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Darias Guide To Prosthetics Homebrew 5e

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Prosthetics 5e

ave you ever wanted to play a brutal use the hammer as a simple melee weapon that deals

campaign where losing limbs is possible 1d4 bludgeoning damage and has the light property.
and you don’t need to wait for 7th level
spells to regenerate them? Or maybe you Knife Hand
just like the idea of having a mechanical Knife Hand. This metal knife replaces a missing hand or
arm or a magical eye. If so, this homebrew forearm, making it difficult to perform tasks that require
is for you! manual dexterity. The creature has disadvantage on any
ability check that involves using both hands, such as
Prosthetics are artificial replacements for missing body climbing, swimming, or playing an instrument. The
parts that can grant you new abilities or enhance your creature cannot wield a weapon with its knife hand, but
existing ones. They can range from simple wooden legs it can use the knife as a simple melee weapon that deals
to complex clockwork contraptions to arcane devices 1d4 slashing damage and has the light property.
infused with elemental power. Just like magic items,
prosthetics have rarities from common to legendary, Wooden Nose
with varying effects and drawbacks. This prosthetic nose serves no functional purpose other
than altering one’s appearance. It may draw curious
In this homebrew, you will find rules for attaching, and glances or even result in some not taking you as
using prosthetics, as well as a list of sample prosthetics seriously due to its unusual look.
for each body part. You will also find optional rules for
losing limbs and crafting your own prosthetics. Whether Golden Tooth.
you want to play a cyborg warrior, a steampunk Golden Tooth. This ornamental tooth replaces a
inventor, or a cursed adventurer, this homebrew will missing or damaged tooth, giving the creature a
give you the tools to create your own unique character. distinctive smile. The golden tooth has no mechanical
Common Prosthetics
Getting my first wooden leg was a dreadful
Common prosthetics are simple and cheap ordeal. I howled in agony as the sawbones fitted it to my
replacements for lost limbs or other body parts. They
are made of wood, metal, leather, or other common stump and nearly passed out. He seemed unfazed by my
materials, and can be crafted by any skilled smith or suffering, taking occasional swigs of ale and offering me
carpenter. Common prosthetics are not very some to dull the pain.
comfortable or durable, but they can restore some basic --- Daria Roveloth
functionality and mobility to those who need them.
Wooden peg leg
This wooden leg replaces a missing lower limb,
allowing the creature to walk with a slight limp. The
creature’s walking speed is reduced by 5 feet, and it has
disadvantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
Hook Hand
This metal hook replaces a missing hand or forearm,
making it difficult to perform tasks that require manual
dexterity. The creature has disadvantage on any ability
check that involves using both hands, such as climbing,
swimming, or playing an instrument. The creature
cannot wield a weapon with its hook hand, but it can
use the hook as a simple melee weapon that deals 1d4
piercing damage and has the light property.
Hammer Hand
This metal hammer replaces a missing hand or forearm,
making it difficult to perform tasks that require manual
dexterity. The creature has disadvantage on any ability
check that involves using both hands, such as climbing,
swimming, or playing an instrument. The creature
cannot wield a weapon with its hammer hand, but it can
Mercenerie’s Surprise
Uncommon Prosthetics
This arm conceals a tool or weapon that you can reveal
Uncommon prosthetics are usually similar to the or hide as a bonus action. You can choose any simple or
original limbs, with no added effects or penalties. martial melee weapon, a magic weapon that you have
However, they can be modified further and are a good attuned to, or a simple tool such as a shovel. While the
starting point for any adventurer who needs to replace a tool or weapon is revealed, you can wield it normally or
limb. attack with it.
Clockwork arm/leg Piston Knock-out
This prosthetic limb works the same as a regular one, This arm has a powerful piston that enhances your
with the added benefit of looking stylish. It is made of unarmed strikes. Once per turn, when you hit with an
metal and gears, and requires occasional maintenance. unarmed strike using this arm, you deal an extra 1d4
Clockwork Arm with Add-Ons
bludgeoning damage.
This prosthetic limb can be detached and replaced with Grapling Fist
different add-ons, such as a grappling hook or a This arm can launch its fist as a projectile with a range
crossbow. The add-ons must be specially crafted and of 30 feet. You can use an action to fire the fist at a
fitted to the limb. Magical items cannot be attached creature or an object within range. If you hit, you deal
without damaging both the limb and the item. 1d10 bludgeoning damage and the fist returns to you
with a chain. Alternatively, you can try to grapple a
Attaching a different add-on takes 1 minute creature within range by firing the fist at it. The grapple
Clockwork tail ends if you use the arm to make another attack, or if the
This prosthetic tail functions just as a regular one creature escapes or you release it.
would, allowing the wearer to balance and maneuver.
Creatures that originally lack a tail can still use this
prosthetic, but they have no control over it.
Glass eye
This prosthetic eye has no special properties and a
creature still can’t see from it, it lookslike a regular
eyeball. It is made of glass and can be easily removed
and replaced.
She was a young adventurer, but her eyes had seen
more horror than most veterans. She slid a pouch of
gold across the table and asked for a new arm. Her old
one was shredded beyond repair by some unspeakable
creature. I began to attach the metal limb to her stump,
but she did not flinch or cry out. She had endured this Extension Arm
pain before, many times. This arm can extend its length for a short time. Once
--- Bjorn Stonescamper per long rest, you can use a bonus action to activate this
feature. For 1 minute, your reach with this arm
increases by 5 feet.
Rare Prosthetics Mist Walkers Leg
They are more than mere substitutes for lost limbs. This Leg can produce a thick smoke that obscures
These limbs act as valuable tools that can enhance the vision. Once per short rest, you can use an action to
abilities of adventurers in various ways. Rare activate this feature. Until the end of your turn,
prosthetics can grant simple bonuses or powerful whenever you move, you leave behind a trail of smoke in
nonmagical effects to their users depending on the your wake. The smoke fills a 10-foot cube centered on
design. each space you leave, and lasts for 1 minute or until a
wind of moderate or greater speed disperses it.
Athletes Leg
These legs increase your speed and jumping ability.
Your walking speed increases by 5 feet, and your long
and high jump distances increase by 10 feet.

