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Aus4Skills Factsheet 2022

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Aus4Skills valued at A$86.4 million is a ten-year partnership (2016-2025) between the

Vietnamese and Australian governments to build Vietnam’s human resource capacity.

Australia has been supporting skills
development in Vietnam since the first
scholarship to a Vietnamese student to
study in Australia in 1974.

Today, Aus4Skills continues to support

Vietnam to access high-level professional
technical knowledge and skills to contribute
to sustainable socio-economic development.

Aus4Skills aims to support Vietnam in sectors

important to the country’s socio-economic
development and stability through:
implementing Australia Awards Scholarships
(AAS) and alumni programs; strengthening
Vietnam’s vocational education and training
(VET) sector; and supporting the development
of a capable public service, including
advancing women in leadership, through the
Vietnam Australia Centre.

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Since 1974 Australia has funded VET colleges and universities have
more than 6000 Australia Award strengthened the use of performance
Scholarships, supporting standards, quality assurance and
Vietnamese leaders and accreditation systems to link more
emerging leaders to undertake directly to industry, government and
study, research and professional international standards to improve
development in Australia. quality in higher education.

Universities in north west Vietnam

More than 70,000 Vietnamese made improvements in university
women and men are part of governance, programs and
Australia’s global alumni network. performance standards, for
implementation of the university
autonomy agenda.

Based on an Australian industry-led Our support contributed to the

model, established the Logistics Ministry of Education and Training
Industry Reference Council (LIRC), to issue a Circular on Program
and improved VET effectiveness by Standards guiding higher
providing job-ready graduates to education institutions to implement
meet the demands of the Logistics Vietnam’s Qualification Framework.
industry in Vietnam.

By 2021, four new national VET skills The Vietnam-Australia Centre,

standards for logistics were commenced in June 2022, aims to
developed and validated; 90 MOUs strengthen Vietnam’s future leaders,
with industry and VET colleges were improve public sector management,
finalised to cooperate in logistics and develop evidence-informed
training; and ten VET colleges policy. The VAC will provide a
introduced competency-based mechanism for Australia to partner
training and assessment approaches with Vietnam to deliver training in
to their curriculum in the logistics strategic leadership and
and allied sectors. international engagement to future
leaders of Vietnam.

Aus4Skills is complemented by
various global and regional
programs funded by DFAT Canberra
including the Mekong Australia
Partnership – Human Capacity Pillar,
the Australian Volunteers Program
and the New Colombo Plan.

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Aus4Skills valued at A$86.4 Australia has been supporting skills
million is a ten-year partnership development in Vietnam since the first
(2016-2025) between the scholarship to a Vietnamese student to study
Vietnamese and Australian in Australia in 1974.
governments to build Vietnam’s
Today, Aus4Skills continues to support
human resource capacity.
Vietnam to access high-level professional
technical knowledge and skills to contribute
to sustainable socio-economic development.

Aus4Skills aims to support Vietnam in sectors

important to the country’s socio-economic
development and stability through: implementing
Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) and alumni
programs; strengthening Vietnam’s vocational
education and training (VET) sector; and
supporting the development of a capable public
service, including advancing women in
leadership, through the Vietnam Australia Centre.

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Since 1974 Australia has funded VET colleges and universities have
more than 6000 Australia Award strengthened the use of performance
Scholarships, supporting standards, quality assurance and
Vietnamese leaders and accreditation systems to link more
emerging leaders to undertake directly to industry, government and
study, research and professional international standards to improve
development in Australia. quality in higher education.

Universities in north west Vietnam

More than 70,000 Vietnamese made improvements in university
women and men are part of governance, programs and
Australia’s global alumni network. performance standards, for
implementation of the university
autonomy agenda.

Based on an Australian industry-led Our support contributed to the

model, established the Logistics Ministry of Education and Training
Industry Reference Council (LIRC), to issue a Circular on Program
and improved VET effectiveness by Standards guiding higher
providing job-ready graduates to education institutions to implement
meet the demands of the Logistics Vietnam’s Qualification Framework.
industry in Vietnam.

By 2021, four new national VET skills The Vietnam-Australia Centre,

standards for logistics were commenced in June 2022, aims to
developed and validated; 90 MOUs strengthen Vietnam’s future leaders,
with industry and VET colleges were improve public sector management,
finalised to cooperate in logistics and develop evidence-informed
training; and ten VET colleges policy. The VAC will provide a
introduced competency-based mechanism for Australia to partner
training and assessment approaches with Vietnam to deliver training in
to their curriculum in the logistics strategic leadership and
and allied sectors. international engagement to future
leaders of Vietnam.

Aus4Skills is complemented by
various global and regional
programs funded by DFAT Canberra
including the Mekong Australia
Partnership – Human Capacity Pillar,
the Australian Volunteers Program
and the New Colombo Plan.

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