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Spec 1961w

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This Specification formulates rules for use in the design, fabrication and
erection of carbon and high strength constructional steels for structural pur-
poses in buildings and structures other than bridges. Allowable stress design
provisions are included in Part 1; plastic design rules are given in Part 2.
In the Appendix, which constitutes an integral part of the Specification, are
tabulated the numerical values for algebraic expressions given in Parts 1 and 2,
applicable to steels of different strength levels.
In the preparation of the Specification, the Committee has studied avail-
able results of recent research and earlier editions of the AISC Specification.
Based upon these studies, a considerable number of sections have been revised
and new provisions added.
As used throughout the Specification, the term "structural steel" refers
exclusively to those items enumerated in Section 2 of the Code of Standard
Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges of the American Institute of Steel
Construction, and nothing herein contained is intended as a recommended
practice for members formed of flat rolled sheet or strip, light-gage steel con-
struction, skylights, fire escapes, or other items not specifically enumerated
in that Code.
By the Committee,
William C. Alsmeyer Theodore R. Higgins James A. Munro
Ethan F. Ball Sol Horwitz William H. Munse
Lynn S. Beedle John W. Hubler Charles I. Orr
Walter E. Blessey Bruce G. Johnston Egor P. Popov
Reuben W. Binder William J. LeMessurier James Ruderman
Frederick H. Dill Arthur S. Marvin Ivan M. Viest
Milton E. Eliot Carl A. Metz David M. Wilson
Edward R. Estes, Jr. William A. Milek, Jr. George Winter
Edwin H. Gaylord, Jr. Robert J. Wood
Table of Contents
PART 1 Page
Sect. 1.1 Plans and Drawings 7
1.2 Types of Construction 8
1.3 Loads and Forces 9
1.4 Material 10
1.5 Allowable Unit Stresses 12
1.6 Combined Stresses * 17
1.7 Members and Connections Subject to Repeated Variation of
Stress 18
1.8 Slenderness Ratios 19
1.9 Width-Thickness Ratios 20
1.10 Plate Girders and Rolled Beams 21
1.11 Composite Construction 26
1.12 Simple and Continuous Spans 28
1.13 Deflections. . 29
1.14 Gross and Net Sections 29
1.15 Connections 31
1.16 Rivets and Bolts 34
1.17 Welds 35
1.18 Built-Up Members 38
1.19 Camber 41
1.20 Expansion 41
1.21 Column Bases 41
1.22 AnchorBolts 42
1.23 Fabrication 42
1.24 Shop Painting 46
1.25 Erection 47
1.26 Inspection 47
Sect. 2.1 Scope 48
2.2 Structural Steel 48
2.3 Columns 48
2.4 Shear 50
2.5 Web Crippling 50
2.6 Minimum Thickness (Width-Thickness Ratios) 51
2.7 Connections 51
2.8 Lateral Bracing 52
2.9 Fabrication 52
33,000 psi Specified Yield Point 55
36,000 psi Specified Yield Point 65
42,000 psi Specified Yield Point 75
46,000 psi Specified Yield Point 82
50,000 psi Specified Yield Point 89
Ab Nominal b o d y area of a bolt
Ac Actual area of effective concrete flange in composite design
Abc Planar area of web a t beam-to-column connection
Af Area of compression flange
As Area of steel b e a m in composite design
Ast Cross-sectional area of stiffener or pair of stiffeners
Aw Area of girder w e b
B Coefficient used in column formula for plastic design
Cb Bending coefficient d e p e n d e n t u p o n m o m e n t gradient; equal t o

Cc Column slendemess ratio dividing elastic and inelastic buckling; equal to

* Ey
Cm Coefficient applied to bending term in interaction formula and dependent
upon column curvature caused by applied moments
Cv Ratio of "critical" web stress, according to the linear buckling theory,
to the shear yield point of web material; equal to
12(1 - v*){h/t)*Fy
D Factor depending upon type of transverse stiffeners
E Modulus of elasticity of steel (29,000,000 pounds per square inch)
Ec Modulus of elasticity of concrete
Fa Axial compressive stress permitted in the absence of bending stress
Fas Axial compressive stress, permitted in the absence of bending stress, for
bracing and other secondary members
Fb Bending stress permitted in the absence of axial stress
F'b Allowable bending stress in compression flange of plate girders as reduced
because of large web depth-to-thickness ratio
F'e Euler stress divided by factor of safety; equal to
Fp Allowable bearing stress
Ft Allowable tensile stress
Fv Allowable shear stress
Fy Specified minimum yield point of the type of steel being used
G Coefficient used in column formula in plastic design
ItT Moment of inertia of transformed composite section
J Coefficient used in column formula in plastic design

K Coefficient used in column formula in plastic design
L Span length, in feet
M Moment
Mi Smaller end moment on unbraced length of beam-column
M2 Larger end moment on unbraced length of beam-column
MD Moment produced by dead load
ML Moment produced by live load
M0 Reduced plastic moment
Mp Plastic moment
N Length of bearing of applied load
P Applied load
Py Plastic axial load; equal to profile area times specified minimum yield
R Reaction or concentrated transverse load applied to beam or girder
Ss Section modulus of steel beam used in composite design, referred to the
tension flange
Str Section modulus of transformed composite cross-section, referred to the
tension flange
Tb Proof load of a high strength bolt
V Statical shear on beam
Vh Total horizontal shear to be resisted by connectors
Vu Statical shear produced by "ultimate" load in plastic design
Y Ratio of yield point of web steel to yield point of stiffener steel
a Center-to-center distance between transverse stiffeners
af Distance required at ends of welded partial length cover plate to develop
b Effective width of concrete slab
c Distance from neutral axis to top of concrete slab
d Depth of beam or girder. Also diameter of roller or rocker bearing
e Horizontal displacement, in the direction of the span, between top and
bottom of simply supported beam at its ends
fa Computed axial stress
fb Computed bending stress
f'c Specified compression strength of concrete at 28 days
ft Computed tensile stress
fv Computed shear stress, in pounds per square inch
fvs Shear between girder web and transverse stiffeners, in pounds per linear
inch of single stiffener or pair of stiffeners
g Transverse spacing between fastener gage lines
h Clear distance between flanges of a beam or girder
k Coefficient relating linear buckling strength of a plate to its dimensions
and condition of edge support. Also distance from outer face of flange
to web toe of fillet
I Actual unbraced length, in inches. Also effective unbraced length
lcr Critical unbraced length adjacent to plastic hinge, in inches
n Modular ratio; equal to E/Ec
q Allowable horizontal shear to be resisted by a connector
r Governing radius of gyration
rb Radius of gyration about axis of concurrent bending
ry Lesser radius of gyration

s Spacing (pitch) between successive holes in line of stress
t Girder or beam web thickness
tf Flange thickness
tt Thickness of thinner part joined by partial penetration groove weld
w Web thickness of plastically designed rolled beams. Also length of chan-
nel shear connectors
v Poisson's ratio


Design, Fabrication and Erection

of Structural Steel for Buildings


1.1.1 Plans
The plans (design drawings) shall show a complete design with sizes,
sections, and the relative locations of the various members. Floor levels,
column centers, and offsets shall be dimensioned. Plans shall be drawn to a
scale large enough to convey the information adequately.
Plans shall indicate the type or types of construction (as defined in Sect.
1.2) to be employed, and they shall be supplemented by such data concerning
the assumed loads, shears, moments and axial forces to be resisted by all
members and their connections, as may be required for the proper preparation
of the shop drawings.
Where joints are to be assembled with high strength bolts and are re-
quired to resist shear between the connected parts, the plans shall indicate
the type of connections to be provided, namely, friction or bearing.
Camber of trusses, beams and girders, if required, shall be called for on
the design drawings.
1.1.2 Shop Drawings
Shop drawings, giving complete information necessary for the fabrication
of the component parts of the structure, including the location, type and size
of all rivets, bolts and welds, shall be prepared in advance of the actual
fabrication. They shall clearly distinguish between shop and field rivets,
bolts and welds.
Shop drawings shall be made in conformity with the best modern practice
and with due regard to speed and economy in fabrication and erection.
1.1.3 Notations for Welding
Note shall be made on the plans and on the shop drawings of those joints
or groups of joints in which it is especially important that the welding sequence
and technique of welding be carefully controlled to minimize locked-up
stresses and distortion.
Weld lengths called for on the plans and on the shop drawings shall be
the net effective lengths.

8 • A1SC Specification

1.1.4 Standard Symbols and Nomenclature

Welding symbols used on plans and shop drawings shall preferably be the
American Welding Society symbols. Other adequate welding symbols may
be used, provided a complete explanation thereof is shown on the plans or
Unless otherwise noted, the standard nomenclature contained in the
joint AISC-SJI Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists—Longspan or
L-Series shall be used in describing longspan steel joists.


Three basic types of construction and associated design assumptions are
permissible under the respective conditions stated hereinafter, and each will
govern in a specific manner the size of members and the types and strength of
their connections.
Type 1, commonly designated as "rigid-frame'' (continuous frame),
assumes that beam-to-column connections have sufficient rigidity to hold
virtually unchanged the original angles between intersecting members.
Type 2, commonly designated as "conventional" or "simple" framing
(unrestrained, free-ended), assumes that the ends of beams and girders are
connected for shear only, and are free to rotate under load.
Type 3, commonly designated as "semi-rigid framing" (partially re-
strained), assumes that the connections of beams and girders possess a depend-
able and known moment capacity intermediate in degree between the com-
plete rigidity of Type 1 and the complete flexibility of Type 2.
The design of all connections shall be consistent with the assumptions as
to type of construction called for on the design drawings.
Type 1 construction is unconditionally permitted under this Specification.
Two different methods of design are recognized. Within the limitations laid
down in Sect. 2.1, members of continuous frames, or continuous portions of
frames, may be proportioned, on the basis of their maximum predictable
strength, to resist the specified design loads multiplied by the prescribed load
factors. Otherwise Type 1 construction shall be designed, within the limita-
tions of Sect. 1.5, to resist the stresses produced by the specified design loads,
assuming moment distribution in accordance with the elastic theory.
Type 2 construction is permitted under this Specification, subject to the
stipulations of the following paragraph wherever applicable. Beam-to-
column connections with seats for the reactions and with top clip angles for
lateral support only are classed under Type 2.
In tier buildings, designed in general as Type 2 construction (that is, with
beam-to-column connections other than wind connections flexible) the dis-
tribution of the wind moments between the several joints of the frame may be
made by a recognized empirical method provided that either:
1. The wind connections, designed to resist the assumed moments, are
adequate to resist the moments induced by the gravity loading and
the wind loading at the increased unit stresses permitted therefor, or
2. The wind connections, if welded and if designed to resist the assumed
wind moments, are so designed that larger moments induced by the
Structural Steel for Buildings • 9

gravity loading under the actual condition of restraint will be re-

lieved by deformation of the connection material without over-stress
in the welds.
Type 3 (semi-rigid) construction will be permitted only upon evidence
that the connections to be used are capable of furnishing, as a minimum, a
predictable proportion of full end restraint. The proportioning of main
members joined by such connections shall be predicated upon no greater
degree of end restraint than this minimum.
Types 2 and 3 construction may necessitate some non-elastic but self-
limiting deformation of a structural steel part.


1.3.1 Dead Load
The dead load to be assumed in design shall consist of the weight of steel-
work and all material permanently fastened thereto or supported thereby.

1.3.2 Live Load

The live load, including snow load if any, shall be that stipulated by the
Code under which the structure is being designed or that dictated by
the conditions involved. Snow load shall be considered as applied either to the
entire roof area or to a portion of the roof area, and the arrangement of loads
resulting in the highest stresses in the supporting member shall be used in the

1.3.3 Impact
For structures carrying live loads which induce impact, the assumed
live load shall be increased sufficiently to provide for same.
If not otherwise specified, the increase shall be:
For supports of elevators 100 percent
For traveling crane support girders and their connec-
tions 25 percent
For supports of light machinery, shaft or motor driven,
not less than 20 percent
For supports of reciprocating machinery or power
driven units, not less than 50 percent
For hangers supporting floors and balconies . . . . 33 percent

1.3.4 Crane Runway Horizontal Forces

The lateral force on crane runways to provide for the effect of moving
crane trolleys shall, if not otherwise specified, be 20 percent of the sum of the
weights of the lifted load and of the crane trolley (but exclusive of other parts
of the crane), applied at the top of rail, one-half on each side of the runway;
and shall be considered as acting in either direction normal to the runway rail.
The longitudinal force shall, if not otherwise specified, be taken as 10
percent of the maximum wheel loads of the crane applied at the top of rail.
10 • AISC Specification

1.3.5 Wind
Proper provision shall be made for stresses caused by wind both during
erection and after completion of the building. The wind pressure is de-
pendent upon the conditions of exposure, geographical location, and shape of
the structure.
1.3.6 Other Forces
Structures in localities subject to earthquakes, hurricanes and other
extraordinary conditions shall be designed with due regard for such conditions.
1.3.7 Minimum Loads
In the absence of any applicable building code requirements, the loads
referred to in Sect. 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.5 and 1.3.6 above shall be not less than
those recommended in the American Standard Building Code Requirements for
Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures ASA A58.1, latest


1.4.1 Structural Steel
Structural steel shall conform to one of the following specifications, latest
Steel for Bridges and Buildings, ASTM A7
Structural Steel for Welding, ASTM A373
Structural Steel, ASTM A36
High-Strength Structural Steel, ASTM A440
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium Steel,
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel, ASTM A242
Certified mill test reports shall constitute sufficient evidence of conformity
with the specifications.
Unidentified steel, if free from surface imperfections, may be used for
parts of minor importance, or for unimportant details, where the precise
physical properties of the steel and its weldability would not affect the
strength of the structure.
1.4.2 Other Metals
Cast steel shall conform to one of the following specifications, latest
Mild-to-Medium-Strength Carbon-Steel Castings for General Applica-
tion, ASTM A27, Grade 65-35
High-Strength Steel Castings for Structural Purposes, ASTM A148,
Grade 80-50
Certified test reports shall constitute sufficient evidence of conformity
with the specifications.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 11

Steel forgings shall conform to one of the following specifications, latest

Carbon Steel Forgings for General Industrial Use, ASTM A235,
Class CI, F and G. (Class CI Forgings that are to be welded
shall be ordered in accordance with Supplemental Requirements
S5 of A235.)
Alloy Steel Forgings for General Industrial Use, ASTM A237, Class A
Certified mill test reports shall constitute sufficient evidence of con-
formity with the specifications.

1.4.3 Rivet Steel

Rivet steel shall conform to one of the following specifications, latest

Structural Rivet Steel, ASTM A141
High-Strength Structural Rivet Steel, ASTM A195
High-Strength Structural Alloy Rivet Steel, ASTM A406
Certified mill test reports shall constitute sufficient evidence of con-
formity with the specifications.

1.4.4 Bolts

High strength steel bolts shall conform to one of the following specifica-
tions, latest edition:
High Strength Steel Bolts for Structural Joints, ASTM A325
Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts and Studs with Suitable
Nuts, ASTM A354, Grade BC

Other bolts shall conform to the Specification for Low-Carbon Steel Ex-
ternally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners, ASTM A307, latest
edition, hereinafter designated as A307 bolts.
Manufacturer's certification shall constitute sufficient evidence of con-
formity with the specifications.

1.4.5 Filler Metal for Welding

Welding electrodes for manual shielded metal-arc welding shall conform

to the E60 or E70 series of the Specification for Mild Steel Arc-Welding Elec-
trodes, ASTM A233, latest edition.
Bare electrodes and granular flux used in the submerged-arc process shall
conform to the provisions of Sect. 1.17.3.
Manufacturer's certification shall constitute sufficient evidence of con-
formity with the specifications.
12 • AISC Specification


Except as provided in Sect. 1.6, 1.7, 1.10, 1.11 and in Part 2, all com-
ponents of the structure shall be so proportioned that the unit stress, in
pounds per square inch, shall not exceed the following values, except as they
are rounded off in the Appendix:

1.5.1 Structural Steel Tension
On the net section, except at pin holes
Ft = 0.eOFy
On the net section at pin holes in eyebars, pin-connected plates or built-up
Ft = 0.45F, Shear
On the gross section of beam and plate girder webs
F, = 0A0Fy
(See Sect. 1.10 for reduction required for thin webs.) Compression On the gross section of axially loaded compression members
when l/r, the largest slenderness ratio of any unbraced segment as defined in
Sect. 1.8, is less than Cc
^ T Fv
cA I Fv Formula (1)
Fa =
5 3 (l/r) {I frY
F.S. = factor of safety = - + - ^ - - - ^

™ Fv
1, On the gross section of axially loaded columns when l/r exceeds Cc
149,000,000 „ ,•
Fa = F o r m u l a (2)

* See Appendix for tables of numerical values for various grades of steel corre-
sponding to provisions of this Section.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 13 On the gross section of axially loaded bracing and secondary

members, when l/r exceeds 120
Fa (by Formula 1 or 2)
Fas = Formula (3)
" 200r On the gross area of plate girder stiffeners
Fa = 0.60Fy On the web of rolled shapes at the toe of the fillet (crippling,
see Sect. 1.10.10)
Fa = 0.75F, Bending Tension and compression on extreme fibers of rolled shapes
and built-up members having an axis of symmetry in the plane of loading and
proportions meeting the requirements of Sect. 2.6, when the member is sup-
ported laterally at intervals no greater than 13 times its compression flange
Fb = 0.66Fy
Beams and girders which meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph
and are continuous over supports or are rigidly framed to columns by means of
rivets, high strength bolts or welds, may be proportioned for %o of the nega-
tive moments produced by gravity loading which are maximum at points of
support, provided that, for such members, the maximum positive moment
shall be increased by }{o of the average negative moments. This reduction
shall not apply to moments produced by loading on cantilevers. If the nega-
tive moment is resisted by a column rigidly framed to the beam or girder, the
}{o reduction may be used in proportioning the column for the combined
axial and bending loading, provided that the unit stress, due to any con-
current axial load on the member, does not exceed 0.15F^. Tension and compression on extreme fibers of unsymmetrical
members supported as in Sect. in the region of compression stress
Fb = 0.602V Tension and compression on extreme fibers of box-type mem-
bers whose proportions do not meet the provisions of Sect. 2.6, but do conform
to the provisions of Sect. 1.9
Fh = 0.60F„ Tension on extreme fibers of other rolled shapes, built-up
members and plate girders
Fb = 0.60F„
14 • AISC Specification Compression on extreme fibers of rolled shapes, plate girders

and built-up members having an axis of symmetry in the plane of their web
(other than box-type beams and girders), the larger value computed by
Formulas (4) and (5), but not more than 0.602^

-[„- {i fry
2C C 2 C U
0.60F/ Formula (4)

Formula (5)
where I is the unbraced length of the compression flange; r is the radius of
gyration of a tee section comprising the compression flange plus one-sixth of
the web area, about an axis in the plane of the web; Af is the area of the com-
pression flange; Cc is defined in Sect. and Cb, which can conservatively
be taken as unity, is equal to
/MA /MA2 ,
Cb = 1.75 - 1.05 I—J + 0.3 ( — J , but not more than 2.3

where Mi is the smaller and M2 the larger bending moment at the ends of the
unbraced length, taken about the strong axis of the member, and where
M1/M2, the ratio of end moments, is positive when Mi and M2 have the same
sign (single curvature bending) and negative when they are of opposite signs,
(reverse curvature bending). When the bending moment at any point within
an unbraced length is larger than that at both ends of this length the ratio
M1/M2 shall be taken as unity. See Sect. 1.10 for further limitation in
plate girder flange stress. Compression on extreme fibers of channels, the value computed
by Formula (5), but not more than
Fb = 0.60Fy Tension and compression on extreme fibers of large pins
Fb = 0.90Fy Tension and compression on extreme fibers of rectangular
bearing plates
Fb = 0.75F, Bearing (on contact area) Milled surfaces and pins in reamed, drilled or bored holes,
pounds per square inch
Fp = 0.90Fy **
* Where l/r is less than 40, stress reduction according to Formula (4) may be
** When parts in contact have different yield points, Fy shall be the smaller value.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 15 Finished stiffeners, pounds per square inch

Fp = 0 . 8 0 F / Expansion rollers and rockers, pounds per linear inch
(Fv* - 13,000 \
* - \ 20,000 )66(M
where d is t h e diameter of roller or rocker in inches.
1.5.2 R i v e t s a n d B o l t s Allowable unit tension and shear stresses on rivets, bolts and
threaded p a r t s (pounds per square inch of area of rivets before driving or
unthreaded body area of bolts and threaded parts) shall be as given in Table

Shear (Fv)
Description of Fastener Friction- Bearing-
Type Type
Connections Connections

A141 hot-driven rivets 20,000 15,000

A195 and A406 hot-driven rivets 27,000 20,000

A307 bolts and threaded parts of

A7 and A373 steel 14,000 10,000

Threaded parts of other steels OAOFy 0.S0Fy

A325 bolts when threading is not

excluded from shear planes 40,000 15,000 15,000

A325 bolts when threading is ex-

cluded from shear planes 40,000 15,000 22,000

A354, Grade BC, bolts when

threading is not excluded from
shear planes 50,000 20,000 20,000

A354, Grade BC, when threading

is excluded from shear planes 50,000 20,000 24,000 Allowable bearing stress on projected area of bolts in bearing-

t y p e connections and on rivets
Fp = l.S5Fy
(Bearing stress not restricted in friction-type connections assembled with
A325 and A354, Grade B C , bolts.)
* When parts in contact have different yield points, Fy shall be the smaller value.
16 • AISC Specification

1.5.3 Welds (stress in pounds per square inch of throat area) Fillet, Plug, Slot and Partial Penetration Groove Welds
Fillet, plug, slot and partial penetration groove welds made
with A233 Class E60 series electrodes and fillet welds
made by submerged arc welding Grade SA-1 13,600
Fillet, plug, slot and partial penetration groove welds made
with A233 Class E70 series electrodes and fillet welds
made by submerged arc welding Grade SA-2 15,800 Complete Penetration Groove Welds

On complete penetration groove welds the allowable tension, compres-
sion, bending, shear and bearing stresses shall be the same as those allowed
by Sect. 1.5 in the connected material. (See Sect. 1.17.2 for electrodes
to be employed on various grades of steel.)
1.5.4 Cast Steel and Steel Forgings Tension (on net section)
Ft = 0.60Fy Shear (on gross section)
Fv = 0.40F, Compression
Same as provided under Sect. Bending (on extreme fibers)
Fb = 0.60FV Bearing
Same as provided under Sect.

1.5.5 Masonry Bearing

In the absence of Code regulations the following unit stresses in pounds
per square inch shall apply:
On sandstone and limestone Fp = 400
On brick in cement mortar FP — 250
On the full area of a concrete support Fp = 0.25/' c
On one-third of this area Fp = 0.375/'c
where ffc is the specified compression strength of the concrete at 28 days.

1.5.6 Wind and Seismic Stresses

Allowable stresses may be increased one-third above the values provided
in Sect. 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4 and 1.5.5 when produced by wind or seismic
Structural Steel for Buildings • 17

loading, acting alone or in combination with the design dead and live loads,
provided the required section computed on this basis is not less than that
required for the design dead and live load and impact (if any), computed
without the one-third stress increase, nor less than that required by Sect. 1.7,
if it is applicable.


1.6.1 Axial Compression and Bending

Members subject to both axial compression and bending stresses shall be
proportioned to meet the requirements of both Formula (6) and Formula (7).

i + / \\ < 1-0 Formula (6)
(i JjL

\ ~ F'
0.6Fy Fb
H < 1.0 (applicable only at braced points) Formula (7)
Fa — axial stress that would be permitted if axial stress alone existed
Fb = bending stress that would be permitted if bending stress alone
149,000,000 , . _ ,.,.,.
F'e — z-7— (May be increased one-third in accordance with
(Z/r?))2 Sect. 1.5.6)
I = actual unbraced length in the plane of bending
rb — radius of gyration about axis of bending
fa = computed axial stress
fh — computed bending stress at the point under consideration
Cm = 0.85, except as follows:
1. When fa/Fa < 0.15. (For this case the member selected shall
meet the limitation that fa/Fa + h/Fb < 1.0.)
2. For restrained compression members in frames braced against
joint translation but not subject to transverse loading between
their supports in the plane of loading, Cm may be taken as 0.6 +
0A(Mi/M2), where Mi/M2 is the ratio of smaller to larger
moments at the ends of the critical unbraced length of the mem-
ber. Mi/M2 is positive when the unbraced length is bent in
single curvature and negative when it is bent in reverse curva-
3. For restrained compression members in frames braced against
joint translation in the plane of loading and subject to transverse
loading between their supports (joints) in the plane of loading, a
value of Cm may be determined by rational analysis.
18 • AISC Specification

1.6.2 Shear and Tension

Rivets and bolts subject t o combined shear and tension due t o force
applied t o t h e connected parts, shall be so proportioned t h a t t h e tension stress
produced by t h e force shall n o t exceed t h e following:
For A141 rivets Ft = 28,000 - 1.6/, < 20,000
For A195 and A406 rivets . . . . Ft = 38,000 - 1.6/, < 27,000
For A307 bolts Ft = 20,000 - 1.6/, < 14,000
F o r A 3 2 5 bolts in bearing-type
joints Ft = 50,000 - 1.6/, < 40,000
For A354, Grade B C , bolts in bear-
ing-type joints Ft = 60,000 - 1.6/, < 50,000
where / „ t h e shear stress produced b y t h e same force, shall not exceed t h e
value for shear given in Sect. 1.5.2.
F o r bolts used in friction-type joints, t h e shear stress allowed in Sect.
1.5.2 shall be reduced so t h a t :
For A325 bolts Fv < 15,000 (1 - ftAb/Tb)
For A354, Grade B C , bolts Fv < 20,000 (1 - ftAb/Tb)
where ft is t h e tensile stress due t o applied load and Tb is t h e proof load of t h e
1.7.1 U p t o 10,000 C o m p l e t e Stress Reversals
T h e stress carrying area of members, connection material and fasteners*
need not be increased because of repeated variation or reversal of stress unless
t h e maximum stress allowed by Sect. 1.5 and 1.6 is expected to occur over
10,000 f times in t h e life of t h e structure.
1.7.2 10,000 t o 100,000 Cycles of M a x i m u m Load
Members, connection material and fasteners (except high strength bolts
in friction-type joints) subject t o more t h a n 10,000 b u t n o t over 100,000 f t
applications of maximum design loading shall be proportioned, a t unit stresses
allowed in Sect. 1.5 and 1.6 for t h e kind of steel and fasteners used, to support
the algebraic difference** of t h e m a x i m u m computed stress and two-thirds
of t h e minimum computed stress, b u t t h e stress-carrying area shall not be less
t h a n t h a t required in proportioning t h e member, connection material and
fasteners to support either the maximum or minimum computed stress a t t h e
values allowed in Sect. 1.5 and 1.6 for t h e kind of steel and fasteners used.
1.7.3 100,000 t o 2,000,000 Cycles of M a x i m u m L o a d
Members, connection material and fasteners (except high strength bolts
in friction-type joints) subject t o more t h a n 100,000 b u t n o t more t h a n

* As used in this Section, "fasteners" comprise welds, rivets and bolts.

** In determining the algebraic difference, tensile stress is designated as positive
and compression stress as negative.
f Approximately equivalent to one application per day for 25 years.
ff Approximately equivalent to ten applications per day for 25 years.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 19

2,000,000 f applications of maximum design loading shall be proportioned a t

unit stresses allowed in Sect. 1.5 and 1.6 for A7 steel, A141 rivet steel and
E60XX and submerged arc Grade SA-1 welds to support the algebraic difference
of the maximum computed stress and % of the minimum computed stress, b u t
the stress-carrying area shall not be less t h a n t h a t required in proportioning
the member, connection material and fasteners to support either the maximum
or minimum computed stress a t the values allowed in Sect. 1.5 and 1.6 for the
kind of steel and fasteners used.
1.7.4 Over 2,000,000 Cycles of M a x i m u m Load
Members, connection material and fasteners (except high strength bolts
in friction-type joints) subject to more t h a n 2,000,000 applications of maxi-
mum design loading shall be proportioned a t two-thirds of t h e unit stress
allowed in Sect. 1.5 and 1.6 for A7 steel, A141 rivet steel and E 6 0 X X and
submerged arc Grade SA-1 welds to support the algebraic difference of t h e
maximum computed stress and three-quarters of the minimum computed
stress, b u t t h e stress-carrying area shall not be less t h a n t h a t required in pro-
portioning t h e member, connection material and fastener to support either the
maximum or minimum computed stress a t t h e values allowed in Sect. 1.5 and
1.6 for the kind of steel and fasteners used.
1.7.5 Details
Members subject to the provisions of Sect. 1.7.2,1.7.3 and 1.7.4 shall have
no sharp notches, sharp copes or a t t a c h m e n t s of clips, brackets or similar de-
tails, a t locations where the stress exceeds 75 percent of those allowed in this
1.7.6 High S t r e n g t h Bolted Connections
High strength bolts in friction-type joints shall be proportioned a t t h e
unit stresses allowed in Sect. 1.5.2 and 1.6.2 to resist t h e largest static stress on
the joint produced by any single application of t h e design loads.


1.8.1 Definition
I n determining t h e slenderness ratio of an axially loaded compression
member, I shall be taken as its effective length and r t h e corresponding radius
of gyration.

1.8.2 Sidesway Prevented

T h e effective length of compression members in trusses, and in frames
where lateral stability is provided by diagonal bracing, shear walls, attach-
ment to an adjacent structure having adequate lateral stability, or by floor
slabs or roof decks secured horizontally by walls or bracing systems parallel
to the plane of the frame, shall be taken as the actual unbraced length, unless
analysis shows t h a t a shorter length m a y be used.
f Approximately equivalent to 200 applications per day for 25 years.
20 • AISC Specification

1.8.3 Sidesway Not Prevented

The effective length of compression members in a frame which depends
upon its own bending stiffness for lateral stability, shall be determined by a
rational method and shall not be less than the actual unbraced length.

1.8.4 Maximum Ratios

The slenderness ratio of compression members shall not exceed 200.
The slenderness ratio of tension members, other than rods, preferably
should not exceed:
For main members 240
For bracing and other secondary members 300


1.9.1 Projecting Elements Under Compression
Projecting elements of members subjected to axial compression or com-
pression due to bending shall have ratios of width-to-thickness not greater
than the following:
Single-angle struts; double-angle struts with separators. . 2,400/V/<V
Struts comprising double angles in contact; angles or plates
projecting from girders, columns or other compression
members; compression flanges of beams; stiffeners on
plate girders '. . 3,000/V>,
Stems of tees 4,000/V~Fy
The width of plates shall be taken from the free edge to the first row of
rivets, bolts or welds; the width of legs of angles, channels and zees, and of
the stems of tees, shall be taken as the full nominal dimension; the width of
flanges of beams and tees shall be taken as one-half the full nominal width.
The thickness of a sloping flange shall be measured halfway between a free
edge and the corresponding face of the web.
When a projecting element exceeds the width-to-thickness ratio prescribed
in the preceding paragraph, but would conform to same and would satisfy
the stress requirements with a portion of its width considered as removed,
the member will be acceptable.

1.9.2 Compression Elements Supported Along Two Edges

In compression members the unsupported width of web, cover or dia-
phragm plates, between the nearest lines of fasteners or welds, or between the
roots of the flanges in case of rolled sections, shall not exceed 8,000/ \FV times
its thickness.
When the unsupported width exceeds this limit, but a portion of its
width no greater than 8,000/ \Fy times the thickness would satisfy the stress
requirements, the member will be considered acceptable.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 21

The unsupported width of cover plates perforated with a succession of

access holes, may exceed 8,000/\/Fy, but shall not exceed 10,000/v Fy,
times the thickness. The gross width of the plate less the width of the widest
access hole shall be assumed available to resist compression.


