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Assessment of Working Capital Requirements

(For Manufacturers)

FORM II: Operating Statement


Actual Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2022) (31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)
1. Gross Sales
(i) Domestic Sales 11956345.58 18025718.00 25085652.00 28052854.00
(ii) Export Sales - - - -
Total 11956345.58 18025718.00 25085652.00 28052854.00
2. Less: Excise Duty - - - -
3. Net Sales (1-2) 11956345.58 18025718.00 25085652.00 28052854.00
4. %age Rise (+) or Fall (-) in Net Sales as Compared
to Previous Year (+) 50.76% (+) 39.17% (+) 11.83%
5. Cost of Sales
(i) Raw Materials (Including Stores And Other
Items Used in the Process of Manufacture)
(a) Imported - - - -
(b) Indigenous 12978861.59 16358452.00 23149623.00 24785695.00
(ii) Other spares
(a) Imported - - - -
(b) Indigenous - - - -
(iii) Power and Fuel 301423.00 354652.00 425621.00 542584.00
(iv) Direct Labour (Factory Wages & Salaries) 58074.00 78541.00 - -
(v) Other Mfg. Expenses - - - -
(vi) Depreciation 180833.00 165488.00 185952.00 197854.00
(vii) Sub-Total (i to vi) 13519191.59 16957133.00 23761196.00 25526133.00
(viii) Add: Opening Stocks-in-Process - - - -
Sub-Total 13519191.59 16957133.00 23761196.00 25526133.00
(ix) Deduct: Closing Stocks-in-Process - - - -
(x) Cost of Production 13519191.59 16957133.00 23761196.00 25526133.00
(xi) Add: Opening Stock of Finished Goods 6515730.00 8795157.00 10785632.00 12758652.00
Sub-Total 20034921.59 25752290.00 34546828.00 38284785.00
(xii) Deduct: Closing Stock of Finished Goods 8795157.00 10785632.00 12758652.00 12241233.00
(xiii) Sub-Total (Total Cost of Sales) 11239764.59 14966658.00 21788176.00 26043552.00
6. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses - - - -
7. Sub-Total (5+6) 11239764.59 14966658.00 21788176.00 26043552.00
8. Operating Profit Before Interest (3-7) 716580.99 3059060.00 3297476.00 2009302.00
9. Interest - 1000000.00 1000000.00 1000000.00
10. Operating Profit After Interest (8-9) 716580.99 2059060.00 2297476.00 1009302.00
11. (i) Add: Other Non-operating Income
(a) cash discount 2548.00 5945.00 10541.00 14523.00
(b) - - - -
(c) - - - -
Sub-Total (Income) 2548.00 5945.00 10541.00 14523.00
(ii) Deduct: Other Non-operating Expenses
(a) Salaries 360000.00 425000.00 529600.00 602540.00
(b) Tax audit fees & professional expenses 20000.00 25000.00 25000.00 30000.00
(c) Office, travelling ,General & other expenses 89177.60 104584.00 154874.00 228546.00
Sub-Total (Expenses) 469177.60 554584.00 709474.00 861086.00
(iii) Net of Other Non-operating Income/Expenses
[Net of 11(i) & 11(ii)] -466629.60 -548639.00 -698933.00 -846563.00
12. Profit Before Tax/Loss [10+11(iii)] 249951.39 1510421.00 1598543.00 162739.00
13. Provision For Taxes - - - -
14. Net Profit/Loss (12-13) 249951.39 1510421.00 1598543.00 162739.00
15. (a) Equity Dividend Paid - - - -
(b) Dividend Rate
16. Retained Profit (14-15) 249951.39 1510421.00 1598543.00 162739.00
17. Retained Profit/Net Profit (%age) 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
FORM III: Analysis of Balance Sheet