materials, and magic to create. They also have
drawbacks and limitations that balance their power.
Adventurers who want these prosthetics must pay a
high price, do a favor, or go on a dangerous mission for
the artificer.
Unmatched sight
This prosthetic eye replaces your natural one and grants
you enhanced vision. In addition to being able to see
normally and having darkvision of 60 feet, you can
choose one of the following benefits when you craft this
Kuo-toa’s Gaze:
You can cast the see invisibility spell as a bonus action
once per short rest. This benefit requires a kuo-toa’s eye
that was given to you willingly by the creature.
Dancer’s floor
Devil’s Sight:
These legs allow you to trip your enemies with a swift You can see normally in darkness, even magical
kick. As an action, you can make a melee attack against darkness. This benefit requires the eyes of an imp or
a creature within 5 feet of you using these legs. On a hit, another fiend that has the Devil’s Sight trait. The fiend
the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and must must be alive during the crafting process.
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or fall
prone. Object Seeker:
You can cast the locate object spell as a bonus action
TSAD (To Survive Another Day) once per short rest. This benefit requires flumph stench
These legs have built-in rockets that can propel you spray liquid.
away from danger. Once per long rest, when you take
the Disengage action, you can choose to eject yourself Lip Reader:
from these legs and fly up to 60 feet in a direction of You can read the lips of any creature that is speaking a
your choice. You land safely at the end of your language you understand, as long as you can see its
movement, but the legs remain behind until you retrieve mouth. You also have a +5 bonus to your passive
them and reattach them. Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence
(Investigation) scores. This benefit requires a hag’s
Eye of Night tongue.
This eye replaces a missing eye and restores your
vision. In addition, you gain darkvision out to a range of Bazooka arm
60 feet with this eye. This prosthetic arm has a rune of fire embedded in it. As
an action, you can fire a blast of flame from your arm
Assassin’s Tail that explodes in a 20-foot-radius sphere. Each creature
This prosthetic can be attached to any creature that has in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or take
a natural tail. If the creature does not have a natural tail, 8d6 fire damage, or half as much on a successful save.
the prosthetic tail is purely decorative and has no You can use this feature once per long rest. This feature
mechanical effect. The prosthetic tail has a hidden requires a trapped fire elemental and a pound of
compartment that can hold up to 5 small darts and a adamantine to craft.
vial of poison or potion. As an action you can fire a dart
from the tail at a target within 60 feet of you. You can Homing rifle
use the same vial of poison for 5 darts, but a vial of This prosthetic arm has a built-in firearm that shoots
potion is consumed after one use. It takes an action to magical bullets. The arm has 10 charges, and it regains
reload the compartment with new darts or a new vial of all expended charges daily at dawn. As an action, you
poison or potion. can expend 1 or more of its charges to fire one bullet for
each charge you spend. Each bullet hits a creature of
Very rare Prosthetics your choice that you can see within 120 feet of you. A
Very rare prosthetics are powerful devices that can bullet deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The
replace or enhance limbs and grant adventurers bullets all strike simultaneously, and you can direct
extraordinary abilities. Some seekers of power even them to hit one creature or several. This feature
sacrifice their own body parts to get them. However, requires a pound of radium and a crumbled magic
they are hard to find and require a master artificer, rare missile wand to craft.

