Applying Machine Learning
Applying Machine Learning
Applying Machine Learning
Machine Learning
to Actuarial and
Pricing Workflows
to correct for poor experience in a rating plan. assumptions ranging from most to least restrictive
The algorithm will provide a shortcut by quickly from a business perspective. The result will be a
identifying potentially hidden problem areas without chart similar to the one below.
hours of dashboard analysis.
- but rather a more informed starting point to may make explanations to internal and external
exercise control. stakeholders difficult, and their questions on the
calculation of an insured’s score may not have an
The majority of the day-to-day actuarial experience intuitive or helpful response. Transparent machine
will shift from manual creation of data analysis to learning algorithms allow an actuary to easily
interpreting the output of automated data analysis. interpret the actuarial soundness of a model and
This is not to say that actuarial teams will require greatly speeds up the internal and external approval
less technical knowledge - to fully understand the process.
assumptions of these machine learning algorithms,
an actuary will still need sufficient technical skills.
The removal of this busywork will simply allow an Equity, Fairness, Bias, and Transparent
actuarial team to use their technical skills in more Algorithms
meaningful and interesting ways.
Machine learning cannot be discussed without
also acknowledging the topic of algorithmic bias.
The Necessity of Transparent How to consistently avoid disparate impact while
Algorithms for Actuarial Analysis setting equitable and competitive rates is a current
discussion and research topic in the US insurance
This paper has discussed the necessity of and regulatory environment, and this paper will
interpreting automated decisions and creating an not propose a specific methodology to address it.
efficient frontier of actions to evaluate, but so far Transparent machine learning technology will also
has neglected to mention their prerequisite, which not miraculously solve this problem, but it will allow
is transparent machine learning. When selecting rates and models to be comprehensively analyzed
between similar models, a user needs the ability to and their reasoning fully understood. For each
determine which model is the most appropriate for rating variable, the exact impact is understood and
implementation given business considerations. easily measured. “Why did this happen?” is an easy
question to answer with transparent models.
This differentiation is quite difficult with black box
models, as it may not immediately be clear what is On the other hand, black box machine learning
happening within the black box to cause the models techniques make the already difficult problem of
to produce different scores for similar risks. When equity and bias even harder to solve by obfuscating
using black box models, an actuary must also the calculation and justification for rates. There
take into consideration the possibility for hidden are increasingly sophisticated ways to look at the
behaviors that are unintuitive at best and dangerous exports of a black box, but in the end, a modeler
at worst. Within a black box model, it is nearly needs to trust that they’ve explored everything.
impossible to prove that unintuitive behavior is What happens when an unanticipated edge case
not happening. An actuary would need to perform appears in practice? How can we be sure that the
sufficient testing to prove that the likelihood or black box is unbiased in both the aggregate and at
effect of unintuitive behavior is immaterial or at an all individual levels? With transparent models like
acceptable level of risk. This is a time-consuming penalized GAMs, questions on model behavior are
and necessarily imperfect process that can be easy to answer. With a GBM on the other hand, the
avoided with transparent algorithms. explanation of a rate calculation is opaque.
Due to the less interpretable nature of black box While it is uncertain how the industry will move
methodologies, the likelihood of identifying an forward to address issues of equity and disparate
unintuitive behavior late in the work cycle will impact, transparent machine learning clearly has
increase. Additionally, black box methodologies