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Tremere Gargoyle Genre 2020 1

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Portions of the materials are the copyrights
and trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB,
and are used with permission. All rights
reserved. For more information please visit
This material is not official White Wolf
material and is intended solely for use in
One World by Night.

2020. Written by Chris Kazu, Lauren Russ, the Tremere Coordinator’s team 2018-20, and
the Tremere Coordinator’s team 2020-22 for One World by Night.
Table of Contents
Approval/Notify/Disallow 1
The Stone Beasts of Burden 3
Character Creation
Gargoyles and the Sects 7
Gargoyle Clan Structure 12
Merits and Flaws 13
Gargoyle Powers
Dark Ages Powers 18
Combination Disciplines 20
Teaching Visceratika & Flight 23
Gargoyle Rituals 23
Gargoyle Rituals as Gargoyle Powers 28
Permanent Gargoyle Rituals as Powers 30
Gargoyles Variations & Bloodlines 31
Sources 34
Storytellers and Players must Notify the Tremere Coordinator for the following:
Non-Gargoyle PCs or NPCs with Visceratika 1-4

Storytellers and Players must get Tremere Coordinator Approval for the following:
Any Gargoyle PC or NPC of any sect
Non-Gargoyle PCs or NPCs with Flight
Non-Gargoyle PCs or NPCs with Visceratika 5
Non-Gargoyle PCs with Visceratika/Flight based Combination Disciplines
Non-Gargoyle PCs with Visceratika/Flight based Custom Content
Gargoyles with Dark Ages Gargoyle Powers/Rituals/Merits/Flaws - Tremere Coordinator Approval.
PCs or NPCs with Gargoyle Rituals
Gargoyle PCs and NPCs with Gargoyle Rituals as Powers
Gargoyle Bloodlines/Variations:
Scout Gargoyles
Sentinel Gargoyles
Simulacra Gargoyles (NPC only)

Storytellers and Players must get joint Tremere and Gangrel Coordinator Approval for the following:
PCs or NPCs as Gargoyle Bloodlines/Variations: Warrior Gargoyles
PCs and NPCs with Gargoyle Combination Disciplines using Protean
PCs or NPCs with Gargoyle Custom Content using Protean

The following are disallowed:

Non-Gargoyle NPCs with Visceratika/Flight based Combination Disciplines
Non-Gargoyle NPCs with Visceratika/Flight based Custom Content
Non-Gargoyle Pcs and NPCs with Dark Ages Gargoyle Powers/Rituals/Merits/Flaws
PC Gargoyle Bloodline/Variation: Simulacra Gargoyles

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R&U Overview:
Approval Requirements:
PC or NPC Gargoyles - Tremere Coordinator Approval.
Non-Gargoyle PC’s or NPC’s with Flight - Tremere Coordinator Approval.
Non-Gargoyle PC’s or NPC’s with Visceratika 1-4 - Tremere Coordinator Notify.
Non-Gargoyles PC’s or NPC’s with Visceratika 5 - Tremere Coordinator Approval.
Non-Gargoyle PC’s with Visceratika/Flight based Combination Disciplines - Tremere Coordinator
Non-Gargoyle NPC’s with Visceratika/Flight based Combination Disciplines - Disallowed
Non-Gargoyle PCs with any Custom Content using Flight or Visceratika - Tremere Coordinator
Non-Gargoyle NPC’s with Visceratika/Flight based Custom Content - Disallowed
Dark Ages Gargoyle Powers/Rituals/Merits/Flaws - Tremere Coordinator Approval.

Gargoyle Rituals - PC: Coordinator Approval; NPC: Coordinator Approval; Coordinator: Tremere
Gargoyle Rituals as Powers - PC: Coordinator Approval; NPC: Coordinator Approval; Coordinator:
Gargoyle Combination Disciplines using Protean: Tremere and Gangrel Coordinator Joint Ap-

Gargoyle Variations/Bloodline Approval Requirements:

Scout Gargoyles - PC: Coordinator Approval; NPC: Coordinator Approval; Coordinator:Tremere
Sentinel Gargoyles - PC: Coordinator Approval; NPC: Coordinator Approval; Coordinator: Tremere
Warrior Gargoyles - PC: Joint Coordinator Approval; NPC: Joint Coordinator Approval;
Coordinator(s): Tremere and Gangrel
Simulacra Gargoyles - PC: Disallowed; NPC: Coordinator Approval; Coordinator: Tremere

Reference Guide:
CB:Gn = Clanbook: Gangrel
CB:N = Clanbook: Nosferatu
CB:Tz = Clanbook: Tzimisce
F&F = Faith & Fire
HoT = House of Tremere
LotN:AG = Laws of the Night: Anarch Guide
LotN:CG = Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide
LotN:R = Laws of the Night: Revised
LotN:SG = Laws of the Night: Sabbat Guide
LS:WatD = Libellus Sanguinis: Wolves at the Door
LotB = V20 Lore of the Bloodlines
PGttLC = Player’s Guide to the Low Clans
V20 DA = V20 Dark Ages
V20 VtM = V20 Vampire the Masquerade

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Stone Beasts
of Burden
I don’t know what I am I don’t know where I’ve been
Human junk just words and so much skin
Stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine
Just some flesh caught in this big broken machine
-- Nine Inch Nails, “Happiness in Slavery”

Gargoyles are a unique breed of vampire: their origins come not directly from Caine, but from ex-
perimentation by the Tremere. Their original purpose was as guardians and shock troops against
both Tzimisce and Gangrel in the Balkan Wars waged in the late medieval period, something that
colors the perception of the bloodline to modern nights.

As such, they were not made to be peers of the Warlocks; they were made as an ‘ultimate’ version
of their earlier successes with things such as the hexaped, iecur, stone dogs, and razor bats. They
were slaves, they were servants, and they were protectors. The first generations of Gargoyles
were created things; with each being hand made through strange and arcane rituals. While begot
of Cainites (being a combination of Tzimisce, Gangrel, and Nosferatu stock), they were not truly
vampires in any conventional sense. More experimentation was needed to make the creatures
‘true’ Kindred, which resulted in them developing two distinct and unique disciplines (Viseratika
and Flight). Later still, they began ‘breeding’ on their own; able to Embrace humans just as any
other vampire could.

With the inclusion of the Tremere as a founding clan of the Camarilla, the horrifying rituals they
used to create (and enslaved) Kindred such as Gargoyles were locked away (though publicly de-
clared as destroyed), and the Gargoyles themselves secreted away to chantries, not allowed to
come into contact with, or be acknowledged as, members of the Ivory Tower. Some Gargoyles
began to feel the chafe of this imprisonment by their masters, and found small ways to rebel with-
out doing so overtly. Rumors of a Gargoyle known as the “Rock Lord” having escaped the Tremere
began to spread throughout the ranks of the Gargoyles.

Under the guidance of Virstania, the Gargoyles led a revolt in Ceoris, the medieval capital of the
Tremere, where they slew multiple Warlocks and Virstania diablerized Curaferrum, the castellan

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of Ceoris. At this time, many Gargoyles joined the ranks of the Anarchs during the Anarch Revolt,
although some chose to remain with their masters rather than flee.

(For more information about the Anarch Revolt, refer to the OWBN Anarch Genre Packet or ask Team

Until Recently…
Gargoyles can be found in all sects of vampires within the World of Darkness. They exist most
commonly within the Anarch Movement, not quite as commonly within the Camarilla, and even
a scant few exist in the Sabbat. Some have gone their own way as independents, too.

