2. When thinking about the hospitality and tourism um- Parks and recre-
brella, which elements fall under recreation? ation, attractions,
and gaming
5. The set of moral principles and values that people use Ethics
to answer questions about right and wrong is known
as _____________.
12. Why might a person consider a career in the hospital- You enjoy working
ity industry? with people and
like an upbeat at-
13. The interrelated nature of the hospitality industry Fly to their desti-
means that a guest could _______________. nation, stay at a
hotel, and dine at
a local restaurant
during the same
14. There are two different categories of attractions with- Natural attractions
in the recreation category of the hospitality umbrel-
la. The two types of attractions are man-made and
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18. The production and consumption of the hospi- Inseperability
tality service product along with the diversity of
the products and services offered is known as
19. There are certain universal guiding principles that People's rights
exist in all societies, religions, and cultures and are important and
these principles are based on the concept that should not be vio-
_______________. lated
22. One of the pioneers of ethics in the hospitality indus- Stephen Hall
try was _________________. This person developed a
code of ethics for the hospitality and tourism indus-
26. According to the Disney service model, you should Begin with a smile
always ___________.
29. One important part of planning for your career goal Self-assessment
is to complete a(n) _________ ,which can be used to
help measure your current strengths and limitations.
30. Two of the characteristics that are elements of lead- Courage and de-
ership are __________. pendability
32. Tourism has become one of the world's most impor- Developing coun-
tant sources of employment, and most of the new tries
tourism jobs can be found in _______________.
34. Tourism continues to grow around the world. Accord- Leisure travelers
ing to statistics from 2015, which group of travelers
generated the most tax revenue based on spending?
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Travel by bus, while not as popular as travel by air, Sit back, relax,
does provide travelers with many of the amenities and enjoy the
found on a plane and also provides the leisure travel- scenery
er the opportunity to ____________.
37. This method of travel benefits hotels, car rental agen- Air travel
cies, and cruise lines in addition to making interna-
tional travel much easier.
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Which of the following is NOT a reason that people To avoid people
travel? and new experi-
50. This type of tourism has seen an increase in interest, Culinary Tourism
with 27 million Americans traveling to experience this
specific type of activity.
52. There are many benefits to franchising a hotel except Increased market
for ______________. share and recogi-
53. Hotel companies are opting for management con- Less capital is tied
tracts over ownership because _________. up with manage-
ment compared to
owning properties
55. The two major challenges presented to the franchisor The avoidance of
of hotels are ____________. financial failure by
the franchisee and
the ability to main-
tain quality stan-
56. The AAA could rate a hotel with very good roadside Three
appeal, a lobby with a spacious front desk, live plants,
luggage carts and a bell station, and guest rooms
that reflect the current industry standards as _____
57. A hotel with a price range of $69-$135 per night that Economy
offers limited service and is located near a city cen-
ter, airport, or suburban area is an example of a(n)
___________ hotel.
60. VRBO is a(n) ___________ with more than one million Vacation rental or-
places to stay around the world. ganization
61. The Drake Hotel in Chicago is an example of a luxury City center hotel
property and is considered a ____________.
63. This hotel is the only hotel to have received the Mal- The Ritz-Cartlon
colm Baldrige National Quality Award two times and
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is consistently rated as one of the best luxury hotel
chains in the industry.
64. This hotel, located on the shores of the Torne River, Ice Hotel
is built from scratch every year and features a chapel,
an Absolut Bar, and a cinema. This hotel is the _____.
66. The international development of hotels has contin- Low corporate tax-
ued to grow as international tourism and commerce ation and minimal
have increased. Hong Kong is an example of this bureaucratic diffi-
growth due to the booming Chinese economy along culty
with ________.
67. Fairmont Hotels is a leading travel provider and rec- Green Partnership
ognizes the importance of a healthy environment.
The focus of the company's sustainable practices is
called the ________.
68. This Fairmont property completed a lighting retrofit The Fairmont Or-
program that resulted in an annual cost savings of chid, Hawaii
$130,000 and an energy savings of 532,000 kWh.
69. Fairmont Hotels Green Partnership projects fall into Work at a corpo-
one of three areas, minimize the company's impact on rate level to de-
the environment by making ongoing improvements, velop high profile
follow best practices, and ________________. partnerships that
promote environ-
mental issues and
share the mes-
sage of being a
good steward of
the planet
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The Chinese market continues to grow and expand at
a rapid pace and hotel chains are beginning to turn
their focus to these types of cities.
73. The food and beverage director of a hotel reports Restaurants and
to a general manager and is responsible for several in-room dining
departments except for ____________.
75. The front office manager sets the example through Guest services
their leadership for many different departments and
people including the concierge, reservations, PBX,
and _________.
76. The front desk is responsible for providing an excep- Checking guests
tional guest experience to the guests. For someone in
working the morning shift, which of the following
tasks would NOT typically be performed by the front
desk agent?
77. The first important daily task that the executive Break the hotel
housekeeper must complete is to _______. into sections to al-
locate room atten-
dants' schedules
79. The daily report includes key operating ratios The average daily
such as the room occupancy percentage and rate
80. The average daily rate is one of the key operating Rooms revenue
ratios used to indicate a hotel's performance and is divided by rooms
calculated using which formula? sold
82. The most important part of the catering sales manag- Achieve good
er's job is to ________________. quality at low cost
while maintaining
the highest stan-
dards of hygiene
and customer sat-
84. Hoteliers would prefer to sell rooms at the highest Rack rate
possible rate, which is known as the ___________.
88. The United States Environmental Protection Agency encourage the use
has developed comprehensive guidelines designed of materials recov-
for businesses that _______________. ered through recy-
cling with a goal
of reducing the
amount of dis-
posed waste
90. Which of these things is something a hotel would Install Energy Star
NOT do to decrease water consumption? appliances
92. One of the most famous cruise ships of all time is the Titanic
__________, which is one of three ships that White
Star launched to compete against Cunard.
93. As a result of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, more Increased safe-
than 700 passengers lost their lives and as a result, ty regulations and
this realization was made. sufficient lifeboats
were needed.
95. The Royal Caribbean Cruise line offers two brands, Celebrity Cruises
Royal Caribbean International and _____________.
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98. The mass market generally includes people with in- Norwegian
comes in the ranges of $30,000 -$60,000 and includes
plenty of activities and lots of food. Some of the
most popular mass-market cruise lines are Disney,
Princess, Carnival, and _________________.
99. These cruisers may spend three, four, or five months Perpetual cruisers
aboard different cruise ships each year. They are re-
ferred to as __________.
101. These cruises can last from three to six months and World
are often considered the travel experience of a life-
102. A "caviar and champagne" cruise often has a slogan "No matter what
similar to ________. you want, the
company will get it
for you."
103. This type of cruise ship is even smaller than a river Barge
cruise ship and can only sail between April to Novem-
ber, when the weather permits.
104. This type of cruise is unique to the United States and Steamboat
travels down the Mississippi River, allowing passen-
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gers to experience American folklore while sampling
"real" American food.
106. The captain is responsible for making all executive A degree in travel
decisions on the ship, and most captains possess all and tourism
of the following EXCEPT ___________.
107. This position has extensive hotel experience, and is Chef purser
responsible for supervising all other departments on-
board the cruise ship with the exception of the deck
staff and engine.
108. This person is in charge of navigation and has offi- The staff captain
cers reporting to them.
109. This popular cruise is only offered during the summer Alaskan cruise
months (May to September) with the peak season
being in June, July, and August.
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