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Building Past Question

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Examination Confrol Division _ 5_ ruriMs[--T6-
j ""jlg qc?
, rr"9gl1mT"
2079 Ashwin Year/Parr . it
_Pass 32 j
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..-...... rrme Jhrs. i

Su bie{_ B!l!Isl".h".l oU p r l1l

Candidates are required to giv€ theiJ
arrswers in their owr' wolds
Attebtpt!!i!!questio4s. as far as practicable'

Thelgzrres in fie maryin ;ndica/e Fu Markt

Assume suilable data tfnera,5qry

a) Define educationaj and residential building.

conditioning? Explain. Air is flowin .
What are ihe essentials of air
oa i' ;;;;#q.:fl9:c!.aYo:?u1e,oeening orsize 0.3 m and
' "ri^.l'i-
opening. Take coeficient ofeffectiveliH joTtl "t
o km/hr blowins at 90o to tle
'):#"1"";1":T:#:;:":ff, ,Ilfi Ti,xH;::ii,"::"::",giT; Explain. Describe
horizontal banier

2 a) Wly is it necessary to carry out soil test for &e foundatjon t6l
and criricaily j *ou,"
design? List types ofdeep
on rhe use oJ.various shaliow
l;iliXl- foundations witi
b) Wlat do you mean by Jvja^sonry \ ork? Cajcujare
the quantjry oj maleriais for the
coasherction of20 cum. Enck masoruy jn
l:6 C/S nrorlarusing B,ick Size is
F i ltrmm x 55 rnl 230 nim
") ll:i-!:
conunorty used;omponenrs.of
srope roof
t-xpiar.n any two roof coyering
in Terai region ofNepai. Ciue pros materials
anj cons ofusing such covedng. [3+4]
b) D"!::S: renn batusrer. nosing, soffir ald pirch
witll sketch. wllat are the types
star/ -tjxplain any two with sketch. of
a) Expiain types t7l
ofdoors based on shu[ers
Desc t41
be aboul suspended ground floor with
i) Define underpinning. t4l
rvhr, temlorary structures
consttuction. Describe ^Explain
\ rng shorrng wjth neat sketches
are used in building

Definc cladding and irs different rypes with [1-3+2]

their purposes.
\\/rite shod notes or structutal and non structural t6l
cmcks iri the building.
Explain any five basic configuration facrors r('d, jroura
oe consrdered while designing
earthquake resistant buildings.

Write a note on Rain water Harvesting.

" tsl
mination Control Division
2079 Jestha

Sub - Buil l ecnnol (cE 652)

o'vn words as far as practicable'

Candidates are required to give their answe$ in thet
Attempt 4Lquestia s -
fne inle" in rne *argin indicate ElllLAblE'
Assiie suitable data i;f necessary'

Defire daylight factot. What are the factors affecling themal perfor{ra4c+ of th€
i"nT.*i i*-""u;atpes ofnatural ventilatiotr' t4+41

**",i.r -*" -"isture ilr e buildi4g [3+5]
ground having high water table or in wat€' logged
'Excavation in foundatioa trenches in
describe two
*1^-","."t g""f." problem" How will you deal in such situalion? Critically
;;;" ;;i; *-t-.nly used in Nepal" -Also expEin vsliotts fastols that should be
fti-ti'i-ta:*1. trcrches f;r 14+41
'""avati;s of 10 m3
Vhat are the properties of morar? Calculatg mortar requjJed for constmction x 15 rlm x
nti'"f-" Ui"i-"tt tsing l:4 cement sand morta!' (size of bdck = 57 Errrr 1

At;;4$i"!re! ofirortar Lo mm) 12+61

roof 8&d show its elemelrts J lat faotors should be considered while
D!-aw pitoh
"'r""ft*r"t-t-t"*f"lt buildirg with 3m floor to floor
Design a dogJegged RCC. staircase for a residential
iui-gil n-r.tipf* *d section to suPport of your affwer'(Assum€ the size of
yolrsell) t6l
cost housing
wlite down the construction Eettrod of any flooring bpe that is-used i0 lowsuoh flooring
*p*"fiy it areas ofNepal' What precaution will you tak€ to sake
durabte?"ta L5+11
List the parts of scaffolding with suitable sketch Differeltiate befireen

plaste ng works? Explain various
Why is pointing necessary? What are tha defects in
constituents of oil Paint. 12+2$1

Disouss the methods of repairing differenl qpes of cracks in building' t4l

considered for improving
what are the basio conJiguratio4 relaled factors that should be
building for seismic safetY?
Write short dotes on: (AnY Two)
a) Fire extinguisher
b) Rain water harvesting
cj Louvered window components with sketch
Examination Control Division Programrne BCE
Level Full
Marks K
ilarks r 3:
2078 Chaitra Year/Part III/n Time

Su Technolo (cE 652)

I Candidates are required to give their arNwers in their or',rr words as far as ptacticable.
Atterfipt lUquestions.
Ihe fgures in the n?argin indicate fy!!!fufu;
lssu e suitable data ifneeessary.

