A Novel Cyberattack-Resilient Frequency Control Method For Interconnected Power Systems Using SMO-based Attack Estimation
A Novel Cyberattack-Resilient Frequency Control Method For Interconnected Power Systems Using SMO-based Attack Estimation
A Novel Cyberattack-Resilient Frequency Control Method For Interconnected Power Systems Using SMO-based Attack Estimation
This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 1
Abstract—Cyberattacks pose a significant threat to modern power signals over remote communication channels. The communication
systems due to the interaction of their physical components with of the physical system with its cyber layer is achieved through
information and communication technologies. A critical power system industrial network protocols, such as Distributed Network Protocol
application that is directly affected by such malicious activities
is the Load Frequency Control (LFC) system. The goal of the version 3.0 (DNP3) [6], a Inter-Control Center Communication
LFC is to maintain the power balance of the grid by sensing Protocol (ICCP) [7], etc. However, the vulnerabilities of these
frequency deviations and regulating the output of the generators. protocols [8], [9], expose the LFC to numerous cybersecurity
In this paper, an innovative False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) dangers, making it an ideal target for adversaries.
estimation method is proposed for LFC along with an efficient
cyberattack-resilient control design. The presented attack mitigation
Besides the common ICT cyberattacks, Cyber-Physical Systems
technique employs novel sliding mode techniques combined with (CPSs) also suffer from False Data Injection Attacks (FDIAs)
an unknown input observer to estimate the launched FDIAs. Then, [10]. LFC is highly sensitive to this cyber threat, as a typical
the estimated attack vector is used in the control loop to eliminate paradigm of CPS,. FDIAs can stealthily modify the data that are
the cyberattack impact on LFC. The introduced method can tackle exchanged across the communication links of LFC, leading the
FDIAs that target both measurements and control signals and is
resilient against external system disturbances. For the experiments,
physical system to deregulation and causing financial losses to the
several real-world features of power systems are considered, such as system operator. Therefore, it is very important to build defense
nonlinearities, network delays, diverse types of tie-lines and multiple methods that can mitigate the impact of FDIAs on LFC. To this
topologies of interconnected power regions, along with Hardware-in- end, attack estimation (AE) is a helpful method that provides full
the-Loop simulations for real-time assessment. The results verify the information about the FDIAs when they are launched and is the
effectiveness and the feasibility of the proposed method, its scalability
over various power systems and its superiority in comparison with
cornerstone of designing an attack-resilient control (ARC) scheme
other techniques. for LFC.
The criticality of the LFC has led to the proposal of several
Index Terms—Load frequency control, false data injection, attack
estimation, attack-resilient control. research works that estimate and mitigate FDIAs against LFC
using model-based, observer-based or data-driven methodologies.
Model-based methods take advantage of the system knowledge
I. I NTRODUCTION to minimize the impact of malicious activities. For instance,
real-time load forecasts are utilized in [7] to approximate the
T HE growing demand for electrical energy at worldwide
scale emphasizes the necessity for more reliable, secure and
environmentally friendly power systems. Currently, this is mainly
control signals of LFC. These approximated signals replace the
actual control inputs in the event of a cyberattack. However,
assisted by the Information and Communication Technologies the feasibility of this method needs more attention since it has
(ICT), which enable the effective monitoring and control of power not taken the LFC nonlinearities and Renewable Energy Sources
systems [1], [2], converting them into Smart Grids (SGs). Never- (RES) generation disturbances into consideration. Observer-based
theless, the integration of such physical systems with cyberspace techniques leverage the error dynamics produced by the designed
technologies makes them vulnerable to a wide range of digital observers to estimate and mitigate cyberattacks. For example,
risks. This is exemplified by a series of successful cyberattacks a robust adaptive observer that determines the magnitude of
against power systems that have been reported recently, such as FDIAs against LFC is developed in [11]. Moreover, a switching
the 2015 blackout in Ukraine [3], the Venezuelan power outage impulsive observer and a switching state observer are combined
in 2020 [4] and the ransomware attack against a German wind in [12] to compute the unknown FDIA vector and form an
farm operator [5] in 2022. Therefore, cybersecurity is a highly attack compensation controller. Nevertheless, these methods are
significant concern for the design of modern power systems. limited to cyberattacks against control signals and cannot handle
One of the most critical control center applications is the Load measurement attacks. Finally, data-driven approaches such as
Frequency Control (LFC) system, which is responsible for pre- [13] and [14] deploy different long short-term memory network
serving the power equilibrium of an electrical system. LFC senses architectures to neutralize cyberattacks against LFC. Despite their
power imbalances through frequency measurements and properly effectiveness, the training procedure of such neural networks is
regulates the setpoints of the generators under control. This typically expensive and computationally demanding.
power system automation collects sensor data and sends command The presented literature review identifies some serious technical
challenges and research gaps related to the design of attack-
A.D. Syrmakesis and N. D. Hatziargyriou are with the School of Electrical and resilient frequency control methods. These gaps are addressed
Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15773 Athens, in this paper through a novel combination of a Sliding Mode
Greece (e-mail: asirmakesis@power.ece.ntua.gr; nh@power.ece.ntua.gr).
