Evaluation - Process and Enquiry
Evaluation - Process and Enquiry
Evaluation - Process and Enquiry
With the brief of Evolution and Unpredictability I first thought of emotions, in the past months I have
been experiencing grief and I realised that I have become erratic, my emotions are unpredictable,
and that grief is a very up and down experience. I started to paint with my emotions and try to
embody what was happening in my life to better understand it. I watched a documentary about
wolves and how they prey, it reminded me of grief because it runs you down till you are weak,
pounces with a surprise and is always there in the background just out of sight.
Throughout this project I tried to use materials and techniques that mirrored my feelings, such as
Modroc, charcoal and inks. Using the Modroc was a great learning experience, it allowed me to
create pretty much any shape I wanted, which is why I choose it for my abstract sculptures. I loved
how easy it was to use and I didn’t see any down sides. The only thing is that I wish I had made the
sculpture bigger, almost 3 times the size to really make an impact. My drawing materials also
allowed me to push my monochromatic boundaries and let the emotions flow right onto the page. I
often didn’t use a reference image, especially after I got a feel for the wolf's form, because it let me
make more expressive marks and change the appearance to better get my emotion across.
I also studied figures in this project which are portraying the ‘prey’ for the wolves, which in some
way is also me and how I see myself in relation to grief. My 2D final is by far my most expressive
piece and was obviously inspired by Picasso’s piece ‘Blue Nude’ 1902. When Picasso was
experiencing the same as I am now, he studied other in the same position. He was inspired by the
lowest in society, which inspired me to not try and hide this feeling from myself/others but to take it
onboard and fully embrace it and make it beautiful.
I feel this project has helped me to partly take onboard my grief and to not shy away from it and has
helped me be more honest as an artist which in turn will potray to the audience as they can tell
when an artist isn't being honest.