1999.06.15 - RUBAN - PRB - Surface Segregation TMalloys
1999.06.15 - RUBAN - PRB - Surface Segregation TMalloys
1999.06.15 - RUBAN - PRB - Surface Segregation TMalloys
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Physical Review B Condensed Matter
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Citation (APA):
Ruban, A., Skriver, H. L., & Nørskov, J. K. (1999). Surface segregation energies in transition-metal alloys.
Physical Review B Condensed Matter, 59(24), 15990-16000. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.59.15990
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also Ref. 22!—and ~ii! the surface segregation energies as the trends in the surface segregation energies.
well as the surface energies depend strongly on the crystal In the analysis we find that a picture based on the differ-
structure of the alloy components—a dependence noticed al- ence in the surface energies of the alloy components predicts
ready by Mårtenson et al.23 in their analysis of experimen- a simple general behavior which is obeyed by a large pro-
tally determined SCLS. portion of the alloy systems we consider. A similar general
The GF-LMTO calculations by Alden et al. of the segre- behavior has also been found in the empirical calculations by
gation energies in the Z11 approximation were in good Chelikowsky4 and Mukherjee et al.6 However, we also find
agreement with the experimental observations as were the large deviations from the simple behavior when the host is
direct calculations of the surface segregation in CuNi and one of the earlier transition metals. In those cases it appears
NiPt alloys24,3 by means of the coherent potential approxi- that the crystal structure of the host plays a significant role
mation ~CPA!. The success of these calculations inspired a and we show how the structural contribution to the segrega-
comprehensive study by the GF-LMTO-CPA method of the tion energy may be accounted for in the virtual bond model.
segregation energies in transition-metal alloys.25 All of the
above GF-LMTO calculations employed the atomic sphere II. METHOD OF CALCULATION
approximation ~ASA! with a monopole-dipole correction to The surface segregation energy is the energy cost of trans-
the electrostatic potential and energy26 except for the work ferring an impurity atom from the interior to the surface of a
on the simple and rare earth metals where the ‘‘spherical cell host crystal and may therefore be defined as the difference in
model’’ was used.19,21 Further, in Ref. 25 all calculations the total energies of the system with the impurity in a surface
were non-spin-polarized. Although the ASA including the layer and in the bulk. An alternative, but equivalent defini-
monopole-dipole correction is quite accurate for the close- tion, is obtained from the intensive, i.e., per atom, form of
packed surfaces, i.e., fcc~111! and bcc~110!, of most metals the total and surface energies of the system. In this case the
the approximation leads to unacceptably large errors in the energy connected with the segregation of a B atom from the
anisotropies of the surface energies for the early transition interior of the host to the lth layer is given by
To obtain accurate surface segregation energies for all
combinations of transition metals we therefore in the present
work include higher multipole moments of the electron den-
E segr2l 5
dE sur f ~ A 12c l B c l !
dc l
U c l 50
, ~1!
Using an alternative approach Drchal and co-workers28,29
have calculated the surface segregation profiles for a number dE bulk ~ A 12c B c !
m5 . ~3!
of alloys including most recently the RhPt system.30 These dc c50
authors rely on the general perturbation method ~GPM!
which completely neglects the renormalization of the host To compute the surface segregation energies from Eqs.
