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Mikael Abera &
Marsimoi Daga

Under the guidance of

Mr. Tade

Chapter One................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Statement of the problem.....................................................................................................................5
1.3 Significance of project...........................................................................................................................6
1.4 Objectives..............................................................................................................................................6
1.4.1 General objectives..........................................................................................................................6
1.4.2 Specific or Immediate objective......................................................................................................6
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Projects.....................................................................................................6
1.5.1 Scope of the project.......................................................................................................................6
1.5.2 Limitation of the project.................................................................................................................7
1.6 Methodology and Tools.........................................................................................................................7
1.6.1 Data collection methodology..........................................................................................................7
1.6.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology......................................................................................7
1.6.3 System development tools.................................................................................................................8 Hardware requirement................................................................................................................8 Software requirement.................................................................................................................8
1.7 Project Management Technique...........................................................................................................9
1.7.1 Project Schedule (gnat chart. Pert chart, etc.)................................................................................9
1.7.2 Project Budget(cost break down estimation).................................................................................9
1.7.3 Project Work Break Down structure, responsibility, and Deliverables.........................................10
1.7.4 Risk Analysis, identification, mitigation and monitoring...............................................................10
1.8 Feasibility of the project......................................................................................................................10
1.8.1 Economic Feasibility.....................................................................................................................11
1.8.2 Technical Feasibility......................................................................................................................12
1.8.3 Political Feasibility........................................................................................................................13
1.8.4 Operational feasibility...................................................................................................................13
The main objective of this project is to develop a library management system that enable to
reserve, borrow and return the books automated on the web. The implementation of this project
is by using PHP, MYSQL and some java script code. The system that we want to develop for
MWU social net is with simple graphical user interface, so that users can use and interact with
the system in a simple way and user friendly manner. This project examines how system flow
and work process on the library management system. It shows and solves the process of the
library system and make it automated. The former work of the library is all manual and makes
tedious most of the librarian and members in it all activity and its process. So we try our best to
solve the above problem as much as we can. To make satisfied all the members and librarian by
the work of the process and make the system secure and fast.

First and foremost and above all our biggest thanks would be to Almighty God because nothing
could be possible without his free will and the completion of this project is supported by him.
Secondly, our deepest thanks goes to our co-advisor Mr. Tade for guiding and correcting various
documents of ours with attention and care. They have taken pain to go through the project and
made necessary correction as and when needed.
In addition, we would like to forward our special words of gratitude to MWU library system
librarian who helped us by providing information and by giving useful documents and materials
that are useful for our project.
We would also thank our Department and Our project coordinator without whom this project
would have been a distant reality.

Chapter One
Library is regarded as the brain of any institute; many institutes understand the importance of the
library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users (students). LMS support the general
requirement of the library like cataloguing, circulation. Library project system that offers many
flexible and convenient features, allowing librarians and library users to maximize their
efficiency and satisfaction. Library System gives the all detailed information about books and
other types of magazine. It will track on how many books available in library and books issued to
the students and staff. It helps to trace back most popular books among the students. It will
protect book lost in library.
1.1 Background
Madda Walabu University is one of the governmental higher level educational institutions in
Ethiopia. currently in Madda Walabu University have more than 4 schools, 6 collages above 32
different departments found and 8 under graduate class, and have three(3) campuses these are
main(Robe) campus, Shashemanne Campus and referral teaching hospital (Goba) Campus.
The university provides many important services for all the university communities therefore;
one of the most important services is library system. It store and distribute source of information
such as educational books and some entertains magazine for expensive use and extension of
Madda Walabu University main (Robe) campus have 4 different libraries which are:-
1. The Natural Library - provides services for all students but only has natural science books.
2. Social Library – provides services for all students but only has social science books.
3. Techno Library - provides services for all students but only has Technology reference
books. Mainly this library give service for computing and engineering students.
4. Law Library – provides services for all students but only has Law Reference books.