t. a) Define residential and institutional building. Explain t ?es of mechanical ventilatie

system. Calculate the rate of air flow thtough two square openings ofsize 0.32m and
0.42$\ in a 4&x4x'\x4tr\ room, with a rviod of 5 km/br blowing inclin€d at 45" to the
openiog, Take Coefficient of effeotiv€ness :0,33. t10-
b) Critieally difeerentiate sowd iasulation & sound.absorption. Explain common acoustic
defecfs. tE
2. a) Wiat do you mean by rhe beaxing capacity ofthe soil? Explain tle different metbo&
of impioving the bearing capaaity ofsoil. Diseuss two coriiirion:pfoblem wirh exis=tia:
foundations. t5+-1_
b) Describe the t)?es of stooe glasolly, ExplaiD step by step prooedure for preparing
cemetrl motaj: by maoual prooess. l4r4'

3, a) Defide tbe terrtr Ridge, FIip aod.Purlin.used io roofv.ith suitable figure. Coftparo couple
closed rcofaod collar roofover couple roof. l3+4] _ --3Sl
b) Define elevaton and iamp. E€sign a dog-legged stair for a residetrtial.buildilg lviih 3E
floor height. (Assume the size of Stair-well yourselo n
4. a) Explain about tbe various ttpes ofdoor based on workilg mechalisms. L4j
b) Explain in briefgranit€s md tiles floo? finishes. t4l . j.::r
c) Why is shoring necessary? Compare racking shores with flying shore. l2+4)
5. a) Define poiuting &its t)?es. t6l
I b) Wlito dow' the caBs€s of craoks that occuts in a building and its remedial measures
6. a) what are ihe 6?es of Baods usad in nasonry sauctures?

b) Explain the term Building Services, Septic tark and Soak pit.

-Examination Control Division Futt Marks i;
P"og.rlrll" ocf- .

2028 poush Pass Marks J2

Subject: Techlo]
candidates tue required to give --- -:r- 4- .
AIte mpt 4U questioi.ts. an
their swers in tleir own word, * tu. * -
:temp 4!! que st i oj.ts. nruffi
7:!:!ll: il the :narck indicate FaI Mlrks.
Assume suitable data . if

ffi trf
lwo sq@re operi :gH.trT:"*T11Ell-cur"ure"tb"*teorairnow
Hi.:": ":Pg. o;;G-
ff ",x:ffi.",:
;"il#'J .*,Td,:], ;li-;fr ffE f
?,"j"':'**1' ?ffi ::ht:
fl opening. Take
- 0,32.
t "o.*-i#*oi
to be co'sidered durins planning ,o*,,
m1fr"*"*"Jors of rhe buirdirg? Exprain
aay ,o*
3. 'Excavation ir fouodatiot
trenc.bes in o-rn,,,.t l.-,,:_^ , ! , [414]
the propedies of morar? wrire in [5+3j
1 trfl.n'" derair. tie specifications of brick

*ff *"",H;#",i,*#?"j;s#: ** ," roofiyjth sujtable figure: Ridgq


1 6 ;; t;-;A; ;';-":f :f ;::; iff [fg'j_T,'f il:'f"J:"Jt' gJ,T"?ff1

DesigD a doglegged RCC
staircase for t7l

Describe the process offixing

wooden door liames. t6l
Write do\in tle coastruction
method ofterrazzo flooring. t4l
with suirabte sketch. Define t4l
LT*:,Lffi# """arding underpimios and explain
what are the defects ir piasredns [4+3]
Hrn.*nltr1:nsary? works? Explain various
youl view on shuctrual and p+2+31
non_struchral cmcks in
does rcrrofiting djfter from repair? t41
rg. rte a note on jacketing
of colurqn for
ailr sa&ty precautions to be taken [2+31
during electrificadon
ofa building.
'lRlDdUl Aii Li'iliEiSiTl
Fi.tlilitsr!{5 I 80
--': i:T-U'i.E CF ENGI{T,!]R.INC
rriilat:or! Cantrr;l i'ail"ision
?C73 EaishaNr

Subject: - BnildingTealr:Lology (CE 652)

j]l as preciicable
l:.-didaies ale req',rited ic gi1's th€ii answels their o\tn words as fa?
-:1 lri :pt,"-::t qu e.e ti o t:s
: :.ligr'/es ihe ii;di giii iir,licaie
;i1 fulLL?li!
-.:uii;e s ir litib ie doa if ne ce ss ary

.!at dc lcn mean by passive solar ciesigl? Explain thc impottat'ce of passive solar
-sigir. Describe the settirg ia)'out plan ofbuildiirg with sketch. l1+3+41 ,

belorv grade and above grede watel proofing system. Explain the methods to
:-,isnrre moment in the building.
-'-:ai are tlre problenls ofioundations or black colton soils? What type offou-ndation will
,:r suggest for a building on black cotton soil? Justify your ars$'er' 12+41