effective medium and therefore, as shown in Ref. 31, may ~1!–~3! we calculated the total energies of the surface and
lead to surface concentration profiles which are not only bulk alloy using density-functional theory in the local den-
quantitatively but also qualitatively incorrect. For this reason sity approximation ~LDA! in conjunction with the CPA and
and because Drchal and co-workers do not list surface seg- the Green’s-function technique for semi-infinite
regation energies we will not consider their calculations here surfaces26,33,34 as implemented in the tight-binding
but refer to Ref. 31 where a discussion of the accuracy of the representation35–37 of the LMTO method.38,39 In all systems
GPM is presented and to Ref. 32 where a discussion of their we used an spd basis set and included the core electrons in
results for the RhPt alloy system may be found. the LDA self-consistency loop. For exchange and correlation
It is the goal of the present paper to establish the general we used the Perdew-Zunger interpolation formula40 of the
trends in the surface segregation phenomena in transition- many-body results by Ceperley-Alder41 except when the al-
metal alloys and, in particular, to discuss the reason why the loy system contained one of the magnetic 3d metals, V, Cr,
simplest models do not work in all cases. To do so in a Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni, in which case we performed spin-
meaningful way, it is important to have a consistent set of polarized calculations by means of the Vosko-Wilk-Nusair
data, experimental or theoretical, at one’s disposal. It is for parametrization.42 In the calculations for the close-packed
this reason that we devote part of the present paper, although bcc~110!, hcp~0001!, and fcc~111! surfaces we included
it is not the main subject, to discuss and establish the accu- eight atomic and two vacuum layers in the self-consistent
racy of the database which we subsequently use to establish iterations. For the more open surfaces these numbers were
15 992 ” RSKOV
increased in proportion to the decreasing interlayer distance The number of multipoles included in the L summations
in order to keep the size of the surface region constant. in Eqs. ~6! and ~7! is determined by the angular momentum
The crucial charge-transfer effects were included in the cutoff l max used in the Green’s-functions calculations. Due
single-site approximation by the screened impurity model to the properties of the Gaunt coefficients the multipole mo-
~SIM! ~Refs. 43 and 44! giving the following correction to ments of the charge density have nonzero components up to
the electrostatic potential 2l max . In the present case l max 52 but in the actual calcula-
tions we included Madelung contributions to the potential
l j 5e q l j /R 1 ,
V SIM ~4!
and the total energy only for angular momenta up to l53 as
where q l j is the intralayer charge transfer of the j 8 th alloy the inclusion of the next momenta did not affect the results.
component, determined as the difference between its net All calculations have been performed at the theoretically
charge, Q l j , and the average net charge of the lth layer, determined equilibrium volumes. For the hcp metals we used
Q̄ L 5 ( j c l j Q l j , i.e., q l j 5Q l j 2Q̄ l , and R 1 is the distance a single c/a equal to 1.59 as the experimental values vary
to the nearest coordination shell. The corresponding contri- only from 1.58 to 1.61. Lattice relaxation effects were ne-
bution to the electrostatic energy is glected both in the bulk and surface calculations. Although
the lattice relaxation contributions to the impurity solution
E SIM 52 b (
l, j
c l j V SIM
lj qlj , ~5! energies and thus to the effective chemical potentials may be
of the order of 0.5 eV in unfavorable cases where the alloy
components have large size difference, the effect on the sur-
where a prefactor b 50.6 gives the best overall CPA total
face segregation energies is very small due to the fact that
energies of the bulk random alloys relative to the corre-
the relaxation energies at the surface and in the bulk are
sponding total energies calculated either from a cluster ex-
almost equal thereby compensating each other in the final
pansion of the total energies of completely ordered alloys44
or by the super-cell approach.45 Preliminary results from calculations.25
super-cell calculations for surfaces of random CuPt alloys48
show that this empirical coefficient also works well at sur-
faces. We emphasize that this approach ensures a correct III. THE ACCURACY OF THE METHOD
concentration dependence of the total energies and a correct
In this section we compare our calculated surface energies
renormalization of the electronic structure of the host atoms
and surface segregation energies with the results of other
around the impurities. As a result, the chemical potentials
calculations as well as with experimental data to establish the
and segregation energies may be obtained correctly in the
single-site approximation.31 accuracy of the database to be presented in Sec. IV A. This is
The second important correction to the electrostatic po- quite a difficult task since the accuracy of many of the ap-
tential and energy in the surface calculations is the monopole proximations, e.g., the ASA, the single-site approximation,
contribution to the ASA potential from the higher multipole and the CPA, used in the present work are not well estab-
moments of the charge density and the corresponding lished for many of the systems we treat. Nevertheless, the
multipole-multipole contributions to the interatomic part of comparison of our results with the relatively few calculations
the Madelung energy. The inclusion of these terms, i.e., be- which do not rely on these approximations and with experi-
yond the monopole-dipole contributions, may be viewed as mental data shows that the above-mentioned approximations
the first step towards the full charge-density ~FCD! lead to surface segregation energies with an accuracy of 0.1
technique.46 Following Ref. 47 we call this correction ASA eV which is sufficient to establish reliable trends. We further
1M . find that the multipole correction, i.e., ASA1M , is important
In the ASA1M the monopole, i.e., L50, contribution to for obtaining quantitatively correct results for surface ener-
the effective one-electron potential is evaluated from the gies as well as for surface segregation energies.
