3 Ptmc-Outcome
3 Ptmc-Outcome
3 Ptmc-Outcome
To assess the immediate haemodgnamic and- echocard.tographic outconrc
transuenous mttral commisstLrotomy (wMC) in a populatton u;iere'rheumatic
mitrai sienosis r:s uery
common, a prospectfue study tuas done in National Institute oJ Cardiouctsculor
Diseases, Ohaki-
Bangladesh, during the pertod oJ May 2o04 to ,hprtl 20o5. fifig pattents
toith rheumatic mitral
stenosis toho undenlrcnt WMC tuere eua\uated" clinica1tg and bg- eliocardiography.
Mean age oJ the
sttrJy population was 30.42 x 1o.25 gears. Mean lefi ot tat piussure as ,icord-ed-
bg cathiter"tuas
32'95 t B'25 mm Hg in pre YIMC group u:hite afi.er PTMC it usas lb.BB + Z.os mm
Hg. Mean aorttc
pressure tncreased.from go.Bs x 2.28 mm Hg to g6.gb x 2.22 mm
Hg afi.er the piced.ure. Ajter
PTMC mean nitrar uaLue area tncreasedJrom o.8r t o. j5 cm2 to r.B2
echocardiograplul. Mitral ualoe gradient recluced" to
i o.zs i*;r;;;;;;; ;u
t 2.78 mm Hg Jrom 26.23 t b.69 mm Hg
afi'er WMC. LeJt atrtr:tl size also d-ecreasedJrom 47.21 + 6.g9 mm to 3i.b'x 7.64 l-rLl'r.. Complications
u)ere uncommon euen in pati'ents u-:ith high echocardiographic score.
?TMC is a uery effectiue cLnd"
saJe procedure atrelieuing the hemodynamic effects oJrheimattcmitral
stenosrs . tnproperly selected
patients complications are also uery minimum-
(a) b)
Fig.3 : Color Doppler (a) and Spectral Doppler (b) image of seuere mitral stenosls
BJM VoI. 15 No. 2 Immediate Outcome of Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral
Immediate Outcome of Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral BJM Vol. 15 No. 2
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mitral or aortic regurgitation are relatively fortunate 7. At Zaibag M, Al Kasab S, Ribeiro PA, Al Fagih MR.
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Inoue and colleagues had showed that PTMC act in B. McKay CR, Kawanishi DT. Rahimtoola SH. Catheter
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surgical commissurotomy have the same mechanism, experience with balloon mitral commlssurotomy:
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10. Fawzi ME, Hegazy H, Shoukri M et al. Long term
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Rheumatic mitral stenosis is predominantly a disease successful mitral balloon valvotomy and predictors
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