1.10.1 Proportions
Riveted and welded plate girders, cover-plated beams and rolled beams
shall in general be proportioned by the moment of inertia of the gross section.
No deduction shall be made for shop or field rivet or bolt holes in either flange,
except that in cases where the reduction of the area of either flange by such
holes, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Sect. 1.14.3, exceeds
15 percent of the gross flange area, the excess shall be deducted.
1.10.2 Web
The clear distance between flanges in inches, shall not exceed
VFv(Fy + 16,500)
times the web thickness.
1.10.3 Flanges
The thickness of outstanding parts of flanges shall conform to the require-
ments of Sect. 1.9.
Each flange of welded plate girders shall in general consist of a single plate
rather than two or more plates superimposed. The single plate may comprise
a series of shorter plates, laid end-to-end and joined by complete penetration
butt welds.
Unstiffened cover plates on riveted girders shall not extend more than
3,000/ vFy times the thickness of the thinnest outside plate beyond the outer
row of rivets or bolts connecting them to the angles. The total cross-sectional
area of cover plates of riveted girders shall not exceed 70 percent of the total
flange area.
1.10.4 Flange Development
Rivets, high strength bolts or welds connecting flange to web, or cover
plate to flange, shall be proportioned to resist the total horizontal shear
resulting from the bending forces on the girder. The longitudinal distribution
of these rivets or intermittent welds shall be in proportion to the intensity of
the shear. But the longitudinal spacing shall not exceed the maximum
permitted, respectively, for compression or tension members in Sect. or Additionally, rivets or welds connecting flange to web shall be pro-
portioned to transmit to the web any loads applied directly to the flange unless
provision is made to transmit such loads by direct bearing.
Partial length cover plates shall be extended beyond the theoretical cut-off
point and the extended portion shall be attached to the beam or girder by
11 • AISC Specification

rivets, high strength bolts (friction-type joint), or fillet welds adequate, at

stresses allowed in Sect. 1.5.2 or 1.5.3 or Sect. 1.7, to develop the cover plate's
portion of the flexural stresses in the beam or girder at the theoretical cut-off
point. In addition, for welded cover plates, the welds connecting the cover
plate termination to the beam or girder in the length a', defined below, shall
be adequate, at the allowed stresses, to develop the cover plate's portion of
the flexural stresses in the beam or girder at the distance a' from the end of the
cover plate.* The length a', measured from the end of the cover plate, shall
1. A distance equal to the width of the cover plate when there is a con-
tinuous weld equal to or larger than % of the plate thickness across
the end of the plate and continued welds along both edges of the
cover plate in the length a'.
2. A distance equal to 1 y% times the width of the cover plate when there
is a continuous weld smaller than % of the plate thickness across the
end of the plate and continued welds along both edges of the cover
plate in the length a'.
3. A distance equal to 2 times the width of the cover plate when there
is no weld across the end of the plate but continuous welds along
both edges of the cover plate in the length a'.
1.10.5 Stiffeners Bearing stiffeners shall be placed in pairs at unframed ends on
the webs of plate girders and, where required by the provisions of Sect.
1.10.10, at points of concentrated loads. Such stiffeners shall have a close
bearing against the flange, or flanges, through which they receive their loads
or reactions, and shall extend approximately to the edge of the flange plates or
flange angles. They shall be designed as columns subject to the provisions of
Sect. 1.5.1, assuming the column section to comprise the pair of stiffeners and
a centrally located strip of the web whose width is equal to not more than 25
times its thickness at interior stiffeners or a width equal to not more than 12
times its thickness when the stiffeners are located at the end of the web. The
effective length shall be taken as not less than % of the length of the stiffeners
in computing the ratio l/r. Only that portion of the stiffener outside of the
angle fillet or the flange-to-web welds shall be considered effective in bearing. The largest average web shear fv in any panel between stiffeners
(total shear force divided by web cross-sectional area), in pounds per square
inch, computed for any condition of complete or partial loading, shall not
exceed the value given by Formula (8) or (9),** as applicable.

» = o ^ \C* + 1 Cv
/~ 1 Formula (8)
2.89 L 1.15 V 1 + (a/hyA
* This may require the cover plate termination to be placed at a point in the
beam or girder that has lower bending stress than the stress at the theoretical cut-off
** For values of Fv corresponding to various stiffener spacing see Tables 3 in the
Structural Steel for Buildings • 23

when Cv is less than 1.0;

(Cv) Formula (9)
but not more than 0AFy, when Cv is more than 1.0 or when intermediate
stiffeners are omitted;
a = clear distance between transverse stiffeners, in inches
h = clear distance between flanges, in inches
r 45,000,000^ _Q
v =
—w (h ' when Cv is less than 0.8
h/t H z? ' w n e n ^ *s m o r e than 0.8
t — thickness of web, in inches
k = 4.00 H , when a/h is less than 1.0

• = 5.34 H '-— , when a/h is more than 1.0

When a/h is more than 3 its value shall be taken as infinity. In this case
Formula (8) reduces to Formula (9) and k = 5.34. Intermediate stiffeners are not required when the ratio h/t is
less than 260 and the maximum web shear stress fv is less than that permitted
by Formula (9).
The spacing of intermediate stiffeners, when stiffeners are required, shall
be such that the web shear stress will not exceed the value for Fv given by
Formulas (8) or (9), as applicable, but the smaller panel dimension, a or A,
shall not exceed 260 times the web thickness and the ratio a/h shall not exceed
nor 3.0.
The spacing between stiffeners at end panels and panels containing large
holes shall be such that the smaller panel dimension, a or h, shall not exceed

vr. ' The gross area, in square inches, of intermediate stiffeners
spaced in accordance with Formula (8) (total area, when stiffeners are fur-
nished in pairs) shall be not less than that computed by Formula (10).
1 Cl [a (a/h)* 1
A - ~
\l . YDht Formula (10)
LA V l + (a/A)2 J
24 • AISC Specification

C„, a, A and £ are as defined in Sect.
_ yield point of web steel
yield point of stiffener steel
D = 1.0 for stiffeners furnished in pairs
= 1.8 for single angle stiffeners
= 2.4 for single plate stiffeners
When the greatest shear stress /„ in a panel is less than that permitted by
Formula (8) this gross area requirement may be reduced in like proportion.
The moment of inertia of a pair of stiffeners, or a single stiffener, with
reference to an axis in the plane of the web, shall not be less than (A/50)4.
Intermediate stiffeners may be stopped short of the tension flange a
distance not to exceed 4 times the web thickness, provided bearing is not
needed to transmit a concentrated load or reaction. When single stiffeners
are used they shall be attached to the compression flange, if it consists of a
rectangular plate, to resist any uplift tendency due to torsion in the plate.
When lateral bracing is attached to a stiffener, or a pair of stiffeners, these, in
turn, shall be connected to the compression flange to transmit 1 percent of
the total flange stress, unless the flange is composed only of angles.
Intermediate stiffeners required by the provisions of Sect. shall be
connected for a total shear transfer, in pounds per linear inch of single stiffener
or pair of stiffeners, not less than that computed by the formula
fn = h
where Fy = yield point of web steel.
This shear transfer may be reduced in the same proportion that the largest
computed shear stress /„ in the adjacent panels is less than that permitted by
Formula (8). However, rivets and welds in intermediate stiffeners which are
required to transmit to the web an applied concentrated load or reaction shall
be proportioned for not less than the applied load or reaction.
Rivets connecting stiffeners to the girder web shall be spaced not more
than 12 inches on center. If intermittent fillet welds are used, the clear dis-
tance between welds shall not be more than 16 times the web thickness nor
more than 10 inches.
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
When the web depth-to-thickness ratio exceeds 24,000/ V f t , the maximum
stress in the compression flange shall not exceed

ft < Fb Tl.O - 0.0005 j * (j - T7^°)l Formula (11)

Fb = applicable bending stress given in Sect. 1.5.1
Aw = area of the web
Af = area of compression flange
Structural Steel for Buildings • 25

1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension Stress

Plate girder webs, under combined shear and tension stress, shall be so
proportioned that the bending tensile stress, due to moment in the plane of the
girder web, shall not exceed 0.6Fy nor

(0.825 - 0.375 — jFy Formula (12)

fv = computed web shear stress (total shear divided by web area)
Fv = allowable web shear stress according to Formula (8) or (9)

1.10.8 Splices
Spliced cross-sections in plate girders and in beams, except butt welded
splices, shall develop the strength required by the stresses, at the point of
splice, but in no case less than 50 percent of the effective strength of the
material spliced. Butt welded splices shall develop the full strength of the
smaller spliced section.

1.10.9 Horizontal Forces

The flanges of plate girders supporting cranes or other moving loads shall
be proportioned to resist the horizontal forces produced by such loads. (See
Sect. 1.3.4.)

1.10.10 Web Crippling Webs of beams and plate girders shall be so proportioned that
the compressive stress at the web toe of the fillets, resulting from concentrated
loads not supported by bearing stiffeners, shall not exceed the value of 0.75Fy
pounds per square inch allowed in Sect. 1.5.1; otherwise, bearing stiffeners
shall be provided. The governing formulas shall be:
For interior loads,

— — = not over 0.75Fy pounds per square inch Formula (13)

For end-reactions,
= not over 0.75Fy pounds per square inch Formula (14)
t(N + k)
R = concentrated load or reaction, in pounds
t = thickness of web, in inches
N = length of bearing in inches (not less than k for end reactions)
k = distance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet, in inches
26 • AISC'Specification Webs of plate girders shall also be so proportioned or stiffened

that the sum of the compression stresses resulting from concentrated and
distributed loads, bearing directly on or through a flange plate, upon the
compression edge of the web plate, and not supported directly by bearing
stiffeners, shall not exceed
[\ r , 1 10,000,000 , . ,
/h\2 —(h / ^2 pounds per square inch Formula (15)
when the flange is restrained against rotation, nor
l\ , 4 "110,000,000 , . , , „„ x
2 + -—— ——— pounds per square inch Formula (16)
L Why j (h/ty
when the flange is not so restrained.
These stresses shall be computed as follows:
Concentrated loads and loads distributed over partial length of a
panel shall be divided by the product of the web thickness and the
girder depth or the length of panel in which the load is placed, which-
ever is the lesser panel dimension.
Any other distributed loading, in pounds per linear inch of length,
shall be divided by the web thickness.
1.11.1 Definition
Composite construction shall consist of steel beams or girders supporting
a reinforced concrete slab, so inter-connected that the beam and slab act
together to resist bending. When the slab extends on both sides of the beam,
the effective width of the concrete flange shall be taken as not more than one-
fourth of the span of the beam, and its effective projection beyond the edge
of the beam shall not be taken as more than one-half the clear distance to the
adjacent beam, nor more than eight times the slab thickness. When the slab
is present on only one side of the beam, the effective width of the concrete
flange (projection beyond the beam) shall be taken as not more than one-
twelfth of the beam span, nor six times its thickness nor one-half the clear
distance to the adjacent beam.
Beams totally encased 2 inches or more on their sides and soffit in concrete
poured integrally with the slab may be assumed to be inter-connected to the
concrete by natural bond, without additional anchorage, provided the top of
the beam is at least 1 J/£ inches below the top and 2 inches above the bottom
of the slab, and provided that the encasement has adequate mesh or other
reinforcing steel throughout the whole depth and across the soffit of the beam.
When shear connectors are provided in accordance with Sect. 1.11.4, encase-
ment of the beam to achieve composite action is not required.
1.11.2 Design Assumptions Encased beams shall be proportioned to support unassisted all
dead loads applied prior to the hardening of the concrete (unless these loads
are supported temporarily on shoring) and, acting in conjunction with the
Structural Steel for Buildings • 11

slab, to support all dead and live loads applied after hardening of the concrete,
without exceeding a computed bending stress of 0.66^, where Fy is the yield
point of the steel beam. The bending stress produced by loads after the
concrete has hardened shall be computed on the basis of the moment of inertia
of the composite section. Concrete tension stresses below the neutral axis of
the composite section shall be neglected. Alternatively, the steel beam
alone may be proportioned to resist unassisted the moment produced by all
loads, live and dead, using a bending stress equal to 0.76Fy, in which case
temporary shoring is not required. When shear connectors are used in accordance with Sect. 1.11.4
the composite section shall be proportioned to support all of the loads without
exceeding the allowable stress prescribed in Sect. or as
applicable. The moment of inertia Itr of the composite section shall be com-
puted in accordance with the elastic theory. Concrete tension stresses below
the neutral axis of the composite section shall be neglected. The compression
area of the concrete above the neutral axis shall be treated as an equivalent
area of steel by dividing it by the modular ratio n.
For construction without temporary shoring the value of the section
modulus of the composite section used in stress calculations (referred to the
tension flange) shall not exceed

Str = (1.35 + 0 . 3 5 ^ jSs Formula (17)

where ML and MD are, respectively, the live load and dead load moments and
Ss is the section modulus of the steel beam (referred to its tension flange) and
provided that the steel beam alone, supporting the loads before the concrete
has hardened, is not stressed to more than the applicable bending stress
given in Sect. 1.5.1.
1.11.3 End Shear
The web and the end connections of the steel beam shall be designed to
carry the total dead and live load.
1.11.4 Shear Connectors
Except in the case of encased beams as defined in Sect. 1.11.1, the entire
horizontal shear at the junction of the steel beam and the concrete slab shall
be assumed to be transferred by shear connectors welded to the top flange of
the beam and embedded in the concrete. The total horizontal shear to be
thus resisted between the point of maximum positive moment and each end
of the steel beam (or between the point of maximum moment and a point of
contraflexure in continuous beams) may be taken as the smaller value using
the formulas
^ = 0.85/'c Ac Formula (18)

Vn = ^ Formula (19)
28 • AISC Specification

f'c «= specified compression strength of concrete at 28 days
Ac = actual area of effective concrete flange defined in Sect. 1.11.1
As = area of steel beam
The number of connectors resisting this shear, each side of the point of maxi-
mum moment, shall not be less than that determined by the relationship Vh/q,
where q, the allowable shear load for one connector, or one pitch of a spiral
bar, is as given in Table 1.11.4.

TABLE 1.11.4
Allowable Horizontal Shear Load (q)
Connector (Applicable only to stone concrete)
f'e = 3,000 f'c = 3,500 f'c = 4,000
W diam. X 2 " hooked or headed stud 5.1 5.5 5.9
Y%" diam. X 2 ^ " hooked or headed stud 8.0 8.6 9.2
%rr diam. X 3 " hooked or headed stud 11.5 12.5 13.3 1
%"diam. X %W hooked or headed stud 15.6 16.8 18.0
3" channel, 4.1 lb. 4.3M; 4.7M; 5.0M;
4" channel, 5.4 lb. 4.6M; 5.0M; 5.3M;
5" channel, 6.7 lb. 4.9M; 5.3M; 5.6M;
3^2" diam. spiral bar 11.9 12.4 12.8
%" diam. spiral bar 14.8 15.4 15.9
%" diam. spiral bar 17.8 18.5 19.1

w = length of channel in inches.

The required number of shear connectors may be spaced uniformly be-
tween the sections of maximum and zero moment.
Shear connectors shall have at least 1 inch of concrete cover in all direc-


1.12.1 Simple Spans
Beams, girders and trusses shall ordinarily be designed on the basis of
simple spans whose effective length is equal to the distance between centers of
gravity of the members to which they deliver their end reactions.
1.12.2 End Restraint
When designed on the assumption of full or partial end restraint, due to
continuous, semi-continuous or cantilever action, the beams, girders and
trusses, as well as the sections of the members to which they connect, shall be
designed to carry the shears and moments so introduced, as well as all other
forces, without exceeding at any point the unit stresses prescribed in Sect.
1.5.1; except that some non-elastic but self-limiting deformation of a part of
the connection may be permitted when this is essential to the avoidance of
overstressing of fasteners.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 29


Beams and girders supporting floors and roofs shall be proportioned with
due regard to the deflection produced by the design loads.
Beams and girders supporting plastered ceilings shall be so proportioned
that the maximum live load deflection will not exceed 3^60 °f the span.
The depth of beams and girders supporting flat roofs shall be not less than
Fy/ly000,000 times their span length whether designed as simple or con-
tinuous spans.


1.14.1 Definitions
The gross section of a member at any point shall be determined by
summing the products of the thickness and the gross width of each element as
measured normal to the axis of the member. The net section shall be deter-
mined by substituting for the gross width the net width computed in accord-
ance with Sect. 1.14.3 to 1.14.6 inclusive.
1.14.2 Application
Unless otherwise specified, tension members shall be designed on the
basis of net section. Compression members shall be designed on the basis of
gross section. Beams and girders shall be designed in accordance with
Sect. 1.10.1.
1.14.3 Net Section
In the case of a chain of holes extending across a part in any diagonal or
zigzag line, the net width of the part shall be obtained by deducting from the
gross width the sum of the diameters of all the holes in the chain, and adding,
for each gage space in the chain, the quantity


s = longitudinal spacing (pitch, in inches) of any two consecutive holes
g = transverse spacing (gage, in inches) of the same two holes
The critical net section of the part is obtained from that chain which
gives the least net width; however, the net section taken through a hole shall
in no case be considered as more than 85 percent of the corresponding gross
In determining the net section across plug or slot welds, the weld metal
shall not be considered as adding to the net area.
1.14.4 Angles
For angles, the gross width shall be the sum of the widths of the legs less
the thickness. The gage for holes in opposite legs shall be the sum of the
gages from back of angles less the thickness.
30 • AISC Specification

1.14.5 Size of Holes

In computing net area the diameter of a rivet or bolt hole shall be taken
as }/% inch greater than the nominal diameter of the rivet or bolt.

1.14.6 Pin-Connected Members

Eyebars shall be of uniform thickness without reinforcement at the pin
holes.* They shall have "circular" heads in which the periphery of the head
beyond the pin hole is concentric with the pin hole. The radius of transition
between the circular head and the body of the eyebar shall be equal to or
greater than the diameter of the head.
The width of the body of the eyebar shall not exceed 8 times its thickness,
and the thickness shall not be less than % inch. The net section of the head
through the pin hole transverse to the axis of the eyebar, shall not be less than
1.33 nor more than 1.50 times the cross-sectional area of the body of the eye-
bar. The diameter of the pin shall not be less than % the width of the body
of the eyebar. The diameter of the pin hole shall not be more than 3^$2 m c n
greater than the diameter of the pin.
The minimum net section across the pin hole, transverse to the axis of the
member, in pin-connected plates and built-up members shall be determined
at the stress allowed for such sections in Sect. The net section beyond
the pin hole, parallel to the axis of the member, shall not be less than % of the
net section across the pin hole. The corners beyond the pin hole may be cut
at 45 ° to the axis of the member provided the net section beyond the pin hole
on a plane perpendicular to the cut is not less than that required beyond the
pin hole parallel to the axis of the member. The parts of members built up
at the pin hole shall be attached to each other by sufficient fasteners to support
the stress delivered to them by the pin.
The distance transverse to the axis of a pin-connected plate or any
separated element of a built-up member from the edge of the pin hole to the
edge of the member or element, shall not exceed 4 times the thickness at the
pin hole. The diameter of the pin shall preferably not be less than 5 times the
thickness of the member or separated element at the pin hole. If a smaller
size is used, the bearing stress shall not exceed that allowed by Sect.
The diameter of the pin hole shall not be more than 3^2 m c n greater than the
diameter of the pin.

1.14.7 Effective Areas of Weld Metal

The effective area of butt and fillet welds shall be considered as the
effective length of the weld times the effective throat thickness.
The effective shearing area of plug and slot welds shall be considered as
the nominal cross-sectional area of the hole or slot, in the plane of the faying

* Members having a different thickness at the pin hole location are termed
Structural Steel for Buildings • 31

The effective area of fillet welds in holes and slots shall be computed as
above specified for fillet welds, using for effective length, the length of center-
line of the weld through the center of the plane through the throat. How-
ever, in the case of overlapping fillets, the effective area shall not exceed the
nominal cross-sectional area of the hole or slot, in the plane of the faying
The effective length of a fillet weld shall be the overall length of full-size
fillet including returns.
The effective length of a butt weld shall be the width of the part joined.
The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld shall be the shortest distance
from the root to the face of the diagrammatic weld.
The effective throat thickness of a complete penetration butt weld (i.e.,
a butt weld conforming to the requirements of Sect. 1.23.6) shall be the thick-
ness of the thinner part joined.
The effective throat thickness of single-V or single-bevel groove welds
having no root opening and having partial penetration into their joints shall be
yi inch less than the depth of the V or bevel groove. The effective throat
thickness of single-J or single-U groove welds having no root opening and hav-
ing partial penetration into their joints shall be the depth of the J or U groove.
The effective throat thickness of any of these partial penetration groove welds
shall be not less than Vt t/6, where tt is the thickness of the thinner part
connected by the weld.


1.15.1 Minimum Connections

Connections carrying calculated stresses, except for lacing, sag bars, and
girts, shall be designed to support not less than 6,000 pounds.

1.15.2 Eccentric Connections

Axially stressed members meeting at a point shall have their gravity axes
intersect at a point if practicable; if not, provision shall be made for bending
stresses due to the eccentricity.

1.15.3 Placement of Rivets, Bolts and Welds

Except as hereinafter provided, the rivets, bolts or welds at the ends of
any member transmitting axial stress into that member shall have their cen-
ters of gravity on the gravity axis of the member unless provision is made for
the effect of the resulting eccentricity. Except in members subject to re-
peated variation in stress, as defined in §ect. 1.7, disposition of fillet welds to
balance the forces about the neutral axis or axes for end connections of single
angle, double angle, and similar type members is not required. Eccentricity
between the gravity axes of such members and the gage lines for their riveted
or Folted end connections may be neglected.
32 o AISC Specification

1.15.4 Unrestrained Members

Except as otherwise indicated by the designer, connections of beams,
girders or trusses shall be designed as flexible, and may ordinarily be propor-
tioned for the reaction shears only.
Flexible beam connections shall permit the ends of the beam to rotate
sufficiently to accommodate its deflection by providing for a horizontal dis-
placement of the top flange determined as follows:
e = 0.007d, when the beam is designed for full uniform load and for
live load deflection not exceeding M 60 °f * n e span
= ,when the beam is designed for full uniform load
' ' producing the unit stress fb at mid-span
e = the horizontal displacement of the end of the top flange, in the
direction of the span, in inches
fb = the flexural unit stress in the beam at mid-span, in pounds per
square inch
d = the depth of the beam, in inches
L = the span of the beam, in feet

1.15.5 Restrained Members

Fasteners or welds for end connections of beams, girders and trusses not
conforming to the requirements of Sect. 1.15.4 shall be designed for the com-
bined effect of end reaction shear and tensile or compressive stresses resulting
from moment induced by the rigidity of the connection when the member is
fully loaded.

1.15.6 Fillers
When rivets or bolts carrying computed stress pass through fillers thicker
than 34 inch, except in friction-type connections assembled with high strength
bolts, the fillers shall be extended beyond the splice material and the filler
extension shall be secured by enough rivets or bolts to distribute the total
stress in the member uniformly over the combined section of the member and
the filler, or an equivalent number of fasteners shall be included in the connec-
In welded construction, any filler 34 inch or more in thickness shall extend
beyond the edges of the splice plate and shall be welded to the part on which
it is fitted with sufficient weld to transmit the splice plate stress, applied at
the surface of the filler as an eccentric load. The welds joining the splice
plate to the filler shall be sufficient to transmit the splice plate stress and shall
be long enough to avoid overstressing the filler along the toe of the weld. Any
filler less than 34 inch thick shall have its edges made flush with the edges of
the splice plate and the weld size shall be the sum of the size necessary to carry
the splice plate stress plus the thickness of the filler plate.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 33

1.15.7 Connections of Tension and Compression Members in Trusses

The connections at ends of tension or compression members in trusses
shall develop the strength required by the stress, but not less than 50 percent
of the effective strength of the member.
1.15.8 Compression Members with Bearing Joints
Where compression members bear on bearing plates, and where tier-
building columns are finished to bear, there shall be sufficient rivets, bolts or
welds to hold all parts securely in place.
Where other compression members are finished to bear, the splice ma-
terial and its riveting, bolting or welding shall be arranged to hold all parts in
line and shall be proportioned for 50 percent of the computed stress.
All of the foregoing joints shall be proportioned to resist any tension that
would be developed by specified lateral forces acting in conjunction with 75
percent of the calculated dead load stress and no live load.
1.15.9 Combination of Welds
If two or more of the general types of weld (butt, fillet, plug, slot) are
combined in a single joint, the effective capacity of each shall be separately
computed with reference to the axis of the group, in order to determine the
allowable capacity of the combination.
1.15.10 Rivets and Bolts in Combination with Welds
In new work, rivets, A307 bolts, or high strength bolts used in bearing-
type connections, shall not be considered as sharing the stress in combination
with welds. Welds, if used, shall be provided to carry the entire stress in the
connection. High strength bolts installed in accordance with the provisions
of Sect. 1.16.1 as a friction-type connection prior to welding may be considered
as sharing the stress with the welds.
In making welded alterations to structures, existing rivets and properly
tightened high strength bolts may be utilized for carrying stresses resulting
from existing dead loads, and the welding need be adequate only to carry all
additional stress.
1.15.11 High Strength Bolts (in Friction-Type Joints) in Combina-
tion with Rivets
In new work and in making alterations, rivets and high strength bolts,
installed in accordance with the provisions of Sect. 1.16.1 as friction-type
connections, may be considered as sharing the stresses resulting from dead and
live loads.
1.15.12 Field Connections
Rivets, high strength bolts or welds shall be used for the following con-
Column splices in all tier structures 200 feet or more in height.
Column splices in tier structures 100 to 200 feet in height, if the
least horizontal dimension is less than 40 percent of the height.
34 • AISC Specification

Column splices in tier structures less than 100 feet in height, if the
least horizontal dimension is less than 25 percent of the height.
Connections of all beams and girders to columns and of any other
beams and girders on which the bracing of columns is dependent,
in structures over 125 feet in height.
Roof-truss splices and connections of trusses to columns, column
splices, column bracing, knee braces and crane supports, in all
structures carrying cranes of over 5-ton capacity.
Connections for supports of running machinery, or of other live
loads which produce impact or reversal of stress.
Any other connections stipulated on the design plans.
In all other cases field connections may be made with A307 bolts.
For the purpose of this Section, the height of a tier structure shall be taken
as the vertical distance from the curb level to the highest point of the roof
beams, in the case of flat roofs, or to the mean height of the gable, in the case of
roofs having a rise of more than 2% in 12. Where the curb level has not been
established, or where the structure does not adjoin a street, the mean level of
the adjoining land shall be used instead of curb level. Penthouses may be
excluded in computing the height of structure.


1.16.1 High Strength Bolts
Use of high strength bolts shall conform to the provisions of the Specifica-
tions for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 Bolts as approved by the Re-
search Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints, except that A354,
Grade BC, bolts tightened to their proof load, may be substituted for A325
bolts at the working stresses permitted in Sect. 1.5 and 1.6.
1.16.2 Effective Bearing Area
The effective bearing area of rivets and bolts shall be the diameter multi-
plied by the length in bearing, except that for countersunk rivets and bolts
half the depth of the countersink shall be deducted.
1.16.3 Long Grips
Rivets and A307 bolts which carry calculated stress, and the grip of which
exceeds five diameters, shall have their number increased 1 percent for each
additional }{ Q inch in the grip.
1.16.4 Minimum Pitch
The minimum distance between centers of rivet and bolt holes shall be
not less than 2% times the nominal diameter of the rivet or bolt but preferably
not less than 3 diameters.
1.16.5 Minimum Edge Distance
The minimum distance from the center of a rivet or bolt hole to any edge,
used in design or in preparation of shop drawings, shall be that given in
Table 1.16.5.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 35

TABLE 1.16.5
Minimum Edge Distance for
Punched, Reamed or Drilled Holes
Rivet or Bolt (Inches)
(Inches) At Rolled Edges of
At Sheared
Plates, Shapes or Bars
or Gas Cut Edges** |
Vs X
Vs Vs
% IX 1
Vs W2*
1 IX
1H 2
1 Over IX 1% X Diameter IX X Diameter |

* These may be 134 in. at the ends of beam connection angles.

** All edge distances in this column may be reduced Y% in. when the hole is at a
point where stress does not exceed 25% of the maximum allowed stress in the

1.16.6 Minimum Edge Distance in Line of Stress

The distance from the center of the end rivet or high strength bolt in a
bearing-type connection of a tension member having not more than two
fasteners in a line parallel to the direction of stress and that end of the con-
nected member towards which the stress is directed, shall be not less than
the shearing area of the fastener (single or double shear) divided by
the plate thickness for riveted connections, or by % of the plate thickness for
high strength bolted connections. This end distance may, however, be de-
creased in such proportion as the stress per fastener is less than that per-
mitted under Sect. 1.5.2, but it shall not be less than the distance specified in
Sect. 1.16.5 above.

1.16.7 Maximum Edge Distance

The maximum distance from the center of any rivet or bolt to the nearest
edge of parts in contact with one another shall be 12 times the thickness of the
plate, but shall not exceed 6 inches.


1.17.1 Welder and Welding Operator Qualifications
Welds shall be made only by welders and welding operators who have
been previously qualified by tests as prescribed in the Standard Code for Arc
and Gas Welding in Building Construction of the American Welding Society,
to perform the type of work required, except that this provision need not
apply to tack welds not later incorporated into finished welds carrying calcu-
lated stress.
36 • A1SC Specification

1.17.2 Qualification of Weld and Joint Details

The details of all joints (including for butt welds the groove form, root
face, root spacing, etc.) to be employed under this Specification without weld-
ing procedure qualification shall comply with all the requirements for joints
which are accepted without procedure qualification under the Standard Code
for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Construction or the Standard Specifications
for Welded Highway and Railway Bridges of the American Welding Society.
Additionally, single-V, single-bevel, single-J and single-U partial penetration
groove welds, having no root opening and an effective throat thickness as
defined in Sect. 1.14.7, are accepted without procedure qualification. Joint
forms or procedures other than those included in the foregoing may be em-
ployed provided they shall have been qualified in accordance with the require-
ments of these AWS Standards.
E60 and E70 series electrodes for manual arc welding and Grade SA-1 or
Grade SA-2 submerged arc process may be used for welding A7, A373 and A36
steel. Only E70 low hydrogen electrodes for manual arc welding or Grade
SA-2 for submerged arc welding shall be used with A441 or weldable A242
steel, except that fillet welds or partial penetration groove welds used to con-
nect parts of built-up members and not carrying calculated stress may be
made with E60 series low hydrogen electrodes and Grade SA-1 submerged
arc process. Welding A440 steel is not recommended.