Quickened step
Infernal arm
This prosthetic arm has a rune of inferno embedded in These prosthetic legs have runes of speed embedded in
it. You can use your arm as a spellcasting focus for your them. You can use a bonus action to activate them and
spells that deal fire damage. Additionally, you can cast gain the effects of the haste spell for 1 minute. Once you
the firebolt cantrip using your arm, and your firebolt use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
ignores fire resistance. long rest. This feature requires the sword of a marilith
to craft.
Rocket punch Blinking step
This prosthetic arm is powered by rockets that enhance These prosthetic legs have runes of teleportation
your unarmed strikes. When you hit with an unarmed embedded in them. When a creature enters your space
strike using this arm, you deal an extra 1d4 bludgeoning or within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to cast
damage and you can choose to push the target 5 feet misty step and teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
away from you or knock it prone if it is a Small or space that you can see. You can use this feature twice
Medium creature. On a critical hit, you can also push or per short rest. This feature requires the horn of a
knock prone a Large creature. unicorn and the tail of a blink dog to craft.
Healer’s hand Grease walker
This prosthetic hand has a rune of healing embedded in These prosthetic legs are replaced by a metallic snake-
it. The hand has 25 charges, and it regains all expended like tail that can secrete grease. As an action, you can
charges daily at dawn. As an action, you can touch a activate it and leave a trail of grease behind you as you
creature and expend any number of charges to heal that move, the grease does not affect you. The grease covers
creature for an equal number of hit points. the ground in a 10-foot radius around you and lasts for 1
Alchemist’s arms minute or until you deactivate it. The grease is
These prosthetic arms have three slots each that can flammable and acts as the grease spell. This feature
hold different liquids or gases. After each long rest, you requires a captured mud mephit to craft.
can choose what these slots contain from the following Tail of balance
list: This prosthetic tail automatically adjusts your balance
and grants you several benefits. You have a +5 bonus to
your Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, you can stand up
Basic poison
from prone using 5 feet of movement, and you can’t be
knocked prone against your will. This feature requires
the tail of a giant monkey and 1 pound of lithium to
Oil craft.
Vinegar Clockwork mind
Water, fresh
This brain implant restores your senses and protects
Water, salt
you from mental harm. You are cured of any simple
curses or madness effects that affect your senses, such
Flammable gas
as blindness, deafness, or confusion. You are also
immune to being put to sleep by magical means.
Fire Psychic implant
Lightning This brain implant enhances your mental
communication. You can cast the message cantrip at
Once per long rest as an action, you can choose to will using your implant, and you can cast the sending
spray one or all of the slots in a 15-foot cone or a 5 by spell once per long rest using your implant.
30-foot line. The effects of each substance are Robust Wings
determined by the DM, but generally follow the rules for These artificial wings are crafted from sturdy materials
alchemical items or spells of similar nature. This and powered by a hidden mechanism. You can use a
feature requires an alchemy jug to craft. bonus action to activate the wings, gaining a flying
Wind dasher speed of 30 feet for 1 minute. Once you use this feature,
These prosthetic legs have runes of air embedded in you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
them. You can use a bonus action to dash or disengage.
This feature requires a captured air elemental to craft.

