Human Behavior and Victomology
Human Behavior and Victomology
Human Behavior and Victomology
Elma Jane M Borja
● Behavior refers to actions or activities (Kahayon, 1985)
incompleteness whether as a
result of death, divorce,
separation or some other
4. Institutional influences-
Theories of Learning
Connectionism Theory (Edward Lee Thorndlike)-
Id Superego
• stands for Ego
• moral
instinctual drives • sensible and
• present at birth responsible part
• idea of what is
• “pleasure • operates on the
basis of right (ego ideal)
expediency and what is
• “reality principle” wrong
Model of Personality Development
(Psychosexual Stages)
1. Introvert- is one
characterized by direction of
interest towards oneself
and one’s inner world
Types of Personality
by Carl Jung
2. Extrovert- characterized by
interest towards the external
environment of people and
things rather than toward inner
experience and oneself
Types of Personality
by Carl Jung
Needs Motivation
are the triggering Drives
refers to the
factor that drives are aroused state
causes and
or moves a that results from
biological needs.
“why‟s” of
person to act.
The aroused behavior as
condition motivates required by a
the person to need.
remedy the need.
Abraham Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs
1. Emotions- Refers to feeling affective
responses as a result of physiological
arousal, thoughts, and beliefs,
subjective evaluation, and bodily
- It is a state characterized by facial
expressions, gestures, postures, and
subjective feelings.
- It is associated with mood,
temperament, personality, and
- Emotion is derived from the French
word emouvior, Latin emovere, where
e- (variant of ex-) means ―out‖and
movere means ―move‖.
2. Conflict- simultaneous arousal
of two or more incompatible
motives resulting to unpleasant
Types of Conflicts
Psychological Social Conflict (External) Approach-Avoidance
Conflict (Internal) - occurs when two or - Conflict can be
- Conflict could more people oppose each described having features
be going on other in social interaction, of approach and
inside the each exerts social power avoidance: approach-
person and no with reciprocity in an approach (++), avoidance-
one would effort to achieve avoidance (- -), approach-
know. incompatible goals avoidance (+ -). In this,
whilst preventing the two pleasing things are
other from attaining their wanted but only one
own. option should be chosen.
Types of Approach-Avoidance
● Approach-Approach Conflict- motivated to
engage in two desirable activities that cannot
be pursued simultaneously
● Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict- a person faces
two undesirable situations in which the
avoidance of one is the exposure to the other
resulting to an intense emotion.
Types of Conflicts
● Approach-Avoidance Conflict- a person faces
a situation having both a desirable and
undesirable feature.
3. Frustration- unpleasant feelings that
result from the blocking of motive
satisfaction. It is a form of stress, which
results in tension. It is the feeling that is
experienced when something interferes
with our hopes, wishes, plans, and
The common sources of frustration are:
● Physical Obstacles- physical barriers or circumstances that
prevent a person from doing his plan or fulfilling his wishes.
Types of Stress
Two Kinds of Stress
is a generalized neurodevelopmental
disorder characterized by significantly
impaired intellectual and adaptive
functioning. It is defined by an intelligence
quotient (IQ) score below 70 in addition to
deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors
that affect an individual’s everyday life.
2. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric
disorder characterized by a constant
pattern of inattention and/or hyperactive
and impulsive behavior that interferes with
normal functioning.
4. Specific Learning Disorder
○ Hallucinations
○ Disorganized speech
○ Disorganized behavior
○ Catatonic behavior
a. Delusions
A false or erroneous belief in
something which is not a
Delusion of Grandeur -
erroneous belief that he is
in possession of great
power, wealth, wisdom,
and physical strength.
Delusion of Persecution -
a false belief that one is
being persecuted.
Delusion of Self-Accusation
- a false belief in having
committed a crime or hurting
the feelings of others.
Hypochondriacal Delusion -
a false feelings that one is
suffering from incurable
Delusion of Negation -
feeling that some parts of the
body are missing.