1.17.3 Submerged Arc Welding

The bare electrodes and granular fusible flux used in combinations for
submerged arc welding shall be capable of producing weld metal having the
following tensile properties when deposited in a multiple pass weld:

Grade SA-1
Tensile strength 62,000 to 80,000 psi
Yield point, min. . 45,000 psi
Elongation in 2 in., min 25%
Reduction in area, min 40%

Grade SA-2
Tensile strength 70,000 to 90,000 psi
Yield point, min 50,000 psi
Elongation in 2 in., min.. 22%
Reduction in area, min 40%

1.17.4 Minimum Size of Fillet Welds

In joints connected only by fillet welds, the minimum size of fillet weld to
be used shall be as shown in Table 1.17.4. Weld size is determined by the
thicker of the two parts joined, except that the weld size need not exceed the
thickness of the thinner part joined unless a larger size is required by calculated
Structural Steel for Buildings • 37

TABLE 1.17.4
Material Thickness of Minimum Size of
Thicker Part Joined Fillet Weld
(Inches) (Inches)
To }/2 inclusive He
Over y2 to y± M
Over % to iy He
Over \y2 to 2H Vs
Over 2y to 6 y2
Over 6 Vs

1.17.5 Maximum Effective Size of Fillet Welds

The maximum size of a fillet weld that may be assumed in the design of a
connection shall be such that the stresses in the adjacent base material do not
exceed the values allowed in Sect. 1.5.1. The maximum size that may be
used along edges of connected parts shall be:
1. Along edges of material less than ^ inch thick, the maximum size
may be equal to the thickness of the material.
2. Along edges of material \i inch or more in thickness, the maximum
size shall be }/[ Q inch less than the thickness of the material, unless the
weld is especially designated on the drawings to be built out to ob-
tain full throat thickness.
1.17.6 Length of Fillet Welds
The minimum effective length of a strength fillet weld shall be not less
than 4 times the nominal size, or else the size of the weld shall be considered
not to exceed one-fourth of its effective length.
If longitudinal fillet welds are used alone in end connections of flat bar
tension members, the length of each fillet weld shall be not less than the
perpendicular distance between them. The transverse spacing of longi-
tudinal fillet welds used in end connections shall not exceed 8 inches, unless
the design otherwise prevents excessive transverse bending in the connection.
1.17.7 Intermittent Fillet Welds
Intermittent fillet welds may be used to transfer calculated stress across a
joint or faying surfaces when the strength required is less than that developed
by a continuous fillet weld of the smallest permitted size, and to join com-
ponents of built-up members. The effective length of any segment of inter-
mittent fillet welding shall be not less than 4 times the weld size with a mini-
mum of 13^ inches.
1.17.8 Lap Joints
The minimum width of laps on lap joints shall be 5 times the thickness
of the thinner part joined and not less than 1 inch. Lap joints joining plates
or bars subjected to axial stress shall be fillet welded along the edge of both
lapped parts except where the deflection of the lapped parts is sufficiently
restrained to prevent opening of the joint under maximum loading.
38 • AISC Specification

1.17.9 End Returns of Fillet Welds

Side or end fillet welds terminating at ends or sides, respectively, of parts
or members shall, wherever practicable, be returned continuously around the
corners for a distance not less than twice the nominal size of the weld. This
provision shall apply to side and top fillet welds connecting brackets, beam
seats and similar connections, on the plane about which bending moments are
computed. End returns shall be indicated on the design and detail drawings.

1.17.10 Fillet Welds in Holes and Slots

Fillet welds in holes or slots may be used to transmit shear in lap joints
or to prevent the buckling or separation of lapped parts, and to join com-
ponents of built-up members. Such fillet welds may overlap, subject to the
provisions of Sect. 1.14.7. Fillet welds in holes or slots are not be to con-
sidered plug or slot welds.

1.17.11 Plug and Slot Welds

Plug or slot welds may be used to transmit shear in a lap joint or to pre-
vent buckling of lapped parts and to join component parts of built-up mem-
The diameter of the holes for a plug weld shall be not less than the thick-
ness of the part containing it plus % Q inch, rounded to the next greater odd
34 6 inch, nor greater than 2^4 times the thickness of the weld metal.
The minimum center-to-center spacing of plug welds shall be 4 times the
diameter of the hole.
The length of slot for a slot weld shall not exceed 10 times the thickness of
the weld. The width of the slot shall be not less than the thickness of the
part containing it, plus %>{$ inch, rounded to the next greater odd J-f 6 inch,
nor shall it be greater than 2 j ^ times the thickness of the weld. The ends of
the slot shall be semicircular or shall have the corners rounded to a radius not
less than the thickness of the part containing it, except those ends which
extend to the edge of the part.
The minimum spacing of lines of slot welds in a direction transverse to
their length shall be 4 times the width of the slot. The minimum center-to-
center spacing in a longitudinal direction on any line shall be 2 times the
length of the slot.
The thickness of plug or slot welds in material % m c n o r l e s s m thickness
shall be equal to the thickness of the material. In mater Sal over ^ inch in
thickness, it shall be at least one-half the thickness of the material but not
less than ^ inch.


1.18.1 Open Box-Type Beams and Grillages
Where two or more rolled beams or channels are used side-by-side to
form a flexural member, they shall be connected together at intervals of not
more than 5 feet. Through-bolts and separators may be used, provided
that in beams having a depth of 12 inches or more, no fewer than 2 bolts shall
Structural Steel for Buildings • 39

be used at each separator location. When concentrated loads are carried

from one beam to the other, or distributed between the beams, diaphragms
having sufficient stiifness to distribute the load shall be riveted, bolted or
welded between the beams. Where beams are exposed, they shall be sealed
against corrosion of interior surfaces, or spaced sufficiently far apart to permit
cleaning and painting.
1.18.2 Compression Members All parts of built-up compression members and the transverse
spacing of their lines of fasteners shall meet the requirements of Sect. 1.8 and
1.9. At the ends of built-up compression members bearing on base
plates or milled surfaces, all components in contact with one another shall be
connected by rivets or bolts spaced longitudinally not more than 4 diameters
apart for a distance equal to 1 y% times the maximum width of the member, or
by continuous welds having a length not less than the maximum width of the
member. The longitudinal spacing for intermediate rivets, bolts or
intermittent welds in built-up members shall be adequate to provide for the
transfer of calculated stress. However, where a component of a built-up
compression member consists of an outside plate, the maximum spacing shall
not exceed the thickness of the thinner outside plate times 4,000/V Fy when
rivets are provided on all gage lines at each section, or when intermittent
welds are provided along the edges of the components, but this spacing shall
not exceed 12 inches. When rivets or bolts are staggered, the maximum
spacing on each gage line shall not exceed the thickness of the thinner outside
plate times 6fi00/'VFy nor 18 inches. The maximum longitudinal spacing of
rivets, bolts or intermittent welds connecting two rolled shapes in contact
with one another shall not exceed 24 inches. Compression members composed of two or more rolled shapes
separated from one another by intermittent fillers shall be connected to one
another at these fillers at intervals such that the slenderness ratio l/r of either
shape, between the fasteners, does not exceed the governing slenderness ratio
of the built-up member. The least radius of gyration r shall be used in com-
puting the slenderness ratio of each component part. Open sides of compression members built up from plates or
shapes shall be provided with lacing having tie plates at each end, and at
intermediate points if the lacing is interrupted. Tie plates shall be as near
the ends as practicable. In main members carrying calculated stress the
end tie plates shall have a length of not less than the distance between the lines
of rivets, bolts or welds connecting them to the components of the member.
Intermediate tie plates shall have a length not less than one-half of this
distance. The thickness of tie plates shall be not less than 3^5 o °f the distance
between the lines of rivets, bolts or welds connecting them to the segments of
the members. In riveted and bolted construction the pitch in tie plates
shall be not more than 6 diameters and the tie plates shall be connected to
40 • AISC Specification

each segment by at least three fasteners. In welded construction, the

welding on each line connecting a tie plate shall aggregate not less than one-
third the length of the plate. Lacing, including flat bars, angles, channels or other shapes
employed as lacing, shall be so spaced that the ratio l/r of the flange included
between their connections shall not exceed the governing ratio for the member
as a whole. Lacing shall be proportioned to resist a shearing stress normal to
the axis of the member equal to 2 percent of the total compressive stress in
the member. The ratio l/r for lacing bars arranged in single systems shall not
exceed 140. For double lacing this ratio shall not exceed 200. Double lacing
bars shall be joined at their intersections. In determining the required sec-
tion for lacing bars, Formula (1) or (3) shall be used, I being taken as the
unsupported length of the lacing bar between rivets or welds connecting it to
the components of the built-up member for single lacing and 70 percent of that
distance for double lacing. The inclination of lacing bars to the axis of the
member shall preferably be not less than 60 degrees for single lacing and 45
degrees for double lacing. When the distance between the lines of rivets or
welds in the flanges is more than 15 inches, the lacing shall preferably be
double or be made of angles. The function of tie plates and lacing may be performed by
continuous cover plates perforated with a succession of access holes. The net
width of such plates across holes, as defined in Sect. 1.9.2, is assumed available
to resist axial stress, provided that: the width-to-thickness ratio conforms to
the limitations of Sect. 1.9.2; the ratio of length (in direction of stress) to width
of hole shall not exceed 2; the clear distance between holes in the direction of
stress shall be not less than the transverse distance between nearest lines of
connecting rivets, bolts or welds; and the periphery of the holes at all points
shall have a minimum radius of 1 }4, inches.

1.18.3 Tension Members The longitudinal spacing of rivets, bolts and intermittent
fillet welds connecting a plate and a rolled shape in a built-up tension
member, or two plate components in contact with one another, shall not
exceed 24 times the thickness of the plates nor 12 inches. The longitudinal
spacing of rivets, bolts and intermittent welds connecting two or more shapes
in contact with one another in a tension member shall not exceed 24 inches.
Tension members composed of two or more shapes or plates separated from
one another by intermittent fillers shall be connected to one another at these
fillers at intervals such that the slenderness ratio of either component be-
tween the fasteners does not exceedp240. Either perforated cover plates or tie plates without lacing may
be used on the open sides of built-up tension members. Tie plates shall have
a length not less than two-thirds the distance between the lines of rivets, bolts
or welds connecting them to the components of the member. The thickness
of such tie plates shall not be less than J£0 of the distance between these lines.
The longitudinal spacing of rivets, bolts or intermittent welds at tie plates
Structural Steel for Buildings • 41

shall not exceed 6 inches. The spacing of tie plates shall be such that the
slenderness ratio of any component in the length between tie plates will not
exceed 240.


1.19.1 Trusses and Girders
Trusses of 80 feet or greater span should generally be cambered for
approximately the dead load deflection. Crane girders of 75 feet or greater
span should generally be cambered for approximately the dead and half live
load deflection.
1.19.2 Camber for Other Trades
If any special camber requirements are necessary in order to bring a
loaded member into proper relation with the work of other trades, as for the
attachment of runs of sash, the requirements shall be set forth on the plans
and on the detail drawings.

1.19.3 Erection
Beams and trusses detailed without specified camber shall be fabricated
so that after erection any minor camber due to rolling or shop assembly shall
be upward. If camber involves the erection of any member under a straining
force, this shall be noted on the erection diagram.


Adequate provision shall be made for expansion and contraction appro-
priate to the service conditions of the structure.


1.21.1 Loads
Proper provision shall be made to transfer the column loads, and moments
if any, to the footings and foundations.
1.21.2 Alignment
Column bases shall be set level and to correct elevation with full bearing
on the masonry.
1.21.3 Finishing
Column bases shall be finished in accordance with the following require-
1. Rolled steel bearing plates, 2 inches or less in thickness, may be used
without planing, provided a satisfactory contact bearing is obtained;
rolled steel bearing plates over 2 inches but not over 4 inches in thick-
ness may be straightened by pressing; or, if presses are not available,
by planing for all bearing surfaces (except as noted under require-
ment 3 of this Section), to obtain a satisfactory contact bearing; rolled
42 • AISC Specification

steel bearing plates over 4 inches in thickness shall be planed for all
bearing surfaces (except as noted under requirement 3 of this Section).
2. Column bases other than rolled steel bearing plates shall be planed
for all bearing surfaces (except as noted under requirement 3 of this
3. The bottom surfaces of bearing plates and column bases which are
grouted to insure full bearing contact on foundations need not be


Anchor bolts shall be designed to provide resistance to all conditions of
tension and shear at the bases of columns, including the net tensile components
of any bending moments which may result from fixation or partial fixation of


1.23.1 Straightening Material
Rolled material, before being laid off or worked, must be straight within
the tolerances allowed by ASTM Specification A6. If straightening is neces-
sary, it shall be done by methods that will not injure the metal.
1.23.2 Gas Cutting
Gas cutting shall preferably be done by machine. Gas cut edges which
will be subjected to substantial stress or which are to have weld metal de-
posited on them shall be free from gouges; any gouges that remain from
cutting shall be removed by grinding. All re-entrant corners shall be shaped
notch free to a radius of at least y2 inch.
1.23.3 Planing of Edges
Planing or finishing of sheared or gas cut edges of plates or shapes will
not be required unless specifically called for on the drawings or included in a
stipulated edge preparation for welding.
1.23.4 Riveted and Bolted Construction—Holes
Holes for rivets or bolts shall be 34 6 m c n larger than the nominal diameter
of the rivet or bolt. If the thickness of the material is not greater than the
nominal diameter of the rivet or bolt plus ^ inch, the holes may be punched.
If the thickness of the material is greater than the nominal diameter of the
rivet or bolt plus % inch, the holes shall be either drilled from the solid, or sub-
punched and reamed. The die for all sub-punched holes, and the drill for all
sub-drilled holes, shall be at least 3^6 m c n smaller than the nominal diameter
of the rivet or bolt.
1.23.5 Riveted and High Strength Bolted Construction—Assembling
All parts of riveted members shall be well pinned or bolted and rigidly
held together while riveting. Drifting done during assembling shall not
Structural Steel for Buildings • 43

distort the metal or enlarge the holes. Holes that must be enlarged to admit
the rivets or bolts shall be reamed. Poor matching of holes shall be cause for
Rivets shall be driven by power riveters, of either compression or manu-
ally-operated type, employing pneumatic, hydraulic or electric power. After
driving they shall be tight and their heads shall be in full contact with the
Rivets shall ordinarily be hot-driven, in which case their finished heads
shall be of approximately hemispherical shape and shall be of uniform size
throughout the work for the same size rivet, full, neatly finished and concen-
tric with the holes. Hot-driven rivets shall be heated uniformly to a tem-
perature not exceeding 1950° F; they shall not be driven after their tem-
perature has fallen below 1000° F.
Rivets may be driven cold if approved measures are taken to prevent
distortion of the riveted material. The requirements for hot-driven rivets
shall apply except as modified in the Tentative Specifications for Cold-
Driven Rivets of the Industrial Fasteners Institute.
Surfaces of high strength bolted parts in contact with the bolt head and
nut shall not have a slope of more than 1:20 with respect to a plane normal to
the bolt axis. Where the surface of a high strength bolted part has a slope of
more than 1:20, a beveled washer shall be used to compensate for the lack of
parallelism. High strength bolted parts shall fit solidly together when assem-
bled and shall not be separated by gaskets or any other interposed com-
pressible materials. When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those
adjacent to the washers, shall be free of scale except tight mill scale. They
shall be free of dirt, loose scale, burrs, and other defects that would prevent
solid seating of the parts. Contact surfaces within friction-type joints shall
be free of oil, paint, lacquer or galvanizing.
All A325 and A354, Grade BC, bolts shall be tightened to a bolt tension
not less than the proof load given in the applicable ASTM specification for the
type of bolt used. Tightening shall be done with properly calibrated wrenches
or by the turn-of-nut method.
Bolts tightened by means of a calibrated wrench, shall be installed with a
hardened washer under the nut or bolt head, whichever is the element turned
in tightening. Hardened washers are not required when bolts are tightened
by the turn-of-nut method.
1.23.6 Welded Construction
Surfaces to be welded shall be free from loose scale, slag, rust, grease,
paint and any other foreign material except that mill scale which withstands
vigorous wire brushing may remain. Joint surfaces shall be free from fins and
tears. Preparation of edges by gas cutting shall, wherever practicable, be
done by a mechanically guided torch.
Parts to be fillet welded shall be brought in as close contact as practicable
and in no event shall be separated by more than ^{Q inch. If the separa-
tion is 34 6 m c n o r greater, the size of the fillet welds shall be increased
by the amount of the separation. The separation between faying sur-
faces of lap joints and butt joints on a backing structure shall not
44 • AISC Specification

exceed 3^L6 inch. The fit of joints at contact surfaces which are not com-
pletely sealed by welds, shall be close enough to exclude water after painting.
Abutting parts to be butt welded shall be carefully aligned. Misalign-
ments greater than J£ inch shall be corrected and, in making the correction,
the parts shall not be drawn into a sharper slope than 2 degrees (^{Q inch in
12 inches).
The work shall be positioned for flat welding whenever practicable.
In assembling and joining parts of a structure or of built-up members,
the procedure and sequence of welding shall be such as will avoid needless
distortion and minimize shrinkage stresses. Where it is impossible to avoid
high residual stresses in the closing welds of a rigid assembly, such closing
welds shall be made in compression elements.
In the fabrication of cover-plated beams and built-up members, all shop
splices in each component part shall be made before such component part is
welded to other parts of the member. Long girders or girder sections may be
made by shop splicing not more than three subsections, each made in accord-
ance with this paragraph.
All complete penetration butt welds made by manual welding, except
when produced with the aid of backing material or welded in the flat position
from both sides in square-edge material not more than ^{Q inch thick with root
opening not less than one-half the thickness of the thinner part joined, shall
have the root of the initial layer gouged out on the back side before welding is
started from that side, and shall be so welded as to secure sound metal and
complete fusion throughout the entire cross-section. Butt welds made with
use of a backing of the same material as the base metal shall have the weld
metal thoroughly fused with the backing material. Backing strips may be
removed by gouging or gas cutting after welding is completed, provided no
injury is done to the base metal and weld metal and the weld metal surface is
left flush or slightly convex with full throat thickness.
Butt welds shall be terminated at the ends of a joint in a manner that
will insure their soundness. Where possible, this should be done by use of
extension bars or run-off plates. Extension bars or run-off plates, if used,
shall be removed upon completion of the weld and the ends of the weld made
smooth and flush with the abutting parts.
No welding shall be done when the ambient temperature is lower than
Base metal shall be preheated as required to the temperature called
for in Table 1.23.6 prior to tack welding or welding. When base metal
not otherwise required to be preheated is at a temperature below 32° F, it shall
be preheated to at least 70° F prior to tack welding or welding. Preheating
shall bring the surface of the base metal within 3 inches of the point of welding
to the specified preheat temperature, and this temperature shall be main-
tained as a minimum interpass temperature while welding is in progress.
Minimum preheat and interpass temperatures shall be as specified in Table
Where required, multiple-layer welds may be peened with light blows
from a power hammer, using a round-nose tool. Peening shall be done after
the weld has cooled to a temperature warm to the hand* Care shall be
Structural Steel for Buildings • 45

TABLE 1.23.6

Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperatures

Other Than
Thickness of Low-Hydrogen Low-Hydrogen
Thickest Part at Welding Processes1 Welding Processes2
Point of Welding
A373 A7, A36 A441 A373 A7, A36 A441
Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel 3
Welding with
T o 1", incl. None* None* None* None* None*
this process
Over 1" to 2", incl. 100 °F 200 °F None* 50 °F 100 °F
not rec-
Over 2" 200 °F 300 °F 100 °F 150 °F 200 °F |

Welding with ASTM A233 E60XX or E70XX electrodes other than a low-
hydrogen class.
2 Welding with properly dried ASTM A233 EXX15, 16, 18 or 28 electrodes or
submerged arc welding with properly dried flux.
Preheating for weldable A242 steel may need to be either higher or lower than
these requirements, depending on composition of steel.
Except when base metal temperature is below 32 ° F.

exercised to prevent scaling, or flaking of weld and base metal from over-
T h e technique of welding employed, the appearance and quality of welds
made, and t h e methods used in correcting defective work shall conform to Sec-
tion 4—Workmanship, of the Standard Code for Arc and Gas Welding in
Building Construction of t h e American Welding Society.

1.23.7 Finishing
Compression joints depending upon contact bearing shall have t h e
bearing surfaces prepared to a common plane by milling, sawing or other
suitable means.

1.23.8 Tolerances Straightness
Structural members consisting primarily of a single rolled shape shall,
unless otherwise specified, be straight within t h e appropriate tolerances
allowed b y A S T M Specification A6 or as prescribed in t h e following para-
graph. Built-up structural members fabricated b y riveting or welding,
unless otherwise specified, shall be straight within t h e tolerances allowed for
wide flange shapes by A S T M Specification A6 or b y t h e requirements of the
following paragraph.
Compression members shall not deviate from straightness b y more t h a n
Mo00 °f t h e axial length between points which are t o be laterally supported.
Completed members shall be free from twists, bends and open joints.
Sharp kinks or bends shall be cause for rejection of material.
46 • AISC Specification Length
A variation of 3^2 m c n is permissible in the overall length of members
with both ends finished for contact bearing as in Sect. 1.23.7.
Members without ends finished for contact bearing, which are to be
framed to other steel parts of the structure, may have a variation from the
detailed length not greater than ^{Q inch for members 30 feet or less in length,
and not greater than J^ inch for members over 30 feet in length.


1.24.1 General Requirements
Unless otherwise specified, steelwork which will be concealed by interior
building finish need not be painted; steelwork to be encased in concrete shall
not be painted. Unless specifically exempted, all other steelwork shall be
given one coat of shop paint, applied thoroughly and evenly to dry surfaces
which have been cleaned in accordance with the following paragraph, by brush,
spray, roller coating, flow coating, or dipping, at the election of the fabricator.
After inspection and approval and before leaving the shop, all steelwork
specified to be painted shall be cleaned by hand-wire brushing, or by other
methods elected by the fabricator, of loose mill scale, loose rust, weld slag or
flux deposit, dirt and other foreign matter. Oil and grease deposits shall be
removed by solvent. Steelwork specified to have no shop paint shall, after
fabrication, be cleaned of oil or grease by solvent cleaners and be cleaned of
dirt and other foreign material by thorough sweeping with a fiber brush.
The shop coat of paint is intended to protect the steel for only a short
period of exposure, even if it is a primer for subsequent painting to be per-
formed in the field by others.

1.24.2 Inaccessible Surfaces

Surfaces inaccessible after assembly shall be treated in accordance with
Sect. 1.24.1 before assembly.

1.24.3 Contact Surfaces

Contact surfaces shall be cleaned in accordance with Sect. 1.24.1 before
assembly but shall not be painted.

1.24.4 Finished Surfaces

Machine finished surfaces shall be protected against corrosion by a rust-
inhibiting coating that can be easily removed prior to erection or which has
characteristics that make removal unnecessary prior to erection.

1.24.5 Surfaces Adjacent to Field Welds

Unless otherwise provided, surfaces within two inches of any field weld
location shall be free of materials that would prevent proper welding or
produce objectionable fumes while welding is being done.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 47


1.25.1 Bracing
The frame of steel skeleton buildings shall be carried up true and plumb,
and temporary bracing shall be introduced wherever necessary to take care
of all loads to which the structure may be subjected, including equipment and
the operation of same. Such bracing shall be left in place as long as may be
required for safety.
Wherever piles of material, erection equipment or other loads are carried
during erection, proper provision shall be made to take care of stresses result-
ing from such loads.
1.25.2 Adequacy of Temporary Connections
As erection progresses, the work shall be securely bolted, or welded, to
take care of all dead load, wind and erection stresses.
1.25.3 Alignment
No riveting, permanent bolting or welding shall be done until as much of
the structure as will be stiffened thereby has been properly aligned.
1.25.4 Field Welding
Any shop paint on surfaces adjacent to joints to be field welded shall be
wire brushed to reduce the paint film to a minimum.
1.25.5 Field Painting
Responsibility for touch-up painting and cleaning, as well as for general
painting shall be allocated in accordance with accepted local practices and this
allocation shall be set forth explicitly in the contract.


1.26.1 General
Material and workmanship at all times shall be subject to the inspection
of experienced engineers representing the purchaser.
1.26.2 Cooperation
All inspection as far as possible shall be made at the place of manufacture,
and the contractor or manufacturer shall cooperate with the inspector, per-
mitting access for inspection to all places where work is being done.
1.26.3 Rejections
Material or workmanship not conforming to the provisions of this
Specification may be rejected at any time defects are found during the prog-
ress of the work.
1.26.4 Inspection of Welding
The inspection of welding shall be performed in accordance with the
provisions of Section 5 of the Standard Code for Arc and Gas Welding in
Building Construction of the American Welding Society.
48 • AISC Specification



Subject to the limitations contained herein, simple or continuous beams,
one and two-story rigid frames classified as Type 1 construction in Sect. 1.2
and similar portions of structures rigidly constructed so as to be continuous
over at least one interior support, * may be proportioned on the basis of plastic
design, i.e., of their maximum strength. This strength, as determined by
rational analysis, shall not be less than that required to support 1.70 times
the given live load and dead load for simple and continuous beams. For
continuous frames it shall not be less than 1.85 times the given live load
and dead load, nor 1.40 times these loads acting in conjunction with 1.40
times any specified wind or earthquake forces.
Connections joining a portion of a structure designed on the basis of
plastic behavior with a portion not so designed need be no more rigid than
ordinary seat-and-cap angle or standard web connections.
Where plastic design is used as the basis for proportioning continuous
beams and structural frames, the provisions relating to allowable working
stress, contained in Part 1, are waived. Except as modified by these rules,
however, all other pertinent provisions of Part 1 shall govern.
It is not recommended that crane runways be designed continuous over
interior vertical supports on the basis of maximum strength. However, rigid
frame bents supporting crane runways may be considered as coming within
the scope of the rules.


Structural steel shall conform to one of the following specifications, latest
Steel for Bridges and Buildings, ASTM A7
Structural Steel for Welding, ASTM A373
Structural Steel, ASTM A36


In the plane of bending of columns which would develop a plastic hinge at
ultimate loading, the slenderness ratio l/r shall not exceed 120, I being taken
as the distance center-to-center of adjacent members connecting to the
column or the distance from such a member to the base of the column. The
slenderness ratio of columns covered by Formula (21) shall not exceed 100.
The maximum axial load P at ultimate loading shall not exceed six-tenths Py,
where Pv is the product of yield point stress times column area.

* As used here, "interior support" may be taken to include a rigid frame knee
formed by the junction of a column and a sloping or horizontal beam or girder.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 49

Columns in continuous frames, where sidesway is not prevented (a) b y

diagonal bracing, (b) b y a t t a c h m e n t t o a n adjacent structure having ample
lateral stability or (c) by floor slabs or roof decks secured horizontally b y
walls or bracing systems parallel t o t h e plane of t h e continuous frames, shall be
so proportioned t h a t

9P 7
- — + — - < 1.0 Formula (20)
Py 70r
Except as otherwise provided in this section, M0/Mv, t h e ratio of allow-
able end m o m e n t t o t h e full plastic bending strength of columns and other
axially loaded members, shall not exceed t h e value given b y t h e following
formulas, where t h e y are applicable:

C A S E I. For columns bent in double curvature b y m o m e n t s producing

plastic hinges a t b o t h ends of t h e columns

Mo = Mp when P/Py < 0.15

< 1.18 - 1.18 (^- J < 1.0 when P/Py > 0.15 Formula (21)

C A S E I I . For pin-based columns required to develop a hinge a t one end

only, and double curvature columns required to develop a hinge a t one end
when t h e m o m e n t a t t h e other end would be less t h a n t h e hinge value

•|p < B - G(^-) < 1.0 Formula (22)

Mp \ Py J
t h e numerical values for B and G, for any given slenderness ratio in t h e plane
of bending l/r, being those listed in Tables 4-33 and 4-36 of t h e Appendix.
Where l/r in t h e plane of bending is less t h a n 60, and P/Pv does not exceed
0.15, t h e full plastic strength of t h e member m a y be used {M0 = Mp).

CASE III. For columns b e n t in single curvature

^ < 1.0 - K[^-\ - J\-^~\ Formula (23)

MP ~ \Py) \Py)
t h e numerical values for K and J being those given in Tables 5-33 and 5-36
of t h e Appendix.
I n no case shall t h e ratio of axial load to plastic load exceed t h a t given b y
the following expression:

P 8,700 I ™ i ,O.N
— = — when — > 120 Formula (24)
Py {I fry r
where I and r are t h e unbraced length and radius of gyration of t h e column in
the plane normal t o t h a t of t h e continuous frame under consideration.
50 • AISC Specification


Unless reinforced by diagonal stiffeners or a doubler plate, the webs of
columns, beams, and girders shall be so proportioned that
Vu < 0.55Fywd
where Vu is the shear, in kips, that would be produced by the required ultimate
loading, d is the depth of the member, and w is its web thickness.
(Shear stresses are generally high within the boundaries of the connection
of two or more members whose webs lie in a common plane. The foregoing
provisions will be satisfied, without reinforcing the web within the connection,
when its thickness w, in inches, is greater than 23,000M/AbcFy, M being the
algebraic sum of clockwise and counter-clockwise moment (in kip-feet)
applied on opposite sides of the connection web boundary, and Abc the planar
area of the connection web, expressed in square inches, and Fv is given in
pounds per square inch. When the thickness of this web is less than that
given by the above formula the deficiency may be compensated by a pair of
diagonal stiffeners or by a reinforcing plate in contact with the web over the
connection area.)


Web stiffeners are required on a member at a point of load application
where a plastic hinge would form.
At points on a member where the concentrated load delivered by the
flanges of a member framing into it would produce web crippling opposite the
compression flange or high tensile stress in the connection of the tension flange,
web stiffeners are required, opposite these flanges, when

tf + 5k
or when
tf < 0A\/\Af
w — thickness of web to be stiffened
k = distance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet of member to
be stiffened
tf = thickness of flange of member to be stiffened
Af = area of flange delivering concentrated load
The end of such stiffeners shall be fully welded to the inside face of the flange
opposite the concentrated tensile load. It may be fitted against the inside
face of the flange opposite the concentrated compression load. When the
concentrated load delivered by a beam occurs on one side only, the web
stiffener need not exceed one-half the depth of the member, but the welding
connecting it to the web shall be sufficient to develop the full plastic strength
of the stiffener cross-section.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 51


Projecting elements that would be subjected to compression involving
plastic hinge rotation under ultimate loading, shall have width-thickness
ratios no greater than the following:
Flanges of rolled shapes and flange plates of similar built-up shapes:
83^, except that for rolled shapes an upward variation of 3 percent
may be tolerated. The thickness of sloping flanges may be taken
as their average thickness. Stiffeners and that portion of flange
plates in box sections and cover plates included between the free edge
and the first longitudinal row of fasteners or connecting welds: 8 J^.
The width-thickness ratio of flange plates in box sections and flange cover
plates included between longitudinal lines of connecting rivets, high strength
bolts or welds, shall not exceed 32.
The depth-thickness ratio of beam and girder webs subjected to plastic
bending without axial loading shall not exceed 70 and, when subjected to
combined axial force and plastic bending moment at ultimate loading, the
value given by the formula
— < 70 - 1 0 0 ^ - Formula (25)
W Py
with a minimum value of 43.
All connections, the rigidity of which is essential to the continuity
assumed as the basis of the design analysis, shall be capable of resisting the
moments, shears and axial loads to which they would be subjected by the
ultimate loading.
Corner connections (haunches), tapered or curved for architectural rea-
sons, shall be so proportioned that the full plastic bending strength of the
section adjacent to the connection can be developed, if required.
Stiffeners shall be used, as required, to preserve the flange continuity of
interrupted members at their junction with other members in a continuous
frame. Such stiffeners shall be placed in pairs on opposite sides of the web of
the member which extends continuously through the joint.
Rivets, welds and A307 bolts shall be proportioned to resist the forces
produced at ultimate load using unit stresses equal to 1.67 times those given
in Part 1.
In general, groove welds are preferable to fillet welds, but their use is not
mandatory when the strength of the latter at 1.67 times the stress given in
Part 1 is sufficient to resist the ultimate load imposed upon a joint.
High strength bolts may be proportioned, on the basis of their minimum
guaranteed proof load, to resist the tension produced by the ultimate loading.
When used to transmit shear produced by the ultimate loading, one bolt may
be substituted for a rivet of the same nominal diameter. High strength bolts
may be used in joints having painted contact surfaces when these joints are
of such size that the slip required to produce bearing would not interfere with
the formation, at ultimate loading, of the plastic hinges assumed in the design.
52 • AISC Specification


The maximum laterally unsupported length of members designed on the
basis of ultimate loading need not be less than that which would be permitted
for the same members designed under the provisions of Part 1, except at plas-
tic hinge locations associated with the failure mechanism. Furthermore, the
following provisions need not apply in the region of the last hinge to form in
the failure mechanism assumed as the basis for proportioning a given member,
nor in members oriented with their weak axis normal to the plane of bending.
Other plastic hinge locations shall be adequately braced to resist lateral and
torsional displacement.
The laterally unsupported distance lcr, from such braced hinge locations
to the nearest adjacent point on the frame similarly braced, need not be less
than that given by the formula

lcr = (60 - 4 0 — V Formula (26)

nor less than S5ry, where

ry = the radius of gyration of the member about its weak axis
M = the lesser of the moments at the ends of the unbraced segment
M/Mp, the end moment ratio, is positive when the segment is bent in
single curvature and negative when bent in double curvature.
Any greater laterally unbraced length for these segments must be justified
by an analysis based upon the predictable amount of restraint present at the
ends of the segment in the plane of the computed bending moments.
Members built into a masonry wall and having their web perpendicular
to this wall can be assumed to be laterally supported with respect to their
weak axis of bending.