Early in 2013, The Pyramid released Gargoyles

from their bound service to the clan, into the
night under their own recognizance. Those Gar-
goyles that completely left the Tremere behind
were wiped of their knowledge of that clan’s in-
ner workings, so as to prevent any unwanted se-
crets getting out. However, if a Gargoyle were to
stay within the Camarilla, they were to be seen
as Caitiff. While the intent of the Tremere was
in good faith (allegidly), most Gargoyles found
their existence and culture being swept under
the rug offensive. These predominantly younger
Gargoyles, preferred the ideas of liberty offered
by the Anarch movement over Camarilla status
and court procedure. The Tremere were not
happy about this turn of events.

Over the last several years, the “secret” of their heritage within the Camarilla has not-so-slowly
leaked out and in many Domains they are recognized not as clanless but as simply what they are:
Gargoyles. Once the cat was out of the proverbial bag, Clan Tremere had no choice but to defer
to popular opinion on the matter and has relinquished their opinion that Gargoyles are Caitiff. To-
night, only the old or belligerent offer any argument to the contrary (though they would be remiss
to say those who stayed loyal to House and Clan are anything other than respected members of
their bloodline... publicly.).

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As established, in modern nights Gargoyles are no longer created beings; passing on their blood-
line through the Embrace as any other Kindred. Alongside their newfound freedom, however, the
Tremere made sure that those Gargoyles released directly from their servitude have no memory,
knowledge, or inside information of the clan (read: Tremere Lore), to ensure a ‘smooth transition’
outside of their servitude. A deal has been struck within the Inner Circle of elders to both forbid
the ritual construction of additional Gargoyles, and for the Gargoyles to be seen as an official, dis-
tinct bloodline related to the Tremere. However, due to particularly difficult past experiences with
the Warlocks, some Camarilla Gargoyles have decided to claim their bloodline from one of the
two constituent clans that created them. Clan Nosferatu specifically has been open to the idea,
with some Gargoyles finding more comfort with the Sewer Rats than the Tremere.

In some rare cases, Gargoyles may inherit merits or flaws from the bloodlines their blood was
stolen from. They can only possess Nosferatu, Gangrel, or Tzimisce merits or flaws if your game
allows any character to buy clan-specific merits or flaws, some in particular we have made sug-
gestions for as well [see ‘Merits and Flaws’].

They do have their own flavors of merits, flaws, and combination powers, all of which will be
touched on in this source packet.

Photograph by Chris Wenzel

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Basic timeline
1121: Goratrix, Malgorzata, and Epistatia along with Virstania, succeed in the creation of the Gargoyles.

12th-15th c: The Tremere fight the Balkan Wars against Gangrel & Tzimisce, using Gargoyles as their
front line troops. Three main variants of Gargoyle are established: the Scouts, the Sentinels, and the
Warriors. Secondary types, like stone dogs, razor bats, and iecur are also created.

1435: The Tremere gain admission to the Camarilla, under the stipulation that no new Gargoyles are
created, and concessions given to Gangrel and Nosferatu for the loss of their clanmates in the creation
of the Gargoyles.

1476-1497: The Gargoyle Revolt. Set free by their “Mother,” the Tremere Virstania, and inspired by
the Gargoyle called ‘the Rock Lord’, many Gargoyles flee into the night. This coincides with the Anarch

Late 19th c.: By this time, Gargoyles as a bloodline are fully established with standard in-clan disciplines.

2004: A flight of Independent Gargoyles arrived at the Justicarial Conclave in Orlando Florida, seeking
recognition in the Camarilla. This coincides with the naming of Anastaz DiZagreb as Tremere Justicar.
The Gargoyles are turned away without mention at the Conclave, and retreat again to parts unknown.

2013: The Tremere “Emancipate” remaining Gargoyles from their control, declaring them as Caitiff,
anticipating that they would simply join them in the Camarilla. The majority flee from the known do-
mains. Together with previously independent Gargoyles, some dating back to the Gargoyle Revolt, they
join en masse with the Anarch Movement. Something happened with the Gargoyles that left, leaving
their minds clouded and ignorant of internal information on Tremere inner workings. [Plot Proposal:
Freeing the Slaves]

2020: The Bloodline Gambit. Clan Tremere attempts at reconciliation with the Gargoyles that stayed
behind, and try to entice other free Gargoyles into returning, by declaring them a Tremere Bloodline.
They are afforded rights as a bloodline of Clan Tremere in the Camarilla, and offered other boons from
behind the scenes… Some free Gargoyles within the Camarilla do not accept being a bloodline of their
former masters, and do not benefit from the behind closed doors Tremere offers. Some have chosen to
either set themselves up as their own clan, or find a voice amongst clan Nosferatu as a bloodline.

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The basic rules for Gargoyle creation for LARP come from the MET Laws of the Night: Camarilla
Guide. That is the place one should start when you’re creating a Gargoyle vampire. Further rules
have been expanded on, and are in play in the organization, such as the V20 source material, and
Dark Ages material. The following augments and clarifies other rules found for playing this clan
in OWbN.

Gargoyles and the Sects

In 2013, the Gargoyles were ‘freed’ by Clan Tremere, who attempted to pass them off as Caitiff.
Unsurprisingly to everyone except the Tremere, many Gargoyles used their newfound freedom
to immediately flee to places with no Tremere, such as the Anarch Movement. These Gargoyles
were dispossessed of all information they had regarding the Tremere and their inner workings
though Thaumaturgical means.

Many Camarilla Gargoyles, either out of fear of the unknown or deep seated loyalty, have taken
the offer to remain allied with House and Clan Tremere in order to have access to specific benefits
and strong allies within the Pyramid. Those Gargoyles are granted the option to officially join the
ranks of House and Clan Tremere by swearing the Oath to become an Apprentice. Other Loyal-
ists may choose to ally themselves with the Camarilla Tremere without swearing the Oath, and
receive Acknowledgement under the purview of the Tremere Justicar.

Tremere-aligned Gargoyles know they are caught between having some semblance of indepen-
dence within their sect, and toeing the line for ‘masters’ they barely tolerate. The most loyal of
these Gargoyles often adorn themselves with rituals to increase their efficacy in court, and in
combat [ref. ‘Gargoyle rituals’]. Gargoyles that are not ‘uniform’ in terms of appearance [ref. Dark
Ages powers/merits] rarely frequent court due to their inability to uphold the Masquerade; only
venturing out once they have mastered some Obfuscate.

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Those who have chosen not to ally with their former masters, but wish to remain in the Cama-
rilla, may seek Acknowledgement within Clan Nosferatu. Some have chosen to remain unaligned,
seeking for equality as their own clan within the Tower rather than as Caitiff.

Camarilla Gargoyles may be allowed to hold courtly positions, though Clan Tremere generally
remains wary of the idea of a Gargoyle surviving as primogen for their clan. Many Tremere are
also uncomfortable with the idea of a Gargoyle claiming praxis, and would only support it if the
Gargoyle has sworn the Oath. The addition of the Gargoyles as a ‘Tremere bloodline’ puts even
more pressure internally for older Tremere to ensure that this ‘bloodline’, while part of the Tre-
mere, is in no way equal to them. Younger or more modern Tremere have less trouble integrating
the Gargoyles into the structure of the Pyramid, causing push back against some of their close
minded elders.

