Communication Skills Reflection
Communication Skills Reflection
Communication Skills Reflection
When reflecting upon the back-to-back drawing exercise, I would rate my communications skills
as proficient. I found it was easier for me to communicate with the other person as I was giving
instructions during the activity and I didn’t have to create things to talk about and it gave me a
chance to speak clearly with a loud enough tone so that the person I was partnered up with
could hear my instructions. When being the person that had to draw, I asked questions to help
me and the other person be on the same page which made the outcome of the drawing a lot
closer to the reference that the other person had. This exercise was the easiest form of
communication for me as I was doing an activity.
During the speed dating activity, I would rate my communications skills as proficient but it
depended greatly on the topic and whether the other person I was partnered up with, was
social as it was easier for me to listen and feed off of what they were saying making the
conversation flow easier. When the person wasn’t as social, I found it was harder to
communicate because we had to talk about one specific topic for a long time and after about a
minute, we had nothing more to say on the topic and we started to get off topic to fill the
silence. How well I communicated depended on how much I related to the topic and when I
didn’t relate, it was hard for me to hold the conversation and talk more. A more social person
helped to generate the conversation.
In the escape the boom activity, my group had good communication as we all worked together.
I felt that I was proficient in my communication as I found it easier giving instructions and
receiving them instead of talking about myself.
Overall, I felt that I had proficient communication during these activities but I know that I can
improve my communication skills by building my confidence in my ability to generate
I feel very confident to market myself in an interview as I have time to prepare, I know the job
I’m interviewing for in advance, I have general questions that are typical for employers to ask
and I have clear answers ready to go. During the in-class interview I didn’t feel I did that well.
This is because I didn’t have enough time to fully review the job posting before the interview
and think about what kind of questions might be asked of me. I’m generally not good with on-
the-spot questions that I need time to process which I know I need to work on but I think that
will come in time as I continue to build confidence and experience.