Those all libraries provide 24 hour services every day, except holiday, Sunday and other special
cases. Some of the facilities in the library include references books, different newspapers and
magazines, research and other documentations.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Main disadvantages of the manual system vs advantage of the digital system.
 Wastage of resource like
I. Time:-as we all know time is the most essential thing for our all day to day activities so the
manual system kill our time when it compare to our digital system. Cause 3 the user don’t need
to come personally instead they can access whatever they need where ever they are there only
need is internet.
II. Plants: - as we all know all papers are made up of woods so it cause for the global warming
and the digital system doesn’t need this hard copy papers this means indirectly it is saving our
world. Etc.
 Equipment losing during loaning and returning books:- we analyze in our observation
time there is some equipment loose such as student ID means when they take books there
ID is
put in the library at this moment some students take another students ID. So this system
will completely solve this problem because the student doesn’t need to give his ID.
 It is difficult to search the books :- we all know that it is very tedious to search all books
manually by using the pocket code but in the digital system the books are properly well
organized and differentiate each other and also can use searching fields by entering the
books code in the provide field.
 Loss of books:-in the manual system books may lose with in a different reason like
stilling the books, books may order in the wrong place etc.

1.3 Significance of project

Library is the center of getting knowledge for users. The aim of our project is producing
successful and knowledgeable students and teachers. We will solve problems that take place
when they use
The new system gives the following benefits:
 it will Save resources in retrieving, storing, searching, modifying and removing data
 it will Make borrowing, returning, renewing fast and efficiently
 it will register the users information carefully
 it will and renew resources

1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 General objectives
The objective of our study is to draw out and specify the basic requirements for our system and
changed manual system into automated.
1.4.2 Specific or Immediate objective
 To reduce cost and other relational things.
 to give reliable search facility for the users
 to produce efficient books for the user
 to decrease loses of resources and other additional tasks
 To make it easy for the workers
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Projects
1.5.1 Scope of the project
Mainly our project focus on the circulation management of the library and cataloging system.
After developing our project (website) it will provide the following services:-
 To add or update members & books.
 Manage in specifications for the systems based on the client’s need.
 The system includes all possible available books found in the book store so that one can
check what is available inside the book store without manually search.
 Addition to this it enables the university library managers and workers to control daily
attendance and easily submit work report.
 The system will have large Storage Capacity books and other relative material.
 Quick search facility for the users.
 Quick transaction of booking systems.
 Make Computerization all the activities of the system, so it makes Easy to update the
books and also provide all necessary services for databases such as updating and
searching information
 Users can access the library databases easily by using the graphical interfaces with simple
computer knowledge.
1.5.2 Limitation of the project
This project has some of limitations; like:-
 Do not put about the branch libraries of the university
 Due to the lack of excess information we cannot put the financing system of the libraries

1.6 Methodology and Tools

METHODOLOGY: is a way of gathering information through different techniques. We will use
to get data in the following mechanisms.
1.6.1 Data collection methodology
We collected the needed data or information for the project from the library workers especially
from the manager.
 Practical Observation
We all are the group members are library users so practically we know it.
 Document Analysis
We also used (obtained) different documents of the library, such as the manually the used.
 Interview
The team used open ended questionnaires by direct contact with the library manager and
the workers.
1.6.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology
After the requirement is fully elicited, the next step to be done is analysis model. This model is a
bridge to design model. Analysis model focus on requirement that is visible within the problem.
Each element we analysis will add to an overall understanding of software requirements and
provide insight into the information domain, function and behavior of the system.
The preceding step after analysis model is design model. In this step we will plan a solution. To
work on those models we use the following tools. Visio 2010 will be used on models. In analysis
model we will be using it to draw use case diagram, Sequence diagram and activity diagram. In
design modeling we will be using it to draw class and other diagrams. In designing model to
draw the graphical interface we will be using pencil proto typing. After the document is
completed the work that will follow is creating the system. This programming language php will
be used for the application development that communicates with the database. The database will
be created using MS-Access. Generally in our design and analysis we use object oriented
concept rather than structural system analysis since object-oriented model enable us to
thoroughly respect complex relationship and represent data and processing with a consistent
notation, which allow an evolutionary process. Thus it improves system quality and productivity
of system analysis and design. Data are analyzed through Use case Diagram, Activity Diagram,
sequence diagram and class diagram. After analysis the design models conducted by deployment,
and component. According to the time schedule, all the process will be carried on. Data
collection is being first as already we started some part and the other process is also continuing
The documentation part partially completed with the following three months and the remaining
documentation part and coding will be conducted next four month.