One clan, two factions

Tremere-aligned Gargoyles tend to be some of the oldest of the Clan and did not see any ben-
efit to leaving the security of the chantry they reside in. However, even the most conservative
Tremere knew something had to be done to maintain positive relations with those who stayed,
and salvage what little love was left between themselves and the Gargoyles who had left the clan
entirely (often referring to themselves as ‘freemen’, in opposition to their Tremere-loyalist breth-
ren). Enforcing obedience would only inevitably lead to another revolt supported by the large
numbers of independent and Anarch Gargoyles, and their allies.

The freemen found allies outside of the Tremere, and often still subtly worked against the War-
locks. Seldom do Gargoyles gain enough numbers or clout to gain representation in Court other
than via other clans like the Gangrel and Nosferatu.

The Loyalists who stayed with the Tremere have found better fortune in a few ways that their
freemen counterparts have not. They are seen as a ‘bloodline’, and gain representation under the
authority of the Tremere. For their service and loyalty, they are rewarded by being taught the old
“Gargoyle rituals”, and some of the esoteric “Gargoyle powers” after Embrace. These Tremere
loyal or aligned Gargoyles also find unlikely allies in their former masters, as well as new clout
within House and Clan Tremere itself.

There are even some former freemen who endeavor to rejoin the clan of their creators, and as
such may seek out any Camarilla Tremere to start the process. Those who choose to re-align
themselves with House and Clan after a period of separation will undergo minor tests to ensure

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they do not intend to infiltrate or spy on Clan Tremere instead. Once they have been cleared to be
aligned with House and Clan, they will be expected to work toward the joint goals of the Tremere
and Tremere-aligned Gargoyles.

Tremere Bloodline:
House Tremere loyal: Gargoyles who wish to stay with their former masters and learn from them
rather than serve. These Gargoyles will swear the Tremere Oath and be bound one step to the
Inner Council like Pyramid loyal Tremere. These Gargoyles can learn Thaumaturgy.
Tremere aligned Gargoyles: These Gargoyles have chosen to be considered a Bloodline of Clan
Tremere, and benefit from aligning with them publicly. They can serve in any Camarilla Court po-
sition, and are protected by other members of Clan Tremere. These Gargoyles will often be found
to have rituals cast upon them in exchange for being allied with their former masters. These Gar-
goyles will not be learning Thaumaturgy.

Nosferatu Bloodline:
Nosferatu aligned Gargoyles: These gargoyles do not find comfort with their former masters and
have instead joined with Clan Nosferatu. This group is seen as a bloodline of the Nosferatu within
the Camarilla, and are allied with Clan Nosferatu. Not all of the Gargoyles may have been created
from a Nosferatu in the Dark Ages, but they still wish to be political players without having to align
with Clan Tremere.

Clan Gargoyle:
These Gargoyles wish to prove themselves and stand on their own. As they refuse to be consid-
ered a bloodline of any clan, their goal
is to legitimize themselves as their
own Clan. Since these Gargoyles are
choosing to stand without the support
of either the Nosferatu or Tremere,
they must find a clan to sponsor their
Acknowledgement much like Caitiff
or those without a Justicar. Most of-
ten they find themselves welcomed
by Clan Gangrel when they choose
to seek Acknowledgement, however
they are not considered a bloodline of
Clan Gangrel.

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Anarch & Independent
With the release of the Gargoyles by Clan Tremere in the early 21st Century, many went off into
the night to parts unknown. Gargoyles knew the Sabbat were bad news as too many of their own
kind had met Final Death facing off against the blood culsts; all the while being called abomina-
tions. In the Camarilla, and the Tremere power with what it is there, many felt ‘going home again’
wasn’t an option. So, they found their way to the places in-between; many finding acceptance
amongst the Anarch Movement.

Many Anarchs were leery of Gargoyles at first simply showing up at their doorstep, and wondered
when the other Tremere jackboot was going to fall. Some Anarchs, however, saw kindred spirits
in the Gargoyles. After all, these Kindred had fought to throw off their master’s chains, just like
they had, and those open minded Anarchs welcomed the new Kindred as brothers and sisters-
in-arms. This attracted the attention of lines of Gargoyles who’d escaped the Tremere long ago,
which bolstered their numbers. The gargoyles themselves don’t talk a lot about what happened
in either case, but are more than willing to be silent flying eyes-in-the-sky, as committed as any
other Anarch to freedom from the machinations of the Jyhad. This has given many baronies and
free states a new advantage in the war, and strengthened their numbers overall.

There is no ‘purity test’ of Gargoyles in the Movement, so the wildest variations are often found
amongst the Anarchs (see Dark Ages powers/merits). No Anarch Gargoyles will be found with the
vaunted Gargoyle rituals cast upon them from the Tremere however.

Gargoyles in the Sabbat are the rarest breed of the bloodline. The vast majority of Gargoyles,
even those that have been freed or took their own freedom, steer clear of the Sabbat. Even inde-
pendent and Anarch Gargoyles dug truths out of the Tremere propaganda, and realized that even
their former Masters could be right now and again.

The Sabbat
Sabbat internal propaganda has also worked against the Sword in recruiting Gargoyles. Loyal
members of any given diocese were trained for decades or centuries to know that Gargoyles
“weren’t real vampires” and “lackeys of the hated Usurpers”. Old hidebound Tzimisce (and Gan-
grel and Nosferatu) also know that blood of their brothers makes up part of Gargoyle blood; they
are resentful of what was stolen and remade from them. Salubri and Assamites whose bloodlines
have particular antipathy for the Tremere extend their prejudices for their enemies to the Gar-
goyles as well. Trust of a Sabbat Gargoyle should be incredibly difficult for any of these antitribu,
in spite of any feelings engendered by a Vaulderie cup.

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An old path revisited...

Road of Service (p122, HoT)

The Road of Service is a particularly ancient path still practiced by many of the oldest, most loyal
Gargoyles still in service to House and Clan. With the recent enfranchisement of Gargoyles inside
of the Tremere hierarchy, the re is a subtle push from on high to have particularly loyal Gargoyles,
especially leaders of rookeries, learn this path. While functionally the same as it was back when
the Gargoyles were first created, the path has been tweaked a bit to better fit modern nights and

This path follows Conviction and Self-Control.

Path rating Hierarchy of Sins

5 Disobeying the direct orders of the Council of Seven.
4 Disobeying the direct order of a Tremere master (Lord); thwarting the intent of an order.
3 Disobeying any Regent or leader of a rookery; failing to punish an insult against the
2 Failing to avenge a crime against the Tremere; remarking on the fallibility of the Tremere.
1 Shirking an opportunity to suffer injury, or death in service to House & Clan

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Those Gargoyles that find themselves in the Sabbat are often the most violent and most dam-
aged of their kind. Freed Gargoyles that were particularly badly abused by their former masters,
knowing that the Camarilla will never redress their grievances, and believe that the Anarchs are
too disorganized to do anything, may find themselves supping the Vinculum for the chance to get
back at the bastards.

Gargoyle Clan Structure

Historically, Gargoyles only knew that they were slaves, and the Tremere their masters. Only re-
ally having one another for support, and never treated as equals by their masters, they built their
own structure and society. This spawned the practice of Gargoyles living in communal havens
called aeries or rookeries, something that even among those that have fled the Camarilla and the
Tremere still do.

