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Consumer Behaviour Assessment - GV Dang Truong Thuy Anh-Elearning

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All of the consumer behavior terms: http://www.flashcardmachine.com/consumer-behavior-ut.html

 Perception

Selective attention test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw-YPKR0grk

Weber Law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ygp0xDQBJM


 Learning & memory

Memory : Proactive & Retroactive Interference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJWadZiC0SI

 Motivation

Dell Mass customization : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcDT3bNrQkY

 Attitudes:

Balance theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20iA3UUd1WA

Social judgement theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMHzXNtocEQ

Summary Chapter 7: http://k3hamilton.com/cb/cb7.html

 Consumer decision making

Elimination by aspects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDWJTX3y9OA

 Reference group

The power of marketing – social experiment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcUBtnFxLIA

Functions of consumer attitudes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQe4W_KLJl0

Elaboration Likelihood Model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC7VLjIw8hY

M-Commerce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtpTTpgpELg

 Culture

Channel 5 ads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZofb3VKGU

Advergame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0qKZ1lRYSE

Product placement : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7HatgACLaM


For main semester :

Week/ Meeting Topics References
1/1 Chap.1: Foundations of consumer Chapter 1, Elearning
behaviour pp.26-54

Buying, having and being : An

introduction to consumer behaviour

Guide to group project

2/2 Chap.3: Internal influences on consumer Chapter 3, Elearning

behavior pp.96-127


3/3 Chap.4: Internal influences on consumer Chapter 4, pp. Lecture Room


Learning and memory

4/4 Chap.5: Internal influences on consumer Chapter 5, pp Lecture Room


Motivations and affect

5/5 Chap.6: Internal influences on consumer Chapter 6, pp. Elearning


The self: mind, gender, and body

6/6 Chap.7: Internal influences on consumer Chapter 7, pp. Elearning


Personality, lifestyles, and values

7/7 Chap.8: Choosing and using products Chapter 8, pp. Lecture Room
Week/ Meeting Topics References

Attitudes and persuasive communication

8/8 Chap.9: Choosing and using products Chapter 9, pp. Lecture Room

Decision making

9/9 Chap.11: Consumer in their social and Chapter 11, pp. Lecture Room
cultural settings 414-442

Groups and social media

10/10 Chap.14: Consumer in their social and Chapter 16, pp. Elearning
cultural settings Culture 602-629

11/11 Case study Elearning

12/12 Case study Elearning

13/13 Preview Lecture Room

14/14 Preview Lecture Room

15/15 Preview Lecture Room


No Type of assessment tasks/activities Weighting Detailed

1 Elearning assignment 10%
Student is required to submit the Elearning Assignment for
every week. Please follow and update your elearning activities
2 Individual contribution 10%
3 Oral presentation 10% Appendix 1
In this oral presentation, each individual is required to select a
product business or consumer behavior phenomenon for
analysis. Each individual answers these followings questions for
each chapter (see the appendix 3).
4 Individual assignment 20% 3

Weighting 10%: Make a presentation. Each group presentation timeline is about 30-40 minutues. Select any
company you are interested. Answer these following questions:

 Chapter 1- Group 1- Consumer behaviour

Apply the company/product that you select and answer these following questions

- How is your product segmented by demographics and psychographics?

- What is need and want and demand of product ?
- Illustrate the stages in the consumption process? And How does it differentiate between consumer’s
perspective and marketer’s perspective?
- There are four consumer-brand relationships including self-concept attachment, nostalgic attachment,
interdependence, and love. Which relationship does your brand belong to?
- What word-of-mouth sources do you check (if any) when you (a) buy a car, (b) go to a movie, (c) buy
perfume or cologne, and (d) buy a CD or tape? How important (if at all) is WOM to these situations?
How could the marketer use this information to construct better strategy?
- You interview 5 students in your class or other class. You divide this group into positive and negative
WOM toward one product. If you were a marketer as this company, what would your recommendations
be? (online interview)

 Chapter 2-Group 2- Perception

Apply the company/ product that you select and answer these following questions:

- Illustrate the perceptual process and apply to your product

- What recommendations would you make for package design of your product? Some studies suggest that
as we age, our sensory detection abilities decline. What are the implications of this phenomenon for
marketers who target elderly consumers and apply to your product?
- How has your sense of touch influenced your reaction to a product? Which of your senses do you feel is
most influential in your perceptions of products?
- What is Gestalt? Illustrate the difference between closure, similarity, figure-round?
- How have you seen brands use size, color, and novelty to encourage you to pay attention to a message?
Were the techniques effective?
- Draw the Perceptual map for your product.
 Chapter 3-Group3- Learning & memory

Apply the company/ product that you select and answer these following questions:

- What is the differences between behavioural learning theory and Cognitive theory?
- Some advertisers use well-known songs to promote their products. They often pay more for the song
than for original compositions. How do you react when one of your favorite songs turns up in a
commercial? Why do advertisers do this? How does this relate to learning theory?
- What is Marketing application of stimulus generalisation?
- What kind of reinforcement is being used for your product? Provide several examples and identity the
reinforcement approach being used.
- Identity the problems with memory measures and provide several examples for each problems. How
these problems apply to your product?
- Identity the power of nostalgia. What is the differences between nostalgia and retro brand.