The provisions of Part 1 with respect to workmanship shall govern the
fabrication of structures, or portions of structures, designed on the basis of
maximum strength, subject to the following limitations:
The use of sheared edges shall be avoided in locations subject to plastic
hinge rotation at ultimate loading. If used they shall be finished smooth by
grinding, chipping or planing.
In locations subject to plastic hinge rotation at ultimate loading, holes for
rivets or bolts in the tension area shall be sub-punched and reamed or drilled
full size.
For Steels with 33,000 psi Specified Yield Point 2
Applicable to ASTM A7 and A373 Structural Steel
Approved Welding Electrodes: E60 Series. Submerged Arc Grade SA-1.
E70 Series. Submerged Arc Grade SA-2. iC

1.5.1 Structural Steel Tension
Tension on net section, except at pin holes Ft = 20,000 psi
Tension on net section at pin holes Ft = 15,000 psi Shear
Shear on gross section (see Table 3-33 for reduced
values for girder webs) Fv = 13,000 psi Compression
Cc = 131.7
For values of Fa given by Formulas (1),
(2) and (3) see Table 1-33. Bending Tension and compression for compact,
adequately braced beams having an axis of
symmetry in the plane of loading Fb = 22,000 psi Tension and compression for unsymmetrical
rolled shapes continuously braced in the region
under compression stress Fb = 20,000 psi Tension and compression for box-type
members not included in Sect. Fb = 20,000 psi Tension for other rolled shapes, built-up
members and plate girders Fb = 20,000 psi Compression, except as provided by Sect.,,, and
the larger value given by Formulas (4) and (5).

Fb = 20,000 - 9jQ (-\2 Formula (4)

Fb = < 20,000 psi Formula (5)
56 • AISC Specification

TABLE 1-33



1 Main and Secondary Members Main Members Secondary Members |

1 l/r n o t over 120 l/r 121 to 200 l/r 121 to 200
1 r
(ksi) 1- 1
(ksi) r

1 19.77 41 17.64 81 14.32 121 9.96 161 5.76 121 1 0 . 0 1 161 7.25
2 19.73 42 17.57 82 14.23 122 9.84 162 5.69 122 9 . 9 4 162 7.20
3 19.69 43 17.50 83 14.13 123 9.72 163 5.62 123 9 . 8 7 163 7.16
4 19.66 44 17.43 84 14.03 124 9.59 164 5.55 124 9 . 7 9 164 7.12
5 19.62 45 17.36 85 13.93 125 9.47 165 5.49 125 9 . 7 1 165 7.08

6 19.58 46 17.29 86 13.84 126 9.34 166 5.42 126 9.63 166 7.04
7 19.54 47 17.22 87 13.74 127 9.22 167 5.35 127 9.55 167 7.00
8 19.50 48 17.14 88 13.64 128 9.09 168 5.29 128 9.47 168 6.96
9 19.46 49 17.07 89 13.53 129 8.96 169 5.23 129 9.38 169 6.93
10 19.41 50 16.99 90 13.43 130 8.83 170 5.17 130 9.30 170 6.89

11 1 9 . 3 7 51 1 6 . 9 2 91 1 3 . 3 3 131 8 . 7 0 171 5.11 131 9.21 171 6.85

12 1 9 . 3 2 52 1 6 . 8 4 92 1 3 . 2 3 132 8 . 5 7 172 5.05 132 9.12 172 6.82
13 1 9 . 2 8 53 1 6 . 7 6 93 1 3 . 1 3 133 8 . 4 4 173 4.99 133 9.03 173 6.79
14 1 9 . 2 3 54 1 6 . 6 8 94 1 3 . 0 2 1 134 8 . 3 2 174 4.93 134 8.94 174 6.76
15 1 9 . 1 8 55 1 6 . 6 0 95 1 2 . 9 2 135 8 . 1 9 175 4.88 135 8.86 175 6.73

J 16 19.13 56 1 6 . 5 2 96 12.81 136 8.07 176 4.82 136 8.78 176 6.70
17 1 9 . 0 8 57 1 6 . 4 4 97 12.71 137 7.96 177 4.77 137 8.70 177 6.67
18 1 9 . 0 3 1 58 1 6 . 3 6 98 12.60 138 7.84 178 4.71 138 8.62 178 6.64
19 1 8 . 9 8 59 1 6 . 2 8 99 12.49 139 7.73 179 4.66 139 8.54 179 6.61
20 1 8 . 9 3 60 1 6 . 2 0 100 12.38 140 7.62 180 4.61 140 8.47 180 6.58

21 18.88 61 1 6 . 1 2 101 1 2 . 2 8 141 7.51 181 4.56 141 8.39 181 6.56
22 18.82 1 62 1 6 . 0 3 ! 102 1 2 . 1 7 142 7.41 182 4.51 142 8.32 182 6.53
23 18.77 63 1 5 . 9 5 103 1 2 . 0 6 143 7.30 183 4.46 143 8.25 183 6.51
24 18.71 64 1 5 . 8 6 104 1 1 . 9 5 144 7.20 184 4.41 144 8.18 184 6.49
25 18.66 65 1 5 . 7 8 105 1 1 . 8 3 145 7.10 185 4.36 145 8.12 185 6.46

26 18.60 66 15.69 106 11.72 146 7.01 186 4.32 146 8.05 186 6.44
27 18.54 67 15.61 107 11.61 147 6.91 187 4.27 147 7.99 187 6.42
28 18.48 68 15.52 108 11.50 148 6.82 188 4.23 148 7.93 188 6.40
29 18.42 69 15.43 109 11.38 149 6.73 189 4.18 149 7.87 189 6.38
30 18.36 70 15.34 110 11.27 150 6.64 190 4.14 150 7.81 190 6.36

31 1 8 . 3 0 71 1 5 . 2 5 111 11.15 151 6.55 191 4.09 151 7.75 191 6.35
32 1 8 . 2 4 72 1 5 . 1 6 112 11.04 152 6.46 192 4.05 152 7.69 192 6.33
33 1 8 . 1 8 73 1 5 . 0 7 113 10.92 153 6.38 193 4.01 153 7.64 193 6.31
34 1 8 . 1 1 74 1 4 . 9 8 114 10.80 154 6.30 194 3.97 154 7.59 194 6.30
35 1 8 . 0 5 75 1 4 . 8 9 115 10.69 155 6.22 195 3.93 155 7.53 195 6.28

36 1 7 . 9 8 76 1 4 . 8 0 116 10.57 156 6.14 196 3.89 156 7.48 196 6.27
37 1 7 . 9 2 77 1 4 . 7 0 117 10.45 157 6.06 197 3.85 157 7.43 197 6.26
38 1 7 . 8 5 78 1 4 . 6 1 118 10.33 158 5.98 198 3.81 158 7.39 198 6.24
39 1 7 . 7 8 79 1 4 . 5 1 119 10.21 159 5.91 199 3.77 159 7.34 199 6.23
40 1 7 . 7 1 80 1 4 . 4 2 120 10.09 160 5.83 200 3.73 160 7.29 200 6.22
Appendix • 57

For use in Formula (6), Sect. 1.6.1, for all grades of steel

I F'e / F'e I Ffe I F'e / F'e / F'e 1
r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

21 338.13 51 57.33 81 22.73 111 12.12 141 7.51 171 5.11

22 308.09 52 55.15 82 22.18 112 11.90 142 7.41 172 5.05
23 281.88 53 53.09 83 21.65 113 11.69 143 7.30 173 4.99
24 258.89 54 51.14 84 21.13 114 11.49 144 7.20 174 4.93
25 238.59 55 49.30 85 20.64 115 11.29 145 7.10 175 4.88

26 220.58 56 47.56 86 20.16 116 11.10 146 7.01 176 4.82

27 204.55 57 45.90 87 19.70 117 10.91 147 6.91 177 4.77
28 190.20 58 44.33 88 19.26 118 10.73 148 6.82 178 4.71
29 177.31 59 42.84 89 18.83 119 10.55 149 6.73 179 4.66
30 165.68 60 41.43 90 18.41 120 10.37 150 6.64 180 4.61

31 155.17 61 40.07 91 18.01 121 10.20 151 6.55 181 4.56

32 145.62 62 38.. 79 92 17.62 122 10.03 152 6.46 182 4.51
33 136.93 63 37.57 93 17.24 123 9.87 153 6.38 183 4.46
34 128.99 64 36.41 94 16.88 124 9.71 154 6.30 184 4.41
35 121.73 65 35.29 95 16.53 125 9.56 155 6.22 185 4.36

36 115.06 66 34.24 96 16.18 126 9.41 156 6.14 186 4.32

37 108.93 67 33.22 97 15.85 127 9.26 157 6.06 187 4.27
38 103.27 68 32.25 98 15.53 128 9.11 158 5.98 188 4.23
39 98.04 69 31.32 99 15.21 129 8.97 159 5.91 189 4.18
40 93.20 70 30.44 100 14.91 130 8.84 160 5.83 190 4.14

41 88.71 71 29.58 101 14.62 131 8.70 161 5.76 191 4.09
42 84.53 72 28.77 102 14.34 132 8.57 162 5.69 192 4.05
43 80.65 73 27.99 103 14.06 133 8.44 163 5.62 193 4.01
44 77.02 74 27.24 104 13.73 134 8.32 164 5.55 194 3.97
45 73.64 75 26.51 105 13.53 135 8.19 165 5.49 195 3.93

46 70.47 76 25.82 106 13.28 136 8.07 166 5.42 196 3.89
47 67.51 77 25.15 107 13.02 137 7.96 167 5.36 197 3.85
48 64.73 78 24.51 108 12.80 138 7.84 168 5.29 198 3.81
49 62.11 79 23.89 109 12.57 139 7.73 169 5.23 199 3.77
50 59.65 80 23.30 110 12.34 140 7.62 170 5.17 200 3.73

F'e =
58 • AISC Specification

TABLE 3-33
CO [Required Gross Area of Intermediate Stiffeners, as per <sent of web area, shown in italics)

Aspect ratios a/h: stiffener spacing 1to web depthL

over j
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3

70 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 12.6

80 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.5 12.2 12.0 11.6 11.5 11.0
90 13.0 12.9 12.1 11.5 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.7 10.6 9.8
0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9
100 13.0 12.4 11.6 11.2 11.0 10.7 10.5 10.4 10.0 9.8 8.4
0.8 2.3 2.6 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.6
110 13.0 12.2 11.4 11.2 10.8 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.5 9.0 8.6 6.9
0.3 1.2 2 . 0 2.4 2.7 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.7
120 13.0 12.3 11.4 11.1 10.8 10.4 9.8 9.4 9.0 8.7 8.2 7.8 5.8
Slendemess ratios h/t: web depth to web thickness

0.5 2 . 6 2.3 3 . 2 3 . 9 4.2 4.3 4.2 3.9 3.5

130 12.7 11.5 11.1 10.8 10.4 9.8 9.2 8.8 8.4 8.1 7.5 7.1 5.0
0.3 2.6 2.6 3 . 6 4.8 5.3 5.4 5.3 5.2 4.6 4.1
140 1 3 . 0 11.8 11.2 10.9 10.5 10.0 9.3 8.8 8.3 7.9 7.6 7.0 6.5 4.3
1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.2 5.9 5.2 4.6
150 1 2 . 8 111.4 1 1 . 0 1 0 . 6 10.1 9.6 8.9 8.4 7.9 7.5 7.2 6.6 6.1 3.7
0.7 2.2 3.8 5.3 6.4 7.1 7.2 7.2 6.8 6.5 5 . 7 5.0
160 1 2 . 0 11.2 10.9 10.3 9.8 9.3 8.6 8.1 7.6 7.2 6.9 6.2 5.8
1 1.5 3.1 5.2 6.5 7.4 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.4 7.0 6.1 5.3
170 1 1 . 5 11.1 10.6 10.0 9.5 9.1 8.4 7.8 7.3 6.9 6.6 5.9
0.3 2.3 4.4 6.3 7.5 8.2 8.6 8 . 5 8.2 7.8 7.4 6.4
180 1 1 . 3 10.9 10.3 9.8 9.3 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.1 6.7 6.4
1.1 ! 3.0 5.6 7.2 8.3 8.9 9.2 9.0 8.6 8.2 7.7
200 1 1 . 1 10.5 9.9 9.4 8.9 8.5 7.8 7.3 6.8 6.4
2.3 | 5.2 7 . 4 8 . 7 9 . 5 2 0 . 0 2 0 . 2 9.8 9.3 8.8
220 1 0 . 8 10.2 9.6 9.1 8.7 8.3 7.6 7.0
4.0 6.8 8 . 7 9.8 10.5 10.8 10.7 2 0 . 3
240 1 0 . 5 9.9 9.4 8.9 8.5 8.1 7.4
5.5 8.1 9.7 2 0 . 6 22.2 22.4 22.2
260 1 0 . 3 | 9.7 9.2 8.8 8.3 7.9
6.8 9.0 2 0 . 4 2 2 . 3 11.7 11.9
280 1 0 . 1 9.6 9.1 8.6 8.2
7.7 9.8 11.1 11.8 22.2
300 1 0 . 0 9.4 9.0 8.5
8.5 10.4 2 1 . 6 2 2 . 2
320 9 . 8 9.3 8.9
9.2 10.9 2 2 . 0
340 9 . 7 9.3
9.7 11.3
360 9 . 7

Girders so proportioned that the computed shear is less than that given in right-hand column
do not require intermediate stiffeners.
Appendix • 59



•0.46 (min.)

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.3
Cb in terms of MJM2
Fig. Compression for channels: Use Formula (5)

above. Tension and compression for large pins Fb = 30,000 psi Tension and compression for rectangular
bearing plates Fb = 25,000 psi Bearing On milled surfaces and pins in reamed,
drilled or bored holes Fp = 30,000 psi On finished stiffeners Fp = 26,000 psi On expansion rockers and rollers (in pounds
per linear inch) Fv = 660d


1.6.1 Axial Compression and Bending
Ja • IsmJb
< 1.0 Formula (6)
fa+ f± < 1.0 Formula (7)
20,000 Fb ~
For values of Fa see Table 1-33.
For values of F!e see Table 2.
60 • AISC Specification


•a^ Single angle struts 13
(V) Double angle struts; angles or plates projecting from girders,
(V) columns or other compression members; beam
flanges (based on one-half width); stiffeners 16
' Stems of tees 22
H^ Column webs; cover plates; diaphragm plates 44
Perforated cover plates 55


1.10.2 Web
Maximum clear distance between flanges h = 345£
1.10.5 Stiffeners For required stiffener spacing and gross area of inter-
mediate stiffeners see Table 3-33. Maximum shear between web and intermediate stiff-
eners in pounds per linear inch of stiffeners or pair of
stiffeners fvs = 30h
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
When h/t exceeds 24, OOO/VF 6 the maximum compression flange stress
shall not exceed

F 6 [l.O - 0.0005 £ 0 - ^2°)] Formula (11)

1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension

Fb = 27,000 - 12,500 (~)< 20,000 psi Formula (12)

1.10.10 Web Crippling Use stiffeners under concentrated interior loads when

—— — would exceed 25,000 psi Formula (13)

and under end reactions when

————— would exceed 25,000 psi Formula (14)
t(N + k) The compression stress, in pounds per square inch, produced by
loads applied to girder webs, except through stiffeners, shall not exceed
Appendix • 61

when flange is restrained against rotation; otherwise ••«

+ Formula (16)
L («A)2J (A/02 CO
The compression stresses to be limited by formulas (15) and (16) shall
be computed as follows: 11
Concentrated loads and total distributed loads over partial length of l ^
a panel shall be divided by the product of the web thickness and the
girder depth or the length of the panel in which the load is placed,
whichever is the lesser panel dimension.
Any other distributed loading, in pounds per linear inch of length, shall
be divided by the web thickness.
62 • AISC Specification

TABLE 4-33

Formula (22)

Mp Py

M <MC M0

1 //r B G l/r B G l/r B

16 1.140 1.172 51 1.164 1.271 86 1.201 1.616
17 1.140 1.174 52 1.165 1.276 87 1.202 1.633
18 1.141 1.177 53 1.165 1.281 88 1.204 1.651
19 1.141 1.179 54 1.166 1.286 89 1.205 1.669
20 1.142 1.182 55 1.167 1.292 90 1.206 1.688

21 1.142 1.184 56 1.168 1.297 91 1.207 1.707

22 1.143 1.187 57 1.169 1.303 92 1.209 1.726
23 1.143 1.189 58 1.170 1.310 93 1.210 1.746
24 1.144 1.191 59 1.171 1.316 94 1.211 1.767
25 1.145 1.194 60 1.172 1.323 95 1.213 1.788

26 1.145 1.196 61 1.173 1.330 96 1.214 1.810

27 1.146 1.198 62 1.174 1.337 97 1.215 1.832
28 1.146 1.200 63 1.175 1.344 98 1.217 1.855
29 1.147 1.203 64 1.176 1.352 99 1.218 1.879
30 1.148 1.205 65 1.177 1.360 100 1.220 1.903
31 1.148 1.207 66 1.178 1.369 101 1.221 1.928
32 1.149 1.209 67 1.179 1.377 102 1.222 1.953
33 1.150 1.212 68 1.180 1.386 103 1.224 1.979
34 1.150 1.215 69 1.181 1.396 104 1.225 2.006
35 1.151 1.217 70 1.182 1.406 105 1.227 2.033

36 1.152 1.220 71 1.183 1.416 106 1.228 2.061

37 1.152 1.222 72 1.184 1.426 107 1.230 2.090
38 1.153 1.225 73 1.186 1.437 108 1.231 2.119
39 1.154 1.228 74 1.187 1.448 109 1.233 2.149
40 1.155 1.231 75 1.188 1.460 110 1.234 2.179
41 1.155 1.234 76 1.189 1.472 111 1.236 2.211
42 1.156 1.237 77 1.190 1.485 112 1.237 2.243
43 1.157 1.240 78 1.191 1.497 113 1.239 2.275
44 1.158 1.243 79 1.192 1.511 114 1.240 2.309
45 1.159 1.247 80 1.194 1.524 115 1.242 2.343

46 1.159 1.251 81 1.195 1.539 116 1.243 2.378

47 1.160 1.254 82 1.196 1.553 117 1.245 2.414
48 1.161 1.258 83 1.197 1.568 118 1.247 2.450
49 1.162 1.263 84 1.198 1.584 119 1.248 2.487
50 1.163 1.267 85 1.200 1.600 120 1.250 2.525
Appendix • 63

TABLE 5-33
M <M0 M M0
Formula (23)
Mr, '' -*(£)-'(£)"
M <M0

Hr K J Hr K J Hr K J
1 .434 .753 41 1.015 .149 81 1.824 - .738
2 .449 .736 42 1.032 .133 82 1.850 - 769
3 .463 .720 43 1.048 .116 83 1.877 - .801
4 .478 .703 44 1.064 .0998 84 1.903 - .833
5 .492 .687 45 1.081 .0832 85 1.930 - .866

6 .506 .671 46 1.097 .0663 86 1.958 - .900

7 .520 .655 47 1.114 .0492 87 1.986 - .934
8 .534 .640 48 1.131 .0318 88 2.014 - .969
9 .548 .624 49 1.148 .0143 89 2.042 -1.004
10 .562 .609 j 50 1.166 -.0036 90 2.071 -1.041

11 .576 .594 1 51 1.183 -.0217 91 2.101 -1.077

12 .590 .579 52 1.201 -.0401 92 2.130 -1.115
13 .604 .564 53 1.219 -.0588 93 2.161 -1.153
14 .619 .549 54 1.237 -.0777 j 94 2.191 -1.192
15 .633 .534 55 1.256 -.0970 95 2.222 -1.231

16 .647 .519 I 56 1.274 -.117 96 2.254 -1.272

17 .661 .504 57 1.293 -.137 97 2.286 -1.313
18 .675 .490 58 1.312 - . 157 98 2.318 -1.354
19 .689 .475 59 1.332 - . 177 99 2.350 -1.397
20 .703 .461 60 1.351 -.198 100 2.384 -1.440

21 .717 .447 61 1.371 -.220 101 2.417 -1.484

22 .731 .432 62 1.391 -.241 102 2.451 -1.529
23 .746 .418 63 1.411 -.263 103 2.486 -1.575
24 .760 .403 64 1.432 -.286 104 2.521 -1.621
25 .774 .389 65 1.452 -.309 105 2.556 -1.668

26 .789 .374 66 1.473 -.332 106 2.592 -1.716

27 .803 .360 67 1.495 -.356 107 2.628 -1.765
28 .818 .345 68 1.516 -.380 108 2.665 -1.814
29 .832 .331 69 1.538 -.404 109 2.703 -1.865
30 .847 .316 70 1.560 -.429 110 2.741 -1.916

31 .862 .301 71 1.583 -.455 111 2.779 -1.968

32 .877 .287 72 1.605 -.481 112 2.818 -2.021
33 .892 .272 73 1.628 -.507 113 2.857 -2.057
34 .907 .257 74 1.652 -.534 114 2.897 -2.123
35 .922 .242 75 1.675 -.562 115 2.937 -2.185

36 .937 .227 j 76 1.699 -.590 116 2.978 -2.242

37 .953 .211 77 1.724 -.618 117 3.020 -2.300
38 .968 .196 78 1.748 -.647 118 3.062 -2.358
39 .984 .180 79 1.773 -.677 119 3.104 -2.417
40 1.000 .165 80 1.799 -.707 120 3.147 -2.478
64 • AISC Specification

•5 PART 2
O Live plus dead load for simple or continuous beams 1.70
11 Live plus dead load for continuous frames 1.85
w Live plus dead load plus lateral forces for continuous frames 1.40


For reduction factors in accordance with Formulas (21), (22) and (23),
to be applied to the tabulated Mv value furnished by members subject
to axial loading, see Table 4-33 and Table 5-33.


Allowable web shear (psi)
Vu < 18,000 wd


(Applicable only to elements subject to compression involving plastic
hinge rotation under ultimate loading.)
Beam flanges (based on one-half width) 83^
Cover plate projection outside of longitudinal row of fasteners
or connecting welds 8J^
Stiffeners 8%
Portion of flange cover plates and flanges of box sections between
longitudinal rows of rivets, bolts or connecting welds 32
Webs of beams, girders and columns

- < 70 - 100 -£• Formula (25)

w Py

with a minimum of 43


lCT = UQ - 40 ^r J ry Formula (26)

but not less than 35 ry.

For Steels with 36,000 psi Specified Yield Point

Applicable to ASTM A36 Structural Steel

Approved Welding Electrodes: E60 Series. Submerged Arc Grade SA-1.
E70 Series. Submerged Arc Grade SA-2.

1.5.1 Structural Steel Tension
Tension on net section, except at pin holes Ft = 22,000 psi
Tension on net section at pin holes Ft = 16,000 psi Shear
Shear on gross section (see Table 3-36 for reduced
values for girder webs) Fv = 14,500 psi Compression
Cc = 126.1
For values of Fa given by Formulas (1),
(2) and (3) see Table 1-36. Bending Tension and compression for compact,
adequately braced beams having an axis of
symmetry in the plane of loading Fb = 24,000 psi Tension and compression for unsymmetrical
rolled shapes continuously braced in the region
under compression stress Fb = 22,000 psi Tension and compression for box-type
members not included in Sect. Fb = 22,000 psi Tension for other rolled shapes, built-up
members and plate girders Fb = 22,000 psi Compression, except as provided by Sect.,,, and
the larger value given by Formulas (4) and (5).

Fb = 22,000 - ^ ~ f-Y Formula (4)

= 12,000 000 < 2 2 0 0 0 pg. Formula (5)


66 • AISC Specification

TABLE 1-36

Main and Secondary Members Main Members Secondary Members |
1/ r not over 120 l/r 121 to 200 l/r 121 to 200

I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa
r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

1 21.56 41 19.11 81 15.24 121 10.14 161 5.76 121 1 0 . 1 9 161 7.25
2 21.52 42 19.03 82 15.13 122 9.99 162 5.69 122 1 0 . 0 9 162 7.20
3 21.48 43 18.95 83 15.02 123 9.85 163 5.62 123 1 0 . 0 0 163 7.16
4 21.44 44 18.86 84 14.90 124 9.70 164 5.55 124 9 . 9 0 164 7.12
5 21.39 45 18.78 85 14.79 125 9.55 165 5.49 125 9 . 8 0 165 7.08

6 21.35 46 18.70 86 14.67 126 9.41 166 5.42 126 9.70 166 7.04
7 21.30 47 18.61 87 14.56 127 9.26 167 5.35 127 9.59 167 7.00
8 21.25 48 18.53 88 14.44 128 9.11 168 5.29 128 9.49 168 6.96
9 21.21 49 18.44 89 14.32 129 8.97 169 5.23 129 9.40 169 6.93
10 21.16 50 18.35 90 14.20 130 8.84 170 5.17 130 9.30 170 6.89

11 21.10 51 18.26 91 14.09 131 8.70 171 5.11 131 9.21 171 6.85
12 21.05 52 18.17 92 13.97 132 8.57 172 5.05 ! 132 9.12 172 6.82
13 21.00 53 18.08 93 13.84 133 8.44 173 4.99 133 9.03 173 6.79
14 20.95 54 17.99 94 13.72 134 8.32 174 4.93 134 8.94 174 6.76
15 20.89 55 17.90 95 13.60 135 8.19 175 4.88 135 8.86 175 6.73

16 2 0 . 8 3 56 1 7 . 8 1 96 13.48 136 8 . 0 7 176 4.82 136 8.78 176 6.70

17 2 0 . 7 8 57 1 7 . 7 1 97 13.35 137 7 . 9 6 177 4.77 137 8.70 177 6.67
18 2 0 . 7 2 58 1 7 . 6 2 98 13.23 138 7 . 8 4 178 4.71 138 8.62 178 6.64
19 2 0 . 6 6 59 1 7 . 5 3 99 13.10 139 7 . 7 3 179 4.66 139 8.54 179 6.61
20 2 0 . 6 0 60 1 7 . 4 3 100 12.98 140 7 . 6 2 180 4.61 140 8.47 180 6.58

21 20.54 61 17.33 101 12.85 141 7.51 181 4.56 141 8.39 181 6 . 5 6
22 20.48 62 17.24 102 12.72 142 7.41 182 4.51 142 8.32 182 6 . 5 3
23 20.41 63 17.14 103 12.59 143 7.30 183 4.46 143 8.25 183 6 . 5 1
24 20.35 64 17.04 104 12.47 144 7.20 184 4.41 144 8.18 184 6 . 4 9
25 20.28 65 16.94 105 12.33 145 7.10 185 4.36 145 8.12 185 6 . 4 6

26 2 0 . 2 2 66 1 6 . 8 4 106 1 2 . 2 0 146 7.01 186 4 . 3 2 146 8.05 186 6.44

27 2 0 . 1 5 67 1 6 . 7 4 107 1 2 . 0 7 147 6.91 187 4 . 2 7 147 7.99 187 6.42
28 2 0 . 0 8 68 1 6 . 6 4 108 1 1 . 9 4 148 6.82 188 4 . 2 3 148 7.93 188 6.40
29 2 0 . 0 1 69 1 6 . 5 3 109 1 1 . 8 1 1 149 6.73 189 4 . 1 8 149 7.87 189 6.38
30 1 9 . 9 4 70 1 6 . 4 3 110 1 1 . 6 7 150 6.64 190 4 . 1 4 150 7.81 190 6.36

31 1 9 . 8 7 71 1 6 . 3 3 111 11.54 151 6.55 191 4.09' 151 7.75 191 6 . 3 5

32 1 9 . 8 0 72 1 6 . 2 2 112 11.40 152 6.46 192 4.05 152 7.69 192 6 . 3 3
33 1 9 . 7 3 73 1 6 . 1 2 113 11.26 153 6.38 193 4.01 j 153 7.64 193 6 . 3 1
34 1 9 . 6 5 74 1 6 . 0 1 114 11.13 154 6.30 194 3.97 154 7.59 194 6 . 3 0
35 1 9 . 5 8 75 1 5 . 9 0 115 10.99 155 6.22 195 3.93 155 7.53 195 6 . 2 8

36 19.50 76 15.79 116 10.85 156 6.14 196 3 . 8 9 156 7.48 196 6.27
37 19.42 77 15.69 117 10.71 157 6.06 197 3 . 8 5 157 7.43 197 6.26
38 19.35 78 15.58 118 10.57 158 5.98 198 3 . 8 1 158 7.39 198 6.24
39 19.27 79 15.47 119 10.43 159 5.91 199 3 . 7 7 159 7.34 199 6.23
40 19.19 80 15.36 120 10.28 160 5.83 200 3 . 7 3 j 160 7.29 200 6.22
Appendix • 67

For use in Formula (6), Sect. 1.6.1, for all grades of steel

i F'e / F'e I F'e I F'e I F'e I F'e 1

r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

21 338.13 51 57.33 81 22.73 111 12.12 141 7.51 111 5.11

22 308.09 52 55.15 82 22.18 112 11.90 142 7.41 172 5.05
23 281.88 53 53.09 83 21.65 113 11.69 143 7.30 173 4.99
24 258.89 54 51.14 84 21.13 114 11.49 144 7.20 174 4.93
25 238.59 55 49.30 85 20.64 115 11.29 145 7.10 175 4.88

26 220.58 56 47.56 86 20.16 116 11.10 146 7.01 176 4.82

27 204.55 57 45.90 87 19.70 117 10.91 147 6.91 177 4.77
28 190.20 58 44.33 88 19.26 118 10.73 148 6.82 178 4.71
29 177.31 59 42.84 89 18.83 119 10.55 149 6.73 179 4.66
30 165.68 60 41.43 90 18.41 120 10.37 150 6.64 180 4.61

31 155.17 61 40.07 91 18.01 121 10.20 151 6.55 181 4.56

32 145.62 62 38.79 92 17.62 122 10.03 152 6.46 182 4.51
33 136.93 63 37.57 93 17.24 123 9.87 153 6.38 183 4.46
34 128.99 64 36.41 94 16.88 124 9.71 154 6.30 184 4.41
35 121.73 65 35.29 95 16.53 125 9.56 155 6.22 185 4.36

36 115.06 66 34.24 96 16.18 126 9.41 156 6.14 186 4.32

37 108.93 67 33.22 97 15.85 127 9.26 157 6.06 187 4.27
38 103.27 68 32.25 98 15.53 128 9.11 158 5.98 188 4.23
39 98.04 69 31.32 99 15.21 129 8.97 159 5.91 189 4.18
40 93.20 70 30.44 100 14.91 130 8.84 160 5.83 190 4.14

41 88.71 71 29.58 101 14.62 131 8.70 161 5.76 191 4.09
42 84.53 72 28.77 102 14.34 132 8.57 162 5.69 192 4.05
43 80.65 73 27.99 103 14.06 133 8.44 163 5.62 193 4.01
44 77.02 74 27.24 104 13.73 134 8.32 164 5.55 194 3.97
45 73.64 75 26.51 105 13.53 135 8.19 165 5.49 195 3.93

46 70.47 76 25.82 106 13.28 136 8.07 166 5.42 196 3.89
47 67.51 77 25.15 107 13.02 137 7.96 167 5.36 197 3.85
48 64.73 78 24.51 108 12.80 138 7.84 168 5.29 198 3.81
49 62.11 79 23.89 109 12.57 139 7.73 169 5.23 199 3.77
50 59.65 80 23.30 110 12.34 140 7.62 170 5.17 200 3.73

F'e = 149,000,000
68 • AISC Specification

TABLE 3-36
(Required Gross Area of Intermediate Stiffeners, as percent of web area, shown in italics)

Aspect ratios a/h: stiffener spacing to web depth

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3

70 14.3 14.0 13.7 1 3 . 1

80 1 4 . 2 13.5 1 3 . 1 T2T _ 8 1 2 . 6 12.3 12.1 11.5
0.7 0.3 0.4
90 14.4 13.9 12.6 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.7 11.4 11.2 10.2
0.6 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.2
100 14.0 13.0 12.4 12.0 11.7 11.4 11.2 11.0 10.4 10.1 8.4
0.5 1.4 1 . 8 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.1
110 14.0 12.7 12.3 12.0 11.6 11.1 10.6 10.3 9.9 9.3 8.9 6.9
Slendemess ratios h/t: web depth to web thickness

1.0 1.8 2.5 3.1 3 . 5 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.1

120 14.4 12.8 12.3 12.0 11.6 10.9 10.4 9.9 9.5 9.1 8.5 8.0 5.8
1.1 2.1 2.9 4.1 4.7 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.3 3.8
130 13.3 12.4 12.0 11.6 11.1 10.4 9.8 9.3 8.9 8.5 7.8 7.4 5.0
0.9 2.2 3.2 4.3 5 . 6 5.9 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.0 4.4
140 1 4 . 3 1 2 . 5 12.1 11.7 11.1 10.6 9.9 9.3 8.8 8.4 8.0 7.3 6.8 4.3
0.3 1.9 3.2 4.8 5.9 6.7 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.3 5.5 4.9
150 1 3 . 4 1 2 . 3 11.9 11.3 10.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 8.4 8.0 7.6 6.9 6.4 3.7
1.2 2.8 4.7 6.1 7.1 7.6 7.7 7.5 7.2 6.8 6.0 5.2
160 1 2 . 6 1 2 . 1 11.6 11.0 10.4 10.0 9.2 8.6 8.1 7.7 7.3 6.6
0.1 21 4.1 G.0 7.2 8.0 8.4 8.3 8.1 7.7 7.3 6.3
170 112.4 1 2 . 0 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.7 9.0 8.3 7.8 7.4 7.0
0.9 2.8 1 5 . 3 7.0 8.1 8.7 9.0 8.9 8.5 8.1 7.7
180 1 2 . 3 1 1 . 7 111.0 1 0 . 5 1 0 . 0 9 . 5 8.8 8.1 7.6 7.2 6.8
1.6 4.0 6.4 7 . 9 8.8 9.4 9 . 6 9.3 8.9 8.5 8.0
200 1 2 . 0 1 1 . 3 10.7 10.1 9.6 9.2 8.4 7.8 7.3
2.9 6.0 8.0 9.2 10.0 10.4 10.4 10.0 9.5
220 1 1 . 6 1 0 . 9 10.4 9.8 9.4 8.9 8.2 7.5
4.8 7.5 9.2 \10.2 1 0 . 8 1 1 . 1 11.0 1 0 . 6
240 1 1 . 3 1 0 . 7 10.1 9.6 9.2 8.7 8.0
6.2 8.6 l l O . l 2 1 . 0 11.5 11.7 11.5
260 1 1 . 1 1 0 . 5 10.0 9.5 9.0
7.3 9.5 i 0 . 8 \ll.6 12.0
280 1 0 . 9 1 0 . 3 9.8 9.3 8.9
8.2 \10.2 11.4 1 2 . 1 12.4
300 1 0 . 8 1 0 . 2 9.7 9.2
1 9.0 10.8 11.8 12.4
320 1 0 . 7 1 0 . 1 9.6 9.1
9.5 11.2 12.2 12.8

Girders so proportioned that the computed shear is less than that given in right-hand column
do not require intermediate stiffeners.
Appendix • 69


- 0 . 4 6 (min.)