H.H. Alhelou is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engi- Observer (SMO) and an Unknown Input Observer (UIO). The
neering, Monash University, Australia (e-mail: hassan.haesalhelou@monash.edu). main idea is to virtually separate the LFC system into subsystem-I,
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© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 2
which captures the effects from control signal attacks while being performance of the area generators is represented by an equivalent
immune to measurement attacks, and subsystem-II, which carries unit model. The typical SFR model of the ith (i = 1, 2, · · · , N )
the effects from measurement attacks while being resilient to LFC power area is illustrated in Fig. 1. This model is extensively
control signal attacks. Then, an SMO and a UIO are designed for used in the literature and by industries, such as ENTSO-E, to
subsystem-I and subsystem-II, respectively. In this methodology, analyze frequency response and design LFC systems. Therefore,
system disturbances cannot be completely decoupled from cyber- it is considered suitable for the proposed approach [15].
attacks but their impact is reduced by incorporating a predefined The differential-algebraic equations that describe the LFC sys-
H∞ disturbance attenuation level into the observers. The estima- tem dynamics of each area i can be obtained from Fig. 1.
tion errors generated by these observers provide the necessary The dynamic swing equation based on the active power balance
set of equations to approximate the attack signals. Consequently, between generation and demand is expressed as:
the produced estimations are used as supplementary inputs to the 1
control loop of the actual system in order to eliminate the effects ∆f˙i = (∆Pgi − Di ∆fi − ∆Ptiei − ∆PLi + ∆PRESi ) (1)
of the cyberattacks, forming an attack-resilient LFC. The main
contributions of this paper include: where the frequency deviation is denoted as ∆fi , the damping
• The proposal of the first research work that employs sliding
(load frequency relief) and inertia constants are represented by
mode techniques to estimate and mitigate FDIAs against Di and Hi , respectively, and the deviation of the tie-line power
LFC. interchange, load disturbance, and RES generation variation are
• The design of an accurate attack estimation method based on
denoted as ∆Ptiei , ∆PLi and ∆PRESi , respectively.
a novel combination of an SMO and a UIO. The governor-turbine dynamics are modeled as:
• The development of an innovative, fast and effective attack- 1
∆P˙gi = (∆Xi − ∆Pgi ) (2)
resilent control for LFC based on the designed attack esti- Tti
mation method.
• The proposal of a methodology that can successfully address
1 ∆fi
∆Ẋi = (∆Pci − ∆Xi − ) (3)
FDIAs against both measurements and control signals and is Tgi Ri
robust against external system disturbances. where ∆Pgi and ∆Xi denote the deviations in turbine power
• The development of a defense scheme that is applicable to output and governor valve position, respectively; Tti and Tgi
real-world power systems with nonlinearities, diverse types represent the turbine and governor time constants, respectively;
of interconnection links and varying time state and output Ri is the droop characteristic and ∆Pci , which is the control
delays. This is also verified through Hardware-in-the-Loop signal, denotes the deviation in the speed changer position of the
simulations. governor.
• The design of a defense methodology that is scalable over In a power system composed of N areas, the total tie-line power
power systems with growing complexity. deviation of the ith area is determined by:
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II focuses
on the dynamical modeling of the LFC system. The proposed ∆Ptiei = ∆Paci + ∆Pdci (4)
attack estimation method along with the suggested attack-resilient where ∆Paci denotes the AC tie-line power deviation and ∆Pdci
control are mathematically formulated in Section III. Section IV stands for the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) tie-line power
demonstrates the experimental results that verify the effectiveness deviation. When the AC tie-line does not have a thyristor-
of the proposed methodology and its robustness against various controlled phase shifter (TCPS), ∆Paci can be calculated as
types of uncertainties. Section V concludes. follows:
2π X
∆Paci = Tij (∆fi − ∆fj ) (5)
The main goal of the frequency control system is to regulate the
where Tij is the tie-line synchronizing coefficient between areas i
generation of a power system in order to preserve its frequency
and j, j = 1, 2, · · · , N , j ̸= i. When the AC tie-line is equipped
within an acceptable range and to maintain the power flows
with a TCPS, the value of ∆Paci can be obtained from the
between neighboring areas at their scheduled levels. This is
following equation [16]:
achieved by adjusting the setpoints of the generators according
to the remotely collected field measurements, forming a typical N
2π X
networked control system. The necessary mathematical foundation ∆Paci = Tij (∆fi − ∆fj ) +
that describes the standard dynamics of this system is briefly j=1,j̸=j
The SFR analysis of LFC describes mathematically the frequency where Tsij and Ksij are the time and gain constants of TCPS
response of a power system to power imbalances. It considers links between areas i and j, respectively. When areas i and j are
every component that contributes to the dynamic frequency re- connected with a HVDC link, the value of ∆Pdci is calculated
sponse, including generating units, governor-turbine systems, and based on the difference between the ∆fi and the rest of the ∆fj ,
controllers. Each of these components is formulated based on its as shown below:
physical characteristics and its behavior under different conditions. N
The transmission system performance and the intermachine oscil- 1 X
∆Pdci = Kij (∆fi − ∆fj ) (7)
lations are disregarded in LFC analysis while the overall dynamic 1 + sTdci
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 3
where Tdci and Kij represent the HVDC time and gain constants E
of between areas i and j, respectively. If areas i and j are not Load RES
- +
coupled with an HVDC link, then Kij = 0. ∆PLi ∆PRESi
The fluctuations in the active power of each area i caused by
RES, consist of the generation deviations due to photovoltaics 1
∆PiP V and generation variations attributed to wind farms ∆PiW . Control +
+ center Governor & Turbine Generator
Formally, this is expressed by: +
where ∆Psolar reflects the solar power deviation from its initial E
Remote Physical Disturbance
value. The wind turbine output power adopts the following model: measurement connections Attack point
∆PiW = ρW AT ∆VW 3
CP (λW , βW ), (10) Fig. 1: Block diagram of LFC for the ith control area.