=-s.iibe aboi{ cavitl'rvai1 lvith its merits and demerits. Write the most conmonly used
.-:s ofbolds'in brick masorlry with neat skeich. []+5]
examples. Explain different 1]?es of roof covering
=!rre pitched ioof x'ith some
,:erial for pitched roof. 14+41

5ign a lioper layolt oi RCC stair for public building with following datar Lobby sizel
-:n x 4,2n1i Floor height: 4 5mi RCC slab thickness: 150m; Adopf Riser = 150mm;
'-ber of steps per flight <= 12. Justjry youl design with neai sketches. l6l
-srfi the door on tire basis of nature oi working opeEiions. Dlaw d€iails oi a steel
_:,30\t,. 12+21

iarlDe abont solid gfodild floor with sketch Explain the plocess of Mosaic flooring
::3nr, [3+3]
:j:re t€nporary consllllction in the buiiding ald explain the types of tempolarY
::i'-r.tior iii blrildiilgs vrith oecessar-,_ sket.hes.
us? L2+61

:.: is sr.ispelricd ceiling used fol? Write dorvIl lhe cement sand plasledng process for
:. 1i','hai .re the reasg:rs behind deielopir':eit cfciacks il1 plasteririg? l2+1+2j
at::n diilergni relrofiliitg tcchniques in b1liklilg. Wh,v desir'lrctive and toq_destrdlt-''e
! ir bu;idiEg is canie.l'ort.
.-,:ia briefl1'electrilication sysienr alld protectiotl offire lorm electricity,
INS OF ENG Fuil Marks 80

Eramination Control Division Progrrmrne PossMsrks

2077 Ch^itra YeEr/Pirt ltll /ll Time

Subject: - BuLldingTectnology (CE 652)

Caldidales are required to give their ans$ers itr their own rvords as far as practicable
Atte mpt l!!! que s t ions.
The fEures in the ntargin lndicate &!!!,Lk!tt
Assurhe tuitable dal4 ifnecessart.

Differentiate between venlilation and air-condifioning What ale the faclors to 0.

considercd on orientation ofbuilding? L4+41

Define mojsture. What are the sources oimoisture in a buiiding? Desclibe the method of
moistlu e contlol in the basemenl [1+3+4]
Dehne soil explolation. Explain what tr?e ol foundation will yolt recommend for the
foundation on har d rock with justificafiofl L2+41

Descdbe random rubb1e and dy lubble masonry with {igule Find oul the quantilies of
cement and sand of200m2 plastering area in i;5 ratio ifthe thickness ofplastef is 10mm. l4-4j
l\'hy steel trusses have becone popi ar nowadays as compargd to timber? Briefly discuss
about the tjpes oftriple tin]ber roof. [3+5]
Plan a suitable staircase for public buiiding in rthich stair loom meausles 5 5m x 6 5n.
The vertical clear distance be',ween floors is 3.4m and slab thickness is 150mm 16]

Shovr in figure the geneGl parts used in door and windorvs Explain things to be
considcre<l ia timber flooriug *'ith figue l4+4)
ExplaiD abcut the form 'ifod( tbr columD and bean with necessary sketch Describe about
iie lunotions ofcladCing and its 1ype. [4+4]
I/r'ite the steps for the painling r",ork on metal suface. - t4l
lVrite dorvl the calsei ofcracks occurs in lbuildjng arrd its remedjat rneasurci briefly l4l
Why retrofitting in exisiillg
-xplaia the various techniclues of retrofilting in a building.
luilding is imponanl" 14+21

List out the principle to le folio\ted \ 4ile laying oul the water supply system r'n blilding
Discuss e,bout different conponents ofrainwater harvesting i3+3]

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2075 Bhadra Year / Part m/II Time 3 hrs.

Subjecf; - Building Technology (C8652)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt AII questions.
{ The Jigares in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary,

L What do you mean by orientation of building? What should be considered for orientation
and planning of building? What are the requirements of ventillation? I8l
2. What do you understand by thermal comfort? Explain vario"s methods of thennal
insulation for exposed walls, doors and for windows with neat sketches. t8]
3. Briefly explain different methods of detemining bearing capacity of soil for design
purpose. List out the common foundation failurcs. [5+3]
4. What are the properties of motar? Estimates the quantities of materials for l0 m3 brick
work where, size of brick is 57mm* l15mm*240mm, thickness of mortar is l0 mm and
mortar of cement sand ratio is 1:6. [3+5]
5. Define pitched roof, its type sand what factors should be considered while selecting a roof
covering material? l4+4J
6. What are the essential requirement of good stair? State different type of stair as per shape. t4l
7. Explain elements of battered door shutter with sketch . t41
8. Explain construction method ofmarble flooring. t6I
9. Differentiate between shoring and underpinning. Explain cantilever scaffolding with neat
sketches. U+31
10. What do you mean by floor finished and wall cladding? Mention some common floor
finishing materials. t61
11. How earthquake protection can be achieved in building. Explain. t4l
12. Define retrofitting. Explain techniques used for seismic retrofitting ofbuilding. t6]
13. Explain rainwater harvesting, write down its reasons behind it and list out its basic
components. Illushate components ofthe rooftop rain water harvesting system. [1+1+2+2]
BCE Pass
Examination Control Division
2075 Baisakh ifr r"if*- 3 hrs.

