounding measurement, and a lack of clear
communication channels between affiliates and brands. For example, say a customer clicks on a special
offer on an affiliate site, only to discover on arriving at the brand site that the offerhasalreadyexpired–


revenue potential, but more seriously they also alienate a customer, perhaps for good (and, remember,
online consumers are highly accomplished when it comes to letting their peers know about bad online
Today things are starting to hot up on the affiliate front. Early in 2008 Time Warner’s AOL
acquired affiliate network buy.at, and in the travel sector Expedia-owned TripAdvisor acquired Holidays
Watchdog, deals that demonstrate how seriously investors are treating the whole affiliate business model.
Butwho arethese people?

Meetyour affiliates:
The most basic affiliates are individuals (or companies run by individuals) or larger organizations
who leverage their web properties to suck traffic from around the web and then push that traffic out to
brand sites in return for commission. A click on an affiliate site can pay handsomely for high-value
transactions. One web hosting company, for example, pays its affiliates up to $600 for new business.
More traditional affiliates, such as poker rooms and casinos, pay up to $400 for a new account and a
decent share of all revenue earned too. Sothere’s plenty of incentive.

Affiliatesmaybeconsideredbysomeasthebottomfeedersintheaffiliateecosystem,but they are a vital

component in achieving any sort of scale through investment in the affiliate marketing channel. You
should look after your affiliates as well as you’d look after your own sales force. Equally, the age-old
adage ‘Be wary of strangers bearing gifts’ applies, and you should make sure you have controls and
measures in place to monitor your affiliates: there is no point in signing up 100 affiliates who are
unchecked, unmotivated and unproductive. Moving up a notch, you have what are known as super-
affiliates. These would typically include price comparison sites like moneysupermarket.com and
pricerunner.com as well as loyalty sites like the Irish-owned pigsback.com (the term ‘on the pig’s back’ is
derived from an old Gaelic expression that essentially means someone is ‘on to something good’).

Super-affiliates do pretty much the same thing as affiliates, but on a much larger scale. Companies like E-
conversions, for example, operate as super-affiliates for major brands such as Dell, British Gas and SKY
in the UK market.

One example we encountered at the 2008 Internet World show in London was the US-owned Affiliate
Response Network; their proposition is very straightforward. Once you are set up as a client and they
conduct some initial testing on search terms (to find out what keywords pull relevant, targeted traffic)
they connect your brand to a high-performing online network of affiliates focused on getting results. They
will work closely with you to assess the optimal channels to pull targeted traffic: this could be e-mail,
search, display, emerging media and so on. Typical models of business they support include cost per lead,
cost per sale, etc. The networkalso provides clients with real-time tracking and reporting systems, an
essential ingredient in understanding the power of affiliate marketing and also in allowing marketers to
get a more accurate picture of which digital marketing elements really work for them.

So who lives in this ecosystem? Consumers, clients, affiliates, super-affiliates, affiliate networks and not
forgetting, of course, Google and the search engines (which sounds suspiciously like a dodgy 1970s rock
band). Depending on your view of the world, Google with its distributed AdSense pay-per-click model is
the biggest affiliate marketing player of them all. Then again, in the words of the great Jerry Reitman,
former head of direct marketing worldwide for Leo Burnett’s, ‘at the end of the day. . . it’s all


OnlineAd Format:

The text ads that appear alongside Google search results are just one type of ad format you can create
with AdWords. You can also promote your products and services with video ads, image ads, app or
digital content ads, and more.
Each ad format has its own benefits, whether it's the ease and affordability of running a text ad, or the
colorful storytelling that comes with video. You can run multiple kinds of ads from the same AdWords
account and, in some cases, from the same campaign.


Format Description Main benefits

Text Wordsonly.* Maintain ads quickly and easily.

Reachcustomerswhentheysearch on
Google. Use Ad extensionsto provide
Boston'sBestBonsais-SpringSale Going on additional details and contact
Now information that can make your text
Adwww.example.com ads more relevant to customers.

Florist And Indoor Plant Nursery.


