Mark Task Achievement Spontaneity and Coherence Lexical Resource Grammatical Resource
Mark Task Achievement Spontaneity and Coherence Lexical Resource Grammatical Resource
Mark Task Achievement Spontaneity and Coherence Lexical Resource Grammatical Resource
Fluency Accuracy
Mark Task Achievement Spontaneity Lexical Grammatical
Demonstrates good coverage of The response includes a few Evidence of topic/level-related Some errors in grammatical structures
content-related points. The language-related hesitations and/or vocabulary with a few minor possibly caused by attempt to include a
response addresses the task self-correction which do not strain errors. Uses some inaccurate use of variety. The student produces error-free
appropriately but may fall short the listener. The student speaks at vocabulary and shows some sentences, though some grammatical
of being fully developed. length without noticeable effort or inappropriate choices. mistakes persist.
loss of coherence.
Demonstrates some coverage of Fairly frequent and noticeable The response demonstrates Fairly frequent errors and evidence of
content with minor digression hesitations straining the listener. limited range and control of restricted range of structures. Frequent
from the task. The response vocabulary. These limitations grammatical errors that do not obscure
The student usually maintains flow
addresses the task, but often prevent full expression of meaning; uses a limited range of more
of speech but uses repetition, self-
development of the topic is ideas. Vocabulary range is lacking complex structures. For the most part,
correction and/or slow speech to
limited. flexibility. only basic structures are used
keep going.
Demonstrates poor coverage of Speech which is frequently Frequent basic errors and limited Frequent grammatical errors even in
content with major digression incoherent/ illogical with impeding range of appropriate topic/level- simple structures; meaning is obscured,
from the task. The response is hesitations. Speech is slow, hesitant related vocabulary, it does not or relies on apparently memorized
very limited in content. & has limited ability to link simple match the task. Some low-level utterances makes numerous errors except
Caucasus University
sentences gives only simple responses in terms of vocabulary in memorized expressions.
responses and is frequently unable range.
to convey basic message.
Demonstrates little evidence and Lack of attempt to speak in general. Little attempt to use language Little attempt to use language structures.
attempt to cover the content with /topic/level-related vocabulary.
digression from the task.
0 The student gets 0 if s/he refuses to take part in the exam/ is totally inadequate/ is absent.
Caucasus University