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
,/ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks'
'/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Define principles of orientation and planning of a building briefly. What are the main
factors to be considered for best orientation of building? 17+31

_ a
./,. What is damp proofing? Describe general methods of da*p proofing. t2+61

Define foundation. What are the basic requirement of foundation? Explain different types
of shallow foundation with necessary sketches. [1+3+6]
4. Define mortars. Find out the quantities of cement and sand for 100 m2 plastering area in
1:6 ratio if the thickness of plaster is 12mm. 12+61

5. What do you mean by rainwater harvesting? Describe the fundamental requirements of

Electrical wiring. [3+3]
6. Define single/double/multiple timber roofs- Draw neat sketch of king post truss labeling
with corresponding elements. [3+s]
7. Define stair. Design a quarter turn staircase for a residential building in a lobby of size
5.5m * 4.0 m. The height of floor to floor is 3.0 m. Assume necessary data if required.
Draw neat plan to justiff your design. F+6+11
8. Explain shoring, list out its types. Describe flying shoring with necessary sketches. [1+3+4]
g. How do you define retrofitting? Explain RCC and steel jacketing with neat sketches. 12+61

10. Write short notes on: (anY two) ' [2"31

a) Construction method of terrazzo flooring
b) Differentiate between plastering and pointing
c) Retaining wall

Examination Control Division
2074 Bhadra

S u*bjg c
1r* ; B uildips rg_g"b_o_loe y c E6lp
{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
,/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Ma(ks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Explain moisture movernent through Building Component. Describe the methods to

stop moisture entering to a building?
b) What do you mean by thermal comfort for the building purpose? Explain its
classifi cation with appropriate examples.
Illustrate the requirements of lighting in the building. What are the principle for the
site selection and planning?
2. a) Describe the factor affecting the design of foundation. How can we improve the
bearing capacity of soil?
b) What kind of member is queen post truss? Draw a queen post truss explaining their
element's function.
Define the terms scaffolding, underpinning and shoring. Explain the methods to caffy
out underpinning work.
3. a) Explain the general parts and terms used in door and window with necessary diagram.
Define casemento awning and hopper window. . t8l
b) Design a suitable staircase for public building in a hall of size 5.50 m * 7.50 m. The
vertical clear distance between floor is 3.5 m and the RCC slab thickness in 150 mm.
(assume any necessary criteria, if required).
4. a) . How earthquake protection can be achieved for a load bearing masonry building?
What are the factors to be considered for improving Building for seismic safety? t8]
b) What are the various techniques of retrofitting? Why retrofitting in existing building
isimportant? tSI
5. Write short rlotes on: (Any four) pxal
a) Form works
b) Causes of cracks in Building
c) Cladding materials for wall
d) Ran water hanresting
e) Floor and wall tiles
0 Mortars used in plastering wones
t rl.:F

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2073 Magh Year lPart m/il Time 3 hrs.

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt All questions.
{ ALquestions carry equal marl$.
( Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Define essential factors of principles of orientation and planning of building.

b) Explain factors determining thermal comfort.
2. a) Describe in detail the causes of foundarion failure.
b) Draw and explain corner wall of English and Flemish bond (two courses of each in
plan and elevation).
Explain with the help of neat sketches construction of cavity wall.
3. a) Describe collar timber roofs with necessary sketches.
b) The inside dimension of a stair case in a residential building are 1.8 mx3.9 m. The
height of floor to floor is2.4 m. The thickness of waist slab is 0.15 m. Design aproper
layout with neat sketches.
Explain elements of panelled and battened doors with neat sketches.
4. a) With the help of neat sketches explain solid and suspended grorlrd floor.
b) List out different types of shoring. Explain raking shore with necessary sketch.
5. a) Differentiate between structural and non-structural cracks and with the help of neat
sketches. Write down its causes of occturence.
Explain conventional strengthening methods used for seismic retrofitting and reffofit
of strucfures using innovative materials.
b) Define rain water hanresting. Explain different methods of treatment of rain water.
r- OR
Explain ingredients of an oil borne point.
{.rt *
Examination Control Division
2073 Bhadra

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
,/ 4!! questions carry equal marks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Explain various types of moisture movements in different components of building

b) What do you understand by orientation of building? Discuss the factors to be
considered for the best orientation of a building.
z. a) Explain different types of shallow foundation with neat sketches.
b) Explain various types of stone masonry. Draw typical sketches to illustrate them.
J. a) With the help of neat sketches, list and explain the terms used in pitched roof.
b) Design a dog legged RCC stair for a residential building with a staircase of internal
. dimension of 4.6 mx2.6 m and 3.0 m floor to floor height. Draw both plan and section
to justiff your design.
4. a) Give a list of materials which are commonly used as floorings and give a brief
description of each.
Discuss purpose and sizing of doors and windows. List different terms used in panelled
b) Define shoring with the help of neat sketches. Explain single flying shore.
Explain methods of pointing and types of pointing.
5. a) How do you define retrofitting of building structure? Explain conventional jacketing
with necessary sketches.
b) Explain rainwater harvesting, write down process of treatment.
05 TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY Exam. lle gullr / Ii:rcl'
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2071 Bhadra Year /Part IIL'II Time 3 hrs.