Actual Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2022) (31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)
1. Short Term Borrowings From Banks (Incldg. Bills
Purchases, Discounted & Excess Borrowings Place
On Repayment Basis)
(i) From Applicant Bank - 5500000.00 5500000.00 5500000.00
(ii) From Other Banks - 4000000.00 4000000.00 4000000.00
(iii) (Of Which BP & BD) - - - -
Sub-Total (A) - 9500000.00 9500000.00 9500000.00
2. Short Term Borrowings From Others 4655435.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 500000.00
3. Sundry Creditors (Trade) 5761780.00 895852.00 1025985.00 1565890.00
4. Advance Payments From Customers/Deposits
From Dealers - - - -
5. Provision For Taxation - - - -
6. Dividend Payable - - - -
7. Other Statutory Liabilities (Due Within One Year) - - - -
8. Deposits/Debentures/Installments Under Term
Loans/DPGs etc. (Due Within One Year) - - - -
9. Other Current Liabilities & Provisions (Due Within
One Year) 36000.00 - - -
Sub-Total (B) 10453215.00 2395852.00 2525985.00 2065890.00
10. Total Current Liabilities [Total of 1 to 9
Excluding 1(iii)] 10453215.00 11895852.00 12025985.00 11565890.00
11. Debentures (Not Maturing Within One Year) - - - -
12. Preference Shares (Redeemable After One Year) - - - -
13. Term Loans (Excluding Installment Payable Within
One Year) - - - -
14. Deferred Payment Credits (Excluding Installments
Due Within One Year) - - - -
15. Term Deposits (Repayable After One Year) - - - -
16. Other Term Liabilities - - - -
17. Total Term Liabilities (Total of 11 to 16) - - - -
18. Total Outside Liabilities (10+17) 10453215.00 11895852.00 12025985.00 11565890.00
19. Share Capital 8384409.06 9884409.06 9884409.06 9884409.06
20. General Reserve - - - -
21. Revaluation Reserve - - - -
22. Other Reserves (Excluding Provisions) - - - -
23. Surplus(+) or Deficit(-) in Profit & Loss Account (+) 249951.39 (+) 1760372.39 (+) 3358915.39 (+) 3521654.39
24. Net Worth 8634360.45 11644781.45 13243324.45 13406063.45
25. Total Liabilities (18+24) 19087575.45 23540633.45 25269309.45 24971953.45

26. Cash and Bank Balances 198868.60 325500.00 378520.00 380580.00
27. Investments (Other Than Long Term Investments)
(i) Government & Other Trustee Securities - - - -
(ii) Fixed Deposits With Banks - - - -
28. (i) Receivables Other Than Deferred & Exports
(Including Bills Purchases & Discounted By
Banks) 4915045.00 4621081.45 3964424.45 4184949.45
(ii) Export Receivables (Including Bills
Purchased/Discounted By Banks) - - - -
FORM III: Analysis of Balance Sheet

Actual Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2022) (31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)
29. Installments of Deferred Receivables (Due Within
One Year) - - - -
30. Inventory :
(i) Raw Materials (Incldg. Stores & Other Items
Used in the Process of Manufacture)
(a) Imported - - - -
(b) Indigenous - - - -
(ii) Stocks-in-process - - - -
(iii) Finished Goods 8795157.00 10785632.00 12758652.00 12241233.00
(iv) Other Consumable Spares
(a) Imported - - - -
(b) Indigenous - - - -
31. Advances to Suppliers of Raw Materials &
Stores/Spares - - - -
32. Advance Payment of Taxes - - - -
33. Other Current Assets - - - -
34. Total Current Assets (Total of 26 to 33) 13909070.60 15732213.45 17101596.45 16806762.45
35. Gross Block (Land & Building Machinery,
Work-in-Progress) 3898598.85 7737408.00 8115465.00 8125845.00
36. Depreciation To Date 180833.00 165488.00 185952.00 197854.00
37. Net Block (35-36) 3717765.85 7571920.00 7929513.00 7927991.00
38. Investments/Book Debt/Advances/Deposits Which
Are Not Current Assets
(i)(a) Investments in Subsidiary
Companies/Affiliates - - - -
(b) Others 21000.00 25000.00 28000.00 32000.00
(ii) Advances To Suppliers of Capital Goods &
Contractors - - - -
(iii) Deferred Receivables (Maturity Exceeding One
Year) - - - -
(iv) Others 1439739.00 211500.00 210200.00 205200.00
39. Non-Consumable Stores & Spares - - - -
40. Other Non-Current Assets (Incldg. Dues From
Directors) - - - -
41. Total Other Non-Current Assets (Total of 38 to
40) 1460739.00 236500.00 238200.00 237200.00
42. Intangible Assets (Patents, Goodwill, Preliminary
Expenses, Bad/Doubtful Debts Not Provided For,
Etc.) - - - -
43. Total Assets (Total of 34,37,41 & 42) 19087575.45 23540633.45 25269309.45 24971953.45
44. Tangible Net Worth (24-42) 8634360.45 11644781.45 13243324.45 13406063.45
45. Net Working Capital [(17+24)-(37+41+42)] To
Tally With (34-10) 3455855.60 3836361.45 5075611.45 5240872.45
46. Current Ratio (34÷10) 1.33 1.32 1.42 1.45
47. Total Outside Liabilities/Tangible Net Worth
(18÷44) 1.21 1.02 0.91 0.86
(A) Arrears of Depreciation - - - -
(B) Contingent Liabilities:
(a) Arrears of Cumulative Dividends - - - -
(b) Gratuity Liability Not Provided For - - - -
(c) Disputed Excise/Customs/Tax Liabilities - - - -
(d) Bills Accepted/Guarantees Extended To
Accommodate Associate/Sister Concerns
Or Other Third Parties - - - -
(e) Other Liabilities Not Provided For - - - -
FORM IV: Comparative Statement of Current Assets & Current Liabilities