Used to strict hierarchical structure, the Gargoyles built their own pecking orders on age and
relative strength and cunning. The Tremere generally let them do this on their own, and exploit
Gargoyle internal politics to keep order. As such, the Gargoyle social system became a sort of
‘Pyramid-adjacent’ structure. While any Gargoyle would answer to any Tremere regardless of
rank, few apprentices would be so cheeky as to casually order around the Gargoyles without the
Regent’s permission or orders.

Even the Gargoyles outside of House and Clan tend to follow the same social structure of ‘might
makes right’, but Anarch-leaning ones tend to favor the most clever and thoughtful over those
that are simply strongest.

The Embrace
Gargoyle Embraces are troubling for those of high Humanity. Turning a human into a Gargoyle
erases all traces of a person: mentally and physically. They are completely amnesiatic of every-
thing they were prior to being turned into one of the Damned. Further, their entire visage is com-
pletely changed, truly leaving nothing behind of the person they once were.

Gargoyle Embraces say much about the Humanity of their sires. Those of higher Humanity are
fairly judicious in deciding who they may make into one of their own; most often choosing from
the terminally ill, those without hope, and other marginalized peoples. The lower the Humanity,
the less picky they tend to get, and the particularly vindictive or twisted will deliberately remove a
prominent or beautiful person from society to become one of them.

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Merits and Flaws
This packet includes merits and flaws available to Gargoyles, which have been drawn from both
source materials and custom content created for One World by Night.

Acute Sense (1 ptMerit; LotN:R, pg 112): As chantry guardians, the Gargoyle may have been
‘bred’ to be able to spot the enemy before they themselves are spotted.

House Tremere Loyal (2pt. Merit; OWbN): You are loyal to House and Clan Tremere, and as such
you are considered protected by them. No longer a Slave, you serve at the will of the Pyramid
and can be assigned a Rank of Apprentice, thus able to be taught Thaumaturgy as an Apprentice.

Prehensile Feet (2 pt. Merit; OWbN): Your big toes are rotated 90 degrees from the plane of your
feet, and your toes are unusually long, allowing them to be able to grip like a hand. This allows
for you to carry things while flying with your hands free, as well as hang upside down like a bat.
They are not so dexterous as to be able to wield weapons however.

Retractable Wings (2 pt. Merit; PGttLC, pg 184): A Gargoyle with this Merit may take an action to
extend or retract her wings. Retracted wings collapse and fold tightly against the body, allowing
the character to move through tighter spaces and maneuver unencumbered.

Stillness of Death (2pt. Merit; LotB, pg 37): Gargoyles often hide themselves as statuary. You re-
ceive +3 traits to tests for anyone searching for you when you stay perfectly still.

Sect Fanatic (2 or 4 pt. Merit; OWbN): It is said there is no greater fanatic than a convert. Wheth-
er you are a decidedly loyal Tremere guardian, a recently ‘freed’ Camarilla Gargoyle, a self-eman-
cipated Freeman Anarch, or even a newly indoctrinated and initiated member of the Sabbat, the
Sect you are part of is mother and father now. No amount of reason will convince you that any
other sect than your own is the ‘right’ one. You also see Gargoyles who have joined the other
sects, as the worst traitors, and it comes out when you fight them. You gain a bonus trait in all
challenges against Gargoyles of other sects. Those Gargoyles that have remained in the Camarilla,
in their minds, have seen centuries of hopes and dreams finally come to fruition. For a four point
merit, the PC gets two bonus traits in combating Gargoyles outside of the Camarilla.

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Heavy Hands (3pt. Merit; LotB, pg 37): One of the effects of becoming a vampire is strange
changes happening to your body. The obvious alterations to your hands have made them tougher,
harder, and more impervious to pain: You gain +1 bashing damage with brawl attacks using your

Unbondable (3 pt Merit; LotN:R, pg 120): It would make sense that the gargoyle lines who have
successfully become Freemen (non-Camarilla) have done so by being able to resist the blood
bond, one of the chains their former masters took advantage of. This is only available to gargoyles
embraced within the Anarch Movement. Not available for Dark Ages Gargoyles.

Huge Size (4 pt Merit; LotN:R, pg 113): This represents the additional health and intimidation fac-
tor that their masters preferred.

Sturdy (4 pt Merit, V20: DA, pg 420): while you are not a hulking brute, anyone who has seen
you in action knows that you can take more damage than the average individual. You gain an ad-
ditional health level with this Merit.

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Cannot Embrace (2 pt Flaw; F&F, pg 142) early Gargoyles could not embrace, and required a
specific ritual to allow them to do so. This flaw could present itself in modern Gargoyles as well.

Clan Weakness (2 pt Flaw; LotN:AG, pg 114): some of your ancient forebears weaknesses are
shining through in you. The flaws inherent to either Gangrel, Nosferatu, and/or Tzimisce are
yours as well.

Ragged Bite (2pt Flaw; V20: DA, pg 421): you lack the ability to neatly seal up the wound caused
by the kiss and instead leave torn bleeding marks. The target may become infected from these
open wounds and may be a breach to the masquerade.

Stone Tongue (3pt. Flaw; LotB, pg 37): The transformation of the Embrace didn’t just affect your
appearance. It made it physically difficult for you to speak properly and clearly. It may be because
of a clumsy tongue, some nasty looking tusks, or a raptor-type beak. No matter the cause, you
suffer a -1 trait to any Social challenge requiring you to speak.

Primal Stance (4 pt. Flaw; OWbN): Similarly to a gorilla or chimpanzee, you primarily knuckle-
walk rather than walk bipedally due to the elongation of your arms and the shortening of your
legs. Your legs are shorter than that of a human, thus you stand shorter than the average human

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when bipedal. For attacks using a two-handed melee weapon you are required to stand com-
pletely still as you are not able to walk bipedally and attack two handed. For attacks using a one-
handed melee weapon, your movement range is cut in half of normal.

Blood Weakness (4 or 7pt. Flaw; LotB, pg 37): The bloodline began as an experiment in manu-
facturing a Kindred from diverse bloodlines. The Tremere perfected the alchemical process, but
somewhere along the way, a weakness in an ancestor caught hold. It manifested in your Embrace.
In addition to the weaknesses you possess, you also possess either the Gangrel or the Tzimisce
weakness. For four points, choose one of the two weaknesses. For seven points, you possess
both. Warrior Gargoyles with the Gangrel weakness version of Blood Weakness may gain both
animal features and stone features from one frenzy. Additionally, choose one of the four Disci-
plines available to the Gargoyles. For you, this Discipline is considered out of Clan and costs the
higher amount of experience points to advance. This flaw is only available to the progenitor Gar-
goyle bloodlines: the Sentinels, Scouts, and Warriors. For modern Gargoyles, the ‘Clan Weakness’
flaw is more appropriate.

Infertile Vitae (5 pt Flaw; LotN: SG, pg 73): early Gargoyles could not embrace, and required a
specific ritual to allow them to do so. This flaw could present itself in modern Gargoyles as well.

Patagiac Wings (5 pt. Flaw; OWbN): You do not have separate limbs for your wings; instead, your
upper limbs are your wings, akin to a bat or pterodactyl. Three of your fingers are distended
lengthwise and act as struts for the winged structure, only leaving a forefinger and thumb free
for grasping. This makes most attacks with your arms nearly impossible, as you only realistically
have an index finger and thumb to hold a weapon, or to strike with. You cannot fly while holding
items in your hands, and are down two traits on any physical attack you make with them. These
wings are also impossible to hide without obfuscation, making you an egregious breach of the
Masquerade. You cannot take the merit, “retractable wings” with this flaw.

