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Energy Audit in MadonnaUniversity Nigeria

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE)

Volume 1, Issue 2, December-2015. ISSN 2380-8128

Energy Audit of Madonna University Akpugo Campus

Divine N. Utazi, Benjamin O. Ezurike

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madonna University Nigeria, Akpugo Campus.
E-mail: divinendubuisi@gmail.com

Abstract - This paper examines the energy use pattern of the staff lodges and student hostels of Madonna
University Nigeria, Akpugo Campus in a bid to achieve energy efficiency. The electricity utility bills of 2 years (2013
– 2015) were extracted from the University to complement data collected from walk-through and comprehensive
audits. Investigations show that 57% of the respondents are not aware of energy efficiency; 87.6% of the total number
of the respondents sampled use incandescent light bulbs in their rooms while 12.5% use compact fluorescent lights.
Out of the number, only 39.8% remember to turn off lights when leaving a room while 60.2% do not, thus suggesting
the need for awareness creation for energy efficiency promotion in the hostels/lodges in addition to replacement of
the inefficient incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights. An internal energy policy, awareness creation and
establishment of an energy management unit in the University system are some of the measures that can guarantee
good savings.
Keywords – Audit, Electricity, Energy, Energy efficiency.

1. INTRODUCTION depend on low and high pour fuel oils. These

industries are now within big cities and highly
Electricity is fundamental and inevitable developed urban areas. For the small towns
to our daily living as it lightens our environ- and villages, the bulk of the small – scale in-
ment, powers our homes, schools, hospitals, dustries is operated on diesel generators for
offices, businesses, and promotes industrial- bakeries, small - scale steel works, small -
ization. Stable energy supply is of vital impor- scale ceramic/pottery works etc.[1], [2], [3],
tance for the wealth of a country. [4], [5], [6].
Electric energy availability, consump- Energy consumption is increasing
tion and costs in universities with resident worldwide as a result of increasing population,
students and staff lodges can present a formi- the quest for better standards of living and
dable challenge to any responsible adminis- emphasis on large-scale industrialization in
tration. This is because its availability or oth- developing countries, thus sustaining positive
erwise can have profound effects not only on economic growth rates [7], [8]. Precise energy
academic activities but also on the social and projections provide the foundation for daily
economic activities in the system. operations, market planning, and budgeting
In Nigeria energy is supplied to insti- and risk management [9]. For this reason, the
tutions from both the electricity utility com- efficient use of energy is a worthy adventure.
panies and diesel generating sets. There is a Energy efficiency is the extent to which
high dependency on the latter as a result of energy is used effectively in your business to
inadequate and intermittent supply from the deliver products and services to your custom-
utility company. Unfortunately, this has been ers. By becoming energy efficient, you avoid
found to be very expensive and environmen- unnecessary consumption of energy. Achiev-
tally unfriendly. The consumption of energy in ing energy efficiency in your business, institu-
the form of fossil fuel combustion is the larg- tion or home will involve a number of activi-
est single contributor to anthropogenic green- ties such as behaviour change, which may or
house gas emissions in the world. The emis- may not be coupled with smarter equipment
sion of these gasses into the atmosphere has choices and use. Understanding how and
resulted in what is now generally known as where you use energy is an important first
climate change or global warming. The large step, more important than just buying new
industries in Nigeria are energy intensive and equipment that consumes less power.
Therefore to effectively address the issue
of rising energy bills, implementation of en-
Corresponding Author ergy efficiency programs in all the universities
Divine N. Utazi in Nigeria presents the most reasonable and
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madonna cost-effective means of achieving energy bill
University Nigeria, Akpugo Campus. reduction while maintaining quality service
IJSRISE © 2015.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE)
Volume 1, Issue 2, December-2015. ISSN 2380-8128

