Agriculture - Form - 3 - PAPER 1
Agriculture - Form - 3 - PAPER 1
Agriculture - Form - 3 - PAPER 1
SECTION A (70marks)
1. Define the following terms
a. Cropping systems
b. Soil color
c. Soil consistency
d. Mono cropping
e. Explain three limitations of mono cropping
_________________________________________________________(6 marks)
b. State any two desirable characteristics of trees and shrubs grown together with
arable crops in the cropping system above.
_______________________________________________________(2 marks)
3. A farmer reared cattle and grew Sorghum in the same year. Use this information to answer the
questions that follow 8 a, b and c
_________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
e. State the relationship between the output from ducks and the output from fish.
f. Give any two examples of enterprises that exhibit the same type of relationship.
5|P a g e @2023 Palm Tre e se condary
NAME OF STUDENT____________________________________________________________________
6. state three physical properties of soil
7. Explain three ways how soil structure can be destroyed.
a. define soil porosity
__________________________________________________________ (1mark)
b. State three importance of soil porosity to agriculture production
8|P a g e @2023 Palm Tre e se condary
NAME OF STUDENT____________________________________________________________________
9|P a g e @2023 Palm Tre e se condary
NAME OF STUDENT____________________________________________________________________