2 i
• Governor Dead-Band (GDB): the governor of the machine A. System Modelling under FDIAs
exhibits no reaction to minor fluctuations in the active power. The development of a cyberattack-resilient frequency controller
Mathematically: requires a compact algebraic-differential model that takes cyber
( threats into account. To this end, the original state-space represen-
0, ∆PLi < |Pgdb |
∆Xi (∆PLi ) = (14) tation (17) of the LFC is re-modeled considering FDIAs against
∆Xi (∆PLi ) ∆PLi > |Pgdb | the measurements and control signals, as follows:
where Pgdb represents the threshold power change at which (
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + F ϕ(x, t) + B u(t) + ac (t) + Ed(t)
the governor begins to respond. (18)
• Transportation Time Delay (TTD): signals exchanged re- y(t) = Cx(t) + Dam (t)
motely with the control center experience delays due to
communication and mechanical system responses, as: where ac (t) ∈ Rm represents the vector of attacks against control
Z signals, am (t) ∈ Rq is the vector of attacks against measurements
∆Pci (t) = −KIi ACEi (t − τd )dt, (15) and D ∈ Rp×q . Without loss of generality, it is assumed that the
FDIAs against the control signals target every input channel, hence
where τd is the aggregated communication and mechanical u(t) and ac (t) share the same matrix B. Moreover, p − m ≥ q
delay. and B and D have full column rank.
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 4
B. Observer Design Preliminaries ζ2 n+q−m A4 0
where ζ̄2 = ∈ R , Ā4 = ∈
am 0 0
The introduced attack estimation and attack-resilient control
A3 F
methods are based on a pair of specially designed observers. The R(n+q−m)×(n+q−m) , Ā3 = ∈ R(n+q−m)×m , F̄2 = 2 ∈
0 0
existence of these observers requires the solid verification of a
E 0
series of mathematical conditions [20]. The results from these R(n+q−m)×ι , Ē2 = ∈ R(n+q−m)×r , Ē = ∈
0 Iq
assumptions are briefly analyzed to shed more insight into the R (n+q−m)×q
and C̄4 = C4 D2 ∈ R
observer design process. In a similar way, system (19) can be expressed as:
Assumption 1. rk(B) = rk(CB), where rk(·) is the rank of the (
ζ̇1 = A1 ζ1 + Ā2 ζ̄2 + F1 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) + B1 (u + ac ) + E1 d
considered matrix.
ω1 = C1 ζ1 ,
Assumption 1 is required to virtually split system (18) into (22)
subsystem-I and subsystem-II [21]; subsystem-I is susceptible to
where Ā2 = A2
0 .
the FDIAs against control signals but free from measurement
FDIAs and subsystem-II is prone to FDIAs against measurements Assumption 2. The nonlinear term of system (18) is a Lipschitz
but free from control signal FDIAs. This partition facilitates the continuous function about x, with a Lipschitz constant of Lϕ .
observer design process, as it separates the original system into Formally:
simpler, equivalent subsystems that use less terms and are dedi-
∥ϕ(x, t) − ϕ(x̂, t)∥ ≤ Lϕ ∥x − x̂∥ ∀ x, x̂ ∈ Rn . (23)
cated to a particular type of cyberattacks, either measurement or
control signal. Formally, Assumption 1 is the necessary condition Assumption 3. The control signal FDIA vector ac and the distur-
for the existence of the following state and output transformations: bance vector d are bounded by the known, positive constants ρ and
ξ, respectively, as ∥ac ∥ ≤ ρ and ∥d∥ ≤ ξ. Furthermore, the first
ζ T ω S
ζ = 1 = T x = 1 x and ω = 1 = Sy = 1 y, derivative of measurement FDIA ȧm exists and ȧm ∈ L2 [0, ∞).