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
r' TheJigures tn the margin indicate FAll Marks.
{ Assume suttable data if necessary.

l. |.pnat is building? Explain various types of building with sketches. t8I

vb)-.Explain the consideration of heat, ventilation light, sound, orientation and moisttre
movement in a building with sketch where necessary. tSl
2. v
-aYWhat are the functions of foundation? Explain the types of deep fourdation with
necessary sketches. t8I

I Whu, is mortar? Describe the estimation of mortar requirement. t8l

3. g).zWhat is roof used for? Sketch out different O?es of roof and show their parts. t8l
'fu{O"scibe essential elements of a stair. Define ladders, lifts and elevators and ramps. t8l
4. gfDraw a section of solid ground floor with necessary details. t8l
b)zDefine shoring. What are the objectives of shoring? Describe the types of shoring
with necessary sketches. t8I
S.gYExOlain the proqessof painting works on masonry surfaces. What may be the causes
of cracks occurred in a building and what are remedial measure to cracks? t8l

$Zescribe septic tank and soakpit with necessary sketches. t8I

05 TRIBHUVAN I.'NIVERSITY Exam. Itcg u l:t t'

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 Bhadra Year / Part miu Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Buildine Techrclogy (C8652)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
/ TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suttable data tf necessary.

l. a) What do you understand by orientation of a building? How do the requirements for a

building be met from the orientation? 14+41
b) Describe positive and negative side water proofing system. Illustrate with necessary
sketch for provision of DPC for basement in ordinary soil. 12+61
2. a) Discuss cornmon problems with existing foundation. t8I
b) What is first class brick work in l:6 cement sand mortar? Calculate materials for
10 cum brick work except bricks. [3+s]
3. a) Show a flooring details of a floor (ground) that has a connection with extemal wall
and floor finish with mosaic tiling. t8I
b) Define shoring. Describe various types of shoring with necessary neat sketches. t8I
4. a) What do you understand by pointing works? Explain procedure of pointing work. [3+sI
b) Why is rain water harvesting necessary in a building? Explain any method for
harvesting rain waters [4+41
5. a) What are the factors to be considered for limiting fire spread? Clariry each point
briefly. [2+61
b) Explain various remedial methods of causes of cracks in a building. t8l
02 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Old Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Chaitra Year / Part m/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: -Building Technoloey @G633CE)

r' Candidales are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt'any Five questions.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Marks.
/ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

l. a) What are the sources of moisture in a building? E7<plain'different methods for moisture contol in
the building with necessary figures. 12+61

b) What is human thennal comfort? How human body maintains the thermal balance? Describe tre
thermal prcfe,r'eneesatrectingcomfort. 12+241
2. a) What are the general classification of foundation? What are the common poblems of existing
foundation? [4+4]
b) \Vhat are tre objctives of strcring? Discuss fir brief about the dead slrore with nessary figu€s? 1Z{61
3. a) Define roof and i6 t)"€s. Describe briefly about the double timber roof with necessary figures. t4+41
b) Design and draw plan of a 1.2 m wide doglegged strir for a rcsidentiat building with 3 m floor
height [4+41
4. a) What are the functions of door ard windor{? Draw elevation of bancned fur and gla?ed windorv

having woode,n menrbers. [2+3+3J

b) Why joints ar€ necessary ftr civil curstustion work? Describe expansion joint in a buitding with
neat sketchs. [4+41
5. a) Wtrat are the requirements of good prtition? Desstib€ the types of partition with the basis of loading
system. 14+41

b) What is domestic water supply systein? Discuss tre types of drainage system with necessary figur€s.
6. Write short note on any four of the following topics: $x4l
a. Generalprincipleofelecticalservices 6. Brickcladding
b. Air-Conditioning e. Sound insulation
c. Timbering of tenches

*!f *
04 TRIBI{WANI.'NIVERSITY Exam. lLcgrrlur (2066 & [-:rtcr l]trtch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2069 Bhadra Year lPart m/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Building Technology (C8652)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
./ The/igures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) What are the requirements of ventilation? Explain moisture movement through

building components. 14+41

b) What do you understand by thermal performance of building components? Explain

the various methods of thermal insulation for exposed walls and roofs. t8I
2. a) Define foundation. Describe types of foundation with necessary sketches. t8l
b) What are the types of flooring? Exptain the process of Temazzn finish floor. [3+5]
3. a) Draw and explain different components of timber collar beam roof with their sizes.
Explain different types of roof covering for pitched roof. t8I
b) Explain the preparation of cement sand mortar (l:6). Differentiate between random
rubble, coursed rubble and Ashlar stone masony with sketches. 14+41
4. a) Define stair. Illustrate the elements of staircase with figure. t8l
b) With the help of neat sketches, differentiate between solid and suspended ground
floor. t8I
5. a) How do you make a brick masonry buildings earttrquake resistant? Explain with
sketches various trleasures adopted. t8l
b) Illustrate components of the rooftop rain water harvesting system. t8I

.t t



Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

?068 Baishakh Year / Part m/'t Tirne 3 hrs.