Hand of Abomination

Mage Slayer’s Grasp

Thunderstruck Gauntlet

Legendary Prosthetics
legendary prosthetics are not mere tools, but artifacts of Curse: This prosthetic is cursed, and its installation
grandeur. The journey to acquire the materials for these extends the curse to you. While cursed, you are
masterpieces is an epic saga in itself, often requiring unwilling to part with the prosthetic. When a hostile
years of perilous adventuring across treacherous creature damages you, you must succeed on a DC 14
terrains and through monstrous lairs. Wisdom saving throw or go berserk. While in a berserk
Crafting these legendary prosthetics is a feat that only state, you must use your action each round to attack the
a true master artisan, honed by years of dedication and nearest hostile creature. If you can make extra attacks
skill, can accomplish. These are not mere appendages, as part of the Attack action, you use those extra attacks.
but weapons of formidable power. However, with great The berserk state ends when you kill and disintegrate a
power comes great responsibility. These artifacts can be creature.
unpredictable and perilous, their raw power sometimes Mage Slayer’s Grasp
proving too much for the unprepared. This prosthetic arm has the unique ability to store up to
Daria’s Homewrecker 50 levels of spells. When a spell is cast on you, you may
This prosthetic arm is a powerful augmentation for the use your reaction to absorb the spell, adding its level to
user, enhancing their physical strength. While equipped, the arm’s capacity. Once the arm has absorbed 50 levels
it grants a +2 bonus to the user’s Strength ability score, of energy, it can’t absorb more. If you are targeted by a
up to a maximum of 22. When you make an unarmed spell that the arm can’t store, it has no effect on that
strike with this prosthetic arm, you can add a +3 bonus spell. You can expend the absorbed spell levels to
to your attack roll and deal an additional 1d6 empower your attacks. When making an attack, you can
bludgeoning damage. On a successful hit, you have the expend up to 5 spell levels at a time, adding 1d6 to the
option to either push the target 10 feet away or attempt damage die for each level spent. The arm also serves as
to knock prone any creature from small to large size. On your arcane focus.
a critical hit, the arm’s built-in boosters activate, Tangles of Fate
allowing you to make an extra attack. Unarmed strikes Crafted from wood and imbued with druidic magic, this
made with this arm deal double damage to objects and prosthetic arm can be used as an arcane focus. It allows
structures. you to cast the Druidcraft, Gust, and Mold Earth
Hand of Abomination cantrips at will. Additionally, you can cast the Plant
This cursed prosthetic arm empowers unarmed attacks, Growth, Stoneskin, and Insect Plague spells once per
providing a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. When long rest. The arm can extend up to 20 feet, and once
you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using this per long rest, you may use an action to transform into a
prosthetic arm, they are disintegrated, and you gain 10 plant-type monster (up to CR 10) for 1 hour or until you
temporary hit points. Additionally, you can cast the dismiss it. If you fall to 0 hit points in this form, you
Polymorph spell once per long rest, with a spell save revert back to your normal form.
DC of 18.

