KSEF Strucutred Electronic Invoice Dec2022 en
KSEF Strucutred Electronic Invoice Dec2022 en
KSEF Strucutred Electronic Invoice Dec2022 en
The Element Platnosc for Fa ............................................................................................... 103
The element WarunkiTransakcji for Fa............................................................................... 113
The element Transport for WarunkiTransakcji .................................................................. 118
The Element Zamówienie for Fa ......................................................................................... 136
Stopka for FA(1) ...................................................................................................................... 148
The structure of the element Stopka for Fa ....................................................................... 148
Examples................................................................................................................................. 151
Diagrams ................................................................................................................................. 152
Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 155
General Information
By the Act Amending the Act on Value Added Tax and Other Acts dated October 29th, 2021
(Journal of Laws item 2076) (the “Amendment”), which amended the Act on Value Added Tax
dated March 11th, 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 685, as amended) (the “Act”), the
legislator established the National System of e-Invoices (“KSeF” or the “System”).
Under the Amendment, a structured electronic invoice is now one of the accepted forms of
documenting a transaction, alongside a paper invoice and electronic invoice that are currently
in use.
A structured electronic invoice is issued via KSeF with a number assigned by the System for
identification purposes.
A structured electronic invoice is issued and received via KSeF, with the use of interface
software, in an electronic form, based on the electronic file template defined by the Act on IT
Automation of the Activities of Entities Performing Tasks in the Public Interest dated February
17th, 20052.
A structured electronic invoice must be delivered to its recipient (purchaser) via KSeF. If an
invoice has been issued and delivered to the purchaser otherwise, there are no basis on which
to send it via KSeF, since a correctly issued invoice has already been introduced into
commercial trading.
A structured electronic invoice FA(1) does not contain a separate field for the KSeF number
(save for the field NrKSeFFaKorygowanej, which must be filled in in cases where a correction
invoice is issued). The KSeF number is automatically generated by the System and included in
the Official Receipt Certificate [Urzędowe Poświadczeniu Odbioru (UPO)].
The structure of FA(1) contains a consecutive, unique number assigned (by the taxpayer)
within one or more series, which identifies the invoice (field P_2).
Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/1003 of 17 June 2022 authorising the Republic of Poland to apply a
special measure derogating from Articles 218 and 232 of Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of
value added tax (OJ L 168, 27.06.2022, p. 81-83)
Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2070
What is KSeF?
KSeF is a telecommunications system used for, among other things, issuing, receiving and
storing structured electronic invoices. Each structured electronic invoice generated via KSeF
is assigned a unique identification number and can be accessed.
KSeF also notifies its users about:
a) the date and time when a structured electronic invoice is generated, the invoice’s
identification number assigned by the System and the date and time when it is assigned,
b) the date and time when the invoice is rejected by the System as non-compliant with the
template structured electronic invoice,
c) cases where a structured electronic invoice cannot be issued because KSeF is not accessible.
KSeF also analyses and checks the correctness of structured electronic invoice data.
The System authenticates and verifies authorizations of the entities referred to in Art. 106nb
of the Act. It notifies entities other than these specified under Art. 106nb of the Act that they
are not authorized to use the System.
KSeF is also used for granting, modifying and cancelling authorizations. It notifies the entities
referred to in Art. 106nb of the Act that they have been granted authorizations to use the
System or that their authorizations have been cancelled.
Taxpayers can issue a structured electronic invoice using commercial finance and accounting
software. The invoice is then sent to KSeF via API. The Ministry of Finance makes available free
tools for issuing structured electronic invoices.
Structured electronic invoices may be delivered via KSeF subject to the recipient’s consent.
The recipient’s consent to receive structured electronic invoices via KSeF (or otherwise) is not
processed via KSeF. It should be given in the hitherto applicable manner. If the recipient has
not consented to be delivered structured electronic invoices via KseF, the invoices may still be
issued in KSeF and then delivered to the recipient otherwise, for instance, via email or in
paper. An invoice so issued is considered a structured electronic invoice because it has its
statutory attributes (such as identification number assigned by the System).
System breakdown
Any downtime of KSeF will be incidental and short-lasting and will not materially affect the
System’s usability.
If an invoice cannot be issued in KSeF as a result of the System’s failure, a taxable person may
postpone the issuing of the invoice until the System becomes operational again (as long as the
invoice’s issue deadline fixed by legal provisions is not missed as a result of such
As an alternative, the taxable person can issue the invoice otherwise. Such an invoice is not
considered a structured electronic invoice.
Issuing correction invoices in KSeF
KSeF invoices can be corrected. A structured electronic invoice issued in KSeF may be
corrected by a structured electronic correction invoice only. A structured electronic
correction invoice issued in KSeF should include the KSeF number of the invoice corrected
(field NrKSeFFaKorygowanej). Invoices issued otherwise are not corrected in KSeF.
1. Correction notes
Given their specificity, no structured electronic correction notes to structured electronic
invoices can be issued and sent via KSeF. However, a taxable person may still issue a correction
note according to Art. 106k sec. 1-4 of the Act, that is, otherwise than via KSeF.
2. Duplicate invoices
The statutory provisions regulating duplicate invoices (copies) laid down in Art. 106l of the Act
are not applicable to structured electronic invoices since a structured electronic invoice
cannot be lost or destroyed in the System.
3. Invoices not based on the template structured electronic invoice
Invoices that – under statutory provisions – are not required to include the number or other
data identifying the buyer are not issued and sent via KSeF.
The cases where an invoice does not need to contain all of the elements listed in Art. 106e of
the Act are described by the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on the Issuing of Invoices
dated October 29th, 2021 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1979), a law issued on the basis of
art. 106o of the Act. Some invoices may be issued without the seller’s NIP or data identifying
the buyer, that is, data that are mandatory in the structured electronic invoice template made
available by the minister responsible for finance matters on the electronic public
administration services platform.
For example, invoices that cannot be issued and sent via KSeF are those referred to in §3 point
1 of the Ordinance referred to above, documenting the supply of goods and/or services
exempted from VAT under Art. 43 sec. 1 points 2-6, 8-36 of the Act or laws issued on the basis
of Art. 82 sec. 3 of the Act. These invoices do not have to include the seller’s NIP.
Another type of invoices that cannot be issued and sent via KSeF are those listed in §3 point 4
of the Ordinance referred to above. These are invoices documenting travels via a toll
motorway or travels without limitations as to distances travelled, which are issued as single
tickets by taxable persons providing services in the area of passenger transport by standard-
gauge railways, car fleet, sea-going ships, means of inland and coastal shipping, ferries, planes
and helicopters. These invoices do not include data identifying the buyer and are issued and
delivered outside of KSeF.
Taxable persons issuing invoices that – under statutory provisions – are not required to
contain certain identification data can easily determine whether or not they can issue these
invoices in KSeF.
A structured electronic invoice is stored in KSeF for 10 years reckoned from the end of the
year in which it is issued. Articles 112 and 112a of the Act, which govern the storing and
archiving of invoices, are not applicable to structured electronic invoices.
Taxable persons who find this period too short may store their structured electronic invoices
outside of KSeF until their tax liabilities become time-barred. Articles 112 and 112a of the Act
are applicable to such storing and archiving.
Taxable persons generating structured electronic invoices do not have to send tax authorities,
upon request, the part of the logical structure of JPK_FA that contains information included in
these invoices. This kind of information is available via KSeF. Requesting it would constitute a
violation of Art. 45 sec. 2 of the Act on the National Revenue Administration4 dated November
Journal of Laws of 2020 item 1666, as amended
Journal of Laws of 2021 item 442, as amended
16th, 2016, which says that a revenue authority may not request documents or information it
has access to.
- obligatory fields – they must be filled in (for instance, NIP must be provided in the element
Podmiot1/DaneIdentyfikacyjne); these fields must be filled in because, in particular, the
statutory provisions and/or the logical structure so require,
- contingent fields – they must be filled in in cases where a specific, statutory prerequisite is
fulfilled (for instance P_11A in the element Fa/FaWiersze/FaWiersz); these fields need not to
be filled in to ensure the semantic correctness of the file,
- optional fields – they need not to be filled in to ensure the semantic correctness of the file
and the Act does require that these fields be filled in (for instance, PKWiU in the element
Fa/FaWiersze/FaWiersz). However, there may be other statutory provisions requiring that
these fields be completed.
When determining whether or not a specific field needs to be filled in, taxable persons should
take into account the context (characteristics of the element) in which the field finds itself.
For instance, the element Fa/Platnosc and its component TerminyPlatnosci are optional.
If a taxable person:
- chooses to fill in the element TerminyPlatnosci – he/it must fill in TerminPlatnosci as well;
- chooses not to fill in TerminyPlatnosci, he/it must leave TerminPlatnosci blank.
3. The character fields are alphanumerical fields. Small and capital letters and digits are
allowed. As a rule, the maximum number of signs is 256.
