Imaging AVM
Imaging AVM
Imaging AVM
Case Report
doi: 10.11622/smedj.2015028
ABSTRACT Primary intraosseous arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are rare and have only been occasionally reported.
We herein report a histologically proven case of primary intraosseous AVM in the tibia, which mimicked a fibrous tumour
on radiography. This presentation carries a risk of triggering acute large haemorrhage through unnecessary biopsy.
In intraosseous AVM, the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features typical of a soft tissue AVM are absent, making
diagnosis difficult. In this report, peculiar MR features in the presence of a connecting vessel between the normal deep
venous system of the lower extremity and the tumour provide a clue for the early diagnosis of primary intraosseous AVM.
Primary intraosseous arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
are rare and make up less than 1% of all vascular tumours of
the bone.(1) Most of them occur in the craniofacial bones. The
occurrence of AVMs in other skeletal sites, including the tibia,
femur, humerus, radius and spine, has been described in only nine
cases to date.(1-7) Herein, we report a histologically proven case
of primary intraosseous AVM in the tibia. On radiography, the
mass presented as a well-defined, mixed osteolytic and sclerotic
lesion mimicking a fibrous tumour. However, peculiar magnetic
resonance (MR) imaging features in the presence of a connecting
vessel between the normal deep venous system of the lower
extremity and the tumour provide a clue for the early diagnosis
of primary intraosseous AVM. To the best of our knowledge, this
peculiar appearance on MR imaging has never been reported. Fig. 1 Lateral radiograph of the left lower extremity shows a central,
longitudinally oriented medullary lytic lesion, with a thick sclerotic margin
in the mid-diaphyseal region of the tibia.
A 20-year-old woman presented to our outpatient orthopaedic features of this vascular anomaly in our patient are consistent with
surgery clinic with a one-year history of intermittent left leg those of an intraosseous AVM. Our patient underwent resection
pain. However, there was no history of antecedent trauma or of the intraosseous lesion and remained disease-free six months
illness. The past medical histories of the patient and her family post operation.
were unremarkable. Results from laboratory tests were normal.
Physical examination showed no other abnormalities such as DISCUSSION
discolouration, swelling, or bruising of the skin or soft tissue of Vascular anomalies are classified as haemangiomas and
her left leg. vascular malformations. The most commonly used system
Figs. 1–4 show our imaging findings. No identifiable for biological classifications of vascular anomalies is that by
periosteal reaction, cortical thinning or soft tissue mass was Mulliken and Glowacki.(8,9) This system categorises vascular
noted in our patient. Based on the location of the lesion, the anomalies into either tumours (principally haemangiomas) or
age of the patient and the imaging features observed, a fibrous malformations, based on clinical and histological findings.
tumour was the first clinical impression. Microscopic histological Vascular malformations may present at birth and enlarge
examination revealed intraosseous vascular proliferation proportionately with the growth of the child. They are the result
composed of crowded blood vessels, replacing the marrow of errors in morphogenesis and are divided into subtypes such as
cavity, accompanied by a distorted vascular wall and abundant capillary, venous, lymphatic, arterial and combined forms, based
fibrous tissues (Fig. 5a). Masson’s trichrome staining revealed the on the constituent vessels involved. Malformations may be further
presence of elastic laminae and fibres (Fig. 5b). The histological subcategorised based on flow characteristics.(10-13) High-flow
Department of Radiology, Tri-Service General Hospital Songshan Branch, 2Department of Radiology, 3Department of Orthopedics, 4Department of Pathology, Tri-Service General
Case Report
3a 3b
3c 3d
capillary, lymphatic and venous malformations. Fig. 3 (a) Sagittal T1-W MR image of the left lower extremity shows
AVMs contain well-formed arterial and venous elements that a geographic isointense lesion with a hypointense margin in the mid-
diaphyseal region of the tibia. (b) Sagittal fat-saturated T2-W MR image
communicate directly, rather than through a normal capillary shows a geographic hyperintense lesion with a hypointense margin.