1.5 2.0 2.3

Cb in terms of Mi/M2
Fig. Compression for channels: Use Formula (5)

above. Tension and compression for large pins Fb = 33,000 psi Tension and compression for rectangular
bearing plates Fb = 27,000 psi Bearing On milled surfaces and pins in reamed,
drilled or bored holes Fp = 33,000 psi On finished stiffeners Fp = 30,000 psi On expansion rockers and rollers (in pounds
per linear inch) Fp = 760d


1.6.1 Axial Compression and Bending
^m fb
< 1.0 Formula (6)
Fa + x
( -£)*••
fa U Formula (7)
+ ^ < l.o
22,000 Fb ""
For values of Fa see Table 1-36.
For values of F'e see Table 2.
70 • AISC Specification


Single angle struts 13
Double angle struts; angles or plates projecting from girders,
columns or other compression members; beam flanges (based
on one-half width); stiffeners 16
Stems of tees 21
Column webs; cover plates; diaphragm plates 42
Perforated cover plates 53


^O 1.10.2 Web
^ Maximum clear distance between flanges h = 320t
. 1.10.5 Stiffeners For required stiffener spacing and gross area of inter-
mediate stiffeners see Table 3-36. Maximum shear between web and intermediate stiff-
eners in pounds per linear inch of stiffeners or pair of
stiffeners /„, = 35h
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
When h/t exceeds 24,000/vF 6 the maximum compression
flange stress shall not exceed
F» [l.O - 0.0005 £ 0 - - ^ ) ] Formula (11)

1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension

Ft, = 29,500 - 13,500 ( ^ ) < 22,000 psi Formula (12)

1.10.10 Web Crippling Use stiffeners under concentrated interior loads when

—— — would exceed 27,000 psi Formula (13)

t(N + 2k)
and under end reactions when
-— would exceed 27,000 psi Formula (14)
t(N + k) The compression stress, in pounds per square inch, produced by
loads applied to girder webs, except through stiffeners, shall not exceed
rcc , lio,ooo,ooo _ . „eN
5 5 +
L- (^J~lW~ Formula (15)
Appendix • 71

when flange is restrained against rotation; otherwise

1 0
T* + 7 ^ 1 ^f"° formula (16)
L (a/hy] (A/02
The compression stresses to be limited by formulas (15) and (16) shall
be computed as follows:
Concentrated loads and total distributed loads over partial length of
a panel shall be divided by the product of the web thickness and the
girder depth or the length of the panel in which the load is placed,
whichever is the lesser panel dimension.
Any other distributed loading, in pounds per linear inch of length, shall
be divided by the web thickness.
72 • AISC Specification

TABLE 4-36


Formula (22) 7"

Mo L

J2 M <MC

j llr B G l/r B G l/r B ^

16 1.137 1.173 51 1.163 1.285 86 1.203 1.693
17 1.137 1.176 52 1.164 1.291 87 1.204 1.713
18 1.138 1.179 53 1.165 1.296 88 1.206 1.734
19 1.139 1.182 54 1.166 1.303 89 1.207 1.755
20 1.139 1.184 55 1.166 1.309 90 1.208 1.777
21 1.140 1.187 56 1.167 1.316 91 1.210 1.799
22 1.140 1.189 57 1.168 1.323 92 1.211 1.822
23 1.141 1.192 58 1.170 1.330 93 1.213 1.846
24 1.142 1.194 59 1.171 1.337 94 1.214 1.870
25 1.142 1.196 60 1.172 1.345 95 1.215 1.895

26 1.143 1.199 61 1.173 1.354 96 1.217 1.921

27 1.143 1.201 62 1.174 1.362 97 1.218 1.947
28 1.144 1.204 63 1.175 1.371 98 1.220 1.974
29 1.145 1.206 64 1.176 1.380 99 1.221 2.002
30 1.145 1.209 65 1.177 1.390 100 1.223 2.030

31 1.146 1.211 66 1.178 1.400 101 1.224 2.059

32 1.147 1.214 67 1.179 1.410 102 1.226 2.089
33 1.148 1.216 68 1.180 1.421 103 1.227 2.120
34 1.148 1.219 69 1.181 1.432 104 1.229 2.151
35 1.149 1.222 70 1.183 1.444 105 1.231 2.183

36 1.150 1.225 71 1.184 1.456 106 1.232 2.216

37 1.151 1.228 72 1.185 1.468 107 1.234 2.249
38 1.151 1.231 73 1.186 1.481 108 1.235 2.283
39 1.152 1.234 74 1.187 1.494 109 1.237 2.318
40 1.153 1.237 75 1.189 1.508 110 1.239 2.354

41 1.154 1.241 76 1.190 1.522 111 1.240 2.391

42 1.155 1.244 77 1.191 1.537 112 1.242 2.429
43 1.155 1.248 78 1.192 1.552 113 1.244 2.467
44 1.156 1.252 79 1.194 1.568 114 1.245 2.506
45 1.157 1.256 80 1.195 1.584 115 1.247 2.546

46 1.158 1.260 81 1.196 1.601 116 1.249 2.587

47 1.159 1.265 82 1.197 1.618 117 1.250 2.628
48 1.160 1.270 83 1.199 1.636 118 1.252 2.671
49 1.161 1.275 84 1.200 1.654 119 1.254 2.714
50 1.162 1.280 85 1.201 1.673 120 1.256 2.759
Appendix • 73

TABLE 5-36
M <M0

Formula (23)
Mv " -*(£)-'(£)'
M <M0

1 Hr K J Hr K J ! l/r K J
1 .435 .753 41 1.036 .137 81 1.904 - .817
2 .450 .736 42 1.053 .121 82 1.932 - .851
3 .464 .719 43 1.070 .104 83 1.961 - .886
4 .479 .702 44 1.087 .0867 84 1.990 - .922
5 .494 .686 45 1.105 .0692 85 2.020 - .958
6 .508 .670 46 1.122 .0516 86 2.050 - .996
7 .523 .654 47 1.140 .0336 87 2.080 -1.034
8 .537 .638 48 1.158 .0154 88 2.111 -1.072
9 .552 .622 49 1.176 -.0031 89 2.142 -1.112
10 .566 .607 50 1.195 -.0219 90 2.174 -1.152
11 .581 .591 51 1.213 -.0411 91 2.206 -1.193
12 .595 .576 52 1.232 -.0605 92 2.239 -1.234
13 .610 .561 53 1.251 -.0803 93 2.272 -1.277
14 .624 .546 54 1.271 -.100 94 2.306 -1.320
15 .639 .531 55 1.290 -.121 95 2.340 -1.364
16 .653 .516 56 1.310 -.142 96 2.375 -1.409
17 .668 .501 57 1.330 -.163 97 2.410 -1.455
18 .682 .486 58 1.351 -.185 98 2.445 -1.501
19 .697 .472 59 1.371 -.207 99 2.482 -1.549
20 .711 .457 60 1.392 -.229 100 2.518 -1.597
21 .726 .442 61 1.413 -.252 101 2.555 -1.646
22 .741 .428 62 1.435 -.275 102 2.593 -1.696
23 .755 .413 63 1.456 -.299 103 2.631 -1.747
24 .770 .398 64 1.478 -.323 104 2.670 -1.799
25 .785 .384 65 1.501 -.348 105 2.709 -1.852
26 .800 .369 66 1.523 -.373 106 2.749 -1.906
27 .815 .354 67 1.546 -.399 107 2.789 -1.960
28 .830 .340 68 1.570 -.425 108 2.830 -2.016
29 .845 .325 69 1.593 -.452 109 2.871 -2.073
30 .860 .310 70 1.617 -.479 110 2.914 -2.130
31 .876 .295 71 1.641 -.507 111 2.956 -2.189
32 .891 .280 72 1.666 -.535 112 2.999 -2.248
33 .907 .265 73 1.691 -.564 113 3.043 -2.309
34 .922 .249 74 1.716 -.593 114 3.087 -2.371
35 .938 .234 75 1.742 -.623 115 3.132 -2.433
36 .954 .218 76 1.768 -.654 116 3.178 -2.497
37 .970 .202 77 1.794 -.685 117 3.224 -2.562
38 .987 .186 78 1.821 -.717 118 3.271 -2.627
39 1.003 .170 79 1.848 -.750 119 3.318 -2.694
40 1.020 .154 80 1.876 -.783 120 3.366 -2.762
74 • AISC Specification

Live plus dead load for simple or continuous beams 1.70
Live plus dead load for continuous frames 1.85
Live plus dead load plus lateral forces for continuous frames 1.40


JO For reduction factors in accordance with Formulas (21), (22) and (23),
*•* to be applied to the tabulated Mp value furnished by members subject
O to axial loading, see Table 4-36 and Table 5-36.
i|* Allowable web shear (psi)
Vu < 20,000 wd


(Applicable only to elements subject to compression involving plastic
hinge rotation under ultimate loading.)
Beam flanges (based on one-half width) 83^
Cover plate projection outside of longitudinal row of fasteners or
connecting welds 83^
Stiffeners 83^
Portion of flange cover plates and flanges of box sections between
longitudinal rows of rivets, bolts or connecting welds 32
Webs of beams, girders and columns

- < 70 - 100 ^- Formula (25)

w Py

with a minimum of 43


lcr = (60 - 40—r J ry Formula (26)

but not less than 35 ry.

For Steels with 42,000 psi Specified Yield Point
Applicable to ASTM A242, A440 and A441 Structural Steel over l}4 to 4 inches (inclusive)
in thickness.
Approved Welding Electrodes for A242 and A441: E70 Low Hydrogen Series.
Submerged Arc Grade SA-2.

1.5.1 Structural Steel Tension
Tension on net section, except at pin holes Ft = 25,000 psi
Tension on net section at pin holes Ft = 19,000 psi Shear *$
Shear on gross section (see Table 3-42 for reduced ^
values for girder webs) F9 = 17,000 psi 2J Compression 11
Cc = 116.7 y^
For values of Fa given by Formulas (1),
(2) and (3) see Table 1-42. Bending Tension and compression for compact,
adequately braced beams having an axis of
symmetry in the plane of loading Fb = 28,000 psi Tension and compression for unsymmetrical
rolled shapes continuously braced in the region
under compression stress Fb = 25,000 psi Tension and compression for box-type
members not included in Sect. Fb = 25,000 psi Tension for other rolled shapes, built-up
members and plate girders Fb = 25,000 psi Compression, except as provided by Sect.,,, and
the larger value given by Formulas (4) and (5).

Fb = 25,000 - ^ j p ( - Y Formula (4)

Fb = 12,000,000 < 2 5 0 0 0 psi Formula (5)

76 • AISC Specification

TABLE 1-42

Main and Secondary Members Main Members Secondary Members |

l/r not over 120 l/r 121 to 200 l/r 121 to 200

I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa
r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

1 25.15 41 21.98 81 16.92 121 10.20 161 5.76 121 1 0 . 2 5 161 7.25
2 25.10 42 21.87 82 16.77 122 10.03 162 5.69 122 1 0 . 1 3 162 7.20
3 25.05 43 21.77 83 16.62 123 9.87 163 5.62! 123 1 0 . 0 2 163 7.16
4 24.99 44 21.66 84 16.47 124 9.71 164 5.55 124 9 . 9 1 164 7.12
5 24.94 45 21.55 85 16.32 125 9.56 165 5.49 125 9 . 8 0 165 7.08

6 24.88 46 21.44 86 16.17 126 9.41 166 5.42 126 9.70 166 7.04
7 24.82 47 21.33 87 16.01 127 9.26 167 5.35 127 9.59 167 7.00
8 24.76 48 21.22 88 15.86 128 9.11 168 5.29 128 9.49 168 6.96
9 24.70 49 21.10 89 15.71 129 8.97 169 5.23 129 9.40 169 6.93
10 24.63 50 20.99 90 15.55 130 8.84 170 5.17 130 9.30 170 6.89

11 24.57 51 20.87 91 15.39 131 8.70 171 5.11 131 9.21 171 6.85
12 24.50 52 20.76 92 15.23 132 8.57 172 5.05 132 9.12 172 6.82
13 24.43 53 20.64 93 15.07 133 8.44 173 4.99 133 9.03 173 6.79
14 24.36 54 20.52 94 14.91 134 8.32 174 4.93 134 8.94 174 6.76
15 24.29 55 20.40 95 14.75 135 8.19 175 4.88 135 8.86 175 6.73

16 2 4 . 2 2 56 2 0 . 2 8 96 14.59 136 8.07 176 4.82 136 8.78 176 6.70

17 2 4 . 1 5 57 2 0 . 1 6 97 14.43 137 7.96 177 4.77 137 8.70 177 6.67
18 2 4 . 0 7 58 2 0 . 0 3 98 14.26 138 7.84 178 4.71 138 8.62 178 6.64
19 2 4 . 0 0 59 1 9 . 9 1 99 14.09 139 7.73 179 4.66 139 8.54 179 6.61
20 2 3 . 9 2 60 1 9 . 7 9 100 13.93 140 7.62 180 4.61 140 8.47 180 6.58

21 2 3 . 8 4 61 1 9 . 6 6 101 13.76 141 7.51 181 4.56 141 8.39 181 6.56
22 2 3 . 7 6 62 1 9 . 5 3 102 13.59 142 7.41 182 4.51 142 8.32 182 6.53
23 2 3 . 6 8 63 1 9 . 4 0 103 13.42 143 7.30 183 4.46 143 8.25 183 6.51
24 2 3 . 5 9 64 1 9 . 2 7 104 13.25 144 7.20 184 4.41 144 8.18 184 6.49
25 2 3 . 5 1 65 1 9 . 1 4 105 13.08 145 7.10 185 4.36 145 8.12 185 6.46

26 23.42 66 19.01 106 12.90 146 7.01 186 4.32 146 8.05 186 6.44
27 23.33 67 18.88 107 12.73 147 6.91 187 4.27 147 7.99 187 6.42
28 23.24 68 18.75 108 12.55 148 6.82 188 4.23 148 7.93 188 6.40
29 23.15 69 18.61 109 12.37 149 6.73 189 4.18 149 7.87 189 6.38
30 23.06 70 18.48 110 12.19 150 6.64 190 4.14 150 7.81 190 6.36

31 22.97 71 18.34 111 12.01 151 6.55 191 4.09 151 7.75 191 6.35
32 22.88 72 18.20 112 11.83 152 6.46 192 4.05 152 7.69 192 6.33
33 22.78 73 18.06 113 11.65 153 6.38 193 4.01 153 7.64 193 6.31
34 22.69 74 17.92 114 11.47 154 6.30 194 3.97 154 7.59 194 6.30
35 22.59 75 17.78 115 11.28 155 6.22 195 3.93 155 7.53 195 6.28

36 2 2 . 4 9 76 17.64 116 1 1 . 1 0 156 6.14 196 3.89 156 7.48 196 6.27
37 2 2 . 3 9 77 17.50 117 1 0 . 9 1 157 6.06 197 3.85 157 7.43 197 6.26
38 2 2 . 2 9 78 17.35 118 1 0 . 7 2 158 5.98 198 3.81 158 7.39 198 6.24
39 2 2 . 1 9 79 17.21 119 1 0 . 5 5 159 5.91 199 3.77 159 7.34 199 6.23
40 2 2 . 0 8 80 17.06 120 1 0 . 3 7 [ 160 5.83 200 3.73 160 7.29 200 6.22
Appendix • 77

For use in Formula (6), Sect. 1.6.1, for all grades of steel

\l IFe I F'e I F'e I F'e / F'e / F'e 1

r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

21 338.13 51 57.33 81 22.73 111 12.12 141 7.51 171 5.11

22 308.09 52 55.15 82 22.18 112 11.90 142 7.41 172 5.05
23 281.88 53 53.09 83 21.65 113 11.69 143 7.30 173 4.99
24 258.89 54 51.14 84 21.13 114 11.49 144 7.20 174 4.93
25 238.59 55 49.30 85 20.64 115 11.29 145 7.10 175 4.88

26 220.58 56 47.56 86 20.16 116 11.10 146 7.01 176 4.82

27 204.55 57 45.90 87 19.70 117 10.91 147 6.91 177 4.77
28 190.20 58 44.33 88 19.26 118 10.73 148 6.82 178 4.71
29 177.31 59 42.84 89 18.83 119 10.55 149 6.73 179 4.66
30 165.68 60 41.43 90 18.41 120 10.37 150 6.64 180 4.61

31 155.17 61 40.07 91 18.01 121 10.20 151 6.55 181 4.56

32 145.62 62 38.79 92 17.62 122 10.03 152 6.46 182 4.51
33 136.93 63 37.57 93 17.24 123 9.87 153 6.38 183 4.46
34 128.99 64 36.41 94 16.88 124 9.71 154 6.30 184 4.41
35 121.73 65 35.29 95 16.53 125 9.56 155 6.22 185 4.36

36 115.06 66 34.24 96 16.18 126 9.41 156 6.14 186 4.32

37 108.93 67 33.22 97 15.85 127 9.26 157 6.06 187 4.27
38 103.27 68 32.25 98 15.53 128 9.11 158 5.98 188 4.23
39 98.04 69 31.32 99 15.21 129 8.97 159 5.91 189 4.18
40 93.20 70 30.44 100 14.91 130 8.84 160 5.83 190 4.14

41 88.71 71 29.58 101 14.62 131 8.70 161 5.76 191 4.09
42 84.53 72 28.77 102 14.34 132 8.57 162 5.69 192 4.05
43 80.65 73 27.99 103 14.06 133 8.44 163 5.62 193 4.01
44 77.02 74 27.24 104 13.73 134 8.32 164 5.55 194 3.97
45 73.64 75 26.51 105 13.53 135 8.19 165 5.49 195 3.93

46 70.47 76 25.82 106 13.28 136 8.07 166 5.42 196 3.89
47 67.51 77 25.15 107 13.02 137 7.96 167 5.36 197 3.85
48 64.73 78 24.51 108 12.80 138 7.84 168 5.29 198 3.81
49 62.11 79 23.89 109 12.57 139 7.73 169 5.23 199 3.77
50 59.65 80 23.30 110 12.34 140 7.62 170 5.17 200 3.73

F'e = 149,000,000
78 • AISC Specification

TABLE 3-42
(Required Gross Area of Intermediate Stiffeners, as per cent of web area, shown in italics)

Aspect ratios a/h: stiffener spacing to web depth

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3

70 17.0 17.0 16.7 16.1 15.7 15.5 15.0 14.8 14.2

80 17.0 17.0 16.4 15.3 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.6 13.4 12.4
0.1 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9
90 17.0 16.8 15.5 14.7 14.2 13.8 13.5 13.3 13.1 12.6 12.2 10.4
0.1 1.0 2.5 1.8 2.9 1.9 1.9 1.8
Slenderness ratios h/t: web depth to web thickness

100 17.0 16.6 15.1 14.4 14.1 13.6 13.2 12.6 12.2 11.8 11.1 10.6 8 . 4
0.7 2.5 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.2 2.9
110 17.0 15.1 14.4 14.0 13.6 12.9 12.2 11.6 11.1 10.7 10.0 9.5 6 . 9
1.0 2.0 2.7 3.9 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.2 3.8
120 17.0 15.5 14.4 14.0 13.6 13.0 12.1 11.4 10.8 10.4 9.9 9.2 8.6 5 . 8
0.9 2.2 3.2 4 . 5 5.5 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.6 5.0 4.4
130 16.6 14.6 14.1 13.6 13.0 12.4 11.5 10.8 10.2 9.7 9.3 8.5 7.9 5 . 0
0.3 2.0 3.3 4.9 6.0 6.8 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.3 5.6 4.9
140 15.5 14.3 13.9 13.2 12.5 11.9 11.1 10.4 9.8 9.3 8.8 8.0 7.4 4 . 3
1.4 2.9 4.9 6.3 7.2 7.7 7.9 7.6 7.3 6.9 6.0 5.3
150 14.6 14.1 13.5 12.7 12.1 11.5 10.7 10.0 9.4 8.9 8.4 7.6 7.0 3 . 7
0.2 2.2 4.3 6.2 7.4 8.2 8.5 8.5 8.2 7.8 7.4 6.4 5.6
160 14.4 13.9 13.1 12.4 11.8 11.2 10.4 9.7 9.1 8.5 8.1 7.2
1.1 3.1 5.6 7.5 8.3 8.9 9.2 9.0 8.7 8.2 7.8 6.7
170 14.3 13.6 12.8 12.1 11.5 11.0 10.3 9.4 8.8 8.3 7.8
1.8 4.4 6.7 5.2 9.1 9.6 9.7 9.5 9.2 8.6 5.1
180 14.1 13.3 12.5 11.9 11.3 10.8 9.9 9.2 8.6 8.0 7.6
2.5 5.5 7.6 8.9 9.8 10.1 10.2 9.9 9.4 8.9 8.3
200 13.6 12.8 12.1 11.5 11.0 10.4 9.6 8.9 8.2
4.4 7.2 £.0 20.2 20.7 22.0 20.9 20.5 9.9
220 13.3 12.5 11.9 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.3 8.6
6.1 8.5 10.0 10.9 11.4 22.6 11.4 10.9
240 13.0 12.3 11.6 11.1 10.5 10.0 9.2
7.3 9.5 22.6 22.0 12.1 22.8
260 12.7 12.1 11.5 10.9 10.4 9.9
8.3 10.2 22.4 22.2 12.4 22.5
280 12.6 11.9 11.3 10.8 10.2
9.0 10.8 11.9 12.5 22.7

Girders so proportioned that the computed shear is less than that given in right-hand column
do not require intermediate stiffeners.
Appendix • 79



-0.46 (min.)

1.5 2.3
Cb in terms of Mx/Mi
Fig. Compression for channels: Use Formula (5)
above. Tension and compression for large pins Fb 38,000 psi Tension and compression for rectangular
bearing plates Fb 31,500 psi B e a r i n g On milled surfaces and pins in reamed,
drilled or bored holes Fp 38,000 psi On finished stiffeners Fv 33,500 psi On expansion rockers and rollers (in pounds
per linear inch) Fp = 960c?


1.6.1 Axial C o m p r e s s i o n a n d B e n d i n g
Ja , ^m lb
< 1.0 Formula (6)
+ f± < 1.0 Formula (7)
25,000 Fb "
For values of Fa see Table 1-42.
For values of F'e see Table 2.
80 • AISC Specification


Single angle struts 12
Double angle struts; angles or plates projecting from girders,
columns or other compression members; beam flanges (based on
one-half width); stiffeners 15
Stems of tees 20
Column webs; cover plates; diaphragm plates 39
Perforated cover plates 49


1.10.2 Web
Maximum clear distance between flanges h 282*
1.10.5 Stiffeners For required stiffener spacing and gross area of inter-
mediate stiffeners see Table 3-42. Maximum shear between web and intermediate stiff-
J2 eners in pounds per linear inch of stiffeners or pair of
stiffeners fvs = 43/i
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
When h/t exceeds 24, 0 0 0 / V F , the maximum
compression flange stress shall not exceed
A w fh 24,000\1
Fb 1.0 - 0.0005 Formula (11)
1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension

F& = 34,500 - 15,500 < 25,000 psi Formula (12)

1.10.10 Web Crippling Use stiffeners under concentrated interior loads

would exceed 31,500 psi Formula (13)

t(N + 2k)
and under end reactions when
R would exceed 31,500 psi Formula (14)
t(N + k) The compression stress, in pounds per square inch, produced by
loads applied to girder webs, except through stiffeners, shall not exceed
5.5 + Formula (15)
(a/hy (h/ty
Appendix • 81

when flange is restrained against rotation; otherwise

Wg&° Formula (16)

L («A)2. (h/ty
The compression stresses to be limited by formulas (15) and (16) shall
be computed as follows:
Concentrated loads and total distributed loads over partial length of
a panel shall be divided by the product of the web thickness and the
girder depth or the length of the panel in which the load is placed,
whichever is the lesser panel dimension.
Any other distributed loading, in pounds per linear inch of length,
shall be divided by the web thickness.
For Steels with 46,000 psi Specified Yield Point

Applicable to ASTM A242, A440 and A441 Structural Steel over % to \y2 inches (inclusive)
in thickness.
Approved Welding Electrodes for A242 and A441: E70 Low Hydrogen Series.
Submerged Arc Grade SA-2.

1.5.1 Structural Steel Tension
Tension on net section, except at pin holes Ft = 27,500 psi
Tension on net section at pin holes Ft = 20,500 psi Shear
Shear on gross section (see Table 3-46 for reduced
values for girder webs) Fv = 18,500 psi Compression
Cc = 111.6
For values of Fa given by Formulas (1),
(2) and (3) see Table 1-46. Bending Tension and compression for compact,
adequately braced beams having an axis of
symmetry in the plane of loading Fh = 30,500 psi Tension and compression for unsymmetrical
rolled shapes continuously braced in the region
under compression stress Fb = 27,500 psi Tension and compression for box-type
members not included in Sect. Fb = 27,500 psi Tension for other rolled shapes, built-up
members and plate girders Fb = 27,500 psi Compression, except as provided by Sect.,,, and
the larger value given by Formulas (4) and (5)
1 110 / / \ 2
F, = 27,500 - ^ ^ -J Formula (4)
C* W
12,000,000 . or7 _„. . _, , /cx
Fb = ——— < 27,500 psi Formula (5)
Id Af
Appendix • 83



- 0 . 4 6 (min.)

1.5 2.0 2.3

Cb in terms of MX[M1
Fig. Compression for channels: Use Formula (5)
above. Tension and compression for large pins Fb = 41,500 psi Tension and compression for rectangular
bearing plates Fb = 34,500 psi Bearing On milled surfaces and pins in reamed, ii
drilled or bored holes Fp - 41,500 psi On finished stiffeners Fp = 37,000 psi On expansion rockers and rollers (in pounds
per linear inch) Fp = 1,090c?