delivery. Furthermore, engagement in energy sity buys electricity from the national grid and
efficiency measures in the university will pro- distributes same to offices, students’ hostels,
vide a source of compounding gain in reducing staff lodges and business units located within
greenhouse gas emissions from utilities since the community. Due to frequent power outag-
every kWh of electricity consumed or saved is es that often lead to frustrating disruptions in
equivalent to the emission (or avoidance of the services, the university maintains diesel gen-
emission) of 0.44kg CO2. Energy efficiency erators to provide electricity during such in-
programs designed and implemented as part terruptions. The campus has a generator with
of the overall institutional development policy a capacity of 250KVA and also a smaller one
strategy will reduce energy bills as well as en- with a capacity of 60KVA.
hance environmental performance [11].
Energy audit defined as “a study to de-
termine the quantity and cost of each form of 4. METHODOLOGY
energy to a building, process... over a given
period” and energy surveys “a technical in- The methodology used in this work is
vestigation of the control and flow of energy the billing energy audit method for energy con-
in a facility etc with the aim of identifying sumption analysis and facility walk-through
cost-effective energy saving measures” [10] for energy use survey. Electricity consumption
are both essential components of an energy ef- data and costs for a period of about 2 years
ficiency program. They provide data required (2013- 2015) were extracted from the utility
to make informed decisions on which are the bills kept at the registration office of the Uni-
most cost-effective measures of an energy effi- versity. The data indicated actual consumption
ciency program to be implemented. Generally within each month of the year.
energy audit provides an institution with bet- The walk-through energy audit of the
ter means for learning from past experiences: students’ hostels and staff lodges was under-
a platform for proper planning, policy formu- taken at night and during the day for physi-
lation, resource allocation and improving en- cal observations of the different kinds of light
ergy consumption [11]. fixtures. Electricity usage in the hostels and
lodges is for lighting, fan cooling, ironing, and
supplemental cooking with hot plates and for
2. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF playing musical sets.
MADONNA UNIVERSITY It is difficult to determine and isolate
the exact quantity of electricity consumed by
Madonna University is the first private students and staffs from the overall consump-
university in Nigeria. Founded on 10 May tion at any given period since the hostels and
1999 in Okija, Anambra State, it was estab- lodges are not metered.
lished by Rev. Father Emmanuel M. P. Edeh. An energy walk through of the students’
The university offers various courses includ- hostels and staff lodges reveals that lighting is
ing Law, Management, Natural Sciences, So- provided by mainly 60W incandescent bulbs
cial Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Engi- and 13W compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)
neering [12]. Madonna University has three while cooking/heating is mainly done by a
campuses, Okija Campus, Elele Campus and kerosene stove. Also, hot plates and electric
Akpugo Campus. Akpugo campus was es- stove and cookers of various ratings are ‘un-
tablished in 2010, which is Faculty of Engi- lawfully’ used for supplemental cooking in
neering Campus and is located at akpugo in staff lodges. In order to arrive at a good es-
Enugu State, Nigeria, some kilometers away timation of electricity consumption profile
from its sister campus at Elele in River state. of resident students and staffs, 300 copies of
The campus has several staff lodges and stu- questionnaires detailing the major areas of
dents hostels. electricity use by students and staff were ad-
ministered to about 300 rooms/persons across
the hostels and lodges, out of which 241 per-
3. ENERGY SITUATION AT son/rooms supplied answers to the questions
AKPUGO CAMPUS posed. An aspect of the statistics relevant to
study is shown in Table 1, showing the num-
The primary energy types in use in the ber of respondents and of those aware of en-
university are electricity from the national ergy efficiency. Figure 1 shows the percentage
grid and diesel, used for electricity self-gen- of respondents aware of energy efficiency.
eration in diesel generating sets. The univer- Since the University has only one maximum
IJSRISE © 2015.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE)
Volume 1, Issue 2, December-2015. ISSN 2380-8128

demand meter that records consumption in the

entire community, electricity consumption at-
tributable to staffs and students living in the
hostels and lodges was estimated from infor-
mation in the questionnaire.
Table 1: Number of respondents aware
of energy efficiency.

