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Geography Paper I

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.

: ___________



Monday, 9 August Subject Number: M073/I
Time Allowed: 2 h 30 min
8:00 – 10:30 am
(110 marks)



1. This paper contains 11 printed pages. Question Tick if Do not

Please check. Number answered write in this

2. This paper has five questions. columns

3. There are two sections A and B. 1

4. Section A comprises three questions and

candidates must answer all the three
5. Section B comprises two questions and
candidates must answer one question only.
6. Write your Name and Examination
Number on top of each page of the
question paper. 5
7. In the table provided on this page tick
against the number of the questions you
have answered.

Page 1 of 11
Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

SECTION A (85 marks)

Study the 1:50,000 map extract of Nkhotakota sheet 1234/C3/C4 and answer the question that follow

1. a(i). Give the six figure grid reference of the trigonometric station 56/NYS
___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(ii). Identify the riverine features that is found in grid square 3479
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
b(i). Measure the distance of M5 road on the map. Give your answer to the nearest Kilometre
___________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
(ii). Find the bearing of BHY186 from BHMP408
___________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
c. What evidence is there on the map that show
(i). Rice cultivation takes place in an area
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(ii). Ships land in the area.
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
d(i). Describe any two social services that are provided to the west of Easting 36
___________________________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)
(ii). Calculate the area of Lake Malawi to the nearest Kilometre. Show all your working

(6 Marks)

e (i). State any two Coastal features shown on the map

___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(ii). What is the altitude of the highest point on the map
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(iii). Identify the drainage pattern displayed by Kaombe river and its tributaries
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________
(iv). What is the direction of BHEP158 from BHY189
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
f. Identify the settlement pattern that is displayed in grid square 4173
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
g. Draw a cross section along Northing 77 and between Easting 34 and 38 (Take 2cm to represent
50 feet).
On your cross section show, (6 Marks)
(i). M5 road
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(ii). A river
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

2. a. State two main causes of seasons

___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
b. Explain any two new developments related to the solar system
___________________________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)
c. (i). Explain one main reason why USA and USSR have several time zones
___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(ii). The World cup final between West Germany and Holland was played at Munich (Longitude
11oE) at 5:00pm on 7 July 1974. What was mathematically the local time in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Longitude 102o E) when it was televised live. Show your working clearly

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

(8 Marks)
d. With the aid of well labelled diagram, describe how an ox-bow lake is formed

(6 Marks)
___________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
3. a. Define Volcanism
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
b (i). Which of the following is safe for settlement, near active, dormant or extinct volcanoes
____________________________________________________________________________ (1Mark)
(ii). Explain a reason for your answer in 3b (i)
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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________
__________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
c. Figure 1 is a diagram showing intrusive volcanic features. Use it to answer questions (i) and (ii)

(i) Identify the features labelled M, N and O

M_________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

N_________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

O__________________________________________________________________________ (1Mark)

(ii) Explain one feature that can be produced from feature labelled P that is of economic value

d. Give three any economic uses of hot springs

__________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)

e(i). With the aid of a well labelled diagram, explain how a sea breeze occurs


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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

(6 Marks)


_________________________________________________________________________ ( 3 Marks)

(ii). State one influence of land breeze on human activities

___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

(iii). Describe two similarities between Fohn and Chinook winds

__________________________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)

f. Draw an anticyclone in the Northern Hemisphere

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

(3 Marks)
SECTION B (25 Marks)
Answer one question only.

4. a (i). State any three examples of sedimentary rocks that are chemically formed
__________________________________________________________________________ ( 3 Marks)

(ii). Explain any two conditions that are responsible for the formation of metamorphic rocks.
__________________________________________________________________________ ( 4 Marks)

(iii). Briefly explain why igneous rocks do not contain fossils.

___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)

b. Table 1 shows the frequency of wind for station X. Use it to answer questions b (i) and (ii).


Direction of wind N S E W NE SW SE NW CALM

Frequency 5 2 - 7 3 4 - 1 4

(i). Using the data in the table, draw and label the wind rose.

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

(3 Marks)

(ii). What was the prevailing wind for station labelled “X”
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
c. What is meant by each of the following terms as used in ocean current?
(i). Drift
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(ii). Streams
___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
d. With relevant examples, describe any two impact of ocean currents on each of the following
(i). Shipping


___________________________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)
(ii). Climate

___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
e. How does the shape of the continent affect the direction of ocean currents?

___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
5. a. Figure 1 shows different types of clouds. Use it to answer questions a (i), (ii) and (iii)

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

(i). Identify the types of clouds labelled A, B and C

C___________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
(ii). State any two characteristics of cloud labelled “D”
___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(iii). Describe the weather that is associated with cloud labelled “W”
___________________________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
b. Briefly explain why the Horse latitude (30 degree N or S) which close to the equator has high pressure
while the temperature latitude (60 degree N or S) which away from the equator has low pressure
___________________________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)
c. With the aid of relevant diagrams, explain why cyclonic rainfall is common in mid-latitude regions

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Name:______________________________________ Examination No.: ___________

(3 Marks)

_________________________________________________________________________________(3 Marks)

d. Table 2 shows climatic data for station B. use it to answer questions that follow

Table 2

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temperature (oC) 20 22 25 30 32 33 31 30 30 30 30 30
Rain (mm) 0 0 0 2 3 25 77 83 37 0 0 0
(i). Identify the type of climate represented by the table

___________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

(ii). Describe any three characteristics of vegetation found in the area represented by the table

_________________________________________________________________________________ (6 Marks)

(iii). In which hemisphere is the station represented by the table located

_________________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)


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