Responsive Responsiveadsautomaticallyadjusttheir size, In a matter of minutes, create ads that

appearance, and format to fit available ad fit just about any ad space
spaces. They can transform into text or image available.Plus,responsiveadscan show
ads. as native ads, which boost your
impact by blending into publisher’s

Image Static or interactive graphics. Animated Showcaseyourproductorservice in a

adsin.gifandFlash formatcanbeused. visual way. Reach customers on
websites that partner with Google.


SearchEngine Ad:
Search engine advertising (SEA) is a branch of online marketing and, together with SEO, a
disciplineofsearch enginemarketing. In SEA,advertisements in theform ofatext orimages are
postedonsearchenginessuchasGoogleorBing.Theadvertisementsthen appearprominentlyin theSERP
(SearchEngineResultsPages).Thepostingofadvertisementswithintheframeworkof SEA belongs to the main
source of income for search engine providers.

ThetermsSEO,SEA,andSEMaremainlyusedlessselectively.Thefollowingdescriptionwill try to compare
and contrast these marketing terminologies.

 Searchenginemarketing,abbreviated:SEM
 CombinationofSEAandSEO,branchofonlinemarketing
 Searchengineadvertising,abbreviated:SEA
 Postingofadsintheformofatextorimageson searchresultspagesorother websites
 AdbookingintheSERPsbasedonbidsonkeywordsforwhichtheadsareplaced
 Goodrankingcanbeachievedthrough optimizationoftextadsandoffers
 Clearcontrolofadvertisementmeasureswithcalculablesuccess
 Meanstoincreasetrafficorimprovethebrand
 Canbepartof atemporarymarketingcampaign
 Manypossibilitiesfortargetingorretargeting
 Itcanbepartofremarketing
 Acknowledgedas advertising

 Searchengineoptimization,abbreviated:SEO
 Includesmeasurestooptimizewebsitesforcrawlingandindexingbysearchenginesusing on-page and
off-page optimization.
 Good rankings can be achieved through optimization of the website onpage and off-pagefactors
 No decisive guarantee that optimization measures willlead to better positions for certainkeywords
 BrandingismoreofasecondarypartofanSEOstrategy
 SEOisoftenlong-term
 Targetingcanonlybedonethroughtests,evaluations,andestimationsthatleadtothe adaptation of the
content or seeding
 Rather“invisible”fortheuser

Search engine advertising is usually a part of a marketing or branding strategy. One of the primary
objectives of SEA is to increase the click-through ratesince the number of clicks on a
websitecanquicklybeincreasedthroughthepostingofadvertisementspace.Inaddition, theConversion Rateis
particularly important for the SEA, as it ultimately determines how high the advertising costs are, and
thus the ROAS.

At the same time, search engine advertising can also be used to generate advertising pressure

throughpage impressionsfrom display campaigns. For the most part, advertisements areused by customers
in the e-commerce industry since SEA is aimed at persuading the user to buy. Thus, one of the main
objectives is to increase conversions in the form of sales.

However, newsletter subscriptions, downloads, or reviews, and leads, can be manipulated

throughsearchengineoptimization.ThescopeoftheSEAmeasuresistherebyalwaysdependent on the amount
of invested advertising budget as well as the actual search volume of research keywords.

Google Adwords is a product of Alphabet Inc. that offers marketers a wide range of advertisement
opportunities in the SEA field. The principle of placing ads through AdWords is basedon
auctioning.Advertisersbidonspecific keywordsortheypay forclicksandimpressions on display
advertisements. Factors, such as the quality of the landing page, quality of the ad text, as well as
relevance of the keywords and positive history of the AdWords account, play a crucial role in the final
placement of text ads or banners. Banners or text ads posted through Google AdWords are always
regarded as advertising. The following forms of advertising are possible using Google AdWords:
 Classic text ads: An advertiser selects keywords with which his/her text ads will be displayed on a
prominent position in the SERP. This entails creating the so-called campaigns that, in turn, consist
of ad groups. Every ad group is categorized into advertisements based on the selected keywords. If
a user searches for one of these keywords, the corresponding AdWords advertisement is displayed.

 Productlistingads:Withtheso-calledShoppingAds(formerProductListingAds),Google AdWords
offers the possibility toplace product ads that aredirectly created from a product


filegeneratedbythecustomer.Themodulationisdonebyspecifyingthe StructuredData in the data feed.
 Display ads: These are ads in the form of images or text that are placed on platforms belonging to
the Google advertisement network. Registration for this network can be done through the Google
AdSense platform.