Delusion of Infidelity - a
false belief that one's lover is
b. Hallucinations
It is an erroneous perception
without an external object
of stimulus.
c. Disorganized speech- ―word
Types of Phobia
1. Specific Phobia
2. Agoraphobia
3. Social phobia
Types of Phobia 1. Specific phobia- irrational
fear of an object or
Five categories:
● Fear of animals
(arachnophobia spider;
alektorophobia chicken)
● Fear of natural environment
(nytophobia darkness)
● Fear of blood and needles
● Situational fears like fear of
flying (aviophobia)
● Other fears (coulrophobia or
fear of clowns)
gephyrophobia- crossing a ecophobia- home surroundings
bridge potamophobia- rivers
dipsophobia- drinking sideodrophobia- railways
acrophobia- heights trikaidekaphobia-number 13
clinophobia-going to bed thanatophobia- illness or death
gamophobia-marriage pathophobia- diseases
maieusiophobia- pregnancy spermophobia- germs
coitophobia- sexual intercourse cardiophobia- heart disease
eccleiophobia- places mysophobia- infections
kenophobia- empty rooms bacillophobia- microbes
claustrophobia- enclosed room cypridophobia- venereal disease
sochiophobia- crowds
thalassophobia- seas
Types of Phobia
2. Agoraphobia- fear of
public places
3. Social phobia-
overwhelming and
persistent fears of social
situations/ interactions.
E. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental
disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts
(obsessions) that produce uneasiness, apprehension,
fear, or worry, and by repetitive behaviors or rituals
(compulsions) aimed at reducing the associated
F. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a disorder that develops after exposure to a
traumatic event that involves actual or threatened
death or serious injury.
G. Dissociative Disorder- Dissociative disorders
involve a pathological separation from conscious
awareness and range from mild to extreme.
- group of disorders that impairs one action thoughts,
physical sensations and identity.
G.1. Dissociative amnesia
Two types
● Covert- sudden & dramatic shifts in the way they
perceive think feel
● Overt- assume two (2) distinct identities/ alters
H. Personality Disorders- disorders of character;
―problematic‖ without psychoses; disrupted personal
relationship, dependent or passive aggressive behavior.
Cluster A (odd and eccentric)
● Paranoid personality (PPD) - suspiciousness; is a
mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a
pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and
generalized mistrust of others.
When the end result of a
criminal act is destructive.
Category B As to the time committed
● Seasonal
○ Committed only during a
certain period of the year.
● Situational
○ Those committed only when
given the situation is conducive
to its commission.
Category C As to the length of time
● Instant
Those committed in the
shortest possible time.
● Episodic
Those committed by
a series of acts undertaken
in a lengthy space of time.
Category D As to the place of commission
● Static
Those committed in only
one place.
● Transitory
Those are committed in
several places.
Category E As to the mental faculty
● Rational
Those committed with intention and offender is sane.
● Irrational
Those committed by persons
who do not know the nature and
quality of their acts on account
of the disease of the mind.
Category F As to the to the standard of living
● White collar
Those committed by persons
of respectability
● Blue collar
Those committed by ordinary
professional criminal to
maintain their livelihood.
Category G As to type of offender
● Crimes of the upper world
Crimes committed by
large scale syndicate.
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem
occurring during any phase of the sexual
response cycle that prevents the individual
or couple from experiencing satisfaction
from the sexual activity.
Those Affecting Males
● Erectile Insufficiency (Impotency) – it
is a sexual disorder characterized by
the inability to achieve or maintain
erection for successful intercourse.
● Pre-mature Ejaculation – it is the
unsatisfactory brief period of sexual
stimulation that result to the failure of
the female partner to achieve
● Retarded Ejaculation – it is the inability
to ejaculate during intercourse –
resulting to worry between partners.
Those Affecting Females
● Arousal Insufficiency (Frigidity) – a sexual
disorder characterized by partial or complete
failure to attain the lubrication or swelling
response of sexual excitement by the female
● Orgasmic Dysfunction – a sexual disorder
characterized by the difficulty in achieving
● Vaginismus – the involuntary spasm of the
muscles at the entrance to the vagina that
prevent penetration of the male sex organ.
