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Lesson Plan in Mapeh Grade 9

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Name: YASMIN D. URAY Position: Teacher I

School: Carmen National High School Date: July 24, 2019 (Wednesday)
Grade & Section: 9-Nitrogen Time: 8:30-9:30


At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to;

a. define pre-historic and egyptian art during Ancient Period;
b. describe the characteristics of the different pre-historic and Egyptian
c. reflect on the importance and the purpose of the pre-historic and Egyptian
paintings during the ancient period.


a. Topic: Western and Classical Art Traditions

b. Sub Topic: Ancient Period- Pre-historic and Egyptian Paintings
c. Reference: Wikipedia, The 21st Century MAPEH in Action, Garde 9 Arts
Teacher’s Guide
d. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Pictures and Activity Sheets


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greeting
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Developmental Activities
Teachers Activity Students Activity
Good Morning Class.
Before we proceed to our next
lesson, let us have first a short
recap on what we discussed last -Last meeting, ma’am our topic
meeting. So, what was our lesson? was all about the medieval,
And, kindly share what did you renaissance and baroque music.
learn about our discussion?
-Medieval Music ma’am was
Ok. Very good! Seems that you unaccompanied and has no
really learned something about our harmony.
previous lesson.
Before we start our lesson, let’s
have an activity. This activity will -Yes Ma’am We’re ready.
help you lose boredom and
determine our lesson for today. Are
you ready?

Now, I want you all to stand up

straight and listen carefully to my
instruction. If I will say the word
“Ancient” you will raise your hands
making a letter “A” above your
head, if I say “Pre-historic” put your
hands on the waist and if I say
Egyptian, raise both your hands
imitating an Egyptian dance step.
We will start slow going to fast to
see if you’re attentive. Are you now
-Yes we’re ready!
How was the activity?
Didi you enjoy it? Did it activate
your alertness and attentiveness?
Anyone who can tell me what our -(Students participating in the
lesson will be today? activity.)

Exactly! This morning, we will be

discussing about the different
paintings that emerged during -(Students’ answer may vary.)
ancient period specifically the pre-
historic and Egyptian art.
-I think ma’am it has something to
do with those periods that you’ve
Get To Know Me!
Now, I have posted here on the
board different pictures under each
art period (pre-historic and
Egyptian.) I want you to carefully
observe and analyze the pictures
in each category and come up with
a brief definition of pre-historic and
Egyptian art. Write your answers
on the activity sheets provided.

Groups 1 and 2 – Pre-historic

-The Great Hall of the Bulls
-The Lateral Passage
-The Shaft of the Dead man
-The Chamber of Engravings
-The Painted Gallery
-The Chamber of Felines
Groups 3,4 and 5- Egyptian Art
- Paintings from Sarcophagus of
- The paintings of the walls on the
Select a representative from your
group and present the output in

The group who can come up with

more accurate definition shall
receive their price.

Any questions and clarifications

about our activity? -(Students’ may ask some
questions or clarifications.)
1. How did you find the
-ma’am, honestly it was difficult
because we are not familiar with
Exactly! Very well said. the pictures. But the task given to
2. How did you come up with us became easy due to the
your answer? What was cooperation and contribution of
your basis in making your each group member.
Great! Very Good. Very nice
observation. -we carefully observe each picture
3. Have you ever drawn or and find some common
painted before? What was characteristic in it and we used that
your motive or reason in as basis in making its definition.
doing such?
Very good! Thank you for your
-yes ma’am, I make drawings or
This time let’s check your work if paintings for me to express my
you were able to define the words artistry and develop my skills.
Paintings, drawings and other work
of art were created depending on
its purpose. Same with these
paintings that we will be
discussing, each painting was
created uniquely and has its own
So let’s start with the pre historic
art. anyone who can describe the

-ma’am the picture shows animal

image and it looks like it was
Exactly! So pre-historic art was painted long ago.
discovered approximately 40,000
years ago. Their paintings were
found in the caves and believed to
be the evidence of early humans’

Ok thank you so much! So is there

any group who got this definition?
Anyone who can read the next
Prehistoric Art
-Pre-historic includes all human
Ok thank you so much! So is there existence before the emergence of
any group who got this definition? writing.

-Their paintings were found inside

the caves which may have been
Ok, so now let’s move on to the their way of communicating with
next art period which is the each other.
Egyptian art. who can describe this -Prehistoric drawings of animals
picture? were usually correct in proportion.

-The dominant features in the

painting were large animals native
in the region.

Yes. Your right. Egyptian paintings

are highly stylize, symbolic, and
shows profile view of an animal or
a person. It shows mythological -ma’am, it shows daily activities of
representations and scenes of the Egyptians.
everyday life.
Kindly read the definition.
Thank you so much!
Aside from it shows the daily
activities of the Egyptians, some of
their paintings were also found in
the tomb walls.
The purpose of Egyptian paintings Egyptian Art
is to make the deceased afterlife -their paintings show everyday
place pleasant. It emphasizes the activities of the Egyptians such as
importance of life after death and hunting, fishing, farming or
the preservation of the knowledge banqueting. These kinds of
of the past. paintings were first found on the
What are the usual color motif of walls of the pharaoh’s tombs more
their paintings? than 5,000 years ago.
Ok. So who among the group
got the most accurate

- The main colors used were red,

black, blue, gold and green.
Ok. this time lets check if you really
learned from our discussion a
while ago.
I want everybody to stand up and
form a big circle. We will pass out
a ball while spelling out the words
that I will tell you. Whoever holds
the ball till the last letter is spelled
out will answer the question that I
will ask him or her.
1. A n c I e n t
a. Type of art that are -pre historic art/paintings
found in the cave
2. P r e – h i s t o r I c
b. Type of art that -egyptian art/paintings
shows daily
3. E g y p t i a n
c. Give 1 description of - stylize, symbolic, and shows
Egyptian art. profile view of an animal or a
-It shows mythological
representations and scenes of
everyday life.
- The main colors used were red,
black, blue, gold and green.

4. P a i n t
d. Give 1 description of - way of communicating with each
pre-historic art. other.
-the dominant features are animal
Now, final question. What do
you think is the importance of
these paintings?
Each group will make a shout out
that will awaken people’s
appreciation and interest to pre-
historic and Egyptian art.
“In the tombs I was found but
my memories were not buried in
the ground!”


DIRECTION: Read each statement carefully. Observe the underlined words

or phrases if it makes the statement true or false. Write T if it is True and F if it is
T 1. Pre-historic art was discovered approximately 40,000 years ago.
F 2. Egyptian paintings were found in the caves and believed to be the
evidence of early humans’ craftsmanship.
T 3. Prehistoric drawings of animals were usually correct in proportion.
F 4. The least features in the painting were large animals native in the region.
T 5. Pre-historic art has been their way of communicating to each other.
T 6. Egyptian paintings are highly stylize, symbolic, and shows profile view of
an animal or a person.
T 7. It shows mythological representations and scenes of everyday life.
T 8. Egyptians paintings show activities such as hunting, fishing, farming or
T 9. some of the paintings were first found on the walls of the pharaoh’s
tombs more than 5,000 years ago.
T 10. The main colors used were red, black, blue, gold and green.


In a short bond paper, create an artwork that has similar characteristics

to pre-historic and Egyptian art. write also a brief description what makes it
similar to these types of art.
Relevance to the topic 15
Accuracy of the output 15
Neatness 10
Visual impact 10
Total Points 50

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