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Answer Key
Review (Units 1–3): Writing
Sample answer Hi Sam I think your idea of an English conversation club is a great idea – I’d really like to be part of it. Maybe the first session could be all about us. We could say who we are, talk about the things we like and don’t like and that kind of thing. I think it’s better to meet at the café. I don’t want you to be busy making drinks and food at your house. I want you to talk with everyone else! I can text some of my friends and put a post online about the club if you want – that will be a good way of getting lots of members. See you soon Mark
achievement and structure 0 Award 0 marks only if there is no written response to assess or if what is written is unintelligible or is an obviously rehearsed response bearing little or no relation to the task. 1 Two or three Lexical and Little or no text Uses only very Many lexical content points grammatical organisation basic and may be omitted inaccuracies according to vocabulary and grammatical completely, or impede task genre. grammar errors, even in covered in achievement, Text organised structures with a basic language, insufficient severely at largely at lot of errors which severely depth and/or times. phrase level, evident. impede scope. Control may be perhaps with No complex or communication Content would sufficient for some complete compound of ideas. have a negative very simple sentences sentences. effect on the tasks but not evident. Little or intended reader more complex no linking due to lexical ones. Stretches between and/or of text may be phrases or grammatical unintelligible or sentences. inaccuracies require a lot of and/or poor effort by the control of reader to register. decode. 2 May omit one or Lexical and Little text Uses only very Frequent lexical two content grammatical organisation basic and points, or cover inaccuracies according to vocabulary and grammatical them in impede task genre. grammar errors, even in insufficient achievement. Text organised structures for basic language, depth. Control may be partly at phrase the level, may impede the Content would sufficient for level but with perhaps with a effective probably have a very simple some sentence- lot of errors. communication negative effect tasks but level language No complex but of ideas. on the intended generally not too. Occasional maybe one or reader due to more complex linking between two compound lexical and/or ones. sentences. sentences. grammatical inaccuracies and/or poor control of register. 3 All points may Control is Text organised Writing limited A number of have been sufficient to largely at to fairly basic lexical and covered, but respond to all sentence level. vocabulary, grammatical some in simple tasks Some simple largely used errors probably insufficient and to complete and logically- accurately. evident but not depth. some more sequenced Uses basic in sufficient Sections of the complex ones. sections with grammar quantity to content would The majority of linking between structures, greatly impede
probably have a the response sentences. perhaps with a communication positive effect would achieve There may be few errors. of ideas. on the intended its intended evidence of Possibly no reader. purpose. paragraphing, complex, but but this may not compound always be sentences used. inappropriate. 4 All content Control of Text organised Uses a good Occasional points covered language is and sequenced range of level- lexical and with sufficient clearly sufficient simply but appropriate grammatical depth and to respond to logically vocabulary and errors probably scope. simple and throughout. grammar evident but not The text would more complex Linking between structures. in sufficient largely have a tasks. sentences Largely used quantity or positive effect There is throughout. accurately. severity to on the intended demonstrable Paragraphs Possibly some impede the reader due to achievement of used complex and/or communication good lexical all parts of the appropriately for compound of ideas. and/or task. the purpose and sentences. grammatical genre of the accuracy and/or writing sufficient control throughout most of register. of the text. 5 All content Control of Text organised Uses an Very occasional points covered language is and sequenced excellent range lexical and with exemplary clearly sufficient logically and of level- grammatical depth and to respond to effectively appropriate errors do not scope. simple and throughout. vocabulary and impede the The text would more complex Linking between grammar communication have a positive tasks. sentences structures with of ideas in any effect on the There is throughout. excellent way. intended reader demonstrable Paragraphs accuracy, throughout due achievement of used including some to good lexical all parts of the appropriately for complex and and/or task, and the purpose and compound grammatical perhaps even genre of the sentences. May accuracy and/or evidence of writing even use lexis sufficient control writing beyond throughout the and structure of register. the demands of text. that is beyond the task. the level.