4. Polish diacritics are encoded with the use of UTF-8. Special characters such as “/”, “–”, “+”
may be used in character fields.
5. Numeric fields are data fields intended for numbers to be calculated. Values should be
provided in the form of continuous sequences of digits; no separating marks (e.g. spaces) are
allowed for thousands. The only admissible decimal separator is a dot („.”).
9. Date and time should be entered only once, i.e. in the field intended for the invoice issue
date and time. The date and time format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (e.g.: 2022-01-
24T09:30:47Z; T standing for “Time”). For the universal time (UTC), the letter “Z” (ZULU)
should be added at the end.
The structure also has optional fields intended for transport commencement and completion
dates. A taxable person can but does not have to fill them in.
10. Tax identification numbers to be included in the structured electronic invoice should be
sequences of consecutive digits or letters entered without spaces or other separators; the
country code should be entered in a separate, code field.
Polish tax identification number NIP of the buyer should be provided in the field “NIP” of the
element Podmiot2/DaneIdentyfikacyjne. NIP should not be provided in the field NrID. The
invoice can be delivered to the buyer only if NIP is provided correctly, that is, in the NIP, not
NrID field.
Obligatory element
Contingent element
Optional element
All contingent and optional elements contained in the graphics of this Information Guide are
marked in the same way, i.e., they are provided in dotted line boxes. Obligatory elements
are provided in solid line boxes.
The main diagram structure of FA(1) consists of the following elements: Naglowek, Podmiot1,
Podmiot2, Podmiot3, PodmiotUpowazniony, Fa and Stopka.
Naglowek, Podmiot1, Podmiot2 and Fa are obligatory elements of FA(1). Podmiot3 and Stopka
are optional elements. PodmiotUpowazniony is a contingent element.
Table 1. Description of the main diagram structure for FA(1)
Naglowek Contains, among other things, date and time when an invoice is
generated and the name of the IT system used by the taxable
Stopka Contains the other information included in the invoice such as,
among other things, the invoice’s footer and the KRS and REGON
numbers [optional element].
Naglowek of FA(1)
WariantFormularza This field contains diagram designation. The current value is: 1.
This is the first FA(1) schema version.
The date and time when the invoice (an xml file) is generated
should be provided as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (e.g.: 2022-
01-24T09:30:47Z; where T stands for “Time”).
The date provided in DataWytworzeniaFa may differ from the
date provided in P_1 and the date when the invoice is actually
sent to KSeF.
Podmiot1 for FA(1)
Podmiot1 is an obligatory element of the structured electronic invoice. The key field in
Podmiot1 whereby the taxable person can be authenticated in KSeF is NIP.
Invoices without NIP cannot be processed by KSeF.
NrEORI Taxable person’s EORI number (number in the Economic
Operators’ Registration and Identification system)
[optional field]
Diagram 5. The structure of the element DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot1
Diagram 6. The structure of the element Adres for Podmiot1
Ulica Street name [contingent field]
Miejscowosc Name of the locality
Diagram 10. The structure of the element AdresPol for AdresKoresp
For instance, in AdresPol of Podmiot1/AdresKoresp, GLN
may mean a physical location of an object concerned, a
building where the taxable person’s correspondence
should be sent (in the territory of the country).
building where the taxable person’s correspondence
should be sent (outside of the territory of the country).
XXX Sp. z o.o. w likwidacji is a VAT taxable person registered for EU Intra-Community
transactions (PL 9999999999). The company has its seat in Kraków (55-555), ul. Niebieska
16/3. The company is making an Intra-Community supply of goods to another VAT taxable
person registered for EU Intra-Community transactions. To make business relations easier, the
seller wants to put its contact data on the invoice. These include the telephone number
(801055055) and e-mail address (podatnik@xyz.pl).
The above-mentioned information should be included in the structure as follows:
Podmiot2 for FA(1)
A structured electronic invoice can be issued via KSeF if the required data identifying the buyer
(Podmiot2) are put on it. The required data identifying the buyer are listed in Art. 106e of the
Act and in the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on the Issuing of Invoices dated October
29th, 2021.
For instance, for simplified invoices for up to PLN 450.00, which are referred to in Art. 106e
sec. 5 point 3 of the Act, it is sufficient to include the buyer’s NIP. The buyer’s first name, family
name/business name or address are not required.
In cases where the buyer is a consumer, no NIP or NrID are put on the invoice (instead, “1” is
entered in the field BrakID). The invoice should include the first name, the surname and the
address of a natural person not running business activity.
- the supply of services to which Art. 100 sec. 1 point 4 of
the Act is applicable, to value added tax payers or legal
persons not being such taxpayers, identified for the
purposes of value added tax.
- the supply made in the simplified scheme, Intra-
Community tripartite transaction by the second VAT
payer in sequence referred to in Art. 135 sec. 1 point 4
letters b) and c) of the Act.
DaneIdentyfikacyjne Data identifying the buyer such as, among other things,
NIP, first name and family name
Diagram 13. The structure of the element DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot2
Do not enter the buyer’s Polish NIP in the field NrID
where the field NIP is specifically designated for this
purpose. Your invoice can reach the buyer only if its NIP
is entered in the field NIP, not NrID.
Enter “1” if the buyer has no NIP or NrID (e.g. where
he/she is a natural person not running business activity
(a consumer).
AdresZagr Buyer’s foreign address
For instance, in AdresZagr of Podmiot2/Adres, GLN may
mean the physical location of an object concerned (e.g. a
building where the buyer has their seat, a floor or a
branch office of a firm) outside of the territory of the
Table 17. Description of the structure of AdresPol for AdresKoresp
Diagram 19. The structure of the element AdresZagr for AdresKoresp
Example 2. How to complete the element Podmiot2 for FA(1)
A VAT payer provided a translation service to XXX Sp. z o. o., a company with its seat in
Wrocław (46-666), ul. Pomarańczowa 5. The buyer’s VAT identifier (NIP) is 1111111111. In
order to make the transaction run smoothly the buyer was assigned a client number
(KL/128/2022). The amount invoiced did not exceed PLN 450 gross. The seller documented
the transaction by a so-called simplified invoice.
The above-mentioned information should be included in Podmiot2 as follows:
According to Art. 106e sec. 5 point 3 of the Act, in the case at hand the invoice does not need
to include, among other things, the name and address of the buyer. It is sufficient to put the
buyer’s tax identification number in Podmiot2. Optionally, the client’s number can be
The optional element Podmiot3 is intended for data of all third party entities referred to in
the invoice, other than these included in Podmiot1 and Podmiot2. This is in line with the
established practice according to which a taxable person may but is not obliged to put on the
invoice the data of, for instance, the payer or recipient of the goods (applicable, in particular,
to purchases made by local government entities). In element Podmiot3, the taxable person
may also provide the data of the factor or – in the case of a consolidation of business entities
– the data of, for instance, the company taken over.
The element Podmiot3 can appear up to 100 times in the structure, so the data of many third
party entities can be put on one invoice.
The structure of the element Podmiot3 for FA(1)
- “2”- Recipient – for invoices containing data of the buyer’s
divisions, branch offices or entities financed by the state/local
government budget [jednostka budżetowa], which – in the
meaning of the Act – are not buyers themselves,
- “3”- Original entity – for invoices containing data of an entity
that has been acquired by the taxable person or transformed,
making the supply of goods and/or services (except for the cases
referred to in Art. 106j sec. 2 point 3 of the Act, where these data
are provided in Podmiot1K),
- “4”- Additional buyer – for invoices containing data of other
buyers (other than these listed in Podmiot2),
- “5”- Invoice issuer – for invoices containing data of an entity
issuing these invoices on behalf of the taxable person.
- “6”- Entity making the payment – for invoices containing data
of an entity making the payment in place of the buyer.
For invoices containing data of a third party entity other than any
of the entities defined under fields 1-6 above, the filed Rola
should be left blank. In such a case the taxable person fills in the
fields RolaInna and OpisRoli.
For self-billing, buyer’s data should be provided in Podmiot2. The
invoice should include the annotation: “self-billing” (“1” should
be entered in Fa/Adnotacje/P_17).
For invoices containing data of a third party entity other than any
of the entities listed in the field Rola, enter “1” – another entity.
If the role of the third party entity (being the sole third party
entity) is specified in the field Rola, the field RolaInna should be
left blank.
If the role of the third party entity (being the sole third party
entity), is specified in the field Rola, the field OpisRoli should be
left blank.
Udzial Share of additional buyer
A share can be provided only if “4” is entered in the field Rola.
NrID Tax identifier of the third party entity other than NIP
Enter “1” if the third party entity has no NIP or NrID.
Provide the full name (concerns third party entities other than
natural persons).
Diagram 23. The structure of the element AdresPol for Adres
GLN is used to track, among other things, physical
locations or functional entities of a firm.