 Chapter 4- Group 4- Motivation

Apply the company/ product that you select and answer these following questions:

- How do you evaluate the product involvement on consumer ‘s attitudes and beliefs?
- What are the specific needs that product can satisfy (For example, biogenic need, psychographic need,
utilitarian need, hedonic need) ?
- Which level of needs in the Maslow hierarchy that your product satisfies?
- When do you think of the world values come to your mind, do you think that consumer values will
change over time? What are some of the reasons that consumer value might change?
- Draw a hierarchical value maps for your product in two particular countries.
- In your presentation, you create your own product with your own logo, slogan, and product feature.
Hint: homemade cake, homemade coffee or homemade milk tea. According to your product, you
identify the market segmentation, target market, differentiation, positioning map. You will create the
feedback form (Décor, Quality, packaging ) and send to team leaders and your lecturer. The, team
leaders and lecturer are going to evaluate your product.
 Chapter 5-Group 5- The self

Apply the company/ product that you select and answer these following questions:

- What is self-concept? What is ideal self and actual self? Provide TVC to show the differences between
actual and ideal self?
- Advertising can utilize a consumer’s self-esteem in promoting a product by offering the product as a
remedy to low self-esteem. Self-esteem advertising: products provide remedy to low self-esteem.
How effective do you think this form of advertising is?
- List some of products whether are sex-typed traits (one gender). What are two examples of sex-typed
products? Are there situations for which promoting sex-typed products might limit the market for a
- What is considered the ideal of beauty among your peers? How does this ideal affect your choices as a
- Do you have a tattoo? If so, what motivated your decision? If not, why not?Can you see the influence of
culture on your decision to tattoo or not?
- You interview 10 students in your class or other class. For example, you select Dove as your product.
Then, you will ask them the self-esteem in promoting a product and how it affects to their buying
- What is self-esteem? Can you show the evidence that self-esteem will influence to your consumer’s
decision making process? Provide 3 TVC of self-esteem for any brand.
- Gender influences to consumer’s decision making process, doesn’t it? Provide the statistics / data to
prove which products are purchased by men or women the most.
 Chapter 7-Group 6- Attitudes
Apply the company/ product that you select and answer these following questions:

- Please provide the Print ads to illustrate functional theory of attitudes

- What is the difference between affect, behavior or cognition. Please provide the example of standard
learning theory; low involvement theory; and experiental theory.
- Provide one TVC to prove that Ads have feelings too (For example, upbeat feelings, warm feelings,
negative feelings)
- You interview 10 students in your class or other class. For example, You select Heineken as your
product. Then, you will ask the attitudes towards affects of beers to your health. Please draw a balance
theory for what your interview (see the balance theory in your slides)
- Provide 5 TVC/ Print ads for types of message appeals (Emotional Vervus Rational appeal; Sex Appeal;
Humorous appeals; Fear appeals)
- Do your company apply e-commerce or m-commerce?

 Chapter 8-Group 7- Consumer decision making

Apply the company/ product that you select and answer these following questions:

- Which does continnum of buying decision behavior (Routine response bahviour, limited problem
solving, extensive problem solving) your product belong to?
- List 3 steps in the model of rational decision making. Give example of each step.
- List of five types of perceived risk and give an example of each
- Select an advertisement that is designed to activate the problem-recognition process.
o Does the ad work on the consumer’s actual state or ideal state?
o How can you improve the problem recognition features of the advertisement?
- List three product attribute that consumer uses as product quality signals and provide an example of
each. How does a brand name work as a heuristic.
- What is the difference between a noncompensatory and a compensatory decision rule? Give one
example of each

 Chapter 11- Group 8:- Reference group

Apply the company/product that you select and answer these following questions:

- Provide examples of social example (including referent power, information power, legitimate power,
expert power, reward power, coercive power)
- Provide examples of membership reference group & aspirational reference groups. What is the
difference between them.
- Please provide a clear example of opinion leader, market marven, surrogate consumer.
- What word-of-mouth sources do you check (if any) when you (a) buy a car, (b) go to a movie, (c) buy
perfume or cologne, and (d) buy a CD or tape? How important (if at all) is WOM to these situations?
How could the marketer use this information to construct better strategy? You interview 5 students in
your class or other class. You divide this group into positive and negative WOM toward one product. If
you were a marketer as this company, what would your recommendations be?
- What is Web 2.0? Please provide several examples of web 2.0 and how social media interact with
- In your company, do you want to create an online community? Please specify how can you create an
effective online community?

 Chapter 14- Group 9

Apply the company/product that you select and answer these following questions. In this chapter , you should
select any fashion that you want.

