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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
(b) Draw flag register of 8086 and explain any four flags.
[1 of 4] P.T.O.
22415 [2 of 4]
3. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
(d) Write an ALP for addition of series of 8-bit number using procedure.
(a) Define logical and effective address. Describe physical address generation
process in 8086. If DS = 345A H and SI = 13DC H. Calculate physical address.
(i) DW
(ii) EQU
(iii) ASSUME
(vi) EVEN
(a) Describe any 6 addressing modes of 8086 with one example of each,
(ii) Multiply AL by 04 H
(c) Write an ALP to reverse a string. Also draw flowchart for same.
22415 [4 of 4]
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
1. Attempt any FIVE : 10
[1 of 2] P.T.O.
22415 [2 of 2]
3. Attempt any THREE : 12
(a) Explain memory segmentation in 8086 and list its advantages. (any two)
(b) Write on ALP to count the number of positive and negative numbers in array.
(c) Write ALP to find the sum of series. Assume series of 10 numbers.
(d) With the neat sketches demonstrate the use of re-entrant and recursive