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CAE Writing Marking Rubric

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Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

Content – how well have you Irrelevant, some In Minor irrelevances In All content is relevant.
fulfilled the task (done what misinterpretations. betwe and/or omissions betwe Target reader is fully
it said)? Minimally informative. en may be present. en informed.
Target reader is
Topic, reader/audience on the whole
Communicative Uses conventions of Uses the Uses the conventions of the
Achievement – how task to hold attention conventions of the communicative task with
appropriate is the writing – and communicate task effectively to sufficient flexiblity to
correct use of stylistic straightforward ideas. hold reader’s communicate complex
conventions and register attention and ideas in an effective way,
(formal-informal), communicate holding the target reader’s
communicating complex straightforward attention with ease,
ideas effectively, to fulfil the and complex fulfilling all communicative
text’s purpose? ideas, as purposes.
Genre, format, register and
Organization – logical, Text is generally well Text is well Text is a well organized,
coherent, balanced, organised and organized and coherent whole, using a
structured, complete? coherent, using a coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices
Introduction, body variety of linking variety of and organisational patterns
paragraphs, conclusion words and cohesive cohesive devise with flexibility.
(using topic sentences) devices and organisational
pattern to
Linking words and phrases, generally good
relative clauses effect.
Language – accurate, varied Uses everyday Uses a range of Uses a range of vocabulary,
and effective use of grammar vocabulary vocabulary, including less common
and vocabulary appropriately, with including less lexis, effectively and
some inappropriate common lexis, precisely.
Simple and complex use of less common appropriately. Uses a wider range of
grammatical forms; any lexis. Simple and simple and complex
errors are minor slips in use Uses simple and complex grammatical forms with full
of unusual words and some common grammatical control, flexibility and
structures grammaticcal forms forms used with sophistication.
with reasonable control and Erroe, if present are related
control. flexibility. to less common words and
Errors to not impede Occasional error structures, or occur as slips.
communication. may be present,
but don’t impede.

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