ζ2 T2 ω2 S2
Assumptions 2 and 3 are necessary to prove that the error
respectively, where T ∈ Rn×n , S ∈ Rp×p , T1 ∈ Rm×n , S1 ∈ dynamics of the proposed observers are asymptotically stable.
Rm×p , ζ1 ∈ Rm and ω1 ∈ Rm . After applying the above Particularly, the boundedness of different terms, e.g. nonlinearities
transformation technique to (18), it is acquired: cyberattacks, etc., provides the system designer with useful in-
ẋ = Ax + F ϕ(x, t) + B u + ac + Ed equalities which lead to the proof that the derivative of the selected
mult. by T
======⇒ Lyapunov function is negative, as shown in the next Section.
y = Cx + Dam mult. by S
∈ Rm×m , A4 ∈ R(n−m)×(n−m) , B1 ∈ ˙
where A1
m×m m×r
ζ̂1 = A1 ζ̂1 + Ā2 ζ̄ˆ2 + F1 ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) + B1 (u + v) +
, E1 ∈ R , F1 ∈ Rm×ι , C1 ∈ Rm×m , C4 ∈
+ (A1 − As1 )C1−1 (ω1 − ω̂1 ) +
R(p−m)×(n−m) and D2 ∈ R(p−m)×q . C1 and B1 are invertible. (24)
The newly transformed system can be separated into the next
+ 21 k̂1 F1 F1T P1 C1−1 (ω1 − ω̂1 )
two virtual subsystems:
ω̂1 = C1 ζ̂1 ,
ζ̇1 = A1 ζ1 + A2 ζ2 + F1 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) + B1 (u + ac ) + E1 d where As1 ∈ Rm×m is a Hurwiz matrix to be calculated,
ω1 = C1 ζ1 P1 ∈ Rm×m is the definite symmetric Lyapunov matrix of As1
and ζ̂ := col(C1−1 S1 y, In−m 0 ζ̄ˆ2 ). The estimated ζ̄2 , denoted
as ζ̄ˆ2 , will be determined by observer (26). Regarding k̂1 , the
ζ̇2 = A3 ζ1 + A4 ζ2 + F2 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) + E2 d
(20) ˙
ω2 = C4 ζ2 + D2 am . following adaptation law k̂1 = lk1 ∥F1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 − ζ̂1 )∥2 is satis-
fied, where lk1 represents a positive scalar. For the discontinuous
By considering measurement attacks am as auxiliary states, the output error injection term v, we have:
augmented form of subsystem (20) is obtained as:
B1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 −ζ̂1 )
ζ̄˙2 = Ā3 ζ1 + Ā4 ζ̄2 + F̄2 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) + Ē2 d + Ē ȧm if C1−1 ω1 − ζ̂1 ̸= 0
( (ρ + η)
v= ∥B1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 −ζ̂1 )∥ (25)
(21) 0
ω2 = C̄4 ζ̄2 otherwise,
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where η is a positive scalar to be calculated. Let r = He = H 1 be the controlled estimation error
For subsystem (21), the UIO in (26) is constructed to estimate ē2
ζ2 and ω2 as ζ̂2 and ω̂2 , respectively: H1 0
where H is a predefined weight matrix in the form of ,
0 H2
ḣ = F0 h + M0 F̄2 ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) + L0 ω2 + M0 Ā3 C1−1 ω1 + with H1 ∈ R m×m
and H2 ∈ R (n+q−m)×(n+q−m)
. The next
+ 12 k̂2 M0 F̄2 H0 (ω2 − ω̂2 ) theorem establishes the necessary conditions for the existence
of the proposed observers with the prescribed H∞ performance
ζ̄ˆ2 = h + N0 ω2 √
∥r∥L2 ≤ µ∥d∥L2 .
ω̂ = C̄ ζ̄ˆ .
2 4 2 Theorem III.1. Consider system (18), Assumptions 1 - 3 and
a positive scalar µ. If matrices L0 , F0 , M0 , and N0 satisfy
where h ∈ Rn+q−m is the middle variable, N0 ∈
conditions (30)-(32) and there are matrices P1 = P1T > 0,
R(n+q−m)×(p−m) , H0 ∈ Rι×(p−m) , M0 ∈ R(n+q−m)×(n+q−m) ,
P2 = P2T > 0 and H0 such that:
L0 ∈ R(n+q−m)×(p−m) and F0 ∈ R(n+q−m)×(n+q−m) are matri-
ces to be computed. Regarding k̂2 , the k̂2 = lk2 ∥H0 (ω2 − ω̂2 )∥2 H0 C̄4 = F̄2 M0T P2 , (34)
adaptation law is satisfied, where lk2 denotes a positive scalar.
