Car Parts
Car Parts
Car Parts
(Page 1 of 3)
Word: Word:
Draw: Draw:
Word: Word:
Draw: Draw:
an opening in a building
or vehicle, usually
window covered with glass, for
letting in light or air
an enclosed space to
An analogy shows a relationship between two sets of words. The words in the first pair
must have the same relationship as the words in the second pair. To complete an analogy
with a missing word, you must first discover the relationship between the completed pair.
(Example: Cat is to meow as dog is to bark.)
fence floor sit plane square eat bike safety mug pants
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students determine the relationship between the first pair of words. Then have them use the words in the
word box to complete the second pair of words.
An analogy shows a relationship between two sets of words. The words in the first pair
must have the same relationship as the words in the second pair. To complete an analogy
with a missing word, you must first discover the relationship between the completed pair.
(Example: Cat is to meow as dog is to bark.)
fence floor sit plane square eat bike safety mug pants
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students determine the relationship between the first pair of words. Then have them use the words in the
word box to complete the second pair of words.
door window car engine wheel seat seat belt light trunk
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students use the vocabulary words in the word box above to complete the sentences below.
door window car engine wheel seat seat belt light trunk
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students use the vocabulary words in the word box above to complete the sentences below.
INSTRUCTIONS: Assign one or more of the following activities to reinforce the function of nouns.
Draw a Picture
Materials: Word cards; box or envelope; paper; pencils, markers, or crayons
Place all the word cards in a box or envelope. Have students pull out a word card
and draw a picture of the chosen word. Encourage them to draw a picture that
illustrates the word’s meaning.
Make a Sentence
Materials: Word cards, box or envelope, strips of paper
Place all the word cards in a box or envelope. Have students pull out a word card
and use their chosen word to create a written or oral sentence.
Match a Word
Materials: Word cards, tape, box or envelope
Place all the word cards in a box or envelope. Have students pull out a word card
and tape it onto an object in the classroom using the word as a label.
Mime It!
Materials: Word cards, box or envelope
Place all the word cards in a box or envelope. Have students pull out a word card
and act it out. Have classmates try to guess the word.
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students use what they know about the vocabulary words to complete the following sentences.
2. A trunk is a
4. A light is a
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students use what they know about the vocabulary words to complete the following sentences.
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students choose the best answer to complete each statement.
INSTRUCTIONS: Have students choose the best answer to complete each statement.
9. A trunk is a part of a