Clinical Case Analysis: Tarlac State University College of Science
Clinical Case Analysis: Tarlac State University College of Science
Clinical Case Analysis: Tarlac State University College of Science
Awarded Level III Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines
According to his mother, Pio loved to eat sweets such as candy and chocolate. He often
complaint for sore throat. Her mother did not become attentive to this condition because she
thought it was only a common childhood illness that might pass even when left untreated. On
July 29, 2010, Pio was 7 years old, he started to experience rheumatic attacks characterized by
fever and arthritis of the knee.
On September 18, 2017 he had paroxysmal palpitations. Therefore November 24, 2018 they
consulted in Loving Mother Diagnostic Center for further examination. The ECG revealed
severe left ventricular hypertrophy while the chest radiograph revealed cardiomegaly and the
patient were diagnosed of double aortic lesion and rheumatic disease and he started to undergo
multiple valve replacement surgeries.
On February 21, 2020 he experienced dyspnea on moderate exertion and palpitations became
more frequent.
January 30, 2021 during his consultation in Loving Mother Diagnostic Center, his vital signs
were as follows: Body Temperature 36.6 ⁰C, Blood Pressure left arm 100/80 mmHg, aortic pulse
rate 118 bpm. Cardiac auscultation revealed systolic murmur in the aortic are and diastolic
murmur in the left sterna border. Presence of a third heart sound was noted.
penicillin Increase production of antigen
Name of Student:
Date Submitted: C.I.’s Signature
Form No.: TSU-COS-SF-04 Revision No.: 00 Effectivity Date: June 22, 2016 Page 1 of 1