Actual Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2022) (31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)
1) Raw material (incldg. stores & other items
used in the process of manufactures)
(a) Imported - - - -
Month's consumption:
(b) Indigenous - - - -
Month's consumption: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2) Other consumable spares excluding those
included in 1 above
(a) Imported - - - -
Month's consumption:
(b) Indigenous - - - -
Month's consumption:
3) Stocks-in-process - - - -
Month's cost of production: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4) Finished goods 8795157.00 10785632.00 12758652.00 12241233.00
Month's cost of sales: 9.39 8.65 7.03 5.64
5) Receivables Other Than Export & Deferred
Receivables (Incldg. Bills Purchased &
Discounted By Bankers) 4915045.00 4621081.45 3964424.45 4184949.45
Month's Domestic Sales Excluding Deferred
Payment Sales: 4.93 3.08 1.90 1.79
6) Export Receivables (Incl. Bills Purchased &
Discounted) - - - -
Month's Export Sales:
7) Advances to Suppliers of Raw Materials &
Stores/Spares, Consumables - - - -
8) Other Current Assets Incl. Cash & Bank
Balance & Deferred Receivables Due Within
One Year 198868.60 325500.00 378520.00 380580.00
9) TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 13909070.60 15732213.45 17101596.45 16806762.45
(Other Than Bank Borrowings For Working
10) Creditors For Purchase of Raw Materials,
Stores & Consumable spares 5761780.00 895852.00 1025985.00 1565890.00
Month's Purchases 5.33 0.66 0.53 0.76
11) Advances From Customers - - - -
12) Statutory Liabilities - - - -
13) Other Current Liabilities 4691435.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 500000.00
14) TOTAL 10453215.00 2395852.00 2525985.00 2065890.00
FORM V: Bank Finance for Working Capital

Actual Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2022) (31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)



1. Projected Turnover 11956345.58 18025718.00 25085652.00 28052854.00

2. Total Current Assets 13909070.60 15732213.45 17101596.45 16806762.45
3. Total Current Liabilities 10453215.00 11895852.00 12025985.00 11565890.00
4. Net Working Capital (2-3) 3455855.60 3836361.45 5075611.45 5240872.45
5. 25% of Projected Turnover 2989086.40 4506429.50 6271413.00 7013213.50
6. Margin 5% of Projected Turnover 597817.28 901285.90 1254282.60 1402642.70
7. (5 - 6) 2391269.12 3605143.60 5017130.40 5610570.80
8. (5 - 4) -466769.20 670068.05 1195801.55 1772341.05
9. MPBF (7 or 8 whichever is lower) -466769.20 670068.05 1195801.55 1772341.05


1. Total Current Assets 13909070.60 15732213.45 17101596.45 16806762.45

2. Other Current Liabilities (Other Than Bank
Borrowings) 10453215.00 2395852.00 2525985.00 2065890.00
3. Working Capital Gap (1-2) 3455855.60 13336361.45 14575611.45 14740872.45
4. Minimum Stipulated Net Working Capital (25%
Of Working Capital Gap) 863963.90 3334090.36 3643902.86 3685218.11
5. Actual/Projected Net Working Capital 3455855.60 3836361.45 5075611.45 5240872.45
6. 3-4 2591891.70 10002271.09 10931708.59 11055654.34
7. 3-5 - 9500000.00 9500000.00 9500000.00
8. MPBF (6 or 7 whichever is lower) - 9500000.00 9500000.00 9500000.00