multipole moments, Q Lli , of the valence electron charge by
the multipole expansion
A. Theoretical results
V 0li 5
S (
n , j,L 8
0,L 8
M li, L8
n jQn j , ~6! 1. Surface energies
In Fig. 1 we compare the surface energies for the most
where S is the average Wigner-Seitz radius, L is short hand close-packed surfaces of the 4d-transition metals calculated
L,L 8 within the ASA and the ASA1M with results obtained by
for the (l,m) quantum numbers, and M li, n j is the multipole
Madelung matrix which is equivalent to the conventional the FCD-LMTO method which has an accuracy similar to
~unscreened! LMTO structure constants. The corresponding that found in full-potential calculations.49,50 Although the
Madelung contribution to the total energy is then given by ASA, corrected only by the monopole-dipole term,26 pro-
vides a fairly good description of the trends it is seen that the
1 surface energies of the early transition metals have errors of
2S (
Q Lli (
n j,L 8
L,L 8 L 8
M li, n jQn j . ~7! up to 30%. It is further seen in Table I that the ASA fails to
yield correct surface energy anisotropies. In contrast, the
A description of the procedure including expressions for the ASA1M yields surface energies and anisotropies which
Madelung matrices and the multipole moments may be agree with the corresponding full charge-density and full-
found in Ref. 26. potential results.
FIG. 4. ~Color! Surface segregation energies of transition-metal impurities ~solute! for the closed-packed surfaces of transition metal
B. The Friedel model for surface segregation where z s and z b are the coordination numbers at the surface
It is found by Alden et al. 18,19,21
that the main contribu- and in the bulk, respectively, N A and N B are the
tion to the surface segregation energy is given by the differ- d-occupation numbers of the host and the impurity, respec-
ence in the surface energies of the impurity and the host. tively, W i is the d-bandwidth of metal i, and W B→A
This observation is confirmed by the present calculations and 5(W A W B ) 1/2 the d-bandwidth of a single B impurity in the A
one may therefore attempt to use Friedel’s rectangular state- host. In Eq. ~8! the square-root dependence on the coordina-
density model63,64 for surface energies to describe general tion numbers follows from tight-binding theory and the
trends in the surface segregation in transition-metal alloys. geometric-mean dependence of W B→A follows from the av-
For this purpose we write erage bond model.71
In the simple approximation W A 5W B→A the two terms in
segr 5
20 F SDG
$ W A N A ~ 102N A !
the curly brackets of Eq. ~8! are represented by the same
parabola and the model may immediately be used to con-
struct a canonical segregation behavior. Such a construction
2W B→A N B ~ 102N B ! % , ~8! is shown in Fig. 5 for the segregation of 4d impurities in 4d
15 996
TABLE II. Calculated surface segregation energies ~in eV! for impurity atoms ~columns! at the close-packed surfaces of transition-metal hosts ~rows!. The second row for ~host! Fe ~Fe*! corresponds to the segregation energies on the bcc~100!
surface. The numbers in the diagonal are the surface energies ~in eV/atom!.
Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au
Ti 1.20 0.10 20.24 20.34 20.41 20.56 20.75 20.94 20.38 0.03 0.09 20.06 20.31 20.62 20.93 21.18 20.14 0.25 0.35 0.20 20.04 20.37 20.72 21.05
V 20.49 1.16 0.30 0.41 0.36 0.15 20.12 20.54 21.08 20.41 0.10 0.36 0.39 0.13 20.28 20.75 21.00 20.23 0.31 0.62 0.68 0.51 0.09 20.39
Cr 20.72 20.15 1.46 20.14 20.44 20.67 20.80 21.02 22.05 21.15 20.62 20.45 20.68 21.25 21.70 21.90 21.55 20.98 20.40 20.17 20.29 20.81 21.58 21.98
Mn 20.83 20.32 20.10 1.24 20.12 20.26 20.47 20.77 22.15 21.28 20.73 20.48 20.52 20.69 20.93 21.31 21.83 21.03 20.56 20.31 20.32 20.53 20.83 21.23
Fe 20.39 0.06 0.10 20.16 1.20 20.14 20.65 20.83 21.60 20.65 20.06 0.10 20.20 20.52 21.05 21.55 21.50 20.35 0.20 0.45 0.25 20.15 20.66 21.36
Fe* 20.69 0.19 0.16 20.38 1.73 20.03 20.77 21.37 22.22 20.83 0.03 0.24 0.00 20.53 21.43 22.37 22.15 20.50 0.42 0.78 0.60 0.08 20.78 21.93
Co 20.33 0.13 0.19 0.10 20.01 1.07 20.13 20.48 21.40 20.45 0.00 0.49 0.12 20.40 20.60 20.93 20.56 20.24 0.34 0.72 0.56 20.10 20.38 20.76
Ni 20.12 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.95 20.25 21.16 20.26 0.18 0.31 0.10 20.10 20.40 20.80 20.74 20.01 0.45 0.53 0.37 0.16 20.17 20.69
Cu 0.01 0.25 0.10 0.07 0.28 0.33 0.17 0.77 20.64 0.00 0.28 0.30 0.20 0.05 20.20 20.42 20.35 0.22 0.57 0.62 0.48 0.23 20.04 20.29
Zr 0.06 0.01 20.47 20.36 20.40 20.45 20.55 20.72 1.22 0.19 0.13 20.01 20.19 20.41 20.68 20.88 0.15 0.33 0.30 0.15 20.02 20.25 20.50 20.80
Nb 20.24 0.12 0.32 0.23 0.29 0.31 0.08 20.20 20.65 1.21 0.48 0.70 0.65 0.42 0.05 20.32 20.47 0.17 0.70 0.98 1.00 0.77 0.40 20.03
Mo 20.14 0.08 20.01 20.50 20.52 20.72 20.82 21.16 20.90 20.22 1.60 20.21 20.81 21.28 21.47 21.75 20.98 20.02 0.22 0.10 20.45 21.15 21.60 21.94
Tc 20.82 20.40 20.11 20.20 20.11 20.01 20.24 20.70 21.57 20.77 20.27 1.47 0.02 20.11 20.46 20.97 21.26 20.65 20.06 0.26 0.37 0.21 20.16 20.70
Ru 20.30 0.15 0.24 20.40 20.39 20.37 20.71 21.21 21.12 20.31 0.10 0.17 1.48 20.43 21.03 21.72 20.83 20.17 0.24 0.37 0.23 20.20 20.82 21.62
Rh 0.12 0.35 0.31 20.08 20.01 0.02 20.08 20.38 20.46 0.09 0.44 0.46 0.31 1.15 20.45 20.92 20.15 0.36 0.66 0.71 0.56 0.23 20.27 20.87
Pd 0.58 0.78 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.29 0.21 0.04 0.32 0.87 1.08 1.02 0.74 0.36 0.84 20.26 0.44 1.04 1.37 1.34 1.11 0.70 0.19 20.22
Ag 0.45 0.63 0.29 0.23 0.41 0.48 0.49 0.22 0.33 0.67 0.74 0.69 0.60 0.42 0.28 0.58 0.40 0.83 0.93 0.88 0.72 0.55 0.34 0.03
Hf 20.03 20.04 20.52 20.49 20.51 20.62 20.75 20.93 20.14 0.08 20.12 20.25 20.44 20.68 20.92 21.16 1.35 0.25 0.17 20.01 20.26 20.53 20.80 21.11
Ta 20.45 20.03 0.16 0.10 0.13 0.06 20.18 20.52 20.85 20.21 0.25 0.44 0.40 0.11 20.26 20.67 20.60 1.37 0.47 0.75 0.73 0.49 0.11 20.37