1.6.1 Axial Compression and Bending
la i ^m lb
< 1.0 Formula (6)
Fa +
(l - £ >
Formula (7)
27,500 Fb
For values of Fa see Table 1-46,
For values of F'e see Table 2.
84 • AISC Specification

TABLE 1-46

Main and Secondary Members Main Members Secondary Members

l/r not over 120 l/r 121 to 200 l/r 121 to 200
I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa
r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)
1 27.54 41 23.85 81 17.91 121 10.20 161 5.76 121 10.25 161 7.25
2 27.48 42 23.73 82 17.74 122 10.03 162 5.69 122 10.13 162 7.20
3 27.42 43 23.60 83 17.56 123 9.87 163 5.62 123 10.02 163 7.16
4 27.36 44 23.48 84 17.39 124 9.71 164 5.55 124 9.91 164 7.12
5 27.30 45 23.35 85 17.21 125 9.56 165 5.49 125 9.80 165 7.08
6 27.23 46 23.22 86 17.03 126 9.41 166 5.42 126 9.70 166 7.04
7 27.16 47 23.09 87 16.85 127 9.26 167 5.35 127 9.59 167 7.00
8 27.09 48 22.96 88 16.67 128 9.11 168 5.29 128 9.49 168 6.96
9 27.02 49 22.83 89 16.48 129 8.97 169 5.23 129 9.40 169 6.93
10 26.95 50 22.69 90 16.30 130 8.84 170 5.17 130 9.30 170 6.89
11 26.87 51 22.56 91 16.12 131 8.70 171 5.11 131 9.21 171 6.85
12 26.79 52 22.42 92 15.93 132 8.57 172 5.05 132 9.12 172 6.82
13 26.72 53 22.28 93 15.74 133 8.44 173 4.99 133 9.03 173 6.79
14 26.63 54 22.14 94 15.55 134 8.32 174 4.93 134 8.94 174 6.76
15 26.55 55 22.00 95 15.36 135 8.19 175 4.88 135 8.86 175 6.73
16 26.47 56 21.86 96 15.17 136 8.07 176 4.82 136 8.78 176 6.70
17 26.38 57 21.72 97 14.97 137 7.96 177 4.77 137 8.70 177 6.67
18 26.29 58 21.57 98 14.78 138 7.84 178 4.71 138 8.62 178 6.64
19 26.21 59 21.43 99 14.58 139 7.73 179 4.66 139 8.54 179 6.61
20 26.11 60 21.28 100 14.39 140 7.62 180 4.61 140 8.47 180 6.58
21 26.02 61 21.13 101 14.19 141 7.51 181 4.56 141 8.39 181 6.56
22 25.93 62 20.98 102 13.99 142 7.41 182 4.51 142 8.32 182 6.53
23 25.83 63 20.83 103 13.79 143 7.30 183 4.46 143 8.25 183 6.51
24 25.73 64 20.68 104 13.58 144 7.20 184 4.41 144 8.18 184 6.49
25 25.64 65 20.53 105 13.38 145 7.10 185 4.36 145 8.12 185 6.46
26 25.54 66 20.37 106 13.17 146 7.01 186 4.32 146 8.05 186 6.44
27 25.43 67 20.22 107 12.96 147 6.91 187 4.27 147 7.99 187 6.42
28 25.33 68 20.06 108 12.75 148 6.82 188 4.23 148 7.93 188 6.40
29 25.23 69 19.90 109 12.54 149 6.73 189 4.18 149 7.87 189 6.38
30 25.12 70 19.74 110 12.33 150 6.64 190 4.14 150 7.81 190 6.36
31 25.01 71 19.58 111 12.12 151 6.55 191 4.09 151 7.75 191 6.35
32 24.90 72 19.42 112 11.90 152 6.46 192 4.05 152 7.69 192 6.33
33 24.79 73 19.26 113 11.69 153 6.38 193 4.01 153 7.64 193 6.31
34 24.68 74 19.10 114 11.49 154 6.30 194 3.97 154 7.59 194 6.30
35 24.56 75 18.93 115 11.29 155 6.22 195 3.93 155 7.53 195 6.28
36 24.45 76 18.76 116 11.10 156 6.14 196 3.89 156 7.48 196 6.27
37 24.33 77 18.60 117 10.91 157 6.06 197 3.85 157 7.43 197 6.26
38 24.21 78 18.43 118 10.72 158 5.98 198 3.81 158 7.39 198 6.24
39 24.10 79 18.26 119 10.55 159 5.91 199 3.77 159 7.34 199 6.23
40 23.97 80 18.08 120 10.37 160 5.83 200 3.73 160 7.29 200 6.22
Appendix • 85

For use in Formula (6), Sect. 1.6.1, for all grades of steel

I F'e I F'e I F'e l_ F'e I F'e I F'e 1

r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

21 338.13 51 57.33 81 22.73 111 12.12 141 7.51 111 5.11

22 308.09 52 55.15 82 22.18 112 11.90 142 7.41 172 5.05
23 281.88 53 53.09 83 21.65 113 11.69 143 7.30 173 4.99
24 258.89 54 51.14 84 21.13 114 11.49 144 7.20 174 4.93
25 238.59 55 49.30 85 20.64 115 11.29 145 7.10 175 4.88

26 220.58 56 47.56 86 20.16 116 11.10 146 7.01 176 4.82

27 204.55 57 45.90 87 19.70 117 10.91 147 6.91 177 4.77
28 190.20 58 44.33 88 19.26 118 10.73 148 6.82 178 4.71
29 177.31 59 42.84 89 18.83 119 10.55 149 6.73 179 4.66
30 165.68 60 41.43 90 18.41 120 10.37 150 6.64 180 4.61

31 155.17 61 40.07 91 18.01 121 10.20 151 6.55 181 4.56

32 145.62 62 38.79 92 17.62 122 10.03 152 6.46 182 4.51
33 136.93 63 37.57 93 17.24 123 9.87 153 6.38 183 4.46
34 128.99 64 36.41 94 16.88 124 9.71 154 6.30 184 4.41
35 121.73 65 35.29 95 16.53 125 9.56 155 6.22 185 4.36

36 115.06 66 34.24 96 16.18 126 9.41 156 6.14 186 4.32

37 108.93 67 33.22 97 15.85 127 9.26 157 6.06 187 4.27
38 103.27 68 32.25 98 15.53 128 9.11 158 5.98 188 4.23
39 98.04 69 31.32 99 15.21 129 8.97 159 5.91 189 4.18
40 93.20 70 30.44 100 14.91 130 8.84 160 5.83 190 4.14

41 88.71 71 29.58 101 14.62 131 8.70 161 5.76 191 4.09
42 84.53 72 28.77 102 14.34 132 8.57 162 5.69 192 4.05
43 80.65 73 27.99 103 14.06 133 8.44 163 5.62 193 4.01
44 77.02 74 27.24 104 13.73 134 8.32 164 5.55 194 3.97
45 73.64 75 26.51 105 13.53 135 8.19 165 5.49 195 3.93

46 70.47 76 25.82 106 13.28 136 8.07 166 5.42 196 3.89
47 67.51 77 25.15 107 13.02 137 7.96 167 5.36 197 3.85
48 64.73 78 24.51 108 12.80 138 7.84 168 5.29 198 3.81
49 62.11 79 23.89 109 12.57 139 7.73 169 5.23 199 3.77
50 59.65 80 23.30 110 12.34 140 7.62 170 5.17 200 3.73

86 • AISC Specification

TABLE 3-46
(Required Gross Area of Intermediate Stiffeners, as per cent of web iarea, shown in italics)

Aspect ratios a/h: stiffener spacing t o web depth

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3

60 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.3 18.0 17.3

70 18.5 18.5 18.3 17.5 16.9 16.5 16.2 15.8 15.3 14.9
0.2 0.3
80 18.5 18.3 17.2 16.1 15.7 15.4 15.1 14.9 14.5 14.2 13.0
0.2 0.7 2.0 1.2 1.3 1.3 2.2
Slendemess ratios h/t: web depth to web thickness

90 1 8 . 5 1 7 . 6 1 6 . 3 15.8 15.3 14.8 14.5 14.2 13.8 13.1 12.6 10.4

0.1 2 . 6 2 . 0 2 . 2 2 . 3 2.5 2.5 2.3
100 | 18.5 17.4 16.0 15.6 15.2 14.6 13.9 13.3 12.8 12.4 11.6 11.0 8.4
0.3 1.3 2.2 2.9 3.6 4 . 0 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.3
110 17.8 16.0 15.5 15.1 14.6 1 3 . 6 1 2 . 9 1 2 . 3 11.7 1 1 . 3 1 0 . 5 9.9 6.9
0.3 2.6 2.6 3.6 4.8 5.3 5.4 5 . 3 5.2 4.6 4.2
120 1 8 . 5 1 6 . 3 15.6 15.1 14.5 13.8 12.9 12.1 11.5 10.9 10.5 9.6 9.0 5.8
1.5 2.7 4.2 5.4 6.2 6.5 6.5 6.3 6.0 5.3 4.7
130 1 7 . 4 1 5 . 8 15.3 14.6 13.9 13.2 12.3 11.5 10.9 10.3 9.9 9.0 8.3 5.0
1.0 2.5 4.3 5.8 6.7 7.4 7.5 7.3 7.0 6 . 7 5.9 5.2
140 1 6 . 2 1 5 . 5 14.9 14.1 13.4 12.8 11.8 11.1 10.4 9.8 9.4 8.4 7.8 4.3
1.9 3.8 5.8 7.0 7.8 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.6 7.2 6.3 5.5
150 1 5 . 9 1 5 . 3 14.5 13.7 13.0 12.4 1 1 . 5 10.7 1 0 . 0 9 . 4 9.0 8.0 7.4 3.7
0.8 2.8 5.3 7.0 8.0 8.7 9.0 8.9 8.5 8.1 7.7 6.7 5.8
160 1 5 . 7 1 4 . 9 14.1 13.4 12.7 12.1 11.2 10.4 9.7 9.1 8.6 7.7
1.7 4.1 6.4 7.9 8.9 9.4 9.6 9.4 9.0 8.5 8.0 6.9
170 1 5 . 5 1 4 . 6 13.8 13.1 12.4 11.8 10.9 10.1 9.4 8.9 8.4
! 2.4 5.3 7.4 8.7 9.6 10.0 20.2 9.8 9 . 3 8.8 8.3
180 115.2 1 4 . 3 1 13.5 12.8 12.2 11.6 10.7 9.9 9.2 8.6 8.1
3.2 6.3 8.2 9 . 4 20.2 20.5 10.5 20.2 9.6 9.2 8.5
200 1 4 . 7 1 3 . 9 13.1 i 12.5 11.9 11.3 10.4 9.6 8.9
5.3 7.9 9.5 2 0 . 5 2 2 . 0 11.3 22.2 20.7 20.2
220 1 4 . 3 1 3 . 6 12.9 12.2 11.6 11.1 10.1 9.3
6.7 9.0 \10.4 \ll.3 11.7 2 2 . 9 11.6 11.1
240 1 4 . 0 1 3 . 3 12.6 12.0 11.4 10.9 9.9
7.9 9.9 22.9 22.2 22.3 22.0
260 1 3 . 8 1 3 . 1 12.5 11.8 11.3 10.7
8.8 \10.6 \ll.7 \12.3 12.6 12.7
Girders so proportioned that the computed shear is less than that given in right-hand column
do not require intermediate stiffeners.
Appendix • 87


Single angle struts 11
Double angle struts; angles or plates projecting from girders, col-
umns or other compression members; beam flanges (based on
one-half width); stiffeners 14
Stems of tees 19
Column webs; cover plates; diaphragm plates 37
Perforated cover plates 45


1.10.2 Web
Maximum clear distance between flanges h = 260t
1.10.5 Stiffeners For required stiffener spacing and gross area of inter-
mediate stiffeners see Table 3-46. Maximum shear between web and intermediate stiff-
eners in pounds per linear inch of stiffeners or pair of
stiffeners fvs = 50h
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
When h/t exceeds 2 4 , 0 0 0 / V F & the maximum compression
flange stress shall not exceed

Ft [l.O - 0.0005 ff (J - ^ - ° ) ] Formula (11)

1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension

Fb = 38,000 - 17,000 ( ^ ) < 27,500 psi Formula (12)

1.10.10 Web Crippling Use stiffeners under concentrated interior loads when
— would exceed 34,500 psi Formula (13)
t(N + 2k)
and under end reactions when

-— — would exceed 34,500 psi Formula (14)

t(N + k) The compression stress, in pounds per square inch, produced by
loads applied to girder webs, except through stiffeners, shall not exceed
r c c . 4 110,000,000 „ ! ,-Cv
5.5 + —•— —'——{ Formula (15)
L {a/hy J (h/ty
• AISC Specification

when flange is restrained against rotation; otherwise

Formula (16)
L {a/hy\ (h/ty
The compression stresses to be limited by formulas (15) and (16) shall
be computed as follows:
Concentrated loads and total distributed loads over partial length of
a panel shall be divided by the product of the web thickness and the
girder depth or the length of the panel in which the load is placed,
whichever is the lesser panel dimension.
Any other distributed loading, in pounds per linear inch of length,
shall be divided by the web thickness.
For Steels with 50,000 psi Specified Yield Point

Applicable to ASTM A242, A440 and A441 Structural Steel % inch and less in thickness
Approved Welding Electrodes for A242 and A441: E70 Low Hydrogen Series.
Submerged Arc Grade SA-2.

1.5.1 Structural Steel Tension
Tension on net section, except at pin holes Ft = 30,000 psi
Tension on net section at pin holes Ft = 22,500 psi Shear
Shear on gross section (see Table 3-50 for reduced
values for girder webs) Fv = 20,000 psi Compression
Cc = 107.0
For values of Fa given by Formulas (1),
(2) and (3) see Table 1-50. Bending Tension and compression for compact,
adequately braced beams having an axis of
symmetry in the plane of loading Fb = 33,000 psi Tension and compression for unsymmetrical
rolled shapes continuously braced in the region
under compression stress Fb = 30,000 psi Tension and compression for box-type 10
members not included in Sect. Fb = 30,000 psi "^ Tension for other rolled shapes, built-up Q
members and plate girders Fb = 30,000 psi 1 ^ Compression, except as provided by Sect. --,,, and
the larger value given by Formulas (4) and (5). l^J*

Fb = 30,000 - i ^ (-Y Formula (4)

Fb = 12 000,000 < 3 0 > 0 Q 0 p s i Formuia(5)

Id/A /

90 • AISC Specification

TABLE 1-50

Main and Secondary Members Main Members Secondary Members

l/r not over 120 l/r 121 to 200 l/r 121 to 200
\l FT" I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa I Fa \
r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)
1 29.94 41 25.69 81 18.81 121 10.20 161 5.76 121 10.25 161 7.25
2 29.87 42 25.55 82 18.61 122 10.03 162 5.69 122 10.13 162 7.20
3 29.80 43 25.40 83 18.41 123 9.87 163 5.62 123 10.02 163 7.16
4 29.73 44 25.26 84 18.20 124 9.71 164 5.55 124 9.91 164 7.12
5 29.66 45 25.11 85 17.99 125 9.56 165 5.49 125 9.80 165 7.08
6 29.58 46 24.96 86 17.79 126 9.41 166 5.42 126 9.70 166 7.04
7 29.50 47 24.81 87 17.58 127 9.26 167 5.35 127 9.59 167 7.00
8 29.42 48 24.66 88 17.37 128 9.11 168 5.29 128 9.49 168 6.96
9 29.34 49 24.51 89 17.15 129 8.97 169 5.23 129 9.40 169 6.93
10 29.26 50 24.35 90 16.94 130 8.84 170 5.17 130 9.30 170 6.89
11 29.17 51 24.19 91 16.72 131 8.70 171 5.11 131 9.21 171 6.85
12 29.08 52 24.04 92 16.50 132 8.57 172 5.05 132 9.12 172 6.82
13 28.99 53 23.88 93 16.29 133 8.44 173 4.99 133 9.03 173 6.79
14 28.90 54 23.72 94 16.06 134 8.32 174 4.93 ! 134 8.94 174 6.76
15 28.80 55 23.55 95 15.84 135 8.19 175 4.88 135 8.86 175 6.73
16 28.71 56 23.39 96 15.62 136 8.07 176 4.82 136 8.78 176 6.70
17 28.61 57 23.22 97 15.39 137 7.96 177 4.77 137 8.70 177 6.67
18 28.51 58 23.06 98 15.17 138 7.84 178 4.71 138 8.62 178 6.64
19 28.40 59 22.89 99 14.94 139 7.73 179 4.66 139 8.54 179 6.61
20 28.30 60 22.72 100 14.71 140 7.62 180 4.61 140 8.47 180 6.58
21 28.19 61 22.55 101 14.47 141 7.51 181 4.56 141 8.39 181 6.56
22 28.08 62 22.37 102 14.24 142 7.41 182 4.51 142 8.32 182 6.53
23 27.97 63 22.20 103 14.00 143 7.30 183 4.46 143 8.25 183 6.51
24 27.86 64 22.02 104 13.77 144 7.20 184 4.41 144 8.18 184 6.49
25 27.75 65 21.85 105 13.53 145 7.10 185 4.36 145 8.12 185 6.46
26 27.63 66 21.67 106 13.29 146 7.01 186 4.32 146 8.05 186 6.44
27 27.52 67 21.49 107 13.04 147 6.91 187 4.27 1147 7.99 187 6.42
28 27.40 68 21.31 108 12.80 148 6.82 188 4.23 148 7.93 188 6.40
29 27.28 69 21.12 109 12.57 149 6.73 189 4.18 149 7.87 189 6.38
30 27.15 70 20.94 110 12.34 150 6.64 190 4.14 150 7.81 190 6.36
31 27.03 71 20.75 111 12.12 151 6.55 191 4.09 151 7.75 191 6.35
32 26.90 72 20.56 112 11.90 152 6.46 192 4.05 1152 7.69 192 6.33
33 26.77 73 20.38 113 11.69 153 6.38 193 4.01 153 7.64 193 6.31
34 26.64 74 20.19 114 11.49 154 6.30 194 3.97 154 7.59 194 6.30
35 26.51 75 19.99 115 11.29 155 6.22 195 3.93 155 7.53 195 6.28
36 26.38 76 19.80 116 11.10 156 6.14 196 3.89 156 7.48 196 6.27
37 26.25 77 19.61 117 10.91 157 6.06 197 3.85 157 7.43 197 6.26
38 26.11 78 19.41 118 10.72 158 5.98 198 3.81 158 7.39 198 6.24
39 25.97 79 19.21 119 10.55 159 5.91 199 3.77 159 7.34 199 6.23
40 25.83 80 19.01 120 10.37 160 5.83 200 3.73 160 7.29 200 6.22
Appendix • 91

For use in Formula (6), Sect. 1.6.1, for all grades of steel

I F'e I F'e I F'e I F'e I F'e I F'e 1

r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi) r (ksi)

21 338.13 51 57.33 81 22.73 111 12.12 141 7.51 171 5.11

22 308.09 52 55.15 82 22.18 112 11.90 142 7.41 172 5.05
23 281.88 53 53.09 83 21.65 113 11.69 143 7.30 173 4.99
24 258.89 54 51.14 84 21.13 114 11.49 144 7.20 174 4.93
25 238.59 55 49.30 85 20.64 115 11.29 145 7.10 175 4.88

26 220.58 56 47.56 86 20.16 116 11.10 146 7.01 176 4.82

27 204.55 57 45.90 87 19.70 117 10.91 147 6.91 177 4.77
28 190.20 58 44.33 88 19.26 118 10.73 148 6.82 178 4.71
29 177.31 59 42.84 89 18.83 119 10.55 149 6.73 179 4.66
30 165.68 60 41.43 90 18.41 120 10.37 150 6.64 180 4.61

31 155.17 61 40.07 91 18.01 121 10.20 151 6.55 181 4.56

32 145.62 62 38.79 92 17.62 122 10.03 152 6.46 182 4.51
33 136.93 63 37.57 93 17.24 123 9.87 153 6.38 183 4.46
34 128.99 64 36.41 94 16.88 124 9.71 154 6.30 184 4.41
35 121.73 65 35.29 95 16.53 125 9.56 155 6.22 185 4.36

36 115.06 66 34.24 96 16.18 126 9.41 156 6.14 186 4.32

37 108.93 67 33.22 97 15.85 127 9.26 157 6.06 187 4.27
38 103.27 68 32.25 98 15.53 128 9.11 158 5.98 188 4.23
39 98.04 69 31.32 99 15.21 129 8.97 159 5.91 189 4.18
40 93.20 70 30.44 100 14.91 130 8.84 160 5.83 190 4.14

41 88.71 71 29.58 101 14.62 131 8.70 161 5.76 191 4.09
42 84.53 72 28.77 102 14.34 132 8.57 162 5.69 192 4.05
43 80.65 73 27.99 103 14.06 133 8.44 163 5.62 193 4.01
44 77.02 74 27.24 104 13.73 134 8.32 164 5.55 194 3.97
45 73.64 75 26.51 105 13.53 135 8.19 165 5.49 195 3.93

46 70.47 76 25.82 106 13.28 136 8.07 166 5.42 196 3.89
47 67.51 77 25.15 107 13.02 137 7.96 167 5.36 197 3.85
48 64.73 78 24.51 108 12.80 138 7.84 168 5.29 198 3.81
49 62.11 79 23.89 109 12.57 139 7.73 169 5.23 199 3.77
50 59.65 80 23.30 110 12.34 140 7.62 170 5.17 200 3.73

92 • AISC Specification

TABLE 3-50
(Required Gross Area of Intermediate Stiifeners, as per cent of web area, shown in italics)

Aspect ratios a/h: stiffener spacing to web depth

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3
60 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.7 19.1 18.8 18.1
70 20.0 20.0 19.1 18.2 17.6 17.3 17.1 16.7 16.5 15.5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6
80 20.0 19.1 17.9 17.1 16.7 16.4 16.1 15.8 15.4 15.0 13.1
0.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5
Slendemess ratios h/t: web depth to web thickness

90 20.0 18.3 17 3 16.9 16.3 15.8 15.3 14.8 14.3 13.5 13.0 10.4
0.4 1.3 2.1 2 . 5 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.8
100 20.0 18.1 17.2 16.7 16.3 15.4 14.6 13.9 13.4 12.9 12.0 11.4 8.4
0.9 2.9 2.6 3.8 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.1 3.7
110 20.0 18.5 17.2 16.7 16.2 15.4 14.4 13.6 12.9 12.3 11.8 10.9 10.3 6.9
0.9 2.2 3.2 4.5 5.5 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.6 5.0 4.4
120 19.7 17.4 16.8 16.2 15.4 14.7 13.7 12.8 12.1 11.5 11.0 10.1 9.4 5.8
0.4 2.0 3.4 5.0 6.1 6.9 7.0 6.9 6.7 6.4 5.8 4.9
130 18.2 17.0 16.4 15.6 14.8 14.1 13.1 12.2 11.5 10.9 10.4 9.4 8.7 5.0
1.5 3.1 5.1 6.5 7.4 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.4 7.0 6.1 5.3
140 17.3 16.7 15.9 15.1 14.3 13.6 12.6 11.8 11.0 10.4 9.9 8.9 8.2 4.3
0.5 2.5 4.7 6.5 7.7 8.4 8.7 8.6 8.3 7.9 7.5 6.5 5.7
150 17.1 16.4 15.5 14.6 13.9 13.3 12.2 11.4 10.7 10.0 9.5 8.5 7.7 3.7
1.4 3.6 6.0 7.6 8.6 9.2 9.4 9.2 8.8 8.4 7.9 6.8 5.9
160 16.9 16.0 15.1 14.3 13.6 13.0 11.9 11.1 10.3 9.7 9.2 8.1
2.2 4.9 7.1 8.5 9.4 9.8 9.9 9.7 9.2 8.7 8.2 7.1
170 16.7 15.6 14.8 14.0 13.3 12.7 11.7 10.8 10.1 9.5 8.9
2.9 6.0 8.0 9.2 10.0 10.4 10.4 10.0 9.6 9.0 8.5
180 16.3 15.4 14.5 13.8 13.1 12.5 11.5 10.6 9.9 9.2 8.7
4.1 7.0 8.8 10.0 10.5 10.9 10.8 10.4 9.8 9.3 8.7
200 15.8 14.9 14.1 13.4 12.8 12.2 11.1 10.3 9.5
5.9 8.4 9.9 10.8 11.4 11.6 11.4 10.9 10.3
220 15.4 14.6 13.8 13.2 12.5 11.9 10.9 10.0
7.3 9.5 10.8 11.6 12.0 12.1 11.8 11.3
240 15.1 14.3 13.6 13.0 12.3 11.7 10.7
8.3 10.3 11.5 12.2 12.4 12.5 12.1

^J Girders so proportioned that the computed shear is less than that given in right-hand column
|Q do not require intermediate stiffeners.
Appendix • 93



-0.46 (min.)

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.3
Cb in terms of Mi/M2
Fig. Compression for channels: Use formula (5)
above. Tension and compression for large pins Fb = 45,000 psi Tension and compression for rectangular
bearing plates Fb = 37,500 ps] Bearing On milled surfaces and pins in reamed,
drilled or bored holes Fv = 45,000 psi On finished stiffeners Fp = 40,000 psi On expansion rockers and rollers (in pounds
per linear inch) Fv = l,220o?
1.6.1 Axial Compression and Bending
la , ^m
'*-' lit, Jb
I U i I U
< 1.0 Formula (6) ''

fa + h
'-2- < 1.0 Formula (7)
30,000 Ft,
For values of Fa see Table 1-50.
For values of F'e see Table 2.
94 • A ISC Specification


Single angle struts 11
Double angle struts; angles or plates projecting from girders,
columns or other compression members; beam flanges (based
on one-half width); stiffeners 13
Stems of tees 18
Column webs; cover plates; diaphragm plates 36
Perforated cover plates 45


1.10.2 Web
Maximum clear distance between flanges h = 243£
1.10.5 Stiffeners For required stiffener spacing and gross area of
intermediate stiffeners see Table 3-50. Maximum shear between web and intermediate
stiffeners, in pounds per linear inch of stiffeners or pair of
stiffeners fvs = 56h
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
When h/t exceeds 2 4 , 0 0 0 / V ^ the maximum compression
flange stress shall not exceed

4«-t('-f)l "—<">
1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension

Fb = 41,000 - 18,500 (^ J < 30,000 psi Formula (12)

1.10.10 Web Crippling Use stiffeners under concentrated interior loads when
# 7?
40 would exceed 37,500 psi Formula (13)

O and under end reactions when

*° R
[[ — would exceed 37,500 psi Formula (14)
*^ The compression stress, in pounds per square inch, produced by
loads applied to girder webs, except through stiffeners, shall not exceed
L , , 4 1 10,000,000 „ . /iKN
5.5 H — Formula (15)
Appendix • 95

when flange is restrained against rotation; otherwise

2 + —— ——r-2- Formula (16)

L (a/A) J (A/0 1
The compression stresses to be limited by formulas (15) and (16) shall
be computed as follows:
Concentrated loads and total distributed loads over partial length of
a panel shall be divided by the product of the web thickness and
the girder depth or the length of the panel in which the load is placed,
whichever is the lesser panel dimension.
Any other distributed loading, in pounds per linear inch of length,
shall be divided by the web thickness.
> j
; > * , * * • *



NOVEMBER 30,1961

In the belief that the designer can make more efficient use of the Specifica-
tion if he knows the basis for its various provisions, this Commentary has been
Many provisions, notably in the sections dealing with fabrication and
erection practices, have evolved from years of shop and field experience and
need no further elaboration. Attention is directed primarily to less widely
understood measures and particularly to modifications appearing for the first
time. Many of these are the outgrowth of extensive research which has been
carried out in recent years.


In order that adequate instructions can be issued to the shop and erection
forces, the basic assumptions underlying the design must be thoroughly
understood by all concerned. As in the earlier AISC Specification, these
assumptions are classified under three separate but generally recognized types
of construction.
Part 1 of the Specification includes all of the provisions necessary for a
working-stress design covering all three types of construction. It corresponds
to the earlier AISC Specification in force when the Supplementary Rules for
Plastic Design and Fabrication were issued by the American Institute of Steel
Construction in December, 1958. Part 2 of the Specification consists of these
Rules with some minor modifications.


As in the past, the Specification does not presume to establish the loading
requirements for which structures should be designed. In most cases these
are adequately covered in the applicable local building codes. Where such is
not the case, the generally recognized standards of the American Standards
Association are recommended as the basis for design.


The increasing use of high strength steels no longer permits the con-
tinuation of a standard design specification based upon the exclusive use of one
strength grade of steel. However, the unrestricted acceptance of all steels is
not desirable. Physical properties are not the sole measure of acceptability.
Metallurgical properties, which affect both fabrication and serviceability,
must also be considered.
The steels permitted by the Specification afford as much as a 50% in-
crease in strength as compared with the older A7 grade and offer no particular
problems in their proper utilization. They by no means cover the entire
range of steels, however, and undoubtedly in time others will be added.

Structural Steel for Buildings • 3

It should be noted that the increase in yield point above 36,000 pounds
per square inch is governed by the thickness of the component being consid-
ered. For material no thicker than M inch a yield point of 50,000 pounds per
square inch is available, while for material ranging between % inch and 1Y^
inch in thickness the comparable specified minimum yield point is 46,000
pounds per square inch and for material over 1}/% inch up to 4 inch in thickness
it is 42,000 pounds per square inch.
In keeping with the inclusion of steels of several strength grades, a
number of corresponding specifications for cast steel forgings and other
appurtenant materials such as rivets, bolts and welding electrodes have been


1.5.1 Structural Steel

Because of the introduction of steels having a specified minimum yield
point other than 33,000 pounds per square inch it is convenient to express per-
missible working stresses in terms of yield point Fy. For ready reference,
numerical values are presented in an Appendix for each of the yield points
represented in Sect. 1.4.1. Since any greater precision would be unwarranted,
these are presented in round numbers which are easily remembered, except
where they have to be given in tabular form. Tension
The same factor of safety with respect to yield point stress heretofore
recommended for A7 steel has been used in determining the basic working
stress for the newer and stronger steels. A working stress at the net section at
pin holes has been added, based upon research* and experience with eye-bars. Shear
No change has been made in the recommended working stress for shear
except in the case of slender girder webs discussed under Sect. 1.10.
While the shear yield point of structural steel has been variously esti-
mated as between one-half and five-eighths of the tension and compression
yield point and is frequently taken as Fy/\/S, it will be noted that the per-
missible working value is given as two-thirds the recommended basic tensile
stress, substantially as it has been since the first edition of the AISC Specifica-
tion was published in 1923. This apparent reduction in factor of safety is
justified by the minor consequences of shear yielding, as compared with those
associated with tension and compression yielding, and by the effect of strain
The webs of rolled shapes are all of such thickness that shear is seldom the
criterion for design. However, the web shear stresses are generally high
within the boundaries of the rigid connection of two or more members whose
* Pin-Connected Plate Links, 1939 ASCE Transactions.
4 • Commentary on AISC Specification

webs lie in a common plane. Such webs should b e reinforced when t h e web
thickness is less t h a n
where M is t h e algebraic sum of clockwise and counter-clockwise m o m e n t s
(in kip-feet) applied on opposite sides of t h e connection b o u n d a r y and Abc is
t h e planar area of t h e connection web, expressed in square inches. This
expression is based upon t h e assumption t h a t t h e moment M is resisted by a
couple having a n a r m equal to 0.95d6, where db is t h e depth of t h e member
introducing t h e moment. Designating as dc t h e d e p t h of t h e member entering
t h e joint more or less a t right angles t o it, a n d noting t h a t Abc is approximately
equal to db X dC9 t h e m a x i m u m thickness of t h e web n o t requiring reinforce-
m e n t can be computed from t h e equation
allowable shear stress = 0.402^ = , .,, .
0.95A 6c Wmzx Compression T h e new Formula (1), for columns whose mode of failure is b y
inelastic buckling, like t h a t for slender columns, is founded upon the basic
column strength estimate suggested b y t h e Column Research Council.*
This estimate assumes t h a t t h e u p p e r limit of elastic buckling failure is de-
fined b y a n average column stress equal t o one-half of yield stress. T h e
slenderness ratio Cc, corresponding t o this limit, can be expressed, in t e r m s of
t h e yield point of a given grade of structural steel, as