/ Candidates. are iequired to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt aiy Fite questions. i

/ The.figures in the m.argin indicate FuIl Marks. I

/ . Assume siitablc data if necessary. I

1. a) What is moisture? What are the sowces of moisture in a building? Describe the
method of moisture coOntrol in the substructure of a RCC building? 12+2+4)
b) What are the charaiteristics of atdible sound? What are defects occurred due to
reflected sound. Explain briefly the different methods of sound insulation. t8l

Explain the different. types of thermal insulating material. Explain the different
process of insulating various building elements such as roofs, exposed walls and
doors and windows.
2.- a) What are the general classifications of foundation? Describe the common problems of
existing foundation. [4+4]
b) What are different elements for vertical circulation in a building? Design a RCC
doglegged staircase for a residential building in a room of 4.5m x 2.3m and floor
height of 3m. Assume necessary data. Give neat sketches of the plan and section. 12+61
3. a) What are the different components of doors and windows, explain with necessary
sketches. Explain the different tlpes of doors with the help of sketches. t8l
b) Define roof. What are the types of roof? What are the functional requirements of
roof? Describe briefly the single roof and its types with necessary sketches. t8l
4- a) What are the types of joints? Vtrhy.joints are important in building constuction?
Briefly explain the ex.pansion joint in a building with necessary sketches? ' . 12+2+4)
b) What do you understand by temporary constuction in thg building? bescribe the
types of temporaqr construction withnecessary sketches. t8]
s. a) Why cladding is important to a building? Illusffate the types of cladding with respect
,to construction technique. . 12+61

.b) What are internal partitions? What are the requirements for a good partition? Explain
the classification olpartition with respect to materials.and loading systems. [2+2+4]
6. Write short notes on: lax4l
a) Day light factor
b) Septic tank and soak pit
c) Types of electrical wiring
d) Air conditioning

02 TRIBHIryANI.JMVERSITY Exam. Regular/Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2067 Ashadh Year / Part m/r Time 3 hrs.

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Jt How does moisture movement occur in buildings? Explain the different types of
condensations and their effects on building materials. 14+2+27
How do absorptive *ut.riul, absorb sound? Write down the general considerations
'W for noise control in buildings. l4+4J
v What are the various causes of foundation settlement? Define underpinning and
explain different methods ofunderpinning with neat sketches. tS]

I details.
What is.roof covering? Differentiate double and triple roofs with constructional
J What are the functions of openings? Explain any two tlpes of door and windcw based

$) Define staircase. For a given space of 4.8m x2.25mwith floorheight of 3.6rrr, design
a RCC dog-legged staircase. t8l
9 Why is it necessary tor'provide a joint in building stucture (especially cernent
concrete skucture)? Draw a neat freehand sketch of vertical wall section showin$
dxpansion joint at.foundation, plinth, lintel, floor.and rooflterrace level for a typical
residential building having 35qT{n thigk brick *ull: . : : : 12+6)
What is temporary construction work? Differentiate between brick layer's scaffold
5. a) What do you fnean by building finishes? Differentiate between tile hanging and stone . '
cladding in extemal wall surface showing section (vertical) with neat sketches. .
b) What are the types of suspended ceilings? Describe their functions and methods of
construction. tS]
6. O What are the general principles of electrical services systems? Explain wiring systems
and also discuss about the safety precautions to be adopted while using electricity and

is domestic water supply system? Discuss with relevant sketches about septic
rb-) What
tarrk soak pit of sewage disposal at residential building site.


02 TRIBHWANUNIVERSITY Exam. Resular / Back-


Examination Cqntrol Division Prograrnme BCE Pass Marks 32

2065 Bhadra Year / Part m/i Time 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All quations.
Thefi.gures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Support your ansy)er with sketches wherever required.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

i/nir",rrs atout thermal comfort in building. How can we achieve thermal comfort?
Explain about active and passive methods for heating and cooling. Support your atrswer
with neat and clean sketches. Ii6]
,v/ ,Defite
foundation.with.its types. Wha.t are the causes of foundation settlemint'and how
we provide heatorent for foundation settlement? ' . .' [i6]
What is basement floor? What type of wall is appropriate for basement wall? Explain
' about waterproofing techniques in basement. Support your answer with neat and clean
).v ,/. Why are joints necessary in the building structures? Describe in detail the types of joints
in structures and.their uses. [1 6]

Define paints..What are the ingredients of oil paints? What are the characteristics of good
paints? How do you undertake painting works in new and old woodwork?