Π1 + H1T H1
After designing the proposed observers (24) and (26), the P1 Ā2 P1 E1
estimation errors and their dynamics can be obtained. Let e1 = Λ := ĀT2 P1 Π2 + H2T H2 Π2 M0 Ē2 < 0, (35)
ζ1 − ζ̂1 and e2 = ζ̄2 − ζ̄ˆ2 be the estimation errors generated E1T P1 Ē2T M0T P2 −µIr
by the observers (24) and (26), respectively. The error dynamics T
are modeled as first order differential equations between the where Π1 = As1 P1 +P1 As1 and Π2 = P2 F0 +F0T P2 +2In+q−m ,
estimation errors. By differentiating (26), it follows that: then the estimation error dynamics are asymptotically stable with
˙ the prescribed H∞ tracking performance.
ζ̄ˆ2 = ḣ + N0 ω̇2 =
= F0 ζ̄ˆ2 + (L0 C̄4 + N0 C̄4 Ā4 − F0 N0 C̄4 )ζ̄2 + Proof. The considered Lyapunov function is:
ē˙ 2 =(Ā4 + F0 N0 C̄4 − L0 C̄4 − N0 C̄4 Ā4 )ζ̄2 − F0 ζ̄ˆ2 + + 2eT1 P1 B1 (ac − v) − k̂1 ∥F1T P1 e1 ∥2 .
+ (In+q−m − N0 C̄4 )F̄2 ϕ(T ζ, t) −
From Assumption 2 and ζ̂ := col(C1−1 S1 y, In−m 0 ζ̄ˆ2 ), it
− M0 F̄2 ϕ(T ζ̂, t) + (In+q−m − N0 C̄4 )Ē2 d +
1 is inferred that:
+ (In+q−m − N0 C̄4 )Ē ȧm − k̂2 M0 F̄2 H0 C̄4 ē2 . (29)
2 ∥ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) − ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t)∥ ≤ Lϕ ∥T −1 ∥∥ē2 ∥.
To further simplify the error dynamics (29), we need to find
matrices M0 , N0 , F0 , and L0 such that: Based on [22], the inequality 2X T Y ≤ T T
α X X + αY Y holds
true for any scalar α > 0, thus:
M0 = In+q−m − N0 C̄4 (30)
F0 = M0 Ā4 + (F0 N0 − L0 )C̄4 (31) V̇1 ≤ eT1 (As1 P1 + P1 As1 )e1 + 2eT1 P1 Ā2 ē2 + 2eT1 P1 E1 d +
M0 Ē = 0. (32) 1 T
+ e P1 F1 F1T P1 e1 + 2eT1 P1 B1 (ac − v) +
α1 1
Then, (29) becomes: T
+ α1 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) − ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) −
ē˙ 2 = F0 ē2 + M0 F̄2 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) − ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) + M0 Ē2 d −
− ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) − k̂1 ∥F1T P1 e1 ∥2
− k̂2 M0 F̄2 H0 C̄4 ē2 . (33) T 1
2 ≤ eT1 (As1 P1 + P1 As1 + P1 F1 F1T P1 )e1 +
The structure of the resulting error dynamics indicates that the + 2eT1 P1 Ā2 ē2 + 2eT1 P1 E1 d + α1 Lϕ2 ∥T −1 ∥2 ∥ē2 ∥2 +
goal of the observer design process has been achieved: e1 is
susceptible only to control signal attacks and ē2 is susceptible + 2eT1 P1 B1 (ac − v) − k̂1 ∥F1T P1 e1 ∥2 .
only to measurement attacks. However, (28) and (29) are still
not completely decoupled from external system disturbances. To Using (25), it is easily proven that:
tackle this, a prescribed H∞ disturbance attenuation level is ∥B1T P1 e1 ∥2
integrated into the proposed observers. Formally, this newly intro- eT1 P1 B1 (ac − v) = eT1 P1 B1 ac − (ρ + η)
∥B1T P1 e1 ∥
duced feature guarantees that the estimation errors are bounded
by system disturbances. ≤ −η∥B1T P1 e1 ∥ < 0.
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D. Estimation of FDIAs A similar idea is also adopted for the measurement attacks. The
The measurement attack vector am can be easily estimated difference is that the âm must be initially filtered by the D matrix
using the proposed UIO (26). Observer (26) can produce an to fit in the mathematical model. Therefore, the measurements
estimation ζ̄ˆ2 of the augmented state vector ζ̄2 with the prescribed vector is reconstructed as:
performance. According to Section III-B, ζ̄2 is a superset of am , y(t) = Cx(t) + Dam (t) − Dâm (t) ⇒
and thus:
⇒ y(t) = Cx(t) + D am (t) − âm (t) . (49)
âm ≈ 0 Iq ζ̄ˆ2 .