Google AdWords offers the possibility to combine different forms of advertisement of SEA.
Simultaneous placement of PLA, text ads, and display ads is, therefore, possible. The AdWords platform
is one of the most used SEA tools in the world.

 Video ads: Advertisers in the Google AdWords program can also place ads on YouTube. Text or
video ads are available for this purpose.
 Gmail-Ads: If you use Google AdWords, you can also book ads in Gmail accounts. Payment is
made via CPM or Cost-per-Click.
 With the AdWords Express program, Google offers small companies the possibility to use SEA
without having to create their own campaigns. The thereby required files are automatically
generated by Google. The advertiser only provides his/her advertisingbudget.


Together with Yahoo, Bing also offers its own SEA platform. Bing / Yahoo ads]] function in a similar
way to Google AdWords. However, due to Google’s market dominance, Google AdWords is the platform
that is mostly used for SEA in Germany and Europe. Nevertheless, a comprehensive SEM strategy should
also include possibilities to advertise on Bing and Yahoo. This applies, for example, to theUSA, where
Bing has a significantly larger market share thanin Germany.


Besides the major search engine providers, almost all larger search engines offer their own advertising
programs. SEA, through specialized search engines, can also be advantageous depending on the targeting.
As an alternative to purchasing ads from Google AdWords, for example, Amazon product ads can also be
placed on the Amazon platform.

Forexample,ifawebsitealsowantstobesuccessfulinRussia,SEAforYandex,etc.shouldalso be taken into

consideration. If an online shop wants to advertise vehicle parts to specific target groups, it also has the
option to place its ads on different car comparison portals.


InSEA,postingadsisdonebasedondifferent provisions:

 CPC(costperclick):Here,theadvertiserspecifieshowmuchhe/sheiswillingtopayper click.
 CPA(costperacquisition):Theadvertiserspecifieshowmuchhe/sheiswillingtopayperconversion
achieved through the advertising measures.
 CPM(costperthousand):Theadvertiserspecifieshowmuchhe/sheiswillingtopayper1,000 impressions
of his/her advertisements.


 Costpercall:Here,certainadvertisementportalsofferthepossibilitytospecifyhowmuchan advertiser is
willing to pay per visit, Google AdWords, for example.
 Cost per lead: Depending on the web portal, costs for leads such as subscribing to a newsletter
ordownloading a PDF can also be agreed upon.

ImpactsofSEAon SEO:
Although search engine advertising is not considered to be SEO, SEA can possibly have an impact on the
ranking of a website. Therefore, this makes SEA sort of an indirect SEO measure. If an online shop raises
its advertising impact through SEA and thereby improves its scope and visibility, direct type-ins of the
shop’s name as a brand are for example deemed to follow. Thus, the brand is strengthened and, among
other things, the domain trustof a website is as well. Ever since the Vince Update, the brand plays a
greater role in the SERP. For example, a website can increase its awareness with the help of SEA and, if a
campaign is successful, can thus generate more traffic via the organic search, because the brand is known
to many users and they decide in the SERPs for the more well-known URL, although it may even rank

Through SEA, Google, or any other search engine, new information on the visits to a website is received.
Since the click rate and bounce rateare also considered in the evaluation of a website, successful SEA
measures also lead to animprovement of the qualityof awebsite. Another direct consequence of SEA
measures is that a website or web shop can become more famous and thereby result in “offline” access
through word of mouth.


An advertising network, orad network, connects businesses that want to run advertisements with websites
that wish to host them. The principle attribute of an ad network is the gathering of ad space and matching
it with the advertiser's needs.

The term ad network is media neutral, but is often used to imply "online ad network" since the
marketplace of aggregated publisher ad space and advertisers is increasingly found on the Internet. The
crucial difference between traditional and online ad networks is that online ones
deliveradvertisementstothepublicthroughanad server. Delivering adsthroughonecentralhub allows the
business owner to use various methods of targeting, tracking and reporting that don't exist with traditional
media alternatives.

Howdo theywork?
Ad networks work with publishers all over the Web, helping anyone who has unsold inventory, or ad
space, and wishes to monetize their offerings. The networks then aggregate this inventory, package it and
sell it to advertisers.

