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BCA Syllabus

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as per the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

designed in accordance with
Learning Outcomes-Based Curriculum Framework
of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020





Academic Year 2021-22 and onwards

Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24



Course Category

Ins. Hrs. / Week

(Max. Marks)


Course Title

Term End



BCA-101 Major Programming in C 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Computer Organization &
BCA-102 Minor Architecture 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Mathematics-I (Discrete
I BCA-103 GEC Mathematics) 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Communicative English
BCA-104 AEC Grammar 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-105 Major Programming in C Lab - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
BCA-106 Minor IT Lab - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
Total 24 20 500
BCA-201 Major Data Structure 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-202 Minor DBMS 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-203 GEC Mathematics-II (Calculus) 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-204 AEC Communication Techniques 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-205 Major Data Structure Lab - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
BCA-206 Minor DBMS Lab - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
Total 24 20 500
Introduction to Operating
BCA-301 Major System 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Object Oriented
BCA-302 Minor Programming in C++ 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
III BCA-303 GEC (Numerical Methods) 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-304 SEC Web Technologies 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Project I on Web
BCA-305 Major Technologies - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
BCA-306 Minor C++ Lab - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
Total 24 20 500
BCA-401 Major Programming in Java 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Design and analysis of
BCA-402 Minor 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Mathematics-IV (Statistical
IV BCA-403 GEC 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-404 SEC Python Programming 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-405 Major Programming in Java Lab - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
BCA-406 Minor Project II - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
Total 24 20 500

Course Category

Ins. Hrs. / Week

(Max. Marks)


Course Title

Term End



Programming in Advance
BCA-501 Major1 Java 3 - - 3 3 45 30 75
V BCA-502 2 Software Engineering 3 - - 3 3 45 30 75
BCA-503 DSE1 Artificial Intelligence 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-504 SEC Oracle 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-506 Intern Internship - - - 6 6 - - 150
Total 20 20 500
BCA-601 Major1 Computer Networks 3 - - 3 3 45 30 75
Major Computer Graphics and
BCA-602 2 Multimedia 3 - - 3 3 45 30 75
BCA-603 DSE2 Software Testing 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-604 DSE 3 Machine learning 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-605 Project Major Project - - - 6 6 - - 150
Total 20 20 500
BCA-701 Major Data Mining 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-702 Minor Research Methodology 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-703 DSE4 Data science using Python 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
BCA-704 Major Data Mining Tutorial - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
BCA-705 Project Research project I - - - 6 6 - - 150
Total 20 20 500
Mobile Application
BCA-801 Major Development 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
VIII BCA-802 Minor Cloud Computing 3 1 - 4 4 60 40 100
Mobile Application
BCA-803 Major Development Tutorial - - 4 4 2 30 20 50
BCA-804 Project Research project II - - - 10 10 250
Total 22 20 500
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 101 Programming in C

Course Objectives: The course is designed to initiate the students into the discipline of
Programming. It aims to start off the development of problem solving ability using computer
programming. This course teaches not only the mechanics of programming, but also how to
create programs that are easy to read, maintain, and debug. Students are introduced to the
design principles for writing good programs. Also by learning the basic programming
constructs they can easily switch over to any other language in future.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to

CO-1: Understand the programming concepts.

CO-2: Develop the logic of programs.
CO-3: Use of Different Control Structure.
CO-4: Understanding the Array, Structure and user-defined function.
CO-5: Tracing the execution of program for better understanding.

Course Contents:
Programming fundamentals: program concept, algorithms, flow charts - symbols, rules for
making flow chart, types of flowchart, advantage & disadvantage, techniques of problem
solving: programming techniques – top down, bottom up, modular, structured - features, merits
& demerits, programming logic- simple, branching, looping. Testing & debugging & their

Programming in c including features of ‘c’, c tokens, variables, identifiers, keywords, data
types, constants, operator and expression, operators: arithmetic, logical, relational, conditional
and bit wise operators, precedence and associativity of operators, type conversion in
expression, basic input/output and library functions single character input/output i.e. getch(),
getchar(). Getche(), putchar(),formatted input output i.e. printf() and scanf().

Branching constructs: If statement, if.....else statement, nesting of if....else statement, else if
ladder, the ?: operator, switch statement, compound statement, loop controls: for, while, do-
while loops, break, continue, goto statement, arrays : what is array, declaring initializing 1d,
2d and 3d array. String: declaration, string functions – strcat, strcpy, strcmp, strlen, strstr.

Functions: Categories of functions user defined and library function, recursion, function
arguments, return values and nesting of function, calling of functions, scope and life of
variables - local and global variable, storage classes - auto, extern, static, pointers: operations
on pointers, operators for pointers, pointers and function, array of pointers, pointer and strings.

Preprocessor directives: #define, defining functions like macros, include, conditional
compilation directives. Structures: the concept of structure, initializing a structure, the structure
tag, dot operator, array of structure, structure and pointer, arrow operator and nesting of
structure. Unions: initialization and use of it in a program. Command line arguments
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

Suggested Text Books:

1. Kanitkar Y. Let us C. BPB Publicatiuon.

2. C Programming. Schaum’s series.
3. Balgurusuamy. Programming in ANSI C. Tata McGraw Hill

BCA – 105 Programming in C Lab

1. WAP to print the sum and product of digits of an integer.
2. WAP to reverse a number.
3. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series S =
4. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series S =1-2+3-
5. Write a function that checks whether a given string is Palindrome or not. Use this
function to find whether the string entered by user is Palindrome or not.
6. Write a function to find whether a given no. is prime or not. Use the same to generate
the prime numbers less than 100.
7. WAP to compute the factors of a given number.
8. Write a macro that swaps two numbers. WAP to use it.
9. WAP to print a triangle of stars as follows (take number of lines from user):
10. WAP to perform following actions on an array entered by the user:
i) Print the even-valued elements ii) Print the odd-valued elements iii) Calculate and
print the sum and average of the elements of array iv) Print the maximum and minimum
element of array v) Remove the duplicates from the array vi) Print the array in reverse
order The program should present a menu to the user and ask for one of the options.
The menu should also include options to re-enter array and to quit the program.
11. WAP that prints a table indicating the number of occurrences of each alphabet in the
text entered as command line arguments.
12. Write a program that swaps two numbers using pointers.
13. Write a program in which a function is passed address of two variables and then alter
its contents.
14. Write a program which takes the radius of a circle as input from the user, passes it to
another function that computes the area and the circumference of the circle and displays
the value of area and circumference from the main() function.
15. Write a program to find sum of n elements entered by the user. To write this program,
allocate memory dynamically using malloc()/ calloc() functions .
16. Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on strings:
a) Show address of each character in string b) Concatenate two strings without using
strcat function. c) Concatenate two strings using strcat function. d) Compare two strings
e) Calculate length of the string (use pointers) f) Convert all lowercase characters to
uppercase g) Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase h) Calculate number of
vowels i) Reverse the string
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
17. Given two ordered arrays of integers, write a program to merge the two-
arrays to get an ordered array.
18. WAP to display Fibonacci series (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration

19. WAP to calculate Factorial of a number (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration
20. WAP to calculate GCD of two numbers (i) with recursion (ii) without recursion
21. Create Matrix class using templates. Write a menu-driven program to perform
following Matrix operations (2-D array implementation): a) Sum b) Difference c)
Product d) Transpose.
22. WAP to count frequency of each element of an array.
23. WAP to find encoded array from original array for any parameter.
24. WAP to perform following operation on string without using Library function:
a) Length of a string
b) Reverse of a String
c) Check it is palindrome or not
25. WAP to count sum of each digit of string if string have only digits.
26. WAP to calculate sum of n number using command line argument.
27. WAP to convert lower to upper case or vice-versa of each character of string..
28. WAP to count vowel’s in a string.
29. WAP to create a structure of student (ID, Name, Age) perform Insert and display
30. WAP to perform operation on file handling:
a) Write character into a file.
b) Read character from a file.
c) Create Copy a file.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 102 Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Objectives: The course focus on structure and function of the computer system.
Analyze and understand the Logic Gates, Boolean algebra, Combinational and sequential
circuits, instruction set. Addressing modes, Memory hierarchy, I/O systems DMA Technique.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to

CO-1: Identify various components of computer and their interconnection.

CO-2: Understand the concepts of logic gates, Different Digital Circuit.
CO-3: Use of the data representation technique.
CO-4: Compare and select various Memory devices.
CO-5: Understanding the various types of IO mapping techniques.

Course Contents:

Digital Logic Circuits: Logic gates Boolean algebra, map simplification, combinational
circuits, and sequential circuits.

Data Representation: Representation signed and unsigned integer, fixed-point representation,
floating – point representation, other binary codes.

Basic Computer Organization and Design: computer instruction, Instruction codes, timing
and control, execution and instruction, input-output and interrupt, priority interrupt, design of

Central Processor Organization: Processor bus organization, arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
instruction formats, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulation, program control,
microprocessor organization.

Memory Organization: Auxiliary memory, microcomputer memory hierarchy, associative
memory, virtual memory, cache memory. Input-Output Organization: Peripheral devices.
Asynchronous and synchronous data transfer, direct memory access (DMA), input –output
processor (IOP).

Suggested Text Books:

1. Williams S. Computer Organization and Architecture. PHI.
2. Mano, M.M. Computer Organization and Architecture, PHI.

Reference Book:
1. John P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, Tata McGrawHill.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA-103 Discrete Mathematics

Course Objective: To understand the role of ‘Discrete Mathematical Structures’ in

scientific computing and logic development through practical exercises aspiring to be
successful in the world of Computer Science.

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

CO-1. Understand the key concept of propositions, set, relation and function and its
CO-2. Construct truth table of any compound proposition and use logically equivalent
CO-3. Evaluate Boolean algebra expressions and functions; algebraic representations of the
functioning of logic gates.
CO-4. Simplify the Boolean expression representing circuits.
CO-5. Demonstrate graph, path, cycles, complement of a graph, trees and its types
CO-6. Knowledge about representing matrix, operations on matrix and to solve system of
linear equations using rank.

Course Contents
Introduction and Preliminaries: Logical connectives, Truth tables, Tautologies and
Contradiction, Logical equivalence, Algebra of propositions. Set Theory: Set, Singleton set,
Finite and Infinite sets, Subsets, Proper subsets, Equality of sets, Union, Intersection and
Difference of sets, Universal set, De Morgan laws, Symmetric difference of sets, Generalized
De Morgan laws, Cartesian product of sets.

Relations: Relation between two sets, Binary relation on a set, Types of binary relations,
Equivalence relation, Equivalence class, Partition of a set, Fundamental theorem of
equivalence relation, Composition of relations. Functions: Function or mapping, One-one,
Many-one, into and onto mappings, Identity mapping, Constant mapping, Equality of
mappings, Inverse of a mapping, Composition of mappings.

Boolean algebra: Definition and properties of Boolean algebra, a brief introduction to the
application of Boolean algebra to switching theory, conversion of complicated switching
circuits to simple one, Disjunctive and Conjunctive normal forms. Graph Theory:
Introduction to graph theory, Paths and Circuits, Trees, Spanning trees.

Matrices: Introduction, Expression of complex numbers in the form of a matrix, De Moivre’s
theorem, Elementary transformations, Elementary matrices, Equivalent matrices, Properties of
equivalent matrices, Sub-matrix of a matrix, Rank and Nullity of a matrix, Row equivalence
and canonical form, Normal form of a matrix.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

Solution of Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous system of linear equations, Characteristic
roots and Characteristic vectors of a matrix, Caley-Hamilton theorem, to find the inverse of a
non-singular matrix using Caley-Hamilton theorem.

