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Geography Paper I

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Examination Number:__________________________________________________________



Subject Number: M073/I

Monday, 25th March, 2024 Time Allowed: 2 hrs 30 min

(100 marks)


Question Tick if Do not
a. This paper contains 14 printed Number answere write in
d these
pages. Please check. columns
b. There are two sections in this paper.
Section A and B
c. Answer all three questions in section 2
A. In section B, answer only one
question. 3
d. Write your Examination Number on
top of each page of the paper. 4

e. In the table provided on this page,

tick against the number of the
question you have answered.

Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________


Answer all the three questions in the spaces provided

1. Study the 1: 50 000 map extract of Nkhotakota and answer questions that follow.

a. (i) What is the altitude of Selemani Village?

_____________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii) State any two methods of representing relief that have been used on this map.

___________________________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks)

(iii) What is the contour interval on the map?

____________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

b. (i) Give the six figure grid reference of the trigonometrical station 56/NYS.

_____________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii) Account for the presence of few settlements to the North Eastern part of the area
shown on the map.

___________________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

c. (i). What is the compass direction of the bridge from the borehole BH FP158?

___________________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(ii) Measure the length of the district road. Give your answer to the nearest kilometer.

___________________________________________________________________________________ (3 marks)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

d. (i) Convert the scale of the map to a statement scale.

___________________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(ii) Calculate the total area not covered by Lake Malawi. Give your answer to the nearest

(5 marks)

e (i) Identify the riverine feature in grid square 4075.

____________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

f. Draw a cross section of the area along northing 77 from easting 34 to easting 38 on
the graph paper provided. Use the vertical interval of 1cm to 50feet. (5 marks)

2. a. (i) Define “pollution”.


_________________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii) Give any two ways of controlling air pollution.

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(iii) Explain any one effect of water pollution on the fishing industry.


________________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

b. Give any three ways in which coastal features are economically important.



_______________________________________________________________________________ (3 marks)

c. (i) With the aid of a flow diagram, explain how clastic sedimentary rocks are formed.





_____________________________________________________________________________ (10 marks)

(ii) Give any two examples of each of the following classes of igneous rocks:

1. Plutonic rocks


______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

2. Volcanic rocks


_____________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(iii) State three economic uses of rocks.

_________________________________________________________________________________ (3 marks)

3. a. Figure 1 below is a diagram showing the relief features of the ocean floor. Use it to answer
questions that follow

(i) Name the features labeled

B _______________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

C _______________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

D _______________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Explain any three ways in which feature labeled A is important.


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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________





_______________________________________________________________________________ (6 marks)

(iii) Explain how feature labeled D is formed.



______________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)

b. Figure 2 below is a weather system represented by isobars. Use it to answer questions that

(i) Name the system shown in the diagram above.

______________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

(ii) Give two weather conditions associated with the system above.


_____________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(iii) Describe any two conditions for the development of the system in the diagram.


_____________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(iv) On the diagram, draw arrows to show the direction of wind between X and Y. (2 marks)

c. (i) Define “air pressure”.


________________________________________________________________________________ (1 marks)

(ii) Explain how the following factors affect air pressure:

(1) humidity

_____________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(2) amount of dust in the air


_____________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________


Answer any one question in this section in the spaces provided

4. a.(i) Explain the following ways of collecting geographical data:

1. observation


________________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

2. interviews


_______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(ii) Discuss two advantages of using observation in collection of geographical data.




______________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)

(iii) List any three uses of geographical data.



______________________________________________________________________________ (3 marks)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

b. Figure 3 below is a map of Africa showing air masses. Use it to answer questions (i) to iii

(i) What type of air masses are the air masses labeled M and P.

M ____________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

P ____________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Give any two characteristics of the air mass labeled M.


______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(iii) Explain two ways in which air mass labeled P influences the weather of Malawi.




_____________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

c. With the aid of a diagram, explain how an occluded front develops.





______________________________________________________________________________ (6 marks)

5. a. Explain how the following factors cause desertification.

(i) Air pollution


_______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(ii) Deforestation


______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

b. Figure 4 below is the world map showing plate boundaries. Use it to answer questions


(i) Name the plate labeled M __________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

N __________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

P __________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Name the geographical feature labeled Y

_____________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(iii) Explain how the feature named above is formed.



____________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(iv) What type of plate boundary is the one labeled X?

_____________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

c. Figure 5 is a diagram of a plant. Use it to answer questions that follow.

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________

(i) Name the plant shown in the figure above.

___________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) In which climatic region is this plant found?

___________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(iii) Explain any two adaptations of this plant for its survival in its environment.




_________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)

(iv) Describe any one problem facing Tropical Continental Climatic region.


________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

d. i. Define “clouds”.

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Examination Number: _________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

ii. State any one major form of precipitation.

______________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

iii. Describe any two conditions necessary for precipitation to occur.




____________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)


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