Advertising networks providea way formediabuyersto coordinate ad campaigns across dozens, hundreds,
or even thousands of sites in an efficient manner. The campaigns often involverunning ads over a
category (run-of-category) or an entire network (run-of-network). Site- specific buys are not a major
emphasis when dealing with advertising networks.

Ad networks vary in size and focus. Large ad networks may require premium brands andmillions of
impressions per month. Small as networks may accept unbranded sites withthousands of impressions per



 Exclusive representation generally brings a higher percentage of revenue sharing, but sometimes
results in a smaller percentage of ad inventory being sold.
 In non-exclusive arrangements, publishers may use secondary advertising options to fill the space
left unsold by the primary ad network.

 The benefits of using ad networks are numerous for both content providers and advertisers.
Content providers find them an easy and reliable way to sell inventory, although the revenue is
typically less than what they could earn selling the space themselves.
 Advertisers also like the ease of use. With minimal effort, they can purchase a campaign
thattargetsaspecificgroupofconsumersonwebsitesthroughouttheworld.Adnetworks are also known
for flexible payment models and cost efficiencies.
 The downside to advertisers is limited control over ad placements. The possibility exists that ads
could appear next to inappropriate content.
 Many advertisers have also complained that their own campaign analytics often do not match up
with the metrics provided by the networks. Despite these downfalls, many businesses find ad
networks to be an affordable and efficient way of reaching consumers.

Pricing Structure:
Adnetworksoffermany differentpricingmodelstosuittheneedsofdifferent businesses.

 CPM - cost-per-mille (Latin for "thousand") is the simplest of ad delivery options. Advertisers
pay a price for every 1,000 impressions delivered. An ad served on someone's browser is an
impression. Whether or not the user clicks on the ad has no bearing on the price.

 CPC - cost-per-click is a performance-based model. Impressions served do not factor in cost.

Instead, advertisers pay for every click they get on an ad campaign. This method of pricing often
depends upon advertisers bidding on the maximum amount they will pay for a single click, a
modelthat's becomevery popular on Google AdSenseand Adwords. Thedownside of CPCisthe
uncertainty of how often the ad will be served, however, the low risk and focus on performance
still make it an attractive option to most marketers.

 CPA - cost-per-acquisition, or cost-per-action,takestheperformance-basedmodel evenfurther by

guaranteeing advertisers will only pay for a specific action or conversion by the user. This ad
delivery metric is often a key performance indicator for marketers when evaluating return on
investment (ROI).

Targeting capabilities for advertisers have increased dramatically over the years due to massive quantities
of consumer data that have become available to the marketing community. Targeting capabilities may

 Age
 Gender
 Income
 Geography
 Behavior-displaysrelevantadstousersbasedoncontentthey'veclickedonwhile visiting
several sites.


An ad network is essentially a middleman; it connects advertisers to websites that host advertisements.
The network seeks out unsold advertising space from publishers, and then sells that space to advertisers
searching for ad space with particular content.

Ad networks are beneficial for all three parties involved; the advertiser pays a certain amount each time
their ad is clicked by a potential customer (or a set amount for every 1,000 impressions), while the
network and publisher each take a percentage. For example, if an advertiserpays$1
perclick,everytimethead isclicked,thepublishermightget70centsandthe network 30 cents.

There are three types of ad networks, each based on how they work with advertisers and publishers.
These include:

1. Blind networks offer low prices, but advertisers generally have no control over whereads are
2. Verticalnetworkstendtohavehigherqualitytrafficwithadvertisingacrossgeneral categories like
3. Targetednetworksarethemostexpensiveforadvertisers,andfocusonspecific targeting like behavior
or website context.

Perhaps the most well-known ad network is Google AdSense, but there are many others out there,
including advertising.com, casalemedia.com, tribalfusion.com, and valueclick.com.

Ad networks offer content publishers an easy and convenient way to make money by selling space on a
personal blog or other website. They link advertisers and publishers that perhaps
wouldneverconnectotherwise –andofferasafe placeforbothpublishers andadvertiserstobuy and sell.

Generally it costs a blogger or publisher nothing to partner with a network and implement a


targeting and collecting money. The network taking on those parts of the partnership leaves the
publisherwithtimetocreatequalityandrelevant content,whichisnecessarytobringinrevenue.