For instance, in AdresZagr of Podmiot3/Adres, GLN may
mean a physical location of an object concerned (e.g. a
building where the third party entity has its seat, a floor
or a branch office of a firm) outside of the territory of the
Table 25. Description of the structure of AdresPol for AdresKoresp
Diagram 27. The structure of the element AdresZagr for AdresKoresp
Example 3. How to complete the element Podmiot3 for FA(1)
A VAT payer sells:
- XXX Sp. z o.o. (NIP 9999999999), a company with its seat at (88-888) Warsaw, ul. Szara 10, a
60% share in the ownership title of a motor vehicle, and
- XZZ Sp. z o.o. (NIP 7777777777), a company with its seat in Katowice (99-999), ul. Fioletowa
20, a 40% share in the ownership title of the motor vehicle referred to above.
The seller puts on the invoice data of the two buyers.
The taxable person decides whose data to put on the invoice in Podmiot2 (i.e. XXX Sp. z o.o.
or XZZ Sp. z o.o.).
If he/it puts the data of XXX Sp. z o.o. in Podmiot2, then he/it should put the data of XZZ Sp. z
o.o. in Podmiot3. In Udzial he/it enters 40 (i.e. the share in the ownership title of the motor
vehicle bought). Udzial is an optional field. If it is left blank, it is assumed that the shares of
the buyers put on the invoice are equal.
In the case at hand (where the data of XXX Sp. z o.o. are entered in Podmiot2), Podmiot3
should be filled in as follows:
If the taxable person (invoice issuer) enters the data of XZZ Sp. z o.o. in Podmiot2, then, in
Podmiot3, he/it should enter the data of XXX Sp. z o.o. In Udzial, he/it should enter 60 (i.e. the
share in the ownership title of the vehicle XXX Sp. z o.o. is buying).
Example 4. How to complete the element Podmiot3 for FA(1)
A VAT payer sells goods to XXX Sp. z o.o. The recipient of the goods is XXX1, the buyer’s branch
office with its seat in Zabrze (88-888), ul. Zielona 17 (NIP 9999999999). The payer is LMN Sp.
z o.o., a company with its seat in Chorzów (11-111), ul. Niebieska 13 (NIP 3333333333). The
seller puts the data of the recipient and the payer on the invoice.
The buyer’s data should be entered in Podmiot2. The element Podmiot3 can appear, for
instance, twice, i.e. the invoice contains the data of the recipient of the goods and the payer
(the structured electronic invoice can contain the data of up to 100 third party entities).
For the two third party entities put on the invoice, the element Podmiot3 should be
completed as follows:
Podmiot3 Rola 6
Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1427, as amended
Act dated November 17th, 1964 – Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1805, as amended)
The structure of the element PodmiotUpowazniony for FA(1)
Please enter:
- “1” – Execution authority – in the case where Art. 106c
point 1 of the Act is applicable,
- “2” – Executive officer – in the case where Art. 106c
point 2 of the Act is applicable,
- “3” – Tax representative – in the case where the
invoice contains data concerning the tax representative
referred to in Art. 18a – 18d of the Act.
Without NIP it is not possible to verify the entity’s
authorization to issue the invoice on behalf of the taxable
person, and without such verification no structured
electronic invoice can be issued.
entity, the tax identification number NIP of this entity
must be provided.
The structure of FA(1) contains the field BrakID; however,
in cases where the invoice is issued by the authorized
entity, the tax identification number NIP of this entity
must be provided.
AdresPol Polish address of the authorized entity
Poczta Name of the post office [optional field]
GLN Global Location Number [optional field]
Table 33. Description of the structure of AdresPol for AdresKoresp
Diagram 35. The structure of the element AdresZagr for AdresKoresp
Example 5. How to complete the element PodmiotUpowazniony for FA(1)
A taxable person with its seat in Switzerland who carries out business activity taxable in Poland
and is registered as a VAT payer, sells goods to another taxable person. The seller has
appointed a tax representative. The tax representative issues an invoice for and on behalf of
the seller. The tax representative (Jan Kowalski) has tax identification number NIP
5555555555; his place of residence is Wrocław 77-777, ul. Błękitna 19.
PodmiotUpowazniony should be completed as follows:
Nazwisko Kowalski
PodmiotUpowazniony/ KodKraju PL
Adres/AdresPol Ulica Błękitna
NrDomu 19
Miejscowosc Wrocław
KodPocztowy 77-777
PodmiotUpowazniony RolaPU 3
Fa for FA(1)
In Fa, the sales and tax amounts are provided in the currency of the invoice, except for the
fields containing tax amounts translated according to Art. 31a in conjunction with Art. 106e
sec. 11 of the Act.
If an amended invoice is issued, all corrected amounts should be provided as at the date
following the correction. For taxable bases, tax amounts and gross invoiced amounts, the
difference between the original value and value after correction should be provided.
The structure of the element Fa for FA(1)
For instance:
In the field P_1, the taxable person entered 2022-01-15,
but sent the invoice to KSeF on 2022-01-16.
For output and input tax records, the date on which a
structured electronic invoice is issued and received
(DataWystawienia and DataZakupu, respectively) is the
date referred to Art. 106na sec. 1 of the Act.
The subsequent invoice number referred to in P_2 should
not be mistaken for the number identifying the invoice in
KSeF. These are two different numbers.
To be filled in in cases where the date is the same for all
invoice items.
P_6_Do Final date of the period referred to in the invoice - date
on which the supply of goods and/or services is
P_14_1 Amount of tax charged on total net sales at the basic VAT
rate – currently 23% or 22%. For prepayment invoices –
the tax amount calculated according to the formula
referred to in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 3 of the Act. For
correction invoices – the difference referred to in Art.
106j sec. 2 point 5 of the Act.
correction invoices – the difference referred to in Art.
106j sec. 2 point 5 of the Act.
P_13_4 Total net sales, in the currency of the invoice, taxed at the
third reduced rate applicable to the reverse charge
procedure where the taxable person is the buyer
according to Art. 17 sec. 1 points 7 and 8 of the Act, and
total net sales taxed at the flat rate applicable to taxi
services. For prepayment invoices – the net prepayment
amount. For correction invoices – the difference referred
to in Art. 106j sec. 2 point 5 of the Act.
P_14_4 "0" amount for the reverse charge procedure where the
taxable person is the buyer according to Art. 17 sec. 1
points 7 and 8 of the Act, and the amount of tax on total
net sales in the currency of the invoice charged at the flat
rate applicable to taxi services. For prepayment invoices
– the tax amount calculated according to the formula
referred to in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 3 of the Act. For
correction invoices – the difference referred to in Art.
106j sec. 2 point 5 of the Act.
P_14_4W For foreign currency invoices, "0" amount for the reverse
charge procedure, where the taxable person is the buyer
according to Art. 17 sec. 1 points 7 and 8 of the Act, and
the amount of tax on total net sales, in a foreign currency,
charged at the flat tax rate applicable to taxi services,
translated according to Art. 31a in conjunction with Art.
106e sec. 11 of the Act. For prepayment invoices – the
tax amount calculated according to the formula referred
to in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 3 of the Act. For correction
invoices – the difference referred to in Art. 106j sec. 2
point 5 of the Act [contingent field].
P_13_5 Total net sales for the supply of goods and/or services
outside of the territory of the country. For prepayment
invoices – the net prepayment amount. For correction
invoices – the difference referred to in Art. 106j sec. 2
point 5 of the Act.
A sequence made of the fields:
- P_13_1, P_14_1 and P_14_1W,
- P_13_2, P_14_2 and P_14_2W,
- P_13_3, P_14_3 and P_14_3W
is contingent. In the cases referred to in Art. 106e sec. 2 and sec. 3, sec. 4 point 1, sec. 4 point
3 and sec. 5 points 1-2 of the Act it is not filled in; in the case referred to in sec. 5 point 3 of
the Act it can but does not have to be filled in.
A sequence made of the fields P_13_4, P_14_4 and P_14_4W is contingent. In the cases
referred to in Art. 106e sec. 2 and sec. 3, sec. 4 point 3 and sec. 5 points 1-2 of the Act it is not
filled in; in the case referred to in sec. 5 point 3 of the Act it can but does not have to be filled
A sequence made of the fields P_13_5 and P_14_5 is contingent. In the cases referred to in
Art. 106e sec. 2 and sec. 3, sec. 4 point 1, sec. 4 point 3 and sec. 5 point 3 of the Act it is not
filled in.
For instance, for the sale of goods (taxable at the 23% rate) where the taxable base is the
margin less tax due (Art. 106e sec. 2 and sec. 3 of the Act), among other things, the amounts
of tax on the total net value and total net sales, are not put on the invoice. So, the taxable
person does not fill in a sequence made of P_13_1, P_14_1 and P_14_1W. Though, the total
amount due must be provided in P_15.