Fig 3: Annual Electricity Cost Profile




6.1. Lighting use analysis

From Table 2 it can be seen that 87.6%
of the total number of the respondents sam-
pled use 60W incandescent light bulbs in their
rooms while 12.5% use 13W CFLs. Out of
the number, only 39.8% remember to turn off
lights when leaving a room while 60.2% do
not, thus suggesting the need for awareness
creation for energy efficiency promotion in the
hostels/lodges in addition to replacement of
the inefficient incandescent bulbs with CFLs.
Fig. 1: Percentage of respondents aware
of energy efficiency. Table 2: Light analysis.

5. Historical Energy Consumption

Figures 2 and 3 shows the average
monthly consumption and the annual cost pro-
file in millions of Naira respectively. The de-
crease in electricity consumption in 2014 as
compared to the previous year is attributed to
increase in power failure, and in 2015, there is
a relative increase in power supply within the
campus from the national grid.
6.2 Electric appliance use analysis
Laptops, notebooks or netbooks gener-
ally use less power than desktop computers,
because they are designed to run on a battery
and to be more power efficient. The power
consumption of a laptop depends on the screen
size; typically you will find power consump-
tion as low as 20 watts and up to 100 watts
when running off the battery. When charging
Fig. 2: Average monthly electricity the laptop battery power consumption will in-
consumption (2013-2015) crease 10 to 20 percent, we estimate that 60
IJSRISE © 2015.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE)
Volume 1, Issue 2, December-2015. ISSN 2380-8128

watts is average power consumption for a 14- 7. RECOMMENDATION

15 inch laptop when plugged in. Ceiling fans
range in size from 36 inches to 56 inches us- Based on the discussion and data from
ing 55 to 100 watts, to avoid overestimation this audit survey, the following can be recom-
of results, we assumed 60 watts as the Ceiling mended as measures to conserve energy:
fan rating. It is also assumed here that students • The school management should en-
and staff iron their clothes for an average of 15 sure that CFLs is in use in all the
minutes a day. building
Table 3 shows the electric appliances • The management should implement
and number of the appliances used by the re- policies regarding energy saving
spondents in each hostels and lodges. Using measures
statistics from the energy use survey in the • The management should employ an
hostels and lodges, appliances energy con- energy efficiency manager that will
sumption are estimated as shown in Table 4. be responsible for the energy situa-
From the estimation, 41% of the energy con- tion of the school
sumption is by Ceiling fans and 37% by In- • Lights should be switched off when
candescent lights, thus suggesting the need not in use especially during the day
for awareness creation for energy efficiency, • The management should implement
while CFLs, electric irons, laptops consumed an automated lighting system, which
1%, 5%, 16% respectively (Fig. 4). helps in switching off street lights
Table 3: Electric appliances use. automatically during the day.
• There should be proper documenta-
tion of electric energy consumption
within the campus
• Electric meters should be installed
in each of the Hostel/Lodges, to
monitor/curtail power wastages and
thereby reduce energy cost on elec-
tric power.

Table 4: Estimation of energy consump- 8. CONCLUSIONS

tion of each appliance
The need for energy supply, particularly
electricity, has been on the increase in the last
two decades in developing countries such as
Nigeria. Thus, if universities are to achieve
the goals of teaching, research and community
service, then proper management of electricity
supplied to the system is needed in view of
its limited availability. Energy Audit should be
seen as an effective energy management tool.
By identifying and implementing the means
to achieve energy efficiency and conservation,
not only can energy savings be achieved, but
also equipment/system services life can be ex-
tended. All these mean savings in money.

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Volume 1, Issue 2, December-2015. ISSN 2380-8128

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IJSRISE © 2015.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering (IJSRISE)
Volume 1, Issue 2, December-2015. ISSN 2380-8128

IJSRISE © 2015.

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