Suggested Readings

Main Text Books

1. Tremblay, J. P., & Manohar, R. (1975). Discrete mathematical structures with

applications to computer science. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
2. Deo, N. (2017). Graph theory with applications to engineering and computer science.
Courier Dover Publications.

Reference Books

1. Liu, C. L. (1987). Elements of discrete mathematics. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

2. Johnsonbaugh, R. (2005). Discrete Mathematics. Pearson Education.
3. Bernard, K., Robert, B., & Sharon, R. (1996). Discrete mathematical structures.
Prentice Hall of India.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 104 Communicative English Grammars

Course Objective: To enable students to learn General English Grammar and its use in daily
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course students will be able to
CO-1. Enhance the learner’s communication skills by giving adequate exposure in listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills and the related sub-skills.
CO-2. Recognize and operate in various styles and registers in English.
CO-3. Get rid of his present flaws and mistakes in pronunciation and grammar.
CO-4. Identify and repair the voids in his present vocabulary and pronunciation targeting those
specific array of words which create a barrier in his thought process.
CO-5. Boost confidence in oral and interpersonal communication by reinforcing the basics of
pronunciation specially focusing on interviews/ corporate meetings/ international
business travels.
CO-6. Achieve adequate linguistic skills to help him compete well in international certification
tests of English such as IELTS and TOEFL.
Course Contents:
Sentence- its kinds, subject and predicate. Parts of Speech- Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb
and Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection in detail.

The Structure of Sentences- Clauses (subordinate and coordinate) and Phrases, Simple,
Complex and Compound Sentences.

Tenses- Present, Past and Future (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
Conditional Sentences, Subject Verb Agreement (Concord), Active and Passive Voice, Direct
and Indirect Narration.

Infinitive and the Ing form, Participles and Gerund, Relative Clauses, Articles, Determiners,

Letters and Application, Writing, Newspaper Reports, Paragraph Writing, Precis Writing,
Seminar Presentation, Writing a CV/ Resume.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Leech, G. N., Leech, G., & Svartvik, J. (2002). A communicative grammar of English.
Pearson Education.
2. Thomson, A. J., & Martinet, A. V. (1980). A practical English grammar. Oxford
University Press.
3. Wood, F. T. (1965). A remedial English grammar for foreign students. Macmillan.
Reference Books:
1. Lewis, N. (1991). Word power made easy. Simon and Schuster.
2. Swan, M. (2005). Practical english usage. Oxford Univ. Press.
3. Allen, W. S. (1954). Living English structure: a practice book for foreign students and
key. Longmans, Green.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 106 IT Lab

Practical exercises based on MS Office tools using document preparation, presentation

preparation and spreadsheet handling packages.

MS Word
1. Prepare a grocery list having four columns (Serial number, The name of the product, quantity
and price) for the month of April, 06.
• Font specifications for Title (Grocery List): 14-point Arial font in bold and italics.
• The headings of the columns should be in 12-point and bold.
• The rest of the document should be in 10-point Times New Roman.
• Leave a gap of 12-points after the title.

2. Create a telephone directory.

• The heading should be 16-point Arial Font in bold
• The rest of the document should use 10-point font size
• Other headings should use 10-point Courier New Font.
• The footer should show the page number as well as the date last updated.

3. Design a time-table form for your college.

• The first line should mention the name of the college in 16-point Arial Font and
should be bold.
• The second line should give the course name/teacher‘s name and the department in
14-point Arial.
• Leave a gap of 12-points.
• The rest of the document should use 10-point Times New Roman font.
• The footer should contain your specifications as the designer and date of creation.

4. BPB Publications plans to release a new book designed as per your syllabus. Design the
first page of the book as per the given specifications.
• The title of the book should appear in bold using 20-point Arial font.
• The name of the author and his qualifications should be in the center of the page
in 16-point Arial font.
• At the bottom of the document should be the name of the publisher and address
in 16-point Times New Roman.
• The details of the offices of the publisher (only location) should appear in the footer.

5. Create the following one page documents.

a. Compose a note inviting friends to a get-together at your house, Including a list
of things to bring with them.
b. Design a certificate in landscape orientation with a border around the document.
c. Design a Garage Sale sign.
d. Make a sign outlining your rules for your bedroom at home, using a numbered list.
6. Create the following documents:
(a) A newsletter with a headline and 2 columns in portrait orientation, including at
least one image surrounded by text.
(b) Use a newsletter format to promote upcoming projects or events in your
classroom or college.

7. Convert following text to a table, using comma as delimiter. Type the following as shown
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
(do not bold).
Color, Style, Item
Blue, A980, Van
Red, X023, Car
Green, YL724, Truck
Name, Age, Sex
Bob, 23, M
Linda, 46, F
Tom, 29, M

8. Enter the following data into a table given on the next page.
Salesperson Dolls Trucks Puzzles
Kennedy, Sally 1327 1423 1193
White, Pete 1421 3863 2934
Pillar, James 5214 3247 5467
York, George 2190 1278 1928
Banks, Jennifer 1201 2528 1203
Atwater, Kelly 4098 3079 2067
Pillar, James 5214 3247 5467
York, George 2190 1278 1928
Banks, Jennifer 1201 2528 1203
Atwater, Kelly 4098 3079 2067

Add a column Region (values: S, N, N,S,S,S) between the Salesperson and Dolls columns to
the given table Sort your table data by Region and within Region by Salesperson in ascending
Then you will add a new row to your table, place the word "Total" at the bottom of the
Salesperson column, and sum the Dolls, Trucks, and Puzzles columns.

9. Wrapping of text around the image.

10. Following features of menu option must be covered
FILE Complete menu
EDIT Complete menu
VIEW Complete menu
INSERT Complete menu
FORMAT Complete menu
TABLE Complete menu
WINDOW Complete menu
HELP Complete menu
TOOLS All options except Online collaboration, Tools on Macro, Templates

MS Excel
1. Enter the Following data in Excel Sheet
State Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 QTR4 Qtr Total Rate Amount
Delhi 2020 2400 2100 3000 15
Punjab 1100 1300 1500 1400 20
U.P. 3000 3200 2600 2800 17
Haryana 1800 2000 2200 2700 15
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
Rajasthan 2100 2000 1800 2200 20

(a) Apply Formatting as follow:

ii. Font Size - 14
iii. Remaining text - ARIAL, Font Size -10
iv. State names and Qtr. Heading Bold, Italic with Gray Fill Color.
v. Numbers in two decimal places.
vi. Qtr. Heading in center Alignment.
vii. Apply Border to whole data.

(b) Calculate State and Qtr. Total

(c) Calculate Average for each quarter
(d) Calculate Amount = Rate * Total.

2. Given the following worksheet

1 Roll No. Name Marks Grade
2 1001 Sachin 99
3 1002 Sehwag 65
4 1003 Rahul 41
5 1004 Sourav 89
6 1005 Bhajan 56

Calculate the grade of these students on the basis of following guidelines:

If Marks Then Grade
>= 80 A+
>= 60 < 80 A
>= 50 < 60 B
< 50 F

3. Given the following worksheet

1 Salesman Sales in (Rs.)
2 No. Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Total Commission
3 S001 5000 8500 12000 9000
4 S002 7000 4000 7500 11000
5 S003 4000 9000 6500 8200
6 S004 5500 6900 4500 10500
7 S005 7400 8500 9200 8300
8 S006 5300 7600 9800 6100

Calculate the commission earned by the salesmen on the basis of following Candidates:

If Total Sales Commission

< 20000 0% of sales
> 20000 and < 25000 4% of sales
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
> 25000 and < 30000 5.5% of sales
> 30000 and < 35000 8% of sales
>= 35000 11% of sales

The total sales is sum of sales of all the four quarters.

4. A company XYZ Ltd. pays a monthly salary to its employees which consists of basic salary,
allowances & deductions. The details of allowances and deductions are as follows:
• HRA Dependent on Basic
30% of Basic if Basic <=1000
25% of Basic if Basic>1000 & Basic<=3000
20% of Basic if Basic >3000
• DA Fixed for all employees, 30% of Basic
• Conveyance Allowance
Rs. 50/- if Basic is <=1000
Rs. 75/- if Basic >1000 & Basic<=2000
Rs. 100 if Basic >2000
• Entertainment Allowance
NIL if Basic is <=1000 Rs. 100/- if Basic > 1000
• Provident Fund 6% of Basic
• Group Insurance Premium
Rs. 40/- if Basic is <=1500
Rs. 60/- if Basic > 1500 & Basic<=3000
Rs. 80/- if Basic >3000

Calculate the following:

Gross Salary = Basic + HRA + DA + Conveyance + Entertainment
Total deduction = Provident Fund + Group Insurance Premium
Net Salary = Gross Salary – Total Deduction

5. Create Payment Table for a fixed Principal amount, variable rate of interests and time in
the format below:
No. of Instalments 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%

6. Use an array formula to calculate Simple Interest for given principal amounts given the
rate of Interest and time
Rate of Interest 8%
Time 5 Years
Principal Simple Interest
1000 ?
18000 ?
5200 ?

7. The following table gives year wise sale figure of five salesmen in Rs.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
Salesman 2000 2001 2002 2003
S1 10000 12000 20000 50000
S2 15000 18000 50000 60000
S3 20000 22000 70000 70000
S4 30000 30000 100000 80000
S5 40000 45000 125000 90000

(a) Calculate total sale year wise.

(b) Calculate the net sale made by each salesman
(c) Calculate the maximum sale made by the salesman
(d) Calculate the commission for each salesman under the condition.
(i) If total sales >4,00,000 give 5% commission on total sale made by the salesman.
(ii) Otherwise give 2% commission.
(e) Draw a bar graph representing the sale made by each salesman.
(f) Draw a pie graph representing the sale made by salesman in 2000.

8. Enter the following data in Excel Sheet

Monthly Income (Net): 1,475
Rent 600.00 600.00 600.00
Telephone 48.25 43.50 60.00
Utilities 67.27 110.00 70.00
Credit Card 200.00 110.00 70.00
Oil 100.00 150.00 90.00
AV to Insurance 150.00
Cable TV 40.75 40.75 40.75
Monthly Total

Calculate Quarter total and Quarter average.

(a) Calculate Monthly total.
(b) Surplus = Monthly income - Monthly total.
(c) What would be total surplus if monthly income is 1500.
(d) How much does telephone expense for March differ from quarter average.
(e) Create a 3D column graph for telephone and utilities.
(f) Create a pie chart for monthly expenses.

9. Enter the following data in Excel Sheet

Publisher name 1997 1998 1999 2000 total
A Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1100.00 Rs. 1,300.00 Rs. 800.00
B Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 700.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 2,000.00
C Rs. 700.00 Rs. 900.00 Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 600.00
D Rs. 1,200.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 200.00 Rs. 1,100.00
E Rs 800.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 560.00
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
(a) Compute the total revenue earned.
(b) Plot the line chart to compare the revenue of all publisher for 4 years.
(b) Chart Title should be ‗Total Revenue of sam‘s Bookstall (1997-2000)‘
(c) Give appropriate categories and value axis title.

10. Generate 25 random numbers between 0 & 100 and find their sum, average and count. How
many no. are in range 50-60
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 201 Data Structure

Course Objectives: The goal of this subject is to introduce the theory and develop the
algorithm of different types of data structure. Understanding the operation of different data
structure and implement in C++. Explain use and application in real life for different data

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to

CO-1: Understand how data structures map onto physical memory.
CO-2: Develop knowledge of basic data structures for storage and retrieval of ordered or
unordered data. Data structures include: arrays, linked lists, binary trees, heaps, and
hash tables.
CO-3: Knowledge of applications of data structures including the ability to implement
algorithms for the creation, insertion, deletion, searching, and sorting of each data
CO-4: Compare different implementations of the same or different data structure.
Course Contents:

Introduction To Data Structure, Array, Records, Stacks Introduction to Stack & Primitive
Operation on Stack, Stack as an Abstract Data Type, Multiple Stack, Stacks Application: Infix,
Post Fix, Prefix and Recursion, Introduction to Queues, Primitive Operations on the Queues,
Queue as an Abstract Data Type, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Priority Queue, Applications of

Pointer, It’s Limitation and Operation. Linked List & their type: linear, circular & Doubly
linked list, Operations on various type of linked list, application of Linked list: Polynomial

Tree: General & Binary Tree. Conversion of General to Binary Tree. Binary Search Tree (BST)
& It’s Representation And Operation. Traversal Methods- In Order, Preorder & Post Order,
Application of Binary Tree: Manipulation of Arithmetic Expression. Multiway Search Tree,
Balance Tree & Their Types.

