Breaking Limits 1
Breaking Limits 1
Breaking Limits 1
Jn.8: 36; 1Jn.5: 4-5
Case Studies:
1. City of Jericho - 2Kg.2: 19-22.
2. Naaman - 2Kg.5: 1-14.
We are all limited in a sense though in different ways but we can all break these limits if we
have faith and are determined enough.
We then need to learn how to break free from those things that tend to limit us in life.
God is unlimited so, we His children should be like Him - Lk.1: 37; Mk.9: 23.
9. Bad leadership - Prov.29: 2; Eccles.10: 16-17 e.g. Nigeria and many 3rd world countries
10. Lack of vision or purpose - Prov.29: 18 e.g. Daniel (Dan.1: 8).
11. Lack of ambition, drive, determination and hope - Prov.15: 13; 17: 22; Mk.11: 24;
1Tim.3: 1 e.g. Paul
12. Health status - 3Jn.2 - weakness, sickness, past injuries, scars and handicaps e.g. Jacob,
Naaman, Zacchaeus and Woman with Spirit of infirmity, Paul, etc.
13. Finance - poverty, lack & indebtedness - Prov.22: 7; 30: 8-9 e.g. Widow of the prophet
(2Kg.4: 1-7).
14. Illiteracy and lack of skill (technical and social) - Eccles.10: 10.
15. Lack is of faith, fear, doubts and unbelief - Mk.9: 23; 11: 23-24; Heb.11: 6; 3: 12.
16. Divine favour and mercy - Exod.33: 19. This is why we must all take good care of our
spiritual life and draw close to God - Ps.91: 1-16; Jam.4: 8 e.g. Peter.