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Form MGT-8 21 22

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A. G. RANADE & Associates
Company Secretaries
Office Contact # 8104386425 2, B Wing, Gr Fl, Om Sai Prasad Bldg, Shivaji Nagar, Nr Railway
Colony, B-Cabin, THANE (W) – 400 602.
101, Bldg #4, Shiv Amrut Dham, Nr Yogi Dham, Murbad Road,
KALYAN (W) – 421 301.

Form No. MGT-8

[Pursuant to section 92(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 11(2) of
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]


We have examined the registers, records and books and papers of

Soujanya Color Private Limited (the Company) as required to be
maintained under the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules
made thereunder for the financial year ended on 31st March, 2022. In
our opinion and to the best of o u r information and according to the
examinations carried out by us and explanations furnished to u s by the
Company, its officers and agents, we certify that:

A. the Annual Return states the facts as at the close of the aforesaid
financial year correctly and adequately.

B. during the aforesaid financial year the Company has complied with
provisions of the Act & Rules made there under in respect of:

1. its status under the Act;

2. maintenance of registers/records & making entries therein within the

time prescribed therefore;

3. filing of forms and returns as stated in the annual return, with the
Registrar of Companies, Regional Director, Central Government, the
Tribunal Court or other authorities within/beyond the prescribed time;

4. calling/ convening/ holding meetings of Board of Directors or its

committees, if any, and the meetings of the members of the company
on due dates as stated in the annual return in respect of which
meetings, proper notices were given and the proceedings including the
circular resolutions and resolutions passed by postal ballot, if any, have
been properly recorded in the Minute Book/registers maintained for the
purpose and the same have been signed;

5. closure of Register of Members / Security holders, as the case may be.

6. advances/loans to its directors and/or persons or firms or companies

referred in section 185 of the Act;
A. G. RANADE & Associates
Company Secretaries
Office Contact # 8104386425 2, B Wing, Gr Fl, Om Sai Prasad Bldg, Shivaji Nagar, Nr Railway
Colony, B-Cabin, THANE (W) – 400 602.
101, Bldg #4, Shiv Amrut Dham, Nr Yogi Dham, Murbad Road,
KALYAN (W) – 421 301.

7. contracts/arrangements with related parties as specified in section 188

of the Act.

8. issue or allotment or transfer or transmission or buy back of

securities/ redemption of preference shares or debentures / alteration or
reduction of share capital / conversion of shares / securities and issue of
security certificates in all instances;

9. keeping in abeyance the rights to dividend, rights shares and bonus

shares pending registration of transfer of shares in compliance with the
provisions of the Act

10. declaration/ payment of dividend, transfer of unpaid/ unclaimed

dividend/ other amounts as applicable to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund in accordance with section 125 of the Act.

11. signing of audited financial statement as per the provisions of

section 134 of the Act and report of directors is as per sub sections (3),
(4) and (5) thereof;

12. constitution/ appointment/ re-appointments/ retirement/ filling up

casual vacancies/ disclosures of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel
and the remuneration paid to them;

13. appointment/ reappointment/ filling up casual vacancies of auditors

as per the provisions of section 139 of the Act;

14. approvals required to be taken from the Central Government,

Tribunal, Regional Director, Registrar, Court or such other authorities
under the various provisions of the Act;

15. acceptance/ renewal/ repayment of deposits;

16. borrowings from its directors, members, public financial institutions,

banks and others and creation/ modification/ satisfaction of charges in
that respect wherever applicable;

17. loans and investments or guarantees given or providing of securities

to other bodies corporate or persons falling under the provisions of
section 186 of the Act;
A. G. RANADE & Associates
Company Secretaries
Office Contact # 8104386425 2, B Wing, Gr Fl, Om Sai Prasad Bldg, Shivaji Nagar, Nr Railway
Colony, B-Cabin, THANE (W) – 400 602.
101, Bldg #4, Shiv Amrut Dham, Nr Yogi Dham, Murbad Road,
KALYAN (W) – 421 301.

18. alteration of the provisions of the Memorandum and/or Articles of

Association of the Company;

Ajay Digitally signed

by Ajay Govind
Govind Ranade
Date: 2022.11.08
Signature : Ranade 12:01:23 +05'30'

Name of the Company Secretary : Ajay Ranade

Address A G Ranade & Associates
Company Secretaries,
2, Gr Fl, B Wing, Om Sai Prasad
Bldg, Shivaji Nagar, Thane (W)
Membership No. : FCS 6199
CP No. : 6231
Peer Review Cert. No. : 1772/2022
ICSI UDIN : F006199D001545803

Date: 8th Nov, 2022

Place: Thane

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