Graph: Graph & Their Category & Representations, Traversing Technique: Breadth First &
Depth First Search. Spanning Trees (St), Technique of Minimun Spanning Tree (MST),
Application of Graphs: Pert & Related Techniques.

Heaps and Hash Table. Introduction to file organization; Sequential, Indexed sequential,
Relative & Direct file organization. Searching : Linear & Binary Search. Sorting: Concept,
selection sort, Bubble sort merge Sort, Tree sort & Partition - Exchange sort.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Trembley & Sorrenson. Data Structure. Tata Mcgraw Hill.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
2. Salaria R.S. Data Structures and Algorithms using C++. Khanna
3. Lipschuists. Data Structure. Schaum's Outline Series. Mcgraw Hill Publication.

Reference Books:
1. Kruse R.L. Data Structure and Program design in C. PHI
2. Sahni S. & Horowitz E. Fundamentals of Data Structure. Galgotia Publication.

BCA – 205 Data Structure Lab

1. Write a program to search an element from a list. Give user the option to
perform Linear or Binary search. Use Template functions.
2. WAP using templates to sort a list of elements. Give user the option to
perform sorting using Insertion sort, Bubble sort or Selection sort.
3. Implement Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion
and search of a number, reverse the list and concatenate two linked lists (include
a function and also overload operator +).
4. Implement Doubly Linked List using templates. Include functions for
insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list.
5. Implement Circular Linked List using templates. Include functions for
insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list.
6. Perform Stack operations using Linked List implementation.
7. Perform Stack operations using Array implementation. Use Templates.
8. Perform Queues operations using Circular Array implementation. Use Templates.
9. Perform Queue operations using Linked List implementation.
10. WAP to scan a polynomial using linked list and add two polynomial.
11. WAP to perform following operation on BST:
(a) Insert a Node
(b) Delete a Node
(c) Search a Node
(d) Traversing BST using (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder)
(e) Find Max Node
(f) Find Min Node
(g) Count Internal Node
(h) Count External Node
(i) Count Total Node.
12. WAP to perform following operation on Graph:
(a) Insert a Node
(b) Insert a Edge
(c) Search a Node
(d) Traversing(BFS, DFS)
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 202 Data Base Management System (DBMS)

Course Objective: This course covers fundamentals of database architecture, database

management systems, and database systems. Principles and methodologies of database design,
and techniques for database application development.

Course Outcomes: on completion of the course the students will be able to

CO-1: Understand key concepts of database, ER model and relational model, principles of
transaction concept and distributed database.
CO-2: Acquire knowledge about Integrity rules and apply various normalization techniques.
CO-3: Execute various advance SQL queries related to relational algebra.
CO-4: Develop an enterprise data model that reflects the organization’s fundamental business
CO-5: Knowledge about Protection of database against crashes, Backup and Integrity violation.

Course Contents:

Introduction: Database system concepts, Data base system, Advantages of database systems;
Data Architecture of data system: View/Schema, logical, conceptual and physical and their
interrelationship DDL, DML and data dictionary, Data base administrator. Entity Relationship
Model as a tool of conceptual design: Entities &Entity set, Relationship & Relationship set,
Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship diagram (E-R diagram): Strong
& weak entities, Generalization, Specialization, Aggregation, Reducing ER diagram to tables.

Relational, Hierarchical and Network Model their advantages and disadvantages, storage
organization for Relations. Rational Model: Structure tupple Attributes, Normalization: First,
Second, Third & BCNF Normal Forms, key, primary key, Candidate key, Integrity rules:
Entity integrity, Referential integrity rule.

Relational Algebra: Select, Project, Cross Product, Different types of Joins i.e. Theta Join,
Equi Join, Natural join, Outer Join, Set Operations, Definition of Union, Set Difference,
Cartesian Product, Selection, Intersection, Relational Query Language.

Functional Protection and Crash Recovery: Protection, against crashes, Different types of
crashes, Backup, Journal, Rollback, Committed and Uncommitted transactions, Security on

Transaction concept, Transaction state, serializability security or Database: user
identification. Physical Protection and maintenance, Transmitted of Rights. Integrity:
Integrity violation, Implementation of check’s in enforcing integrity; Concept of Distributed

Suggested Text Books:

Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
1. Ullman. Principles of Database Systems, 2e. Galgotia Publications.
2. Silberschatz, Korth, & Sudershan. Database System Concepts, 5e. McGraw Hill.
3. Desai, Bipin C. An Introduction to Database System. Galgotia Publications.

Reference Books

1. Date, C.J. An Introduction to Data Base Systems, 8e. Narosa Publications.

2. Patric, O`neil, & Elizabeth, O`neil. Database Principles, Programming and Performance,
2e. Margon Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
3. Ramez, Elmasri, & Shamkant. B. Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6e. Navathe

BCA – 206 Data Base Management System (DBMS) Lab

Create and use the following database schema to answer the given queries.
Employee Schema


Eno Char(3) NO PRI NIL
Ename Varchar(50) NO NIL
Job_type Varchar(50) NO NIL
Manager Char(3) Yes FK NIL
Hire_date Date NO NIL
Dno Integer YES FK NIL
Commission Decimal(10,2) YES NIL
Salary Decimal(7,2) NO NIL



Dno Integer No PRI NULL
Dname Varchar(50) Yes NULL
Location Varchar(50) Yes New Delhi

Query List
1. Query to display Employee Name, Job, Hire Date, Employee Number; for each
employee with the Employee Number appearing first.
2. Query to display all the data from the Employee Table. Separate each Column by
a comma and name the said column as THE_OUTPUT.
3. Query to display the Employee Name and Salary of all the employees earning more
than $2850.
4. Query to display Employee Name and Department Number for the Employee No=
5. Query to display Employee Name and Salary for all employees whose salary is
not in the range of $1500 and $2850.
6. Query to display Employee Name and Department No. of all the employees
in Dept 10 and Dept 30 in the alphabetical order by name.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
7. Query to display Name and Hire Date of every Employee who was hired
in 1981.
8. Query to display Name and Job of all employees who don’t have a current Manager.
9. Query to display the Name, Salary and Commission for all the
employees who earn commission.
10. Sort the data in descending order of Salary and Commission.
11. Query to display Name of all the employees where the third letter of their name is ‘A’.
12. Query to display Name of all employees either have two ‘R’s or have two ‘A’s
in their name and are either in Dept No = 30 or their Manger’s Employee No
= 7788.
13. Query to display Name, Salary and Commission for all employees whose
Commission Amount is 14 greater than their Salary increased by 5%.
14. Query to display the Current Date.
15. Query to display Name, Hire Date and Salary Review Date which is the 1st
Monday after six months of employment.
16. Query to display Name and calculate the number of months between today and
the date each employee was hired.
17. Query to display the following for each employee <E-Name> earns <
Salary> monthly but wants < 3 * Current Salary >. Label the Column as
Dream Salary.
18. Query to display Name with the 1st letter capitalized and all other letter lower
case and length of their name of all the employees whose name starts with ‘J’,
’A’ and ‘M’.
19. Query to display Name, Hire Date and Day of the week on which the employee started.
20. Query to display Name, Department Name and Department No for all the employees.
21. Query to display Unique Listing of all Jobs that are in Department # 30.
22. Query to display Name, Dept Name of all employees who have an ‘A’ in their name.
23. Query to display Name, Job, Department No. And Department Name for all
the employees working at the Dallas location.
24. Query to display Name and Employee no. Along with their Manger’s Name and
the Manager’s employee no; along with the Employees’ Name who do not have
a Manager.
25. Query to display Name, Dept No. And Salary of any employee whose
department No. and salary matches both the department no. And the salary
of any employee who earns a commission.
26. Query to display the Highest, Lowest, Sum and Average Salaries of all the employees
27. Query to display the number of employees performing the same Job type functions.
28. Query to display the Department Name, Location Name, No. of Employees
and the average salary for all employees in that department.
29. Query to display Name and Hire Date for all employees in the same dept. as Blake.
30. Query to display the Employee No. And Name for all employees who earn
more than the average salary.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 203 Mathematics –II (Calculus)

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with core concepts
of calculus.

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

CO-1. Understand the key concept of differentiation, Partial derivative, tracing of curves and
ordinary differential equation.
CO-2. Evaluate differentiation at different points of given interval using different theorems.
CO-3. Analyse asymptotes and tracing of curves.
CO-4. Solve simultaneous differential equation of first order.
CO-5. Knowledge about various methods to solve differential equations of first order and
first degree.

Course Contents:
Successive, Leibnitz Theorem, Taylor’s & Maclaurin’s series, Tests for Concavity and
Convexity, Points of Inflexion, Asymptotes, Tracing of Curves in Cartesian co-ordinates.

Partial differentiation: Function of several variables, Limits, continuity and differentiability,
Partial derivatives, Euler’s Theorem, Mean value theorem & Taylor’s theorem for functions of
two variables.

Envelope, Maxima, Minima and saddle points of functions of two variables, Lagrange’s
multiplier method.

Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree: Separation of variables,
Homogeneous Differential Equations, Reducible to Homogeneous Differential Equations,
Linear Differential Equations, Reducible to Linear Differential Equations, Bernoulli’s
Equation, Exact Differential Equations, Change of Variables.

Linear Differential Equations of Higher order with constant coefficients, Differential Equations
reducible to Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Simultaneous
differential equation of first order.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Agrawal, D.C. Advanced Calculus. Shree Sai Prakashan, Meerut
2. Apostol, Tom M. One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol
(1), 2e. Wiley Eastern.
3. Raisinghania, M. D. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. S. Chand &
Company Ltd.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

Reference Books:
1. Stewart, J. Calculus with Early Transcendental Functions, 7e. Cengage Learning India
2. Hallett H. Calculus – Single and Multivariable, 6e. John-Wiley and Sons.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 204 Communication Techniques

Course Objective: The course is designed to enable students to enhance ability to

comprehension of spoken and written English (and use English) required for effective
communication in their professional work.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course students will be able to

CO-1. Distinguish among various levels of organizational communication and communication
barriers while developing an understanding of communication as a process in an
CO-2. Draft effective business correspondence with brevity and clarity.
CO-3. Demonstrate his verbal and non-verbal communication ability through presentations.
CO-4. Use technology to communicate effectively in various settings and contexts.
CO-5. Understand and apply knowledge of human communication and language processes as
they occur across various contexts, e.g., interpersonal, intrapersonal, small group,
organizational, media, gender, family, intercultural communication, technologically
mediated communication, etc. from multiple perspectives.
Course Contents:
Language Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing): An introduction, Communication:
Its Process, Types and Significance, Media, Channels, Role of Communication.
Communication: Principles of Communication, Barriers to Communication, Seven C’S, Verbal
and Non Verbal Communication, Body Language.
Listening: Effective and efficient listening in various situations (discussions, lectures, news,
seminars, speech, telephone calls etc.); Strategies for effective listening, Difference between
Listening and Hearing.
Reading: Purpose; Comprehension; Tactics and strategies for good reading; Writing:
Guidelines for good writing; various writing styles (General and Technical writing styles).
Presentation and delivery; role of speaker and audience; style and body language. Business
Reports, Business letters, Memos, Presentation Skills, Press management, Meetings, Agenda,
Notices, Minutes, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops.
Group Discussion, Interview Process, Frequently asked questions, Writing Emails, PPT
Presentations, Telephone Etiquettes, Negotiation Skills.
General and Technical documents (correspondence (applications, letters, Resumes), drafts,
proposals, précis, synopsis,)