● Dyspareunia – it is called painful
coitus/painful sexual acts in women.
Sexual Deviations or Paraphilia
Characterized by intense , recurring sexual urges and
fantasies related to nonhuman objects (e.g., women’s
undergarments) (2) suffering or humiliation of oneself
or one’s partner in a manner that is not merely
simulated (e.g., bondage), or (3) children or other
nonconsenting partners.
b. Sexual Deviations
c. Both a and b
d. Sexual Dysfunction
11. Recurring sexually exciting fantasy, impulse or
behavior related to non-human objects e.g. things,
fabrics, designs, the suffering or humiliation of oneself
or the partner, children or other non-consenting
persons. Basically things that wouldn’t arouse the
average person are arousing it.
a. Paraphilia
b. Sexual Deviations
c. Both a and b
d. Sexual Dysfunction
12. One day we may be cool and withdrawn and
the next day, warm and sociable. This condition
may fall into the disorder known as
a. borderline disorder c. personality disorder
b. manic-depressive d. anxiety disorder
12. One day we may be cool and withdrawn and
the next day, warm and sociable. This condition
may fall into the disorder known as
a. bordeline disorder c. personality disorder
b. manic-depressive d. anxiety disorder
13. It is the psychological discomfort
caused by external or internal
a. stress c. frustration
b. depression d. emotion
13. It is the psychological discomfort
caused by external or internal
a. stress c. frustration
b. depression d. emotion
14. A person who attains sexual
gratification by watching nude women
a. Exhibitionism
b. Voyeurism
c. Peeping Tom
d. All of these
14. A person who attains sexual
gratification by watching nude women
a. Exhibitionism
b. Voyeurism
c. Peeping Tom
d. All of these
15. A sexual deviation which attains
sexual gratification by watching nude
a. Exhibitionism
b. Voyeurism
c. Peeping Tom
d. All of these
15. A sexual deviation which attains
sexual gratification by watching nude
a. Exhibitionism
b. Voyeurism
c. Peeping Tom
d. All of these
16. It is present at birth.
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Super Id
16. It is present at birth.
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Super Id
17. Type of pathogenic family structure
characterized by inability to cope with the
ordinary problems of family living. It lacks the
resources to meet the demands of family
a. Inadequate Family c. Discordant Family
b. Anti-social Family d. Disrupted Family
17. Type of pathogenic family structure
characterized by inability to cope with the
ordinary problems of family living. It lacks the
resources to meet the demands of family
a. Inadequate Family c. Discordant Family
b. Anti-social Family d. Disrupted Family
18. It is the science dealing with the
mind and behavior of a person
a. Physiology c. Psychiatry
b. Psychology d. None of these
18. It is the science dealing with the
mind and behavior of a person
a. Physiology c. Psychiatry
b. Psychology d. None of these
19. Reaction to frustration either by fighting
or running away.
a. Coping Mechanism
b. Defense Mechanism
c. Fight-Flight Reaction
d. All of these
19. Reaction to frustration either by fighting
or running away.
a. Coping Mechanism
b. Defense Mechanism
c. Fight-Flight Reaction
d. All of these
20. These are a serious mental and
emotional disorders that are manifested of
withdrawal from reality.
a. Psychoneurosis
b. Psychosis
c. Psychopathic Disorder
d. Sociopathic Disorder
20. These are a serious mental and
emotional disorders that are manifested of
withdrawal from reality.
a. Psychoneurosis
b. Psychosis
c. Psychopathic Disorder
d. Sociopathic Disorder
VICTIMOLOGY- studies the role of victim
in the crime; it explains how people are
being victimized.
Victim - used in the modern criminal justice system to
describe any person who has experienced loss, injury, or
hardship due to the illegal action of another individual,
group, or organization.
VICTIMA - a Latin
word used to refer to
those who were
sacrificed to please a