Quadrupedal (6 pt. Flaw; OWbN): While you may still have opposable thumbs, you are a gar-
goyle that is truly bestial in shape. It is impossible for you to stand upright. You lope around on all
fours, moving like a dog, bear, lion, or some other predatory quadruped. It is also impossible for
you to attack with a melee weapon, and can only realistically hold something in your hand when
standing still. The one upside of this is that you take four steps normally in combat, as opposed
to three.

Grounded (7 pt. Flaw; OWbN): Gargoyles don’t actually use their wings to fly, but they are a part
of the ‘magic’ of the discipline that allows it to work. For whatever reason, your form has no

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wings, and as such, you are incapable of using the Flight Discipline, or any of the associated ma-
neuvers that go with it. While under the thumb of the Tremere, any Gargoyle with this flaw would
have been destroyed not long after creation/embrace.

Gargoyle applicable Merits/Flaws from other clans

Since the Gargoyle’s progenitors are Gangrel, Tzimisce, and Nosferatu, they may exhibit ‘throw-
back’ merits and flaws from the clans that constitute them. Today, they mostly breed true; but
their forebears lineages sometimes shine through. As such, the following otherwise ‘proprietary’
merits and flaws may be picked by Gargoyle PCs at a Storyteller’s discretion.

Merits from Nosferatu

Gaping Maw 2 pt. Physical (Nosferatu Clanbook, p. 71)
Long Fingers 1 pt. Physical (Nosferatu Clanbook, p. 70)
Oversized Fangs 1 pt. Physical (Nosferatu Clanbook, p. 70)

Flaws from Nosferatu

Blunt Fangs 1 pt. Physical (Nosferatu Clanbook, p. 72)

Merits from Tzimisce

Haven Affinity 3 pt. Supernatural (Tzimisce Clanbook, p. 69)
Pain Tolerance 2 pt. Physical (Tzimisce Clanbook, p. 69)

Merits from Gangrel

Without a Trace 2 pt. Supernatural (Libellus Sanguinus 3, Wolves at the Door, p. 28)

Dark Ages Merits

Abomination 4 pt. Supernatural (Players Guide to the Low Clans, p. 189)

Other Gangrel, Nosferatu, & Tzimisce merits and flaws may be applicable, but are up to Storyteller
and Clan Coordinator discretion. If in doubt, always check in with the respective Clan Coordinator.

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Gargoyle Powers
When Gargoyles first were created, they often had strange mutations and odd powers that were
not anticipated by their Tremere creators. Sometimes, one of these other atavistic features will
reveal themselves in modern gargoyles. Most slave gargoyles that demonstrated these ‘muta-
tions’ were destroyed by the Tremere; however independent ones are under no such threat at
embrace. Camarilla Gargoyles who still serve under the Tremere, will still be prejudiced against.

While these are ‘powers’ akin to disciplines for the Gargoyles, they are not teachable ‘out-of-clan’.
They are a result of long-past experiments done to them during the creation of the bloodline, and
can only be purchased by Gargoyles at creation.

Gargoyle Dark Ages Powers

(Ref: Faith & Fire and/or Player’s Guide to the Low Clans)

Gargoyles who were either created or embraced during the early years of their lineage have
unique aspects to them that younger Gargoyles no longer exhibit. Only Dark Ages approved Gar-
goyles may have these merits/flaws, and must be taken at creation. They may have up to 3 pow-
ers, or a combined total of 10 exp worth, whichever is less, and can not be bought after creation.

Embrace (Cost: 5) [F&F p.216] -- Dark Aged Gargoyles lacked the ability to embrace new Gar-
goyles innately, and only came to that ability naturally much later. This power is listed for poster-
ity, and would be possibly appropriate for the Dark Age variants found in the packet (Sentinel,
Scout, and Warrior)

Extra Arms (Cost: 4) [F&F p.216] -- The torso of this gargoyle is extended, allowing for an ad-
ditional pair of limbs. They grant a free retest in all challenges involving unarmed and melee
combat. [F&F]

Eyes of the Beast (Cost: 4) [PGttLC p.191] -- The character’s monstrous eyes smolder a dull red,
permanently granting the effects of the Protean power of the same name.

Fire Breath (Cost: 5) [PGttLC p.191] -- By spending a blood trait, the gargoyle with this merit may
spit up a bolus of fire with the same mechanics as the second level of Lure of Flames: Flame Bolt.
The Gargoyle must make a physical challenge against the target, and its retest is Athletics.

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Foulness (Cost: 3) [F&F p.216] -- Your visage and stench are so vile that everyone within five feet
of you must bid an extra Trait for each challenge they enter against you. [F&F]

Heightened Eyesight (Cost: 4) [F&F p.217] -- The power acts the same as the power of Auspex
power of Heightened Senses: Sight. It is however, permanent, and cannot be turned off.

Horror (Cost: 5) [F&F p.217] -- Your appearance is so frightful that mortals and Cainites alike are
driven back in terror unless you conceal it. No person with less than five Willpower Traits can even
approach you. Those with six or more Willpower Traits must make a Static Courage Test (difficulty
three Traits) to approach. Should someone possess the courage to approach you, the Horror of
your appearance does not trouble her for the remainder of the night.

Huge Size (Cost: 4) [F&F p.217] -- Functionally the same as the merit of the same name. Does not
count against the merit cap of seven if purchased as a power.

Prehensile Tail (Cost: 3) [PGttLC p. 191] -- This power acts the same as the Gangrel “mixed bless-
ing” of the same name.

Regeneration (Cost: 5) [PGttLC p. 191] -- The

character does not need rest to regenerate,
and may freely spend blood for healing regard-
less of exertion. In addition, the Gargoyle may
heal all levels of bashing damage by spending a
single blood point. Lethal and aggravated dam-
age still requires the usual blood expenditure.

Talons/Claws (Cost: 4) [F&F p.217] -- This mer-

it acts the same as the Protean power, ‘Wolves
Claws’, only they are not retractable. Mechan-
ics are the same as the Gangrel mixed blessing.

Terrifying Visage (Cost: 3) [F&F p.217] -- This

merit acts the same as the second level Pres-
ence power of Dread Gaze. A Gargoyle may
make a social challenge and intimidate anoth-
er character away.

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Combination Disciplines
The Shoulders of Atlas
(Flight ••, Potence ••) LotB, p. 35
Cost: 6 exp
The power of flight is one of the reasons the Gargoyles have existed for so long. Usually, they can
only carry a limited amount of cargo based on their mastery of Flight. This power allows them to
apply some of their superhuman strength to carry greater amounts at lower levels of Flight.

System: Use as Printed; For each level of Potence that would take the Gargoyle’s Flight Discipline
beyond level 5. The Gargoyle may carry an additional 100 lbs.

Falconer’s Dive
(Flight •, Visceratika ••••) LotB LotB, p. 35
Cost: 7 exp
Gargoyles swoop down on their enemies like few other Kindred can. “Death from above” is a
common tactic of these vampires, but a select few can streamline their diving forms for minimum
wind resistance and maximum impact on a target.