network. They are distinguished from other vascular lesions by A connecting vessel (arrow) between the normal venous system of the
lower extremity (the branch of the anterior tibial vein) and the lower
the triad of dilated feeding arteries, enlarged draining veins and pole of the lesion is also seen. (c) Sagittal maximum intensity projection
early filling of these veins. Histologically, the presence of arteries, reformatted image shows the connecting vessel (arrow) and the lesion. (d)
A corresponding anatomic drawing depicts the lesion (asterisk), connecting
arterioles, or both as an integral part of the AVMs (demonstrated vessel, tibial cortex and normal venous system of the lower extremity. ATV:
using Verhoeff’s elastic stain) is often used as a diagnostic criterion anterior tibial vein; LPTV/MPTV: lateral/medial posterior tibial vein; LPV/
MPV: lateral/medial peroneal vein
for differentiating AVMs from haemangiomas.
While AVMs often involve the soft tissue and bone, primary
intraosseous AVMs that first occur within the bone are extremely The clinical manifestations of primary intraosseous AVMs are
rare. Most cases of primary intraosseous AVMs occur in the protean. Based on the nine reported cases, painful sensation over
mandible, maxilla and zygoma. The occurrence of primary the affected area is the most common presentation, occurring in
intraosseous AVMs in other skeletal sites, including the tibia, nine out of ten patients, while four in ten patients present with a
femur, humerus, radius and spine, has been described in only pulsatile mass in the area of interest.(1-7) However, while primary
nine cases to date (Table I).(1-7) Based on these reports, primary intraosseous AVMs can be associated with skin discolouration,
intraosseous AVMs occurred at all ages, at the mean age of 21 swelling and bruising, or on rare occasions, cause high-output
(range 7–59) years; however, all but one of the patients were cardiac failure, it can also be completely asymptomatic.
younger than 30 years old.(1-7) Intraosseous haemangiomas are On radiography, most primary intraosseous AVMs of long
reported in older patients, with the peak diagnosis being made tubular bones are described as a central, longitudinally oriented,
in patients in their fifties. The male to female ratio of primary medullary lytic geographic lesion, occasionally accompanied
intraosseous AVM incidence is 4:6, which is similar to that of by sclerotic margins. A hypertrophic nutrient artery groove,
intraosseous haemangioma incidence. A total of eight cases appearing as longitudinal radiolucency in the bone cortex,
(including the present case) reported the occurrence of primary was found in three cases.(1,3,5) The anatomic location of the
intraosseous AVMs in the long tubular bones of the extremities, lesions was exclusively at the diaphysis in cases where the tibia
and another two cases reported AVM occurrence in the vertebra and femur were involved.(1-5) The other two cases of primary
of the spine.(1-7) intraosseous AVMs involving the humerus and radius arose from
Case Report
4a 4b
Fig. 4 (a) Coronal post-contrast-enhanced T1-W MR image shows the lesion with central enhancement and
a non-enhancing peripheral margin. (b) Axial post-contrast-enhanced fat-saturated T1-W MR image shows
the connecting vessel (arrow) between the lesion (arrowhead) and the branch of the anterior tibial vein
(curved arrow).
5a 5b
Fig. 5 Photomicrographs show (a) the intraosseous lesion composed of crowded blood vessels of variable sizes
and shapes (Haematoxylin & eosin, × 100); and (b) the presence of elastic laminae and fibres in the thickened
arterial and venous walls (arrows) (Masson’s trichrome stain, × 100).
the metadiaphysis.(4) Primary intraosseous AVMs of the spine were and hyperintensity on T2-weighted imaging.(1,2,7) However, in
demonstrated as purely lytic or mixed lytic, and sclerotic lesions these four cases, the most perceptible MR imaging features
with a sclerotic margin, distinct from the coarse trabeculations characteristic of soft tissue AVMs – a tangle of multiple signal
with a corduroy pattern of intraosseous haemangiomas of the voids representing the dysplastic vessels in the centre of the lesion,
spine.(6,7) Neither aggressive periosteal reactions nor associated associated with dilated tortuous feeding arteries and draining
soft tissue masses were found in the ten reported cases. veins – could not be detected. In our case, the presence of a
The AVM in our patient presented on radiography as a solitary, connecting vessel between the normal deep venous system of
nonaggressive central diaphyseal lytic lesion of the long bone with the lower extremity and the lesion is a clue that aids in the early
a thick sclerotic border. The differential diagnosis included fibrous diagnosis of primary intraosseous AVM.
