Vlsi Module 1
Vlsi Module 1
Vlsi Module 1
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2 authors:
Ch Pakkiraiah R. V. S. Satyanarayana
Sri Venkateswara University SVU College Of Engineering
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ch Pakkiraiah on 14 October 2022.
Research Scholar, 2Professor, Department of ECE, SVU College of Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati
Dynamic Power, EDP, Feynman Gate, Arithmetic primitives are necessary in order to conduct computations on
New Gate, Toffoli Gate. large numbers in arithmetic circuit implementations including multiplications, ad-
ditions, subtractions, and divisions. Because of the importance of computations in
ARTICLE HISTORY: the central processing unit, effective design of arithmetic circuit has been part of the
Received 15.07.2022 most important fields of research for design engineers. In order to create low-power
Accepted 22.08.2022 and energy-efficient portable processors for image and digital signal processing,
Published 25.09.2022 as well as cryptography applications, the switching activity factor and cell count
must be reduced. This research focuses on the reversible digital full adder circuit,
DOI: which is a key element in establishing the Energy Delay Product (EDP) for various
https://doi.org/10.31838/jvcs/05.02.10 computer applications. Here, a new reversible binary full adder is designed using the
switching activity concept and the logic decomposition method. The internal blocks
for reversible full adders such as Feynman Gate, Toffoli Gate, and New Gate are
designed first, then a new reversible binary full adder is developed using the
proposed method. In this paper, conventional and proposed reversible full adders
are synthesized using the Xilinx Vivado design suite for the Zynq-7000 family
of device configuration. According to the implementation results, the proposed
reversible full adder circuit consumes less dynamic power dissipation than
the existing method in comparison. Furthermore, a formulae-based evaluation
is conducted on the implementation results to estimate the EDP of the design.
The proposed reversible full adder design can achieve a 32.3% EDP improvement com-
pared to the Proposed Full Adder.
How to cite this article: Pakkiraiah C, Satyanarayana RVS. Design and FPGA Real-
ization of Energy Efficient Reversible Full Adder for Digital Computing Applications.
Journal of Complementary Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2023 (pp. 63-71).
• Cell Count: In this paper, area occupied by digital Reversible gate using conventional and proposed
circuit design is defined based on the number of cells method is shown in Fig.3. In Fig.3, each and every gate
require implementing any combinational circuit. The represented with their switching activity value. The total
total cell count is defined as the summation of all SA value of FG reversible gate is obtained by adding all
individual NOT, AND, OR, and NAND gates used in the individual SA value of logic gates. From Fig. 3, we observed
process of designing digital logic circuits. that the SA value of Conventional FG (CFG) gate is 1.0625
• Figure of Merit: The product of input to output and the total SA value of FG gate using the Proposed (PFG)
propagation delay and the average power consumption method is 0.5625.
has been used as FOM for digital circuits. FOM is used
to measure and compare devices intended for linear
circuit applications. FOM is used to determine the (10)
quality of a digital logic gate.
(4) b. toffolI gAte (tg)
Power Delay Product: The digital circuit designer goal The toffoli gate is a three-way reversible gate, which
is to minimize PDP; in order to get low power at frequency means it accepts three input signals and sends three
operated digital circuits. The PDP measures the energy output signals. The toffoli gate is represented by a Boolean
consumption level of the gate. The PDP stands for the equation as shown below.
dynamic power consumed per switching event. The power
delay product is amount of energy required to perform the
computation. However, a digital logic design with minimal (12)
PDP may be very slow in performing its computation.
(5) (13)
• Energy Delay Product: Therefore, energy delay The basic symbol of TG[2] reversible gate and its
product is estimated to get on the better performance functional table is shown in Fig. 4. The Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
of the digital logic circuit design. The energy delay shows the internal logic diagram of the conventional and
product of any digital circuit design is described as the proposed TG reversible gate.
product of power delay product and input to output Each gate is illustrated in the Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 with its
propagation delay. switching activity value. By summing all of the individual SA
values of logic gates, the total SA value of the TG reversible
(6) gate is calculated. The SA value of a Conventional TG (CTG)
gate is 1.0156, while the overall SA value of a TG gate
3. reversIble logIc gAtes employing the proposed technique is 0.5156, as shown in
A. Feynman Gate (FG) the Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
The feynman gate[2] is a 2×2 reversible gate i.e., FG accepts
two input signals and redirects to two output signals.
