Foot A3
Foot A3
Foot A3
GRAITEC INNOVATION Designed by Date Verified by Date
17 Burospace 91572 Bièvres Revision A Drawing S
1 Geometry................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Soil input.................................................................................................................................. 2
3 Loads and combinations......................................................................................................... 3
4 Global assumptions................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Localisation...................................................................................................................................4
4.2 Units..............................................................................................................................................5
4.3 Materials........................................................................................................................................5
4.4 Concrete covers.............................................................................................................................5
5 Design assumptions................................................................................................................. 6
6 Bearing resistance check......................................................................................................... 7
6.1 Bearing resistance assumptions.....................................................................................................7
6.2 Bearing resistance verification......................................................................................................7
7 Load eccentricity..................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Compressed surface verification...................................................................................................7
7.2 Simplified eccentricity verification...............................................................................................8
7.2.1 Ellipse interaction verification..........................................................................................8
8 Sliding verification.................................................................................................................. 8
8.1 Sliding verifications at ULS..........................................................................................................8
9 Overturning verification......................................................................................................... 9
10 Settlement verification.......................................................................................................... 10
11 Longitudinal reinforcement................................................................................................. 11
11.1 Footing reinforcement calculation..............................................................................................11
11.2 Supported element reinforcement...............................................................................................14
12 Stresses................................................................................................................................... 15
13 Crack width check................................................................................................................. 16
14 Punching shear check........................................................................................................... 18
15 Bill of materials..................................................................................................................... 19
1 Geometry
2 Soil input
No top level for water sheet.
Soil layers
Min/Max Weight Friction Cohesion
Soil layers
Soil layer Poisson's Oedometric Young Menard
ratio modulus modulus modulus
1 - Peat 0.20 0.78 0.70 0.70 1.00
2 - Mud, clay(good cohesion) 0.20 1.67 1.50 0.99 0.66
3 - Clay (stiff) 0.25 6.00 5.00 3.30 0.66
Load Load case V
name (kN) (kN⋅m) (kN⋅m) (kN) (kN)
1 1-G 43.09 0.00 0.00 -15.31 0.87
2 2-Q 29.46 0.00 0.00 -16.04 0.00
3 3 - WX+S -27.31 0.00 0.00 12.25 0.00
4 4 - WX+D -9.29 0.00 0.00 7.11 0.00
5 5 - WX+S2 -6.22 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.00
6 6 - WX+D2 13.77 0.00 0.00 -5.31 0.00
7 7 - WX+S3 -14.90 0.00 0.00 10.50 0.00
8 8 - WX+D3 7.49 0.00 0.00 2.57 0.00
9 9 - WX-S -45.05 0.00 0.00 25.14 0.01
10 10 - WX-D -20.70 0.00 0.00 16.98 0.00
11 11 - WX-S2 -6.15 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.00
12 12 - WX-D2 30.90 0.00 0.00 -9.78 0.00
13 13 - WX-S3 -37.38 0.00 0.00 11.19 0.00
14 14 - WX-D3 -5.84 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.00
15 15 - WY+S -44.99 0.00 0.00 26.08 0.00
16 16 - WY+D -16.12 0.00 0.00 15.47 0.00
17 17 - WY-S -48.24 0.00 0.00 22.78 0.00
18 18 - WY-D -17.26 0.00 0.00 14.27 0.00
19 19 - Forces Max 125.53 0.00 0.00 -52.07 1.17
20 20 - Forces Min 58.17 0.00 0.00 -20.67 1.16
Load on ground G 1-G 0.00 - - - -
Load on ground Q 2-Q 0.00 - - - -
4 Global assumptions
Calculation according to EN1990 / EN 1991 / EN1992-1-1
4.1 Localisation
Lengths mm
Forces kN
Moments kN⋅m
Stresses MPa (N/mm²)
Angles °
Reinforcement areas mm²
Crack width mm
4.3 Materials
Concrete quality (EN1992-1-1 / 3.1)
Concrete class: C25/30
Steel grade (EN1992-1-1 / Section 3 / Annex C)
Steel grade: B500A
Ductility class: A
Horizontal plastic branch
k = 1.05
5 Design assumptions
Global design assumptions
Earth loads and overloads on the footing are taken into account for the calculation of the cross sectional
areas of steel in the footing.
Self weight of the footing is considered for reinforcement calculation.
Longitudinal reinforcement design method when no bending moment is defined: Strut-and-tie method
Earthquake codes not taken into account.