Taking all the above into consideration, the original LFC system
The estimation of the control signal attack vector ac will be
representation (18) that is integrated with the proposed attack-
achieved through the error dynamics (28) of e1 . According to
resilient control scheme can be expressed as:
Theorem III.2, when e1 and ē2 are driven to the sliding surface
S , it is true that e1 = 0. Thus:
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + F ϕ(x, t) + B u(t) + ac (t) − âc (t) + Ed(t)
Ā2 ē2 + F1 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) − ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) + B1 (ac − veq ) + E1 d = 0,
y(t) = Cx(t) + D am (t) − âm (t) .
The basic concepts of the introduced AE and ARC methods
where veq is the equivalent output error injection signal during
are briefly summarized in Algorithm 1 that follows. Algorithm
the sliding motion [24], which expresses the average behavior v.
1 provides the operational flow of the suggested methodology to
The veq term can be accurately approximated by [25], [26]:
make the present work more comprehensible.
B1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 − ζ̂1 )
veq ≈ (ρ + η) , Algorithm 1 Summary of the proposed FDIA defense strategy
∥B1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 − ζ̂1 )∥ + δ
Require: • rk(B) = rk(CB),
• ∥ϕ(x, t) − ϕ(x̂, t)∥ ≤ Lϕ ∥x − x̂∥ ∀x, x̂ ∈ R ,
where δ > 0 is a small scalar added to the denominator of (25) to
• ∥ac ∥ ≤ ρ, ∥d∥ ≤ ξ and am is differentiable.
tackle the chattering effect. Since B1−1 exists, Eq. (45) becomes: Ensure: A, F, B, E, C and D are known.
1: Find proper T and S;
ac − veq = −B1−1 Ā2 ē2 + F1 (ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) − ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t)) + E1 d .
2: Construct the designed SMO and UIO;
3: t ← 0; ▷ AE & ARC mechanisms are enabled
(46) 4: while t ≥ 0 do
From the L2 norm of (46), we obtain: 5: Apply the T and S to the original system;
6: Compute ω(t) = Sy(t);
7: Provide ω(t) and u(t) to the attack estimator module;
∥ac − veq ∥L2 =
8: Calculate ζ̂1 (t) and ζ̄ˆ2 (t) through the SMO and UIO, respectively;
= ∥B1−1 Ā2 ē2 + F1 ϕ(T −1 ζ, t) − ϕ(T −1 ζ̂, t) + E1 d ∥L2 Compute âm ≈ 0 Iq ζ̄ˆ2 ;
B1T P (C −1 ω −ζ̂ )
1 1 1 1
10: Compute âc ≈ (ρ + η) T P (C −1 ω −ζ̂ )∥+δ
≤ σmax (B1−1 Ā2 ) + σmax (B1−1 F1 )Lϕ ∥T −1 ∥ ∥ē2 ∥L2 +
∥B1 1 1 1 1
11: (t) − âc (t);
Provide the new LFC control input signal as u(t) + ac
+ σmax (B1−1 E1 )∥d∥L2 , 12:
Correct y(t) as y(t) = Cx(t) + D am (t) − âm (t) ;
t ← t + 1; ▷ Next time step
14: end while ▷ AE & ARC mechanisms are disabled
where σmax (·) is the maximum singular value of the con-
sidered matrix. Theorem (III.1) implies that ∥e∥L2 ≤
σmax (H −1 ) µ∥d∥L2 and thus, we have:
∥ac − veq ∥L2 ≤ This Section includes the experimental results of the proposed
≤ µ σmax (B1−1 Ā2 ) + defense strategy and the conclusions drawn from them. Firstly, a
detailed description of the implemented case studies is presented.
+ σmax (B1−1 F1 )Lϕ ∥T −1 ∥ σmax (H −1 ) +
Then, the performance evaluation of the AE and ARC schemes is
+ σmax (B1−1 E1 ) ∥d∥L2 ⇒ demonstrated and their robustness against various system parame-
ters is inspected. Finally, the suggested approach is benchmarked
∥ac − veq ∥L2 √ against existing methods to highlight its superior performance.
⇒ sup = β1 + µβ2 ,
∥d∥L2 ̸=0 ∥d∥L2 The simulations were conducted utilizing the Simulink/Matlab
platform on a desktop computer, equipped with a 64-bit Intel Core
where β1 = σmax (B1−1 E1 ) and β2 = σmax (B1−1 Ā2 ) +
−1 −1 −1 √ i7 CPU of 2.7 GHz.
