NMRA Act 5 of 2015
NMRA Act 5 of 2015
NMRA Act 5 of 2015
L.D.—O. 21/2012
Meetings of the 10. (1) The Chairman shall preside at every meeting of
the Authority. Where the Chairman is absent, the members
present shall elect a Chairman for that meeting from among
11. (1) The seal of the Authority shall be as determined The Seal.
by the Authority.
Remuneration 13. The members of the Authority and the experts may
for attending
be paid such remuneration for attendance at meetings of the
meetings of the
Authority. Authority, as may be determined by the Minister with the
concurrence of the Minister assigned the subject of Finance.
Powers and 14. The powers and functions of the Authority shall be
functions of to :-
(5) The office of the CEO shall become vacant upon the
death, removal from office under subsection (3) or resignation
by letter in that behalf addressed to the Minister by the holder
of that office.
Staff of the 16. (1) The Authority may appoint such technical and
Authority. other officers and employees as may be necessary for the
efficient discharge of its functions.
17. (1) At the request of the Authority any officer in the Public officers
public service may, with the consent of that officer and the to be appointed
to the Staff of
Secretary to the Ministry under which that officer is the Authority.
employed, and the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister
assigned the subject of Public Administration, be
temporarily appointed to the staff of the Authority for such
period as may be determined by the Authority or with like
consent, be permanently appointed to such staff.
Fund of the 18. (1) The Authority shall have its own Fund.
(2) There shall be paid into the Fund -
(3) There shall be paid out of the Fund all such sums of
money required to defray the expenditure incurred by the
Authority in the exercise and performance of its powers and
functions under this Act.
19. The Authority may open and maintain any account Authority to
with any bank as it may think appropriate, and such account maintain
shall be operated in accordance with prevailing financial
regulations of the Government pertaining to financial
transactions of public corporations.
20. (1) The financial year of the Authority shall be the Financial year
calendar year. and audit of
(2) The Authority shall cause proper books of accounts
to be kept of the income and expenditure, assets and liabilities
and all other financial transactions of the Authority.
22. (1) The Authority may, with the written consent of Borrowing
the Minister and the Minister assigned the subject of Finance powers of the
and in accordance with the terms of any general authority
given, borrow or obtain on credit terms such sums as the
Authority may require to meet the obligations of the
18 National Medicines Regulatory Authority
Act, No. 5 of 2015
Annual Report. 23. (1) The Authority shall within six months of the
end of each financial year, submit to the Minister an annual
report of the activities carried on by the Authority during
that financial year, and cause a copy each of the following
documents to be attached to the report –
(a) the audited accounts of the Authority for the year
along with the Auditor-General’s report; and
Declaration of 24. Every member of the Authority and all officers and
secrecy. employees of the Authority shall, before entering upon
duties, sign a declaration pledging to observe strict secrecy
in respect of all matters connected with the affairs of the
Authority, which has come to his knowledge in the
performance or exercise of his powers and functions under
this Act and shall by such declaration pledge himself not to
disclose any such matter, except -
26. (1) The Minister may from time to time, issue to the Directions by
Authority such general or special directions in writing as to the Minister.
the exercise and performance of its powers and functions so
as to ensure the giving proper effect to Government Policy
and it shall be the duty of the Authority to give effect to
such directions.
27. The CEO and the officers and employees of the Officers and
Authority shall be deemed to be public officers within the employees of
the Authority
meaning of and for the purposes of the Penal Code . deemed to be
public officers.
28. The Authority shall be deemed to be a Scheduled Authority
Institution within the meaning and for the purposes of the deemed to be a
Bribery Act and the provisions of that Act shall be construed institution.
29. (1) Any expenses incurred by the Authority in any Expenses in suit
suit or prosecution brought by or against it before any Court, or prosecution
to be paid out of
shall be paid out of the Fund of the Authority and any costs
the Fund.
paid to or recovered by the Authority in any such suit or
prosecution shall be credited to the Fund of the Authority.
20 National Medicines Regulatory Authority
Act, No. 5 of 2015
32. (1) The Minister shall appoint any member of the Chairman &c.,
of the National
National Advisory Committee as the Chairman of the Advisory
National Advisory Committee. Committee.
(b) All rules and regulations applicable for the staff of the
Authority referred to in sections 16 and 17 of this Act shall
be applicable to the officers, employees and advisers referred
to paragraph (a).
Establishment of 38. (1) For the purpose of this Act there shall be a
the National
Medicines Division to be known as the National Medicines Quality
Quality Assurance Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the
National Medicines Regulatory Authority 27
Act, No. 5 of 2015
42. (a) The principal function of the MR Division shall Functions of the
be to co-ordinate and assist the Authority to regulate and MR Division.
control all aspects pertaining to medicines.