W 0.02 0.04 20.14 20.25 20.35 20.45 20.42 20.75 20.81 20.31 20.24 20.55 21.07 21.22 21.27 21.56 20.78 20.13 1.87 20.27 20.85 21.34 21.66 21.85
Re 20.89 20.42 20.13 20.28 20.18 20.14 20.36 20.83 21.75 20.94 20.43 20.19 20.17 20.32 20.68 21.24 21.51 20.77 20.27 1.69 0.04 20.11 20.46 21.05
Os 20.22 0.18 0.36 20.21 20.31 20.30 20.62 21.21 21.07 20.27 0.07 0.09 20.20 20.70 21.31 22.00 21.04 20.17 0.13 0.23 1.81 20.48 21.25 22.14
Ir 0.29 0.51 0.35 0.09 0.11 0.16 0.12 20.12 20.43 0.10 0.35 0.35 0.23 20.08 20.55 21.00 20.17 0.26 0.47 0.48 0.32 1.44 20.58 21.20
Pt 0.66 0.98 0.60 0.38 0.37 0.46 0.43 0.32 0.30 0.76 0.93 0.85 0.60 0.26 0.00 20.27 0.47 0.95 1.16 1.11 0.86 0.44 1.03 20.36
Au 0.46 0.59 0.33 0.30 0.45 0.54 0.56 0.34 0.30 0.61 0.67 0.59 0.52 0.44 0.28 0.00 0.47 0.79 0.92 0.81 0.65 0.50 0.34 0.72
PRB 59
E Bsegr 5 m 1 2 m , ~9!
where m and m l are the effective chemical potentials of B
atoms in the bulk and in the lth layer at the surface of host
A, respectively. The bulk effective chemical potential has
already been defined in Eq. ~3! and the definition of the
surface effective chemical potential is @see Eqs. ~1! and ~2!#
m l5
d S( D
. ~10!
FIG. 7. The difference in the surface segregation energy for
hcp~0001! and bcc~110! in Nb, Mo, Tc, and Ru calculated from
dc l first-principles ~GF-LMTO! and by Eq. ~8!, and plotted as a func-
As a result, the difference in the surface segregation energies tion of the simple average of the impurity and host d occupation
of B atoms in the a and b structures of the host A may be number ~See Ref. 71!. The dotted curve is the bcc-hcp energy dif-
written ference calculated for a pure elements by LMTO-ASA. For com-
parison we show the bcc-hcp energy difference obtained in the
DE segr 5 m a1 2 m b1 2 m a 1 m b 5D m a1 2 b 2D m a 2 b . ~11! ASA, filled squares, and in the ASA with combined correction,
open squares.
We now determine the effective chemical potential of the
bulk assuming that the dominating interactions in the system Equation ~14! shows that the a 2 b structural difference in
are given by interatomic pair potentials71 whereby the total the chemical potentials is given solely by the a 2 b strucural
energy of an A 12c B c random alloy in the a structure be- energy difference curve. Moreover, the prefactor of 2 means
comes that the structural energy difference, which can be of order 1
eV, is enhanced in the crystal structure difference for the
E Aa a)
5 v (0) 1 ~ 12c ! 2 v (AA a)
12c ~ 12c !v (AB a)
1c 2 v (BB . chemical potential. As has been shown in Ref. 71 this leads
12c B c
~12! in some cases to a difference of about 2 eV for the solution
Here, v (0) is the on-site term and v (XY a)
is obtained as a sum energies in different crystal structures of the host.
