The document provides instructions for an assignment on Boolean expressions and logic circuits. It involves drawing truth tables from Boolean expressions, obtaining equivalent Boolean expressions from logic diagrams, drawing logic diagrams from Boolean expressions, and constructing logic diagrams from given Boolean expressions. The assignment contains 7 problems covering these topics, with multiple parts to each problem requiring truth tables, Boolean expressions, or logic diagrams.
The document provides instructions for an assignment on Boolean expressions and logic circuits. It involves drawing truth tables from Boolean expressions, obtaining equivalent Boolean expressions from logic diagrams, drawing logic diagrams from Boolean expressions, and constructing logic diagrams from given Boolean expressions. The assignment contains 7 problems covering these topics, with multiple parts to each problem requiring truth tables, Boolean expressions, or logic diagrams.
The document provides instructions for an assignment on Boolean expressions and logic circuits. It involves drawing truth tables from Boolean expressions, obtaining equivalent Boolean expressions from logic diagrams, drawing logic diagrams from Boolean expressions, and constructing logic diagrams from given Boolean expressions. The assignment contains 7 problems covering these topics, with multiple parts to each problem requiring truth tables, Boolean expressions, or logic diagrams.
The document provides instructions for an assignment on Boolean expressions and logic circuits. It involves drawing truth tables from Boolean expressions, obtaining equivalent Boolean expressions from logic diagrams, drawing logic diagrams from Boolean expressions, and constructing logic diagrams from given Boolean expressions. The assignment contains 7 problems covering these topics, with multiple parts to each problem requiring truth tables, Boolean expressions, or logic diagrams.
Assignment on Boolean Expressions and Logic Circuits
1. Given the following Boolean function:
F = x y ‘z + x’ y z + w x ‘y + w’ x y (a) Draw the truth table of the function. (b) Draw the logic diagram using the Boolean expression. 2. Given the following logic diagram:
(a) Wrtie the equivaletnt expression for the logic diagram.
(b) Draw the truth table of the expression obtained in part (a). 3. Given the following Boolean function: F= A(B + C’ ) (a) Draw the truth table of the function. (b) Draw the logic diagram using the Boolean expression. 4. Given the following logic diagram:
(a) Wrtie the equivaletnt expression for the logic diagram.
(b) Draw the truth table of the expression obtained in part (a). 5. Draw thr truth tables for the following: (i) XYZ + X’ Y’ Z’ (ii) ABC + A ‘ B ‘ C +A’ B’ C’ (iii) (A + D) (B + C) (iv) (A + B) (A +C)( A’ + B’ ) 6. Obtain boolean expression for the following logic circuits: a.
d. 7. Construct a logic diagram for expressions a. A. B + C b. A’B + A’ .B’ c. A. B + B.C d. B. (A +C) e. (X + Y). XY + (X’+Y’) g. X(X +Y) h. X’ + X Z `