A varied factor of safety h a s been applied t o t h e column strength estimate

t o obtain allowable working stresses. For very short columns this factor has
been t a k e n as equal to, or only slightly greater t h a n t h a t required for members
axially loaded in tension. Similar provisions h a v e been included in t h e
British and German design standards for some time and can be justified b y
t h e insensitivity of such members t o accidental eccentricities. For longer
columns, approaching t h e Euler slenderness range, t h e factor of safety is
increased 15 percent, t o approximately t h e value used in earlier recommenda-
tions. I n order t o provide a smooth transition between these limits, t h e
factor of safety h a s been arbitrarily defined b y t h e algebraic equivalent of a
quarter sine curve whose abscissae are t h e ratio of given l/r values t o t h e
limiting value C c , and whose ordinates v a r y from 1.67 when l/r equals 0 t o
1.92 when l/r equals Co
While t h e new formula is somewhat more complex t h a n heretofore, it
permits a more economical use of material in relatively short columns. Tables
giving t h e permissible stress for columns and other compression members for
each of t h e approved structural steels are included in t h e Appendix to t h e
Specification for t h e convenience of t h e designer.
* Guide to Design Criteria for Metal Compression Members, Eq. (2.19) and (2.2).
Structural Steel for Buildings • 5 Formula (2), covering columns slender enough to fail by

elastic buckling, is based upon a constant factor of safety of 1.92 with respect
to the elastic (Euler) column strength. Allowable working stresses given by
Formula (2) are substantially the same as those given by the more complex
Rankine-Gordon formula which in the past were reduced by the factor
[1.6 J for main compression members.
V 200r/ By dividing the values obtained from Formulas (1) and (2) by
the factor f 1.6 — - — 1 when l/r exceeds 120, to obtain Formula (3), sub-
stantially the same allowable stresses are still recommended for bracing and
secondary members as those formerly given by the Rankine-Gordon formula
which has been included in the AISC Specification since its first adoption in
1923. The more liberal working stress for this type of member was justified
in part by the relative unimportance of such members and in part by the
greater effectiveness of end restraint likely to be present at their ends.
Since Formula (3) takes advantage of end restraint, the full unbraced
length of the member should always be used, and the formula should be
restricted to members which are more or less fixed against rotation and
translation at braced points. Bending When flexural members are proportioned in accordance with the
provisions of Sect. 1.9 and are adequately braced to prevent the lateral dis-
placement of the compression flange, they provide bending resistance equal at
least to the product of their section modulus and yield-point stress, even when
the width-thickness ratio of compressed elements of their profile is such that
local buckling may be imminent.
Research in plastic design has demonstrated that local buckling will not
occur in "compact" sections, i.e., those meeting the provisions of Sect. 2.6,
before the full plastic moment is reached. Practically all WF- and I-shapes
meet these provisions. It is obvious, therefore, that the possibility of over-
load failure in bending of such rolled shapes must involve a higher level of
stress (computed on the basis of M/S) than members having more slender
compression elements. Since the shape factor of WF- and I-beams is gen-
erally in excess of 1.12, the allowable bending stress for such members has been
raised 10 percent from 0.60Fy to 0.66F^.
The compression flange of such shapes may be considered as adequately
supported laterally when the distance between bracing points is as much as
13 times the width of the flange.
Also reflecting the results of the research on ultimate strength of struc-
tures is the further provision in Sect. permitting a limited redistribu-
tion of moments produced by gravity loading. Taken in conjunction with
the 10 percent increase in bending stress, permission to proportion flexural
members for nine-tenths of the negative moment produced by gravity loads
at points of support affords the same reduction in required bending strength
as was provided by the 20 percent stress increase provision in the previous
6 • Commentary on AISC Specification

edition of the Specification. However, it is now limited to compact shapes

having an axis of symmetry in the plane of loading and subject to only minor
concurrent axial stress. Also, it is now required that beams, proportioned for
nine-tenths of the calculated moment at reaction points instead of the full
computed moment, have sufficient bending strength to resist the maximum
calculated moment between supports, increased by one-tenth of the average
of reaction point moments, without exceeding the allowable bending stress.
Fig. C 1.5.1 illustrates the application of this latter provision by comparing
calculated moment diagrams with the diagrams as altered by this provision.
In order to assure better advantage of moment redistribution, designs
should be executed in accordance with the rules for plastic design given in
Part 2. However, for many cases commonly encountered, the provisions of
Sect. afford approximately the same overall economy. Members asymmetrical about the plane of loading but having
continuous lateral support in regions of compression stress may be designed
for the full basic stress. They cannot be treated in the same manner as other
compact members as in Sect., however. Box-type members, even those whose width-thickness ratios
are such that they cannot be classified as compact members, are torsionally
very stiff. Hence, reduction of the full stress, as provided by Formulas (4)
and (5) for open-type sections, is not required. and While a 0.6i^ bending stress may be used for
tension in proportioning flexural members not covered by Sect., or, compression stresses in their extreme fibers may be
subject to limitation as provided by Formula (4) or (5). Box-type beams
and girders are an exception. The torsional properties of a "closed" profile
are so much better than those of the "open" I-beam, that lateral stability is
not a problem with box beams and girders.
Formula (4) treats the compression flange, plus one-sixth the area of the
web adjacent to that flange, as a column, supported in the plane of the web
but free to bend, between points of lateral support, about its axis in the plane
of the web. It should be noted that for shapes symmetrical about their x-axis
of bending, substitution of rv of the entire section for that of the compression
flange plus one-sixth of the web is conservative. Through the introduction
of the modifier C&, * some liberalization in stress is permissible where there is
moment gradient over the unbraced length, but use of this liberalization is
optional with the designer. Formula (4) is based on the assumption that
only the bending stiffness of the compression flange is available to prevent
the lateral displacement of that element between bracing points.
Rational expressions for the elastic buckling strength of the beam, which
take into account its torsional rigidity about its longitudinal axis as well as
the bending stiffness of its compression flange, are too complex for general
design office use. They become even more complex if the location of the sup-
ported loads (above, at or below the neutral axis) and the shape of the moment
diagram are taken into consideration.
* See Guide to Design Criteria for Metal Compression Members, Eq. (4.13), p. 61.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 7



11 m i ni-i n ii 1111 ii mrrrrrTTT

A = Actual moment diagram

B = Modified diagram corresponding to 10 percent moment reduction allowance at
interior supports
Fig. C 1.5.1
Formula (5) is a convenient approximation t o such expressions, which is
conservative for all cases. I t s agreement with these expressions is closest in
t h e case of sections having superior torsional properties, identifiable b y a
relatively low d/Af ratio. I n plate girders, which usually have a m u c h higher
d/Af ratio t h a n rolled I- and WF-shapes, it m a y err grossly on t h e conserva-
tive side. For such members t h e larger stress permitted b y Formula (4) is t h e
better estimate of buckling strength. While it under-estimates this strength
somewhat because it ignores t h e torsional rigidity of t h e profile, this rigidity
for such sections is relatively small and t h e margin of over-conservatism,
therefore, is likewise small.
Formula (5) assumes t h e most critical condition of load application and
bending moment usually encountered in engineering structures. For less
severe conditions it can be m a d e to yield better estimates of bending strength
when multiplied by a factor corresponding t o t h e given loading conditions.*
* Buckling Considerations in the Design of Steel Beams and Plate Girders, p. 429,
October, 1954 Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers.
8 • Commentary on AISC Specification

It should be noted, however, that Formula (5), like the more precise, complex
expressions it replaces, is written for the case of elastic buckling. For shorter
unbraced lengths where inelastic buckling would govern, these expressions,
like the Euler column formula, become unconservative and must be replaced
by values providing a gradual transition between elastic buckling values and
the full bending strength. A similar transition is not provided for Formula
(5) because, when actual conditions of load application and variation in
bending moment are considered, any unconservative error without it must
be small.
Singly-symmetrical, built-up, I-shape members, such as some crane
girders, often have an increased compression flange area in order to resist
bending due to lateral loading action in conjunction with the vertical loads.
Such members usually can be proportioned for the full permissible bending
stress when that stress is produced by the combined vertical and horizontal
loading. Where the failure mode of a singly-symmetrical I-shape member
having a larger compression than tension flange would be by lateral buckling
the permissible bending stress can be obtained by using Formula (4). Rolled shapes such as channels, zees and angles, when used as
minor flexural members, generally receive lateral support from the slab, deck,
wall or siding which they support and hence can usually be designed for the
full permissible bending stress. When concentrated loads are introduced on a
channel beam by other members framing into it, these usually provide enough
torsional and lateral support to the beam so that the reduction in permissible
stress, required for laterally unbraced segments of I-shaped beams, can be
safely applied in its design. However, it should be remembered that the shear
center of a channel profile is eccentric to its center of gravity and even to the
plane of its web. Hence, when transverse loading is applied without at the
same time providing lateral or torsional support, the effect of eccentricity of
loading must be considered in the stress analysis.
The analysis of other types of unsymmetrical profiles having only inter-
mittent points of lateral support, particularly those produced by fabricating
components into built-up members, is too complex to be covered by simple
rules for common usage. For further discussion of the subject see the Guide
to Design Criteria for Metal Compression Members, Chapter 4. The increase in allowable bending stress for bearing plates can
be justified on the basis of shape factor, which for a rectangular profile is 1.50.
Additionally, the actual pressure at the edge of the overhanging plate must be
less than the average value used in design computation, based upon con-
siderations of elastic behavior. Hence, the computed bending stress over-
estimates the actual requirement and an increase in working stress to 0.75Fy
is still conservative. Bearing As used throughout the Specification the terms "milled
surface", "milled" or "milling" are intended to include surfaces which have
been accurately sawed or finished to a true plane by any suitable means.
The recommended bearing stress on pins no longer is taken the same as for
Structural Steel for Buildings • 9

rivets. Whereas the latter has been increased slightly in keeping with recent
research on riveted joints, the value for pins has been reduced to nine-tenths of
the yield point of the part containing the pin hole as a further safeguard
against instability of the plate beyond the hole, * which is considerably larger
than a rivet hole.
1.5.2 Rivets and Bolts Tension
As in earlier editions, permissible stresses for rivets are given in terms
applicable to the nominal cross-sectional area of the rivet before driving.
For greater convenience in the proportioning of the bolted connections,
permissible stresses for bolts are now given in terms applicable to their nominal
body area, i.e., the area of the unthreaded shank.
The tension stress permitted for A307 bolts and threaded parts of A7 and
A373 steel is equivalent to 20,000 pounds per square inch applied at the root
area of the threads, as in earlier specifications. A similar basis is reflected in
the provisions for tension on threaded parts made from the other steels listed
in Sect. 1.4.1. In recognition of the protection against notch effect in the
threading, assured by the required initial tightening, the Research Council on
Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints has recommended a relatively higher
working stress in tension for high strength bolts.
Any additional fastener tension resulting from prying action due to dis-
tortion of the connection details should be added to the stress calculated
directly from the applied tension in proportioning fasteners for an applied
tensile force, using the specified working stresses. Depending upon the rela-
tive stiffness of the fasteners and the connection material, this prying action
may be negligible or it may be a substantial part of the total tension in the
fasteners.** Shear
In keeping with the recommendations*** of the Research Council on
Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints, two working shear values are given for
high strength bolts. When slip between the connected parts cannot be toler-
ated and must be prevented by friction produced by high clamping force, the
allowable shear value is the same as that permitted on A141 rivets. | In
bearing-type connections (where slip is permissible), when no precaution is
taken to exclude the threading from shear planes at the faying surfaces of the
connected parts, the allowable shear value is also the same as that permitted on
A141 rivets.
The shear value permitted on A307 bolts, as heretofore, also recognizes
the possibility of threading in the shear planes.
When care is taken to exclude the threads of high strength bolts from all
shear planes in bearing-type joints, a shear stress of 22,000 pounds per square
* See Pin-Connected Plate Links, 1939 ASCE Transactions.
** See Research on Bolted Connections, 1956 ASCE Transactions, p. 1265.
*** See Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 Bolts.
t Increased one-third for A354, Grade BC, bolts tightened to their proof load,
which is approximately one-third greater than that of A325 bolts.
10 • Commentary on AISC Specification

inch is permitted for A325 bolts. This value is based on extensive research. *
The allowable stresses for A354, Grade BC, bolts are proportionately higher
in keeping with their higher tensile strength. Bearing
Bearing values are provided, not as a protection to the fastener, because
it needs no such protection, but as an index of the efficiency of net sections
computed in accordance with Sect. 1.14.3. The same index is valid for joints
assembled with rivets or with bolts, regardless of fastener shear strength or
the presence or absence of threads in the bearing area. Tests of riveted
joints** have shown that the tensile strength of the connected part is not
impaired when the bearing pressure on the computed contact area of the
fastener is as much as 2 ^ times the tensile stress permitted on the net area
of the part. In this investigation the contact (bearing) area was computed,
according to the usual convention, as the product of nominal fastener diameter
and thickness of the connected part. No difference was observed between
single-shear bearing and enclosed bearing. Based on these findings, the
recommended working stress is the same for single-shear and double-shear
bearing, and equal to 23^ times the tensile working stress recommended for
determining required net area.

1.5.3 Welds
The permissible stress for fillet welds, without regard to the direction of
applied force, was established before the advent of high strength steels in
building construction by applying a factor of safety of 3 to ultimate strength
test results. For convenience the working stress was then rounded off to an
even 500 pounds per linear inch per one-sixteenth inch of weld size. Im-
provements in electrode manufacture and use, particularly the development
of coated electrodes for shielded metal-arc welding, have allowed the 500
pound value to be increased to 600 pounds. This value is well established in
welding done with E60 electrodes and is therefore retained in the Specification.
Since the yield strength of weld metal deposited by E70 series electrodes
ranges about 15 percent higher than that of the earlier types, a corresponding
increase in stress is permitted. Again, for convenience, the working value
has been rounded off, in this case to 700 pounds per linear inch per one-
sixteenth inch of weld size.
The submerged arc process, employing bare wire electrodes and a granular
flux, has been used in the fabrication of structural steel for over two decades
with excellent results. In the absence of a standard electrode specification,
provisions for two strength levels—Grades SA-1 and SA-2—are included in
Sect. 1.17 of the Specification.
By requiring (Sect. 1.17.2) that only E70 series electrodes or Grade SA-2
submerged arc be used in the welding of high-strength low-alloy steels, weld
strength equal to that of the connected parts is assured.

* See Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 Bolts.

** Effect of Bearing Ratio on Static Strength of Riveted Joints, 1958 ASCE
Structural Steel for Buildings • 11

1.5.4 Cast Steel

In keeping with the inclusion of high-strength low-alloy steels, the
Specification recognizes high-strength steel castings. Hence, allowable
working stresses are now expressed in terms of the specified minimum yield
point for castings.


1.6.1 Axial Compression and Bending
The earlier ' 'straight line" interaction formula for allowable compression
stress acting in conjunction with concurrent bending stress has been revised
in two respects, both of which have been the subject of considerable dis-
cussion* in recent years.
1. The bending stress at any cross-section subject to lateral displace-
ment must now be amplified by the factor

This is in the direction of greater conservatism. It recognizes the fact that

such displacement, caused by applied moment, generates a secondary moment
equal to the product of the resulting eccentricity and the applied axial load,
which is not reflected in the computed stress ft,. Under certain combinations
of bending and axial stress and column slenderness, designs meeting the
requirement of a straight line interaction formula become somewhat uncon-
servative. However, under other combinations this amplification factor
overestimates the influence of secondary moment. To take care of this
situation the amplification factor is modified by a reduction factor Cm.
2. Depending upon the slenderness ratio of a given unbraced length,
the combined stress computed at one of its laterally braced ends may exceed
the combined stress at all points where lateral displacement is created by the
applied moments, even when the bending stress at these points has been ampli-
fied. To provide for this case the former straight line interaction expression
has been liberalized in Formula (7) by substituting 0.6Fy for Fa.
The classification of members subject to combined axial compression
and bending stresses is dependent upon two conditions: the stability against
sidesway of the frame of which they are an integral part, and the presence or
absence of transverse loading between points of lateral support. Three
categories and the appropriate provisions of Sect. 1.6.1 are listed in Table
Note that fb is defined as the computed bending stress at the point under
consideration. In the absence of transverse loading between points of lateral
support, fb is computed from the larger of the moments at the ends of an un-
braced length. When intermediate transverse loading is present, the moment
at the end of the unbraced length is used to compute fb for use in Formula (7).

* See Guide to Design Criteria for Metal Compression Members, Chapter 5.

12 • Commentary on AISC Specification

Cate- Loading
gory conditions Remarks
Computed mo-
ments maxi-
m u m a t end; n o
transverse load-
•% 3T
ing; j o i n t t r a n s - M*
lation n o t pre- S
vented M i < M 2 ; ^r 1 positive as
Check F o r m u l a s (6) & (7)
Computed mo- M2

ments maxi-
m u m a t end; n o
transverse load-
ing; j o i n t t r a n s -
0.6 > 0.4
lation pre- Check b o t h Formulas
vented (6) & (7)
T r a n s v e r s e load- M2
ing; j o i n t t r a n s - S
lation pre- Using Afi M2
vented Formula
Ms *A Check b o t h Formulas
Using (6) & (7)

The maximum moment between points of lateral bracing, however, is used to

compute the bending stress for use in Formula (6).
Category (A) covers columns in frames subject to sidesway, i.e., frames
which depend upon the bending stiffness of their several members for overall
lateral stability. For determining the value of Fa, the effective length of
such members, as discussed hereinafter under Sect. 1.8, is never less than the
actual unbraced length, and may be greater than this length. The actual
length is used in computing moments and determining the value of F'e. For
this case the value of Cm can be conservatively taken as equal to
1 - 0.18 fa/F'e
However, under the combination of compression stress and bending stress
most affected by the amplification factor a value of 0.15 can be substituted for
0.18fa/F'e. Hence, a constant value of 0.85 is recommended for Cm here.
Category (B) applies to columns not subject to transverse loading, in
frames where sidesway is prevented. For determining the value of Fa, the
effective length of such members is never greater than the actual unbraced
length and may be somewhat less. The actual length is used in computing
moments and determining the value of F'e.
For this category, the greatest eccentricity, and hence the greatest
Structural Steel for Buildings • 13

amplification, occurs when Mi and M2 are equal and cause single curvature.
It is least when they are equal and of a direction to cause reverse curvature.
To evaluate properly the relationship between end moment and amplified
moment, the concept of an equivalent moment Me, to be used in lieu of the
numerically smaller end moment, has been suggested. Me can be defined as
the value of equal end moments of like signs which would cause failure at the
same concurrent axial load as would the given unequal end moments.

Then —e can be written, * in terms of — , as

M2 M2
= Cm = ^ 0 . 3 (~ ) + 0.4 [^

It has been noted** that the simpler formulation

] + 0.3

Cm = 0.6 + 0.4 f — J > 0.4

affords a good approximation to this expression. When Mt/M2 is less than
—0.5 the combined axial and bending stress is usually limited by general
yielding rather than by stability, in which case Formula (7) would govern.
Therefore, a tentatively selected column section should be tested by both
Formulas (6) and (7).
When bending occurs simultaneously about both axes of a column the
second (bending) term in Formula (6) may conservatively be treated as the
sum of two terms, as
^mfb *-"mxlbx , ^"myjby

(»-F> ( I -^.) F - k-w-y 'by

where the subscripts x and y refer to the principal axes of bending of the
column profile.
Category (C) is exemplified by the compression chord of a truss, subject
to transverse loading between panel points. For this case the value for Cm
can be computed using the expression***

Cm = 1 + * | ^

* MJL*
<x0 = maximum deflection due to transverse loading
M0 = maximum moment between supports due to transverse loading
Values for \f/ for several conditions of loading and end restraint are given in
Table C
* See Guide to Design Criteria for Metal Compression Members, p. 80.
** Strength and Design of Metal Beam-Columns, ASCE Journal of the Structural
Division, April, 1961.
*** See Guide to Design Criteria for Metal Compression Members, p. 76.
14 • Commentary on AISC Specification



iiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiL 1.0

iiimiiiiiiiiiim -0.3 1 - .3-;

innimnimir -0.4 1 - -4-

rL/2 i -0.4

-0.6 .6

For cases where Formula (6) would govern t h e design and t h e value of
the axial stress t e r m fa/Fa is less t h a n 0.15, it is required t h a t t h e member
selected also satisfy t h e former straight line interaction formula

?.+J. "
This is to insure t h a t fb in no case will exceed Fb.
1.6.2 Shear and Tension
Tests have shown* t h a t t h e strength of rivets subject t o combined tension
and shear resulting from externally applied forces (in addition t o existing
internal shrinkage stresses) can be closely defined b y either (1) a n ellipse, or
(2) t h e three straight lines shown in Fig. C 1.6.2.
* How Much Combined Stress Can A Rivet Take? Engineering News-Record,
Dec. 4, 1952.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 15

In most cases the latter representation is the more simple of application,

since it requires no modification of the stress recommended for either shear or
tension when these stresses act in conjunction, respectively, with relatively
large concurrent tension or shear stresses. Therefore, it is the only one given
in Sect. 1.6.2, since the inclusion of more than one method is hardly warranted.
However, solutions based upon use of the ellipse are equally valid and should
be allowed. Any differences in the number of fasteners required by the two
prescriptions would be small.
Similar interaction formulas have been derived for the other approved
types of fasteners from ellipses constructed with major and minor axis half
lengths equal, respectively, to the tension and shear stress given in Sect. 1.5.2.


Few members in building frames, or the connections for such members,
need be designed for "fatigue", which can be denned as a reduction in strength,
due to repeated fluctuation in stress involving a large variation in stress.
Where fatigue is a problem its severity is enhanced by an increase in the
number of load applications and also by an increase in the magnitude of the
stress variations. It is aggravated by the presence of sharp notches and other
stress raisers in the region of maximum stress.
The magnitude of stress variations, i.e., the range of stress, associated
with one repetition of load application, in most members is less than the full
allowable (max.) design stress because of the continued presence of dead load
(min.) stress.
For grades of steel recommended in the Specification no reduction in
working stress is required when less than 10,000 repetitions of maximum
design stress are expected to occur in the lifetime of a member, even if the
nature of loading is such as to cause an alternating reversal of stress. This is
the equivalent of one maximum loading and one complete reversal a day for
about 25 years.
16 • Commentary on AISC Specification

The requirements covered by the provisions of this Section are summa-

rized in Table C 1.7.


Calculated Stress Allowable Stress

Section Application of
Used as Basis as Given in
No. Design Loads
for Design Sect. 1.5 and 1.6

1.7.1 Under 10,000 times, Critical static loading Same as for steel and
with or without (max. static stress fasteners used
stress reversal produced by any
application of speci-
fied loads)
1.7.2 10,000 to 100,000 (Max. — % min.) or Same as for steel and i
times, with or with- critical static load- fasteners used
out stress reversal ing
1.7.3 100,000 to 2,000,000 Max. — % min. Allowable stress for
times, with or with- A7 steel,* A141
out stress reversal rivet steel, E60XX
and submerged arc
Grade SA-1 welds
Critical static loading Same as for steel and
fasteners used
1.7.4 Over 2,000,000 times, Max. — M min. % those permitted for
with or without A7 steel,* A141
stress reversal rivet steel, E60XX
and submerged arc
Grade SA-1 welds
Critical static loading Same as for steel and
fasteners used

* Regardless of yield point of steel furnished.

When the fluctuations range from tension to compression, or compression

to tension, the algebraic difference of maximum and minimum stress becomes
the arithmetic sum of these stresses and is characterized for design purposes as
the same kind of stress as that which is maximum. When both are tension or
both are compression stresses their algebraic difference is less than the maxi-
mum. But the area, determined on the basis of the computed dif-
ference, can never be less than that required for the critical static loading
No reduction in stress is required, even at 2,000,000 cycles of loading, in
proportioning high strength bolts in friction-type joints. The stress in the
bolts is not affected by variations in stress in the connected parts. Tests
have shown that the high clamping force required to resist slip in a friction-
type connection improves somewhat the fatigue strength of these parts.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 17


Considerable attention has been given in t h e technical literature t o t h e
subject of "effective" column length (as contrasted with actual unbraced
length) as a factor in estimating column strength. T h e topic is reviewed a t
some length in Sect. 2.6 of t h e Guide to Design Criteria for Metal Compression
T w o conditions, opposite in their effect upon column strength under axial
loading, m u s t be considered. If enough axial load is applied t o t h e columns in
a frame dependent entirely upon its own bending stiffness for stability against
sidesway, i.e., uninhibited lateral movement, as shown in Fig. C 1.8.1, t h e
"effective" length of these columns will exceed their- actual length. Oh t h e
other hand, if t h e same frame were braced in such a way t h a t lateral movement
of the tops of t h e columns with respect t o their bases (translation or sidesway)
were prevented, t h e effective length would be less t h a n t h e actual length,
due t o t h e restraint (resistance t o joint rotation) provided b y t h e horizontal
member. T h e ratio K, effective column length t o actual unbraced length,
may be greater or less t h a n 1.0.


Fig. C 1.8.1

T h e theoretical iC-values for six idealized conditions in which joint rota-

tion and translation are either fully realized or non-existent are tabulated in
Table C 1.8.2. Also shown are suggested design values recommended b y the
Column Research Council for use when these conditions are approximated in
actual design. I n general, these suggested values are slightly higher t h a n
their theoretical equivalents, since joint fixity is seldom fully realized.
If t h e column base in case (f) of Table C 1.8.2 were truly pinned, K would
actually exceed 2.0 for a frame such as t h a t pictured in Fig. C 1.8.1 because
the flexibility of t h e horizontal member would prevent realization of full
fixity a t t h e t o p of t h e column. On t h e other hand, it h a s been shown* t h a t
t h e restraining influence of foundations, even where these footings are de-
signed only for vertical load, can be very substantial in t h e case of flat-ended

* Influence of Partial Base Fixity on Frame Stability, ASCE Journal of the

Structural Division, May, 1960.
18 • Commentary on AISC Specification

TABLE C 1.8.2

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

I T 1I
• t

T 1
Buckled shape of column /
is shown by dashed line

w 77T7T

Theoretical Jf value 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0

Recommended design
value when ideal condi- 0.65 0.80 1.2 1.0 2.10 2.0
tions are approximated
Rotation fixed Translation fixed
Rotation free Translation fixed
End condition code
Rotation fixed Translation free
? Rotation free Translation free

column base details with ordinary anchorage. For this condition a design K-
value of 1.5 would generally be conservative in case (f).
While ordinarily t h e existence of masonry walls provides enough lateral
support for tier building frames t o prevent sidesway, t h e increasing use of
light curtain wall construction and wide column spacing, for high-rise struc-
tures not provided with a positive system of diagonal bracing, can create a
situation where only t h e bending stiffness of t h e frame itself provides this
support. Several rational methods are available, b y means of which t h e
effective length of t h e columns in a laterally unbraced frame can be estimated
with sufficient accuracy. These range from simple interpolation between t h e
idealized cases shown in Table C 1.8.2 t o very complex analytical procedures.
Once a trial selection of framing members has been made, t h e use of t h e
following alignment chart (Fig. C 1.8.3) affords a fairly rapid method for
determining suitable If-values.
Where t h e design of a building frame is based primarily upon t h e effect of
large side loading or upon a "drift" limitation, t h e effective column length
m a y generally be t a k e n as t h e actual unbraced length. If roof decks or floor
slabs, anchored t o shear walls or vertical plane bracing systems, are counted
upon to provide lateral support for individual columns in a building frame,
due consideration m u s t be given t o their stiffness when functioning as a
horizontal diaphragm.*

* See Lateral Bracing of Columns and Beams, ASCE Journal of the Structural
Division, March, 1958.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 19

While translation of the joints in the plane of a truss is inhibited and, due
to end restraint, the effective length of compression members might therefore
be assumed as less than the distance between panel points, it is usual practice
to take K as equal to 1.0, since, if all members of the truss reached their
ultimate load capacity simultaneously the restraints at the ends of the com-
pression members would disappear or, at least, be greatly reduced.

The subscripts A and B refer to
^ ® . the joints at the two ends of the
-co column section being considered.
100.0 - r 100.0 G is defined as
50.0- f 10.0 r- 50.0
30.0- : 5.0 - 30.0
20.0- - 4.0 - 20.0

10.0- - 3.0 - 10.0 in which 2 indicates a summation

9.0" - 9.0 of all members rigidly connected
8.0- to that joint and lying in the plane
7.0- - 8.0 in which buckling of the column
6.0- - 7.0
6.0 is being considered, Ic is the
- 5.0 moment of inertia and Lc the
5.0- unsupported length of a column
4.0- - 4.0 section, and Ig is the moment of
- 2.0 inertia and Lg the unsupported
length of a girder or other re-
3.0- - 3.0 straining member. Ic and Ig
are taken about axes perpendicular
to the plane of buckling being
- 2.0 considered.
2.0- For column ends supported
- 1.5 by but not rigidly connected to a
footing or foundation, G is
theoretically innnity, but, unless
1.0- - 1.0 actually designed as a true fric-
tion free pin, may be taken as 1
"10" for practical designs. If 1
the column end is rigidly attached
h to a properly designed footing, 1
(- G may be taken as 1.0. Smaller
values may be used if justified by
0- - 1.0 L o analysis.
Sidesway Uninhibited

Alignment Chart for Effective Length of Columns in Continuous Frames

Fig. C 1.8.3

The slendemess limitations recommended for tension members are not

essential to the structural integrity of such members; they merely afford a
degree of stiffness such that undesirable lateral movement ("slapping" or
vibration) will be avoided. These limitations are not mandatory.


Elements of members having width-thickness ratios no greater than those
specified, can be stressed approximately to yield point without failure by
20 • Commentary on AISC Specification

local buckling. Under favorable conditions of support, premature buckling

will not occur even under more slender ratios, but the analyses needed to
determine the proper limiting values are too complex for common use.
As the allowable stress on compression elements is increased in proportion
to the increase in the specified minimum yield point of the material, width-
thickness ratios must be further restricted in order to prevent local buckling.
For various grades of steel the critical ratios are inversely proportional to vFy.