Medicines 43. (1) There shall be appointed for the purposes of
Evaluation this Act, a Committee which shall be known as the
Medicines Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as
“the MEC”).
(b) The report shall specify the benefits and risks attached
to such medicines and the quality, efficacy, safety, need
and cost of such medicines with pharmacoeconomic analysis
where necessary in keeping with the National Medicines
Constitution of 44. (1) The MEC shall consist of the following persons
the MEC. who shall be appointed by the Authority -
relevant fields.
(d) is adulterated.
34 National Medicines Regulatory Authority
Act, No. 5 of 2015
59. (1) Any person who intends to manufacture or import Application for
any medicine shall make an application for the registration Registration of a
of that medicine in the prescribed form to the Authority.
(b) specifying –
(7) (a) The Authority may require the MEC and the
NMQAL to finalize the evaluation or testing of a medicine
within a specified time period considering the urgency of
such medicine for the national health.
(b) The MEC and the NMQAL shall within the time
limits specified submit their reports to the Authority unless
there are compelling reasons for any delay.
Registration of 60. (1) (a) The Authority may where necessary, call for
medicines. clarifications from the MEC, NMQAL or any other expert,
with regard to the reports submitted by the MEC and the
National Medicines Regulatory Authority 39
Act, No. 5 of 2015
Issuing of 63. (1) The Authority may upon issuing the Certificate
licence. of Registration, and on the written request by the holder of
certificate, issue him a licence to import the medicine and
market the medicine in Sri Lanka.
Functions of the 67. (a) The principal function of the MDR Division
MDR Division. shall be to co-ordinate and assist the Authority to regulate
and control all aspects pertaining to medical devices.
(b) The other functions of the MDR Division shall be
the -
68. (1) There shall be appointed for the purposes of this Medical Devices
Act a Committee which shall be known as the Medical Evaluation
Devices Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as
“the MDEC”).
69. (1) The MDEC shall consist of the following persons Constitution of
who shall be appointed by the Authority- the MDEC.
71. Every member of the MDR Division and the MDEC Declaration of
and all officers and employees of the MDR Division and the
MDEC shall, before entering upon duties, sign a declaration
pledging to observe strict secrecy in respect of all matters
connected with the affairs of the MDR division and the
46 National Medicines Regulatory Authority
Act, No. 5 of 2015
74. (1) The Authority shall list from time to time the Prohibition of
medical devices registered under this Act. importation &c.,
of medical
devices other
(2) No person shall import, sell, transport, distribute or than the listed.
advertise any medical device, other than a medical device
listed under subsection (1).
Requirement to 82. (1) No person shall manufacture or import any
register &c., of medical device without registering such medical device with
medical devices.
the Authority and obtaining a licence from the Authority
(2) No person shall store, assemble, re-pack, distribute,
transport or sell any medical device without obtaining a
licence for that purpose from the Authority.
National Medicines Regulatory Authority 49
Act, No. 5 of 2015
83. (1) Any person who intends to manufacture or import Application for
any medical device shall make an application for the Registration of a
Medical device.
registration of that medical device in the prescribed form to
the Authority.
(b) specifying—
(7) (a) The Authority may require the MDEC and the
NMQAL to finalize the evaluation or testing within a
specified time period considering the urgency of the medical
(b) The MDEC and the NMQAL shall within the time
limits specified submit their reports to the Authority unless
there are compelling reasons for any delay.
Registration of 84. (1) (a) The Authority may where necessary, call for
medical devices. clarifications from the MDEC, NMQAL or any other expert,
with regard to the reports submitted by the MDEC and the
88. (a) The principal function of the BPR division shall Functions of the
be to co-ordinate and assist the Authority to regulate and BPR Division.
control all aspects pertaining to borderline products.
Borderline 89. (1) There shall be appointed for the purposes of this
Act a Committee which shall be known as the Borderline
Committee. Products Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as
“the BPEC”).
Constitution of 90. (1) The BPEC shall consist of the following persons
the BPEC. who shall be appointed by the Authority—
Declaration of 92. Every member of the BPR division and the BPEC
and all officers and employees of the BPR division and the
BPEC shall, before entering upon duties, sign a declaration
pledging to observe strict secrecy in respect of all matters
connected with the affairs of the BPR division and the BPEC,
which has come to his knowledge in the performance or
exercise of his powers and functions under this Act and shall
by such declaration pledge himself not to disclose any such
matter, except—
95. (1) The Authority shall list from time to time the Prohibition of
borderline products registered under this Act. importation &c.,
of borderline
products other
(2) No person shall import, sell, transport, distribute or than listed.
advertise any borderline product, other than a borderline
product listed under subsection (1).