σmax (B1 F1 )Lϕ ∥T ∥ σmax (H ). Therefore, if β1 + µβ2 is
close to zero, attacks against control signals can be approximated
as: A. Case Study Analysis
B1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 − ζ̂1 ) The performance of the proposed AE and ARC schemes is
âc ≈ (ρ + η) . (47)
∥B1T P1 (C1−1 ω1 − ζ̂1 )∥ + δ evaluated on several case studies that include various topologies,
different types of FDIAs and multiple disturbances. The scalability
E. Attack-Resilient Control of this methodology is evidenced by the growing complexity of
these case studies. Scalability is the effective performance of
With the attack estimations provided by Eq. (44) and (47), it is
a proposed methodology to various power systems, regardless
straightforward to design an attack compensation control strategy
of their size. The topology, i.e. number of areas and types of
by examining system (18). Regarding attacks against the control
interconnections, of each simulation scenario is depicted in Fig.
signals, the âc is added as a supplementary control input to the
2. The power system parameter values of each area can be
original system in order to compensate for the ac . Thus, the new
found in the Appendix A. To ensure the proper operation of the
controlled system input, denoted as ci , has the following form:
implemented LFC systems, Fig. 3 portrays the frequency and tie-
ci (t) = u(t) + ac (t) − âc (t). (48) line power flow responses for case study 1 under 1% p.u. step load
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 8
Power Power 6
Area 1 Area 2
∆Pd (p.u.)
(a) Case study 1 2
Power Power 0
Area 1 Area 4
Case study 1
−2 Case study 2
Case study 3
0 10 20 30 40
Power Power Time (s)
Area 2 Area 3
Fig. 4: Simulated disturbances for each case study.
AC tie-line without TCPS
AC tie-line with TCPS
etc., but without any load disturbance. Every case study includes
HVDC tie-line
solar and wind generation disturbances and measurement time
(b) Case studies 2, 3 delays, varying between 1 to 2 seconds. For a better insight on
the simulated scenarios, the waveforms of the aggregated external
Fig. 2: Topologies of the case studies disturbances, caused by both load and RES variations, are plotted
in Fig. 4.
0 B. Performance Assessment of the Attack Estimation Method
∆f (Hz)
1 Actual ac
eca of case study 2
a of case study 1
Estimated ac 0.05 em
a of case study 2
ac (p.u.) 0 0
−1 −0.1
0 20 40 0 20 40
Time (s) Time (s)
0.1 Actual am Fig. 6: Attack Estimation Errors
Estimated am
am (p.u.)
∆f (Hz)
Sine ac
without ARC
0 0 Step am
without ARC
0 20 40 −0.05
Time (s)
(a) Case study 1 0 20 40
0.1 Actual ac
Time (s)
Estimated ac
ac (p.u.)
∆f (Hz)
0 Random ac
without ARC
−0.1 Ramp am
without ARC
0 20 40 −0.1
Time (s)
0.15 Actual am 0 20 40
Estimated am
Time (s)
am (p.u.)
(b) Case study 2
0.05 Random ac &
ramp am
with ARC
∆f (Hz)
0 0 Random ac
without ARC
0 20 40 Ramp am
without ARC
Time (s) −0.1
(b) Case study 2
0 20 40
Fig. 5: Performance of the attack estimation method
Time (s)
(c) Case study 3
conditions: i) LFC operates with the suggested ARC mechanism,
Fig. 7: Performance of the attack-resilient control
and ii) LFC uses other, existing control methods and with the
suggested ARC being disabled. For these experiments, only a
single attack between ac and am is simulated when the ARC that the introduced control scheme can effectively mitigate the
is inactive, to better demonstrate the cyberattacks effects against impact of FDIAs, allowing the LFC system to continue operating
frequency. Particularly, Fig. 7a portrays the results of case study based on its primary specifications. Moreover, these experiments
1, where the black line illustrates the behavior of ∆f1 when the validate the scalability of the proposed ARC mechanism, as it was
suggested ARC is enabled, the red line refers to ∆f1 response successfully applied to several case studies of varying complexity.
under ac without using the suggested ARC and the blue line
displays the ∆f1 response under am with the proposed ARC being
disabled. The same information is provided in Fig. 7b and 7c but D. Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation
for case studies 2 and 3, respectively. To evaluate the performance of the presented defense strategy
Based on the findings presented in Fig. 7, without the proposed in more realistic power systems, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL)
ARC method, the frequency responses start to deviate significantly testbed has been implemented. HIL is a real-time simulation
from their nominal values at t = 25 sec, when the ac are launched, technique that enables a highly detailed and accurate design of
and at t = 35 sec, when am are launched. On the contrary, power systems. In HIL testing, the behavior of the physical system
when the proposed ARC method is active, the frequency responses is replicated by a dedicated hardware, which can also interact with
deviate only in the event of the scheduled load disturbance at t = 5 external components, such as software applications and embedded
sec and remain unaffected by the launched cyberattacks. Further- systems. These external components encapsulate the algorithms
more, the designed system can effectively absorb the fluctuations proposed for optimizing the performance of the designed power
caused by RES generation, as Fig. 7c indicates. This implies system. The architecture of the developed HIL testbed is demon-
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 10
5 Sine ac &
step am
with ARC
FDIAs Step ac
without ARC
∆f (Hz)
Sine am
without ARC
0 50 100 150
Time (s)
Fig. 9: RTDS simulation results.