Google has a vast network of websites advertisers can display ads on, from the New York Times down to
the smallest blogs on the Web. They offer several options businesses can use to target audiences. They
may even combine two or more targeting methods in the same campaign.

 Contextual Targeting- Google delivers advertisements to users based on the content they
consume. The content aggregator - Google, in this case - assigns labels to specific websitesand
matches it withkeywords associatedwitha specificad. GDNcan also serve an ad that contextually
fits websites where a user has previously been. For instance, auser might visit an outdoor sporting
goods website and then click away to look atpolitical news site. Contextual targeting could be
used to show an ad for family-sized camping tents to that user on the political site.
 Placement Targeting- marketers can choose which websites or webpages the ad serves on.
 Remarketing- users who visit a website are then shown advertisements for that website as they
browse other areas of the display network. Remarketing can be a highly effective
tactictomarkettopeople whomayhave abandonedtheirshoppingcartson yourwebsite.
 Interest Categories- Marketers can target people based on interests they reveal in the Web
content they visit.
 Topic Targeting- Similar to interest categories, topic targeting allows marketers to pick a
specific topic and Google will display the ads on quality sites related to that subject.
 Geographic and Language- Marketers can distribute their ads within a specified region or postal
code and define the native language of the audience.
 DemographicTargeting-Adsaredistributedtoanaudiencebasedonageand gender.

The growth of advertising networks, and the wealth of user data that has come with it, presents
tremendous opportunities for marketers who want to expand their reach with consumers.Whether your
goals are to build awareness or generate conversions, an advertising network can help you find your
audience and get results.


In the purest sense, a landing page is any web page that a visitor can arrive
at or “land” on. However, when discussing landing pages within the realm
of marketing and advertising, it’s more common to refer to a landing page
as being a standalone web page distinct
fromyourmainwebsitethathasbeendesignedforasinglefocused objective.
This means that your landing page should have no global navigation to tie
it to your primary website. The main reason for this is to limit the options
available to your visitors, helping to guide them toward your intended
conversion goal.

Landing pages are specialized, optimized web pages that visitors are
takentouponclickinganad. Landingpagescanfeaturespecific


providetheadvertiserwithmoreinformation,suchas webforms.Landingpagescanbeused toconvince
prospects to complete an action, such as making a purchase, or function as another step in a longer
“funnel,” such as requesting additional information or downloading a piece of content for lead generation

Alandingpagecanbecommonlydefinedasthepagebeyondtheclickinadigitalmarketing campaign context.

Landing page optimization is a central issue for:

 DisplayCampaigns
 PayperClick(PPC)ads
 Affiliatemarketingprograms
 Emailmarketing campaigns
 Someofflinecampaigns-withQRCodesforinstance.

Thereare2basictypesoflandingpage,ClickThroughandLeadGeneration(alsoreferredtoas Lead Gen or Lead
Capture pages).

1. ClickThroughLandingPages
Click through landing pages (as the name implies) have the goal of persuading the visitor to click
through to another page. Typically used in ecommerce funnels, they can be used to describe a product
or offer in sufficient detail so as to “warm up” a visitor to the point where they are closer to making a
purchasing decision.

All too often, inbound advertising traffic is directed at shopping cart or registration pages. This leads
to poor conversions as the ad doesn’t provide sufficient information for someone to make an
informed decision.

This is where the click through page comes in. As a result, the destination page from a click through
page is typically the shopping cart or registration page – now with a much higher chance of
conversion having passed through the details of the landing page.

2. LeadGenerationLandingPages
Lead generation landing pagesare used to capture user data, such as a name and email address. The
sole purpose of the page is to collect information that will allow you to market to and connect with
the prospect at a subsequent time. As such, a lead capture page will contain a form along with a
description of what you’ll get in return for submitting your personal data.

There are many uses for lead gen landing pages, some example uses and the items given tothe user
are listed below:
 Ebook orwhitepaper
 Webinar registration
 Consultationforprofessional services
 Discountcoupon/voucher
 Contest entry
 Freetrial
 Aphysicalgift(via directmail)


 Notificationofafutureproduct launch

Some websites may have hundreds or thousands of automated landing pagescreated specifically for
digital campaigns.