Iteration step for calculation of the cross section area of steel is 10.00 mm²
Pedestal self weight taken into account.
Design approach 1
Bearing capacity assumptions
The contact pressure distribution is linear.
The net allowable soil bearing pressure is user-defined.
The inclination factors of the load are taken into account.
Bearing soil behaviour: Cohesive soil (or intermediate).
The soil bearing verification for SLS conditions is not performed.
Sliding assumptions
Type: In-situ member
The friction angle between the soil and the footing: δ = 1 φ’
Load eccentricity assumptions
The footing area in compression must be at least equal to:
7 % of total base area at ULS fundamental/accidental/seismic.
50 % of total base area at SLS characteristic.
67 % of total base area at SLS quasi-permanent/frequent.
Partial factors for soil parameters
Drained ULS
Combination: 546: 1.35x[1 G]+1x[19 ENV]+1.05x[2 Q]+0.75x[12 V]
Vertical load
Overburden pressure:
Maximum stress
Design value of soil resistance
(D.4) from EN 1997-1
Total footing bearing area A' = 2890000.00 mm²
Soil bearing capacity (impose)
Ground failure resistance
( from EN 1997-1 (17.97%) Passed
Undrained ULS
No ULS combination under undrained conditions.
7 Load eccentricity
8.17 % (Passed)
SLS QP combination 651: 1x[1 G]+0.3x[2 Q]
Compressed surface verification
67.00 % (Passed)
SLS CQ combination 569: 1x[1 G]+1x[2 Q]
Compressed surface verification
50.00 % (Passed)
SLS FQ combination 618: 1x[1 G]+0.5x[2 Q]
Compressed surface verification
67.00 % (Passed)
8 Sliding verification
In-situ member
Friction angle between the soil and the footing: δ = 1 φ'
Bearing soil behavior: Cohesive soil (or intermediate)
Drained conditions
Combination: 546: 1.35x[1 G]+1x[19 ENV]+1.05x[2 Q]+0.75x[12 V]
Horizontal load
Vertical load (initial)
Vertical load (including the effect of earth
9 Overturning verification
X direction:
Load combination 147: 0.9x[1 G]+1.5x[15 V]
Stabilizing moment
Destabilizing moment
Overturning ratio
64.27 % (Passed)
Y direction:
Load combination 149: 0.9x[1 G]+1.5x[17 V]
Stabilizing moment
Destabilizing moment
Overturning ratio
2.41 % (Passed)
10 Settlement verification
The settlement verification is done according the simplified adjusted elasticity method defined in the
appendix F of NF EN1997-1.
Load combination 611: 1x[1 G]+1x[12 V]+0.7x[2 Q]
Allowable settlement
Characteristic vertical load
Bearing pressure
Poisson coefficient
Settlement coefficient
Total settlement
Settlement verification
30.56 % (Passed )
11 Longitudinal reinforcement
Earth loads and overloads on the footing are taken into account for the calculation of the cross sectional
areas of steel in the footing.
11.1 Footing reinforcement calculation
The bending moments used to calculate the footing longitudinal reinforcement are calculated in a critical
section, at 0,15 · l1 inside the supported element, where “l1” is the supported element width in the current
The calculation is performed twice, at left and at right of the critical section. In this chapter, the calculation
for which the maximum bending moment resulted will be detailed (at left or at right).
Reduced moment
Theoretical reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement
Required reinforcement
Reduced moment
Theoretical reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement
Required reinforcement
Reduced moment
Theoretical reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement
Required reinforcement
Reduced moment
Theoretical reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement
Required reinforcement
12 Stresses
Crack width
(7.3.4 (1))
Crack width verification
(17.92 %) Passed
Crack width
(7.3.4 (1))
Crack width verification
(19.88 %) Passed
Control perimeter
Control area
15 Bill of materials
Reinforcement summary
Diameter Length Weight
H6 4362.05 mm 0.97 kg
H14 9990.37 mm 12.07 kg
H12 58156.74 mm 51.63 kg
Footing 5 -
Rigid Point
Concrete Formwork Steel Bedding Muck Backfill Reinf. Ratio
Support Level
Quantity 1.16 m³ 2720000.00 64.67 kg 0.00 m³ 3.03 m³ 1.66 m³ 55.94 kg/m³
Price 0.00 £ 0.00 £ 0.00 £ 0.00 £ - -
Total 0.00 £