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Họ và tên học sinh: ______________________________ Giám thị:

Số báo danh: ___________________________________



NĂM HỌC: 2016 – 2017
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Bài thi gồm 4 trang. Học sinh làm bài trên giấy thi)

I. Phonetics (0,5)
Pick out the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced from that of the others
1. A. residential B. situation C. question D. punctual
2. A. exhausted B. honesty C. honorable D. homeless
Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
3. A. apartment B. refreshment C. understand D. enthusiasm
4. A. charity B. remote C. intimate D. celebrate
5. A. minority B. memorable C. decorate D. influence

II. Vocabulary and Structures: Circle the answer that best fits each blank. (3,0)
1. I took ........... basketball when I was at high school.
A. for B. in C. up D. after
2. The machanic said that he expected ........... the car before we went to collect it.
A. have fixed B. to be fix C. fix D. to have fixed
3. Two friends must be loyal ....... each other and they must know each other so well they cannot be
influenced by rumours.
A. with B. on C. for D. to
4. Despite differences in background and outlook, their partnership is based on ........... respect, trust and
A. mutual B. common C. similar D. same
5.Up the mountain ..............
A. the rescue team climbed B. did the rescue team climb
C. climbed the rescue team D. B and C are correct
6. The police ....... no attention to Clare’s complaint because she ........ them so many times before.
A. paid/ phoned B. was paying/ phoned C. paid/ had phoned D.paid/ has
7. Your tour to Singapore will never be complete unless you visit some places of ........ like Singapore Zoo,
bird park, Sentosa & other famous attractions.
A. admiration B. interest C. marvel D. pleasure
8. The poor woman with her two children .......... in a street corner.
A. was seen beg B. was seen begging C. were seen beg D. were seen
9. Marry: Let me bring something to your party tonight, won’t you? Laura: .............
A. Sorry, that annoys me too much. B. In my opinion, you are correct.
C. Stop doing that. It’s enough just to have you come. D.Thanks, that really surprises me!
10. The grants try to ......... unemployed workers with financial helps.
A. provide B. give C. bring D. donate
Choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
11. It was difficult for me not to laugh at his new hair.
A. Laughing at his new hair is easy thing for me to do. B. I found it diffcult to laugh at his new hair.
C. His new hair made me impossible to laugh at. D. I couldn’t help laughing at his new hair.
Identify and CORRECT the underlined part in the following sentences that needs a correction

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12. He was selfish - he was (A)always complaining (B)with his mother about (C)how small his room (D)was.
..........B.........  ..........to.................
13. The number of homeless people (A)have increased (B)dramatically as (C)a result of the
(D)economic depression.
..........A.........  .......has.........................

Select the word/ phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
14. Students set up their own meeting annually to raise funds for the orphans.
A. organize B. continue C. attend D. plan
Seclect the word/ phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
15. The president expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.
A. sympathy B. anxiety C. jubilation D. trouble

II. Verb tenses/ forms: Provide the correct tenses or forms of the verbs in the brackets (1,0)
1.Tim’s father (1. come) ....came......... across a few mistakes while he (2. check) ....was checking......
some homework Tim (3. do) .......had done...........
2. Everyone likes (4. congratulate) ...to be congratulated....... when they have got a success.
3.You (5. always, leave) are always leaving………. your dirty dishes in the sink. It is so annoying.

III. Word forms: Provide the correct forms of the words in the brackets (1,0)
1. Much to her ........embarrasment.. , she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing.
2. After one month abroad, I am well - ....acquainted.... with the host’s family and new school friends.
3. Inform the police immediately if you see anyone acting .....suspiciously..... . (suspect)
4. The schools in the mountainous area need some more....volunteers..... to help children to read this
summer. (voluntary)
5. She is a brilliant mathematician, but as a lecturer, she is totally .....incapable.. (capable)

IV. Do as directed (1,5)

Rewrite the following sentence with the word in the bracket
1. There are many differences between Vietnamese and Thai cuisine. (common)
 …Vietnamese and Thai cuisine have little in common...........….
Rewrite the following sentence using a perfect participle
2. Because Sarah hadn’t brought the map with her, she got lost easily
 ...Not having brought the map with her, she got lost easily..............................
Rewrite the following sentence beginning with the given word.
3. Susan regrets not listening to her father’s advice.
 Susan wishes ..she listened to her father’s advice......................................
Buil a sentence based on the given words.
4. after/ admit/ the universtiy/ she/ try/ find/ accommodation.
.......After being admitted to the university, she tried to find accommodation.....................................
5.students / take/ boys/ basketball games/ help/ them/ get/ know/ things/ they/ usually/ learn/ fathers.
......The students take these boys to basketball games and help to to get to know things that they usually
learn from their fathers.......