Diagram 38. The structure of the element Adnotacje for Fa (fields from P_16 to P_19C)
Table 37. Description of the structure of Adnotacje for Fa (fields from P_16 to P_19C)
Enter “1” for invoices containing the annotation “cash
register method”, documenting the supply of goods
and/or services, for which the tax obligation arises
according to Art. 19a sec. 5 point 1 or art. 21 sec. 1 of the
Act; otherwise enter “2".
Enter “1” for invoices containing the annotation “reverse
charge”, documenting the supply of goods and/or
services where the entity obliged to settle tax due is the
buyer of the goods and/or services (a transaction
referred to in Art. 17 sec. 1 point 7 or point 8 of the Act
in force before November 1st, 2019 r.); otherwise enter
P_19A If “1” is entered in P_19 – provide a legal basis (statutory
provisions or other legislation based on statutory
provisions, under which the tax exemption is enjoyed).
Diagram 39. The structure of Adnotacje for Fa (fields from P_22 to P_22D1)
Table 38. Description of the structure of Adnotacje for Fa (fields from P_22 to P_22D1)
P_22 Tag for the intra-community supply of new means of
P_22A If “1” is entered in P_22, state the date on which the new
means of transport is approved for use according to the
format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g.: 2022-01-22).
first used for demonstration purposes by the
P_22B4 If “1” is entered in P_22 in cases where the land vehicles
referred to in Art. 2 point 10 letter a) are supplied, the
vehicle frame number can be provided [optional field].
Diagram 40. The structure of the element Adnotacje for Fa (fields from P_23 to
Table 39. Description of the structure of Adnotacje for Fa (fields from P_23 to P_PMarzy_3_3)
P_PMarzy_3_2 Annotation “procedura marży-dzieła sztuki” [margin-
based scheme – works of art”]
Enter “1” for the supply of works of art where the taxable
base is the margin according to Art. 120 of the Act and
where the invoice documenting the supply of these
works of art contains the annotation "margin-based
scheme – works of art".
A VAT taxable person makes an Intra-Community supply of a new means of transport to a
consumer; the vehicle (make: “Abcd”, model: “Xyz”, colour: red, millage 1000 km, registration
number: SBE11111) leaves the territory of the country on its own four wheels. The vehicle was
manufactured in 2022 and approved for use on February 20th, 2022. Alongside the obligatory
information (i.e. date of approval for use and millage of the vehicle) the seller wants to put on
the invoice also other data identifying the vehicle.
The element Adnotacje should be completed as follows:
P_22 1
P_22A 2022-02-20
P_22BMK Abcd
P_22BMD Xyz
P_22BK Red
P_22BNR SBE11111
P_22BRP 2022
P_22B 1000 km
A VAT taxable person supplies a second-hand vehicle purchased from a private individual for
resale. The taxable person applies the margin-based scheme referred to in Art. 120 sec. 4 of
the Act.
The element Adnotacje should be completed as follows:
Fa/Adnotacje P_PMarzy 1
P_PMarzy_3_1 1
Diagram 41. The structure of the element Fa for FA(1) (fields from RodzajFaktury to
Table 40. Description of the structure of Fa for FA(1) (fields from RodzajFaktury to Podmiot2K))
- “ZAL” – for an invoice documenting the receipt of a
payment or portion of a payment before the transaction
is carried out, and for an invoice issued under Art. 106f
sec. 4 of the Act,
-“ROZ”- for an invoice issued under Art. 106f sec. 3 of the
- “UPR” – for an invoice referred to in Art. 106e sec. 5
point 3 of the Act,
-“KOR_ZAL”- for an amendment to an invoice
documenting the receipt of a payment or portion of a
payment before the transaction is carried out, and an
amendment to an invoice issued under Art. 106f sec. 4 of
the Act,
- “KOR_ROZ” – for an amendment to an invoice issued
under Art. 106f sec. 3 of the Act.
State “KOR” for a correction to the simplified invoice
referred to in Art. 106e sec. 5 point 3 of the Act.
By a correction structured electronic invoice a taxable
person can amend obligatory, contingent and optional
taxable person with respect to all supplies of goods or
services made for the benefit of one recipient in a given
period of time (contingent field related to the correction
invoice referred to in Art. 106j sec. 3 of the Act).
The wrong invoice number should be provided in
Table 41. Description of the structure of DaneFaKorygowanej for Fa
Provide the date of issue of the invoice corrected as
determined according to Art. 106na sec. 1 of the Act, i.e.
the date on which it was sent to KSeF.
Table 43. Description of the structure of DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot1K
AdresZagr Foreign address of the taxable person put on the invoice
KodPocztowy Postal code put on the invoice corrected
Poczta Name of the post office put on the invoice corrected
[optional field]
BrakID Entity with no tax identifier
Enter “1” if the invoice corrected says that the buyer has
no NIP or NrID.
Diagram 51. The structure of the element AdresPol for Adres
Poczta Name of the post office put on the invoice corrected
[optional field]
GLN Global Location Number put on the invoice corrected
[optional field]
Included in Tax Returns and Records Related to the Tax
on Goods and Services7 [optional field]
Symbol “TP” is not applicable to supplies of goods and/or
services in cases where the links between the buyer and
the supplier of goods and/services are solely based on
the existing relationships with the State Treasury or local
government units or their associations.
Journal of Laws 2019, item 1988, as amended
Płatnosc Element containing information on payment terms and
conditions [optional field]
Example 8. How to complete the element DodatkowyOpis (compound, key word-value type)
A VAT taxable person issues an invoice documenting the sale of electric energy. The invoice
contains electric energy meter number (11/2018/BED) and the address of the location where
the measurement was taken (44-444 Będzin, ul. Biała 7).
The taxable person (invoice issuer) can use a compound key word-value type to put these data
on the invoice:
Example 9. How to complete the element DodatkowyOpis (compound, key word-value type)
A VAT taxable person issues an invoice documenting the sale of water in a settlement period.
The water meter (number 001/ABC/3) was read on January 31st, 2022.
The initial reading, which was taken on the first day of the settlement period, showed 18 m3,
and the final reading, taken on the last day of the settlement period – 99 m3. The total water
consumption in the settlement period amounted to 81 m3.
In the invoice, in Fa/FaWiersze/FaWiersz, fields P_7, P_8A and P_8B, the taxable person
(issuer), specified the good sold (water), its measure (m3) and quantity (81).
The taxable person can use the compound key word-value type to put additional data on the
invoice (e.g. readings dates, meter number and volume of water consumption read):
Wartosc 2022-01-31
Fa/DodatkowyOpis Klucz Water meter number
Wartosc 001/ABC/3
Fa/DodatkowyOpis Klucz Initial reading
Wartosc 18 m3
Fa/DodatkowyOpis Klucz Final reading
Wartosc 99 m3
Example 10. How to complete the element DodatkowyOpis (compound key word-value
A VAT taxable person issues an invoice documenting the sale of telecommunications services.
On the invoice he puts also information concerning the number of connections made and test
messages sent in a settlement period concerned:
- number of text messages (SMS) sent – 84,
- number of multimedia messages (MMS) sent – 16,
- number of domestic connections made - 76,
- duration of domestic connections in total - 08:40:28,
- number of international connections made - 4,
- duration of international connections in total – 01:12:35.
The taxable person can use the compound key word-value type to put additional data on the
Fa/DodatkowyOpis Klucz Duration of international
connections in total
Wartosc 01:12:35
There can be up to 12 elements DodatkowyOpis in the structured electronic invoice. Each field
in the compound, key word-value type may have not more than 256 signs.
Taxable persons can put on the invoice information typical of their industry (e.g. sale of
telecommunications services, electricity, gas, water, etc.).
Example 11. How to complete the element DodatkowyOpis (compound key word-value
A VAT taxable person sells goods worth of PLN 100 net + PLN 23 VAT. According to Art. 29a
sec. 1 and sec. 6 of the Act, as the taxable base are recognized also the costs of transport of
the goods (PLN 20). The taxable person wants to put this information on the invoice.
To put additional data on the invoice, the taxable person can use the compound key word-
value type:
The element FaWiersze contains detailed invoice items in the invoice currency.
This is a contingent element of a prepayment invoice, an invoice correcting the prepayment
invoice and all correction invoices related to supplies of goods and/or services made in the
period concerned, as referred to in Art. 106j sec. 3 of the Act, for which data concerning the
discount or reduction, broken down by tax rates and schemes, should be provided in Fa.
For the correction invoices referred to in Art. 106j sec. 3 of the Act, where a discount or
reduction refers to a portion of supplies of goods and/or services made in the period
concerned, in FaWiersz the taxable person should put the names (kinds) of goods and/or
services to which the correction relates.
For the invoices referred to in Art. 106f sec. 3 of the Act, full values of the order or contract
should be provided. For invoices amending individual invoice items (including these amending
the invoices referred to in Art. 106f sec. 3 of the Act, where the value of the order is corrected),
the taxable person should present differences resulting from the correction of individual items
or contra entries for individual items and their correct values in separate rows.