1. Ajmani, J. C. (2011). Good English: getting it right. Rupa Publications.
2. Hasson, G. (2012). Brilliant communication skills: What the best communicators know,
do and say. Pearson UK.
3. Raman, M., & Sharma, S. (2015). Technical communication: Principles and practice.
Oxford University Press.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 301 Introduction to Operating System

Course Objectives: This course aims to familiarize the students with basic components of a
computer operating system along with the interactions among those components. The course
will cover an introduction to the policies of CPU scheduling, deadlocks, memory management
strategies, process synchronization and system calls
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
CO1: Analyze the structure of computer system and basic architectural components involved
in OS design.
CO2: Develop and understanding of the concepts related to process and its life cycle.
CO3: Evaluate CPU scheduling algorithms and solve numerical problems related to the same.
CO4: Demonstrate a grasp on the concepts of process synchronization and inter process
CO5: Illustrate an in-depth understanding of deadlocks and techniques of handling deadlocks.
CO6: Explore various algorithms pertaining to memory allocation and memory management

Course Contents:

Computer System Overview, Basic Components of Computer System, Operating System
Services, Functions of Operating System, Types of Operating Systems: Instruction Execution
Cycle, Interrupts & System Calls, Interrupt Processing, Processor Registers, I/O
Communication techniques

Process Management: Concept of Process, Creation & Termination of Process, Process
Attributes; Process Control Block, Process State Models- Two State, Five State, and Seven
State. CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple Processor
Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling.

Process Synchronization: The Critical Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Semaphores,
Classical Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Atomic Transactions.

Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization: Necessary Conditions for Deadlock,
Resource Allocation Graph; Method for Handling Deadlocks: Deadlock Prevention,
Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.

Memory Management Strategies: Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memory, Swapping, Loading
and Linking, Information Protection, Memory Allocation, Fixed partitioning, dynamic
partitioning, Paging, Segmentation, Segmetation with Paging, Virtual Memory, Demand
Paging, Performance of Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Page Replacement Algorithms

Suggested Textbooks:
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
1. Silberschatz, Abraham, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne (2009).
Operating System Concepts, 8e. Wiley Publications
2. Stallings, W. (2013). Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles,7e. Pearson
Education India

Reference Books:
1. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2016). Modern Operating Systems, 4e. Pearson Education India
2. Bach, Maurice J. (2015). Design of the UNIX Operating System, 1e. Pearson Education
3. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. & Andrea C. Arpaci-dusseau (2018). Operating Systems: Three
Easy Pieces. Amazon Digital Services
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 302 Object Oriented Programming in C++

Course Objectives:
1. To strengthen the problem solving ability by applying the characteristics of an object-
oriented approach.
2. Demonstrate adeptness of object oriented programming in developing solutions to
problems demonstrating usage of data abstraction, encapsulation, and inheritance.
3. To introduce object oriented concepts in C++.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to

CO-1: Explain what constitutes an object-oriented approach to programming and identify
potential benefits of Object-oriented programming over other approaches.
CO-2: Analyze and decompose problem specifications from Object Oriented Perspectives
CO-3: Understanding the concept of different features of OOPs.
CO-4: Develop console application, using object-oriented approach.
CO-5: Use of File handing in CPP programming.
Course Contents:

Introduction, OOP languages, characteristics of OOP’s languages, application of OOP’s,
OOP’s paradigm, concepts, benefits of OOP’s, disadvantage of OOP’s. Application of OOP’s.,
Classes & Objects: Specifying a Class, Creating Objects, Accessing Class members, Defining
member function, Outside Member Functions as inline, Accessing Member Functions within
the class, Static data member, Access Specifiers: Private, Protected and Public Members.
Passing objects to function, Returning objects, Object assignment, This pointer.

Constructor & Destructor: Introduction, Constructor, Parameterized constructor, Multiple
constructor in a class, Constructor with default argument, Copy constructor, Default Argument,
Array, Pointers, and references: Array of objects, Pointers to object, , Pointer to class members.
References: Reference parameter, Passing references to objects, Returning reference,
Independent reference, The Dynamic Allocation operators, Initializing allocated memory,
Allocating Array, Allocating objects.

Function & operator overloading : Function overloading, Overloading constructor function
finding the address of an overloaded function, Operator Overloading: Creating a member
operator function, Creating Prefix & Postfix forms of the increment & decrement operation,
Overloading the shorthand operation (i.e. +=,-= etc), Operator overloading restrictions,
Operator overloading using friend function, Overloading New & Delete, Overloading some
special operators, Overloading [ ], ( ), -, comma operator, Overloading << and >> .

Inheritance: Base class Access control, Inheritance & protected members, Protected base class
inheritance, Inheriting multiple base classes, Constructors, destructors & Inheritance, When
constructor & destructor function are executed, Passing parameters to base class
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
constructors, Granting access, Virtual base classes. Virtual functions &
Polymorphism: Virtual function, Pure Virtual functions, Early Vs. late binding

The C++ I/O system basics: C++ streams, The basic stream classes: C++ predefined streams,
Formatted I/O: Formatting using the ios members, Using manipulators to format I/O, Creating
your own manipulators, -File Management: Introduction – File handling, File structure, File
handling function, File types, Streams, Text, Binary, File system basics, The file pointer,
Opening a file, Closing a file, Reading and Writing File.

Suggested Text Books:

1. R. Subburaj. Object Oriented Programming With C++. Vikas Publishing House, New
2. E. Balguruswamy. C++. TMH Publication.

Reference Books:
1. Schildt H. C++ The complete reference. TMH Publication.
2. Stroustrup B. The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley.

BCA – 306 Object Oriented Programming in C++ Lab

Practical No.: 1

Objective: To illustrate the the use of simple Input and output using cout , cin and to use
arithmetic operators.

1. Write a program which calculates the salary by given basic salary.Hra is 20 % of basic
and da is 40% of basic.
2. Write a program, which converts temperature in degree to Fahrenheit.
3. Write a program which calculates the Bill from given qty. and price and 10% discount.

Practical No.: 2

Objective: To Illustrate the Control statements (Branching and Looping).

1. Write a program to print the following output.

2. Write a program which prints the grade of a student according to give percentage.
100 to 70 % HONOURS
69 to 60 % First
59 to 50 % Second
else Fail.
Using nested IF.
3. Write a program to find greatest among three numbers.

Practical No.: 3
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
Objective: To Implement Function Overloading, Inline function and the
advantages of using them.

1. Write a program which defines three overloaded functions

Sum(int , int)
Sum(int , float)
Sum(int ,float,int)
Calculates the sum of given parameters.
2. Write a program which defines following Overloaded functions
Max(int , int ,int)
Max(int , float)
Max(float ,float ,float)
Max(float ,int ,float ,int)
The above functions prints the maximum number of given parameters.
3. Write an Inline function square (float) which prints the square of the given parameter.
4. Write a CPP program to represent Default Arguments.

Practical No.: 4

Objective: To Implement the Classes and Objects. Use of public and private access specifiers.
To implement the Constructors and Destructors.

1. Write a program which defines a Class Employee with member variables name ,
address , basic, netsal. And following functions getdata(), calculatesal() , display().
2. Write a program which defines a Class Employee with member variables name ,
address , basic, netsal. And following functions getdata(), calculatesal() ,
display().Define a constructor which initialize basic and netsal to 0 (Zero).Define a
Destructor .

Practical No.: 5

Objective: To implement Operator Overloading unary and binary operator.

1. Write a program which overloads ++ operator (pre and post) which increments the
2. Write a program that overloads – operator, which changes all the variables of class to
3. Write a program to overload binary operator + which perform following operations.
Obj + 100.
Obj3 = Obj1+Obj2;
4. Write a program that Concatenates two string by overloading + operator.
5. Write a program that adds polar coordinates by overloading + operators.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
Practical No.: 6

Objective: To implement simple ,multiple Inheritence

1. WAP to calculate students grade using Inheritance show in figure like:

Student Class

Subject Class

2. WAP to implement Multiple Inheritance by using any example.

3. WAP to implement Hierarchical inheritance.

Practical No.: 7

Objective: Implementation of Pointers Virtual function and Dynamic binding.

1. Create following structure of classes.


Define a variables I in class A. In main assign the value 10 to I using object of D using
virtual inheritance.

2. Define a class Media with members title ,price.define two derived classes Book (with
member pages ,read(),display()) and Tape (with member runtime ,read() and display()
Declare a pointer type object of class Media .Read the type of media from user and call
corresponding functions. Hint: Use dynamic polymorphysm.

Practical No.: 8

Objective: To read and write data to File using Files and Streams.

1. Write a program which defines a class Emp with members name, age, sal, read() write
the data to a file Data.dat .Then read the data from that file and display the data.
2. Define a Class Person with members Name, Age, Sal and address and function get()
which read these members and a function put() which writes these members to a file
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24


Numerical Methods

Course Objective

To introduce the concept of Computer Oriented Numerical Methods.

Learning Outcomes

CO-1. Able to understand the concept of approximate numbers, errors in numbers,

representation of number in computer’s memory and zeroes or roots of polynomial
and/or transcendental equations.
CO-2. To understand and learn various iterative techniques to solve simultaneous linear
CO-3. Able to understand various types of difference operators and their relationships.
CO-4. To develop mathematical relationships for given observations of the variable using
Interpolation techniques.
CO-5. Able to understand the concept concerning numerical differentiation and Integration
for a class of equidistant and unequal arguments.
CO-6. To learn and understand numerical solution of ODE by techniques of Iterative methods.

Course Contents
Floating point representation and computer arithmetic, Normalization and their consequences,
Emphasis on computational Algorithms, Numerical Errors, Iterative methods, Zeros of a single
transcendental equation and zeros of polynomials using Bisection, False position, Newton-
Raphson and Secant methods, convergence of solutions.

Simultaneous linear equations, Solution of simultaneous linear equations: Gauss elimination
method with pivoting, Gauss – Jordan method, Jacobi’s iteration method and Gauss – Seidel
iteration method, Ill-conditioned equations and refinement of solutions.

Difference Operators and Interpolation: Definition of Forward, Backward, Shifting,
Divided difference, Central and Averaging Operators and their relationships, Newton’s
forward difference, backward difference and divided difference interpolation formulae,
Lagrange’s Interpolation formula.

Numerical Differentiation and Integration:
Numerical Differentiation using Newton’s forward difference, backward difference and
divided difference interpolation formulae, General Quadrature formula, Newton Cote’s
integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one – third and three – eight rules.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential equations by Euler’s Method, Modified Euler’s
method, Taylor’s series method, Picard’s method, Runge Kutta, second order and fourth order
methods, Predictor-corrector methods.

Suggested Readings:

Main Text Books

1. Numerical Methods for Scientific & Engg. Computer by Jain & Iyenger. New Age International
2. Numerical Method by E Balaguruswamy. TMH
3. Computer Oriented Numerical Method by R S Salaria. Khanna Publishers

Reference Books
1. Numerical Methods by B.S.Grewal. Khanna Publishers
2. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods by V.Rajaraman. PHI
3. Numerical Analysis by S.S.Sastry. PHI
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 304 Visual C#.Net

Course Objective: This course is designed to familiarize students with the syntax of C#.NET,
design of windows applications and connectivity with databases.

