4TPS 2016summit Piece
4TPS 2016summit Piece
4TPS 2016summit Piece
Problem Solving
by Art Smalley
March 2016
There is no shortage of problems today. Social problems, business problems—every
organization in every sector encounters problems daily that they confront, avoid,
or fail to even recognize. Naturally, we want to solve each problem we face. There
are many books and training classes on problem solving and you probably have
read many of the books and attended such training. But problem solving as a skill
seems stuck in first gear or, worse, to have slipped into reverse. That’s why we think
it’s time to step up and help others understand and coach the art and science of
effective problem solving.
Lean thinking on the other hand defines a problem simply as the gap between the
way things are and the way we would like them to be. Recognizing problems as
welcome opportunities to improve any situation is arguably the most important
charracteristic of a continuous improvement organization. Hiding problems is,
conversely, the most intractable trait of any organization that wishes to improve.
As we like to say, “No problem is a problem!”
But no less an authority than the Oxford dictionary gives us this definition of a
problem: “A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing
to be dealt with and overcome”. Contrast this with the middle English definition
(from old French, Latin and Greek) which defined a problem simply as a riddle or
question for discussion. Ah—that we could return to such simpler times!
So, in this guide, we will call a problem a problem with the aim of making us all
better problem solvers.
Introduction 3
Why a Book about Problem Solving?
The purpose of the book is to address a very big concern. There is much noise in
the lean community and beyond that creates confusion around this important topic
of problem solving. What is a problem? How do we go about addressing them?
There are many methods and models of problem solving out there, and many of
them may have their place depending on the circumstance. The intent of this book
is to provide a framework, a context, to help serious problem solvers think about
the picture of problem solving and continuous improvement in a holistic way.
There’s not just one method that is best for all problems. But no “one best way”
does not mean there is not some basic thinking—a framework—that can make
sense of the many ways that problems come at us. So, what does lean thinking, or
Toyota thinking, have to say about all that? That’s the promise of this book—it’s
not a how-to-do book so much as a how-to-think book.
Introduction 5
of this book to provide both a backbone and breadth of problem-solving ideas and
concepts as well as tactical tools to solve the problems you encounter.
• Seven steps common to solving most problems: Two of the four types of
problem solving—gap-from-standard method (Chapter 4) and the target-state
method, which together can help us solve most of our business problems—
rely on seven common problem-solving steps. So we dig a bit deeper into the
problem-solving routines of these two types, helping you to work through
each step as you solve real problems in your organization.
Art learned directly about problem solving from Tomoo Harada, who led the
maintenance activities that created the stability that enabled Ohno’s innovations in
flow to succeed on a large scale. Without basic stability: no just-in-time. Without
problem solving: no basic stability.
Art’s study of problem solving continued from there, including apprenticeship with
Russ Scaffede and Isao Kato, consulting work with clients including organizations
such as Sandia National Laboratories and Donnelly Corp., as well as collaboration
with Prof. Durward Sobek, which resulted in an important book for the lean
movement and is used as a core resource by many lean practitioners: A3 Thinking.
• Help when you are stuck with a problem: This book functions like a repair
manual. Sometimes we cannot remember every detail or nuance for how to
rigorously define a problem or conduct root-cause analysis. At those times we
encourage you to refer to this manual and look at the explanatory steps and key
points as a refresher and for clarification.
• A team guide: We envision teams that are newer to problem solving will use
this book as a team facilitation guide. Keep it with you in the team room where
problem-solving meetings occur. We have incorporated questions throughout for
you and your colleagues to reflect upon and try to answer. This is not a canned
“problem solutions” book; no one can solve your problems except you and your
team members.
Introduction 7
• A coaching aid: This guide can be used as a way for people to effectively coach
and mentor teams. Simply asking vague Socratic-method type questions is not
sufficient for coaching to solve problems and develop problem-solving skills.
The problem-solving coaches in Toyota were like good sports coaches or martial
arts instructors: they knew the what, how, and why to do activities, and would
readily demonstrate the craft when necessary. Such coaching includes asking very
specific questions or providing very specific technical insights. This interaction
between mentor and mentee is highly situational and dependent upon the
learner, the complexity of the situation, and the needs of the organization. We
share basic insights for those who will be coaching others through problem
solving, knowing that it takes time and effort to develop the skills to address the
multitude of coaching situations that arise—no one size fits all in coaching.
No doubt you will find other uses for this book, and we’d like to hear about them.
Our process at LEI includes a feedback loop from end users for us to learn what
works, what does not work, and how certain tools actually get applied. We look
forward to learning from you how you actually use this guide. We’ll need your
ongoing help in solving the remaining problems with problem solving.
So, just what are the 4 kinds of problems and problem solving, you ask? Read on.
John Shook
Chairman and CEO, Lean Enterprise Institute
Chairman, Lean Global Network
Having no problems is the
biggest problem of all.
— Taiichi Ohno
We often break up the four types problems and problem solving and consider
them as separate entities. In reality, the four types are merely lenses through which
we can view most any type of problem. Timing, resources, urgency, necessity, and
priorities often dictate your response. With some problems it is sufficient to apply
troubleshooting methods and then spend remaining time on larger issues that
require more attention. Other situations require the immediate use of different
problem-solving approaches—gap from standard, target state, or innovation. And
certain problems will, over time, require all four types of problem solving.