Arcane Wings
Bard’s Symphony
This musical prosthetic arm contains various These translucent wings bestow upon you the ability to
instruments and serves as an arcane focus for bards. It fly at a speed of 60 feet.
grants a +2 bonus to Charisma, up to a maximum of 22.
As an action, you can increase the volume of the Consequences of Lost
instruments, deafening all creatures in a 15-foot radius. Limbs
You can use this feature once per long rest. Additionally, Many newcomers to the realm of Dungeons and
you can cast the Thunderwave and Irresistible Dance Dragons are eager to engage in daring feats of combat,
spells with this arm, with these abilities resetting after a such as blinding foes or severing limbs. However, they
long rest. often find that Dungeon Masters may not accommodate
Thunderstruck Gauntlet these actions, or may simply apply temporary damage to
This prosthetic arm crackles with lightning energy, the creature. This can discourage creative thinking in
granting the weapon you wield a +1 bonus to hit and combat, a problem that the following rules aim to
dealing an extra 2d6 lightning damage. When you hit an address.
opponent with this arm, you gain a lightning charge. Lost limbs
Once you accumulate 5 charges, you can make an extra In the event that a creature loses a limb, the following
attack, and the charges reset to 0. If you go without rules apply:
hitting anyone for 1 minute, the charges also reset.
Legs of Speed Legs: The loss of a leg destabilizes a bipedal creature,
These remarkable prosthetic legs enhance your agility causing it to fall prone. It must use an action to stand up
and speed. Your Dexterity score increases by +2, up to a and its movement speed is halved. Any attempts to
maximum of 22. They grant you an additional 15 feet of shove this creature are made with advantage. If both
movement, triple your jumping distance, and render you legs are lost, the creature’s movement is reduced to 5
immune to fall damage and unaffected by rough terrain. feet, provided it has arms to move with.
Once per short rest, as a bonus action, you can invoke For creatures with multiple legs, each lost leg reduces
the effects of the Haste spell. While dashing, you gain a movement speed by 5 feet. This continues until the
+2 bonus to your AC until the beginning of your next Dungeon Master determines that the creature can no
turn. longer move.
Throat of Inferno
This throat implant empowers you to breathe like an For example, a basilisk could still move without both its
11th-level dragonborn, with the choice of an elemental back legs, but losing a variety of legs could render it
damage type from the dragonborn’s breath weapon immobile.
table during its crafting. Additionally, you gain the ability Arms: A creature that loses an arm drops anything it
to speak and understand Draconic. was holding with that arm. It also has disadvantage on
Gunman’s Tail Athletics checks and any checks that require two hands.
Your tail is expertly modified with a built-in firearm. As Tail: If a creature loses its tail, it can no longer use it
an attack action, you can fire bullets with a bonus to hit and its balance is affected. All Acrobatics checks are
equal to your Dexterity modifier and proficiency bonus. made with disadvantage.
These bullets deal 4d8 piercing damage and have a
range of 80/240 feet. The bullets are magical and do not Wings: A creature that loses a wing can no longer fly.
run out. However, it can choose to take half damage from falling
Undying Core as it can flap its remaining wing to slow its descent. If
This spine implant can be activated as an action to both wings are lost, the ability to fly is completely
begin producing health-restoring potions within your removed.
body. Over the course of 1 minute, you regain 1d4 hit Eyes: A creature that loses an eye suffers from impaired
points every turn. You can use this feature once per long depth perception. This results in disadvantage on
rest. Perception checks and attack rolls. If all eyes are lost,
the creature is considered blinded until a replacement is
Adamantine Core
With this spine implant, you gain a +2 bonus to your obtained.
attributes. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet,
and you gain the Evasion ability.