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to
CO-1. Understand .NET Framework and describe some of the major enhancements to the new
version of Visual Studio IDE.
CO-2. Describe the basic structure of a C#.NET project and use main features of the integrated
development environment (IDE).
CO-3. Create applications using Microsoft Windows Forms and ADO.NET.
Course Contents:
Unit- I
.NET Framework: Introduction, Common Language Runtime, Common Type System,
Common, Language Specification, Base Class Library, .NET class library Intermediate
language, Just inTime compilation, Garbage Collection, Application installation &
Assemblies. Visual Studio IDE: Start Page, Menu and Tool Bar, Toolbox, Solution Explorer,
Properties Window, Task List and Output Window, Server Explorer.

Unit –II
Programming in C#: Overview of C#, variables, datatypes, Operators: Arithmetic Operators,
Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Assignment Operators, Unary
Operators, Ternary Operators Misc Operators, keywords. Control statements, Functions,
Arrays, Enum, structure.

Oop's Concept: encapsulation. Inheritance. Polymorphism, abstraction, class, object, methods,
constructors, destructors. Collections, String functions, Exception handling, File l/O : file
stream, StreamReader, StreamWriter, TextWriter, TextReader, binaryWriter, binaryWriter,
StringReader, StringWriter. C# Attributes. C# Properties, C# Reflection.

Basics of Windows Programming- Event Driven Programming, Windows Forms, Using
common controls-Labels, textboxes, buttons, check boxes, radio button, progress bar, combo
box, list box. Components-timer, imagelist, Menus, Modal and Modeless Dialog Boxes,
MDI, Mouse and keyboard event handling.

Introduction to ADO.Net-Object Model- System. Data Namespace- Data Bound controls-
Connected Mechanism-Disconnected mechanism-.Net Data Providers.

Suggested Text Books:

1. C# 4.0 the Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt
2. Latest version of Andrew Trolsens C# text from Apress(Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET
Framework 4.5)
Reference Books:
1. Robert Powel, Richard Weeks, C# and the .NET Framework, Techmedia.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 401 Programming in Java

Course Objectives: This course intends to impart knowledge about basic Java language syntax
and semantics to write Java programs. The course will cover the use of fundamentals of object-
oriented programming in Java along with various concepts related to String creation and
management, Java multithreaded model, and GUI programming using AWT & Swing.
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
CO-1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of conceptual foundations and basics of string
handling in Java
CO-2. Successfully describe and define OOP principles in context to Java and write basic Java
CO-3. Identify and illustrate the usage of collections framework in Java
CO-4. Analyze the usage of Java’s exception handling mechanism
CO-5. Explore and implement interfaces in Java
CO-6. Effectively create and manage packages in Java
CO-7. Develop and implement multithreaded applications using Java
CO-8. Use of various UI components like windows, menus, buttons, checkboxes, text fields,
scrollbars and scrolling lists, through AWT & Swing and apply event handling on these
Course Contents:
Introduction to Java: Versions of Java, Features of java, C++ V/s Java, Setting up Java
environment, Java virtual machine. Constants & Variables, Declaration of Variables, Types
of Variables, Scope of Variables, Data Types in Java, Operators in Java, Control Statements
in Java. Arrays: Creating One Dimensional & Two Dimensional Arrays

Basic concepts of OOPS: OOPS terminology, Classes, Methods, Creating Instance & Class
Variables, Accessing Class Members, Constructors, Method Overloading, Inheritance and its
Types in Java, Method Overriding, Final Variables, Methods and Classes, finalize method,
Abstract Methods & Classes, Visibility Control in Java, Interfaces: Defining Interfaces,
Implementing and Inheriting Interfaces.

Concept of Package: In-built Packages, Using In-Built Packages, Creating User Defined
Packages, Accessing a User-Defined Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Working with
Strings: String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder. Collections Framework: Set, List, Queue,

Exception Handling in Java: Types of Exceptions in Java, Try-Catch-Finally, Using Multiple
Catch Blocks, Nested Try, Throw and Throws Keyword. Multithreading in Java: Java Thread
Model, Life Cycle Of a Thread, Creating Threads, Extending Thread Class, Stopping &
Blocking A Thread, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Thread Synchronization,
Implementing Runnable Interface, Inter Thread Communication.

Introduction to GUI Programming in Java: AWT: Basic GUI Components of AWT,
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BCA – Session 2021-24

Event Handling, Java Swing: Basic GUI Components of Swing, Difference between AWT and

Suggested Textbooks:
1. Schildt, H. (2017). Java- The Complete Reference Tenth Edition. McGraw Hill Education
2. Balaguruswamy, E. (2019). Programming with Java Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
1. Sierra, Kathy & Bert Bates (2009). Head First Java. O’Reilly Publications
2. Horstmann, Cay S. & Gary Cornell (2007). Core Java, Volume I—Fundamentals.
Prentice Hall Publications
3. Horstmann, Cay S. (2017). Core Java Volume II - Advanced Features. Pearson

BCA – 405 Programming in Java Lab

1. Write a Java program that prints all real solutions to the quadratic equation ax2 +bx +
c = 0. Read in a, b, c and use the quadratic formula. If the discriminate b2 -4ac is
negative, display a message stating that there are no real solutions
2. The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the following rule: The first two values in the
sequence are 1 and 1. Every subsequent value is the sum of the two values preceding
it. Write a Java program that prints the nth value in the Fibonacci sequence
3. Write a Java program that prompts the user for an integer and then prints out all prime
numbers up to that integer. (use Scanner class to read input)
4. Write a Java program to multiply two given matrices
5. Write a Java Program that reads a line of integers, and then displays each integer, and
the sum of all the integers (Use String Tokenizer class of java.util)
6. Write a Java program that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not. Ex:
MADAM is a palindrome
7. Write a Java program for sorting list of names. Read input from command line
8. Write a Java program to create a Student class with following fields
a. Hall ticket number
b. Student Name
c. Department
Create ‘n’ number of Student objects where ‘n’ value is passed as input to constructor
9. Write a Java program to demonstrate String comparison using == and equals method
10. Write a java program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty
method named numberOfSides(). Provide three classes named Trapezoid, Triangle and
Hexagon such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the
classes contains only the method numberOfSides() that shows the number of sides in
the given geometrical figures
11. Write a Java program that creates three threads. First thread displays “Good Morning”
everyone second, the second thread displays “Hello” every two seconds and the third
thread displays “Welcome” every three seconds
12. Write a Java program that correctly implements producer consumer problem using the
concept of inter thread communication
13. Write a java program that simulates a traffic light. The program lets the user select one
of three lights: red, yellow, or green. When a radio button is selected, the light is turned
on, and only one light can be on at a time No light is on when the program starts
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BCA – Session 2021-24
14. Write a Java program that allows the user to draw lines, rectangles, and
15. Develop an applet that displays a simple message in center of the screen
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BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 402 Web Technologies

Course Objective:
To understand the role of web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL etc..) to
develop static and dynamic web pages through practical.

Course outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to
CO-1. Understand the use and key concept of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, PHP and
CO-2. Implements the database (MySql) and web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Jquery and PHP) to create static and dynamic web pages.
CO-3. Demonstrate the use of web controls according to the requirements in web application.
CO-4. Apply JavaScript validation, Jquery Validation to maintain the consistency in
CO-5. Evaluate the use of web application develop by using web technologies.

Overview of HTML: Concept of Hypertext, Versions of HTML, Elements of HTML,
Formatting Tags, Links, Hyperlinks, Image & Image map, List, Tables, Frames, Forms, Style
sheets, Background and Color Controls, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): CSS Properties,
Creating Classes and IDs, Generating External Style Sheets, Types of styles, specifying
class within HTML document, Style placement: Inline style, Span & div tags, header
styles, Text and font attributes: Font Vs CSS, changing fonts, text attributes, Advance
CSS properties: Backgrounds, Box properties and Positioning.

Introduction to scripting: overview of Java Script, advantages, client side java Script, capturing
user input, writing JavaScript into HTML; Basic JavaScript Techniques: Data types, literals,
variables and operators, Java Script arrays, dense array, operators, expressions; Java Script
Programming Construct: Assignment, data declaration, if, switch, while, for, do while, label,
break, Continue, function call, return, with, delete, method invocation.
JQuery Introduction: What is jQuery, Structure of jQuery, Using jQuery and including .js file
to HTML, Type of Selectors, Handling Events with jQuery

PHP introduction, inventions and versions, important tools and software requirements (like
Web Server, Database, Editors etc.), PHP with other technologies, scope of PHP, Basic Syntax,
PHP variables and constants, Types of data in PHP, Expressions, scopes of a variable (local,
global); PHP Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Relational, Logical operators, Bitwise ,
ternary and MOD operator, PHP operator Precedence and associativity;
Handling HTML form with PHP: Capturing Form Data, GET and POST form methods,
Dealing with multi value fields, Redirecting a form after submission;

PHP conditional events and Loops: PHP IF Else conditional statements (Nested IF and Else),
Switch case, while, For and Do While Loop, goto, Break, Continue and exit; PHP Functions:
Function, Need of Function, declaration and calling of a function, PHP Function with
arguments, Default Arguments in Function, Function argument with call by value, call by
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
reference, Scope of Function Global and Local; String Manipulation and
Regular Expression: Creating and accessing String, Searching & Replacing String, Formatting,
joining and splitting String , String Related Library functions, Use and advantage of regular

expression over inbuilt function, Use of preg_match(), preg_replace(), preg_split() functions

in regular expression, Array: Anatomy of an Array ,Creating index based and Associative array
,Accessing array, Looping with Index based array, with associative array using each() and
foreach(), Some useful Library function.

Introducing MySQL; database design concepts; the Structured Query, Language (SQL);
communicating with a MySQL backend via the PHP.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Fuller, R. G., & Ulrich, L. A. (2004). HTML in 10 Simple steps or Less. John Wiley &
2. Gilmore, W. J. (2010). Beginning PHP and MySQL: from novice to professional.
3. Holzner, S. (2007). PHP: the complete reference. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Reference Books:
1. Psinas, M. E. (2008). PHP and MySQL: Create-modify-reuse. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Nixon, R. (2014). Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5.
" O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
3. Welling, L., & Thompson, L. (2008). PHP and MySQL Web Development, 4e.
Addison-Wesley Professsional, 2008.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24


Statistical Methods

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with basic concept of statistics that are
useful in decision making problems.

Learning Outcomes
By completing this course the student will learn to perform the following:
CO-1. How to calculate and apply measures of location and measures of dispersion -- grouped
and ungrouped data cases.
CO-2. How to apply discrete and continuous probability distributions to various business
CO-3. Compute and interpret the results of bivariate Regression and Correlation Analysis.
CO-4. Perform Test of Hypothesis as well as calculate confidence interval for a population
parameter for single sample and two sample cases. Understand the concept of p-values.
CO-5. Learn non-parametric test such as the Chi-Square test for Independence as well as
Goodness of Fit.

Course Contents
Introduction: Frequency distribution and Frequency charts, Histogram, Frequency polygons,
Frequency curves and Cumulative frequency distribution, Ogive curves. Measures of Central
Tendency: Arithmetic mean, weighted arithmetic mean, median, mode, Partition values.
Measures of Dispersion: Range, mean deviation, semi-inter quartile range for quartile
deviation, absolute and relative dispersion, coefficient of variation, Moments, Skewness and

Probability Theory: Sample space, events, classical definition of probability, theorems on
total and compound probability, independent and dependent events, mutually exclusive events,
mathematical expectation.

Probability Distributions: Discrete and continuous probability distributions, basic concepts
and applications of Binomial, Poisson, Rectangular, Exponential and Normal distributions,
their properties and uses.