Fig. 8: Implemented HIL testbed. 0 Nominal
∆f (Hz)
−1 -10%
strated in Fig. 8 and described in what follows. The standard -30%
IEEE 39-bus system [27], [28], divided into three power areas, −2
is implemented in an RTDS infrastructure [29] to simulate the
physical system. The frequency control of the IEEE 39-bus system 0 10 20 30
is performed outside of RTDS as a standalone Python application, Time (s)
which can utilize the proposed ARC on demand. The RTDS and ·10−3
the Python application communicate remotely through the DNP3 0 Nominal
protocol. The events in the HIL simulation include a step load ∆Ptie (p.u.)
−2 +50%
disturbance of 1% p.u. at t = 50 sec in area 1, a step FDIA of -10%
−4 -30%
1% p.u. against the control signal of area 3 at t = 100 sec and -50%
ac (p.u.)
∆f (Hz)
0 20 40
Time (s)
0 20 40
0.15 Noiseless âm
Noisy âm Time (s)
am (p.u.)
(a) ARC disabled.
0.05 ·10−2
0 0 Medium
0 20 40
∆f (Hz)
Time (s)
Fig. 11: Performance of AE in the presence of noise.
to compare it with other similar works from the literature. For Global mitigation × × × × × ✓
Decoupling × ✓ × ✓ ✓ ✓
this reason, a comparative analysis is conducted between the
Nonlinearities × × ✓ × × ✓
presented methodology and several state-of-the-art methods, based
Diverse tie-lines × × × × × ✓
on a set of selected quality features. The results of this study are
RES × × × × × ✓
demonstrated in Table I; ”✓” annotation declares that the specified
Parameter uncertainties × × × × × ✓
attack mitigation method for LFC meets the corresponding feature Time delays × × × × ✓ ✓
and ”×” symbol implies that it does not. The considered set of Scalability × × × × ✓ ✓
quality features includes:
i) Estimation: it is the property of a method to provide full
information about the launched cyberattacks; ii) Global miti- systems and its robustness against various system uncertainties. As
gation: it is the attribute of a methodology to mitigate both future work, the cybersecurity of the observers will be investigated
measurement and control signal attacks; iii) Decoupling: it is the to determine the resilience of the observer-based methods against
robustness of a method against external system disturbances; iv) cyberattacks.
Nonlinearities: it determines if a defense mechanism takes the
nonlinearities of LFC into account or not; v) Diverse tie-lines: it is
the applicability of a method to power systems with different types A PPENDIX A
of tie-lines; vi) RES: it declares whether the specified technique The power system parameter values selected for present simu-
considers RES disturbances or not; vii) Parameter uncertainties: lation analysis are [31]:
it is the sensitivity of an approach to power system parameter Di = 0.0083 (p.u./Hz), 2Hi = 0.1667 (p.u. s), Tgi = 0.08 (s),
uncertainties; viii) Time delays: it is the robustness of a defensive Tti = 0.3 (s), Ri = 2.4 (Hz/p.u.) , Tij = Tji = 0.026 (p.u./Hz),
strategy against network time delays; ix) Scalability: it is the βi = 0.425 (p.u./Hz), Tdci = 0.2, Kij = 1 (p.u./Hz), Tsij = 0.1,
applicability of an attack mitigation scheme to power systems of Ksij = 1.
various sizes. For the simulations, the LFC nonlinearities of each area i have
Table I demonstrates the superiority of the proposed AE and the following values:
ARC methodologies upon several existing works. Particularly, Pgdb = 1‰ p.u., Pgrc = 10% p.u./min, τd = 1 s.
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3340744 13
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[31] A. D. Syrmakesis, H. H. Alhelou, and N. D. Hatziargyriou, “A Novel Cyber the CEO of the Hellenic Distribution Network Operator
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Nonlinearities and Practical Challenges,” IEEE Transactions on Industry of the Public Power Corporation (PPC), responsible for
Applications, pp. 1–13, 2023. the Transmission and Distribution Divisions. He has
participated in more than 60 R&D projects funded by
the EU Commission, electric utilities and industry for fundamental research and
practical applications. He has authored or coauthored more than 300 journal
publications and 600 conference proceedings papers. He was the Chair and Vice-
Chair of ETIP-SNET. He is past EiC of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
and currently EiC-at-Large for IEEE PES Transactions. He is included in the 2016,
2017 and 2019 Thomson Reuters lists of top 1% most cited researchers. He is the
2020 Globe Energy Prize laureate, recipient of the 2017 IEEE/PES Prabha S.
Andrew D. Syrmakesis received the Diploma degree Kundur Power System Dynamics and Control Award and recipient of the 2023
in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Na- IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award.
tional Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2017.
Currently, he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree from the
Electric Power Division of NTUA. He also works as a
Research Assistant for the Institute of Communications
and Computer Systems (ICCS). His research interests
include Cybersecurity, Smart Grids, Control Theory and
Machine Learning. He is a member of the Technical
Chamber of Greece since 2020.
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