V. Gap-Filling: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (There are two SPARE words) (1,0)
include by consists place with besides made

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A birthday party is a celeberation that occurs to honor the birth of a person. The birthday party is
the most celebrated event in the world. While a child's party is usually at home and (1).....consists.... of
soft drinks and sweet foods as well as savory, adults' often take (2) .....place...... in clubs with a butter of
savory food and alcohol.
In Western culture, particularly in the United States, birthday parties are often accompanied by
colourful decorations. A traditional birthday cake is often decorated (3) ....with... candles that are to
be blown out after a "birthday wish" has been (4) ...made.. This wish is usually kept secret, and represents
some desire for the time between the current birthday and the next. While the birthday cake is
brought to the table, the song "Happy Birthday" is generally sung. A birthday party may be an event
planned carefully through a special agency or through a party service.

A house-warming party is held on the occasion of moving into a new residence. It is an occasion for
the hosts to represent their new home to their friends, and sometimes for friends to give gifts to furnish the
new home. House-warming parties are generally informal; usually there are no planned activities
(5) ....besides...... a possible tour.

VI. Reading: Read the passage and then choose the correct answers (1,0)

UNICEF means the United Nations Children’s emergency fund. It serves children in communities all over
the world. It helps children of all races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 140
worldwide countries. The purpose of UNICEF is to help provide a better life for children and their mothers.
UNICEF gives both long - term assistance and emergency.

UNICEF was created in 1946 to help bring food and medicine to children who suffered during World War II
in Europe. It began as a temporary agency, but became a pernament part of the United Nations in 1953
due to the need for its services around the world. UNICEF‘s primary concern is to help governments
of developing countries improve the quality of life for almost one billion children. UNICEF‘s main
office is in the United Nations in New York City, but it also has more than 40 offices and 100 programs
worldwide. In 1965, UNICEF won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work helping children and building brighter

UNICEF works with governments to provide three kinds of services. First, UNICEF plans and develops
programs in developing countries. These programs serve the community by providing health care,
information about nutrition, basic education , and safe water and sanitation. Then UNICEF trains people to
work in these programs. UNICEF also provides supplies and equipment that enable the programs to work.

UNICEF’s greatest concern is to improve the health of children. It does this in several ways. It improves
water supplies in undeveloped countries where water is not clean enough to drink. When children drink
unclean water, they become sick, and many die. UNICEF works very hard to correct this. It also provides
food and teaches people what to feed their children so they grow up to be healthy. UNICEF provides
immunizations for children to prevent serious diseases. It gives important vitamins, such as vitamin A, to
children who could go blind because of a lack of it. Additionally, it supports disabled children throughout the
world. UNICEF trains teachers and provides equipment and supplies for schools. By teaching people to read
and write, UNICEF helps people to improve their lives.

1, What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The purpose of UNICEF’s long – term assistance.
B. The history of UNICEF.

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C. The role of UNICEF in post – war Europe.

D. UNICEF programs in developing countries.

2, Which of the following is not true?

A. UNICEF helps to take care of the health and education of children.
B. UNICEF tries to help provide a better life for children.
C. UNICEF helps the government of developed countries improve the quality of life for children.
D. UNICEF is a part of the United Nations.

3, In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations because.......

A. It had completed its mission in post-war Europe.
B. European children no longer needed its services.
C. Its temporary status was long enough.
D. It was felt that its services were needed around the world.

4, UNICEF’s efforts were appreciated when it .......

A. achieved the biggest sale of its greeting cards.
B. received the greatest contributions from healthy people.
C. opened more than 40 offices around the world.
D. was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1965.

5, One of the three kinds of services on UNICEF involves......

A. Holding special events to collect money form its programs.
B. Training people to work in its various programs.
C. Selliing supplies and equipment to school in developing countries.
D. Sponsoring programs to prevent and tread serious diseases.

VII. Writing: Within 100 words, write a description about your close friend. Your writing must
focus on answering the following questions. (1,0)

1/ When and Where did you first meet him/her?

2/ How special is his/her personality?
3/ What does he/she look like?
4/ What do you like about him/her?
5/ How can you both maintain your close friendship?
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