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Management of Food and Beverage operations

Study online at https://quizlet.com/_2vlcpp

1. What is true about food service to reach its economic goals of Hotel
restaurant usually must do substan-
tial business with local communities

2. Derek has been recently promoted Establish objectives

to a management position in his ho-
tel f&b what is the first thing he
needs to do

3. The best way for managers to under- Experience that competition them-
stand what the competition is doing selves

4. MyPyramid is composed of........ 6


5. Labeling education and nutrition Act Lean Act is supported by the Na-
of 2009 tional Restaurant Association Nation-
al Council of chain restaurants and
several other major chains

6. What of the following statement is When human skin is exposed to the

true sun vitamin D can be destroyed

7. Guess would be most likely to find a A gourmet coffee and sandwich shop
fixed menu at which of the following

8. A menu that lists breakfast lunch California meal

dinner menu items that are available
any time of the day is known as

9. Hotel room service typically offers Few items transport well from the
limited number of menu items be- kitchen to the guest room

10. What is the usual pricing style of a Table D hote

banquet menu

11. Post cost analysis Yield results that are based on actual

Management of Food and Beverage operations
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_2vlcpp
12. Relationship between the sales of a Menu mix
particular menu item and the total
number of menu items sold

13. Adjustment factor is determined by Dividing the desired yield by original

14. The practice of......... involved includ- Chain recipes

ing some recipes as ingredients in
standard recipes

15. Menu items file contain information True

on menu items tracked by the POS
system such as recipe code num-
bers selling price and total sales

16. The......... For a menu item indicates Standard portion control

the food cost that managers should
expect when the item is prepared ac-
cording to the standard recipe

17. Written orders to remove items from Requisition

18. Way to produce inventory cost Decrease the number of product

types the operation carries

19. Goals of purchasing program Work with the right supplier

20. Items in storage can be tracked True

with high-tech storage and invento-
ry systems

21. Fish can be cooked at moderate Protein collaborate connective tissue

temperature long enough to break down and flavor to develop

22. Fats Tenderize effective coating flour par-

ticular is preventing from coming to-

23. True

Management of Food and Beverage operations
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_2vlcpp
Servicer must be able to identify
properly plated entrees know what
garnish to use

24. One ounce of 100 Proof equals One 12 ounce beer

25. Suggestive selling principles Ask questions that cannot be an-

swered with a no

26. Washing temperature for the kitchen 150 - 165 degrees

27. Acceptable defrost method Place the food in a bowl of water at 70

degrees Fahrenheit or below

28. Serious injury happens a manager Make the person as comfortable as

should possible and call for medical help

29. Safety inspections are to be done Monthly

30. Traffic pattern in dining room areas The location of reception and cashier
are affected by station

31. Dependence upon kitchen range True

has decreased due to the use of spe-
cialized cooking equipment

32. Food cost percentages will be over- True

stated if they are not adjusted to
compensate for employee meals

33. Fundamental accounting Liabilities Plus equities equal asset

34. What ratio measures the extent of Solvency ratio

which the food-service operation
has been financed by debt

35. Accounts receivable Refers to obligations old to the prop-

erty from sales made on credit

36. Accounts payable

Management of Food and Beverage operations
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_2vlcpp
Refers to liabilities incurred for
Food, Supplies, equipment, and oth-
er goods and services purchased on


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