In this section we will illustrate this point, using Taiichi Ohno’s classic example of
the Five Whys and the personal experiences of Tomoo “Tom” Harada, an engineer
who worked for Ohno in Toyota’s main engine plant. We will show how the problem
—almost always presented as only a Type 2 problem—unfolded over time by the
work of different parties using the four different problem-solving methodologies.
The problem involves a machine tool in an engine plant, which stopped working
and halted a production line. The Five Why sequence below involves first a question
and then the corresponding answer:
Introduction 9
Situation: A machine tool has stopped working halting production
Type 1 Problems—Troubleshooting
The build up of cutting chips is a natural part of the machining process. A cutting
tool cuts into the metal of the workpiece and physically creates a “chip” that must
then be properly evacuated from the part and the machine. Failure to do so is a
recipe for a variety of issues, such as safety/minor cuts, machine downtime, and
dimensional quality issues.
The countermeasure in many cases was to clean the machines at the start, middle,
and end of shift using a variety of mechanisms, including brushes, small rakes,
manual air blow, and additional coolant flushes. Standardized work and job
instruction training was, of course, emphasized as well, but it had only a limited
effect on the problem. Cleaning worked in terms of immediate needs, but it did
not prevent the problem from recurring; a better approach was needed to get at
the real set of underlying issues.
Leaders, such as Ohno, began to require that the real root causes of the safety,
downtime, and quality issues in machining be addressed more thoroughly. This
emphasis on the Five Whys occurred in the 1960s in conjunction with structured
problem-solving training and execution. Simple daily cleaning, expectation setting,
communication, and training were not enough.
1 2 3 4 5
An Example 11
were considered more thoroughly. In the famous Five Whys example, the simple
act of adding a strainer solved this one specific problem, but other problems
required different solutions entirely.
Target-state improvement involves first principles of flow, takt time, built-in quality,
safety, reliability, and an attitude of mental challenge. For example, 100% safety,
100% quality, and 100% uptime with a shorter lead time are target-state aspirations.
The act of cleaning cutting chips was viewed as wasteful in nature and also not
respectful of the human operator. Management and engineering looked at the
cutting-chip issue from an “aru beki sugata” or “ideally how should this process
work” point of view. Eliminating cutting chips is impossible, but one can still
consider what is the ideal size of the chip (e.g. smaller is better), how it is formed,
how it flows away from the part, how the machine is guarded, and how the
operator is protected.
Type 4 Problems—Innovation
Normally we think of innovation in conjunction with a product. However, any
area of a service, business, or operations can be innovated and improved. Over
decades Toyota even used innovative thinking routines to further improve
processes of cutting-chip management its machine shops.
An Example 13
companies, like Toyoda Machine Works, or internal facilities like Teiho Machine
Tool Plant. This practice along with thoroughly documented machine standards
allowed Toyota to carry over its knowledge gained and best practices from Type 1,
Type 2, and Type 3 problem solving. Type 4 innovation in equipment is often (but
not always) done over longer periods.
Sensory technology: The famous jidoka concept is over 100 years old and dates
back to the loom business of Toyota. However, every generation of production
equipment since has involved greater use of sensory technology by Toyota process
designers to enhance safety, build in quality, and prevent equipment downtime.
Today sensors and lasers can check dimensional accuracy of work in process as well
as cleanliness of tools and critical work surfaces. In the continuing spirit of jidoka,
problems or abnormalities are highlighted before the machine can even cycle.
Industrial washers: No matter how carefully you manage cutting chips, some still
adhere to the part and must be removed by an industrial washer before the part
can be assembled into a precision engine. Every manufacturing company faces
similar problems requiring cleaning. The answer for decades at Toyota and other
companies was to utilize industrial-sized washing machines with pressure nozzles
mounted inside the machine and moving conveyor lines (like
a car going through an automated wash system). Every generation the washer
became larger, more expensive, more difficult to maintain, and harder to keep
clean. Some cutting chips still tended to remain, especially on square objects such
as cylinder heads or cylinder blocks.
One day an employee questioned the whole system design. The idea of using high
pressure nozzles outside the part to spray inward (pushing the chips further inside)
struck him as incorrect. What if (hypothesis) the part was simply dunked in a tank
via a robotic arm and swished around with an agitated motion. Wouldn’t this process
work better and be far simpler? Several experimental tests were conducted and the
multi-dunk tank and agitate solution was found to be far superior: cleaning the
problematic parts of foreign debris. Cost, ease, operation, space, energy, flexibility,
and every other dimension were considered.
• Type 4 innovation routines (new equipment) build further upon the target-
state thinking of the previous approach and are even more open-ended. This
also can involve new technology and require a willingness to experiment with
completely new ideas.
Learn to use the four types of problem solving properly, and review improvement
potentials accordingly. There is no one way that necessarily works best all the
time. Whether you troubleshoot, solve a gap-from-standard problem, create a
target-state improvement, or seek innovation depends upon circumstances,
priorities, resources, timing, necessities, etc. Thoroughly understanding all the
types for improvement will help you foster greater improvement in the long run.
An Example 15
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