Regression and Correlation: Regression analysis, Least square fit, polynomial and curve
fitting, Linear correlation, measures of correlation, coefficient of correlation, rank correlation,
multiple and partial correlation for three variables.
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BCA – Session 2021-24
Testing of Hypotheses: Simple and composite hypothesis, errors of kind-I and kind-II, critical
region, level of significance. Tests of Significance: Tests for simple hypotheses, Chi-square,
t, F and Z-statistics.

Suggested Readings:

Main Text Books

1. C.B. Gupta - An Introduction to Statistical Methods. Vikas Publ. House
2. S.C. Gupta - Fundamental of Statistics. Sultan Chand & Sons
3. H.C Saxena and J.N Kapoor- Mathematical Statistics. S. Chand and Company

Reference Books
1. Ken Black - Business Statistics. Wiley India
2. Render and Stair JR - Quantitative Analysis for Management. Prentice Hall Publ.
3. Beri G.C. - Business Statistics. Tata McGraw Hill Education
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 404 Python Programming

Course Objectives: This course aims to make the students familiar with the programming
paradigms brought in by Python programming language along with a focus on file handling
and regular expressions

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO-1. Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of
Python control flow statements
CO-2. Express proficiency in the handling of strings and functions
CO-3. Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python programs by utilizing the data
structures like lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets
CO-4. Identify the commonly used operations involving file systems and regular expressions
CO-5. Articulate the Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism as used in Python
Course Contents:

History & Features of Python; Introduction to Python: Python Interpreter, Python shell,
Indentation. Atoms: Identifiers and keywords, Literals; Variables & Data Types: Numeric
types, Sequence types, Mapping types, Set types, Boolean type, Binary types; Operators:
Arithmetic operator, Relational operator, Logical or Boolean operator, Assignment, Operator,
Ternary operator, Bit wise operator, precedence of operators; Comments in Python

Input and Output Statements; Conditional statements: conditional (if), alternative (if-else),
chained conditional (if-elif-else); Iteration: while, for, nested loop, state iteration in python,
break, continue, pass; String Manipulation: Accessing string, Basic operations, String slices,
String functions and methods

Python Collections: Lists: Accessing List, List Operations, Working with Lists, List Functions
& Methods; Tuples: Accessing Tuples, Tuple Operations, Working with Tuples, Tuple
Functions & Methods; Dictionaries: Accessing Values in dictionaries, Dictionary Operations,
Working with Dictionary, Dictionary Properties, Dictionary Functions & Methods; Sets:
Working with Set & Frozen Set

Functions: Defining & Calling a function, Types of functions, Default Arguments, Why
Default Arguments?, Default Function Object Argument Example, Variable-length
Arguments, Non-keyword Variable Arguments (Tuple), Keyword Variable Arguments
(Dictionary), Anonymous functions, Global & Local variables
Exception handling: Exception classes hierarchy, try, except, finally, Raising an exception,
user defined exceptions

Object Oriented Programming in Python; Regular Expressions; Importing & Exploring Data
using Python Modules: Introduction of numpy module, numpy operations, Working with
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BCA – Session 2021-24

Arrays using numpy; Introduction of pandas module, pandas operations

Suggested Text Book and Reference Books:

1. Chun, J Wesley, Core Python Programming, Second Edition, Pearson, 2007 Reprint
2. Barry, Paul, Head First Python, 2nd Edition, O Rielly, 2010
3. Lutz, Mark, Learning Python, 4th Edition, O Rielly, 2009

Python Programming lab:

List of Programs
1. Create a stone-paper-scissor game program
2. Explore string functions
3. Implement Selection Sort
4. Read and write into a file
5. Demonstrate usage of basic regular expression
6. Demonstrate use of advanced regular expressions for data validation.
7. Demonstrate use of List
8. Demonstrate use of Dictionaries
9. Demonstrate use of set
10 Demonstrate use of tuples
11. Create Comma Separate Files (CSV), Load CSV files into internal Data Structure
12. Write script to work like a SQL SELECT statement for internal Data Structure made
in earlier exercise
13. Write script to work like a SQL Inner Join for an internal Data Structuremade in
earlier exercise
14. Demonstrate Exceptions in Python
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 501 Programming in Advance Java

Course Objectives: This course is designed with intent to acquaint the students with tools and
techniques for creating a dynamic web application that can interact with databases using Java
technologies like JDBC, Servlets, JSP and JavaBeans.
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO-1. Analyze the key differences between static and dynamic web applications
CO-2. Establish a relevance of various web architecture models
CO-3. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of accessing databases through a Java application
using Java database Connectivity (JDBC)
CO-4. Analyze & build dynamic web pages using servlets and JSP
CO-5. Develop reusable software components using JavaBeans concepts
CO-6. Design GUI based web applications that can interact with databases, using in-built
frameworks of Java
Course Contents:
Starting with Web Applications in Java: Introduction to web applications, Benefits of web
applications, Web Architecture Models- Model 1 Architecture, Model 2 Architecture,
Introduction to MVC Architecture: Model component, View component, Controller
Introduction to JDBC: Introducing JDBC, Communicating with Database: Obtaining
Connection, Creating JDBC Statement Object, Types of Statement Objects: Statement,
Prepared Statement, Callable Statement, Executing SQL Statement, Closing a Database
Connection, Creating DSN and Understanding Various JDBC Drivers; Creating Table by
Using JDBC, Working With ResultSet Object.
Introduction to Servlets: Need for Server Side Programming, What is a Servlet, Advantages
of using Servlets, Understanding the Servlet API, Generic Servlet Class, Servlet Life Cycle,
Servlet Request, Redirection, Servlet Config, Servlet Context, Session Tracking with Servlets,
deploying a Servlet Application,.
Introduction to JSP: Understanding JSP, JSP Architecture, Advantages of JSP, JSP Life
Cycle, JSP Scripting Elements: Scriptlet, Expression, Declaration; JSP Implicit Objects,
Directive Elements: Page, Include, Taglib; JSP Action Elements: Forward, useBean, Include,
setProperty & getProperty, JSTL
Introduction to JavaBeans: Concept of JavaBeans, Advantages of using JavaBeans,
Components of JavaBeans: Properties, Methods and Events; JavaBean API

Suggested Textbooks:
1. Schildt, Herbert (2017). Java- The Complete Reference. McGraw Hill Education

Reference Books:
1. Sierra, Kathy & Bert Bates (2009). Head First Java. O’Reilly Publications
2. Sierra, Kathy & Bert Bates (2011). Head First Servlets & JSP. O’Reilly Publications
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 502 Software Engineering

Course Objectives: The course objectives of Software Engineering Program are to produce
graduates who, within three years after graduation, are able to:
1. Be employed in industry, government, or entrepreneurial endeavors to demonstrate
professional advancement through significant technical achievements and expanded
leadership responsibility;
2. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a team member and/or leader in an ever-
changing professional environment; and
3. Progress through advanced degree or certificate programs in computing, science,
engineering, business, and other professionally related fields.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO-1. Basic knowledge and understanding of the analysis and design of complex systems.
CO-2. Ability to apply software engineering principles and techniques and to develop,
maintain and evaluate large-scale software systems.
CO-3. To produce efficient, reliable, robust and cost-effective software solutions.
CO-4. Ability to perform independent research and analysis.
CO-5. Ability to work as an effective member or leader of software engineering teams.
CO-6. To manage time, processes and resources effectively by prioritising competing
demands to achieve personal and team goals Identify and analyzes the common threats
in each domain.

Course Contents:

Introduction: Evolving Role of Software, Software characteristics, Software Designing
Processes: Software Engineering, Software Process and Characteristics, Need of Software
Development Life Cycle Models, Waterfall, Prototype, Spiral Model, RAD Model;

Software Requirement Analysis and Specification: Requirement Elicitation Technique:
Interview, Form Analysis, SRS and its Characteristics. Software Project Planning: Issues
involved in Software Estimation, Size Estimation like lines of code and Function point method,
Cost Estimation Model: COCOMO, Risk Management.

Software Project Management Process: Feasibility Study, Project Planning, Project Execution,
Project Termination. System Models: Data-flow models, Semantic data models, Object
models, Inheritance models, Object aggregation, Service usage models, Data Dictionaries.
Basics Software Design: Design Process, Design Fundamentals, Software Design Levels:
Architectural Design, High Level design, detail design, Design Notations, Specification and
Modularization, Design Structure Chart, Pseudo Codes, Flow charts, Coupling and Cohesion

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BCA – Session 2021-24
Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Basic
concept of object-oriented analysis & Design. Traditional paradigm versus object oriented
paradigm, software design approaches: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design. Object-oriented
design: Object aggregation; Service Usage; Object Interface Design: Design evolution,
Function oriented design: Data –flow design; Structural Decomposition: Detailed design.

Software Metrics: Software measurements What & Why, Token Count, Halstead Software
Science Measures, Design Metrics, software testing. Test cases. Software Maintenance: Types
of software Maintenance, Software maintenance model, Concept of Software Re- engineering
& Software Reverse engineering- Definition, purposes and objectives. Introduction to UML
class diagram object diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram,
component diagram, collaboration diagram.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Software Engineering - A practitioner's approach"- R.S.Pressman,5th Ed., McGraw Hill
2. Software Engineering (Principle & Practices Waman S. Jawadekar), Tata Mccraw Hill
3. An Integrated approach to software Engineering, - Pankaj Jalote , Narosa Publication

Reference Books:
Software Engineering- Shari Lawrence, Pfleeger. Pearson edu.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 503 Artificial Intelligence

Course Objectives: This course is designed to familiarize the students with basic principles,
techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO-1. Demonstrate fundamental understanding of the history of artificial intelligence (AI) and
its foundations.
CO-2. Analyze and apply different searching techniques for solving problems of different
CO-3. Apply basic principles of AI in solutions that require problem solving, inference,
perception, knowledge representation, and learning.
CO-4. Demonstrate awareness and fundamental understanding of various applications of AI
techniques in intelligent agents, expert systems, artificial neural networks, and other
machine learning models.
CO-5. Display an in-depth knowledge of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Historical Backdrop, what is Intelligence,
The bottom line. Defining the problem as state space search, production system and their types,
characteristics of problem and production system.

State Space Search: Generate and test, Simple search, Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth First
Search (BFS), Comparison of BFS and DFS, Quality of solution, Depth Bounded DFS
(DBDFS), Depth First Iterative Deepening(DFID). Heuristic Search: Heuristic Functions, Best
First Search, Hill Climbing, Local Maxima, Solution Space Search, Variable Neighborhood
Descent, Beam Search, Tabu Search, Peak to Peak Methods.

Knowledge Representation, Problems in representing knowledge, knowledge representation
using propositional and predicate logic, comparison of propositional and predicate logic,
Resolution, refutation, deduction, theorem proving, inferencing, monotonic and no monotonic

Learning: Introduction to learning, Neural Networks: Introduction, Model Representation,
Gradient Descent vs. Perceptron Training, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Multilayer
Perceptrons, Multiclass Representation, Backpropagation Algorithm, Learning rate and it’s

Activation functions: sigmoid, tanh, relu, softmax, etc; problems of overfitting in neural
networks; regularization techniques: L1 and L2 regularization, dropout, data augmentation,
early stopping.
Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets. Classical set and
Fuzzy sets – Operations and Properties. Fuzzy Relations – Equivalence & Tolerance.
Membership Functions, Fuzzification, Membership Value Assignment. Fuzzy to Crisp
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Suggested Textbooks:
1. Patterson, Dan W. (2007). Introduction to AI and ES. Pearson Education
2. Rich, Elaine & Kevin Knight. Artificial Intelligence. Tata McGraw Hill
3. Russel, Stuart & Peter Norvig (2007). AI- A Modern Approac, 2e. Pearson Education

Reference Books:
1. Clocksin, W.F. & Mellish (2001). Programming in PROLOG, 3e. Narosa Publishing
2. Bratko, Ivan (2000). Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence,3e. Addison-Wesley,
Pearson Education
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24


Oracle 8i
Course Objective
To enhance the knowledge and understanding of Database analysis and design. Enhance the
knowledge of the processes of Database Development and Administration using SQL and
PL/SQL. Use the Relational model and how it is supported by SQL and PL/SQL. Use the
PL/SQL code constructs of IF-THEN-ELSE and LOOP types as well as syntax and command
functions. Solve Database problems using Oracle 9i SQL and PL/SQL. This will include the
use of Procedures, Functions, Packages, and Triggers.