For amendments to the invoices referred to in Art. 106f sec. 3 of the Act, where the value of
the order is not subject to correction and the taxable base or tax amount change, the taxable
person should make a contra entry for the row concerned (i.e. the value of the row before
correction) and an entry restoring the value of the order to confirm that it has not changed.
Provide the total gross sales value (where Art. 106e sec.
7 and 8 of the Act are applicable) for all invoice rows.
FaWiersz Element containing detailed invoice items in the invoice
Diagram 56. The structure of the element FaWiersz for FaWiersze (fields from NrWierszaFa to
Table 55. Description of the structure of FaWiersz for FaWiersze (fields from NrWierszaFa to
For an invoice documenting the sale of two different
goods, “1” should be entered in NrWierszaFa for the first
invoice item, “2” should be entered in NrWierszaFa for
the second item, etc.
UU_ID Universal unique invoice row number [optional field]
If the date is the same for all invoice items, the taxable
person fills in P_6 (element Fa).
Provide GTIN for the goods and/or services whose sale is
documented by the invoice.
GTIN allows to identify goods and/or services worldwide;
it is a digital counterpart of EAN.
DodatkoweInfo In this field the seller enters data that are not included in
the structure’s elements and are not mandatory under
the law but can be included in the invoice [optional field].
For instance:
P_7 – “Kitchen table”
DodatkoweInfo – “size 90x120 cm, oak”
P_9A Unit price of goods and/or services less tax (net unit
KP = WB x SP/100+SP
KP – denotes the tax amount,
WB – denotes the value of goods and/or services
supplied, taxed at the given rate, including the tax
amount (gross sales value),
SP – denotes the tax rate.
territory of the country, from which the supplies are
made and - if the taxable person does not have his/its
seat or permanent place of business in the territory of the
country – by a taxable person having his/its place of
permanent residence or ordinary place of stay in the
territory of the country, from which the supplies are
made, where the place of performance is the territory of
a member state other than the territory of the country,
the last person obliged to pay VAT is the buyer of the
goods and/or services and the invoice documenting
these supplies is not issued by this buyer for and on
behalf of the taxable person.
P_11A Gross sales value in the case described in Art. 106e sec. 7
and sec. 8 of the Act [contingent field]
KP = WB x SP/100+SP
KP – denotes the tax amount,
WB – denotes the value of goods and/or services
supplied, taxed at a given rate, including the tax amount
(gross sales value),
SP – denotes the tax rate.
P_12 Tax rate: 23, 22, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 0, np, zw, oo
irrespective of whether or not the entire transaction
documented by the invoice is subject to the mandatory
spit payment mechanism),
- “7” – for the other domestic sales (other than these
specified under “1” – “6” above).
If the subjects matter of the transactions described under
items “1” – “5” above are the goods and/or services
described under item “6” above, the taxable person
chooses only one of the procedures described under
items “1”-“5”. “6” is not applicable in this case. For the
procedures described under “5”, which can be classified
also as falling under item “4”, only “5” should be filled in.
No procedure needs to be chosen for an invoice row in
transactions effected by a taxable person identified in the
territory of the country as an EU OSS VAT where the
invoice includes the VAT rate (i.e. where P_12_XII, not
P_12 is filled in).
No correction invoice is issued if the taxable person had
made an Intra-Community supply of goods or export of
goods and put “2” or “3” in P_12_Procedura, and then –
within the prescribed time limit – did not receive
documents required to apply the 0% tax rate, and,
consequently, in the tax records/tax return recognized
the supply as one taxed at the respective domestic rate.
Journal of Laws of 2020, item 722 as amended.
- “GTU_01” – for the supply of goods referred to in § 10
sec. 3 point 1 letter a) of the Ordinance on the Scope of
Data Included in Tax Returns and Records Related to the
Tax on Goods and Services.
“GTU_05” means the supply of wastes – only these
specified under items 79-91 of appendix no. 15 to the
Journal of Law of 2021, items 974 and 981
Data Included in Tax Returns and Records Related to the
Tax on Goods and Services.
Journal of Laws of 2021, items 332 and 1047
“GTU_13” means the supply of transport services and
warehouse management services (PKWiU 49.4, 52.1).
-“I_42” – for the procedure referred to in § 10 sec. 4 point
8 of the Ordinance on the Scope of Data Included in Tax
Returns and Records Related to the Tax on Goods and
KursWaluty Currency exchange rate applied to calculate the tax
amount in the cases referred to in Art. 31a of the Act
[contingent field]
Symbols describing the supply of goods and/or services (GTU_01 - GTU_13) are optional
elements. It is a decision of a taxable person whether or not to put them on the invoice. There
are no statutory provisions requiring that these symbols be provided. However, a JPK_VAT
and the records information can be much easier to prepare if GTUs are included in the
structured electronic invoice.
GTUs in a JPK_VAT and the records information and GTUs in the structured electronic invoice
are applied differently. In the structured electronic invoice, a GTU refers to the element
FaWiersz (i.e. it corresponds to the invoice row concerned). In a JPK_VAT with records
information, in the sales records, a GTU corresponds to the invoice concerned.
GTUs can be used for all types of transactions documented by an invoice (e.g. domestic sales,
Intra-Community supply of goods, export or supply of goods and/or services not subject to
taxation in the territory of the country) as long as the transaction can be classified as one
falling under a GTU category. A GTU symbol may be put on an underlying invoice (“VAT”), a
correction invoice (“KOR”), a settlement invoice (and an amendment to it) (“ROZ”,
“KOR_ROZ”) and a simplified invoice (“UPR”).
In a correction invoice (amendment), a GTU symbol can be used where the correction
concerns a GTU good/service.
In prepayment invoices and amendments to them (“ZAL”, “KOR_ZAL”) for which the element
Zamowienie is filled in, for the goods and services covered by an order or contract the taxable
person may use designations ascribed to this element (GTUZ).
Symbols describing procedures (WSTO_EE, I_42, I_63, B_SPV, etc.) are optional elements. It is
a decision of a taxable person whether or not to put them on the invoice. There are no
statutory provisions requiring that procedure symbols be provided. However, a JPK_VAT and
the records information can be much easier to prepare if they are included in the structured
electronic invoice.
Procedure symbols in a JPK_VAT and the records information and procedure symbols in the
structured electronic invoice are applied differently. In the structured electronic invoice a
procedure symbol refers to the element FaWiersz (i.e. it corresponds to invoice row
concerned). In a JPK_VAT with records information, in the sales records, a procedure symbol
corresponds to the entire document (invoice, internal document) concerned.
A procedure symbol may be put on an underlying invoice (“VAT”), a correction invoice (“KOR”),
a settlement invoice (and an amendment to it) (“ROZ”, “KOR_ROZ”) and a simplified invoice
In a correction invoice (amendment), a procedure symbol can be used where the correction
concerns a good/service to which a procedure marked with this symbol is applicable.
In prepayment invoices and amendments to them (“ZAL”, “KOR_ZAL”), where the element
Zamowienie is filled in, the taxable person may use procedure symbols ascribed to this
element (ProceduraZ).
The element FaWiersz referring to the sale made on January 14th, 2022 can be filled in as
Diagram 57. The structure of the element Rozliczenie of Fa
Provide the total of all the amounts entered in the field
Kwota of the element Odliczenia.
State the reason for which the burden is imposed.
A VAT taxable person delivers a regular, day-to-day legal and office administration service to
another taxable person and issues an invoice for a total amount of PLN 246 documenting this
transaction (field P_15 equals 246). The seller of the service also charges its client with a stamp
duty of PLN 17 and makes an annotation about it in the invoice. According to Art. 29a sec. 7
point 3 of the Act, this amount is not considered a VAT taxable base. It is solely a
reimbursement of documented expenditures incurred for and on behalf of the buyer of the
service and provisionally recognized by the taxable person in its records for tax purposes.
When paying the previous month’s invoice the buyer erroneously made an overpayment and
now has a positive account balance of PLN 300.
The element Rozliczenie can be filled in as follows:
Fa/Rozliczenie SumaObciazen 17
Fa/Rozliczenie/Odliczenia Kwota 300
Powod Settling the client’s balance
Fa/Rozliczenie SumaOdliczen 300
Fa/Rozliczenie DoRozliczenia 37
The optional element Platnosc contains information concerning the terms and conditions of
payment for the goods and/or services whose sale is documented by an invoice. It includes
among other things:
- data concerning amounts due received until the invoice issue date (their heights, dates of
- payment deadlines (specified dates) and deadlines descriptions,
- form of payment (to be made or already made),
- data concerning the bank account credited or to be credited with the payment invoiced
(bank’s name, bank account type and number),
- information concerning the amount and terms and conditions of cash discount.
According to the law in force, these data are not obligatory. They can but do not have to be
put on the invoice. Such is the established practice; no amendments have been made to any
statutory provisions governing it.