System: The Kindred spends

a point of Willpower to subtly
make their body more aerody-
namic as they fall. Using this abil-
ity requires room to maneuver
high in the air or a great height
to drop from, like the edge of a
skyscraper. The Gargoyle, while
diving, may make a static physical
challenge v. eight traits. If suc-
cessful, they gain an additional
bonus trait to their very next me-
lee or brawl attack at the culmi-
nation of the dive. This can only
be done outdoors, or in an ex-
tremely large indoor space (cav-
ern, airline hangar).

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Carry The Mountain’s Burden
(Visceratika ••••, Fortitude •••) LotB, p. 36
Cost: 10 exp
Gargoyles who master the Armor of Terra (V20, p. 476) can make themselves even tougher by
using it in conjunction with their Fortitude. These Disciplines work together to make the Gargoyle
into an unstoppable brute that requires a miracle to take down. For obvious reasons, this is a fa-
vorite choice of Sentinel Gargoyles.

System: Spend a Willpower to Double all the bonuses and penalties of Armor of Terra for the
scene. (Quarter incoming fire damage, simple test to lower lethal to bashing with a free retest,
Then Quarter all bashing once lowered, -2 bashing on all bashing damage to a minimum of 1 dam-
age, -2 traits on any touch based perception challenges while this combo is active.

I Am The Keystone
(Fortitude ••, Potence ••, Visceratika •••) LotB, p. 36
Cost: 10 exp
Visceratika is known for
displays of toughness
and strength. Masters
of the Discipline can
invoke changes to their
body that are a bit sub-
tler but no less devas-
tating when unleashed
at the right time.

System: Use as Printed;

This Discipline may not
raise The PC Gargoyle’s
Potence or Fortitude
Disciplines above Ad-
vanced Levels, even
temporarily, per the Richard Starkweather
OWBN Bylaws. https://www.facebook.com/EverwyndPublishing

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Sonic Flight
(OWBN Custom: Flight ••, Potence ••, Fortitude ••)
Cost: 6xp
The power of flight is one of the reasons that the Gargoyles have existed for so long. Usually, they
can only fly at a speed regulated by their mastery of Flight. This combination allows them to ap-
ply some of their other natural skills to allow for high sustained speeds for travel purposes only.

System: This power can only ever be used outside of combat and may not be used to fair escape.
Your flight speed is multiplied by half your levels of Potence (round up) for a set duration of time.
This duration is equal to an hour for each level of Fortitude rating the character has. As a draw-
back, your carry weight is reduced by the same modifier.

Lonsdaleite Armor
(OWBN Custom: Visceratika ••••, Fortitude •••••)
Cost: 9xp
There are very few things that can cut right through the thick skin of a Gargoyle. While they can
shrug off many blows from various sources there are some that just can't be ignored. Until now.
With a focus of Will the Gargoyle's skin hardens to insurmountable toughness akin to their innate
ability to ignore death blows. Albeit, this lasts for only a short period of time.

System: Spend a temporary Willpower. For the rest of the Turn the User's Armor of Terra halves
all Aggravated damage instead of just Fire and Sunlight Damage.

Flow Within all Structures

(OWBN Custom: Visceratika •••••, Protean •••)
Cost: 10xp
The new age has been hard to adapt for most older Vampires and especially Gargoyles who rely
on the stone to primarily make up the building they lived in for hundreds of years. They have
been released and realized that their powers don’t work in the normal buildings of this age. So a
change needed to happen and an adaption to the world was created.

System: You may use all of your Visceratika powers that interact with the environment within any
structures no matter the material it is made of. To use these powers you must spend an additional
trait of blood per activation of the specific Visceratika power.

[[The Visceratika powers this can be used with: Scry the Hearthstone (Basic), Bond With the
Mountain (Intermediate), Flow Within the Mountain (Advanced), Various Elder and above Vis-
ceratika Powers.]]

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Teaching Visceratika & Flight
Always be sure to check with the OWbN Character by-laws about teaching and learning esoteric
and proprietary disciplines. Due to Flight and Visceratika both being Clan specific disciplines, the
one learning the power must ingest one point of blood from the teacher. Per the rulebooks,
Flight is unteachable as an out of clan discipline. However, as some chronicles will house-rule
this away, it has been enumerated in the by-laws as well for certainty of enforcement.

Non-Gargoyle PCs and NPC’s who learn Visceratika automatically gain either two negative social
traits of Bestial x2, or Repugnant x2, with no additional XP awarded and can not be bought off.
(Ref. OWBN Character Bylaw 10.m.viii.38.c)

Flight Maneuvers
The only published Flight Maneuvers appear in the Laws of the Night Camarilla Guide, but more
can be created. Use the extant ones as a basis for further creation of these Gargoyle advantages.
Suggested guidelines are use of brawl as retests, and bashing as base damage.

Gargoyle Rituals
Gargoyle rituals were developed by the Tremere to augment the powers and abilities of their
slaves for their jobs and duties during the Dark Ages.

The powers of Visceratika and Flight (via Movement of the Mind) were all once rituals cast upon
the Gargoyles, before they took hold permanently as disciplines. The rest were secreted away
with the Tremere’s inclusion into the Camarilla. With the new internal emancipation of the Gar-
goyles, these old rituals have been dusted off and more are being researched, as a way to reward
their former slave’s loyalty. Only those who serve the Camarilla through House and Clan will have
these cast upon them.

These rituals were developed for, and only usable on, Gargoyles; they will not work on any other
Kindred or creature (supernatural or otherwise) unless explicitly stated in the ritual write-up.
Purchases of these rituals by thaumaturges follow the standard costs of 2, 4, or 6 xp, depending
on level of the ritual: basic, intermediate, or advanced. In OWbN, all of these rituals require per-
mission from a Pontifex (Coordinator approval) to learn.

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Feather-Stone Infusion of Earth Transform the Skin to Stone
Basic Intermediate Advanced
Faith & Fire, Pg. 219 Faith & Fire, Pg. 220 Faith & Fire, Pg. 221

Know the Unnatural Beast Rite of the Sorcerous Shield Ward of the Winged Sepulchre
Basic Intermediate Intermediate
Faith & Fire, Pg. 219 Faith & Fire, Pg. 221 Lore of the Bloodlines, Pg. 37

Skin of the Chameleon Gift of the Immobile

Basic Advanced
Faith & Fire, Pg. 220 Faith & Fire, Pg. 221

Defender of the Haven Heart of Granite

Intermediate Advanced
Faith & Fire, Pg. 220 Faith & Fire, Pg. 221

Basic Gargoyle Rituals

Feather-Stone (F&F, p. 219)
Sometimes Gargoyles may be called upon to land on weak or fragile places, which can be trouble-
some if the new perch collapses under their weight. This ritual, which involves the coating of a
chunk of lightweight stone, such as pumice or talc, with one Blood Trait and then crushing it in
the Gargoyle’s jaws, allows a Gargoyle to reduce her weight to one quarter without reducing her
Physical Traits.

An additional benefit of this effect is that this weight can now be added to her carrying capacity
while flying.
To activate the effects of this ritual, you must expend a Blood Trait. Your weight will be reduced
for one scene.

Know the Unnatural Beast (F&F, p. 219)

This ritual gives its subjects the ability to recognize supernatural creatures in the guise of animals.

Although this ritual is fairly simple, it calls for blood from a natural animal as well as from vam-
pires of the three aforementioned clans.