1.6.3 System development tools Hardware requirement
The hardware this system needs to be operated is:
 Desk top computer for overall operation
 Laptop computer as alternative use
 CD for data backup (hold setup)
 Printer to print report by hard copy. Software requirement
 MYSQL to record the books, the user information and the employers.
 PHP used to create pages and user forms.
 Xamp server used as a server
 Microsoft office to the documentation
 Java script to validate forms
1.7 Project Management Technique
1.7.1 Project Schedule (gnat chart. Pert chart, etc.)

Activity January February March April

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4





1.7.2 Project Budget(cost break down estimation)

Item name Quantity Unit price Total price

Paper One packet 150 birr 150

Pen 5 20 100



1.7.3 Project Work Break Down structure, responsibility, and Deliverables

1.7.4 Risk Analysis, identification, mitigation and monitoring

1.8 Feasibility of the project

A feasibility study assesses the operational, technical and economic merits of the proposed
project. The feasibility study is intended to be a preliminary review of the facts to see if it is
worthy of proceeding to the analysis phase. From the systems analyst perspective, the feasibility
analysis is the primary tool for recommending whether to proceed to the next phase or to
discontinue the project.

The feasibility study is a management-oriented activity. The objective of a feasibility study is to

find out if an information system project can be done and
to suggest possible alternative solutions.

Projects are initiated for two broad reasons:

• Problems that lend themselves to systems solutions
• Opportunities for improving through: (a) upgrading systems (b) altering systems (c)
installing new systems
A feasibility study should provide management with enough information to decide:
• Whether the project can be done?
• Whether the final product will benefit its intended users and organization
• What are the alternatives among which a solution will be chosen
• Is there a preferred alternative
• How beneficial or practical the development of an information system would be to an
And for the System to be act as worth-while it should passed through some test that examine that
it should proceed further or not. This series of test is commonly known as feasibility study on the
system and it plays a very vital role for every system projects. Feasibility studies undergo four
major analyses to predict the system to be success and they are as follows:-
• Operational Feasibility
• Technical Feasibility
• Schedule Feasibility
• Economic Feasibility
1.8.1 Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis could also be referred to as cost/benefit analysis. It is the most frequently
used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. In economic analysis the
procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and
compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and
implement the system. An entrepreneur must accurately weigh the cost versus benefits before
taking an action.
Possible questions raised in economic analysis are:
• Is the system cost effective?
• Do benefits outweigh costs?
• The cost of doing full system study
• The cost of business employee time
• Estimated cost of hardware
• Estimated cost of software/software development
• Is the project possible, given the resource constraints?
• What are the savings that will result from the system?
• Cost of employees' time for study
• Cost of packaged software/software development
• Selection among alternative financing arrangements (rent/lease/purchase)
The concerned business must be able to see the value of the investment it is pondering before
committing to an entire system study. If short-term costs are not overshadowed by long-term
gains or produce no immediate reduction in operating costs, then the system is not economically
feasible, and the project should not proceed any further. If the expected benefits equal or exceed
costs, the system can be judged to be economically feasible. Economic analysis is used for
evaluating the effectiveness of the Proposed System. The economical feasibility will review the
expected costs to see if they are in-line with the projected budget or if the project has an
acceptable return on investment. At this point, the projected costs will only be a rough estimate.
The exact costs are not required to determine economic feasibility. It is only required to
determine if it is feasible that the project costs will fall within the target budget or return on
investment. A rough estimate of the project schedule is required to determine if it would be
feasible to complete the systems project within a required timeframe. The required timeframe
would need to be set by the organization.
1.8.2 Technical Feasibility
A large part of determining resources has to do with assessing technical feasibility. It considers
the technical requirements of the proposed project. The technical requirements are then
compared to the technical capability of the organization. The systems project is considered
technically feasible if the internal technical capability is sufficient to support the project
The analyst must find out whether current technical resources can be upgraded or added to in a
manner that fulfils the request under consideration. This is where the expertise of system
analysts is beneficial, since using their own experience and their contact with vendors they will
be able to answer the question of technical feasibility.
The essential questions that help in testing the operational feasibility of a system include the
• Is the project feasible within the limits of current technology?
• Does the technology exist at all?
• Is it available within given resource constraints?
• Is it a practical proposition?
• Manpower- programmers, testers & debuggers
• Software and hardware
• Are the current technical resources sufficient for the new system?
• Can they be upgraded to provide to provide the level of technology necessary for the new
• Do we possess the necessary technical expertise, and is the schedule reasonable?
• Can the technology be easily applied to current problems?
• Does the technology have the capacity to handle the solution?
• Do we currently possess the necessary technology?
Automated library system deals with the modern technology system that needs the well efficient
technical system to run this project. All the resource constrains must be in the favour of the better
influence of the system. Keeping all this facts in mind we had selected the favourable hardware
and software utilities to make it more feasible.