Learning Outcomes
Student will get exposure to work on databases using Oracle.
Course Contents
RDBMS COMPONENTS – Kernel, Data Dictionary, Client-Server Architecture, Oracle
Architecture, Oracle files and processes, Role of DBA

Introduction: SQL*Plus and SQL, Data types in Oracle, DDL Statements, Computations on
Table Data, Oracle Dual Table, Oracle Functions, Data Constraints, Grouping Data from
Tables, Manipulating Dates, Pattern matching, Range Searching, Study of the clauses: Union,
Intersect, Minus clause.

Joining Multiple Tables (Equi Joins), Joining a Table to itself (self Joins), subqueries
Creating views, Renaming the Column of a view. Updation, Selection, destroying views,
Permission on the objects created by the user, GRANT statement, Object privileges,
Referencing a table belonging to another user, Revoking the permission given, Sequences,

Data Control Language (DCL), Data Security, Grant and Revoke, PL/SQL, Variables and type
declarations, Loop structure, PL/SQL Blocks, Cursor/ Cursor loops, Types of stored PL/SQL
Blocks, Exceptions

Procedures & Functions - Concept, creation, execution, advantages, syntax, deletion,
Triggers - Concept. use, how to apply database triggers, type of triggers, syntax, deleting,
import, export.

Suggested Readings:
Main Text Books
1. SQL,PL/SQL The programming - Lang. of Oracle Ivan Bayross - BPB
2. Oracle Database 12c The Complete Reference (Oracle Press) by Bob Bryla , Kevin Loney –
Oracle Press

Reference Books:
1. Oracle Database 12c SQL – Jason Price – Oracle Press
2. Oracle Database 12c PL/SQL Programming by McLaughlin – Oracle Press
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 601 Computer Networks

Course Objectives:
1. Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer networking.
2. Familiarize the student with the basic taxonomy and terminology of the computer
networking area.
3. Introduce the student to advanced networking concepts, preparing the student for entry
Advanced courses in computer networking.
4. Allow the student to gain expertise in some specific areas of networking such as the
design and maintenance of individual networks.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Independently understand basic computer network technology.
CO-2: Understand and explain Data Communications System and its components.
CO-3: Identify the different types of network topologies, protocols and n/w devices.
CO-4: Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP. Explain the function(s) of each
CO-5: Understand and building the skills of sub netting and routing mechanisms.
Course Contents:
Data Communication System: Purpose, Components: Source, transmitter, transmission
System, receiver, and destination. Data transmission: Frequency, Spectrum and Bandwidth.
Time-domain and frequency domain Concepts. Relationship between data-rate and Bandwidth.
Network topology with advantages and disadvantages.
Analog and digital data transmission. Data and signal. Analog and digital signaling of analog
and digital data. Modem, modulation techniques, codec, digital transmitter etc. Transmission
impairments: attenuation and attenuation distortion, delay distortion, noise.
Introduction to Network, OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model. Transmission Media:
Magnetic Media, Twisted-Pair cables, Baseband & Broadband Coaxial cables, Fiber Optics.
Wireless Transmission: Radio Transmission, Microwave Transmission, Bluetooth, Infrared,
Virtual LAN.
ISDN; ATM; data link layer: services, framing, error control, error-detecting & correcting
codes. Data link protocols: stop-and-wait protocol, sliding window protocol. HDLC; static &
dynamic channel allocation in LANS & MANS, FDDI.
Multiple Access Protocols: ALOHA, CSMA/CD; IEEE standards 1002.3 and Ethernet, 1002.4:
Token Bus; 1002.5: Token Ring. Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Routing Algorithm, Congestion
control Algorithm, Internetworking, The TCP/IP Protocol, IP Addressing, Subnets, Supernets,

Suggested Text Books:

1. Tanenbaum A. Computer Networks. Prentice Hall- publisher.
2. Forouzan. Data Communication & Networking. Mc Graw Hill Publisher.
Reference Books:
1. Stallins W. Data & Computer Communications. PHI- Publisher.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 602 Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to introduce the theory and practice of computer
graphics. The course will assume a good background in programming in C or C++ and a
background in mathematics including familiarity with the theory and use of coordinate
geometry and of linear algebra such as matrix multiplication.
To understand the principles of computer graphics requires not only study of the literature, but
experimental work on a graphics system. Therefore, as part of this course, the students will
design and implement a substantial computer graphics program and will generate some
complex illustrations with this system.

Course Outcomes: on completion of the course the students will be able to:
CO-1: Understand the different display devices, Algorithms, 2D transformation, their
techniques and use.
CO-2: Basic description of various input device, output devices and their use.
CO-3: Understand the algorithm for different geometry object & develop the program using
CO-4: Use the 2D geometric transformation & their category and solve through the examples.
CO-5: Use of multimedia objects and understands the architecture of multimedia.

Course Contents:

Basics of Graphics Systems Applications, Display Devices: Video Displays, Raster- Scan
Displays, Random Scan Displays, DVST, Flat- Panel Displays. Input Devices: Keyboards,
Mouse, Trackball, and Space Ball, Joysticks, Digitizers, Image Scanner, Touch Panel, Light
Pens, Voice Systems etc.

Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA Algorithm, Bresenham’s line Algorithm. Bresenham’s
Circle drawing algorithm, Mid-Point Circle Algorithm, Scan-line Polygon Fill Algorithm,
Inside-Outside test, Boundary Fill algorithm, Flood-Fill algorithm. Pixel, Pixel addressing,

Clipping: COHEN-SUTHERLAND Line Clipping Algorithm, Line Clipping Using Non
Rectangular Clip Windows, Polygon Clipping, Text Clipping.

Two-dimensional Geometric Transformation: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection,
Shear, Matrix representation and Homogeneous coordinates. Composite transformation:
Translations, Rotations, Scaling, General Pivot-Point Rotation and Scaling.

Introduction to Multimedia: Review of Multimedia, Multimedia Applications, Multimedia
Systems Architecture, Multimedia Hardware, Multimedia Software, Representation and
Operations on Various Multimedia Data Types: Text, Images, Graphics, Video and Audio,
Introduction to Multimedia Authoring.

Suggested Text Books:

Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
1. Gomes, J., & Velho, L. (1997). Image processing for computer
graphics. Springer Science & Business Media.
2. Hearn, D., & Baker, M. P. (2004). Computer graphics with OpenGL. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
3. Rogers, D. F., & Earnshaw, R. (Eds.). (2001). Computer graphics techniques: Theory and
practice. Springer Science & Business Media.
Reference Books:

1. Rajaraman, A. Computer Graphics with Multimedia. Narosa Publication.

2. Newman, W. S., & Sproul, R. S. (1981). Principles of interactive computer graphics.
McGraw-Hill International.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 603 Software Testing

Course Objectives: The Objective of this course is to learn and apply basic skills needed to
create and automate the test plan of a software project, to know how to plan, develop, and
execute an automated test plan. Students should learn testing concepts, Test planning, Creating
a test plan in Test Director, Breaking the test plan into manageable components, Designing test
cases and test steps, Analyzing the test plan, understanding of Automation testing, Creating a
script through recording.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO-1. Apply various test processes and continuous quality improvement
CO-2. Understand and define the types of errors and fault models
CO-3. Using methods of test generation from requirements

Course Contents:
Introduction: Testing as an Engineering Activity, Testing as a process, testing axioms, basic
Definitions Software Testing Principles, The Tester's Role in a software Development
organization, The Defect Repository and Test Design, Developer/Tester Support for
Developing a Defect Repository. Defect Prevention Strategies.
Test Case Design : Test Case Design Strategies, Using Black Box Approach to Test case
design, Random Testing, Requirements based testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Decision
tables, Equivalence class partitioning, State-based testing, Cause-effect graphing, Error
guessing, Compatibility Testing.
Using White Box Approach to Test design, Test Adequacy Criteria, static testing vs. structural
testing, code functional testing, Coverage and Control flow Graphs. Covering Code Logic,
paths, their role in White box Based Test Design, Evaluating Test Adequacy Criteria.
Levels Of Testing : The Need for Levels of Testing, Unit Test, Unit Test planning, Designing
the Unit tests, The Test harness, Running the unit tests and Recording results, Integration tests,
Designing integration Tests, Integration Test Planning, scenario testing, Defect bash
elimination. System Testing, Acceptance testing, Performance testing, Regression testing,
testing OO systems, testing the documentation.
Introduction to automatic testing & tools: Drawback of manual testing, Benefits of automatic
testing, demerits of automatic testing, functional testing tools. Performance testing tools.
Overview of automatic tool QTP: history, benefits, anatomy, main parts of QTP.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Srinivasan Desikan and Gopalaswamy Ramesh, Software Testing ' Principles and
Practices', Pearson education.
2. Renu Rajani, Pradeep Oak, Software Testing - Effective Methods, Tools and
Techniques, TataMcGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, Second Edition, Dreamtech.
2. Elfriede Dustin, Effective Software Testing, First Edition, Pearson Education.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 604 Machine Learning

Course Objective

The main objective of this course is to help students learn and understand the concept of
machine learningapproaches with the help of Supporting Programming Language.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to -
CO-1: Understand the concept of machine learning, supervised, unsupervised learning and
statistical learning.
CO-2: Acquire knowledge about software for machine learning.
CO-3: Understand various applications using machine learning techniques. CO-4: Solve the
problems of Matrices and vectors with available tool.
CO-5: Knowledge about regularization and its utility.

Introduction: Concept of Machine Learning, Applications of Machine Learning, Key
elements of Machine Learning, Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning, Statistical Learning:
Bayesian Method, The Naive Bayes Classifier.

Software for Machine Learning and Linear Algebra Overview: Plotting of Data,
Vectorization, Matrices and Vectors: Addition, Multiplication, Transpose and Inverse using
available tool such as Python.

Linear Regression: Prediction using Linear Regression, Gradient Descent, Linear Regression
with one variable, Linear Regression with multiple variables, Polynomial Regression, Feature
Scaling /Selection.

Logistic Regression: Classification using Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression vs. Linear
Regression, Logistic Regression with one variable and with multiple variables.

Regularization: Regularization and its utility: The problem of Overfitting, Application of
Regularization in Linear and Logistic Regression, Regularization and Bias/Variance.

Reference Books

1. Ethem Alpaydin, "Introduction to Machine Learning" 2nd Edition, The MIT Press,
2. Tom M. Mitchell, "Machine Learning", First Edition by Tata McGraw-Hill Education,
3. Christopher M. Bishop, "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Springer,
4. Mevin P. Murphy, "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" by The MIT Press,
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 701 Data Mining
Course Objectives:
1. Be familiar with mathematical foundations of data mining tools.
2. Understand and implement classical models and algorithms in data warehouses and data
3. Characterize the kinds of patterns that can be discovered by association rule mining,
classification and clustering.
4. Develop skill in selecting the appropriate data mining algorithm for solving practical
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO-1. Understand the functionality of the various data mining and data warehousing
CO-2. Appreciate the strengths and limitations of various data mining and data warehousing
CO-3. Explain the analyzing techniques of various data.
Course Contents:
Introduction: Data Mining – Motivation, Importance of DM Functionalities, Basic Data
Mining Tasks, DM Applications, and Social Implications

Data Warehousing: Differences between Operational Database and Data Warehouse –
Multidimensional Data Model - From Tables to Data Cubes. Schemas, Measures, DW
Implementation – Efficient Computation of Data Cubes.