Nose: A creature that loses its nose has disadvantage on result in a total of 15 hit points and an arm with 13 hit
smell-based Perception checks. points.
Ears: If a creature loses an ear, it suffers disadvantage Optional limb hp table
on Perception checks that require hearing. Losing both For DMs who prefer not to calculate the hitpoints of
ears results in deafness. each limb individually, an optional reference table can
be used. Note that this table may sometimes yield lower
Targeted Attacks or higher HP values as different sized creatures are not
A player may choose to target a specific organ or body always equal in strength.
part during their attack. This decision must be made Body part Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan
prior to the roll. Doing so will increase the Armor Class Eye 2 6 12 20 30 60
(AC) of the creature for that specific body part. The AC Nose 2 6 12 20 30 60
adjustment is determined by the table provided below, Ear 2 6 12 20 30 60
with smaller creatures being more difficult to hit and Arm 4 12 24 40 60 120
larger creatures being easier targets. Leg 4 12 24 40 60 120
Tail 4 12 24 40 60 120
Body part Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Wing 4 12 24 40 60 120
Eye +10 +8 +6 +4 +2 +1
+1 Crafting and Attaching
Arm +6 +5 +4 +3 +1 +0
Common Prosthetics Forged from wood and metal,
Leg +6 +5 +4 +3 +1 +0
Tail +5 +4 +4 +3 +2 +1
these prosthetics can be crafted by most blacksmiths or
Wing +7 +6 +4 +3 +2 +1
woodworkers within a few hours. The challenge lies in
Limb Durability the attachment, which often involves driving nails into
A direct hit to a creature’s limb doesn’t necessarily the remaining limb. The process is invariably
result in severance. Larger creatures, while easier to successful, but adventurers must succeed on a
target, are generally more resilient. To calculate a limbs Constitution saving throw (DC 14) to avoid losing
hitpoints use these calculations: consciousness for 1d4 hours.
Eye, Nose, Ears: Creature’s Hit Die count x Constitution Uncommon Prosthetics These require the hands of a
modifier / 2 (rounded down) skilled craftsman and take one to two days to create.
They come at a higher cost but do not necessitate
Arm, Leg, Tail, Wing: Creature’s Hit Die count x additional materials. The attachment process is less
Constitution modifier agonizing and does not require a check if performed in a
controlled environment for an hour. If attached
For example, a young red dragon has 17 hit dice and a elsewhere, the installer must succeed on an ability
Constitution of 21 (+5) This means it would have wings check (DC 12). If failed, the attachment process takes
with max hit points of 85 and eyes with 42 hit points. an additional hour per check. The recipient must
succeed on a Constitution save (DC 12) to avoid losing
Player Limb HP: consciousness for 1d4 hours.
A PC’s max hit points for a limb is calculated as follows:
Rare Prosthetics These must be crafted by an
Eye, Nose, Ears: Quarter their max hp experienced artisan over one to two weeks and may
require various nonmagical items. Attachment is
Arm, Leg, Tail, Wing: Half their max hp painless if performed in a controlled environment.
Healing Limbs: Otherwise, a check (DC 14) is required. If failed,
Each limb of a creature contributes to its overall health. attachment takes an additional hour per check. A
Damage dealt to a limb also reduces the creature’s total Constitution saving throw (DC 12) is required to avoid
hit points. When a limb loses all its hit points, it is losing consciousness for 1d4 hours.
considered destroyed.
Since the limb’s health is part of the creature’s total
health, when regaining hit points, you regain your
maximum hit points as well as the hit points of your
body parts. For example, if you have 5 hit points and
your arm has 3 hit points, healing 10 hit points would
Very Rare Prosthetics These require magical assistance DMing with this Homebrew:
or an artificer and take a month to create. Special Upon reading these rules, you might be tempted to
materials are needed, such as a captured wind incorporate them into your game. However, remember
elemental for speed or a willingly given eye of kuo-toa to seek your players’ consent first. They might not
for seeing invisibility. Attachment is difficult and appreciate the prospect of their favorite character losing
requires magic as well as metalwork. Even in a safe a limb and having to navigate with an unsightly
environment, it requires a check (DC 12) and in an prosthetic. Or they might prefer a more casual and
uncontrolled environment, DC 15 If failed, attachment traditional table without the added complexity of these
takes an additional hour per check. A Constitution save rules. Always seek permission and discuss what you like
(DC 12) is required to avoid losing consciousness for and dislike about these rules before implementing them
1d4 hours.
Legendary ProstheticsThese powerful artifacts are
crafted by masters of artifice and smithing or tinkering You should have seen the ugly mug on him. It was
over six months. They require magical items, rare so hideous, I thought I was doing it a favor by smashing
metals, and careful scribing. Gathering the necessary
ingredients should be a long process involving travel to its face in. But guess what? It only made it worse! I
different planes and battling legendary monsters. swear, it looked like a cross between a rotten pumpkin
Attachment must be done in a controlled environment and a hairy spider.
with a check (DC 18) If failed, attachment takes an --- Daria Roveloth
additional hour per check, and a Constitution save (DC
14) is required to avoid losing consciousness for 1d4
Monsters behaviour
These rules offer players additional strategic options,
providing severe disadvantages to monsters for an
upper hand. However, bear in mind that monsters can
also sever limbs. While less intelligent monsters may
simply attack to kill, more cunning foes may exploit
these rules to their advantage. Even less intelligent
monsters may attempt to sever limbs if, for instance, a
PC is trapped between rocks and only their hand is
within reach. In such cases, the monster may attack the
arm, and a DM might rule that an attack on the arm
does not require bonus AC to hit.

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