,/ a) What is roof? Sholv the comparative advantages and disadvantages of slope and flat
roof. i8l
b) Describd shoring antl scaffolding. Why are shoring'and siaffrcldiir[s used in'buildihg
constuction? t8l
y/Write short notes (any four) lax4)
Tfrwinar*s and its types
p)- Electrical safety in building
y'f r.Septic tank and soak pit
.&) Fire protection in building
e) Plastering and pointing in building

t. :r-l;8. i.
.! ., ',I;:'
; .:


Examination Controi Division Programme BCE Pass Marls 32
2066 ilestba Yeai / Pert mlt Tlme 3 hs.

/ Candidates are required to give tbeir answers in their owri words as. far as. practicable.
{ AnaryttanyEJfulquesticins. :
/ Thefigttres in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Asswne suitable data if neceSsar!.

l. Describe briefly about re,newable and non-renewable sources of energy highlighting the
world sce,nario. Explain the different ideas to trap thb solar energy in building with the
,. ffi:*"flf.:::T:ll]il o,,"ing erements? Exprain dirrerent -",noa, o, **"n
we can stop moisture entering to building. [5+5]
3. What is basemerlt floor?- Explain abiiut different water proofing method for basement -

yith sketches.
ne1,-fr.rd clean [3+3]
4. Draw complete details of * n.C.C. dog-leggea ,i"ir"rr" for an offi., building leading
from the gound floor to first floor. State reasons for size of the risers and treads adopted
by you. The size of stair is 4.8mx3.0mx3.6m (heigh|. [0]
5. How we can properly manage the water supply and sanitation slatern in building?,
Explain the function of septic tank'and soak pit in sanitation system with the help of
sketches. [4+6]
6. Why temporary construction is necessary in building construction? Differentiate between
single and double scaffolding with constructional daails. [4+6]
7. What is ioof? Write down requirement of good roof. Explain about pitch or slope roof
and mention its types with the help of sketihes. [4+q]
8. Write shortnotes on (ani foru) :
a) Lifts and esca-lators
b) Electical wiring systern inbuilding
c) False ceiling
d) Cladding
e) Constnrction joints
0 Underpinning
9. Define the saG bearing capacity and ultimate bearing.capacity. Explain the methods to
improve bearing capacity of soil. l3+7)
. :iri*
.'.. '-' '- : ,- '- ; '- . - ' ,-. -.'.







Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2O65 Shrarilan Year / Part Itr/I Time 3 trs.

Subject: - Buildine Technolosy

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Auempt All queilions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Mailcs.
{ Support your answer with slcetches w'herster.required.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Explain briefly human thermal comfort. What are the thercral factors affecting thermal
comfort. How human body maintains thermal balance. Explain yor:r state,ment with neat
and clean sketch. [16]
What do you understand by Energy Conscious Design? Describe briefly the design
consideration of Energy Conseious Design. Also describe the renewable and non-
renewable energy, their sources and their respective sxamples.
2. Define stair. What are the functioual requirements of good staircase? Degign a dog-legged
staircase for a public building in a room of 5.0mx4.0m and floor to.floor height 3.0m.
. Assume necessary data. Give neat aid clean sketch to support your design. [16]
3. What do you know about the methods of soil exploration? Defiae safe bearing capacity of
soil and describe briefly the methods sf improving bearing capacity of soil. [16] .

Define undsrpirining. Describe its necessary. What are the operations to be caried out
before underpinning? What are the necessary precautions to be taken whilst
underpinning? Describe briefly the methods of underpinhing.
4. What is shoring? f,lustrate the uecessity of shoring. Describe the types of shoring.
Support yo* *r*br with neat and clean Jketch giving-the names of ditrerlm parts. [16]
Define roof. What are the types of roof? What are the fi:nctional requirements of roof?
Describe briefly the single timber roof and rts Erpes with necessary figures.

5. Write shoit notes (any foru) 't

. [axa]
a) Windovrs and its types with cleau sketches
b.) Ceiling: their types and fixing details
c) Plastering and its tlpes
d) Water distibution system and its design
e) Joints in sfructures and their necessity
0 Painting on metal and masonry surface

* Examination Control Division Programrne BCE PassMarks 32
2064 ,.festh,a Year / Part m/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - T
,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own wor-ds as far as practicabie.
'/ Attempt A.tl questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin tndicate Fult Martcs.
'/ Support your aniwer wtth sketches wherever required.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

