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J Reg. No. : | I oO is Question Paper Code : 41430 B.E//B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2018 Eighth Semester Manufacturing Engineering MF 6008 - NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING (Regulations 2013) Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART-A (10x2=20 Marks) 1. Name the two basic types of liquid penetrants. 2. What are the difficulties in examing large parts by magnetic particle inspection ? 2 . Mention the specific applications of real-time radiography. 4. What are the two types of electromagnetic radiation used in radiographic inspection ? a |. What is edge effect in eddy current testing ? = . Name the elements of typical eddy current inspection system. . What is need for a couplant in Ultrasonic inspection ? 8. Name some of materials used as transducer in Ultrasonic inspection. 9. What are the precautions against noise interference in acoustic emission ? 10. What are the requirements of surface conditions of an object subjected to optical holography ? PART-B (5*16=80 Marks) 11. a) Explain with a help of ASM flow charts, the procedure of liquid penetrant inspection of tanks used in petrochemical applications. (OR) b) Elaborate the procedure for magnetic particle inspection of a shaft. 41430 CA A 12, a) i) Give a brief account on radiographic sensitivity. (8) ii) Discuss the methodology of radiographic inspection on weldments. (8) (OR) b) Draw a typical X-ray tube and describe the production of X-ray and its characteristics. 13. a) What are the principal operating variables in eddy current inspection ? Explain the effect of any 4 of these variables. (OR) Describe the methodology of measuring nonmagnetic conductive sheet thickness by eddy current inspection. b) 14. a) What are the two major methods of ultrasonic inspection ? Describe any one of the method highlighting the differences with the other. (OR) b) What are the significant differences between i) Ascan, B scan and C scan 8) ii) Angle probe and Normal probe ? (8) 15. a) i) Discuss the application of acoustic emission technique in structural evaluation of aerospace industries. (10) ii) Write a brief note on data display in acoustic emission. () (OR) b) Suggest a technique to inspect a part subjected to thermal pressure that produces change in shape. Detail the step by step procedure of the same.

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