Aparent Xime
Aparent Xime
Aparent Xime
Advisor: Dr TEKALEGN
Submission Date: November 10
Table content page
LIST OF ACRONYMS...................................................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT …………………………………………………………………..............................II
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Threats and opportunities of organization.....................................................................................................9
4.3 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................10
4.4 Recommendation.........................................................................................................................................11
CBE-Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
HRM-Human Resources Management
FP-Financial Performance
BBO-branch business operation
BOO-branch operation officers.
CSM- Customer services manager
ATM-Automatic Tailor machine
At the beginning, thanks for God make us to stay in life to this day and enables us to complete
our practical attachment, and next we would like to thanks to manager.
, assistant manager good supporters to us and other employees for their critical comments and
make our practical attachment to have the present shape. Then we would like to thank Addis
Ababa University specifically college of business and economics for giving us this practical
attachment, which supported us to gate experience from the organization, and all member of the
organization who involved in our practical attachment by giving us some information about the
organization and supported by giving some materials which are essential for us to perform our
Finally, we want to express our thanks and appreciation for all individuals who supported and
encouraged us in one way or another to finalize this study.
This practical attachment was conducted to assess professional practice in CBE
Akaki Kela branch. The attachment helps an organization accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic discipline to evaluate and improve the
efficiencies of risk management control and governance president attachment
fried to assess the factors, strength, and weakness with regard to professional
practice in CBE Akaki Kela branch. Based on the conclusion and the finding the
professional practice of CBE in Akaki Kela branch relatively better and follow the
theoretical aspects of professional practice.
Today’s world is growing in an increasingly rapidly changing environment. Business markets have become
much more competitive. To compete in such an overcrowded and interactive marketplace, banks must look
beyond the traditional marketing mix of marketing strategy, which is no longer enough to be implemented for
achieving competitive advantage. According to Zeithaml and Bitner (1996), Service quality is an overall
judgment like attitude towards the service and generally accepted as a predecessor of general customer
satisfaction. The ability of the organization to meet customer expectations is called service quality. Service
business operators often check and measure the service quality offered to their customers to; develop their
service, and to promptly recognize problems for a better assessment of client satisfaction. Service quality
today is an important concept in service research. It is practically impossible for a business organization to
survive without building customer satisfaction and trustworthiness. Research has shown repeatedly that,
service quality influences organizational outcome such as performance superiority, increasing sales profit,
and market share, improves customer relations, enhance corporate image, and promote customer loyalty
(Newman et al., 2001).
In recent times, the search for quality is maybe the most important consumer trend as requires higher quality
in services than ever before. Particularly in service rendering institute, providing high-quality service is
fundamental for their sustained continuation (Harris, 1996). Service quality is very significant, and it is an
essential consideration for an organization to do better than their competitions. Quality is the deviation from
standard; such delineation can yield a high proportion of consumer’s financial success or failure (Kottler,
2012). Customer satisfaction is influenced by customers’ perceptions and expectations of quality (Zeithaml
and Bitner, 2000). It is essential in the sector of banking because service character is known by a severe
contact with customers of various needs and demand for personalized solutions and significant issues towards
success in today’s competitive business environment (Climes, 2008). The Satisfied customer can turn into
good customer relationship that creates customer delight, in turn; the delighted customer remains loyal
(Kotler, 2012).
Ethiopian Banks are encounter lots of challenges that emanate from high competition among different
existing banks. As a result, various strategies are planned to keep customers to enhance the service quality
stage and measured as the main success factor. At the present time service quality has received much
awareness because satisfied customers are a key to the long-term relationship of business success (Zeithaml et
At present, most Ethiopia banks are affected by the network failure; high waiting time and system
disturbance which caused belated service delivery time. Even if the CBE adopts rapid improvement by
Implementation of BPR. Still, there are customer complaint of network failure, power interruptions, and low
accessibility of ATM machines in the branches of CBE (Ayenew, 2014).
CBE is a bank that introduce modern banking to the country and the first bank to introduce
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) services for local users. CBE is also introduced Western
Union Money Transfer services early 1990’s and currently working with other money transfer
agents like Xpress Money, Money Gram, Dahabshiil, etc. Currently CBE has merged with
construction and Business bank and increased its market size and capital.