dysplasia, fibroxanthoma, osteofibrous dysplasia, adamantinoma, The mainstay of therapy for patients with primary intraosseous
desmoplastic fibroma and vascular tumour. These fibrous lesions AVMs includes conservative therapy, intra-arterial embolisation,
of the bone appear osteolytic on plain radiography and often surgery, and a combination of these treatments. Ivalon, n-butyl
involve the anterior tibia. Vascular tumours of the tibia are 2-cyanoacrylate (glue), Spongostan, ethanol and microcoils
relatively rare and mimic fibrous tumours on plain radiography, are the most commonly used embolic agents. The potential
which means that they are often misdiagnosed. MR imaging is very complications of intra-arterial embolisation include soft tissue
sensitive in the detection of intramedullary pathology, and to the infection, osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis and recurrent bleeding,
best of our knowledge, our report is the first to illustrate the MR but the most common complication is skin injury with a 10%
features of primary intraosseous AVM in the radiologic literature. incidence rate. The endothelium in intraosseous AVMs is not
Only four reported cases (including the present case) have been hyperplastic. These cells have a normal turnover rate, and are
examined by MR imaging, and exclusively demonstrated a thus no more susceptible to antiproliferative treatments than the
lesion with isointensity or hypointensity on T1-weighted imaging surrounding tissues. This renders treatments such as radiation
Case Report
Table I. Findings in the reported cases of intraosseous arteriovenous malformations.
Study Gender/ Site Pain Pulsatile Radiography Magnetic resonance imaging Angiography Bone Treatment
age (yr) mass scan
Present case F/20 Tibia/ No No Central medullary lytic lesion Isointense lesion on T1-W, NA IU Surgical
diaphysis with thick sclerotic margin hyperintense lesion on T2-W with resection
a connecting vessel to the normal
arterial system of the lower extremity
Knych et al(1) M/7 Tibia/ Yes No Central medullary lytic lesion, Hypointense lesion on T1-W and NA IU Surgical
diaphysis hypertrophic nutrient artery slightly hyperintense lesion on T2-W resection
Matsuyama M/15 Tibia/ Yes No Central medullary Isointense lesion on T1-W, Faint stain of the lesion NA Surgical
et al(2) diaphysis honeycomb lytic lesion, hyperintense lesion on T2-W with curettage
cortical thinning, slight bony nodular and linear hypointense areas
expansion on both T1-W and T2-W
Katzen and F/28 Tibia/ Yes Yes Central medullary lytic lesion, NA Early arteriovenous IU Embolisation
Said(3) diaphysis hypertrophic nutrient artery shunting, hypertrophied (Gelfoam)
groove, cortical defect nutrient artery
Savader M/14 Tibia/ Yes Yes Central medullary lytic lesion NA Early arteriovenous IU Conservative
et al(4) diaphysis shunting treatment
F/28 Humerus/ Yes No Central medullary lytic lesion NA Early arteriovenous IU Conservative
metadiaphysis with thick sclerotic margin shunting treatment
F/22 Radius/ Yes Yes Central medullary lytic lesion NA Early arteriovenous NA Conservative
metadiaphysis shunting treatment
Nancarrow F/9 Femur/ No Yes Small central medullary lytic NA Early arteriovenous IU Embolisation
et al(5) diaphysis lesion, hypertrophic nutrient shunting, hypertrophied (coils and
artery groove nutrient artery Avitene)
Molina et al(6) M/8 Vertebra L4/ Yes No Round lytic lesion with thick NA NA IU Surgical
lamina sclerotic margin resection
Louis et al(7) F/59 Vertebra T5/ Yes No Expansive mixed lytic and Isointense lesion on T1-W and Feeding artery from T5 NA Embolisation
posterior sclerotic lesion with anterior hyperintense lesion on T2-W intercostal artery (coils) and
element sclerotic margin (on CT), surgical
cortical erosion resection
CT: computed tomography; F: female, IU: increased uptake; M: male, NA: not applicable, T1-W: T1-weighted; T2-W: T-2 weighted
Case Report
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