102. (1) Any person who wishes to import, sell, Application for
manufacture, prepare or distribute any borderline product Registration of a
shall make an application for the registration of that product.
borderline product in the prescribed form to the Authority.
(b) specifying –
(7) (a) The Authority may require the BPEC and the
NMQAL to finalize the testing or evaluation within a
specified time period considering the urgency of the
borderline product for the national health.
(b) The BPEC and the NMQAL shall within the time limits
specified submit their reports to the Authority unless there
are compelling reasons for any delay.
103. (1) (a) The Authority may where necessary, call Registration of
for clarifications from the BPEC, NMQAL or any other borderline
expert, with regard to the reports submitted by the BPEC
and the NMQAL.
Authority to 107. (1) The Authority shall, decide the residual shelf-
decide residual life of every medicine, medical device or borderline product
shelf-life of
medicines &c. imported into Sri Lanka at the port of entry.
National Medicines Regulatory Authority 61
Act, No. 5 of 2015
108. (1) The Authority shall, where the Authority finds Ban or
that any medicine, medical device or borderline product withdrawal
&c.,from, use of
does not meet the required standard or that the medicine, medicine &c.
medical device or the borderline product as manufactured
would cause serious health problems to the person using,
issue an order requiring the importer, manufacturer, trader or
distributor of that medicine, medical device or borderline
product to –
109. (1) The Authority may grant permission in special Emergency and
other special
circumstances such as to save a life, to control an outbreak circumstances.
of an infection or an epidemic or any other national
62 National Medicines Regulatory Authority
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112. (1) The provisions of sections 58, 82 and 101 shall Importation &c.,
not apply to any patient who needs for his personal of medicines
&c., for
medication a medicine, medical device or borderline product personal use.
which is not registered and licensed under this Act.
Conditions &c., 114. (1) Every licence granted under this Act shall—
pertaining to
licence. (a) be in such form as may be prescribed;
(b) be subject to such conditions as may be prescribed;
(c) unless cancelled earlier, be in force for such period
as may be specified in such licence.
(2) A licence granted under this Act may be suspended or
revoked by the Authority in case of non-compliance with
the prescribed conditions.
(3) An applicant may at any time withdraw an application
for a licence by notifying the Authority in writing, without
prejudice to his right to re-apply for a licence.
Establishment of 115. (1) The Authority shall establish for the purpose
the of this Act a Division to be known as Manufacturing
Regulatory Division.
(2) The Authority shall appoint the head of that Division
from among persons holding a recognized degree in
Pharmacology, Pharmacy or any other related subject.
National Medicines Regulatory Authority 65
Act, No. 5 of 2015
(b) refuse the application and inform the reason for such
refusal to the applicant in writing forthwith.
(8) Any article seized under this Act may, at the option of
the Authorized Officer, be kept or stored in the building or
place where it was seized or may at his discretion be removed
to any Government Institution functioning under the
Ministry of Health or the Provincial Health Services.
128. A copy made or extract taken from any book, Copy or extract
document or record by an Authorized Officer under section of document
taken by an
125(1) (d) shall, if certified to be a true copy or extract by the Authorized
Authorized Officer, be admissible in evidence against the Officer.
person keeping or maintaining that book, document or record
or causing that book, document or record to be kept or
maintained and shall be prima facie evidence of the contents
of that book, document or record.
74 National Medicines Regulatory Authority
Act, No. 5 of 2015
131. (1) Every person who contravenes any of the Punishment for
provisions of this Act or any regulation made thereunder the
contravention of
shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be the provisions of
liable— this Act.
(b) the court may make such order as it thinks fit for the
payment of costs by any party to the proceedings
to any other party thereto.
135. (1) For the purposes of this Act and of any Presumptions.
regulations made thereunder—
Approved 137. (1) For the purposes of this Act and the regulations
Analyst. made thereunder the Government Analyst shall be the
Approved Analyst.
139. Every Court shall give priority to the trial of any Priority for trial
person charged with, or indicted for, any offence under this and appeal
under this Act.
Act and to the hearing of any appeal from the conviction of
any such offence and sentence imposed on such conviction.
140. (1) The provisions of this Act and any regulation Application of
made thereunder relating to medicine which are excisable other written
articles within the meaning of the Excise Ordinance
(Chapter 52) shall be in addition to and not in substitution
for the provisions of that Ordinance.
Repeal of Act, 144. Cosmetics, Devices and Drugs Act, No. 27 of 1980
No. 27 of 1980.
is hereby repealed.
National Medicines Regulatory Authority 87
Act, No. 5 of 2015
“article” means —
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