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Once this ritual is cast upon you, you can attempt to determine if an animal is a natural animal
or under some mystical influence. Doing so calls for a Static Mental Test against the level of the
power being used: one for Basic powers, three for Intermediate powers and five for Advanced or
higher powers. Add two Traits to the difficulty if the animal has a natural body but a supernatural
mind, and add another two Traits to the difficulty if the supernatural creature is not a Cainite.

Skin of the Chameleon (F&F, p. 220)

This ritual has become Visceratika 1, “Skin of the Chameleon” in modern Gargoyles. Only Scout,
Warrior, and Sentinel Gargoyles can benefit from this ritual.

Intermediate Gargoyle Rituals

Defender of the Haven (F&F, p. 220)
This ritual has become Visceratika 2, “Scry the Hearthstone” in modern Gargoyles. Only Scout,
Warrior, and Sentinel Gargoyles can benefit
from this ritual.

Infusion of Earth (F&F, p. 220)

This ritual has become Visceratika 3, “Bond
with the Mountain” in modern Gargoyles.
Only Scout, Warrior, and Sentinel Gargoyles
can benefit from this ritual.

Rite of Sorcerous Shield (F&F, p. 221)

Tremere often need their servants to do
battle against other sorcerers. This ritual al-
lows a Tremere to protect a Gargoyle from
other forms of blood sorcery, and even
mortal sorcery, until the next new moon.
For this rite, the Warlock transfers mystical
energy to a silver torc that he then places
around the neck of the Gargoyle.

A Tremere can only protect a single Gar-

goyle at a time using this ritual, and when Richard Starkweather
the ritual wears off, the torc dissolves into fahzbehn.phone@gmail.com
an acrid mist.

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While this ritual is in effect, you receive an automatic retest against all uses of koldunic sorcery,
Assamite and Setite blood sorcery, mortal magic and the like.

It does not protect you in any way from the secondary effects of magic, though. You might be
protected from a sorcerous lightning strike, but you are not protected from the fire a sorcerous
lightning strike may cause.

Ward of the Winged Sepulcher (LotB, p. 37)

The Gargoyle (or its master) can prepare the creature to provide temporary shelter from the
damning rays of the sun. When the rays of the sun strike the caster’s skin, wings billow out and
dramatically wrap around itself and anyone in the creature’s grasp. Both the caster and its charge
are protected from taking sunlight damage until the sun sets the next evening.

The caster must prepare a small cube, half an inch in diameter, carefully cut from a tombstone
marking an empty grave in a graveyard. Spending a blood point, he dabs each side of the cube
with a drop of blood, whispering an incantation. The caster ingests the cube and the ritual lies
dormant until the creature’s skin is touched by sunlight, at which point wings unfurl to protect the
caster. The wings harden to a stone-like substance and they are able to protect one person inside
their space. If the caster does not already possess wings, the ward does one level of aggravated

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damage if only protecting the caster, two if protecting the caster and one other subject.

Advanced Gargoyle Rituals

Gift of the Immobile (F&F, p. 221)
This ritual allows Gargoyles to temporarily circumvent the Curse of Caine and stay out in the sun-
light as long as they don’t move. The Gargoyle must stand still for a minute and requires a physical
challenge. After that, Willpower challenges are needed, especially for standing still for long peri-
ods of time. Once the Gargoyle succeeds in standing still for an hour, he may thereafter stand in
the sun and suffer neither damage nor Rotschreck so long as he keeps still. Should he move and
suffer damage from sunlight, he becomes vulnerable to Rotschreck again. If Fortitude allows him
to endure the damage, he may make a physical challenge to resume standing still. If he suffers
any sunlight damage, he may not use this ritual again until the following day.

Heart of Granite (F&F, p. 221)

This ritual acts as the ritual, “Heart of Stone”. This ritual only works on Gargoyles 7th generation
or better.

Transform the Skin to Stone (F&F, p. 221)

This ritual has become Visceratika 4, “Armor of Terra” in modern Gargoyles. Only Scout, Warrior,
and Sentinel Gargoyles can benefit from this ritual.

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Other Potential New Gargoyle Rituals
As the Tremere are masters of converting the magics of others for their own benefit, they have
also begun research into converting some of their most common rituals to be used on Gargoyles.
Some examples are:
Bladed Hands
Wake with Evening’s Freshness
Stone Slumber

Any rituals converted to be usable on Gargoyles must be submitted as Custom Content unless
included in this packet.

Gargoyle Rituals as Gargoyle Powers

New and additional rituals (turned powers)

As it can be seen in the descriptions above, half of the published Dark Ages Gargoyle rituals be-
came what is now the discipline of Visceratika. The greatest number of these are either lost, or
buried in libraries since the 12th c.

It is possible to make any other Gargoyle applicable ritual into a permanent, ‘one-off’ discipline
power. To do so, requires a Hermetic Thaumaturge to cast Enchant Talisman on the Gargoyle.

Permanent Rituals:
Donning the Mask of Shadows Scry the Hearthstone Stone Slumber
Basic Advanced Advanced
Laws of Elysium, PG. 80 V20 Dark Ages, Pg. 307 MET ST, Pg. 74

Mirror of Second Sight Firewalker

Intermediate Intermediate
MET Sabbat, Pg. 133 MET Sabbat, P. 132

Any others not listed may be requested with the understanding they may not be approved, and are
subject to Tremere Coordinator approval.

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Enchant Talisman
(Per Lore of the Bloodlines, p. 37)

Some Tremere discovered that if they use the Enchant Talisman ritual on a Gargoyle, additional
rituals can be cast on the Gargoyle for a permanent effect. This requires casting the ritual for six
hours a night, for one week per level of the ritual to be applied, but otherwise enchanting a Gar-
goyle uses the same rules as Enchant Talisman. The experience cost for the ritual and any others
are paid by the caster, not the gargoyle.

Thaumaturges who utilize enchant talisman on a Gargoyle may still only have one “talisman,” be
it a Gargoyle or a staff. To create a new talisman, the thaumaturge who cast the Enchant Talisman
ritual must have it removed from the Gargoyle prior to creating a new talisman or casting on a
different Gargoyle. Conversely, once a gargoyle has had a ritual inscribed upon them through En-
chant Talisman, they can only ever receive gargoyle powers from the same thaumaturge. If a dif-
ferent thaumaturge wishes to enchant them then the original Enchant Talisman and all inscribed
powers must first be removed.

Rituals activated by a Gargoyle require no test to cast, and last a scene or until dismissed. A Gar-
goyle enchanted in this manner can spend its own blood or Willpower as if it were the caster of
the ritual enchanted into its blood. If no
cost is normally required for the ritual,
however, the Gargoyle must still spend
at least one blood point to activate it.
If the ritual requires a specific item, the
Gargoyle is considered to be the “item”
for purposes of the ritual.

Many of these so-called “Gargoyle ritu-

als” were lost hundreds of years ago, but
some modern rituals may or may not be
compatible with Enchant Talisman at the
Storyteller’s discretion. If a Gargoyle has
been found to be considered a liability
or enemy of House and Clan, a Tremere
may then remove all active enchant-
Joe Bush ments placed upon them through Her-
metic Thaumaturgy.