1.10.1 Proportioning
As in the earlier AISC Specification, it is recommended* that flexural
members be proportioned to resist bending on the basis of the moment of
inertia of their gross cross-section, with the stipulation that holes in the
flanges having an area in excess of 15 percent of the gross flange area must be
deducted. However, holes not filled by rivets are no longer treated sepa-
rately. Test observations have clearly shown that the stress distribution
around such holes is the same whether they are filled with a fastener or not.
1.10.2 Web
An upper limit is placed upon the web depth-thickness ratio which, for
steel having a yield point of 33,000 pounds per square inch, is 345. For steels
having a higher yield point, this limit is proportionately less. Analytical
studies, corroborated by test results, have indicated that up to this limit the
web is capable of providing vertical support for the compression flange. If
more slender girder webs were permitted there would be a possibility that the
compression flange might buckle before the intended ultimate load had been
1.10.4 Flange Development
If a partial length cover plate is to function as an integral part of a beam
or girder at the theoretical cut-off point beyond which it is not needed, it
must be developed in an extension beyond this point by enough rivets, high
strength bolts or welding to support its portion of the flexural stresses (i.e., the
stresses which the plate would have received had it been extended the full
length of the member). The total cover plate stress to be developed by the
fasteners in the extension is equal to
M = Moment at beginning of extension
Q = Statical moment of cover plate area about neutral axis of cover
plated section
J = Moment of inertia of cover plated section

* See Effective Moment of Inertia of a Riveted Plate Girder, 1940 ASCE Trans-
Structural Steel for Buildings • 21

W h e n t h e n a t u r e of t h e loading is such as t o produce repeated variations

of stress t h e fasteners m u s t be proportioned in accordance with t h e provisions
of Sect. 1.7.
I n t h e case of welded cover plates it is further provided t h a t t h e a m o u n t
of stress t h a t m a y be carried b y a partial length cover plate, a t a distance a'
in from its actual end, m a y not exceed t h e capacity of t h e terminal welds
deposited along its edges and optionally across its end within this distance
a'.* If t h e moment, computed by equating MQ/I to t h e capacity of t h e
welds in this distance, is less t h a n t h e value a t t h e theoretical cut-off point,
either t h e size of t h e welds m u s t be increased or t h e end of t h e cover plate m u s t
be extended to a point such t h a t t h e moment on t h e member a t t h e distance a'
from t h e end of t h e cover plate is equal to t h a t which t h e terminal welds will
1.10.5 Stiffeners
More liberal spacing of intermediate transverse stiffeners is now permitted
t h a n heretofore. Earlier provisions governing t h e design of plate girders
were based upon t h e assumption t h a t t h e limit of structural usefulness of a
girder web is attained when t h e level of stress in t h e web reaches t h e so-called
"buckling" stage. Unlike columns, however, which actually are on t h e
verge of collapse as their buckling stage is approached, t h e panels of a plate
girder web, bounded on all sides b y t h e girder flanges or transverse stiffeners,
are capable of carrying loads far in excess of their "web buckling" load.
Upon reaching t h e theoretical buckling limit, very slight lateral displacements
will have developed in t h e web. Nevertheless, t h e y are of no structural
significance because other means are still present t o assist in resisting further
W h e n transverse stiffeners are properly spaced and strong enough to act
as compression struts, membrane stresses, due to shear forces greater t h a n
those associated with t h e theoretical buckling load, form diagonal tension
fields. T h e resulting combination in effect provides a P r a t t truss which,
without producing yield stress in t h e steel, furnishes t h e capacity t o resist
applied shear forces unaccounted for b y the linear buckling theory.
Analytical methods based u p o n this action h a v e been developed** a n d
corroborated in an extensive program of tests.*** These methods form t h e
basis for Formula (8). Use of tension field action is not counted upon when

^ < F. < OAF,

or where
a/h > 3.0
W h e n t h e computed average shear stress in t h e web is less t h a n t h a t per-
mitted by Formula (9), intermediate stiffeners are not required. Such
* See Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 63, page 48.
** See Strength of Plate Girders in Shear, ASCE Journal of the Structural Division,
Oct. 1961.
*** See Web Buckling Tests on Welded Plate Girders, Welding Research Council
Bulletin No. 64.
22 • Commentary on AISC Specification

girders do not depend upon tension field action. However, the depth of these
girders is limited to not more than 260 times the web thickness.
When intermediate stiffeners are required, their maximum permissible
longitudinal spacing is dependent upon three parameters, a/h, h/t and fv.
For the convenience of the designer, their relationship with one another is
presented in Tables 3 of the Appendix for each of the 5 specified yield points
covered by the Specification. Given the shear diagram produced by the
design loads and a desired depth of girder, it is only necessary to select a web
thickness (with due regard for limitations placed on h/t ratios) such that the
web shear stress will be equal to or less than the maximum permitted value.
With the resulting value for h/t and the computed shear stress, the required
aspect ratio a/h can be taken directly from the table. Comparison of the
web and stiffener material required with two or three trial web thicknesses
will quickly indicate the most economical combination.
The corresponding gross area of intermediate stiffeners, given as a percent
of the web area, is shown in italics in the column headed by the required
aspect ratio and the line nearest to the selected h/t ratio. Stiffeners which
will provide this area usually will be little if any larger than those generally
called for. No stiffener areas are shown when the a/h and h/t ratios are small
enough to permit a shear stress larger than 0.35Fy, which is covered by
Formula (9). For such cases tension field action is not counted upon.
At the ends of the girder, the spacing between adjacent stiffeners is limited
to ll,000t/V7v, as heretofore. So spaced, the web is capable of resisting the
full shear without tension field action, thus providing an "anchor" for the
tension fields developed in interior panels. The stiffeners bounding panels
containing large holes likewise are required to be spaced close enough together
so that the shear in these panels can be supported without tension field action.
As in earlier Specifications, all stiffeners are required to have a moment of
/ hV
inertia at least equal to f — J . In many cases, however, this provision will be
overshadowed by the new gross area requirement. The amount of stiffener
area necessary to develop the tension field, which is dependent upon the
ratios a/h and h/t, is given by Formula (10). Larger gross areas are required
for one-sided stiffeners than for pairs of stiffeners because of the eccentric
nature of their loading.
The amount of shear to be transferred between web and stiffeners is not
affected by the eccentricity of loading, and generally is so small that it can be
taken care of by the minimum amount of welding or riveting that might be
desired. The specified formula

affords a conservative estimate of required shear transfer under any condition

of stress permitted by Formula (8). The shear transfer between web and
stiffener due to tension field action and that due to a concentrated load or
Structural Steel for Buildings • 23

reaction in line with the stiffener are not additive. The stiffener need only be
connected for the larger of the two shears.
In order to facilitate handling during fabrication and erection, an upper
limit of 260 times the web thickness is placed upon the lesser of the panel
dimensions a or h. For the same reason, where intermediate stiffeners are
required so that the computed average shear stress in the web will not exceed
the value permitted by Formulas (8) or (9), the panel aspect ratio a/h is
arbitrarily limited to
with a maximum spacing of 3 times the girder depth.
1.10.6 Reduction in Flange Stress
In regions of maximum bending moment a portion of a thin web may
deflect enough laterally on the compression side of the neutral axis so that it
does not provide the full bending resistance assumed in proportioning the
girder on the basis of its moment of inertia. The compression stress which
the web would have resisted is, therefore, shifted to the compression flange.
But the relative bending strength of this flange being so much greater than
that of the laterally displaced portion of the web, the resulting increase in
flange stress is at most only a few percent. By reducing the allowable design
stress in the compression flange from Fb to F'b, as provided in Formula (11),
sufficient bending capacity is provided in the flange to compensate for any
loss of bending strength in the web due to its lateral displacement.
1.10.7 Combined Shear and Tension Stress
It can be shown that plate girder webs can be proportioned on the basis of:
1. Maximum permissible bending stress when the concurrent shear is
not greater than 0.6 the full permissible value, or
2. Full permissible shear stress when the bending stress is not more
than M of the maximum allowable.
Beyond these limits a linear interaction formula is provided in the Specifi-
cation by Formula (12).
1.10.10 Web Crippling Webs of beams and girders not protected by bearing stiff-
eners could fail by crippling at points of high stress concentration resulting
from the application of concentrated loads or reactions. To guard against
this the stress at the toe of the flange fillet, assumed to be distributed longi-
tudinally a distance no greater than the length of the bearing, plus 1 or 2
times the ^-distance of the flange, depending upon the location of the load, is
limited by Formula (13) or (14) to 0.15Fy. As a safeguard against instability of relatively thin plate
girder webs a further limitation has been placed on the amount of load which
can be applied directly to the girder flange between stiffeners. Concentrated
24 • Commentary on AISC Specification

loads, light enough to meet the provisions of Sect., and loading applied
longitudinally over partial panel length, are treated as if distributed by
means of shear over the full panel length within which they occur (or the
depth of girder if this is less than the panel length). Taken together with
such other distributed loading as may be applied directly to the flange, the
total load divided by the web thickness should not exceed the stress permitted
by Formula (15) or (16). If the flange is prevented from rotation about its
longitudinal axis by its contact with a rigid slab, Formula (15) will govern;
otherwise, the more conservative Formula (16) is applicable.
These formulas are derived* from a consideration of the elastic buckling
strength of the web plate subject to edge loading. The loading is resisted in
part by column action and in part by a plate intermittently stiffened in the
direction of applied loading.
The formulas are likely to be over-conservative in the case of riveted
girders since they ignore any bending capacity the flange angles may have in
spanning between adjacent stiffeners to support the loads.


1.11.1 Definition
When the dimensions of a concrete slab supported on steel beams are
such that the slab can effectively serve as the flange of a composite T-beam
and the concrete and steel are adequately tied together so as to act as a unit,
the beam can be proportioned on the assumption of composite action. Here-
tofore, it has been a prerequisite that the beam be fully encased in concrete
poured integrally with the slab. The Specification now has been expanded to
include provisions covering the use of mechanical shear connectors to obtain
composite action when the beams are not encased.
1.11.2 Design Assumptions
Beams encased in concrete are deemed to be interconnected by means of
the natural bond of the concrete to the steel beam. Unless temporary shores
are used, however, the beam must be proportioned to support all of the dead
load, unassisted by the concrete, plus the superimposed live load in com-
posite action, without exceeding the allowable bending stress for steel pro-
vided in Sect. 1.5.1.
Because the completely encased steel section is restrained from both
local and lateral buckling, an allowable stress of 0.661^ rather than 0.60Fy
can be applied here. The alternate provision permitting a stress of 0.76^,
to be used in designs where a fully encased beam is proportioned to resist all
loads unassisted, reflects a common engineering practice where it is desired to
eliminate the calculation of composite section properties.
In keeping with the Tentative Recommendations for the Design and Con-
struction of Composite Beams and Girders for Buildings,** however, when shear
* See New Provisions for Plate Girder Design, Appendix C, 1961 Proceedings AISC
National Engineering Conference.
** Progress Report of the Joint ASCE-ACI Committee on Composite Construc-
tion, ASCE Journal of the Structural Division, December, 1960.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 25

connectors are used to obtain composite action, this action may be used within
certain limits in proportioning the beam for the moments created by both live
and dead loads. This liberalization is based upon an ultimate strength con-
cept. Safe working limits are established by applying a factor of safety to the
ultimate bending strength of the composite beam, rather than to the load at
which, theoretically, yielding would commence in the steel beam.
In order that the maximum bending stress in the steel beam, under
service loading, will be well below the level of initial yielding, regardless of the
ratio of live-to-dead-load moment, the section modulus of the composite
qross-section, in tension at the bottom of the beam, for unshored construction,
is limited to (1.35 + 0.35 ML/MD) times the section modulus of the bare
1.11.4 Shear Connectors
Based upon tests at Lehigh University,** and a re-examination of
previously published test data reported by a number of investigators, more
liberal working values are recommended for various types and sizes of shear
connectors than in the past.
Composite beams in which the longitudinal spacing of shear connectors
has been varied according to the intensity of statical shear, and duplicate
beams where the required number of connectors were uniformly spaced, have
exhibited the same ultimate strength and the same amount of deflection at
normal working loads. Only a slight deformation in the concrete and the
more heavily stressed shear connectors is needed to redistribute the horizontal
shear to other less heavily stressed connectors. The action is analogous to
that which takes place in connections having a large number of fasteners in
the line of stress. The important consideration is that the total number of
connectors, either side of the point of maximum moment, be sufficient to
develop full composite action at that point. The provisions of the Specifica-
tion are based upon this concept of composite action.
The working values for various types of shear connectors are based upon a
factor of safety of 2.50 against their demonstrated ultimate strength.
Although deformation, rather than stress, is sometimes the criterion of
satisfactory design, there is no single scale by which the limit of tolerable
deflection can be defined. Where limitations on flexibility are desirable they
are often dictated by the nature of collateral building components, such as
plastered walls and ceilings, rather than by considerations of human comfort
and safety. The admissible amount of movement varies with the type of
Movement under varying applied loads which would be intolerable to
persons standing on a structure may be in no way objectionable in the case of a
shed-type building whose only function is to provide shelter. Where human
comfort is the criterion for limiting motion, as in the case of perceptible
* Progress Report of the Joint ASCE -ACI Committee on Composite Construction
ASCE Journal of the Structural Division, December, 1960. Equation (3).
** (Report to be published.)
26 • Commentary on AISC Specification

vibrations, the limit of tolerable amplitude is dependent upon the frequency of

Obviously, the most satisfactory solution must rest upon the sound
judgment of qualified engineers: As a guide, but only a guide, the following
rules are suggested:
The depth of fully stressed beams and girders in floors should, if practi-
cable, be not less than i^/800,000 times the span, and where subject to shock
or vibration not less than l^,/650,000 times the span. If members of less depth
are used, the unit stress in bending should be decreased in the same ratio as
the depth is decreased from that recommended above.
The depth of fully stressed roof purlins should, if practicable, be not less
than Fy/1,000,000 times the span, except in the case of roofs with a slope not
less than 3 in 12.
Minimum depth ratios for restrained and continuous spans should, if
practicable, be such that the deflection at critical points will not be greater
than that of a simple beam designed for the same loading.
In the case of flat roofs, the Specification limits the depth-span ratio of
supporting beams and girders to .2^/1,000,000, regardless of any condition of
continuity. This is done in order to minimize the effect of "ponding",
wherein the deflection of supporting beams results in the retention of rain
water which, in turn, causes additional deflection. In the case of continuous
framing, unequal dead load deflections in adjacent spans can result in a
greater accumulation in one span which, in turn, tends to unload the adjacent
spans, thus reducing the restraint at the ends of the more heavily loaded span.
To prevent this occurrence the same depth-span limitation is stipulated for
continuous framing as for simple spans.


1.14.3 Net Section
Tests have shown that the ultimate strength of a tension member con-
taining holes usually will not exceed 85 percent of a similar member without a
hole, even when the net section, computed in accordance with the prescribed
rules, is more than 85 percent of the gross section. Hence, a limitation of this
amount has been added. Otherwise the provisions relating to gross and net
area are the same as formerly.
1.14.6 Pin-Connected Members
Forged eyebars have been replaced by pin-connected plates or eyebars
flame-cut from plates. Provisions for the proportioning of eyebars contained
in the Specification are based upon standards evolved from long experience
with forged eyebars. Through extensive destructive testing they have been
found to provide balanced designs when these members are flame-cut instead
of forged. The somewhat more conservative rules for pin-connected members
of non-uniform cross-section and those not having enlarged ' 'circular'' heads is
likewise based on the results of experimental research. *

* See Pin-Connected Plate Links, 1939 ASCE Transactions.

Structural Steel for Buildings • 27

1.14.7 Effective Areas o f Weld M e t a l

T h e effective t h r o a t thickness of partial penetration single-V, single-
bevel, single-J a n d single-U groove welds having no root opening has been
added. T h e first two of these h a v e been discounted b y 34 m c n because of
the difficulty of ensuring full penetration a t t h e b o t t o m of t h e groove, as
indicated in Fig. C 1.14.1.
Partial penetration groove welds of this t y p e are frequently used in
column splices and in connecting elements of built-up members, pedestals,
grillages and similar assemblies where t h e stress t o be transferred is sub-
stantially less t h a n t h a t requiring a complete penetration b u t t weld. As in
the case of fillet welds, t h e minimum permissible size of welds is a function
of t h e thickness of t h e material being welded.

Closed Single-Bevel Closed Single-J

Closed Single-U

Incomplete Penetration Single-Bevel Incomplete Penetration Single-U

Groove Welds in Column Splices Groove Welds in Built-Up Column
Incomplete Penetration Groove Welds
Fig. C 1.14.1
28 • Commentary on AISC Specification


1.15.1 Minimum Connections

The requirement that connections carrying calculated stress be designed
for not less than 10,000 pounds, which was based on the assumption that only
rivets (for practical reasons requiring two as a minimum) would be used in the
connection, has been reduced somewhat in keeping with the current use of
fillet welds and A307 bolts. The new requirement is still adequate to take
care of temporary stress due to handling and erection.

1.15.3 Placement of Rivets, Bolts and Welds

Slight eccentricities between the gravity axis of single- and double-angle
members and the center of gravity of their connecting rivets or bolts have
long been ignored as having negligible effect upon the strength of such mem-
bers. Much more attention has been paid to the matter in welded construc-
tion, resulting at times in somewhat awkward details. Tests have shown*
this practice to be unwarranted in statically loaded structures and the Speci-
fication has been revised to reflect these findings.

1.15.6 Fillers
The practice of securing fillers by means of additional fasteners, so that
they are in effect an integral part of a shear-connected component, is not
required where a connection is designed as a friction-type joint using high
strength bolts. In such connections the resistance to slip between filler and
either connected part is comparable to that which would exist between these
parts if no fill were required.

1.15.10 Rivets and Bolts in Combination with Welds

The sharing of stress between rivets and A307 bolts, as in earlier editions
of the AISC Specification, is not recommended in new work. High strength
bolts used in bearing-type connections also should not be required to share the
stress with welds. High strength bolts used in friction-type connections, how-
ever, because of the rigidity of the connection, may be proportioned to func-
tion in conjunction with welds in resisting the transfer of stress across faying
surfaces, provided the welds are made after the bolts have been tightened.
In making alterations to existing structures it is assumed that whatever
slip is likely to occur in riveted joints or high strength bolted, bearing-type
joints will have already taken place. Hence, in such cases the use of welding
to resist all contemplated stresses in addition to those produced by existing
dead load, present at the time of making the alteration, is permitted.

* The Welding Journal, January, 1942, pp. 44-5.

Structural Steel for Buildings • 29


1.16.1 High Strength Bolts
The addition of this Section citing the specification of the Research Coun-
cil on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints merely confirms action taken by
the American Institute of Steel Construction as long ago as 1950 in endorsing
that standard.
1.16.3 Long Grips
Provisions requiring a decrease in calculated stress for rivets having long
grips (by arbitrarily increasing the required number an amount in proportion
to the grip length) are not required for high strength bolts. Tests* have
demonstrated that the ultimate shearing strength of high strength bolts
having a grip of 8 or 9 diameters is no less than that of similar bolts with
much shorter grips.
1.16.4 Minimum Pitch
The recommendations for minimum pitch in the spacing of rivets and
bolts is dictated solely by the need for driving or wrenching clearance during
the installation of these fasteners.


1.17.2 Qualification of Weld and Joint Details
As in earlier editions, the Specification accepts without further procedure
qualification numerous weld and joint details executed in accordance with the
provisions of the A WIS Standard Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building
Construction and the AWS Standard Specifications for Welded Highway and
Railroad Bridges. Other welding processes, such as inert gas welding, have
been developed and are being used, but have not been standardized sufficiently
to be included specifically in the Specification. They may be used provided
they are qualified to the satisfaction of the designer and the building code


Requirements dealing with the detailing of built-up members, which
cannot be stated in terms of calculated stress, have been assembled in a single
section of the Specification. Many of them are based upon judgment, tem-
pered by experience.
The longitudinal spacing of fasteners connecting components of built-up
compression members must be so limited that buckling of segments between
adjacent fasteners would not occur at less load than that required to develop
the ultimate strength of the member as a whole. However, maximum fastener
spacing less than that necessary to prevent local buckling may be needed to

* Long Structural Joints of A7 Steel, Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No.

30 • Commentary on AISC Specification

ensure a close fit-up over the entire faying surface of components designed to
be in contact with one another.
Provisions based on this latter consideration, like those giving maximum
spacing of stitch fasteners for separated components of built-up tension mem-
bers, are of little structural significance. Hence, some latitude is warranted in
relating them to the given dimensions of a particular member.
The provisions governing the proportioning of perforated cover plates are
based upon extensive experimental research. *


The cambering of flexural members, to eliminate the appearance of
sagging or to match the elevation of adjacent building components when the
member is loaded, is accomplished in various ways. In the case of trusses and
girders the desired curvature can be built in during assembly of the com-
ponent parts. Within limits, rolled beams can be cold-cambered at the
producing mill.
Recently the local application of heat has come into common use as a
means of straightening or cambering beams and girders. The method depends
upon an ultimate shortening of the heat-affected zones. A number of such
zones, on the side of the member that would be subject to compression during
cold-cambering or "gagging", are heated enough to be "upset" by the re-
straint provided by surrounding unheated areas. Shortening takes place
upon cooling.
While the final curvature of camber produced by any of these methods
can be controlled to a remarkable degree, it must be realized that some toler-
ance, to cover workmanship error and permanent change due to handling, is


As in the case of deflections, the satisfactory control of expansion cannot
be reduced to a few simple rules, but must depend largely upon the good judg-
ment of qualified engineers.
The problem is more serious in buildings having masonry wall enclosures
than where the walls consist of prefabricated units. Complete divorcement
of the framing, at widely spaced expansion joints, is generally more satisfac-
tory than more frequently located devices dependent upon the sliding of parts
in bearing, and usually less expensive than rocker or roller expansion bearings.

* Perforated Cover Plates for Steel Columns, Research Paper RP1861, National
Bureau of Standards, and
Study of Columns with Perforated Cover Plates, AREA Bulletin No. 531, Sept.-
Oct., 1956.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 31


1.23.6 Welded Construction
Inclusion of a number of grades of steel in the Specification has created
the need for a greater control of preheat and interpass temperature in welding.
The rules given reflect present practices as indicated by the standards of the
American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council publication
Weldability of Steels.


The shop painting of structural steel not to be encased in concrete is no
longer mandatory. Steelwork to be covered up by the building finish will be
shop painted only if required by the plans and job specification. The surface
condition of steel framing disclosed by the demolition of long-standing build-
ings has been found to be unchanged from the time of its erection, except at
isolated spots where leakage may have occurred. Where such leakage is not
eliminated the presence or absence of a shop coat is of minor influence. *
As in the past, the Specification does not define the type of paint to be
used when a shop coat is required. Conditions of exposure and individual
preferences with regard to finish paint are factors which have a bearing on the
selection of the proper primer. Hence, a single prescription would not

Pending the completion of current research, the use of plastic design is
limited largely to low building frames wherein axial stress in the columns is
relatively small. However, beams in the floors of multi-story buildings, in
which sidesway is prevented and resistance to lateral forces is provided by
means other than the bending stiffness of these beams, may be designed in
accordance with the provisions of Part 2, provided the columns in such struc-
tures are designed in accordance with the provisions of Part 1.
The adoption of a load factor of 1.70 for beams recognizes a fundamental
premise of plastic design, namely that a plastically designed continuous beam
should provide the same margin of strength as that inherent in a simply sup-
ported beam designed under an allowable working stress type of specification
to support the same load.
The plastic bending strength of a compact flexural member is greater than
its strength at initial yielding, in an amount measured by the shape factor / of

* See Shop Paint and Painting Practice, 1954 Proceedings AISC National Engi-
neering Conference.
** For a comprehensive treatment of the subject see Systems and Specifications,
Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 2, published by the Steel Structures
Painting Council.
32 • Commentary on AISC Specification

its profile; a non-compact member (meeting t h e provisions of Sect. 1.9, b u t

not those of Sect. 2.6), usually has b u t little reserve strength beyond t h e
elastic limit because of buckling. Hence, for such members it m a y be said
t h a t t h e effective shape factor is 1.0. T h e load factor F t o b e used in plastic
design is denned* as

F = ^ (/)

where bv and bw are, respectively, t h e yield stress and allowable working

33 000
stress. A load equal to — X 1.0 = 1.65 h a s proven adequate for t h e
design of non-compact sections for m a n y years.
T h e superior bending strength of compact sections is now recognized in
P a r t 1 of t h e Specification by increasing t h e allowable bending stress t o
0.66JF V . By t h e same token t h e logical load factor for plastically designed
beams having compact profiles is given b y t h e equation F = -— (/). For
such shapes listed in t h e AISC Steel Construction Manual t h e variation of / is
from 1.10 t o 1.23 with a mode of 1.12. T h e n t h e corresponding load factor
m u s t v a r y from 1.67 t o 1.86 with a mode of 1.70.
Such a load factor is consistent and in better balance with t h a t inherent in
t h e allowable working stresses for tension members and deep plate girders, as
well as for t h e design of non-compact rolled beams.
Extension of plastic design methods to simple beams is merely for t h e
convenience of t h e designer. W h e n t h e analysis of other members in a frame-
work is m a d e on a n ultimate strength basis using factored loads, it is n o t
necessary t o convert these loads back to actual requirements in order t o
proportion simple beams according to an allowable bending stress provision.
Usually t h e same selection of member size results from solving for t h e required
Mp a t ultimate load.


T h e plastic design rules h a v e been revised to include t h e use of A36
structural steel. Since t h e elastic-plastic behavior of steels having yield
points in t h e range of b u t higher t h a n 36,000 pounds per square inch (charac-
terized b y t h e idealized stress-strain curve shown in Fig. C 2.2) is essentially

Fig. C2.2

* See ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice No. 41, Commentary on Plastic

Design in Steel, page 18.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 33

the same as that of A7 and A36 steel, applications of plastic design would not
be improper. However, before this is recommended, the stability problems
(local buckling, lateral buckling and column buckling) must be restudied at
the higher stress level corresponding to the higher yield point. Hence, for the
present, the provisions are limited to steels having a specified yield point of
36,000 pounds per square inch or less.


The limitations which have been placed on slenderness and on the intensity
of axial loading reflect the fact that the effective plastic bending strength of a
member and its ability to rotate plastically decreases as slenderness and con-
current axial stress increase, and reaches a point where it is either non-
existent or so small as to render a shape too uneconomical for the requirements
of a given problem. However, these limits are ample enough to include the
full range of practical problems encountered within the scope presently
recommended for plastic design.
Three readily distinguishable conditions of end moment are recognized:
Cases I, II and III. Each is covered by an interaction formula giving the
effective moment M0 furnished by a particular shape in the presence of a
given axial load P, in terms of the full plastic moment Mp of its profile and the
axial load that it would support in the absence of bending moment.
Within the limits given, the interaction expression for Case I (Formula
21) is independent of slenderness ratio. The effective moment M0 is reduced
from the full plastic moment capacity Mv furnished by the profile only by the
amount of the profile area required to support the given axial load P at yield
stress. * For Case II and Case III columns, the axial load which the profile
could support is dependent upon slenderness ratio. The corresponding inter-
action expressions (Formulas 22 and 23) become rather complex and can best
be expressed in terms of coefficients, the numerical values for which, corre-
sponding to values of l/r, are given in Tables 4-33, 4-36 and 5-33, 5-36 in the
Appendix to the Specification.
By virtue of the provisions of Formula (20), use of Formulas (21), (22)
and (23) is limited to frames in which sidesway is not a problem. Substan-
tially the same interaction expressions as those given by Formulas (21), (22)
and (23) could be written using Formulas (6) and (7), expressed in terms of
ultimate load rather than working stress. * * These would have the advantage
of affording solutions for the cases where one of the computed end moments
was neither zero nor equal numerically to the other end moment. However,
the amount of design time involved in testing the suitability of a trial profile for
the given load, moments and unbraced length by these expressions, as com-
pared with use of the tables noted above, would seldom be justified by the
slight economy in the use of steel that might be achieved.

* See ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice No. 41, Commentary on Plastic

Design in Steel, pp. 75-81.
** Ibid., Eqs. (7.13) and (7.15).
34 • Commentary on AISC Specification


T h e capacity of a n unreinforced web t o resist shear h a s been defined as a n
average shear stress equal t o Fy/\/3.* T h e effective d e p t h of a beam h a s
been t a k e n as 0.95 times its actual depth t o allow for t h e presence of plastic
strain in t h e flanges, due t o concurrent bending. T h u s
0.95 Fv
Vu = - ^ wd = 0.55Fvwd


Fig. C 2.4

Assuming t h e m o m e n t -f M , in Fig. C 2.4, expressed in pound-feet, to be

resisted by a couple of forces a t t h e centroid of t h e beam flange, t h e shear
produced in beam-to-column connection web abed can be computed as
V Vu = OMFyiudc
Req'd w =
0.95db X 0.55FydG
where A is t h e planar area acbd and Fy is expressed in pounds per square inch.
* See ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice No. 41, Commentary on Plastic
Design in Steel, p. 39.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 35


Usually stiffeners are needed, as a t ab and dc in Fig. C 2.4, in line with
t h e flanges of a beam rigidly connected t o t h e flange of a second member so
located t h a t their webs lie in the same plane, in order to prevent crippling of
t h e web of t h e latter opposite t h e compression flange of t h e former. A
stiffener m a y also be required opposite the tension flange in order to protect
t h e weld joining t h e two flanges; otherwise t h e stress in the weld might be too
great in t h e region of the beam web, due to lack of bending stiffness in t h e
flange t o which t h e beam is connected.
T h e formulas given for least web thickness w* and flange thickness £/,**
below which stiffeners are required, have been developed and corroborated by
tests*** to ensure t h a t yielding will not occur a t these points before t h e full
Mp value of t h e connected beam has been reached.
W h e n stiffeners are required, as a n alternative to t h e usual pair of hori-
zontal plates, vertical plates parallel to b u t separated from the web as shown
in Fig. C 2.5 m a y prove advantageous.


- Stiffener Plates

Fig. C 2.5

* ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice No. 41, Commentary on Plastic Design in

Steel, Eq. (8.27).
**Ibid., (Eq. 8.26).
*** See Welded Interior Beam-to-Column Connections, American Institute of Steel
36 • Commentary on AISC Specification


T h e width-thickness ratios of compression elements of a profile subject t o
rotation due t o plastic hinge action are more restrictive t h a n similar ratios
given in Sect. 1.9 of t h e Specification. T h e latter are required merely t o reach
yield stress without buckling. T o ensure adequate hinge rotation capacity t h e
proportions required for compression elements in regions of maximum moment
in plastically designed framing are such t h a t these elements can compress
plastically t o strain-hardening.*
T h e web depth-thickness ratio of beams and girders required to develop a
plastic hinge a t ultimate load is limited to 70. I n t h e presence of concurrent
axial loading this ratio is to be reduced in accordance with Formula (25), b u t
n o t below 43. N o n e of t h e rolled shapes have a web depth-thickness ratio
in excess of 70.


Connections located outside of regions where hinges would have formed
a t ultimate load can be treated in t h e same m a n n e r t h a t similar connections
in frames designed in accordance with t h e provisions of P a r t 1 would be
treated. Since the m o m e n t s and forces to be resisted will be those correspond-
ing t o ultimate load, t h e permissible stresses t o be used in proportioning p a r t s
of t h e connection will be in t h e ratio Fy/Q.6Fy, or 1.67 times those given in
Sect. 1.5 and 1.6, except t h a t high strength bolts required to resist tension
m a y be proportioned on t h e basis of their proof load.
T h e same procedure is valid in proportioning connections located in t h e
region of a plastic hinge, with two added restrictions. T h e width-thickness
ratio and unbraced length of all p a r t s of t h e connection t h a t would be subject
t o compression stresses in t h e region of a hinge shall meet t h e requirements
given in P a r t 2, and sheared edges and punched holes shall not be used in
portions of t h e connection subject t o tension.
W h e n a haunched connection is proportioned elastically for t h e m o m e n t s
t h a t would exist within its length, t h e continuous frame can be analyzed as a
mechanism having a hinge a t t h e small end of t h e haunch, r a t h e r t h a n a t t h e
intersection point between connected members,** with some a t t e n d a n t
Haunched connections designed in accordance with t h e following pro-
cedures will meet all of t h e requirements of Sect. 2.7.

Tapered H a u n c h e s (See Fig. C 2.7.1.)

1. M a k e web thickness not less t h a n t h a t of adjoining members.
2. Proportion flange area so t h a t t h e m o m e n t a t any point due to ulti-
m a t e loading, divided b y t h e corresponding plastic modulus of t h e section
t a k e n normal to t h e connected member, would not exceed t h e yield point.

* See ASCE Manual No. 41, Commentary on Plastic Design in Steel, Section 6.2.
** See Plastic Design in Steel, American Institute of Steel Construction, pp. 36
and 37.
Structural Steel for Buildings • 37

Fig. C 2.7.1
3. a. If t h e taper is such t h a t the stress, computed as in (2) above, is
approximately yield point a t both ends, limit the unbraced length I to not
more t h a n 6 times t h e flange width b or, alternatively, multiply the flange
thickness t', used in computing the plastic moduli, by t h e factor

b . If the proportions of the haunch are such t h a t the stress a t one end,
computed as in (2) above, is approximately the yield point and the computed
stress / a t t h e other end, using the section modulus instead of t h e plastic
modulus, is less t h a n yield point, limit the unbraced length to
I = (17.5 - 0A0f)b
b u t not less t h a n 66.
c. If the bending stress, computed on the basis of the section modulus,
is less t h a n the yield point at all transverse sections, check to be sure t h a t the
maximum computed value does not exceed
12,000 X 1.67
where I is t h e distance between bracing points and d is the greatest depth of
section between these points.
4. Provide stiffeners at b o t h ends of tapered haunches, making the total
cross-sectional area of these stiffeners not less t h a n three-fourths t h a t of t h e
flange area.

Curved Haunches (See Fig. 2.7.2.)

1. Provide web thickness not less t h a n t h a t of adjoining members.
2. With the aid of the graph in Fig. C 2.7.3, determine the required thick-
ness t' for a haunch flange having a width b equal to t h a t of the connected
member in which t h e hinge would form.
t' = (1 + m)t
38 • Commentary on AISC Specification

Note "A"—Area of this

flange need not exceed
that of connected flange
if bending stress, Ma/S,
is less than fy.

Fig. C 2.7.2

3. If the unbraced length Z, equal to R<t> where <j> is expressed in

radians, is greater than 66, increase the haunch flange thickness, computed as
in (2), by an amount equal to

»•' 6 - *>
Alternatively, the haunch area bt' may be furnished by a plate having a width
not less than 1/6 and thickness not less than t'.
4. Limit width-thickness ratio b/f of curved inner flange to 2R/b or 17,
whichever is the smaller value.
5. Provide stififeners at, and midway between, points of tangency,
making the total cross-sectional area of stififeners at the mid-brace point not
less than three-fourths that of the curved flange area.

0 4

** 0,3
s 0.2
0 1

Fig. C 2.7.3
Structural Steel for Buildings • 39


Portions of m e m b e r s t h a t would be required to rotate inelastically as a
plastic hinge, in reducing a continuous frame to a mechanism at ultimate load,
need more bracing t h a n similar parts of a continuous frame designed in
accordance with t h e elastic theory. N o t only must they reach yield point a t a
load factor of 1.67, they must also strain inelastically to provide the necessary
hinge rotation. This is not true a t t h e last hinge t o form, since t h e ultimate
load is assumed to have been reached when this hinge starts to rotate. W h e n
bending takes place about the strong axis, any 1- or WF-shaped member t e n d s
to buckle out of the plane of bending. I t is for this reason t h a t lateral bracing
is needed. T h e same tendency exists with highly stressed members in elasti-
cally designed frames, and in portions of plastically designed frames outside of
the hinge areas, b u t here t h e problem is less severe since hinge rotation is not
Unbraced lengths no greater t h a n those determined by Formula (26) en-
sure ample hinge rotation capacity when t h e width-thickness ratios of com-
pression elements are within t h e limits provided in Sect. 2.6 so as to prevent
local buckling. Values of lcr computed by t h e formula are usually somewhat
conservative because no credit is given to t h e restraining influence of segments
of the frame adjacent to t h e length under consideration. More accurate
procedures are available* for computing t h e critical unbraced length, but they
are unnecessarily involved for ordinary usage.

See ASCE Manual No. 41, Commentary on Plastic Design in Steel, Sect. 6.3.

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