Moisture is the main probiem in the building: Please illustate the effects of the moisture
in the building. Describe the main sources of moisture and explain how it moves through
the'building component with sketches. [16]
'Define thermal comfort? Describe thermal factcrs affectiag humin comfort. Explain
thermal balance of a building. Give neat and clean sketch whenever necessElry.
2. Define staircase. Illustrate ideal requirements of the stair. Describe the different tlpes of
stair by shape in plan with neat sketches. Design ?r op€rl:well staircase.for a pubiic
building'in ahatt of 6.0m x 3.5m and ceiling height 3.0m. The thickness:of th6 floor strab
is 120mm. Assume necessary data. Give neat and clean sketch (plun and section) to
supportyourdesign [16]
3. What do you understand by temporary constuction in the buitding? Describe the types
and requirements of ternporary constrrctions with necessary figues. [16]
4. Define paint and varnishes used in the building. Illustrate the constituents of an oil paint.
Describe the painting prgcedirres on; new and old woodworks, metal works and cement
surfaces. [16]
Define roof and its types. Iliustrite the functional requirements of a roof. Describe briefly
singie and double timber roof with necessfiy figures.
5 Write short noteg (any four): [ax4]
a) Basement and retaining wall
b) Cladding: its types and functions
c) Septic tank and soak pit
d) Doors and its types
e) Partition wall and its types
0 Wiring systems
Examination Control Division Programme i BCE PassMarks 32
2062 Baishakh Year / Part III/I Time 3.hrs

s :.B
'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indtcate Full Morks.
'/ Support your a4siwer with sketches wherever required.
./ Assume suitable data if riecessary.

1. Write briefly on the thermal performances of the building sections. Define transmittance
and find the transmittance of a composite-wall that consists of ll0mm brickwork
(1/2 brick) as outer leaf, cavity of 25mm, thermocole insulation of 25mm, 110mm
brickwork as inner leaf. There is 12mm thick plaster on external side of outer leaf and
intemal surface of the inner leaf. The conductivities of the brickwork, cavity, thermo Cole
insulation and plaster are 1.15, 0.026,0.034 and0.72 WmoC respectively. The interyal
' and external surface conductances are 8.12 and 10.0 W:n2oC. Drarv a neat sketch of
thermal gradient of this composite wall. U6]
Describe human thermal comfort and the thermai factors affecting human comfort. How
does hurnan body maintains the thermal balance. Explain sun and thermal balance of
human body with necessary sketch. Illustrate briefly the thermal preferences.
2. Define staircase. Mention ideal requirements of the stair. Describe the different types of
stair by shape with neat sketches. Design a dog-legged staircase for a residential building
in a lobby of 4.5mx3.0m and floor height 3.0m assume necessary data. Give neat and
clean sketch to support your design t16]
3. Describe briefly the causes of for.rndation settlement and also the effects resulted in the
' structure from the unequal settlements. Explain the reasons for not preferring black cotton.
soil in thefoundation? t16l
What is underpinning work? Why does it necessary in the structure? Write down the
sequences of operation and the methods of underpinning.
4. \\'hat is construction joint in the structure? Illustrate the positions of construction joints iri
beam, column and slab. Describe the methods of joining new concrete to old one in'the
5. Write short notes (any four): lax4!
a) Retaining wall and forces actingyjL
b) Energy conscious building and fts design considerations
c) Partition rvalls: their types and functions
d) Pointing: its qvpes and procedure
e) Water supply and its distribution system -
r. f) Noise and its effects
Examination Control Division Programrne BCE FassMarks 7)
' 2062 Poush Year / Part m/I Time 3 hrs.

Sabject: - Building Technology

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicabie.
/ Attempt AII questtons. .

./ All questions carry equal marlcs.

/ Assume suttable data if necessary.
'/ Support your answer with sketches wherer-er necessary.

i. Moisture is the great problem in the building, .,lrite down the effects of the moisture in
the building. What do yori understand by Moisture control- in the building? Describe
briefly the different methods of moisture control for different sources of moist'are.
Explain your statement with neat and clean sketch where ever necessary.
What is natwal and artificial lighting in the.building? Define day light factor with
of your class room
necessary figure and formulae. Calculate the internal illumination
having day light factor 2.0% and outdoor;llumination 7000 lux.
2. What do you understand by the temporary construction? Illuskate the conditions of
applyrng shoring in the skucture. Describe in detail the types of shoring with neat and
clean sketches.

Describe briefly on formwork for excavation and Cifferent methods used in timbering of
trenches for firm and loose soil. Define formwork for reinforced concrete construction
and its principal requireraents. Illustrate sketches whele ever necessary.

3. Define roof and its types. Illustrate the functional requirements of a roof. Descibe briefly
single, double and kiple timber pitcheC roof with necessary figtres.
Describe the joints in the structure. Iilustrate the types of joints. Explain briefly the
expansion and construction joints and their probable positions in the structure.
4. What are the fimctionai requirements of good staircase? lVlention the tlpes of staircase
(by shap.e) with neat sketches. Design a open-well staircase for a public building in a
room of 5.5mx3.5m and floor height 3.6m. Give neat and clean sketch of plan, sectional
elevation and necessary tietails.
5. Write short notes (any four)
a) Cement Plasteing: its types and procedure of ap-plrcation
b) Ceiling: its uses, requirements and r,1pes -.
c) Cladciing: its types and functions
d) Septic tank and soak pit
e) Window and its tlpes 'r')
0 Painting on old wood works anC cement surfaces
g) Passenger tift and. qrySfrt Un

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