1.8.3 Political Feasibility

1.8.4 Operational feasibility
Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and
takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development .Operational
feasibility reviews the willingness of the organization to support the proposed system. This is
probably the most difficult of the feasibilities to gauge. In order to determine this feasibility, it is
important to understand the management commitment to the proposed project. If the request was
initiated by management, it is likely that there is management support and the system will be
accepted and used. However, it is also important that the employee base will be accepting of the
change. The operational feasibility is the one that will be used effectively after it has been
developed. If users have difficulty with a new system, it will not produce the expected benefits.
It measures the viability of a system in terms of the PIECES framework. The PIECES framework
can help in identifying operational problems to be solved, and their urgency:
Performance -- Does current mode of operation provide adequate throughput and response time?
• In comparison of the earlier process of maintaining data in the written mode on that
contrast this system plays a very important role in maintain the book management system and
makes the process of data entering so easier and user friendly.
Information -- Does current mode provide end users and managers with timely, pertinent,
accurate and usefully formatted information?
• System provides end users and managers with timely, pertinent, accurate and usefully
formatted information. Since all the user related information is being stored in the database
against a unique user ID, it will provide for meaningful and accurate data to the librarian. The
information handling in the current system is done manually. This results in scribbling of data
and loss of validity of data. The information handling in the proposed system will be
computerized and will automatically update. The human errors will be minimal. The data can be
easily updated, modified when required and will be validated before the data is processed into
the system.

Economy -- Does current mode of operation provide cost-effective information services to the
business? Could there be a reduction in costs and/or an increase in benefits?
• Determines whether the system offers adequate service level and capacity to reduce the
cost of the business or increase the profit of the business. The deployment of the proposed
system, manual work will be reduced and will be replaced by an IT savvy approach. Moreover, it
has also been shown in the economic feasibility report that the recommended solution is
definitely going to benefit the organization economically in the long run. In the existing system
the data are stored in ledgers and filing cabinets which require a lot of space and maintenance.
Access to certain data can be restricted by creating different levels of user accessibility.

Control -- Does current mode of operation offer effective controls to protect against fraud and to
guarantee accuracy and security of data and information?
• As its database does not contain any confidential information which can be misused so on
that contrast there should no use of any security corner for this system.
Efficiency -- Does current mode of operation makes maximum use of available resources,
including people, time, and flow of forms?
• Efficiency work is to ensure a proper workflow structure to store patient data; we can
ensure the proper utilization of all the resources. It determines whether the system make
maximum use of available resources including time, people, flow of forms, minimum processing
delay. In the current system a lot of time is wasted on paper work like making new records,
updating records. The proposed system will be a lot efficient in maintaining the record and easily
fetching out the required data.

Services -- Does current mode of operation provide reliable service? Is it flexible and
• The system is desirable and reliable services to those who need it and also whether the
system is flexible and expandable or not. The proposed system is very much flexible for better
efficiency and performance of the organization. The existing system can provide service only to
a limited number of users. There is very little room for change and hardly any scope for
expansion. The scalability of the proposed system will be inexhaustible as the storage capacity of
the system can be increased as per requirement. This will provide a strong base for expansion.
The new system will provide a high level of flexibility.

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