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Unit 1: Exercise 1

Điền các từ được tô màu vào các ô trống trong các câu 1-7 để mô tả quy trình sx
trà bán vào sthi.

260 degrees 3 years by hand in boxes indoors supermarket


1. Grown for _____________

2. Picked ______________
3. Left to rest (outdoors or ______________ )
4. Dried at ______________ for two hours
5. Teabags packed ______________
6. Delivered to ________________
7. Customer buys ______________

Unit 1: Exercise 2
Khi viết về 1 qui trình trong IELTS Writing Task 1, bạn NÊN chỉ sử dụng
những thông tin quan trọng trong sơ đồ . Không mô tả những thông tin không
quan trọng hoặc đưa ý kiến cá nhân vào bài viết. Hãy chọn trong những ghi chú
dưới đây, thông tin nào quan trọng và không quan trọng ( IMPORTANT/

1. Sun shining a lot. Important / Not important
2. Tea grows for three years. Important / Not important
3. Person picking tea is female. Important / Not important
4. Tea picked by hand. Important / Not important
5. Tea left to rest outdoors or indoors. Important / Not important
6. Round machine has open lid. Important / Not important
7. Tea in drying machine for two hours. Important / Not important
8. Tea is dried at 260°C. Important / Not important
9. Put in box at packaging stage. Important / Not important
10. Delivered to supermarket. Important / Not important
11. Tea is finally bought by customers. Important / Not important

Unit 1: Exercise 5
Đọc bài mô tả dưới đây và trả lời câu hỏi phía dưới :

The diagram explains how tea is produced before it is sold in supermarkets. Supermarkets in
my country sell a lot of tea.It shows several stages of production from the growing and
picking stages to when lorries deliver the tea to supermarkets and when customers buy it
while they are shopping. There are seven main stages between the tea being planted and
being bought.

First of all, the tea is grown for three years when it is picked by hand. After that, the tea is left
to rest either outdoors or indoors. After this comes the packaging stage. The dried tea is made
into teabags and the teabags are put into boxes. The boxes are then packed into lorries. The
lorries are very big. The lorries deliver the tea to the supermarkets. Tea is a healthy drink.
1. Has the student used all of the important information?

o Yes
o No

2. Has the student given his or her own opinion or used any information that is not

o Yes
o No

3. Is the report long enough?

o Yes
o No

Unit 1: Exercise 6
Nhìn lại sơ đồ. Sau đó đặt các đoạn in màu phía dưới đúng thứ tự bài mô tả.

The diagram explains how tea is produced before it is sold in supermarkets.

First of all, the tea is grown for three years when it is picked by hand. After that, the tea is
left to rest either outdoors or indoors. Next, it is put in a drying machine where it is dried
for two hours. The temperature during this stage of the process should be just over 260°C.

It shows several stages of production from the growing and picking stages to when lorries
deliver the tea to supermarkets and when customers buy it while they are shopping. There
are seven main stages between the tea being planted and being bought.

It shows several stages of production from the growing and picking stages to when lorries
deliver the tea to supermarkets and when customers buy it while they are shopping. There
are seven main stages between the tea being planted and being bought.





Unit 1: Exercise 7
Chọn bức tranh (a-g) ứng với các câu mô tả phía dưới

1. First of all, the tea is grown for three years.

2. Then it is picked by hand.
3.After that, the tea is left to rest either outdoors or indoors.
4. Next, it is put in a drying machine where it is dried for two
hours. The temperature during this stage of the process should be
just over 260°C.
5. After this comes the packaging stage. The dried tea is made
into teabags and the teabags are put into boxes.
6. The boxes are then packed into lorries. The lorries deliver the
tea to the supermarkets.
7. Finally, customers buy the tea when they are shopping.

Unit 1: Exercise 8
Đọc bảng ví dụ dưới đây. Sau đó hoàn thành các câu dưới ở dạng bị động.

To make a present simple passive sentence, you take the object of the verb in
the active sentence (e.g. the tea) + am/is/are + past participle (e.g. grown).


Workers grow the tea for three years.

This sentence is active.

The tea is grown for three years.

This sentence is passive.
1. Workers pick the tea by hand.
The tea ______________ by hand.

2. Workers keep the good oranges.

The good oranges ___________________.

3. Workers ship the coffee in fridges.

The coffee ________________ in fridges.

4. Workers pack the apples into lorries.

The apples __________________ into lorries.

5. The lorries deliver the rice to the supermarket.

The rice ________________ to the supermarket.

6. Customers buy the chocolate in the supermarket.

The chocolate _______________ n the supermarket.

Unit 1: Exercise 9
Viết các cụm từ được tô màu dưới đây vào các ô trống dưới hình ảnh phù hợp:

Buying Stage Checking Stage Delivery Stage Growing Stage

Picking Stage Resting Stage Shipping Stage


Unit 1: Exercise 10

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram shows the process of growing bananas for selling in supermarkets.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Hãy viết vào ô phía dưới theo đúng cú pháp bài văn.
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