GCSE Music For Film
GCSE Music For Film
GCSE Music For Film
Compose music to accompany the following scene from a Fantasy film. It falls into five
You may wish to follow the suggested timings or to devise timings of your own.
0’00” It is a dark moonlit night. A young girl drifts off to sleep. She feels herself falling,
faster and faster, deeper and deeper, amidst a whirl of strange sounds. In her panic,
she screams and the scream echoes all around her.
0’40” Suddenly, she sees bright sunshine and realises that she is flying. She hears the
beating of wings beneath her. With a gasp of amazement, she looks down and sees the
wings of a dragon – she is riding on its back.
1’05” They soar over mountain-tops and swoop low into valleys, the wind rushing past
her face. They are joined by more and more dragons and their riders. She feels a
tremendous sense of excitement.
1’40” Suddenly, panic overtakes her as she feels herself sliding off and she plummets
towards the ground.
2’10” Screaming, she lands with a sudden jolt; her heart is pounding as she gazes
around in surprise and relief to find herself safely back in bed; it was all a dream!
2’40” End
Your music should: follow the above outline. contaiN clear musical ideas to represent
falling and screaming. Contain clear musical ideas to represent soaring over mountain-
tops and swooping low into valleys. Convey feelings of panic. Portray the surprise and
relief at realising it was all a dream.
Music for Film 2
Compose music to accompany the following scene from a horror film. It falls into five
sections. You may wish EITHER to follow the suggested timings OR to devise timings of
your own.
0’00” A young woman is walking alone along a deserted street. She senses that she is
being watched and followed. Glancing round, she sees nothing but starts to walk a little
0’40” She becomes aware of strange sounds and looks around in fear; again, she can
see nothing.
1’10” The sounds grow louder and nearer. The young woman starts to run. The sounds
seem to be coming from all around her and have an unearthly quality.
1’45” The lights in the street flicker, suddenly become very bright and then go out.
2’05” The woman fumbles in her bag for a torch and shines it into the darkness as panic
overcomes her. She screams in fright at what she sees.
2’30” End
Your music should follow the above outline. Contain passages of music which describe
walking, then running, and which convey a sense of fear. Have clear musical ideas to
represent the strange unearthly sounds which grow louder. Have musical ideas which
convey the lights flickering and then suddenly becoming very bright. Portray a scream.
Music for Film 3
Compose music for the following scene from a fantasy film. It falls into five sections.
You may wish to follow the suggested timings or to devise timings of your own.
0’00” The adventurers enter a forest. As they walk deeper into the forest, they hear
strange chanting sounds.
0’40” Shafts of sunlight penetrate the overhead canopy but some areas are very dark.
The adventurers gradually sense that they are being watched.
1’10” The chanting sounds continue. A sense of anticipation and excitement, rather than
fear, builds up.
2’05” The music – now a combination of instrumental sounds and chanting – reaches a
climax but the adventurers’ overwhelming feelings are of joy and security.
2’50” End
Your music should follow the above outline. Contain clear musical ideas to represent the
adventurers walking into the forest and the chanting sounds that they hear. Contain
musical ideas which show the contrast between sunlight and darkness within the
Forest. Build up a sense of anticipation and excitement. Present the approach of many
tall figures. Reach a recognisable climax based on ideas which combine instrumental
sounds and chanting, giving a sense of joy and security.
Music for Film 4
Compose music to accompany the following scene from a sci-fi/horror film. It falls into
seven sections. You may wish to follow the suggested timings or to devise timings of
your own.
0’20” As the spaceship continues on its mission, the members of the crew relax, while
keeping a careful check on the instruments.
0’45” Suddenly, a warning light flashes! One of the crew goes to investigate while the
others wait and listen.
1’05” There is a scream followed by sounds of a short, fierce fight; the lights go out.
1’25” The emergency lighting comes on and full power is restored. Those still on the
main deck look at each other anxiously, wondering what will happen next.
1’50” Strange sounds are heard, including moaning, grunting and running, sometimes
close, sometimes in the distance.
2’20” All at once, the strange sounds seem to be very close; the crew’s fear mounts.
2’45” End
Your music should follow the above outline and contain clear musical ideas to represent
the spaceship travelling through outer space. Portray a scream and a short, fierce fight.
Represent the strange sounds which are sometimes close, sometimes in the distance.
Portray the mounting fear of the crew at the end.
Music for Film 5
Compose music to accompany the following scene from a sci-fi/horror film. It falls into
six sections. You may wish to follow the suggested timings or to devise timings of your
0’00”. A dark, dense forest. Night time. The camera zooms in on a very small tent in the
middle of a clearing. Inside a man is sleeping. From the forest comes a cry like that of a
wild animal – the man wakes up.
0’40” The man comes out of the tent and looks around the moonlit clearing. He has the
sense that something is watching him from the shadows. He picks up his rifle and moves
cautiously into the forest. Something is stalking him! Suddenly a shadow rises in front of
1’10” The man turns and runs, a look of panic on his face. Behind him bushes are
flattened as something gigantic chases him.
1’45” The man reaches the clearing and stumbles. In desperation he turns to face the
thing that is chasing him and raises his rifle –but there is nothing there. Has he managed
to lose it?
2’05” His eyes search the clearing, but he can see nothing. He breathes a sigh of relief. A
shadow covers the moon. He looks up – an expression of absolute terror comes over his
face as something enormous descends on him from above.
2’30” He screams.
Your music should follow the above outline and contain clear musical ideas to represent
the dark, dense forest at night. Portray the wild animal cry. The moonlight and the
shadows. Represent the chase sometimes close, sometimes in the distance. Confusion.
The sense of relief followed by terror and the creature decending.