- Illustrate the social class in Vietnam. Does social class structure affects your consumer behavior?
- In your presentation, two of your members show the audience two types of culture: High verus popular
culture by your product. In your presentation, you create the new innovative product. Based on your new
innovative product, you identify your new manufacturing technique, new product variation, new way to
deliver product, new way to package product.
- Provide the example/ TVC/ Print ads of product placement/ brand entertainment.
- What is advergaming? Brainstorming and create advergaming for your product
- What is common rituals? Do these rituals affect your product?
- What is myth? Brainstorming and create the TVC that you apply the myth into your TVC?

 Chapter 2- Group 10- perception

Apply the company/product that you select and answer these following questions. In this chapter , you should
select any fashion that you want.

- Illustrate the perceptual process and apply to your product? Which sensory stimuli is the most important
in the case of your product?
- Do you think that subliminal perception works? Does your product applies any subliminal advertising?
Under what conditions could it work?
- How your brand use size, color, and novelty to encourage you to pay attention to a message? Were the
techniques effective?
- What is your market segmentation, target market? How do your favorite brands position themselves in
the marketplace?
- What are you differentiation (in term of images, product, channel, and services)?
- Which possible positioning strategies seem to be most effective?

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

(0%) (25%) (75%) (100%)

Content  He/she  He/she  He/she  He/she contributes

delivers the contribute contributes about 100%
(30%) content not s the about 75%  Content is very
matching the content  Content is fine, good, follow the
group about 25% follow the APA APA citation.
leader’s  Content is citation
requirements not good,
. not follow
 Content is APA
very poor, citation
copy paste
the content
on the
website , not
follow APA
Coopera  He/she does  He/she  He/she  He/she contributes
tion not contribute contributes about 100%
cooperate s about about 75%  Consistently offer
(25%) with leader , 25%  Offer ideas and ideas and ask
as well as  Rarely ask questions questions for
other offer ideas in group which further explanation.
member and ask help to clarify  Excellent group
 Never offer questions discussion for work skill
ideas and all
ask questions  Very good
group work
On task  He/she does  He/she  He/she does  He/she does the job
not submit does the the job late very on time and
(25%) the task on job late about 1 time. responsible for the
time about 2-3 job
 He/she does times.
not go to
Commu  He/she does  He/she  He/she  He/she
nication not listen to communic communicates communicates
& others, be ates fine well excellent
listening aggressive
or ignore all
(20%) the
 He/she does
to others.


PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to analyse and discuss the consumers’
decision-making process and the factors influencing the purchasing activities.

REQUIREMENT Identify a product you have purchased last year, for instance, a new car or a house. Analyse
and discuss in detail with regards to the influencing factors and the consumers’ decision-making process which
you have carried out during the purchasing activities.

Criteria Weigh Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Unsatisfactor Max
t y Or No Mark
response (0) s
Introduction 1 Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction No
of the briefly briefly briefly briefly introduction
selected describes all describes describes describes was given.
product of the three of the only two of only one of
following: following: the the
type of type of following: following:
product, product, type of type of
manufacturer, manufacture product, product,
product r, product manufacture manufacture
features, and features, and r, product r, product
price. price. features, and features, and
price. price.
Description 2 The The The The No
of the description description description description description
definition of was covered 4- 5 covered 2-3 covered 1 was given.
consumer comprehensiv characteristi characteristi characteristi
behaviour e and covered cs of cs of c of
and more than 5 consumers’ consumers’ consumers’
characteristic characteristic behaviour. behaviour. behaviour.
s of s of Sufficient Insufficient No examples
consumers’ consumers’ examples examples were given.
behaviour behaviour. were given were given
were given.
Discussion 3 The 6 steps 4-5 steps 2-3 steps The steps No
and analysis relating to relating to relating to were not discussion
of the your your your clearly and analysis
consumers’ purchase purchase purchase identified. were given.
decision were clearly were clearly were clearly The steps
making identified. identified. identified. were not
process Each step Each step The steps clearly and
involved in was clearly was clearly were not systematicall
your product and and clearly and y analysed.
purchase. systematicall systematicall systematicall
(using the 6 y analysed. y analysed. y analysed.
steps of
Identification 3 4 factors 3 factors 2 factors The No
and analysis were clearly were clearly were clearly identified identification
of the factors identified. identified. identified. factors were and analysis
influencing The The The poorly were given.
your identified identified identified anaylsed.
consumer factors were factors were factors were
behaviour (in clearly and clearly and clearly and
terms of systematicall systematicall systematicall
cultural, y analysed. y analysed. y analysed.
and social
Summary 1 The summary The The The No summary
(characteristi was clear and summary summary summary was given.
cs of covered 3 of was clear was clear was very
consumers’ the and covered and covered vague and
behaviour, mentioned 2 of the 1 of the poorly done
analysis of areas. mentioned mentioned
your areas. areas.
process and
analysis of
the factors

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