Boolean equation representation of feynman gate is given
The basic symbol of FG reversible gate and its functional Fig. 3: (i) Logic diagram of Conventional FG gate (ii)
table is shown in Fig. 2. The internal logic diagram of FG Proposed FG gate
Fig. 2: (i) Symbol of FG (ii) Functional table of FG Fig. 4: (i) Symbol of TG (ii) Functional table of TG
Fig. 6: Logic diagram of proposed TG gate 4. the desIgn of reversIble full Adders
The design of full adder is composed of three reversible
(14) gates such as FG, TG, and NG. The two inputs A and B are
passed through NG gate by making third input as zero.
(15) The first output of NF gate is considered as garbage bit,
the other two outputs are passed as input to FG reversible
C. New Gate (NG) [2] gate with Cin bit. The first two outputs of TG reversible
gate are passed as input to FG gate. The second output
The new gate is a three-way reversible gate, indicating it
of FG reversible gate is sum output and the first output
accepts three input signals and produces three outputs.
is considered as garbage output. The output carry bit is
A Boolean equation is used to represent the new gate, as
obtained from third output of TG gate. The block diagram
shown below.
of reversible full adder is illustrated in Fig. 10.
(16) A. The Proposed Reversible Full Adder (PRFA)
The logic diagram of PFA [1] using equations23, 24, and
25 is shown in Fig.11. The total power dissipation consumed
by PFA [1] is 211mW with a delay of 7.106nsec.
5. sImulAtIon results
Functionality of reversible full adder is verified using
Xilinx vivado behavioral simulation. Here, we are showing
simulation results for two test vectors i.e., 110 and 100.
Fig. 9: Logic diagram of proposed NG gate Fig. 11: Logic diagram of PFA[1]
Fig. 12: Simulation results of reversible full adder (i) when input=110 (ii) when input=100
TABLE II: Comparison among conventional and proposed reversible gates based on implementation results
Conventional method Proposed method
Name of the
Gate (mW) (mW) Delay (nsec) (mW) (mW) Delay (nsec)
FG 121 73 6.486 120 22 6.486
TG 121 105 7.027 120 31 7.027
NG 122 166 7.359 121 61 7.359
TABLE III: Comparison among conventional and proposed reversible gates based on performance metrics
Conventional method Proposed method
TABLE IV: Comparison between PFA [1] and PRFA based on implementation results
Fig. 14: Implementation Results of FG gate using Conventional and Proposed method
Fig. 15: Implementation Results of TG gate using Conventional and Proposed method
Fig. 16: Implementation Results of NG gate using Conventional and Proposed method
performance metrics of reversible gates using conventional reduce the power consumption of the reversible binary
and proposed method is shown in Fig.19.The performance full adder. According to FPGA implementation results, the
metrics of proposed reversible full adder are evaluated proposed reversible full adder consumed 10.4% less FOM,
from equation 4, 5, and 6. The comparison between PRFA and 32.3% less energy delay product than the PFA [1]. The
and PFA is shown in Table IV based on their implementation simulation tool generated outputs are physically verified
results. The comparison between PRFA and PFA is shown on FPGA ZYBOZ7 board. As a result, switching activity-
in Table V based on their performance metrics. based hybrid adders can be used in a variety of real- time
applications, such as CPUs, crypto processors, and security
conclusIon systems. The proposed design is flexible enough to work
together with a wide range of digit sizes and input bits.
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and full adders are synthesized using the Xilinx Vivado proposed hybrid adder, allowing physical implementation
design suite for the Zynq-7000 family of devices. We and simulation to be discussed later.
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