CHN2 Prelims
CHN2 Prelims
CHN2 Prelims
Principles in Community Health Nursing Practice ➢ Group of people sharing common geographic
boundaries and or common values and interests
➢ The family is the unit of care hence the community within a specific social system
health nurse considers the health needs of all the ➢ Webs of people shaped by relationships,
members of the family in providing nursing services interdependence, mutual interests, and patterns of
➢ The community as a whole is the locus of service and interaction
the patient
➢ The goal in improving community is realized through STANDARDS OF CARE
multidisciplinary approach. Assessment Collects comprehensive data
pertinent to the health status
➢ The community health nurse is deeply concerned
of populations
with increasing the capability of the four levels of
Population Diagnosis and Analyzes the assessment
clientele Priorities data to determine the
population diagnoses and
➢ The public health nurse works with and not for the
client who is an active partner
Determinants of Health and Disease
Outcome Identification Identifies expected outcome
for plan based on diagnoses
and priorities Biology
Planning Strategies, action plans and
alternatives to attain ➢ individuals genetic make-up, family history and any
expected outcomes physical and mental health problems developed in the
Implementation Implements identified plan course of life, hereditary, aging, diet physical
by partnering with others
- Coordination activity, lifestyle ,vices and toxic or infectious agent
- Health Education
and promotion may produce illness or disability changing an
- Consultation individual’s biology.
- Regulatory
Evaluation Evaluates health status of
the population
➢ are the individual’s responses to internal stimuli and
Quality of Practice Systematically enhances
quality and effectiveness of external conditions.
nursing practice
Social Environment
Education Attains knowledge and
competency that reflects
current nursing and public ➢ includes interactions and relationships with family,
health practice friends, coworkers and others in the community
Professional Practice Evaluation of owns practice
Evaluation in relation to professional Physical Environment
practice standards and
guidelines, relevant statutes,
rules and regulations. ➢ Physical environment is what is experienced by the
Collegiality and Establishes partnerships senses, what is smelled, seen, touched, heard
Professional Relationships while interacting with and tasted. If there are poisonous or infectious
representatives of the
population, organizations substances in the environment it has a negative
and health and human influence on health while sanitary environment with
services professionals, and
contributes to the areas to create and play is good influence to health
professional development of
peers, students, colleagues Policies and Interventions
and others
Collaboration Collaborate with partners in ➢ Policies and interventions can have a profound effect
providing for and promoting
on health of individuals, groups, and
the health of the population
communities. Positive effects such as policies
Ethics Integrates ethical provisions
in all areas of practice against smoking in public areas and enhanced health
Research Integrates findings in care promote health.
Resource utilization Considers of safety, cost Income and Social Status-higher
population effectiveness, impact on
practice and in the planning ➢ income and social status are linked to better health.
and delivery of nursing and
public health programs, The greater the gap between the richest and poorest
policies and services people, the greater the differences in health.
Leadership Provides leadership in
nursing and public health
Education ➢ Theory is like a map of a territory is does not give the
full terrain (full picture) instead it picks out those
➢ low education levels are linked with poor health,
parts that are important for its given purpose
more stress and lower self-confidence.
General Systems Theory
Employment and working conditions
➢ Viewed as an open system
➢ people in employment are healthier particularly those
➢ Client exchange energy, matter or information with
who have control over their working conditions
the external environment (Katz and Kahn, 1966)
Health Services
➢ Personal Factors
▪ Personal factors are categorized as
biological, psychological, and socio-cultural.
▪ Personal biological factors. Include age,
gender, body mass index, pubertal status,
aerobic capacity, strength, agility, or
▪ Personal psychological factors. Include
self-esteem, self-motivation, personal
competence, perceived health status, and
definition of health.