However, if the taxable person:
- issues an invoice and puts no data in the element Platnosc (because no payment has been
made for the supply of goods and/or services until the invoice issue date), and thereafter,
- after issuing the invoice documenting the supply of goods and/or services, receives the
payment invoiced,
he/it does not have to issue a correction invoice containing information on any later payments
(e.g. as regards the fields Zaplacono and DataZaplaty).
The taxable person can put the payment deadline for the amount invoiced in the element
Platnosc. Including this information in the invoice makes the preparation of a JPK_VAT with
records information easier in cases where the taxable person makes a correction (the so-called
bad debts allowance). For periods starting on January 1st, 2022, in JPK_VAT with tax records
information, in the sales records, the taxable person must state the payment deadline in cases
where the correction referred to in Art. 89a sec. 1 of the Act is made.
Also, pursuant to:
- Art. 117ba § 3 of the Act dated August 29th, 1997 – the Tax Ordinance11,
- Art. 22p sec. 4 point 2 of the Personal Income Tax Act dated July 26th, 199112,
- Art. 15d sec. 4 point 2 of the Corporate Income Tax Act dated February 15th, 199213,
the taxable person may put on the structured electronic invoice information on the type of
bank account or co-operative savings and credit union (tags “1”, “2” or “3” in the field
RachunekWlasnyBanku). Putting the above-mentioned information on the invoice is one of
the prerequisites excluding joint and several liability of the buyer and/or removing barriers to
recognizing an expenditure as a revenue earning cost.
Put “1” if the invoiced amount due has been paid in full.
Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1540, as amended.
Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1128, as amended
Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1800, as amended
For prepayment invoices, “1” put in the field Zaplacono
means that the entire prepayment amount invoiced had
been paid before the prepayment invoice was issued.
-“1”- for a cash payment,
-“2”- for a card payment,
-“3”- for a payment with a coupon,
-“4”- for a cheque payment,
-“5”- for a loan,
-“6”- for a payment by a wire transfer,
-“7”- for mobile payment.
This field is intended for payments that have already
been made or will be made in the future.
There can be only one field FormaPlatnosci. If the
invoiced amount due has been/is to be paid in various
forms, instead of FormaPlatnosci, the taxable person fills
in PlatnoscInna and OpisPlatnosci.
There can be only one tag ZaplataCzesciowa in the structured electronic invoice. The element
PlatnosciCzesciowe, which consists of the fields KwotaZaplatyCzesciowej and
DataZaplatyCzesciowej, can appear up to 100 times. For instance, if three partial payments
are received after goods and/or services are supplied and before the invoice is issued, the
taxable person who chooses to put this information on the invoice should:
- put “1” in ZaplataCzesciowa,
- fill in three elements PlatnosciCzesciowe consisting of KwotaZaplatyCzesciowej and
DataZaplatyCzesciowej with the amounts of individual partial payments and dates on which
these payments are received.
There can be more than on element PlatnosciCzesciowe in the invoice if payments are made
after goods and/or services are received and before the invoice is issued, except for cases
where no invoice is required under the law.
Field name Field description
TerminPlatnosci Payment deadline
This field is intended for a payment that has been made
or will be made in the future.
This field is intended for a payment that has been made
or will be made in the future.
If a taxable person chooses to fill in TerminyPlatnosci then, in the field TerminPlatnosci, he/it
should provide a specific date. The taxable person can also fill in TerminPlatnosciOpis with a
more specific description. If TerminPlatnosciOpis is filled in, TerminPlatnosci must be filled in
as well.
Field name Field description
NrRBPL Full account number in NRB format
- “1”- for an account of a bank or co-operative savings
and credit union used for settling cash receivables
acquired by this bank or union,
- “2”- for an account of a bank or co-operative savings
and credit union used by this bank or union to collect the
amount due from the buyer of goods and/or services for
the supply of these goods and/or services, as
documented by an invoice, and to transfer it in full or in
part to the supplier of goods and/or services,
- “3”- for an account of a bank or co-operative savings
and credit union kept with this bank or union as their own
account, other than a savings account.
Diagram 64. The structure of the element RachunekBankowyFaktora for Platnosc
- “1”- for an account of a bank or account of a co-
operative savings and credit union used for settling cash
receivables acquired by this bank or union,
- “2”- for an account of a bank or account of a co-
operative savings and credit union used by this bank or
union to collect the amount due from the buyer of goods
and/or services for the supply of these goods and/or
services, as documented by an invoice, and to transfer it
in full or in part to the supplier of goods and/or services,
- “3”- for an account of a bank or account of a co-
operative savings and credit union kept with this bank or
union as their own account, other than a savings account.
NazwaBanku Bank name [optional field]
For instance:
“payment within 7 days of the invoice issue date”.
For instance:
“3% of the (gross) amount due documented by the
Jan Kowalski (consumer) purchased a renovation service on January 15th, 2022. He paid for it
in cash on January 20th, 2022. At the consumer’s request, the seller issued an invoice on
January 22nd, 2022; the invoice contained the following information concerning the payment
Example 15. How to fill in the element Platnosc for Fa
On January 20th, 2022, a VAT taxable person made a supply of goods to another taxable
person. The parties agreed on a payment by a wire transfer to be made in three installments,
to the seller’s bank account (no. 11 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111), kept with XYZ, a bank
with its seat in Poland. The first installment (PLN 300 gross) was paid on January 25th, 2022,
the second (PLN 400 gross) – on January 27th, 2022. On January 28th, 2022, the seller issued
an invoice for PLN 1200 gross. The amount still outstanding is PLN 500 gross, i.e. the third
installment with a payment deadline falling on January 29th, 2022. The seller can put on the
invoice information on the payments made and payments that are still outstanding.
On January 20th, 2022, a VAT payer made a supply of goods to another taxable person. The
parties agreed on a payment by a wire transfer to be made in two installments. The first
installment (PLN 500 gross) was paid in cash on January 25th, 2022. The second installment
(PLN 600 gross) was paid on January 27th, 2022, by a wire transfer to the seller’s bank account
(no. 11 1111 111 1111 1111 1111 1111) kept with XYZ, a bank with its seat in Poland. On
January 28th, 2022, the seller issued an invoice for PLN 1100 gross. The seller can put on the
invoice information on the payments made.
Fa/Platnosc/ KwotaZaplatyCzesciowej 600
DataZaplatyCzesciowej 2022-01-27
Fa/Platnosc PlatnoscInna 1
OpisPlatnosci I installment – cash, II installment –
transfer to a bank account
The optional element WarunkiTransakcji contains information concerning the terms and
conditions of the supply of goods and/or services documented by an invoice. This information
includes among other things:
- orders dates and numbers,
- contracts dates and numbers,
- goods’ batches numbers,
- Incoterms,
- contractual exchange rate and currency,
- information on the goods’ transport terms and conditions,
- annotation that the supply is made by the intermediary entity referred to in Art. 22 sec. 2d
of the Act.
According to the law in force, these data are not obligatory. They can but do not have to be
put on the invoice. Such is the established practice; no amendments have been to any
statutory provisions governing it.
Given the variety of situations in commercial trading, some fields and elements may appear
more than once in the structured electronic invoice. These include, for instance, the element
Umowy, the element Zamowienia, the field NrPartiiTowaru and the element Transport.
Diagram 66. The structure of the element WarunkiTransakcji for Fa
Table 65. Description of the structure of WarunkiTransakcji for Fa
Pursuant to Art. 12g sec. 2 point 7 letter d of the Act on
Public Health14 dated September 11th, 2015,
information in an electronic form submitted to the
Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1956, as amended
entities obliged to pay a fee as referred to in Art. 12d of
this act should include, among other things, goods’
batch numbers unless these numbers are put on the
Example: “DDP”
The field KursUmowny in particular refers to a case
where the parties to the transaction have agreed on a
price for the goods of, for instance, EUR 100 and a
payment in PLN, the contractual EUR/PLN rate being
4.50. Ultimately, the purchaser pays the seller PLN 450
and the invoice is drawn up in PLN (an annotation on
the contractual exchange rate and contractual currency
can be included in the invoice).
The field WalutaUmowna is applicable in particular
where the parties to the transaction have agreed on a
price for the goods of, for instance, EUR 100 and a
payment in PLN, the contractual EUR/PLN exchange
rate for the entire transaction being 4.50. Ultimately,
the buyer pays the seller PLN 450 and the invoice is
drawn up in PLN (an annotation on the contractual
exchange rate and contractual currency can be included
in the invoice).
Polish currency (PLN) should never appear in the field
Table 66. Description of the structure of Umowy for WarunkiTransakcji
The specific, additional element Fa/Zamowienie, which
includes the data listed in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 4 of the
Act, is dedicated to prepayment invoices.
The specific, additional element Fa/Zamowienie, which
includes the data listed in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 4 of the
Act, is dedicated to prepayment invoices.
The specific, additional element Fa/Zamowienie, which
includes the data listed in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 4 of the
Act, is dedicated to prepayment invoices.