1. Total Current Assets 13909070.60 15732213.45 17101596.45 16806762.45

2. Other Current Liabilities (Other Than Bank
Borrowings) 10453215.00 2395852.00 2525985.00 2065890.00
3. Working Capital Gap (1-2) 3455855.60 13336361.45 14575611.45 14740872.45
4. Minimum Stipulated Net Working Capital (25%
Of Total Current Assets Excluding Export
Receivables) 3477267.65 3933053.36 4275399.11 4201690.61
5. Actual/Projected Net Working Capital 3455855.60 3836361.45 5075611.45 5240872.45
6. 3-4 -21412.05 9403308.09 10300212.34 10539181.84
7. 3-5 - 9500000.00 9500000.00 9500000.00
8. MPBF (6 or 7 whichever is lower) -21412.05 9403308.09 9500000.00 9500000.00
FORM VI: Fund Flow Statement

Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)
1. Sources
a) Net Profit (after tax) 1510421.00 1598543.00 162739.00
b) Depreciation 165488.00 185952.00 197854.00
c) Increase in capital 1500000.00 - -
d) Increase in Term Liabilities (incldg. public deposits) - - -
e) Decrease in
i) Fixed Assets - - -
ii) Other non-current assets - - -
f) Others - - -
g) Total 3175909.00 1784495.00 360593.00
2. Uses
a) Net Loss - - -
b) Decrease in Term Liabilities (incldg. public
deposits) - - -
c) Increase in
i) Fixed Assets 3838809.15 378057.00 10380.00
ii) Other non-current assets - - -
d) Dividend payments - - -
e) Others - - -
f) Total 3838809.15 378057.00 10380.00
3. Long Term Surplus(+) / Deficit(-) (1-2) (-) 662900.15 (+) 1406438.00 (+) 350213.00
4. Increase/decrease in current assets 1823142.85 1369383.00 -294834.00
5. Increase/decrease in current liabilities other than Bank
borrowings -8057363.00 130133.00 -460095.00
6. Increase/decrease in working capital gap 9880505.85 1239250.00 165261.00
7. Net surplus(+) / deficit(-) (Difference of 3 & 6) (-) 10543406.00 (+) 167188.00 (+) 184952.00
8. Increase/Decrease in Bank borrowings 9500000.00 - -
Increase/Decrease in Net Sales 6069372.42 7059934.00 2967202.00
Break-up of (4)
i) Increase/decrease in Raw Materials - - -
ii) Increase/decrease in Stocks-in-process - - -
iii) Increase/decrease in Finished Goods 1990475.00 1973020.00 -517419.00
iv) Increase/decrease in Receivables
(a) Domestic -293963.55 -656657.00 220525.00
(a) Exports - - -
v) Increase/decrease in stores & spares - - -
vi) Increase/decrease in other current assets 126631.40 53020.00 2060.00

Actual Provisional Projected Projected

(31.03.2022) (31.03.2023) (31.03.2024) (31.03.2025)

1. Gross Profit Ratio (%) 7.51 17.89 13.89 7.87

2. Operating Cost Ratio (%) 94.01 88.58 90.84 96.40
3. Operating Profit Ratio (%) 5.99 11.42 9.16 3.60
4. Net Profit Ratio (%) 2.09 8.38 6.37 0.58
5. Interest Coverage Ratio (Times) - 7.38 7.64 3.42
7. Debt-Service Coverage Ratio - 5.93 6.25 2.06

7. Current Ratio 1.33 1.32 1.42 1.45

8. Quick Ratio 0.49 0.42 0.36 0.39
9. Debt-Equity Ratio - - - -
10. Total Indebtness Ratio 1.21 1.02 0.91 0.86
11. Debt Assets Ratio - - - -
12. Fixed Assets Coverage Ratio - - - -
13. Inventory Turnover Ratio 268.50 218.40 185.64 159.27
14. Debtors Turnover Ratio (Days) 150.05 93.57 57.68 54.45
15. Creditors Turnover Ratio (Days) 162.04 19.99 16.18 23.06
16. Capital Turnover Ratio 1.38 1.55 1.89 2.09
17. Total Assets Turnover Ratio 0.63 0.77 0.99 1.12
18. Return on Capital Employed Ratio (%) 2.89 12.97 12.07 1.21

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