This document provides construction notes and plans for a single story residential building. It includes notes about the structure being load bearing with PCC and 300mm thick walls. The plan shows the layout of a bedroom, toilet, kitchen, drawing room, and dining room and provides their dimensions.
This document provides construction notes and plans for a single story residential building. It includes notes about the structure being load bearing with PCC and 300mm thick walls. The plan shows the layout of a bedroom, toilet, kitchen, drawing room, and dining room and provides their dimensions.
This document provides construction notes and plans for a single story residential building. It includes notes about the structure being load bearing with PCC and 300mm thick walls. The plan shows the layout of a bedroom, toilet, kitchen, drawing room, and dining room and provides their dimensions.
This document provides construction notes and plans for a single story residential building. It includes notes about the structure being load bearing with PCC and 300mm thick walls. The plan shows the layout of a bedroom, toilet, kitchen, drawing room, and dining room and provides their dimensions.
1. TYPE OF STRUCTURE: LOAD BEARING 2. PCC (1:4:8) 3.0000 3. WALL THICKNESS= 300 MM 4. FLOORING= 0.25 M THICK 5. STEP FOOTING UCR 6. M20 & FE 415 0.6000 ELEVATION 9.3000 w v 0.30 D1 Toilet Kitchen v 0.1500 Bed Room 1.8x1.7 2.1X3.2 w 4.2x3.2 D D v 0.15 1.5 7.6000 D Drawing Room Dining Room 0.70 w D w 4.2x3.5 4.2x3.5 0.60 0.4 D D 0.30 w w 0.5 0.30 0.6 0.30 0.20 PLAN 0.90 D 1.2x2.1 A SINGLE STORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING D1 0.9X2.0 W 1.5X1.5 V 0.9X0.45