NrZamowienia Order number [optional field]
The specific, additional element Fa/Zamowienie, which
includes the data listed in Art. 106f sec. 1 point 4 of the
Act, is dedicated to prepayment invoices.
The optional element Transport is intended for information concerning the transport terms
and conditions of goods whose sale is documented by an invoice. This information includes
among other things:
- data concerning the type of transport,
- data identifying the carrier,
- transport order number,
- information on the type of cargo and packaging unit,
- time of transport commencement and completion,
- address of the place of dispatch, midpoint address and address of the ultimate destination
of the goods transported.
According to the law in force, these data are not obligatory. They can but do not have to be
put on the invoice. Such is the established practice; no amendments have been made to any
statutory provisions governing it.
However, if the taxable person chooses to fill in the element Transport, at least the following
elements and fields need to be filled in as well:
- the field RodzajTransportu or TransportInny and OpisInnegoTransportu,
- the field OpisLadunku or LadunekInny and OpisInnegoLadunku,
- the element WysyłkaZ,
- the element WysyłkaDo.
Diagram 69. The structure of the element Transport for WarunkiTransakcji
For a mode of transport other than one of these specified
in the field RodzajTransportu (“1”-“5”, “7”, “8”), enter
“1” – another mode of transport.
For a collective packaging (other than one of these
provided in OpisLadunku) used to transport goods or
heterogeneous cargo, enter “1” – another cargo.
1 paperboard packaging / 30 items
Transport commences on 21.01.2022 at 12:45. Enter:
2022-01-21T12:45:00Z in the field
Transport is completed on 23.01.2022 at 14:00. Enter
2022-01-23T14:00:00Z in the field
WysylkaPrzez Element containing the address of the midpoint for the
goods dispatched [optional element].
Table 72. Description of the structure of AdresPol for AdresPrzewoznika
For instance, in AdresPol of
GLN may mean a physical location of an object concerned (e.g.
a building, where the carrier has its seat) in the territory of the
a building, where the carrier has its seat) outside of the
territory of the country.
Table 75. Description of the structure of the element AdresPol for WysylkaZ
Diagram 77. The structure of AdresZagr for WysylkaZ
Diagram 78. The structure of the element WysylkaPrzez for Transport
Gmina Name of the municipality [optional field]
Table 79. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for WysylkaPrzez
Diagram 82. The structure of the element AdresPol of WysylkaDo
For instance, in AdresPol of
WarunkiTransakcji/Transport/WysylkaDo, GLN may
mean a physical location of an object concerned (e.g. a
building, where the purchaser has his/its warehouse, or
another place where the goods transported are supplied)
in the territory of the country.
For instance, in AdresZagr of
WarunkiTransakcji/Transport/WysylkaDo, GLN may
mean a physical location of an object concerned (e.g. a
building, where the purchaser has his/its warehouse, or
another place where the goods transported are supplied)
outside of the territory of the country.
A Polish taxable person orders goods from a French taxable person on January 15th, 2022
(order number FR/002/2022). The French taxable person does not have the goods on stock,
so he/it orders them from a German taxable person. The goods are transported directly from
the first to the last taxable person (i.e. from the German to the Polish one). The goods to be
supplied (and transported) are 2000 hair dryers placed in 50 cardboard packages (40 items
each). The (road) transport started on January 25th, 2022 at 07:34 in Dresden and finished on
January 25th, 2022 at 12:40 in Leszno (00-111, ul. Szara 25). The carrier – Thomas Schmidt
(German tax identifier: 1234567890, address: Zeil 123/45, Freiberg) transported the goods for
the French taxable person on the basis of transport order no. TR/09/22. The French taxable
person is the intermediary entity referred to in Art. 22 sec. 2d of the Act. The transaction is
not a simplified tripartite transaction. Considering that the French taxable person has to
declare an Intra-Community Acquisition of Goods in Poland, he/it is registered as an active
VAT payer (has a 10-digit Polish NIP). His/its sale to the Polish taxable person is subject to tax
in Poland. So, the French taxable person issues a Polish invoice with a 23% VAT charged on
the net amount.
The French taxable person, registered as an active VAT payer in Poland, can fill in the element
WarunkiTransakcji as follows:
Ulica Zeil
NrDomu 123
NrLokalu 45
Fa/WarunkiTranskcji/Transport NrZleceniaTransportu TR/09/22
OpisLadunku 4
JednostkaOpakowania 1 paperboard
package/40 items
DataGodzRozpTransportu 2022-01-25T07:34:00Z
DataGodzZakTransportu 2022-01-25T12:40:00Z
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji/Transport/ KodKraju DE
Miejscowosc Drezno (Dresden)
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji/Transport/ KodKraju PL
Ulica Szara
NrDomu 25
Miejscowosc Leszno
KodPocztowy 00-111
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji PodmiotPosredniczacy 1
A VAT taxable person sells 5000 bricks to another taxable person. The bricks are loaded on 50
pallets (100 bricks per pallet). The parties have agreed that the goods will be delivered by road
transport by XYZ Sp. z o. o. (NIP 9999999999), a company with its seat in Katowice (22-222) at
ul. Biała 10. The goods will be transported from the seller’s warehouse located in Gliwice (33-
333) at ul. Żółta 12 to the buyer’s warehouse located in Zabrze at ul. Czerwona 14 (44-444).
The transport order number is ZT/25/01/2022/03. The seller decided to include the terms and
conditions of transport in the invoice.
The above-mentioned information can be put on the invoice as follows:
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji/ KodKraju PL
Ulica Biała
AdresPol NrDomu 10
Miejscowosc Katowice
KodPocztowy 22-222
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji/ NrZleceniaTransportu ZT/25/01/2022/03
OpisLadunku 13
JednostkaOpakowania 1 pallet/100 items
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji/ KodKraju PL
Ulica Żółta
NrDomu 12
Miejscowosc Gliwice
KodPocztowy 33-333
Fa/WarunkiTransakcji/ KodKraju PL
Ulica Czerwona
NrDomu 14
Miejscowosc Zabrze
KodPocztowy 44-444
The optional element Zamówienie is intended for the order or contract referred to in Art. 106f
sec. 1 point 4 of the Act. For prepayment invoices this element is filled in obligatorily, in the
currency of the prepayment invoice.
In an amendment to a prepayment invoice, a taxable person should include differences
resulting from the correction of individual items of the order or contract or contra entries for
individual corrected items of the order or contract, and the correct values of these items in
separate rows, in the case where the value of the order is corrected.
An amendment to a prepayment invoice not changing the value of the order and changing the
taxable base or tax amount should include a contra entry for a row concerned (i.e. the value
of the row before the amendment) and an entry restoring the value of the order to confirm
that this value has not changed.
Diagram 84. The structure of the element Zamowienie for Fa
Diagram 85. The structure of the element ZamowienieWiersz for Zamowienie
For an invoice documenting a prepayment towards two
different goods items, the field NrWierszaZam in the first
row of the order should equal “1”, the field
NrWierszaZam in the second row of the order should
equal “2” (etc.).
A text field containing a universal, unique data identifier
allowing unequivocal identification of an order’s or
contract’s row. The desired uniqueness for the UU_IDZ
field is a uniqueness related to the taxable person
concerned or software he/it uses.
P_8BZ Quantity of goods ordered or scope of the service
[contingent field]
P_9AZ Unit price of goods and/or services ordered less tax (net
unit price) (optional field)
P_11NettoZ Value of goods and/or services ordered, less tax
(contingent field)
Provide the right tax rate for the goods and/or services
-“7” - where a row of the order or contract refers to other
domestic sales.
Procedure “2” referring to the 0% rate applicable to the
Intra-Community supply of goods has been omitted
intentionally because the receipt of a prepayment does
not give rise to an obligation to pay tax and is not
documented by an invoice.
and lubricating preparations (CN 3403, excluding elastic
lubricants falling within this code).
“GTU_08” means a row of the order or contract relating
to the supply of precious metals and base metals – only
these specified under item 1 of appendix no. 12 to the
Act, and items 12-25, 33-40, 45, 46, 56 and 78 of
appendix no. 15 to the Act.
area of consultancy, including legal and tax consultancy
and management consultancy (PKWiU 62.02.1, 62.02.2,
66.19.91, 69.20.3, 70.22.11, 70.22.12, 70.22.13,
70.22.14, 70.22.15, 70.22.16, 70.22.3, 71.11.24,
71.11.42, 71.12.11, 71.12.31, 74.90.13, 74.90.15 and
74.90.19), accounting and financial audit (PKWiU 69.20.1
and 69.20.2), law (PKWiU 69.1), management (PKWiU
62.03, 63.11.12, 66.11.19, 66.30, 68.32, 69.20.4,
70.22.17, 70.22.2,, head offices (PKWiU
70.1), advertising (PKWiU 73.1), market research and
public opinion polling (PKWiU 73.2), scientific research
and development (PKWiU 72) and forms of education
other than school education (PKWiU 85.5).
returns and records related to the tax on goods and
included in tax returns and records related to the tax on
goods and services.