Landing pages are key factors of campaign effectiveness and ROI, and are still sometimes insufficiently
taken into account. Many failed digital campaigns are due to poor landing pages. Landing page design
and optimization rules differs according to industries, product categories, traffic sources and campaign
goals. Some landing page design services may offer several hundreds of landing page templates.

Therearemanykinds of landing pages:

 Productlandingpages
 Leadgenlandingpages
 Facebooklandingpages
 Dynamiclandingpages
 Automatedlandingpages
 Personalizedlandingpage
 Mobilelandingpages
 Responsivelanding pages
 Co-brandedlandingpages
 Co-brandedaffiliatelanding pages
 B2Blanding page

The Importance of Landing Pages in Your

Digital Marketing Campaigns:

When it comes to turning traffic into conversions,

landing pages can be the most important aspect of
a digital campaign. Remember, landing pages are
marketing, Pay Per Click, Direct, etc) and are designed to drive conversions. For the purposes of this post
we are focusing on the relationship between landing pages and PPC campaigns, however, the best
practices outlined can be applied to all traffic sources.

Therearemanydifferent benefitsthatcomefromhavingoptimizedandtargetedlandingpagesin
anycampaign,tounderstandthesebenefitsit’simportanttounderstandPay-Per-Clickcampaigns and how
landing pages work within those campaigns.


 Generatingtrafficthroughthesetupofthe campaign
 Convertingthattraffic atthehighestratepossible

When setting up your PPC campaign, the focus is on structuring the ad groups in a way that will produce
a high quality score for your identified keywords. Quality Score is Google’s grading system for Adwords
performance strength and is determined by three things:

 Adrelevance
 Expectedclick-throughrate
 Landingpage experience

This quality score is very important in determining where an ad is placed and how much theclick will
cost. Following the keyword and ad copy, converting traffic becomes a responsibility of the landing page
experience. It is vital that the landing page follows this same pattern of keyword and ad copy to
continually communicate the same response to what the initial inquiry was seeking.

Being able to create very specific, targeted ad groups is the power of PPC efforts. Therefore,
differentiating the landing page message based on each target is vital to conversions. To help with this,
here are some ‘best practices’ for creating landing pages for your PPC account and overall paid marketing

 Be Campaign Specific: We all know companies generally offer a lot of different

products/services.However,mostPPCsearchesarebasedon userslookingforsomething specific. It is
much more effective to provide the specific information they are searching for rather than a
generic message with conflicting offerings.

 Make Them Easy to Modify: PPC campaigns are constantly being optimized and modified,
that’s one of their greatest aspects. Your landing pages need to have the same flexibility in order
to incorporate A/B testing ideas and overall optimization strategies.

 Focus on Conversions: Your website’s homepage is typically found organically or through

referral traffic and does a great job educating someone on the company,products, etc.PPC traffic
is psychologically different thanOrganictraffic and needs to be treated differently. The window of
opportunity to convert PPC traffic is much smaller than that of the Organic visitor. Being able to
have relevant calls-to-action and information based on the visitor’s intent streamlines their steps
to conversion rather than possibly losing them as they browse the website searching for the
answers on their own.

 Keep it Simple: Determine the most essential information needed and leave the rest out. The
easier it is for the customer to complete the desired action, the higher the conversion rate will be.

 Be Benefit Driven: Once the user has reached your landing page you know they are already
interested in your product or service, the goal now is to give them an offer they can’t refuse
through promotions or discounts.

 StayFocused:Includespecificsearchtermsfromtheadgroupthebroughttheuser tothe site. Including

these keywords not only adds a level of trust for your potential customer but also adds value to
the landing page experience, which directly improves the Quality Score in AdWords.


Once you have determined what your marketing goals are, as well as the point of conversion for each
goal, you can create a landing page based on the points above to round out your overallPPC structure. Be
sure to keep your messaging tightly themed with each corresponding ad group and as you continually
monitor and optimize both your ad groups and landing pages you willfind which combinations work best
to improve your overall performance rates.

By segmenting your potential website customers into their interest areas, you can ensure the first
thingtheyseewhenthey landonyourwebsiteishighlyrelevantinformationwhichgivesyouthe best chance of
turning them into a customer.


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