Akaki Kela Branch is one of the oldest branches of commercial bank of Ethiopia. It was in Addis
Ababa. Commercial bank of Ethiopia Akaki Kela Branch started working within few employees
but, currently there are 53 permanent employees and 23 additional as February 24, 2022, and it
has around 57675 customers.
In general, by adopting or accepting different modern working technical commercial bank of
Ethiopia in Akaki Kela branch tries to achieve it is vision, mission and to bring desired economic
development in the country.
a. Primary function
Three types of primary function
Acceptance of Deposit
b. Secondary Function
Two types of secondary function
Agency service like collection and payment of checks, standing instructions , collecting
electricity, gas, and telephone bills.
Miscellaneous or General Service; safe custody, remittances, advisory roles, opening
LCS and other services like Debit Card, Credit Card and etc.
1.3.3 Core values of organization
Integrity, Commitment to act in an honest and trustworthy manner. Commitment to firmly adhere
to ethical principles and standards.
Service excellence
Promote efficient and effective services and maximum values for money. Commitment to be the
preferred brand in service quality.
They take ownership and personal responsibility for all what they do.
They are responsive to the needs and interests of their customers.
They maintain confidentiality and privacy of all customers.
They promote the delegation of duties and responsibilities.
Learning Organization
They establish a culture that nurtures individual and group learning.
They retain and disseminate tacit knowledge across the bank.
They respect one another and cooperate in their work.
They recognize the importance of teamwork for their success.
1.4 Organizational Structure
Organizational structure is the most important part for office to achieve its objectives and
Branch Manager. An employee who oversees the operation of the bank.
He is responsible for managing resources and staff.
Chief Cashier. An employee who oversees the cashier staff and overall
function of retail store.
interest rate than others.
3.3 Threats and opportunities of organization
❖ Some employees have not enough knowledge about their position.
4.3 Conclusion
This practical attachment contains information including introduction, background of the
organization, organization’s structure and its present performance, the main function or core
activities of the host organization, mission, vision, and values. It also presents the activities of the
department, staff establishment, duties and responsibilities and detailed descriptions are
As we discussed, the organization has its own problems that hinder it from its mission vision.
Goals of branch has many problems such as: - lack of skill Labor force, lack of modern
equipment like printer, computer, etc.
On the other hand, there are also favorable conditions in the organization that helps to achieve its
objectives effectively and efficiently. This is an opportunity. It also describes the activity report
that conducted and the department which we participated and major activities and performance
evaluation of our activity we also forwarded problems encountered on the job and solution which
we have taken to solve these problems.
The explanation for attachment evaluation part is given in brief way which includes benefits of
practical attachment, description of SWOT, possible problems, challenges encountered, how
challenges solved and so on. We observed some issues like the professional status of the staff
members, punctuality of the staff members and gender in the organization.
Generally, we have got some experience, due to this practical attachment such as how to work in
cooperation with others, etc. The main problem we found is that society has low information
about banking system, negative attitude of society toward the term bank and department. Lack of
information and lack of enough time are other problems; however, we have tried to do our best in
order to overcome or give related solutions to those challenges.
4.4 Recommendation
While doing our practical attachment, we observe some issue in lens of our eyes. Therefore, we
would like to suggest on some issues that we observed during accomplish our practical
attachment in Robe district at commercial bank of Ethiopia Akaki Kela branch. Firstly, we would
like to suggest the effort of the office toward promoting development of bank system study area.
The banking system is the process of treating every banking activity and also, it’s a way of
creating relationships with customers. It is a development issues that recognize the involvement
(participation) of both man and women in development process.
However, the office is lagged to promote growth which is the backbone of development. This is
due to a lack of enough information in the organization, which play a great role to meet its
objective. The organization needs to change this situation by looking for bank expert that play a
great role to promote banking system.
Finally, we would like to suggest to Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Akaki Kela branch have to
work properly to achieve their goals and to address other problems by working in cooperation
with other organization, especially non-governmental organization.
To create job opportunities in the near feature in the feature in the organization.
To promote himself in the organization.
After graduation, it helps to reduce the difficulties on work.
To match the theoretical aspects of learning with the real working environment
The annual report of the company by the April 9 of 2019
The website of the organization; www.combank.et, http//www.CBE service /PROD/Browser
The interview; information from the employers of the organization.
The daily and weekly activities.