In the case of the surface segregation energy, however,
over the whole lattice of pair potentials acting between X and
a) 1 there is second term D m a1 2 b which compensates the struc-
Y atoms: v (XY 5 2 ( iÞ j V XY (R i 2R j ), where V XY are the struc-
turally independent pair potentials defined, for instance, by tural difference of the bulk chemical potentials D m a 2 b . Un-
fortunately, it is difficult to deduce its value from the above
Moriarty72 and the sums run over the lattice sites in the a
considerations, although ~i! it is clear that for closed-packed
Using Eqs. ~3! and ~12! the last term in Eq. ~9!, i.e., the surfaces D m la 2 b 'D m a 2 b for l>3, and ~ii! that, in general,
difference in the bulk effective chemical potential of B atoms D m a1 2 b 5 h D m a 2 b , where 0, h ,1 due to the broken bonds
in a given host of different crystal structures becomes and the destroyed crystal structure at the surface. In fact, our
calculations show that h 50.5 is a perfect choice for most of
a) b) a) b)
D m a 2 b 52 @~v (AB 2 v (AB ! 2 ~ v (AA 2 v (AA !# . ~13! the systems considered here, and thus
It is easy to see that the last term in Eq. ~13! is the a 2 b
a2b a2b a2b 1
structural energy difference of the host A, and for the first DE segr 'DE str ~ N Ad ! 2DE str ~ 2 @ N Ad 1N Bd # ! . ~15!
term we will use the virtual bond approximation71 assuming
that interatomic potentials between A and B atoms v (AB is In Fig. 7 we compare the difference in the surface segre-
equal to the interatomic potential v CC of a pure metal C with gation energies of 4d impurities on the closed-packed sur-
a d occupation number given by N Cd 5 21 (N Ad 1N Bd ). As a re- faces of bcc and hcp Nb, Mo, Tc, and Ru calculated from
sult, the difference in the chemical potentials ~13! is simply first principles, as well as estimated by Eq. ~15! from the
the difference of the a 2 b structural energy difference of a structural energy difference curve for the pure 4d metals. In
hypothetical transition metal C and the host A most cases the simple expression works surprisingly well.
However, there are deviations, in particular, in Nb, which we
a2b 1 a2b
D m a 2 b 52 $ DE str ~ 2 @ N Ad 1N Bd # ! 2DE str ~ N Ad ! % . trace to the neglect in the present analysis of multiatom in-
~14! teractions, i.e., beyond pair potentials, which at the begin-
ning of a transition-metal series give substantial contribu- electron potential and energy evaluated in the ASA. Our
tions to the structural energy difference.73 surface segregation energies are in good quantitative agree-
In the application of Eq. ~15! we made use of a structural ment with available density-functional calculations as well as
energy difference curve calculated within the ASA. As experimental data. We show that a simple model based on
shown in Fig. 7 this may have errors which for the bcc met- Friedel’s rectangular state-density approximation for surface
als Nb and Mo are about 0.1 eV compared to the more ac- energies describes the calculated trends in the surface segre-
curate calculations67 employing the combined correction gation in transition metals quite well. This is in accord with
term.38 Later transition metals, such as Tc and Ru, do not the simple understanding that the alloy component which has
suffer from this kind of error. It follows from the direct con- the lowest surface energy will segregate towards the surface
nection between the surface segregation and the structural of the alloy. In addition, we find structural contributions as
energies that the present calculations, which do not include large as 1 eV to the surface segregation energies which com-
the combined correction, for the early bcc transition metals pletely invalidates the predictions of the simple model when
may suffer a similar 0.1 eV error. This may also explain the one of the alloy components is taken from the beginning of a
discrepances between the present and the full-potential re- transition series. We finally show that the so-called virtual
sults for spin-polarized bcc Fe in Fig. 2. bond model71 accounts for these important structural effects.
We present a database of the surface segregation energies The Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics is spon-
in transition-metal alloys which in contrast to a previous GF- sored by the Danish National Research Foundation. The
LMTO-CPA calculation include the effect of spin- present work was in part financed by The Danish Research
polarization as well as a multipole correction to the one- Councils through The Center for Surface Reactivity.
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