Electrochemistry - Numerical WS
Electrochemistry - Numerical WS
Electrochemistry - Numerical WS
Question 1
1) When a current of eleven ampere is passed through an aqueous solution of CrCl3, it is observed that
6.2 g of Cr is deposited . For how long the current was passed? [ At. Wt Cr=52 ] [3137.9s]
2) A current of 0.2 A is passed in aq. solution of copper sulphate for 1 hr. Calculate the mass of copper
deposited at the cathode . [At. Wt. Cu -63.5] [0.2369g]
3) Calculate the amount of copper deposited from a solution of copper sulphate , when a current of
0.5A was passed for one hour. [0.59g]
4) How many coulombs are required to produce (i) 20g of Ca from molten CaCl2 (ii) 50 g of Al from
molten Al2O3 . [96500C , 536111C]
5) A direct current deposits 19.5 g of potassium ( at.wt = 39) in one minute. How many grams of Al is
deposited ( at.wt = 27) by the same current in the same time? [ 4.5g]
Question 2: Given that Faraday’s constant is 9.65 x 10 4 C per mole and Avagardo’s constant is 6 x 10 23
per mole. Calculate the charge on one electron. [1.608 x 10 -19]
Nernst equation
Question 3
1) Calculate the emf of the cell and write the cell reaction .
Zn/Zn2+ (0.1M) //Cu2+ (0.01M)/Cu , E0Zn2+ /Zn = -.76V , E0 Cu2+ /Cu = 0.34V . [1.07V]
2) Calculate the emf of the cell and write the cell reaction
Co/ Co2+(0.1M) // Ag+(0.1M) /Ag, E0 Ag+ /Ag = 0.8V , E0 Co2+ /Co = -0.28V [1.05V]
3) Calculate the emf of the cell and write the cell reaction .
Cr/Cr3+(0.1M) // Fe2+ (0.01M)/Fe , E0 Cr3+ /Cr = -0.75V , E0 Fe2+ /Fe = -0.45V [0.2607 V]
4) Calculate the emf of the cell and write the cell reaction .
Mg/Mg2+ (0.1M) // Ag+ /Ag (10-4M) , E0 Mg2+ /Mg = -2.37V , E0 Ag+ /Ag = 0.8V [2.963V]
5) Calculate the emf of the cell and write the cell reaction Cd/Cd2+ (0.1M)// H+ (0.2M) /Pt ,H2(0.5atm) ,
E0 Cd2+ /Cd = -0.403 V [0.4001V]
Eo cell and eqm constant
Question 4
1) Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25 oC for the reaction corresponding to the cell ,
Cu/Cu2+ //Ag + /Ag , E0 Ag+ /Ag = 0.8V, E0 Cu2+ /Cu = 0.34V [ k= 3.6 x 10 15 ]
2) Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25 oC for the reaction corresponding to the cell ,
Question 5
1)The emf of the cell reaction 3Sn 4+ + 2Cr→ 3Sn 2+ + 2Cr3+ is 0.89 V . Calculate the ∆G for the
reaction. [-515.31KJ/mol]
Mg/Mg2+ (0.01M) // Sn2+0.1M) /Sn , E0 Mg2+ /Mg = -2.34V , E0 Sn2+ /Sn = -0.136V. Calculate
the max. work that can be accomplished by the operation of this cell. [ 2.2335V, 431.06KJ/mol]
3) Calculate the emf of the cell and the ∆G for the reaction.
Mg/Mg2+ (0.001M) // Cu2+ (0.0001M)/Cu , E0 Mg2+ /Mg = -2.37V , E0 Cu2+ /Cu = 0.34V.
[2.68V, -517.326KJ/mol]
4)Calculate the standard free energy for the cell reaction occurring in the cell :
Zn/Zn2+ (1M) //Cu2+ (1M)/Cu , E0Zn2+ /Zn = -0.76V , E0 Cu2+ /Cu = 0.34V . [-212.3KJ/mol]
5)Calculate the maximum possible electrical work that can be obtained from the following cell under
the standard conditions at 25 o C : Zn/Zn2+ (1M) //Sn 2+ (1M)/Sn
Question 6
1) At 298K , the electrolytic conductivity of a 0.2M KCl solution is 2.5 x 10 -2 Ω-1 cm-1. Calculate its
molar conductivity . [ 125 Ω-1 cm2 mol -1 ]
2)The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001 MKCl solution at 298K is 1500Ω. What is the
cell constant if conductivity of 0.001 MKCl solution at 298K is 0.146 x 10 -3 S /cm . [0.219/cm]
3)The resistance of a 7.5 x 10 -3 M solution of KCl was found to be 1005Ω at 25 0C .Calculate (a) specific
conductance (b) molar conductance of the solution , when the cell constant is 1.25/cm.
4)The resistance of a 0.05M CH3COOH solution is found to be 100 Ω.If the cell constant is 0.037 cm-1
what is the molar conductivity of the solution and what is its equivalent conductivity ?
5) The resistance of 0.1 M AgNO3 is 35 Ω. If the cell constant is 0.375 cm-1 , calculate (i)the
conductivity of the solution (ii) molar conductivity of 0.1M AgNO3 solution .
Kohlaraush’s law
Question 7
1) Calculate the molar conductivity at infinite solution of CH3COOK from the following data
Λ α CH3COONa = 91 , Λ α
KNO3 = 145 , Λα NaNO3 = 122. [114 Ω-1 cm2 mol -1 ]
2) Calculate the molar conductivity at infinite solution of a solution of CH3COOH from the following
data : Λ α CH3COONa = 91 , Λ α HNO3 = 421 , Λ α NaNO3 = 122. If Λm for 0.016 M CH3COOH is
130 Ω-1 cm2 mol -1 , calculate the degree of dissociation of the acid . [ 390 Ω-1 cm2 mol -1 , 33.33% ]
3) Calculate the value of Λ αAgCl , Λ α AgNO3 = 133.4 Λ α KCl = 149.9 , Λ αKNO3 =145 Ω-1 cm2 mol -1
4) Calculate the value of Λ α of water using the following data : Λ αHCl = 426.2 , ΛαNaOH =248.4,
Λα NaCl = 126.6 S cm2 mol -1 . [548 S cm2 mol -1 ]
Question 8
ii) The molar conductance of a solution -------------with dilution while its specific conductance ---------------
---with dilution.
iii) An apparatus used for the measurement of quantity of electricity is known as ----------------.
vi)In a galvanic cell , the movement of electrons in the external circuit is from ------------to ------------.
iv) The weight of a metal deposited during electrolysis of a metal salt depends on the concentration of
the electrolyte .
v) For a strong electrolyte , the plot of equivalent conductance versus concentration of a solution is a
straight line.
Question 9
6.Write the reactions involved during charging and discharging lead storage battery?
Question 10
1) What is a fuel cell?Give the construction , working and electrode reactions in fuel cell .What are the
advantages of fuel cell?
2) What is meant by corrosion ? What are the factors that affect the corrosion of a metal?