PKOBZ 1110
DodatkoweInfoZ Useable area - 120 m2
P_8AZ Item
P_8BZ 1
P_9AZ 400000
P_11NettoZ 400000
P_11VatZ 32000
P_12Z 8
P_12Z_Procedura 7
The row dedicated to the order for the two chests of drawers can be filled in as follows:
P_8AZ Items
P_8BZ 2
P_9AZ 1000
P_11NettoZ 2000
P_11VatZ 460
P_12Z 23
P_12Z_Procedura 7
The row dedicated to the order for the two sofas can be filled in as follows:
P_8AZ Item
P_8BZ 2
P_9AZ 2000
P_11NettoZ 4000
P_11VatZ 920
P_12Z 23
P_12Z_Procedura 7
Check sums for all rows of the order should be filled in as follows:
Table 86. The structure of the element Informacje for Stopka
- register of insolvent debtors.15
Diagram 41. The structure of the element Fa for FA(1) (fields from RodzajFaktury to
Podmiot2K) ............................................................................................................................... 67
Diagram 42. The structure of the element DaneFaKorygowanej for Fa .................................. 69
Diagram 43. The structure of the element Podmiot1K for Fa ................................................. 70
Diagram 44. The structure of the element DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot1K .................... 70
Diagram 45. The structure of the element Adres for Podmiot1K ............................................ 71
Diagram 46. The structure of the element AdresPol for Adres ............................................... 72
Diagram 47. The structure of the element AdresZagr for Adres ............................................. 73
Diagram 48. The structure of the element Podmiot2K for Fa ................................................. 73
Diagram 49. The structure of the element DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot2K .................... 74
Diagram 50. The structure of the element Adres for Podmiot2K ............................................ 75
Diagram 51. The structure of the element AdresPol for Adres ............................................... 76
Diagram 52. The structure of the element AdresZagr for Adres ............................................. 77
Diagram 53. The structure of the element Fa (fields from FP to Zamowienie) ....................... 78
Diagram 54. The structure of the element DodatkowyOpis for Fa.......................................... 80
Diagram 55. The structure of the element FaWiersze for Fa................................................... 84
Diagram 56. The structure of the element FaWiersz for FaWiersze (fields from NrWierszaFa
to KursWaluty).......................................................................................................................... 85
Diagram 57. The structure of the element Rozliczenie of Fa ................................................. 100
Diagram 58. The structure of the element Obciazenia for Rozliczenie ................................. 101
Diagram 59. The structure of the element Odliczenia for Rozliczenie .................................. 102
Diagram 60. The structure of the element Platnosc for Fa .................................................... 104
Diagram 61. The structure of the element PlatnosciCzesciowe for Platnosc ........................ 107
Diagram 62. The structure of the element TerminyPlatnosci for Platnosc ........................... 107
Diagram 63. The structure of the element RachunekBankowy for Platnosc ......................... 108
Diagram 64. The structure of the element RachunekBankowyFaktora for Platnosc ............ 110
Diagram 65. The structure of the element Skonto for Platnosc ............................................ 111
Diagram 66. The structure of the element WarunkiTransakcji for Fa ................................... 113
Diagram 67. The structure of the element Umowy for WarunkiTransakcji .......................... 116
Diagram 68. The structure of the element Zamowienia for WarunkiTransakcji ................... 117
Diagram 69. The structure of the element Transport for WarunkiTransakcji ....................... 119
Diagram 70. The structure of the element Przewoznik forTransport .................................... 122
Diagram 71. The structure of the element DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Przewoznik ................. 122
Diagram 72. The structure of the element AdresPrzewoznika for Przewoznik ..................... 123
Diagram 73. The structure of the element AdresPol for AdresPrzewoznika ......................... 123
Diagram 74. The structure of the element AdresZagr for AdresPrzewoznika ....................... 125
Diagram 75. The structure of the element WysylkaZ for Transport ...................................... 126
Diagram 76. The structure of the element AdresPol for WysylkaZ ....................................... 126
Diagram 77. The structure of AdresZagr for WysylkaZ .......................................................... 128
Diagram 78. The structure of the element WysylkaPrzez for Transport ............................... 129
Diagram 79. The structure of the element AdresPol for WysylkaPrzez ................................. 129
Diagram 80. The structure of the element AdresZagr for WysylkaPrzez ............................... 130
Diagram 81. The structure of the element WysylkaDo for Transport ................................... 131
Diagram 82. The structure of the element AdresPol of WysylkaDo ...................................... 132
Diagram 83. The structure of the element AdresZagr for WysylkaDo ................................... 133
Diagram 84. The structure of the element Zamowienie for Fa ............................................. 137
Diagram 85. The structure of the element ZamowienieWiersz for Zamowienie .................. 138
Diagram 86. The structure of the element Stopka for Fa ...................................................... 148
Diagram 87. The structure of the element Informacje for Stopka ........................................ 148
Diagram 88. The structure of the element Rejestry for Stopka ............................................. 149
Table 40. Description of the structure of Fa for FA(1) (fields from RodzajFaktury to
Podmiot2K)).............................................................................................................................. 67
Table 41. Description of the structure of DaneFaKorygowanej for Fa .................................... 70
Table 42. Description of the structure of Podmiot1K for Fa .................................................... 70
Table 43. Description of the structure of DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot1K ...................... 71
Table 44. Description of the structure of Adres for Podmiot1K .............................................. 71
Table 45. Description of the structure of AdresPol for Adres .................................................. 72
Table 46. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for Adres ................................................ 73
Table 47. Description of the structure of Podmiot2K for Fa .................................................... 74
Table 48. Description of the structure of DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Podmiot2K ...................... 74
Table 49. Description of the structure of Adres for Podmiot2K .............................................. 75
Table 50. Description of the structure of AdresPol for Adres .................................................. 76
Table 51. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for Adres ................................................ 77
Table 52. Description of the structure of Fa (fields from FP to Zamowienie) ......................... 78
Table 53. Description of the structure of DodatkowyOpis for Fa ............................................ 80
Table 54. Description of the structure of FaWiersze for Fa ..................................................... 84
Table 55. Description of the structure of FaWiersz for FaWiersze (fields from NrWierszaFa to
KursWaluty) .............................................................................................................................. 86
Table 56. Description of the structure of Rozliczenie for Fa .................................................. 100
Table 57. Description of the structure of Obciazenia for Rozliczenie .................................... 101
Table 58. Description of the structure of Odliczenia for Rozliczenie ..................................... 102
Table 59. Description of the structure of Platnosc for Fa ...................................................... 104
Table 60. Description of the structure of PlatnosciCzesciowe for Platnosc .......................... 107
Table 61. Description of the structure of TerminyPlatnosci for Platnosc .............................. 107
Table 62. Description of the structure of RachunekBankowy for Platnosc ........................... 108
Table 63. Description of the structure of RachunekBankowyFaktora for Platnosc ............... 110
Table 64. Description of the structure of Skonto for Platnosc............................................... 111
Table 65. Description of the structure of WarunkiTransakcji for Fa ...................................... 114
Table 66. Description of the structure of Umowy for WarunkiTransakcji ............................. 117
Table 67. Description of the structure of Zamowienia for WarunkiTransakcji ...................... 117
Table 68. Description of the structure of Transport for WarunkiTransakcji .......................... 119
Table 69. Description of the structure of Przewoznik for Transport ..................................... 122
Table 70. Description of the structure of DaneIdentyfikacyjne for Przewoznik .................... 122
Table 71. Description of the element AdresPrzewoznika for Przewoznik ............................. 123
Table 72. Description of the structure of AdresPol for AdresPrzewoznika ........................... 124
Table 73. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for AdresPrzewoznika ......................... 125
Table 74. Description of the structure of WysylkaZ for Transport ........................................ 126
Table 75. Description of the structure of the element AdresPol for WysylkaZ ..................... 127
Table 76. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for WysylkaZ ........................................ 128
Table 77. The structure of the element WysylkaPrzez for Transport .................................... 129
Table 78. Description of the structure of AdresPol for WysylkaPrzez ................................... 129
Table 79. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for WysylkaPrzez ................................. 131
Table 80. Description of the structure of WysylkaDo for Transport ...................................... 131
Table 81. Description of the structure of AdresPol for WysylkaDo ....................................... 132
Table 82. Description of the structure of AdresZagr for WysylkaDo ..................................... 133
Table 83. Description of the structure of Zamowienie for Fa ................................................ 137
Table 84. Description of the structure of ZamowienieWiersz for Zamowienie ..................... 138
Table 85. Description of the structure of Stopka for Fa ......................................................... 148
Table 86. The structure of the element Informacje for Stopka ............................................. 149
Table 87. The structure of the element Rejestry for Stopka ................................................. 149