Data Reprocessing, Data Mining Primitives, Languages: Data Cleaning, Data Integration
and Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization and concept of Hierarchy Generation,
Task relevant Data, Background Knowledge, Presentation and Visualization of Discovered

Data Mining Algorithms: Association Rule Mining, Classification and Prediction – Decision
Tree, Bayesian Classification Back Propagation, Cluster Analysis, Outlier Analysis.

Web, Temporal and Spatial Data Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining,
Web Usages Mining, Spatial Mining, Generalization and specialization, Spatial Rules, Spatial
Classification and Clustering Algorithms, Temporal Mining, Modeling Temporal Events,
Times Series, Pattern Detection, Sequences.

Reference Text Books:

1. Jiawei I-lan & Micheline Kambler, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Harcourt
India Pvt. Ltd., First Indian Reprint, 2001
2. Margaret H. Dunham, “Data Mining : Introduction and Advance Topics”, Pearson
Education, First Indian Reprint, 2003
3. Arun K. Pujari, “Data Mining Techniques”, University Press (India) Limited, First
edition, 2001 4. Efrem O, Mallach, “Decision Support and Data Warehousing
Systems”, Mcgraw-Hill International Edition, 2000
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 702 Research Methodology

Course Objective
The course explains the application of research to various functions of management.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the students will be able to:
CO-1: Understand the concept, process, design, tools and techniques of RM.
CO-2: Apply tools, techniques/methods to assist various functions of management.
CO-3: Analyse the data collected.
CO-4: Evaluating the results, interpret and present findings.
CO-5: Prepare research report

Course Contents:
Introduction to Research Methodology: Meaning of Research, Objectives of Research,
Motivations in Research, types of Research, Significance of Research, Research Process,
Criteria of Good Research, Problem Identification & Formulation – Research Question –
Investigation Question, Research Ethics and Integrity.

Literature Review Development, Argumentation and Synthesis, Referencing, Setting
Objectives, Hypothesis, Qualities of a good Hypothesis, Types of Hypothesis, Null Hypothesis
& Alternative Hypothesis.

Research Design: Concept and Importance in Research – Features of a good research design –
Exploratory Research Design – concept, types and uses, Descriptive Research Designs –
concept, types and uses. Experimental Design: Concept of Independent & Dependent variables.
Hypothesis Testing- Logic & Importance. Measurement: Concept of measurement: Problems
in measurement in research – Validity and Reliability, Levels of measurement – Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval, Ratio.

Sampling: Concepts of Statistical Population, Sampling plan, Sampling Techniques-
Probability & Non-probability Sampling. Data Preparation- Coding, Editing, Data Analysis:
Univariate analysis (frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, percentages), Testing Reliability,
Tests of Association: Bivariate/Mutivariate analysis –Correlations and Regression,

Tests of Differences: t-tests, ANOVA, Interpretation of Data and Report Writing, Types and
Layout of Research Report, Precautions in preparing the Research Report, Bibliography,
Footnotes and Annexure in the Report. Plagiarism Issues.
Note: The course has to be taught with the help of MS Excel and IBM SPSS wherever needed.
Suggested Text Books:
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

1. Chapman, C. (2015). R for marketing research and analytics. New York, NY:
Springer Science Business Media, LLC.
2. Cooper,R.,&Schindler,P.S.(2014).Businessresearchmethods(Twelfthedition).New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
3. Malhotra, N.K., & Birks, D.F.(2007).
MarketingResearch:AnAppliedApproach(3ed).Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
4. Poynter, R. (2010). The handbook of online and social media research: tools and
techniques for market researchers. New York: Wiley.
5. Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., & Griffin, M. (2013). Business research
methods. Cengage Learning.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 703 Data science using Python

Course Objective

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the students will be able to:

Unit – I: Introduction
Introduction to Data Science – Evolution of Data Science – Data Science Roles – Stages in a
Data Science Project – Applications of Data Science in various fields – Data Security Issues.

Unit – II: Data Collection and Data Pre-Processing

Data Collection Strategies – Data Pre-Processing Overview – Data Cleaning – Data
Integration and Transformation – Data Reduction – Data Discretization.

Unit – III: Exploratory Data Analytics

Descriptive Statistics – Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis – Box Plots –
Pivot Table – Heat Map – Correlation Statistics – ANOVA.

Unit – IV: Model Development

Simple and Multiple Regression – Model Evaluation using Visualization – Residual Plot –
Distribution Plot – Polynomial Regression and Pipelines – Measures for In-sample
Evaluation – Prediction and Decision Making.

Unit – V: Model Evaluation

Generalization Error – Out-of-Sample Evaluation Metrics – Cross Validation – Overfitting –
Under Fitting and Model Selection – Prediction by using Ridge Regression – Testing
Multiple Parameters by using Grid Search.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Jojo Moolayil, “Smarter Decisions : The Intersection of IoT and Data Science”,
PACKT, 2016.
2. Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt , “Doing Data Science”, O'Reilly, 2015.
3. David Dietrich, Barry Heller, Beibei Yang, “Data Science and Big data Analytics”,
EMC 2013
4. Raj, Pethuru, “Handbook of Research on Cloud Infrastructures for Big Data
Analytics”, IGI Global.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24
BCA – 801 Mobile Application Development

Course Objectives: The goal of this subject is to understand the different types of command
use for different purpose in Linux. Understanding the mobile application technology using
Android and develop the mobile apps by Android Studio.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to

CO-1: Understand Linux features & their Architecture.
CO-2: Use of different commands (Related to Files, Directory, Disk, etc.)
CO-3: Comparison of Mobile Operating System like Android, IOS & Windows.
CO-4: Knowledge about Android API level and different version, features and architecture.
CO-5: Use of Android Studio for developing mobile apps.
CO-6: Android Components and use of Java and XML file for developing apps.
CO-7: Develop and execute on real physical mobile.

Course Contents:

Linux introduction and file system - Basic Features, Advantages, Installing requirement, Basic
Architecture of Unix/Linux system, Kernel, Shell., Linux standard directories. Commands for
files and directories cd, ls, cp, md, rm, mkdir, rmdir, pwd, file, more, less, creating and viewing
files using cat, file comparisons – cmp & comm, View files, disk related commands, Filters,
Redirection Operator and File permission command.

An Introduction to Mobile Computing- mobile Application Programming, Different Platforms.
Operating systems-Architecture and working of Android, iOS and Windows phone,
Comparison of Android, iOS and Windows phone, Android Development Environment -
Advantages and Future of Android, Android Origin, Version and API level, Use of Android

Android Software Development Platform - Understanding Java SE and the Dalvik Virtual
Machine, The Directory Structure of an Android Project, Common Default Resources Folders,
The Values Folder Leveraging Android XML, Screen Sizes, Launching Your Application,
Configure Virtual Device/Real Device for execute Android Apps.

Android Framework Overview- The Foundation of OOP: The APK File, Android Application
Components, And Android Activities: Defining the UI, Android Services: Processing in the
Background, Broadcast Receivers: Announcements and Notifications, Activity Life Cycle,
Fragment and Intents.

Working with the User Interface Using Views and ViewGroups, Different Layouts, Handling
UI Events, Handling Pictures and Menu with Views, Storing the Data Persistently.

Suggested Text Books:

1. Cinar O. Beginning Android 4. Apress Publication.
2. Meier R. Professional Android 4 Application Development. Wrox Publication.
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

Reference Books:
1. Kothari P. Android Application Development. Black Book. Dream Tech Publication.
2. Novák I., Arvai Z., Balássy G., Fulop D. Beginning Windows 8 Application
Development. Wrox Publication.

BCA – 803 Mobile Application Development Tutorial

1. Develop android application to print welcome message on a screen?

2. Develop android application to show the output of activity life cycle?
3. Develop android application to calculate simple Arithmetic Operation on Android?
4. Develop android application to show the fragment?
5. Develop android application to pass parameter from one activity into another activity?
6. Develop android application to perform operation through intent object?
(i) Open Google website
(ii) Dial a number
(iii)Sending message
7. Develop SMS APPLICATION on Android?
8. Develop android application to show the different layout?
9. Develop android application to create menus?
10. Develop android application for image gallery?
11. Develop android application to perform following operation?
(i) Display of progress bar
(ii) Use of dialogue box
(iii)Set the time
(iv) Set the date
12. Develop android application for Creating Dialog box?
13. Develop android application for login Screen?
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

BCA – 802 Cloud Computing

Course Objectives
• To provide students with the fundamentals and essentials of Cloud Computing.
• To provide students a sound foundation of the Cloud Computing so that they are able
to start using and adopting Cloud Computing services and tools in their real life
• To enable students exploring some important cloud computing driven commercial
systems and applications.
• To expose the students to frontier areas of Cloud Computing and information systems,
while providing sufficient foundations to enable further study and research.

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to –
CO-1: Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this paradigm
shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges brought about by the various
models and services in cloud computing.
CO-2: Apply the fundamental concepts in datacenters to understand the tradeoffs in power,
efficiency and cost.
CO-3: Identify resource management fundamentals, i.e. resource abstraction, sharing and
sandboxing and outline their role in managing infrastructure in cloud computing.
CO-4: Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the

Cloud Computing Overview – Origins of Cloud computing – Cloud components - Essential
characteristics On- demand self-service, Broad network access, Location independent resource
pooling, Rapid elasticity, Measured service. Cloud scenarios – Benefits: scalability, simplicity,
vendors, security. Limitations – Sensitive information - Application development – Security
concerns - privacy concern with a third party - security level of third party - security benefits

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud computing stack - Comparison with traditional
computing architecture (client/server), Services provided at various levels, How Cloud
Computing Works, Role of Networks in Cloud computing, protocols used, Role of Web
services Service Models (XaaS) - Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a
Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS)

Cloud Computing Architecture: Deployment Models – Public cloud, Private cloud, hybrid
cloud, Community cloud; Cloud security: Infrastructure security, data security and storage,
Identity and access Management, Access control.

Virtualization: Virtualization and cloud computing - Need of virtualization – cost,
administration, fast deployment, reduce infrastructure cost – limitations; Types of hardware
virtualization: Full virtualization - partial virtualization - para virtualization; Cloud Economics:
Cloud Computing infrastructures available for implementing cloud based services, choosing a
Cloud platform for an organization based on application requirements, economic constraints
and business needs
Prestige Institute of Management and Research Gwalior
BCA – Session 2021-24

Setting up your own Cloud: How to build private cloud using open source tools, understanding
various cloud plugins, setting up your own cloud environment- Auto provisioning, Custom
images, Integrating tools like Nagios; Integration of Public and Private cloud. Future
Directions: Cloud Domain and scope of work, Cloud Computing Programming Introduction,
Trends and market of cloud

Text Books
1. Gautam Shroff, Enterprise Cloud Computing Technology Architecture Applications
[ISBN: 978-0521137355]
2. Cloud computing a practical approach - Anthony T.Velte, Toby J. Velte Robert
Elsenpeter TATA McGraw- Hill , New Delhi – 2010 [ISBN: 0071626948]
3. Dimitris N. Chorafas, Cloud Computing Strategies [ISBN: 1439834539]
4. Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and
Collaborate Online -Michael Miller - Que 2008

Reference Books
1. Cloud Computing Bible, Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley-India, 2010
2. Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Editors: Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg,
Andrzej M.Goscinski Wile, 2011
3. Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications, Editors: Nikos Antonopoulos,
Lee Gillam,Springer, 2012.
4. Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing, Ronald L. Krutz,
Russell DeanVines, Wiley-India, 2010

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