CH 7 History STD Copya
CH 7 History STD Copya
CH 7 History STD Copya
Importance of talks
Although the talks failed, they established that Congress and the
League were on an equal footing
The talks increased Quaid-i-Azam's prestige
He had dealt firmly with Gandhi and this gave him more authority to
handle any problems on behalf of Muslims
Source based Questions!
Source A, part of Gandhi’s address to Jinnah in his letter:
“I find no parallel in history for a body of converts and their descendants
claiming to be a nation apart from their parent stock. If India was one
nation before the advent of Islam, it must remain one in spite of the change
of faith of a very large body of her children. The more I think about the two-
nation theory the more alarming it appears to me. Mere assertion is no
Q: Describe Gandhi’s views about the two-nation theory.
Gandhi is rejecting two-nation theory on the ground that a change of
Wavell’s Plan
Viceroy proposed an interim government under the present
constitution, India Act 1935 till a new constitution was agreed on
The Executive Council would contain equal number of Muslims & Hindus
and be entirely Indian, apart from the Viceroy & a member controlling
Reasons for the failure of the Conference
The differences arose between the leadership of the two parties on
the issue of representation of the Muslim community
Jinnah not satisfied with the equal number of Hindu & Muslim
ministers, but Jinnah pointed out that as the Sikh and Scheduled
Castes on the council to vote for INC, this would be a permanent
Muslim minority in the Executive Council
Jinnah apposed INC demand to nominate both Hindu & Muslims
ministers, he argued Muslim League won every by-election in the last
two years and so, the only party to represent Indian Muslims
Finally, Wavell announced the failure of his efforts on July 14, 1945
Thus the Simla Conference couldn’t provide any hope of proceeding
Jinnah handled it intelligently, didn’t compromise on Muslim rights.
Thus image improved among Muslims and support of Pakistan
movement increased
Hindus voted for Congress / Independence.
Muslims voted for League / Pakistan creation. British realized that
they were separate communities. Thus, paved way for Pakistan.
After winning the 1946 elections, League became a stronger party
with complete Muslim support, thus demands for separate
homelands could not be ignored.
The Cabinet Mission Plan
On 19th Feb 1946, P.M Clement Attlee made a statement in House of
commons. A special mission of Cabinet Ministers consisting of Lord
Patrick Lawrence (Secretary of State of India), Sir Stafford Cripps
(President Board of trade) and A.V Alexander (Lord of Admiralty) will
be set to India and will be associated with Viceroy.
An interim government would be set up & in the meantime the
British government would manage the withdrawal (Congress &
AIML rejected)
The mission proposed a final proposal for India with three tiers
(the provinces, provincial groupings and the centre)
The centre's power was to be confined to foreign affairs, defence,
currency and communications.
There would be three different parts to post-British India:
The Hindu majority territories
The western Muslim provinces
Bengal and Assam
Each part would have local autonomy and would be able to draw up
its own constitution
Foreign affairs defence and communication would be managed by a
central Indian Union
Cabinet Mission negotiation found that Congress & the League had
different aims thus it failed
Though, it can be said that this was another stepping stone for the
Muslims in the establishment of a separate homeland
Exam Style Question!
Why did the Cabinet Mission Plan fail?
The Commission found clash between the INC & the AIML. The INC
insisted on an undivided and independent India, whereas the AIML
demanded independence and partition of India.
The Commission, therefore, proposed the formation of an interim
government that would set up an All India Commission. This
Commission would decide whether there should be one or two states
after the British had left. Both parties rejected it, as they wanted a
permanent settlement in the presence of the British.
On May 1946, the Cabinet Mission announced its final plan according to
which a federation of India was to be set up comprising three
autonomous units. The Muslim League accepted it and was ready to
nominate members but Nehru stated that INC would not be bound by
the plan after the British departure.
Direct Action Day - 1946
By late summer 1946, the British were planning to leave India
The Muslim League feared a Hindu-dominated India if British left
without settling the question of Pakistan
In that case, they would suffer at the hands of the Hindus
So, it was important to demonstrate Muslim solidarity on a large
scale to all
On July 1946, the Muslim League passed a resolution asking
Muslims to be ready for final struggle for Pakistan
On 16th August 1946, the Muslim League called for a Direct Action
Day to show the strength of Muslims
This marked the start of widespread communal riots in various
parts of India
In the ‘Great Calcutta Killing’, 4000 people were killed
Direct Action Day made it clear to British & Congress that Pakistan
formation demand was democratic and could not be ignored