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Greater Unweave Ritual
(OWbN specific; elder level ritual)

Similar to how Enchant Talisman can be cast upon a Gargoyle to allow for rituals to be perma-
nently put upon them, so can another ‘standard’ Tremere ritual be cast to remove them. Used
as punishment, Unweave Ritual can take them off. Further, this can be done remotely, so that if
a Gargoyle decides to go rogue, any rituals given to them, either temporary or permanently, can
be taken away.

If a Gargoyle decides to sect defect, or shows disloyalty, the rituals put on them will be removed
immediately. Further, it also marks the Gargoyle invisibly to them, but visible to members of
House and Clan as being a traitor, akin to “Mark of the Betrayer”.

System: In order to target an individual gargoyle with this ritual the caster must have a trait of
blood from both the target Gargoyle and the Thaumaturge who laid the Gargoyle powers upon

Permanent Gargoyle Rituals as Powers

A Gargoyle with permanently enchanted rituals can teach other Tremere-loyal Gargoyles these
powers. The student must ingest the blood of the Gargoyle who has the ritual cast upon it to “in-
herit” the ritual. The one learning must pay experience points equal to the cost of an out-of-Clan
Discipline (4 xp for basic, 7 xp for intermediate, or 10 xp for advanced), not the cost of a ritual

Permanent Gargoyle Rituals:

Met Conversions

Scry the Hearthstone

Source Book: V20 Dark Ages, Pg. 307
Level: Advanced
Description: With this ritual, the caster or a subject whom she casts it on becomes linked with a
haven (up to the size of a small castle). The subject may detect intruders of any sort, even if they
are out of sight or under the veil of Obfuscate or similar powers.

System: Use as written. This ritual’s duration is one month, it must be used upon the caster’s
Haven, and the recipient may be the caster or another of their choosing. This ritual functions per
Viseratika: Scry the Hearthstone with the exception that the ritual is not limited to stone.

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and Bloodlines
In the early nights of experimentation and creation of the Gargoyles, there were four known vari-
ants. Three of these (the scouts, sentinels, and warriors) eventually became streamlined into the
modern Kindred bloodline we simply call ‘Gargoyle’ tonight. One, the simulacra, wes a special-
ized bloodline that while recognized as Gargoyles, had fundamentally different constructions and
were not a part of Gargoyle society.

These variations are not widely known in modern nights, and are seen even less. Any of those
that still exist are as old as the clan itself, and reside in the most ancient of chantries in Europe.
None of these variations have Visceratika as a discipline (but may have the various rituals that
made that discipline cast upon them). Further, they predate the capacity for most Gargoyles to
Embrace without a specific Gargoyle ritual cast upon them to do so, though even if such a ritual
was cast upon them, they are forbidden to make more by the Warlocks. Clan Tremere has fo-
cused instead on the ‘newer model’, as they can create more on their own without the need of
complex rituals.

Variant Gargoyles have distinct traits that separate them from more typical Gargoyles. Viscera-
tika is considered out-of-clan for these classifications of Gargoyles, and find themselves more
susceptible to mind altering powers than their modern counterparts.

If interested in one of these variations, please see the Character Bylaws outlining the approval
process for each.

Scout Gargoyles (Gangrel/Nosferatu Hybrid)

V20 LotB p.36
Scouts were created to explore and report back to their Tremere masters about their surround-
ings. They were designed to turn to stone if heavily damaged so that they may be retrieved later
to claim any information they were unable to report back.

Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Flight

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Weakness: Any damage done to the Gargoyle as it is turning to stone deals twice as much as nor-
mal until the Gargoyle has completed the transition.

Sentinel Gargoyles (Nosferatu/Tzimisce)

V20 LotB p.36
Sentinels were created to watch over the chantries, havens, and other important locations of the
early Tremere. They are quite sociable and friendly, despite appearances to the contrary. Sentinel
Gargoyles often chose to stay with the Tremere during the revolt to ensure they still had a pur-
pose for their existence.

Disciplines: Flight, Potence, Fortitude

Weakness: If a Sentinel Gargoyle finds itself truly alone

without someone to call master or ally, it has access to
half of their normal permanent willpower until they find
themselves a new master or ally.

Warrior Gargoyles (Gangrel/Tzimisce)

V20 LotB p.36
Warriors were built to wage war on the enemies of
House and Clan Tremere as pawns of the elders. These
stone soldiers were created with the express purpose
to fight on the battlefield rather than risk the lives of
Tremere kindred.

Disciplines: Flight, Fortitude, Protean

Weakness: Whenever a Warrior Gargoyle frenzies, a

part of their body turns to stone for the remainder of
the evening. Choose a body part and an Attribute trait
that reflects the part (such as eyes for Perception or legs
for Dexterity). Until the next sunrise, any challenges re-
quiring the chosen attribute are considered an automat-
ic failure.

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Not much is known about the Gargoyles termed ‘the Simulacra’ in modern nights. Some elders
can recall that they were Gargoyles created in the Dark Ages used to spy on vampire courts. While
they looked human, there were definite hallmarks of Tremere tampering, such as the scars from
where their brains were removed and operated on. Gargoyles recognized them as one of their
own, but shunned them from their own hierarchies. None of these variants are known to have
survived into the modern nights and are considered extinct. They were an early experiment
which was for a short term gain, and not continued as they were more work than they were worth
in the eyes of their Tremere masters.

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Carl, J., Heinig, J., Woodworth, P. (1999). Mind’s Eye Theater - Laws Of the Night. Clarkston,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Carl, J., et al. (2000). Mind’s Eye Theatre - Laws of the Night - Camarilla Guide. Stone
Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Justin A., Bruce B., Clayton O., Ree S. (2000). Mind’s Eye Theatre - Laws of the Night - Sabbat
Guide. Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Bruner, R., Carl, J., Feldstein, J., Harris, T. (2003). Mind’s Eye Theatre - Laws of the Night -
Anarch Guide. Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Chris B., Matthew H., Alan K., Edward M., Duncan W. (2003). Mind’s Eye Theatre - Faith and
Fire. Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Justin A., Russell B., Matthew MF., Eddy W. (2011). V20 - Vampire the Masquerade. White Wolf
Giulia B., et al. (2015) V20 - Dark Ages. Onyx Path Publishing
Matthew D., Eloy L., Andy P., Neall P., Eddy W., Rob W. (2017). V20 - Lore of the Bloodlines.
Onyx Path Publishing
James and Ellen K. (2000). Clanbook - Gangrel: Revised. Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Brian C. (2000). Clanbook - Nosferatu: Revised. Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Lucien S. and James S. (2001). Clanbook - Tzimisce: Revised. Clarkston, GA: White Wolf
Robert D. Laws (2000). House of Tremere. Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Jason L., Michael B. Lee, Clayton O. (2000). Libellus Sanguinis: Wolves at the Door. Clarkston,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Zach B., Michael B., Michael A. Goodwin, Jacob K., Ari M., Sarah R., Janet T. (2003). Players
Guide to the Low Clans. Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing

© 2020
Written by: Former Tremere Coordina-
tor, Chris Kazu and Team Tremere 2018 -
2020, Current Tremere Coordinator, Lau-
ren Russ and Team Tremere 2020 - 2022
Special thanks to: David Ashby, Travis
Clark, Geoffrey Combs, Doug Cook, Rob-
ert Crosby, and Samantha Swanson
Layout design, formatting, & editing: Mar-
ion Birdsell
Illustrations and images are used with
permission and are owned by the artists,
photographers, and individuals represent-
ed and are not to be used outside of this
packet without their express permission.

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